a 1 Merry Mmglers Hold Meet at 'Middle: Grove MIDDLE GROVE Part of the Merry Minjrlers picnic grouo. that were not able to meet with the o-igiral picnic held Sunday,, at the Dalies park, met in the ear cnsi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Malm. Guest. were Mrs, Anna Jess. Mr. find Mrs. J. J. Aekerman. Mr. and. Mrs. O. R. Kring and Miles, M-. and Mrs. Earl fit lm and Gary. Merle Tennant of Grrd Island, Keb:, has beene a - guest at the home of his ysister. Mrs". O. R. Krinfcv They are visiting another sister, Mrs. Marion Gilchrist of Po'k county. Mr. and Mrs. Vicar Waver have moved into their new home at Middle Grove Acres. ill. ' ".'! tils Hubbard Couple Fetei On 49th Anniversary , I eie HiibbardFolk Vacationing on Motor Trips HUBBARD M and Mr. Turner! Family Leaves For Summer Vacation TURNER - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Petersen, iDelmer and Donald, left this week Tor Siltcoos lake where they will Visit with relatives. Mrs. Petersen's sister, Mrs. -Alice Sly ter, plans to return with them for a-visit The Masonic and Eastern Star oicnic was held Sunday, in the Silverton park. - CHURCH' GROUPS MEET. EAST SALEM Two church groups of the First Christian -jrhurch met in East Salem Thurs day afternoon in . the homes of Mrs. Carl Snyder and Mrs. Homer J. Conkin on Lancaster drive. The Missionary Friends circle met at the home of Mrs. Conklin with Mrs. E. C. Suhdrelin pre siding and the Gertrude Shoemak ' er circle with Mrs. Snyder, with Mrs. Zina . Sharpnack presiding and 25 present' , HUfeBARD Mr. ,and Mrs. H. L. LuU celebrated their 4$rh wadding anniversary at thir home here Sunday. They were married at t Fullerton, Neb., 7, 1800. I MrVay Krd"and Mr "XdjEen Kr spent lasttweek tour- Mrs. W. A Rerick of Vancouvjpr. mf Washington. They visited his Mr. and Mr.Leror Lut of Poft-brother Robert and family at .anu. nr. n- iwu ..u 1 Woodland, went on. to Seattle , to The Western Hemisphere pro fnf ,,SJ.k- S?M ' 8nd R!l visitlwo other brothers and their duced 77 per cent of the world s The Lutis came to Oregon 25) families, Clifford and John Mi!- i" ln ls7a years ago ? and to MuDDara zu ier. then into eastern Washington years ago.. They have raised lur , to Ya, kima and other points. They adoDted children. Mrs. John Eriek-! ramf home through Kennewivk ...... IVnwKnn TfAr4 nf M li K 1 I .A . -J . Uw...U ! bard. Richard of San Jose, Cajif . j Lexington and Hermiston, visit-; and Leroy of Portland. jed fiends at The Dallas where? Hj I j tj,ejr son Bruce, ce'ebrated his f , l S fifth birthday. They returned SilvertOtl Woman Deed:hom( Thursday and then spent . gm i i I I two days at Gleneden on tie Property to IJiurch f icnst, s i Mr. ana Mrs. uariieio vogei SILVERTON: Mrs. P. L. fotI j recently returned from a trip into has deeded the former Will&mi Washington visiting 5 their son. Brinkmeyet farm on South Siller j Helnjuth. near the Canadian bor- creek -to the Oregon conference j der. i and visited their daughter! of Seventh Day A d v e n t Is t and family the Herman Pardvs -it 1 Tacoma. They were accompanied! by his ' sister. Miss Anna Voet! of Gladstone and their grand - daughter. Connie Voget. John Palmer and family of Call churches. She j retains a lifetime lease on the property. Mrs. Coll. who served as guar dian to Mr. Brinkmeyer in fy'is i . . 2 t 1 . - laier years, piannea iu ue jnc juiki rdiuni aim numjui i,- property as a site for a sanitjur- fornia were recent guests of hiss ium or some i public institution, parents the Charles Palmers. j The place has been of interest 10 The Hershberger family will ' the public for some years becai'se hold; its annual, reunion at the! of the extensive rock work dine Dan ! Hershberger home ,Sunday, by Brinkmeyer prior to his death. 1 August 14. LaFolIele Truly Ripe )fciica. do ' . ' -l i 1 ARE JUST RIGHT FOR CANNING -GET THEI I HOW Visla Harkel 2045 So. Commercial Gervais4 Corners Model Food Slore I 275 No. High I The Orchards On Highway 99E Stale Si. Hki.1230 Stale i Fruit Stand I and get there I ' I. ' N I I A 1 ffimes j ! as asvm p i i n I 1 oik your best dollar ' buy is when you fly ! 