a j, tj. i.. ill . ' f Tbt "Statwanan. SalsnsL- Place YOUR I Classified AD ffor 7 Days (pn The .t'.'tV.-VaY; .V LOW Weekly RATE BOO Real Estate 02 Buln Property GROCERY STORE Located la good residential district, modern fixture and rood clean tick and doing a wet steady bust net. Living quarter and long lease. Total price only $3500.- j ROSTEIN St ADOiPH INC. 110',S N. Coml. St. Phone 3-3030. 3-5 ORADE "A" CXHTDC shop, good bus ' ' Ine - equipment and aocation on . Hiejhwsy 222 to Darn site, or will sell restaurant.' Beer Sc Poolroom. Good terms to responsible party. Call or see W. J. Roberts, AumsviUe, Ore. 804 Suburban IMALL FARM SMALL TRICE. 5 Fer , tile. acres, near Salem. Good income '" on berries, pltry A few cows. All ' " city conveniences in well built. 2 BR. h.e. "Small barn, pltry hse 4c garage Very attractive setting in open grove. Oak Sc fir trees. Cash will talk, but low terms. If desired. LATE BUILT 4 BR. HOME near new Salem school. An attractive Ige. lot. well idscp.. trees, paved st. Small - barn, pltry hse. SPECIAL BUY $7500. t Low terms. ONLY $1500 DOWN will move you In to this Syr. eld plast. bungalow. An ideal toe., close to Slem Hts. School. Reduced to sell. TODAY $6000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com! St. Ph 3-838y Eve 3-7440 jfyTRXCOOD BUY FOR FAMILY MAN. Check these features, see it. then make us an offer. 4 BRms.. L. Sc D. Rrms with wall to wall carpet ing, kpacious K. A: D. Rms.. flrepl. unfirfT basm't., furnace, out side fire- pi. v inn pona. corner ioc. on ACRT (F.xtrs good bldg'siiel Paved S'. VIEW. Good asstm't of fruit St SUBURBAN l!i ACRE N.E. 3 BR. mod. home, garage it- pltry hse. Elec. beat. Beodix washer goes. Plenty built-ins. lovely lawn Sc trees. I Timed pou. Special buy here at $8000. karsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S Com l St. Ph 3-8.T89 Eve 3-7440 CXIFTMOOR VILLAGE -SJCded tracts with utilities. Restrict ed: residential. I'i miles north on "Wallace road to- Harrirt drive. Suburban Bargain Sandy 30 A. tractor and equipment. He. barn. gar.. 20 A. cult.. 10 A. picture. 2 springs and excellent sou. Atk for Bill. Art .Madseiv -Realty Co. 1324 State St. Ph. 3-3580 House ForvSoI IXEW 3 rm. mod. house. $3600. 99 Park Ave. Ph. 2-4462. j BY OWNER: 2 bdrmkome reduced to $S)Q. S22 N. 17th St. Craving the s'ate. My $1392 equity in 1 yr. old 2 bdrm. house. Insulated, hwd. floors, completely mod. Move t right in for 500. Bal. F H A. See at 342 Bliler" Ave Ph. 2-2880 ' I? 5WNftTl BR. home. Extra cot tage 18JS Nl Liberty. Sy oWneS: $6750 with $2000 down, 3 B R. hoive. fireplace, large service porch, walnut trees, redecorated. See anytime 1240 S 15th St. Jot better ialem Homes and Country Estates. Bee or call A. E. DANIELSON lfig No. ,12th St Ph. 33620 lY" 6wNFfTEnBl.wd. sch. dVst. Well coiiatructed 3 PR home, full bsmt. with gd. furnace. Insulated, new roof rnd redecorated About 10 yrs. old. ot approx. 30x160. Bus by door. Lots f shrubs and flowers. Garden in. Ph 2-0396 ' 2295 Breymanj lY'OWTiEftS; 5 bedroom home. Im mrdiate possession. A real buy at $7600. Terms Ph. 3-3849 or 2-4431. liis is a good buy in east end home 2 nice B R. L.R. D R. fireplace, el heat, 1000 feet of floor space only $7350 00. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 2-7283 JhREE bedroom houe, modern except " basement. Lot 82x160. Garaae, pump- rtoue. chicken house, lots of fruit. $41 N 16th St. : f 6H SaXe WowNer- I4ew two bedroom house, floor fur nace. Pb 2-0162. Best Buy in Salem BRm lae liv. din, kit. bath and show er, hdwd. floor, 'basement.' piaster, garage, walking distance downtown only $6950 with $1300 down. Vacant. E M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE T70 (,-om. Ph. 3-4640. 2-5487 $650 Down Move In I BRms modern, plaster, garage, needs redec. but you can buy for $5500. E M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE T70 g. Com. .Ph. 2-4649 2-54FT tTIW'LtSTWG: Kice 5-bedroom horn, about three yrs. old: corner lot. close to school and bus. Price only $6900. Good terms. FINE INVESTMENT: Home and in come. About one-third block in heart of small town near Salem. Two good buildings; one stucco with basement, furnace. 