22-J.The SlcAttmcaL Salem, Oregon; Sunday, Antra. 7. 1943 300 (Personal $10 Mating Notices i . -. . . . - Ainsworth Lodge 201. AT St AM, Aug. 9th SUIN Mini- tnitrtiAtion 8 d. m. CMnwUU Lodge No. L lOOF. meets very Wednesday night 312 Loet and Found LOST: 11 Jewel lady's Butow wrt wstch downtown SaL afternoon. Call S-B171. , y-j- COST Red cocker spaniel spayed fe '. rrate. Reward. Ph. 2-3353, o3T Red cocker spaniel, male. Fn. a i1 6$T Wallet, at Chuck s Place, July 2$. Finder please keep money and mall the wallet and content to ISO NIE, 28th Ave., romano. vrt. EoTfY S0k scar mostly green "with red flowers on st. July 21. Ph. 3-3217. Reward. fcVrirav I accidentally exchanged coats at Legion stag party. Contact phllo R. Csulkins, Chemawa. TTSt or Strayed vicinity of No. 2th and Market year-old Neuter cat. tray tiger ana wroie. immuy y- Answers to Bobbte. Return to i2C Ki tmh t Ph. 1-3973. CoST: Lad'es tfelbros Gold Wrist watch cor. SUtjt and High SU. Trt. Eve. Reward, E.. H. McNaU. Ph. 2-7333. 316 Personal LONELY? Write Christian Friendship Society. P.O. Box 590. North Hollywood. Calif. iGet Acquainted Club THROUGH SOCIAL correspondence, thousands meet 4heir "Ideal." Write today for 'list of eugTbles. Simpson. Box 1251, Denver. Colo; ( Palmistry Readings Tells oast present at future. Advice on love business and marriage. Ans wers all auesuons. Are you worried? T3 S Coml. Open a.m. to 10 P-ra.' 400 Agriculture 402 LlTOstock CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChlen. 2493 W. 5th. Ph. 3-1656. t OR SALE . . iPECTAL OFTERING JtEGISTERED HEREFORD COWS 0 HEAD TO CHOOSE FROM . j Will sell one or froup to suit, ! Calves at side and bred oack Top quality & Bloodlines Good ages. 1 An excellent opportunity to select foundation stock from heart of this swell known herd. Priced from $250. 1 Abo lot of jroung bulls for sale, i FLOUNCE ROCK RANCH -4 PROSPECT. ORE. gWillUms. Ph. Prospect 1508 iTMO. Reg. Jersey bull. Pedigree and record on request. Perry Wells, In- dependence. Ore. fN iCE Pinto saddle horses. 1 child's Pinto pony. $100 each. 43J0 Silver ' ton Rd. CTCENSED live stock buyer. Harold E. Snethen, Tumerpreton, fOR sale or trade. 5 yr. old saddle horse. Gentle with a lot of style Call 25202 before S P.m. or 22339 alter 5 p m BONDED livestock buver Claude Ed ward Rt. a. Box'BWR. Ph 3-1144. AT STUD Reg. Palomino quarter- rwire H L Stiff. )r. Rt. 3. Box 870 SONDED UVESTOCrT-buyer E. C McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 404 Poultry and Rabbits 4 N. Z. DOES. S dble. rabbit hutches. Rt . Box 775. Dallas Rd. RED FRYERS, live or dressed. Rt. 7. Box 434A. McCain Ave. off Stiver ton Rd. EW HAMPSHIR E chicks. Cehnng i Hatchery. RU 3, Suverton. Oreg. Ph I Blsck 193 w HAMP chicks every Thursday I Ph .7nftl . Hatphrrv . Jf EW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Imme i diate or future delivery. Hatches 1 everv Tues Foxes Hatchery, 3&30 State SU Ph. 2-4959. FHA jL I Finance Co. FI1A Farm Loans venr-Timc Farm Loans License 8-tl and M-222 rersoBsl and Auto Loans raTsSrJf sT B)wsS5 tS$ I rt$ivit. ri$iwLv MCTAl DeSOIaHIS No Hoaptkilitatton Free Descriplivt Booklet . Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic MATUKO-HKOTAL PgCIALieT 1144 CtNHt (I. SMIM. O't. FftCS farfMe - K fW 3.543? We Want Your EGGS . Always a Dcpendabla Cash Market If yon dont brine them to Corty's ro both lose. Curly's Dairy Fairgrounds Eoad at Hood Ph. 3-S7M ur T.T Lam.N 0 Dr O.ClukvN D DES. CHAN . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty I'swtairt Portland GeaeraJ Dectrle Co. Office open Saturday only IS a Ba. te I p.sa to 1 p-ss. Caasot- Bieod oresssvre . and mrmm esta are free of chart. Practiced tace 117. Why Suffer Any Longer Wfeea otners fall, oso our Chtnese reaeOlea. Aamtai aaWeesa far see rears la China. . Si saatter wtt hat ailsseau yon sre artllcteO disorders. sinnstUs. heart, loags. ev er, aldoeys. gas. reeMttpatJoa. a leers liabetea, rhenauUsm. gall and ola- eer lever, skin, faiale eeaa CHARLIE CHAN CfUNESK Sir BUB CO. -94 M Cemaserelat Phone S-liM SALEM. OK rrlce Boors BUS, "aos. aad Sat only. otatats j 400 Agriculture 403 Pots V;l i -a. PEKING ESC Reft, blonde femal Syrian Golden Hampsters jPeta with personality . Heart-O-Gold Hamapery T-39 S. 21st. Cor,' Mill -Salem. Oregon. Ph.; 2-0638 A.K.C REG. Cocker Spaniel pun. 4 'A mo. $29 with papers. Pn. 33571. 412 Fruil and Farm Produce CUX it DILL available Sun. and wk- daysj Taking, orders far tomatoes 4c corn.! Wm. A Kirsch, Rt. 1. Box 42, Turner. Marion hwy. near Marion. XPPLES delivered. Paul Schaad. ftL box ni. ph. 3-IB5S. i CRATENSTED4 APPLES. Joe Luca; Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 3-39S8. BOYSnbrrTS. U-pick, 3C lb. Loti of berries. G. P. Lowery. 1 mi. E. and mi. N. of Brooks. EARLY carmine peaches. Schindler Bros., Grand Island. ;j ! CUCUMBERS.' any slzei' J. E. Peter son. RU 1. Box 402. Salem. Wallace Road. ' dANNINd BEETS. Call Sat. and Sun day. 3138 "D" St. : ' I' ROCHESTER--'peaches. 340 Chemawa Road. r mile west ot Keizer school. Ph. 3-5972 DELICIOUS tree ripened peaches are ready at the Jess Matnts urcnara and Fruit Stand. mi. N. of Salem onr Portland Hwy. Fine for eating, canning or freezing. Jess Mathis. Rt. 2. Box 338. Kaiem. BOYSENBERRXES. U pick. 5c lb. R. G Doege Pi. Mberty sen, Kt , box ziv. rn. SWEET CORN. cucumbers, carrots. potatoes, will gaeiiver tail evening. Ph.i S-234Z. I" 1 5 414 Farm Eqaipment COOK OrFStT falSC HARROW. Extra strong stands severest conditions. Cuts f to 10 inches deep, ideal cor orchards, cover crop and stubble, Hitch offsets right or. left. Choice of sires. 