0 " SAN FRANCISCO 1 4'i hours g iOS ANGELES I 8 hours I And "All THl f AST" i Airport Terminal E i Coll SaUm 2-2455 I j Or, on outhortzad trtnlog"i 11 s V . .' It-' Next Sundau is a biq dau for Jeanne Determann Sunday evening, a little after 9:30 o'clock; the annofincer on the Standard Hour will say... I "Now, a young artist we believe has a great future iff music will en tertain you Jeanne Determann. loprano from Lns ngeles And Jeanne, who works as a secretary, w" ng for the first tune with' a great symphony orchestra . . . for kn audience of nearly a million people. ; j '.. We don't know what tKis chance will mean to Jeanne, bu similar Sunday evenings have been very important in the ca reers of niany singers and muiicians-ClaramaeTirner, contralto, and Jerome I lines, i basso, both with the Metropolitan Opera Company, Dorothy Warensk fold, soprano with the San Francisco Opera Association, Paulena garter, concert pianist, and others. $ For it is our policy bo the oldest of all symphony network broadcasts to help talented young people whenever possible. M so tbit, from time to time, the hour that's yours can also be theirs. "TWSumIw Hoof." 9:30 p. mmimi, NBC Th Stdtetman. Sclem, Drw Wadnvftday, August 10. 1949-7; 'mmmm j . : , - I " . ' ' .' ! ' 155 No. Liberty Phon 3-3191 1 WWroinit,: I Sh.pWnd.lil I ! rSIf Wl f 9 Frifa, Hl,hl . 1 i j ' ( oo ass fmm M Wmlfe) I lis mm SALE Ward' . 'fllsSilliil ! ! 4 Plp M Sheets and Cases SALEl OUR STURDY TYPE 128 LONGWEAR SHEETS SIZE 72 x 99 f 64 SALEl TREASURE CHEST FINE LUXURY MUSLINS 72 x IC8-IN. 222 Don't missjoutj Known for -wear arid strength, new at lowest price sihee pre-war! 128 threads" of heavy- long cotton per square inch. Rip-resisting tape selvages; gen ercus 3-inch top hems. ' 81 x 99 SU ... now 1.74 81 x 108 Size .... now 1.84 81 x 99 Six . now 2.22 81 x 108 Si now 2.38 Slashed prices on smoother, qualily-iamed sheets thqt give years of wearl 140 threads of long staple cotton in firm weave per sq. in. stury tape selvages less laundry rips! 3-in. top hems. 42 x 36-Inch Pillow Cass - now only 34c 42 x 36-Inch Pillow Cass now only 47c 79c CANNON BATH BUYS LIVELY "SAMBA" DESIGN Big savings! Big 20 x 40 bathTsize! Made cf thick absorb ing oottcn terry that takes a lot cf hard use. Blue, pink, yellow, each with xope borders! Hand towel. 16 x 26. 37c Wash cloth. 12 x 12. 225c "PINWHEEL" BATH TOWELS , SLASHED FROM REG. 1.25 1 09 You loved them at regular price; yc 11 covet them -at these savings! Lush, reversible jacqjard? in 5 brilliant tone3 cn white . . . huge 22 x 44 size! Teep piled cotton terry really absorbs! Hand towel. 16 x 27. 44c Wash cloth. 12 x 12. 25c 59c CANNON BATH TOWELS 48' -Vc-'n'r.riMifn Save! Colorful check?, contrast borders, thick ferry buys! 20x40. Asstd. wash cloths . . 3 (or 24c 39c CLIPPER BATH towels o inn : Cannon tvyi A low price for thick, ob$crbe&t cotton ttrry! Solid shodies with woven check. 20 x 40 inches. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN REDUCED! Word, fin I 25 c Firm 80 x 0 thread ccuf. 3ew coses, teon-ed sheets! 29. inches. Creom cc'Or whitens ir wash. LONGWEAR" PILLOW TUBING 42" 52 c Moke your own and save) Sturdy muslm ... 128 threads cf Heavy long cotton per sq. in. ; White;- REG. 59c ACA 8-OZ. TICKING jf If Feather trt! strong tiue end whiti striped cotton ticking for pillow end mattress covers, ploytpgs. 32". GAY COTTON PRINT TOWELS 4 FOR 100 Tears at Reduction! i Vivd ossorted prints, oil wosh fost, loog-weoringl 14 x 30 in. Cannon dish cloths for 42c STARTEX PART-LINEN TOWELING A White Sale Buy! w"T yU. Famou ouelity 25 I r en, 7S','o cc'ton for extra absorbency! . Brioht multicc'Or prints. 17 in. 29c FLOUR SACK SQUARES 4 FOR Save! Manv I ses! "T launotred, bieached and open ed 30-'-nch scucres .for dusting, straining, wrepping, dryirg) LOOK! FULL SIZE MATTRESS PAD 328 .. Adds lfe to ycur mattress. Quilt ed in bleached white cotton sheeting. Cotton filling. 54 x 76. 1.98 SHEET BLANKET REDUCED! 177 IcciiMcW tndl I j Of sturdy creamy white cotton with worm, f eecy nop. Ooe!y woven for long wear. 70 x 95 in. JNBLEACHED MUSLIN SHEETING tzat Bay New A Save! w V yd. A good ttiritt quality reduced! Oeom color whitens after laun dering. Other 'uses, tool 81 in. CUT-PRICED COTTON FLAiJNEL 77" 19 c Y4. Softly roppea or both sides. Snowy white for bo by wear, dio- pers, nightwear slips shirts Um Your Crdit . . . Bur Your Nd On Wards Comr&ini Tlmo Payment Han- ,1