11 furnished rooms; two apartments Owner . retiring and of fers to sell at attractive price ' of $16,000. rilXING STATION. CATT AND LIV ING QUARTERS on Hwv. 99 N .7 of an acre. Price $10,600. Will exchange for suburban heme. SUBURBAN HOME: Located on paved road. East. 4 acres dark soil; i A. . berries; small barn; garage, else, water system. Close to school. Price 6300 pert terms or will exchange for small acreage near Marion or jerrerson. Leo N. Child, Inc., Realtors 44 State It. Ph t-3663 In. OaB 3-67M er 3-4007 Statesman CbuMM AiTtrtfatac Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Per IIm - .lM Three InMrtiant Mr Una 40e 1 bueriVona, pt " it One) aneU ft tt- ft a (OaUlda f tJt$a. each Ujm aflnlnsauss tw liaeak Ce4st ft wartU U hse laaievi ta city brUftllM t The steadttn readee adyi Only atner lattetnt ta $$ fjm. dally. sTjwcJTostada srtil ba accepted The tateecnan rseareea the rtgM e reject Questionable sdvertlsUig. U rurthat reeerrea tjg tight ta plaea aa earef-oeiag nnnsr w elaeetrtasdoav The Statastnaa aseumea a etal rwpemdbUity far errors arhlcli nay appear la ad eertiee meats UsiMd tm Ma eolumae and In eawea wtiere tbas aep te at. tanaH wtQ reprtaf that pert atf an ndesrtase went ka whieb tba tyypfTaphieal mistake aeeur. A Unr Ad aa ad containing a lumnm bos earn bet tee aa address ta tor the protectl eg the advertiser and anus therefore be answers by letter. The Stataatnaa) la net at liberty $a divulge Bfor atatloai as the tdenmy eg as aV a -Bitaat" atk 800 Real Estate 808 Hons For Sals I i DESIGNED F0 I i it ENfcLEWOOD Beautiful new S BR home. Lie LR WCrepUce. DR. Kitchea with lovely built- tns and breakfast nook, separate utility room, hdw floors thru out, unique floor plaft, extra large roonos. Halt tl2.0flj Real cute S BR suburban horrte. 3 years lot. close: to bus and storfe, a real We have several good home' for sale and talk; over your need will be Kenny 341 Chemeketa M . i Zventturs Phone $r r Furnished 3 Bedrm.J North Broadway old home with good furniture, elec. range, washer, reri ect. lor $1500, '; j Art Madsen Realty Co. 1 1326 State St. Ph. 2-6812 VOR eilicient and effective Ijiale sei tfectvve Realty visT- s.a4i fciaac iviu iie;aii , S. Hidi St. Mod H vice call the Salem Realty Co. NOW onie Has 3 bdrms., den." liv. comb., kitchen with nook. (yn. -dining uii Dsmi., heat, fire- lots of built-ins. auto, nil place, carpeted, hdwd fir!; lg. lot $12.600. Ph. owner at J-e 96. We Think These Are Good $1050. Nearly acre: 3 drm 'new home: Imm possession. ; down. Keizer dun. . I if $7200. ' acre: 2 bdrm house, approx. 4 yrs old.; Above average value. $1500 or less will handle. Swegie dist. $8750. 2 bdrm., new; wall tell wall car pet; good terms: South Salem, t $6850 Large let; 2 bdrm; alt. garage; about 3 yrs old. $1800 will, handle; North Salem. li i I $10,000. acre; new 2 bdnri: dbtl ga rage; best of garden soil: Terms.. East Englewood dist. ! ; $5500. Older 2 bdrm.. neat and dean: lovely yard and shrubberyjj West side. Salem Realty Co. I j ! REALTORS i I ; 14 N. High St. Pbone r7R60-! Eve, phone 2-45a . Owner Must $pl This one year old 3 bdrmjminchltype, suburban home located NH. with un finished attic. Ice. kitchen diniirm.. firepl.. stt .y garage, hartjwd. iflrs, ven. blindsauto. heat, on large cor ner lot: 1mm. poss. Pricedl to sell at $9450. For more inform a tidn see: this a t 3855 Sunnyview or Ph.ji2-276i. 3 bedroom; bungalow' with hath, living room, dining room, kitchen,, fireplace, garage, near McKlnley School. Price $7500. - . 1 - 3 bedroom suburban honie with l'i baths, mice rumpus room in full base ment, living room .dining; room, kit chen, nook, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, garage. - jj . 5 W W. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St Ph 2-1545 3-4896 Eves 3-"78ll ATTENTION New mod, 3 rm. home, latest thing In Interior -decorating. Beautiful color ed plum bins, low down: payment. And small monthly pymtiffiSee Glenn J Vista street speciil 5 full rooms? H.W7! A Mi t T ..4 ,1U o! 1 I u iyj I . i,iic(fMLr. Ails, oajtn.o., idi v lot. creek on back, owner leaving: town, will take reasonable Offer. j Goodwin and! McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 Fu TTt 9.1 484 fcourt MUST SELL: 3"B. R. house oat's A Ktnewood. Price Teduced.;;Ph. 4-7241 rduced,i;Ph. 4 rew"' lTC k. or i4e. .! FOR SALE or trade hse: Consider car. truck 4raUer for dn. payment. Ph. 3-C3l.; ACCOrNTlNO I J ACCOUNTING. Tax Service Tor small businesses. Ph: 2-4391 evening ADDING MACHINES 1' All makes used machine,! sold, lenti ed. repaired. Roen. 45$ Court-;Phone 3-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE Bendix, Kelvinator and Hot point Sales and Service. Ralph Jbhhsen Apt pllance, 353 Center St Phone 3-3139. ! Y EATER AppUance Co, Ph. 3-4311. ; No. Ub. I AUTO REPAIR. AmaUng low prlcaa Easy Payment Plan. 12th SL Jurctioa Auto Wreckers. Ph. 2-a2oa. j fnninlt Chvroii Hfvva! rSoualaa McKsy Chevrolet Co. MH. Coml AT YOCR DOO GRINDING " Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center! Ph, 3-6832. BKAf.tl I ; Mike Panek. 