4'-"'. 20 " blades. 8210.00. MONTGOMERY WARD; FARM STORE Trade and High . saiern 425 Auction Sales ! Notice Immediate - bash - for - you. The East Salem Auction center located at S7S Lancaster Dr. operates as a. service for every one. Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7 JO p.m. For Informs tion call $-1221. i 1 I 450 1 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools CASE combine Backer complete. Good as new, $50. Perry Wells. 27F14. In dependence, Ore. 455 household Goods'FcMrSdle 2 DAVENOS; 50 lb. icebox. ., gal. fruit jars, 2 gal. stone Jar. 9x12 rug. 194 N. 14th. PH. S-Sosjl ' LiV. RMSETof BiltweU daveno. 2 end tables coffee table, wall mirror. lamp, a ia. nv9 ueonara eiec. ranxe, like new. 160. complete 4 pc. bed room suitft $75. Ph. 2-2632 eves USED $ FT 4 Frigidairc used apt size Hotpoiht range, in excellent cond. May be seen at 775 N. Church :; or Ph. 3-769j No Sunday calU KEN MORE iupnght vacuum cleaner, with all att Cheap. 385 N. Summer, 39x12 rugs, washer, other furniture, Mrs:. E. Hamilton. 14)0'., Court. Sats GOOD late model washer. $45: Mohair davenport-ftpr. const., $40. Good elec I vacuum. 15. 1330 Saginaw. ALMOST new Dexter twin tub washing machine with pump. new cost. Ph. 2-5048 ! UPRIGHT PIANO $65. Go out Dallas hiway and turn right V Brunk s corner. Rt, 8, Box 705 USED gas range and sidearm water heater. $7$. Wood range. $39. J oil heaters Ph. 3-7640 AT REASONABLE PRICE: Coleman! oil furnace, apt. size, practically new EASY wringer washing machine In rood cond. Ph. 2-4206 after 5. FOR SALE. Mahogany Governor Win thrap desk, like new,' 2 matching rugs dark red Gulliston Wilton, one 9x12 with pad and one a 3 xlO 6 . Large cabinet RCA-radio, mahogany Wind DRESS&R. elec. stove, side oven. Bili well daveno. Very good cdnd. 66$ S. Summer. i LEAVING the place. Will sell new pc. bed roon suit: nice 7 ft.-relrig erator, good gas range and auto, hot water; heater, other misc. 1E94 ; N, Com'l. Ph. 3-6821. : USED sewing machine. Ph. 3-3139. 456 Wanted, Household Goods WOULD like to store your piano n for ; the very careful use ot it. Kev. or lando A. Jewe'l. Lyons. Ore. USED furnj Check our price. Valley : Furn.- Co.J 285 N. ComT Ph. 2-7472. Ht-kAi A! ONCt. large quantity used furniture. ' Ph 1 - Ml 0 Woodry. USED I L R.VITURE hone 3-9185 458 Building Mcrtoriole QUARRY ROCK, suitable for patios, barbecues.1 etc. Rt. 3. Box 570. STAND B. cedar gutter 22c ft., cedar wall IS UM shakes III so per sq. With , undercourse. Ted Muller. formerly Eola Yard; Pn. Salem, z-1190. u." r'frvn tinttcs-" 973 Chemeketa. AU material must be sold. , nothing reserved, doors, win dows. plumbing, furnace, air con ; ditioners. floor carpeting, etc. See - Chris at the house.' i IS' No I cedfcr shakes. Natural ; or i painted prime coated or stained. Cedar wsU. FittitcMbr Bear brands, 1 $9. per. sqi up Delivered with under ; course. Ted Ma Her. Salem 2-1194 PLYWOOD LARGE STOCK of sires, thicknesses and grades, both plain and pater- ! Also good stocks in and lrt lnj , sulatuig boards. Low prices on f in. and 'i tn sheetrpek. Keith Brown ; Front and Court Streets. Salem.; BUILDERS Realize substantial savings- on lumber. Rock bottom prices for larger t amounts ; - WEST SALEM SAWMILL 1050 WalUce Rd Ph. 3-9S93 fETcfcDAK: SHINGLES. No. 1 vertical grain. & Zi per sq.J also complete stock roofmg materials; including val I. v tin rule mil ialvftnif ai4 chlnsl. , nails, tin shiacles. metal gutters and : down spouts. Keitn tlrom n. rront ; Court St.. Salem: i SPECIAL Cedar siding Vx8 Ran 5 dom .lengths. C grade. $85 pe M. ; Keitn Hrowa. Front lit Court St !.ieni Si" OFFSF Iiinies PrTie coat 12c or, Cm ofr.e 20t pr Plasac pulls 5c ea. : Beavercraft Co. 575; N. Lancaster ; dne I CALL 2119t Saim. -we sell the best , cvdar rhngies from' Tulamook. Grand : Ronde or Cavace! hish mountain timber. No.il IS No. 2 $5. Delivered. i Ted Mu Iter, Salem-Independence 1 Road Ph 2-1198 ' i Home Builders i Cedar shingles No.! 1 $$00. Primed f cedar shakes $12 SO. Sheet rock wall . board 4C. i Screen; doors $6-50. New glass doors $10X5- Interior doors r $5.7$ up. Lowest prices on plywood for walls, cabinet Work and flooring. : Large stock Insulation, ceiling tile. i rock. lath. Asbeetoa nchng $10 sq. Fit : tex wall board 5c. C G. Long. Ph. I 2-5821 One roue North of Keizer. 460 Musical Instruments 1 ! NEW J20 BASS ATVHDIAN' Phono -4ty I 462 SporU Equipment COLT WOODS. SpaJidinf matched SOt i Used less than I mo. Ph. 2-407$. ; 466 For Rent Miacellanooua " U-DRJVX TRUCKS rOR RENT BUn- kou rum. Ii7 s. Llbezty. Ph. 2-VOO. 450 Blerchanilise C68 for Rent, Miscellaneous SEDUCED monthly rate. Roomy trail er space. Schl. crty bus. 3oflQ 5. cowt. TMAllH SPACE. Mod. snade. 20 cooler rnr spaces left. Keaa. rate. Clean rest rooms, t min. from etty center out N. Front St fir-Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Rd TRUCKS and pars tor rent BlanaeU furnished Smttty s dipper service. Onter and Church. Phone 3-W00. GOOD USED Piano. L U Slxli. 470 For Solo. MIcflaneou USED Gibson refrigerator, S't cu. ft. Like new. $l9iO Used Stewart-Warner Dual Temp with freezer across bottom. 7 cu. ft. f us M. Used 7 cu. ft. Frirldaire PorceUin exterior aa well aa interior New unit. 129.50. Used ft. Kelvtnator. Excel, condition. S99J0. Used t rA (Li Norge. Porcelain ex tertor and Interior, (.lean, good con- dltlon. 178-50. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCE 355 Center Phone 3-3139 UPRIGHT PIANO. $114. Deiier dish- washer. new, $45. Boy's World bike. SIS. I no. 570 Ford St. HOTPOINT uptTght elee. range in good cond: Cheap Ph. z-zwb. USED FURNACES, oil burners and air- conditioners. Can be seen at our warehouse. Holland Furnace Co.. 320 Kearney. Ph. 3-7803. RIFLES 3 "Springfields. 30-06. 1 En field. 30-06. one. eai. man stana ard model H.D.M. All in excellent condition. Call 2-9371 for details OR TRADE for wool rug: Good late model washing machine. $35. Mans suits, ox grey. dble. brstd., grn. sharkskin single brstd. Size 37 rex. $10 each. 1810 Market. Ph. 2-0547. EX. FLOOR lamp. $10. Ph. 3-7543. BLONDE Spinet piano also fine grand piano. Ph. 3-464L MAHOGANY SINET PIANO" 846 CASCADE DRIVE WINE davenport and matching chair. large wze and mohawk twist weave ll xzi' blue rug. Oood cond. p. 33374 MOD. white enamel wood range with reservoti. Res. $169.50. Remodeling sale $98.88. Green Stamps. Salem Home Turn. Co., 137 S. com L HARVEST BAGS for sale. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Product Co. 1505 N. Front. ; MALLEABLE wood range. C. E. Ulery, Box 9. Box 252. t ml. S. Liberty cannery. FOR SALE Ken more portable sewing machine. Call 3S353. , CLOSING OUT SALE everything be low coit. Beds. ' springs, mattresses, chests, end tables, tables and chairs, elec.. gas. kerosene and wood ranges, refrigs.. elec, gas. oil and wood heaters, elec. mixer, toasters, waffle irons, washers, vacuum cleaners, ra dios, baby beds, buggy, tricycle, bi cycle, two 2-wheel trailers, car heat ers, batt.. tires and tubes, batt. charger, spark plug cleaner. "31 Chev. 4 dr. sedan. Hard man Bros.. 4'i miles north of Salem on Port, niway. Open S a.m. till 9 P.m. 7. days a wk COMBINATION baby-bed and play- pen that loids up suitcase size for traveling. Beautiful hardwood con struction. Our 1 close-out price of $14.95 Is actually below the cost of manufacture. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Road. UNDERWOOD typewriter and Enfield sporter jo-wi gun. write statesman Box 937. DBLE. cement laundry tubs. Gd. cond. sis. pnone z-1401. STIMPSON electric scale. Allen com- bination cash and adding machine. 1430 S. 12th. WINE homespun daveno. Narrow arm. remodeling sale price S59.88. Green Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co.. 137 S. Com!. i USED HIGH" pressure oil burner. Com- Elete recon. $39.50 Howard J. Smal y Oil Co., 1405 Broadway. This owner Doug nt an UU-o-Matie SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows, Screens made to order 1430 S. 12th St. Vallev Sand & Gravel Co. SUt sand & fin dirt. Excavating 10B o novel ana cats- Tractor scoop and truck for dirt ; moving. Ph. office 3-4QUZ. res. 3-7148, NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables. desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John- sort Aopnanrea. CLOSING OUT on Garden Pal trac tors. New 3 h.p. with cultivator, cost $367.50, sell $289.00. 1 used 3 h.p. with disc, plow, cultivator 8c sickle bar $150. 1 used 1U h.p. with disc & cul tivator. $123. Howser Bros.. 1410 S. 12th. 1 QUARRY ROCK for road base. Crush od rock, till dirt. Wo deliver. Croisan Quarries 1563 S Com! St. Ph. 2-4417 Plant. Ph. 3-1231 Res. 2-3075 TARPS at your War Surplus Store 18 oz.. Waterproof. Grommets 5x7 $3.15 7x 9 $5 67 6x8 4 32 9x10 $8.10 AH? other sizes in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Comer Fairgrounds Rd. A Church St, FENCE POSTS, poles, all types, shingles fertilizer 8c flatrock. Phil- lm- ticos. Rt. 8. Box 118. Ph. 3-1458. MONTGOMERY WARD hp. deep well let pump. Used 1 yr. Ex cell, cond. Rt. 6. Box 343. E. Garden Rd. E. C. Arbogast, 472 Wanted Miscellaneous CASH for newspaper lTO N. Front. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem 474 Misceilapeous SOMETHING old and something new-: We swap for sriost anything, or on consignment. Come in and look around. Dallas Stop and Swap. 633 Court SU Dallas. In old Tuller Ga raee hldg. WANTED saw logs or timber, any amount. Pippin Mill, Independence. Ore. Window Cleaning; Janitor service Floor waxing Build in s - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads . Clearing - Ditching Sewer 6t Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-"i yds $1J00 per hr. 10 B-, yds ,- 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat 8c Dozer 10 50 per hr. D- Cat 8c Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat 8c Dozer 7 00 per hr. . Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem . Oregon WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or ir-i-Miion Duffield &ro Rt 9 box 58 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2795 Ureases CapitaTBed Co Ph 3-4069. AUTO PAINTING,, Just a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor ( i-'JIOli Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE EN MOST - CASES Bring or Mali Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State 8c Com. Ph 3-3311 WANT TO Buy used cameras Ac lenses. Mclwan Photo Shop. 439 State. 476 Fuel OLD FIR any Igth. Spec. rates on lge. orders. Prompt deL Ph. 153 Turner for rnf CLEAN, fresh sawdust, sumifier rates. Prompt del. Ph. 22.'3. Dallas, collect STOVE WD. of ail kinds. We do comj wd. sawing Ph. days 3-32 Evo 1-4276. t West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY. PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS ta, cjeaa no hark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phono: Salem 3-4031 aVsso pick up wood at 152$ Edgewater St. W. Salem. 