279 S. Comt Ph J-518X Brake it wheel aligning specialist. I BCIXDOZING ' : L M ! I I DEAN ROBINSON.! Phorie 2-6337. LT. CRAWLER, doting. 1 12-3220. Bi n.DINO CONTbVACTORS FRAME or masonry const. Remodel ing, new foundations. Alt Bros 2-5909. Bt INEgg sad PROF. EXCHANGE TELEPHONE answering setvica. Day, night. Your secretary. pWL 3 3-9133. rrsiENT 1 SidewAlk. driveway, anything eement. Prompt ; service E. Drake j Phj 2-4751 CEMENT CONTRACTOat DRIVEWAYS. SIDEWALKS, ; rOUN DATIONS. anything concrete. Ph 2483ft COMMERCIAL REfTtlGEHATlOW "Tngidaire sales and eervlceJ Ritchie h Fug. Inc. I860 State. Ph. -690a. R y.Jones a rreq rag niUMtmiil tit Letterheads cartoons.' business si te trads marka photo retouch Uvg. Bob Browne, Salem 'Engraving: Ph. 3-2441 213 S Commercial. 4 j j . VINCtrS Electric for electrical wtr- ing. coatracting-repalrtng. 157 j S- Lib erty Phone 3-8239 4 j j EXCAVATING DITCHINO H0E7IRAGLLE, shovel ' ffee esti: mates K U BoatwrighH. 410 ureg Bldg. Ph. 2-8503. FTltNACB CLEANING HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 1? Kearney Ptxme -7sn3 FtRNlttRE REFINIJHIMG SplcTADStT at refinUiitifl modern r antique funr. Lee Bros. Pe 2-7O01. wa apacialixa in restoring ; antique furntture. Lambert's, pti 2-71 a a ft ikn LESTER DeLap Truck 1 $Wvlee' Coml bauOng Jc furniture i anovtng Dally" service to Portlsnd Ft. 2-1758 HFALTH naj.-wah,aajj 1 1 T -fl ii j e aaiai i Atmorars. Harley Pttgl. Ph.. 2-4682" EAflNO vTj f (I. juowii a, aiy n. yoin i. j rqi Ol jgHOLD PstODCCTl; -j rRTWatkine Co. aroduta. 7lT Ces T 8t4 Salem Ph. a-a3W.Fr del Ot ter House tneviAX equipment fee renL Bales it Brady. Ph 2-4542 days. 2-1804 fyehts.'! 546 N High i, 1 ' st Cation wtLATHrESTttxprlNQ jbHKs-MANVnJJ!. PHoo. 1-3748 "ttrftR t LNSULATINd Co 2-005J LAlSbliZT DeLuxa Serve-Self La ry.'.:US Jaf. ferson St. Ph. 2-3452. . aUAJIPENLNG Cuaraateed sarvtoe. New pusr and hand tmmt. Call JUrry W. Jeott. ia Sa. parnX Ba, - J V:. j t ! . ' : BOO Real Estate 808 House For Sol GRACIOUS UVEVGij ! ! ! 1 DISTRICT i aa appointment to see this one today. DOWN old. Has Urge LR, DR. Kitchen, 80x130 good buy. with small down payments, come in glad to be of service to you. Real Estate ! I Office Ph. 2-2377 or 2-0614 3 - 1770 or 2-3983 i NELSON NEWS W. SALEM COTTAGE SACRIFICE This young couple have bought a lot and are going to Duua a larger nomc or their growing family, hence their cottage (neat as a pin 1 is on the market for quick sale for $3200. Should have $2000 cash 2 bdrms, 10x12 LR. 10x12 kitchen, elec. heat, wired for - elec range; Insulated. V. blinds, pvd. St.. sidewalk, lot 40x100. rood garden .ground.. ! HOME DELUXE N. 14th Substantial prewar home, bsmt, laun dry. F. Oil furnace, LR with fplace. 2 bdrms. bath, nook, on 1st fir. 2 bdrm rms. shower, kitchette on 2nd fir. Hwd. firs. V. blinds, tile drain board.'' gar. 50x150 lot. $1700 with FHA loan value. I AUTO-COURT BARGAS For at real bargain in ah auto court In the $20,000 bracket don't fail to check with our business dept.. at once. j - HA YESVILLE ACREAGE 21 j A- all in cult., 3 bdrm home, wired for; elec range, elec W htr. $8000. NELSON & NELSON ! Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who ! Specialize : , 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 i . $9450 Clean 4 B.R. home. 2 dn, 2 up. good location, utility rm. double garage, also has a small house on rear of lot to rent. Will take $1500. down, balance on Contract or will accept late model car at down payment. Please no phone information on this one. but we will be glad to show you thru. Kiggins. . iBurt Picha, Realtor ! 379 N. High St. ' Office 2-3649 Eve: 3-7431 or 2-5390 Leaving State 4 yr. old. 2 B.R. house, hardwood firs., large ljt. nice nr. scholst U50 Ne- bras ka t . :, : 4 BDRM. HOUSE at 2310 Broadway. 88500. A. E. H easley. 2303 .N. Liberty. 2 BR HOUSE, "lights.