20 DAY special. OWTgrowth block wool from Valsetx. $10 cord delivered off ear. KID dry planners. X cords SU. Ph. 2-772L Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel CLEAN HA ND-PICKTD. M-aX. ; . SLABWOOD rOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. pnono x-77Ti 1 . i ' : R. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood aV Plainer ; trim. 1260 Candlewood. Dr. h 2-2383. SPECIAL 12 ta clean tnsldo min TRI-OTY FUEL Ph. 2-7442 ! Phillips Brosv Old fir. aab, maple, oak 4 fir. 1 slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. Highway Fuel Co. j STOVE Jc DOTS EL OILS 1 FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH, 3-6444 Tri Gty Fuel Fresb cut screened sawdust "16" null wood Proraot delivery. Ph. 2-7442 Ask for S A: H Green Stamps j.OLD GROWTH FIR. $14 cd. Pa. 2-1705. 500 Business & Finance 502 Basinets Opportunltlee NELSON NEWS -Spacious beautiful new S-rm. apts. A-l cond. Room for additional units. Tenants waiting hst. $48,000. Can bo handled with $23,000. It you have money to invest, see this before you do anything. - NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by men who specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4523 Motel Bargain Do you want a $600 month Income? If so ana you nave aii.uuu we win snow you a 6 unit all Electric good tec near Salem. Price $19,000. $50,000 BUSINESS A grocery with living quarters 60 lock ers lpcatea in thriving town not far from Salem. Stock,; Equip, bldg. go at $25,000 with terms or consider Sa lem house. CABINET SHOP X B.Rm. older house bo. 3 zone Salem only $8900. Other business deals to show. . E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 2-5497 MEAT MARKET A going business in a valley town close to Salem. All modern equipment ne cessary for operating. Curing plant, slaughter house, $ acres. 1941 Ford pickup, two wheel stock trailer. X bedroom mod. home, utility room, fruit closet, store room. Full price $24,600. Units can bo bought seperate- T' RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District) Ph. 2-4664, Eve. 2-6013, 3-7128, 2-5757 WANTED TO LEASE, small grocery store and fixtures. Ph. 3-3486. DRIVE-IN CAFE. $1,000. S500 down. Ideal for couple. Box 932. Statesman. TAVERN FOR sale by owner "Only one in town . Prosperous hop, com munity. Heavy Blitz account wine. Records open to qualified buyer, in cludes property with 4 room furn. apt. $19,000. $12,600 to handle. 25 miles N.W. of Salem. P. O. Box 110. Donald. Oregon BUS DEPOT Service Sta.. grocery store, liv. quart ers. Also 2 B.R. home. rented. Fine location, long lease. No phone in formation, please. $8500. General Real Estate ' 255 Center Street MONEY MAKER can prove It. 7 unit motel. 2 pump gas sta. 30 stall trail er park. 2 bdrm. mod. home. . All completely furn. and a bargain. By owner. 3580 S. Com'l.. INCOME PROPERTY $200 per mo New building, restaurant, fixtures and go ing - business can be bought. Also 3 bdrm. home available. -All on 1 A. Room for 20 trailers and 12 cabins. On main hwy. Salem 1 mi. Won derful opportunity. Box 920. States man. FOUNTAIN LUNCH for sale. In gcod location, ideal for cple. Will take hse r trade Ph 2-6852 INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts.- 20 spaces, modern in every way with nicely furnished electric heated home. This property must be seen to appreciate its real value. A. C. Bunger (owner), 1003 South 21st St. Salem, Oregon. 510 Money To Loan MORTGAGE LOANS FHA and conditional mortgages. See us on mortgage financing. REX SANFORD INC. 164 So. Coml. Tel. 3-8389 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and Oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need it I You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to 6.100.00! Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. S138 and M338 General Finance Corp. PH 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST.. Mortgage loans rHA Residential Loans a Specialty City. Suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans We make Construction Loans and Private Money Loans Exceptionally Favorable Terms ; No Loan too Large or too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner. Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 3-9217 See Us For Attractive Farm Loans 0nlv4 or 4V2 Int. $- to 40 years and NO commission leo n. cim-ns INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph.x 2-36(3 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church St, Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. m rs-si4 FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and i Tour own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgaees. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7162 Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Rov H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-9181 S CASH $ $23 00 to $500.00 Furniture. Livestock. Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans op to $300.00. Come in or phono. Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7033 Lie. No. M369- ai. rioya; tcenyoo. soar. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted PICKING WILL start at the Brown island Hop Yard Wed AuV 10th. TOP PAY for hop picking machine and field ciews. men and women. Asso dry house help. Head dryer wian. . Call before noon. If possible or start 8 Monday. Aug. tV Ph. 3-1763. W. W. orap.am wop Ttsra. BEAN PICKERS wanted 7, miles on Sihnrlm hirhwn . milM N iiiil X. from Central Howell. Watci for sign. Clarence Herr. L X Silvcrtoe, 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male CLERK arid general work in fish mkt. call alter jv a.m. wrwij. . Coral - NATIONALLY known company open- inf new restricted territory this lo cality at "once. Intelligent man with executive ability, with car. free to travel can ouahjfy. If accepted you will visit small f schools for largest comoany in specialized Annual field. .No competition. No canvassing. No collecting. Poainoa permanent witn advancement possibilities. Our men earn $12$ to S175 per week plus at tractive snonthly bonuses. Rush qual ifications to G. Redd, Suite $14. 1207 Grand. Kansas City. Missouri. CANADA DRY has openings for route salesman. 23 to 30 years. Most live in Salem to work. Salem territory. Work cant in good 1 hyslcal condition. Salary, bonui . car allowance. Call for F. E. Moore. Hotel Marion. Mon a.m.. Aug. 8th only. Phone calls only. EXPERIENCED SETTER 6c mill work- er. Steady. Pippin Mill. Independence. MAN AGE 35-49. familiar with ice cream equipment, to operate freez ers. Must have ability, good refer ences. , no smoxer. 3ee Mr: Klaus, The Pike. 138 fe. Liberty WANTED Distributor for complete Pickle and Retirh line. Salem and vicinity. Contact Fred Yeaeer and Son. phone Lincoln 2-838. 10313 NE liolman. Portland. Ore. 606 Help Wanted, Female CAFETERIA GIRLS, exp must be over 21. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd CHRISTMAS it everyday greeting card salespeople. 75 different assts.. sta tionery, plastic 1. name' imprint cards, etc. Write for samples on approval. Imperial Cards. Dept. W. 406 So. Main. Los Angeles. SEC. TO director of admission. Wil lamette university. Must know short hand, typing and office procedure. Call for appointment 3-9266. ext. 21. HOUSEXPR. Middle aged for 2 adults. Live in. Bx S3, Amity, Oregon. POSITION open for experienced comp tometer operator. :ontact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AG'CY 360 State St. f , Ph. 2-1488 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Must be experienced, fart and permanent Good position to one who'can qual ify. Write Statesman Box 924. 608 Pickers Wanted . BEAN PICKERS. Bishops South River-I. road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th 8c Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 4:30. Ladd 6c Bush bank 8:35, south on Commercial to Owens. For Information call 3-6137 I NEED 10 beart pickers. Steady wk. Cornelius Batyson. Fratum. BERRY PICKERS wanted. 3995 Sil- verton rd. Ph. 2-2757. T. D. Mitch 32- ell. BEAN PICKERS wanted. Peak of sea sons picking J Turn wert at Keizer sen. 4 mi. on pvd. rd. 2 yards. Pick weekdays and Sun. H. L. Pearcy, Nursery Co Ph. 3-1355. HOP PICKERS Drive ins only. No camping. Eole Hop Farm formerly Williams ck Thacker. 3'i mi. W. of -Salem on Dallas-Independence Hg wy. Start Moo. morn. BEAN PICKERS U mi. east of Pratum Albert Scharer. HOP PICKERS, 3x miles east Wood- burn on Mt. Angel rd. Start Aux.4th Harold Bushman. Phone Woodburn 1430 I HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co. Fiv iv miles South of Salem. Picking sta 2 August 10. Ph. 3-7956 or 2-3107. 610 Sales Person Wanted QUIT LOOKING FOR WORK Estab lish yourselfl in a profitable Raw leigh business. Be your own boss. No experience or capital, necessary. Write immediately. Rawleigh's, Dept. unn-iae-zjcj. uaitiand. ca if. Want 2 aggressive men with sales ex perience. age 18-70 to call 2-2268 for personal interview. This is yr. around worx. t OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 1 1 We need twoi f aggressive young men to learn the Real Estate and Insur ance business. Earnings are always high to men ; who are not afraid of hard work. Call at 341 Chemeketa St. between $:30. and 10:00 a. m. MR. MCCARTHY needs 2 assistants. If you are interested, ph. 3-7803 be tween 8 and 8 a.m. 612 Work Wanted. Male YOUNG MAN Wants part time yard or lawn work evenings. Ph. 3-9672 eves. Verne Lippert. 614 Work Wanted. Female EXP. WAITRESS. Eve. or night work. rn. z-omz. WASHING OR ironing. Ph. 3-9928. 615 Situations Wanted WOOD SAWING. Ph. 2-1575. WILL live' with elderly lady as com- panion. 456 N- 6th. Ph. 2-5414. REMODELING i sad repair work. Ph. 3-1339 or z-ozis. CHILD CARE per Oav. Anv age. New home, fenced: yd. Ph. 2-8685. LINOLEUM Laying, cove base and drain board specialist. Also tile and carpet Ph. 2.7823. Excavating and Grading 1$ E. Rural Ave.. Salem. Ben Otjen Be Son. Ph. 3-3080. WANTED outside house painting. C. S. Stahl. Ph. 2-BH44. Painting, paperhanging. Ph. 3-55227 WILL do any kind of carpenter work reasonably. 1161 Union, Ph.,,2-1487, SEWING, tailoring, buttonholes. Phone 2-7307. t ; CEMENT work! AU kinds. Ph. 2-4850. Lloyd M. Hill. Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Ph. 2-4367 j 3U95 State St. PLOWING, discing. Al Moss. 2-2957. DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621. CHIMNEY sweep. Northness. Ph. 3-4450 SEWERS and septic-tanks installed and repaired Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. ATMgRAYS Harley Pugh. ph. 3-469X MENDING PHONE 2-tiy80 COMBINING, ieonard Perlich. Rt. 6, Box 116. Ph.; 6feF23. . NEW LAWNS start to finish. Lt. trac tor on rubber1 with dozer. Ph. 2-8127. BABY SITTING. PHONE 2-7823. 616 Employment Agency OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS . CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State SL Phone 2-1489 618 Education WELDING SCHOOL j Avail yourself of opportunity to lean good trade that pays top wage. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 320 NX Sacramento MU 9689 Portland OREGON'S oldest vocational schools, onratcd Yrw Multnomah Colleff of fer unexcelled traininc in radio the ory and broadcasting , refrigeration. automotive mechanics., and aviation mechanics Fall classes start Sep tember 6. Ask for bulletin "A" de cribinar all courses, write MULT NOMAH COLLEGE, Portland. 4. Oro- a"on. 7001 Rentals 702 Sleeping Eoom. Board HOT AND cold' water. Pri. ent, men I only. 2623 BrOOkS ST. CLOSE IX. air conditioned alocpinf ' room. so$ Center. ; . - 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping RoomsJ Board SLEEPING ROOM in private home for lady. 553 S. 12th. ; t : CLFAN sip, rm. for 1 or 2.'te N.' Com!. LIGHT, attractive rm. with pri. bath sOjomini. On bus line. 180 S 1 9th. SIXEPING RM. 2131 Center. NICE SLeXPlNu RM Ph.; 3-7558. I.N.RMS KCJ Mff o Bi 3-6033 BOARD St room. $50 Ph. 3-8704. 70S Apartmente For Rent VERY NICX 2 rm. furn. apt! for couple. Reasi 959 S. 12th St. APT; with lge, lnr. rm. Furn. In rose and blue Has wa. bUnds and at tract, drapes. Bdnn. with 2 dble. beds. Mod. bath and very close in. 468 N. Winter. 3 RM. mod. apt., dose in. Suitable for 2 or 3 emp. people. 433 N. Winter. FURNlSHEDHSE 7 rms. and bath at 307 Adams SU SUverton. Ore. Phone Stlverton 524. . 2 RM. furn. apt. for middleaged emp. lady. 666 S. Summer, j 2 RMJ APT. furn, newly dec, bath. Work, cple. Ph. 2-OK8. FURN 3 rm. apt., emp. couple. $45. 420 S. 20th. 3 RM. furn. apL, outside enL $17 MU St. Ph. 3-4932. FURN. 3 rm. apt. Also 3 rm. unfurn. Both ail elec Ph. I-Q7Z4 3 RM. FURN. duplex. Ph. 3-1161 noons and 'eves 2 RM. FURN. apt. Pri. bath. Sec. fir. entr. Back porch. 1 oix. to ous market, child acceptance 725 S. 13th UNFURNISHED court cottage. Modern. dean. walk. disL Emp. couple. Ph. 3-5211 3 RM. furnished with priv. entrance. All utilities, heat inciuoeo. ,j oias from downtown. Ph. 3-7754. 2 RMS. 8c bath. Pri. ent. 666 N. Summer, MOD. 3 rm furn.. pri. ent, bath, auto. heat. Emp. couple. 643 union. UPPER 3 rm. unfurn. apt. to emp. cple. No drinkers. 1295 D St. NICE clean 3 rm. furn. apt $30. 2nd fir. Back ent CaU 3-4993 at 331',, State St. . 2 RM. furnished apt. Priv. entrance. priv. bath. No pets, sneiaon apvs.. 1360 N. Liberty. Inq. rear bldg. apt. . 707 House For Rent UNFURN. court cottage. I BR. moo.. clean. Close tn. Ph. 3-mh. NEW 3 BR HOME St binds, hdwd. firs., nil heat. Close in. Rent for $85 mo. Call 2-8377 Sunday or after 5:15 eves. HOUSE FOR RENT. 7 bks. lrom court- house . Ph. 3-43JZ. 4 BR HOME. Lge. liv. and din. rm. 3355 Garden Rd. See Moore at Elf- stroms or Ph. 3-7495 eves, or un. 1 BEDRM. partly furn. cottage, suit able for couple. Ph. 3-8471. FOR RENT: 3 rms. unfurn. t bath, older house st 185 S, 18th. Rent $55 per month. Olaf Thonstad. Real Es- state, y4i n . wpiir,i gi. z-n. FOR RENT 2 bedrm. modern home, garden, chick en house, close in. rent $45 per mo. Eve. ph. 3-9493. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820. 2-45S6 3030 Portland Rd. RENT OR LEASE 2 bedrm. mod. hse. with 17 acres. Ph. 3-7 iza 4 BR HOME with dble plumbing, hdw. firs., fireplace, full bsmt.. auto, oil heat. Completely furn. with Bendix washer and dryer. Excel, cond. Ideal neighborhood. Close to all schools. $125 mo. Will five option to buy. Ph. 2-0988 : Don't Pay Rent BUY LIKE' RENT Let us tell you about our home buying nlan. llNew homes, hdwd firs., auto. heat. Pav- ea sireis. iiimuc cny L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 480 N. Church Ph. 27642 Eve. and Sun. 2-0343,,or zoia NEW"TTB.R home. Garage. No pets. Adults. Inq. 1846 N. 5th. TRAILER house $16 mo. 1730 N. Water. 708 Farm. Trad For Rent ' SEVERAL Fsrms from 12 to 240 A., for rent or for sale. On very easy terms. Must have stock 8c equip, for larger places. Possession soon if de sired. D. A. Fish 1488 S. Coml Ph 3-6524 710 Wanted To Rent Houses 3 BDRM. HOUSE by Sept. 1. Ph 33253 or 37922. WILLAMETTE, faculty, member and wife desire 2 B. R. unfurn. or partly furn. hse. Would treat as own. Rea sonable rent. Call 3-3982 after 5 p.m. 2 BEDROOM house, references fur- nished. 3-9923. COUPLE AND daughter 14. want nice furnished house south or west secJ tion Salem. Prefer 3 bedrooms. Call 3-9133. 3 BR HOUSE. Willamette U. dist. Up to $80. Box 938. Statesman. WANT 2 or 3 BR furn or partly furn. houe. Ph. 3-5221. . HSE. garage, about $40. State emp.. wife and baby. Ph. 2-7467. YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 yr. old daughter urgently need 2 B.R. - furn house by Aug. 15. Call 2-3495. 714 Business Rental GROUND FLOOR office space and stor- 30x60 FT. building to rent for storage. shop, wsrehouse. Ph. 3-6744 or 3-6330 FURN. OFFICE, mezzanine floor. 212 N. High st. $35 mo. Year lease or longer. Call 3-4016. MODERN offices. Ph. 3-8389. BUSINESS Hoorn. rL i SUtt. 800 Real Estate Best Buys' 3 BEDROOM ' All rooms on 1 floor. Full basement. Select location. Nice home. Drastic ally reduced $11,500. Liberal F.H-A terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. OLDER TYPE HOME 3 bdrm home needs repair but has manv possibilities.- Full basement. Large lot & choice location. Well worth $7000. Will trade for suburban property of equal value. Eve. Ph, 2-0473 or 3-3558. $1000 DOWN . New 2 bdrm. home njftrthi Immediate possession Vi acre. A-'Priv. well. 3 blocks to bus. Total price $5,000. Eve, Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 10 ACRES Highway frontage on S&E with many possibilities. Very nice 2 bdrm. home. 2 acres excellent berries. Nice setting. Will trade for a nice city home. To tal price $16,000. Eve. ph. 3-9043 or 3-3558. GRADE "A" DAIRY One of the finest Grade A dairies. 