-city- wtr. Over j looking a pretty view. High grnd. This place would make a good rent i al income. Also bldg. lot that goes I with place. Turn L at top of Cascade I dr.. then a quick R at first L-hand j turn. Price $1700 dn, $25 mo. Total price $2950. Mr, Roth. Rt. 1. Box 104. I West Salem. . : jT BDRM. modern house. 123x206 lot. 3 walnut and 2 cherry trees. $6500. 1st house North Rickreall Barbecue, Rlckreall. Ore. - Priced to Sell S Bed rms all one fir. Ranch . type. Large living rm with fireplace. Kit chen with Tots of built-ins 8c snack: - bar. Hwd firs thruout; Dble gar. Just out of City limits. Beautiful flowers 8c shrubs. Priced at $8800. G. Reeve Realtor . -?. Coml Ph. 3-4590 Eye. 2-9536 3 BEDRM. 8c utility on one floor, Lge. lot. Near school. On bus line. New deep freeze 8t elec. range go. Ph. 2-0312. ; 1 BEDRM. mod. home, forced to sell. 881 Rosemont. West Salem. ; LAWN MOWERS, scUsors, knives sharpened. Dexter 1220 CenteT. 3-6833. LIOHTING riXTl'tlt Salem's exclusive Ughting store. 234) N Hlrh Senator Hotel Bldg . 1-8412 LUMBER MILL prices. W Salem Lbr. 2-9593 Moving TRUCKS and cars for renL Blankets furnished. Smitty's Clipper Service, Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. MUSIC LESSONS Danish and Hawaiian guitar, mn. dolm banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 3-756$. NURSERIES Landscaping Jc designing. . A. Doer- fler 8c Sons. IN No. Lancaster. Ph. Z-13Z2. OIL CIRCULATOR 8 KB VIC Call Cy Younger. Ph. 2-6072 1L FURNACE. BURNER SERVICE Lloyd Robinson. 1025 17. 2-1773. PAINTING PAINTING decorating. Interior as exterior. 633 Curchdale ave. Ph. 2-8287. Painting-and papering. Free estimate Phone 3-W1X 857 Shipping. SPRAY St brush painting. Interior or , exterior. Free est. Ph. 3-1146. I PAPERHANOCVO r And painting., Don Lucero. Ph. 2-3322 PLUMBING 1 xmm. GENERAL repair : and pumps. De catur Sc Maerr 970 S. ComT. Ph. 3-6222 Judson's. 279 No, Coml. Ph. 2-4141, Repairs. Bill Skewis. Phone S-460A PLUMBING SUPPLIES ! ' Capital Bargain House. 143 Center St PUMPS BARNES pumps. Salem Equip. Co Stettler Supply Co. Phone 3-6038. ft E WEAVING . RtWEAVTNG, 1180 ft. Winter ' Reweaving Ph. 3-5958. evenings. SAWS Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. Sth. 3-7601 ItWtK SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive pat ent racer sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains or drain tile. Septic tanks cleaned. Ph i-OJa 2-0927. " " aEPTIC TANK Mike Septic Service, tanks cleaned, i Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 107$ L Elm SL. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. I Care taken with lawns No mileage Charge. Call collect Todd's Septie Tank crrr-rirr. Jtj aiate. ' fli. Z-PV34 k r" HAvtri. .mi. i..b. Bectrie machine service on sewer and drain ones. Guaranteed work. U4J 8th rt. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. lWLQkACHrXtt BOUGHTTsoid. rented, repaired, terms. I an makes. W. Davenport. 3-7671. All makes repaired, free est. Stager I S M. Co. 130 N. Com! Ph. 2-3813. ilCK ROOMnrQTlPMTXT I RENT sick room equlpmenL 2-3774. flGNS A SHOWCXKDS i R. L. Eifstrom C- 240 Court. 2-2482 TOOLS FOB kTs f HOWSEBBROST vour Dower toot rental headquarters. 1418 tC 12th. Pb 3-3646. f K1K "SPRAYINO rjK sprsytng J. Qirden. Ph. 2-1S28 vFHcVi b fxn4 bu: Made taSarm. free cstimatas. Ph 2-7328. Elmer. The Blind Man. ATCH REPAnUXO Claude Mix. 348 N Comt fb, j-4030' ytATHERSTRIPPtNG I FREE estimates T Pullman, ma tLLtElLLLNO" Well Dnliing - Domestic Irrigation iStnaL b. a. Koomsoav, X2i4 t salem. Ph. S-T2SX ' Meyers Bros. Rt L boa 204. Dallas Pb 3068 Salem Ph 3-4180 . JTZTSSlta St Sooa. waH drlSLs. Directory 800 Real. Estate 80S Houbm For Sal 1 Reduced for Clearance Small Acreage, new4 2 B R. honie on city Jc school bus line. Price too low to quota. Terms. RU 2. Box 390 -B. North side of Chemawa. SILVER CREEK FALLS ACREAGE Located oh Silver Falls Highway just : beyond j Drift Creek Fails Junction, i 44 Acres; IS A in income producing : bent: 12 A in walnuts, bal in sub irrigated pasture, year around creek. Price of $7,000. includes crops. See or call j Mattson & Roethlin Ph. 3-5838 Real Estate 231 N. High Eve ph. 3-1724 3-7534 . KEIZER. Nice clean 1 BJR, house, large lot. bigi walnut trees. $3500. Terms. South Salem, redecorated 4 rra. home, paved street. Imm. possession. $3750. Bargain. 