65 acres with excellent buildings. Choice dairy herd. Good farm ma chinery. No waste lana. tveryxning goes for $36,000. Will accept city home as part payment. Eve. Pn. 3-9043 or 3-3558. ; Al Isaak & Co Realtor Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596 3033 Portland Rd. GOOD chicken house ; 14x28. Highest bidder takes it. At new church con- struction, iarket St, and ParkAvo. 802 Business Property FOR SALE: One-man frozen food lock er tn small live town $1.73 cubic foot rental scale. $20,000, terms. Less for cash. Owner. Reply box 747. The Statesman. ' I FOR SALE CLOSETS Apts.. pri. baths. Income $223 mo. Also 2 lge. rms. ta bsmt, Could -be rented. Price sis.sno. . GENERAL REAL ESTATE 255 Center Ph. $-3289 FOR SALE or trade for ranch. 60x100 ft. brick garage-welding I shop ana hardware. Doing nice business " tor - thriving rural Idaho town. Fawn An- H.iimi rMln Uaho. AUTO PAINT and body shop. Small homo s aero (rand suburban com munity. $40 per ma. income from home. Property and business only $5500 to first comer. Olaf Tnornstad. Real Estate, U N. Capital Si. Ph. 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sale Ohrhart & Calaba, Realtors Country Atmospkere Hero Is a clever one bedroom home, garage, lots of grapes 4c shrubs about IS veara old LanlMl on lot 71x1 5 'TTL cJ to raa Junior High. : $1500 Down will handle. Got the Building Bug? Here's .your choice of two excellent lots. One South. 30x103 foot with view, paved street sloping to rear of lot A ideal for exposoqV baoameftt. trees. One Northeast in new district. 63x100 feet. Both- have paved streets, sewers, etc. Your choice for $1300. Terms. I t Income and Wo have an excellent new 3 unit court St owner's quarters for "4 rentals). S garages, all units nave auto ranges refrigerators and Washers Included. Owners' quarters completely furnished, excellent rental location, total price $23-000. Look it over ot 1381 Market St. i O ; i Country Excellent business (about $100,000 in 19481 with S year lease $85.00 Mo next to locker plant and meat market, including all tori grade equipment St stock. Equipment includes 1948 Dodge truck, $8250 3d approx 45000 for stock at inventory. No phono calls, but well be delighted to show it -to you. j l FARMS Suburban In Oak Grove Cute 2 Bedroom home on t acres Of land, wired for range. Electric water system St heater. Good 6-stanchioei barn, miscellan eous fruit. 2 acres boysens. Can't beat this for $6300 with $1500 down. 40 Acres close in. Good sou all year creek, 3 Bedroom home. Grade-A dairy barn. Tile chicken house and other buildings. Fully equipped with 'trac tor A attachments milking machine. 9 good milch cows. And the price is right. $18,000 Will take city property in trade. 1 - I $0 Acres East on paved road. 60 Acres cultivated bal. pasture A timber bor dering on good fishing stream Plenty water for Irrigation. Older but usable buildings. Ideal all purpose farm in best of location -for only $24.0000. . f i I . "I t I - Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St- Eve. 2-8053 - 3-3632 Small Down $5000 Older type 2 BR home. LR. DR Kitchen. Full basemept. plastered. Down Payment? Make us an offer I I i ' $7800 New 2 BR. Large LR. Kitchen. Breakfast Nook, oil furnace, ihdw firs ' thruout. $800.00 down will handle. $8500 New 2 BR. Unfinished upstairs Stirway in Large LS. Dinette Kitchen, Separate 10 x 12 Utility room, Atchd garage. Lovely, jot. Close to ev cry thing. Only 101-. down. Balance like rent. a - . ; KENNY REAL ESTATE (Formerly Huff $41 Chemeketa t Evenings phono 2 Special 3 bdr home, large lot CO x 120, completely furnished, including electric stove , 8c refrig. Very good location north in Hollywood district. Attached garage St utility room. Immediate possession. Price only $8.000 easy- terms. Sub - 10 acres with a lovely 1 bdr Bung 6 yrs old. Dble garage, all electric beat. Very nice barn, with room for 4 horses. Small chicken house St hog house. Year round creek. Priced at $9750. Easy terms. i ' t, . Mi Business ij Auto courts with 9 strictly modern courts plus 3 bdr living quarters. All com pletely furnished. Located on 99E north. 146' frontage! and 4S0' deep. Has ample room for trailer camp. Has good income. Priced at $35,000. .For more information get in touch with us. !' : 1 Restaurant Good location. Grade A license, all stocked St equipped 4 fixtures;; Long es tablished business. G rossedl. better than $20,000 last yjar. Has 7 stools, 4 booths, large storage room, ilso living quarters. fets 14 a real buy priced only $4750. WE HAVE A VARIETY Or INCOME PROPERTIES. WE WOULD APPRECIAT1 IT IF YOU WOULD COME George W. J. ZEEB, 1853 N. Capitol 802 Business Property BUSINESS PROPERTY in Hollywood. Income $180 per mo. a year lease. 1545 N. 16th St.. Salem. Excellent Opportunity This very profitable suburban, gro cery will pay for itseu in y-; Owner operates with after-school help only. Ideal for family set-up. Grossed $100,000 In 1948. Good long lease and draws from best farm trade in valley. Price $8,250. plus stock. No. 744. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Jhon 'j3 sun oc avvea. i-juo, 3-5905. 3-yl Restaurant Man Look! Large grade A restaurant with 2 nice modern 3 rm aparuneuia, numtt 99 E near Salem, buildings At equip ment practically new. lots of parking pace, extra room for courts, every thing goes for $22,000. $10,000 will handle, easy terms on balance, fix tures & equipment alone worth oyer $10,000. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial v - Phone 2-3849 gve. FOR LEASE- Service station In Hoiiy- i menu umiea rcnuici w- - " - poruaoo. lua wr mi. "w ffiSWNTowN ICE CREAM 8e lunch place. Near bus stop. 1 P"" ca" handle. $1600 full price. 155 N. ComX Ph 2-7373 eves or Sunday. PRICE REDUCED 3 NEW 1 B.. homes, gooc income. optional owners a a n. ,'"'"r'., ,,L for expension. No trades. 1846 N. 5th. 804 Suburban BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN BUILDING SITE $ Acres, view property, transportation close, filberts A walnuts. $200a $500 dn. $25 a month. M. L. No. 860. E. A. McGLAUFLLN Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 320 N. Commercial Street Phone 2-5211 - 2-6056 - 2-3203 FINE MOD. 4 BR sub. hse. S A. Outbldgs. north. $13,500. Terms 3 BR. new. NE. $59a0. Terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 175 S Liberty. Salem Ph. 37113 n ilTMOOR VILLAGE Wooded tracts with utilities. Restrict ed residential, l'i miles north on Wallace road to Harritt drive. LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME St $ acres in choice, well-improved com munity S mi from down-town Sa lem. Modern. 3 BR house, double garage, family orchard; garden. Here's your chance to have that rwmv row St chickens. On bus line. Close to very good school. Owner moving to Connecticut Aug. 13. Must sell immediately St has reduced price to bedrock. ExceHemn xerms. A. N. DUNCAN, Realtor. Ph. 2-065$ 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bldg. Eve. 3-531$ 80S House For Sole Fairmoant Hill Beautiful ranch style bedrm borne with knotty pine playroom St extra bedrm St bath in basement, oil fur nace. 2 fireplace, double garage, largo lot. price has been reduced. , Geo. A. Walters, Realtor jv a wniHnw - j Phono J-3840 Ere. 2-526 Lovelr View Hwd. floors, fireplace, basement, gay age. You will like rt FJLA. IsuOO. Prsco $iLSoa. pn. - General Real Estate Si Center street Es ale 806 Houses Far Sale I t - City Conveniences with extra room pnosibOitiee. . Urro 177V .Bus Cit y. water. Total price $4250. ? S I lndependence, Grocery' j 1 Phone $-411$ 2-3996 1 f-4116' 2-3488 Payments Real Estate! V I Office Phone Z-1377 or 3-0C14- - 3683 or 3-1770 urban ! 1 , i IN A SEE WHAT WE HAVE j ' Hubbs Co. Mgr. Phono 3-3031 NEW $ rm. mod. house, $56t)0. 99 Park Ave. rn. BY OWNER LEAVING SALEM Low dn. pym't. Bal No finance charges, on new 2 bdrm. home with floored atuc. hwJ. firs., kit, and eat- . ing space. V. blinds, auto, oil heat, att. gar, screened, nice lawn. In En glewood dist. ot 'new homes 1185 N. 25 t Ph.r758$ Nice 2 PR Home c Bsmt apt. lovely jyd. close, toxCenter St. Shopping Center. Sehror High, ParrUh Sc Grade Sen. Walking dist from State House. Call Ed Priatol with !j Ed Byrkit 4CoM Healtorff 367 N. High. j Ph. 3-3101. 2-1333 T Jve. 3-B8i4 BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home 'reduced to $5900. 622 N 17th) St. i- CLOSE DOWN TOWSTone of SALEMB CHOICEST. A Spacious, well ap pointed. 4 BR. home featuring Ire. L. 8c D. Rms., dttle sized fircpl., den St study, hdwdjj. carpeted hall 8c stairway, basm't.j new forced air fur nace. Deep valuable lot. No. 3 zone. Offers GOOD INCOME POSSIBILI TIES. A rediculous . low price 110. 500. t i Larsen Home & Lban Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 383911 Eve. 37440 164 S. Corn ! St. Exclusive J)rive Bv's , . 660 S. 16th New '3 rooms? and bath. part furn. Paving. $3000. with $1300 down. t if 99E 3 B.Rms. all One floor, basement. 150 ft. frontage, assoo about 4 miles south. Route 4. box 414. : Pringle road Just off 99E 4 room mod ern ,s acre. $370q and talk terms. -$28 Knapp St. 3 B.Rms. basement, bath and shower, hdwfl. floors; Elec. neat, fireplace, a bargain at -$6950 with $1500 down. t f ; 550 So. 16th. 2 B Rms. modern, part plaster, $4950 with $1250 down. baL 4'.S.. I i Call the office for any Information on these or others. E. M. Huntei- Real Estate 770 S. Com. jPh. 2-4649 - 2-54ST $850 New 2 bdrm homei hwd firs, elec ht. att gar. Very well located. Will car ry $7500 loan. ?- Gray-HimmeJ Reilty Co. 1385 N. cWitol St. " Ph. 2-6458; Eves 2j5a97. 3V8901. 2-4353 NO. 25TH STREET h- BeaUUful 2 B.R. home and unf. attic, corner lot. fire place, tile bath, and many other fea tures that will please you. Owner has work in atotnVr town, will sacri-. fice for quick saie. Goodwin and in REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 f 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 - -t?83 . coiu ivown j Hollywood Dist. Loti 50x125. 1 lg. bf rm. dble. closets, live. hn. shn. room, place, hwd. firs, ''garage Full ftro- prico $woo. utter eonsicereo-t B. hherwood, Realtor 2O07 N. ciapitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-21 4T or 2-883f SPARlOlN'GTWiaTt Brand new 2 B.R. borne near Leslie as McKinley Schools Hdw. floors, beau--. Wul inUid linoleum, kit. bath, util ity. $7000. with FJt A. terms. NORTH SL'MER ST. , Beautiful corner on Salem's finest reo. identlal street. 3 i bedrooms, bath as -half, large bring rows, dining room, kitchen, nook. tuS bamtf oU air rood beat. Dbl garage, barbecue. The : home has everyihing. 5 Chas. Hodkinsfi Son Over 27 yeors in Salem 230 M. High SC Phone 2-412 800 Real r 4.'.. i . 1 v. k-dSF- ,1 t t