3 bedrooms on one floor, nice i liv. room, good location with back I ground pf -trees, large garage. S. Com- mercial : St. Worth much more than - the asking price of $4950. East 10 Acres, all in cult, no bldgs. good building site, small down pay ment. $3000 00. R. E. Meredith. RU., or B M. Mason 176 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 BY OUT OF STATE OWNER; Practi- 1 cally new l, story house. S lge. ms hdwd. firs, thruout. breezeway. att. garage, lot 75x140. FHA terms. Salem : Heights, dist. Owners here to sell. 585 Ewald Ave. Drive S. on 99E to Ewald . 2 BEDRif. HOME. att. garage, blk. from grade school and city bus. $2900. BY OWNER Home with income. 1 Bdrm. modern home, hardwood firs, electric range Sc oil heater goes. In come 1100 mo. Suitable for couple. 15 min, drive from Salem or will sill separately. By owner New 2 bdrm. hse. all over carpet. ; V. blinds, automatic oil fur nace. Bendix St Drapes go; 15 min. drive from Salem, $5995. Terms. Ph. 2-0312.1 ' - k ) NEW 3 B.R. HOME. $1300 dn. Open dally. 1140 Lewis. Ph. 2-5422. 03 TRADE: 2 B.R. hse hdwd. firs, throughout, A, 30 min. bus serv ice. Will consider gd. car in trade. Turn R. at veg stand beyond Drive In Theatre. 2nd place from corner. SPECIAL See this; ac. beauty spot, located 3 mi. out. Beautiful wooded spot with 2 springs. Sc stream, S rm. home Sc good barn. See this before you buy at $5,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. GROCERY & MEATS Doing over $5,500 per mo. store bldg. . fixtures, separate comfortable liv. quarters. $12,500 plusv Inventory ap prox. $3,000. Call Ben Roisen. FOR SALE HIGHWAY BUSINESS SITE Located J South on main Pacific High way lust South of the Colonial House, nearly 400 ft. frontage on highway. Price $3,000. Call Coburn L. Graben horst. i AMERICAN COLONIAL Close in South in beautiful setting of oak trees. Living, rm.,, 27x15, open staircase. 3 bdrms: dble. plbg . steam heat. B yrs. old. excellent condition I thruout. priced to sell. Call Roy f Ferris Grabenhorst Bros. ! Realtors 134 SJ Liberty St. Ph. 2-2471 Evenings 8c Sundays call Rir Ferris 2-8010;. Peter Geiser 3-9968: Ben Rol sen 2-2471; Earl West 2-1232. $5800 t z Brand new 1 bdrm.- home. Lovely kit., inside utility rm. WeU located. $900 down4'i j L $6650 , 3 bdrm. house on Chemeketa St. Paved alley 'nice lot. plenty of fruit trees, j j $6950 2 bdrm; house, mod. new well located near good schools. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. I 1383 N. Capitol St. Ph. 2-4U58 Eves. 2-5297 3-6901 2-4352 807 Aptsu Courts For, Sal rtTRN. upstair i apt. Refrigerator, auto matic heat. $40. Prefer middleage lady. 355 S. 14th. Ph. 2-1769. r6R SALE bjf owner: Duplex, turn. 10 blocks from town. Income $110 mo. Priced to sell $5750. See Mr. Jani, WIU Music Stored .t0 1 Auto Qourt , One o( the finest oh 99 hlway. Price greatly reduced for quick sale. No ' phone .calls, please come in and see C. V . Reeve Realtpr 943 S. Compnerdal 808 Lots For Sols ' - , FOR QUICK sale. Lot 50x150. South. $450. Ph 2-5539. USE ZONE 3 'j acres oh 2 streets. Only $4250. Ph. 3-8835. Walt Socolof - gley. Heal Eatate. FAIRMOUNT VIEW ADDITION, Sa lem s exclusive residential dist.. Right on top of Falrmount Hill. Each lot has finest view. Drive up Wash. SL All lots hsve 90 ft. frontage. Just a few more available at $2500. Larsen Home & Loan Go. " Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Coml St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 72x180 lot; water, good location, near city bus. t blk. of city llmiU. N.E. Salem.- Ph. 3-4843. FADIMOT7NT HILL on Washington SL between Fir and Fairmount Streets, facing south. Lovely level lot 80x100 wtth. trees, shrubs and, 2 -car ga rage. Only S2150. CaU 3-4018. Eve. 3-8213. 1 LARGE LOTS, trees, city water. . bus.: close to school, 8c store. Sea ana maxe offer. Phone 2-5807. BEAUTIFUL view tracts, timber "or fruit 1 to 8 acres- available. Orchard Heights dist. 23 down. $13 month per acre. Call I7F3 CORNER LOT. 100x50. Cor ot Oxford and High Inq. 1999 W Nob Hill, eves. 4 Lots For Sale REAL BUY! 1 City lot. north 62x120 priced at $650. 1 City lot. north 70x120 priced at $700. will seO both lots together for $1200. Kenny Real Estate i 341 Chemeketa Ph 1-237T ' EveningsyPhpne 2-3983 VIEW LOT for sale on Pioneer Dr. 1MT x 163. City water and electricity, i Walnut trees. $1050. Inquire at 2100 N. 4th SL or call 2-8377. 810 Farm. Acnaqm For Salo FOR SALE: 10 A. or will trade for ; leas 8c stock At equipment. 1116 S. ; 33nd St.. Salem. Have no buildings. 4 Acres North 2 Bedrm. . plastered house, barm 8s ducket house. All kinds ot fruit, nuts Jc berries, good garden, shade trees, bast ot ground. A bargain at 83900. Income Pro. North $300.' monthly Income average. Hotel I and apt furnished. Will take clear j noma la Salem tor equity. $17,000, $9400. Mortg. I One Acre Beautiful North new lhadera borne, nice law, it ! shrubs, fish-pool, all kinds of fruit. bemes 8c garden, elea beat. S rnUea uc oc waiem. siejou. Excellent Grade A i Dairv Stocked and equipped, ready to go. la yv. oo niway. mooern a isjc. nome. Tractor equipped. Cooeider trade for Central Ore. Call for B4U Jones. Art Madsen Realty Co. ; 1338 State St. ' Ph. 3-30t 3-6812 lm ACRE HOMESITE i ni easL Clear, i ed land, grove of fir and oak. $1500. : Pb. cwaer 2-1418. 850 AutomotlTe 852 Usex! Car. For Sat Best Buys -i , . 194$ BUICK ROADMASTER, Dyna flow. 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON. 1948 HUDSON, all ace. low mileage. 1943 OLDS 63 Club Hydramatic, all 1947 OLDS 98 SEDAN. Hydramatic. all 1947 OLDS 78 CLUB. Hydramatic, all 1947 OLD.S 76 SEDAN. Hydramatic. all 1946 PONTLAC CLUB 2 tone, all acc.. 1941 OLDS 78 CLUB. HydrgmaUc. 2 tone. A perfect car. 1941 PONTLAC 8 SEDAN. A-l throughout Look only 1940 OLDS 60 SEDAN. Clean and a beauty , 1941 FORD V-8 CONV. Everything new 1941 WILLYS SEDAN, new) painL A-l 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. iUw paint. Many others in years and models to choose from at the lata where the faces change often. Where? At LODER BROS. j' YOUR OLDS DEALER 2410 Fairgrounds Road (open eve.) 465 Center St. H BEAUTIFUL 1949 Pontiae convert. 5400 ml. Discount $500. Inquire Hotel Sen- ator garage. '39 DODGE 5 pass cpe. RScH. Good cond. Ph. 3-3367 after 6 ; p.m. GOING back to Iowa, must sell with- in 1 week. '41 Chev. tudor, 1120 Hood. i Ph. 2-1907 .' j 1947 CROSLEY sedan, good condition. $475 for quick sale. Fred Steiner. 3160 Gard en Rd.. Salem.' 1947 HUDSON Commodore 8. good siape. 81150. Phone 2-0312. '47 CHEV. convert. Must: sell. Priced to move. 1680 Berry. j 800 Real Estate 810 Fcrxm Acreage, For Sal 20 -A. FARM. $ cows milking. 2 trac tors. Dbl. gar.. 5 rm. he- furnace, bsm't. Rt. 1. Box 234, AumsviUe. Ph. AumsviUe 543 3 ACRE chicken farm, new outbuild ings including completely equipped tile brooder, chicken house, barn. Elec. irrigation. 3 bedrm. Mod. house completely? f urn. j Refrigerator, elec. stove. Nice lawn, shrubbry on highway 't mile east of Marion. Price $7,500. Elmer Hofmann. Rt. 1, Box 45. Turner. Ore. : ; . Boating and Fishing 10 Acres 2 BRm modern! house, fire place. 8 mil Salem, sacrifice sale, only $6500 with $2000 down. E. M. HUNTER REAB i ESTATE 770 S. Com. 7i Ph. 2-464J 12 Minutes of ffown $ acres with 3 bedrm. mod. home. In beautiful grove of large oaks-setting. Must be seen to be appreciated. Double garage, chicken house, shed 28x36. suitable for small barn. Family orchard, berries, potatoes and sweet corn ready te eaLCityi and school busses. Owner leaving state and - price reduced to $12,500. Consider part trade. On pavingi One mile east of Keizer school, put to Box 49F. Phone 2-4298. Drive by and see owner or call Bill Hopkins with A. N. Duncan. 12 Ladd and Bush Bank Bldg. Ph. 3-9658. J Small Farm $6950 A. exc. soil. Close to Salem N. Bldgs old but livable. Will accept home in city for trade. t K Income Property New 13 unit perm rental courts. $720 per mo. income. Operating expenses about $30 per mo. Will' consider combination g roc. and ; meat mkt In trade. i j j Business Location 130 rt. frontage including nice home. Corner lot on State St. No. 3 zona. Exc. loca. for 1st. class apt. hse. Call Mr. Noonchester with j H. E. Corev Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway i i Ph. 2-0552 Eves., 2-O103. 3-3816 5 Acres South 2 bedrm hse. Nice grove. (On bus line and close to school. Some fruit. $6000 with terms. - i. j C W. Reeve Realtor 943 S ComT 1 Ph. 3-4509 Eve 2-3088 Cheap 80 A. on Little Nestucca river. 20 A. Cleared. Good small hse. Barn, ruu price $3750. $1350 will handle. C. W. Reeve Realtor $4$ g. Commercial I Ph. 3-4390 Eye. 3-9536 or! !-308$ 20 Acres of the best soil i in Hopmere Dist. good 3 BJt. home set among tau trees, lota of paved frontage. near schools and store; Priced to selL Xroodwin and IcMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 ' 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 2-7283 OR TRADE by owner.! 5t Ac. 4 cult 1 ac. timber fenced, i Berries. 3 va rieties. 4 grapes. 3 younaj fruit trees. Good well. Cute 4 rm. ihome. Inter ior partlv fin. Wired, fori range. Want home in town. lty lots.hiwsy front age or late car. Out bid 99 South to first Rosedale Rd. Fred Barry. RL 9. Box 600. LAKE LABIS H, : Beaverdam onion farm. Come and see ohidn crop grow ing In field now. Emlj Krause, RL 1, Box 144. Brookj, Ore $ ml. N.E. BY OWNER: 100 acresj all in cultivs tion. No buildings. Fine building spoL School bus. milk rout and electricity at door. Come see the! crops grow ing now. Priced to selll H. C. Ham mer. RL 2. Box 212,jSilem. 4 mUes east qui uenicr st. FOR SALE: Income property. 20 acres. 13 acres growing crops. 3 acres sum mer fallowed, j Beautiful building site. Terms. Priced jto sell. Write Statesman Box 942. j 812 Exchanqw Roxxl Lstato) TO TRAD by owner. E c. 8 B. R. In extra desirable Salem location. Will trade lor Improved Valley farm. Na rough or rocky ft. -mtaXtd. Ph. 3-7600. j EQUITY TV LARflt lot nd 1 bedrn- home for smaller boms. Good loca tion. Phone 2-7389. i f 818 Wantwdv Rexxl E-laisi $5000 TO $6000 CASH For I bdrm noma. CaU Allen C. Jones and Mabel A. Needham REALTORS 341 State 8L Rm. 4 Upstairs Pb 3-W01 WAHTI-l Cash buyer for small farm with soma good pasture land. : water ac elec tricity. 15 mile radios I of Salem. Vp ill Buyers for hom la Ehglewood dist rict and m and around Salem. Call tts today: S 1 ! COLBATH LAND CO. 1883 Center SL Ph. 24552. Exes 24393 200 ACRES more 'or leas, wanted by prtvata buyer . Salens area prefer tad. . Give exact location, price, ail details Immediately. Box 34. BU 850 Automotive 852 Uaexi Cora For Sol In Town 1 6600 miles .23490 00 Very low mileage ) 650.00 . 1995.00 1990.00 . 1920.00 .1743.00 UJ70.00 1530.00 . 995 00 895.00 795.00 : 825.00 . 650.00 ' 875.00 1 owner acc.. 1 owner acc., a beauty acc.. 1 owner acc.. 2 tone grey 1 owner ' condition , ' 1 owner Phone 2-1490 Phone 2-7973 WILSON'S PRICES SLASHED . 1947 Pontiae-Sedanet L 1595 1947 Pontiae Sedan j 1595 1947 Bulck Super Sedanet i 1595 1948 Bulck Super Sedan 1946 Pontiae Sedan 1593 149 149S 1299 978 699 790 868 86$ $7$ 198 1946 Buick Super Sedan 194t Chevrolet Tudor 1941 Buick Special Sedanet 1941 Packard Sedan 1940 Buick Special Sedan 1941' Olds Sedanet : 1940 Buiek Super Sedan 1937 Chev Coupe 1 1936 Chev Sedan OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center BEST CASH OFFER takes '43 Studs. Skyway Pres. sdn. Rebuilt mote. R 8c H., hillholder. O'dr. 4270 Macleay Rd. . .' j '4 CHEV. 4 dr. F. M. R St H. Black. $1223. 3343 Neef ava. after S .or Sun. CHEAP. '35 Terraplane coupe. Good transportation. Ph. Z-0443. -46" BUICK super sedanette. 2-tone green. R St H. deluxe seat covers, top cond. 1 owner. $1575. 3770 State, Ph. 3-4064 or 2-7204 after 3:3Q, This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa St$. ph. 3-9101 MUST SELL 1948 Chev. convert. Like new a steal at $1,693.00. Call eves 879 N. Liberty Apt. 9. 35 PLYMOUTH CPE. Rasa good. "TO S. Capitol St. ;j We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem. Oregon 1941 Plymouth coupe. Excellent con- dition. New paint. 2514 N. River Rd. WESTERN Motors pays top cash - for clean used cars any modeL 12th and Mission. . ', r " SAVE 20 dn Auto Insurance by In- sisting on Mayflower Auto Insur- ance. 341 Chemeketa. Ph 3-9271. 1947 FORD SUPER Deluxe a dr. sdn. A real bargain. 4140 N. River Rd. FOB SALE. Chev. coupe, good motor. $273. See at 2160 N. 4th. St. '41 PLYMOUTH. R. it H. Very fine cond. Sea at Chevron Sta. Corner of Silverton Rd. jc Lancaster Driyt '36 FORD SDN. Good condition- $200 or best offer. 829 N. 23rd. 858 Wcmtad, CarsTrucks WANTED! CLEAN USED CARS Bob Marr 2160 So. Commercial ti. USED CARS. Buy it sell. Ron's Motor . Co 240 S. High. Phone 3-4598 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE 2329 Fairgrounds Rd. PWone 2-6454 MAC'S USED CARS 789 S. 12th St. i always in The market tor clean cars. phone 2-7402 Guy McHone I 858 Motorcycles Indian - Cnshman WBTZZEB MOTOR BDCE Shrock Motorcycle Salei 3007 Portland Rd Ph 3-1423 1948 HARLEV DAVIDSON" 125. Excel- lent cond. completely equipped. Reaianablf price. Ph. 3-1122. i48 HARLE V DAVIDSON 74 O. H. V. A-l condition. See after 6:30 at 1089 6th SL. West Saiem. . i . ESQ Auto Miscsllan sous CHEV. BEADS all models $17-88 Maths Garage, pb. 2-6958. aOM Portland Rd. SS2 House) Trails" 14 FT. '40 AL70IA trailer, sleeps 4. like new. Ph. 2-01 W. Trailers A completa Baa eg fat and Untversel Trailer ranging from 1 ft. te 33 ft. OU heatTaUea rat sad bet water ndlable CASH. TZaTMS as? TRADS' Jarhawk Trailer Sales 2640 Portlmd Hi. PH. 2-8041 rT6usg tRAiLXa Bargains. 1& Spartoa Manor, many extraa. perfect cood. Alee 1847 American, excel, cond. , terms te approved party. Krmtiw Aircraft Cav Ph. 2-MU. SS4 HaKnry Egnlpmsml 1SU Modal A Jann Deere tractsr sad corn cultivator. Jtt. X Bos OOB. Itaak 850 Automotive 852 Dswd Cars For Sala Pontiacs Good Will (Cars 48 Pontiae Sdn. Cpe. R&H, Low IMileage '41 Pontiae Sport Coupe . 51 rontiacbdn '36 Chev Sdn '42 Oldsraohile Sedan '40 Pontiaq Sedan '37 Plymouth Sedan Herrall-Owens Co TRADES 660 N. LIBERTY CLEAN USED CARS Far above average r 1946 1941 1941 1937 1929 Ford 2 door sedan RADIO. HEATER. EXCELLENT CONDITION Buick Spc. 4 door sedan i RADIO. HEATER. BEAUTIFUL 1 TONE PAINT Pontiae club coupe , RADIO. HEATER. NEW TIRES Chevrolet 2 door sedan J RADIO. HEATER. VERY GOOD CONDITION Chevrolet 4 door sedan LOW MILEAGE. A GOOD CLEAN CAR: Easv terms ' McCALL'S 1297 STATE TEAGUE'S We are not closing out or ment . Just good sensible down pavments and approved ban!! contracts on First Class Automobiles.! Come jin. Look at the quality Our prices too high, consider it. 25 fine cars. Priced $1295 See Joe Spurlock 352 N. Commercial Street Ph. 2-4173 TEAGUE MOTOR CO; TERRAPLANE Hudson, good cond. Cheap 563 S 30th. Ph. 3-8756. '37 MASTER Deluxe Chev. Good cond. Priced right. Call Dallas 3518 or at home eves, after 8. Rt. 1. Box 148, DaUas. ,1 MEMBER OF THE Tho Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the as for republication f all tho local news printed in this newspaper, ss well as all ; AP news dispatches. I MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU OF ADVERTISING I ! Advertising Representatives Ward San Francisco, Detroit MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally and Sunday Week-days Only By carrier IS cities $ 1.20 month $ 1.00 month SO month .71 month By mall In Orefoa 4.73 six moa. 4.38 six mos. (In advance) 1.00 year 8.00 year By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by mall, delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $12J0 a year, rural routes. (in adv.) By mall In USA. , 1.20 month 1.00 month outside - Orefoa - 7 JO six moa. $.00 six moa. (ta adv.) ' 14.40 year 13.00 year A valla bis ta eertaln areas. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Crust on a wound 6. Explosive missile 9. Shop 10. Beetle 12. Speaks 13. Roman emperor (poss.) 14. Eskimo tool 15. Alaskan : Eskimo 16. Laments 19. French article 20. Mythical Jcir.f of Britain 21. Prophet 23. Bony ) framework of head 25. Rips 28. Stockinf . 27. Vegetable 2$. Cold :- (Heraldry) 29. Amount : in cords. as wood -t2.1nteUect U. Forbid Zt. Anxious T.told 29. Small cut 10, Levels 41, Habit jal ' i : drunkards 42, Drinking4 cup (Scot.) Ml. - DOWN 1. Not fresh A X. Discoverer 1 ;- U Amertcs 5. Chest A. Egyptian god ft. Announce ment of cominf; marriage 6. Foreboding 7. Japanese circle t. Broilinf chicken 9. Part of s ' check 11. Showy , flowers'. 15, Tavern it 23 ME -4 850 AmomotlTe .i 852 Uaexi Cars For Sal .$1995 75 345 195 95 S 4)5 $ 295 TERMS PHONE 2-41 ... $1095 . $ 995 ! I ::i ... $ 895 - - i r ... $ 395 ... $ :95 i y i :. m I .'! . DIAL 3-8108 USED CARS i i i selling cars "no down pay of our cars. If 'Vou thnlc make us an offer. W will down to $195J , LATE '47 Land Cruiser Stude. ! Sdn. 18.600 miles. Looks and drives Ilka newest model. Has $600 worth of accessories New pijlee $310j Will sell for 82000. Phone owner at 3-6104) or 3-3424. ASSOCIATED PRESS - Griffith Ca New Tark, Chleacs, Sundays Only J$ week it .40 month i 82$ six moa. I- 4.00 year i J8 week 4.M year (ta adv.) so month ts six year 17. Voided escutcheon 18. Indian madder 21. Plant ovule 22. Things to eat 23. Beaches 24. People of Korea 25. Thrice s . (mus.) 2T. Japanese festival 29. Stoppers 30. Wins 31. Finishes. CnaTalolTl Ik ki & ti s fckU la fjS TCHI I mI L 3 t D V I 1 1 In noTrr'' jJllM o oUr 57 T rTioifmTi Jm Sasardsrs Aaawes t3. EXchsnft ; premium : 34. DenommaUoo 37. Obtain 38. Girls pame : r ta 'I Lr . " i ru i f m u id " Tl