! 1 r. - T Miss Mrpah Blair, First Assistant aMate At End of Yean Announcement of Three Advancements Made Librarv to -4 r .i . - ) . A a a ska aar - fletered. at kr fUU Uerary la work which she ku dene ner eenuauoasiy, ioc a years hhpm BlUr, fkst aastaiaat to tha lijbrarlan, wh pUns to re Or thli year. She ku ate been chief eaU- , leraer eat has ne toe legatlauve reference were. ; . j -V- 4,, ' C'V'...- V'"V-"..' . 1 f M ! s 'I XT I'M:- Ilin MIrpah Blair, first assistant la Oref an state library, this month concludes her 36th year of continuous service nf tne brary and at th end of this year will retire In anticipation of her re tirement, the state library board on ; recommenoauon oz xsranan Eleanor Stephens, has announced - ft- . S ' ' . ,r t - . i ,-. ,', . y.-8 j . " , ' "1 sump ttXtM I i" " . ; - 4 .... - - - m. ma it -fHirrll ifff "-4 v-t k S ... 1' fc tr-f jL fr- - thna wmmd are tDratred la chanres at the Ore- fu stato libraiy apoa the retiraeaeaf ef Bflrpah Blair, first aactstaal llhrartan. Directly abere Is JeaeBhlae Baa- mrartner, refereace Ubrarlaa. wha m Ul id krisUUT re fereae werk. At apper tUht Is Etobe Chert, whe Is to come here la the fan as aa aiaaiatstrattT assistant fram her present slatfes aa chief Uhrarlaa far the arsay an air fares lihrarles la Earepe. Mary Keefer, lewer rUht, jwlll beewna head af the catalog alrlttoa. where ah Is bow first AN J&&n -ft promotion of two members of the present staff and election of Ooise Ebext, now chief librarian far the amy and airxorca uorsxies m Eur- ope, as adxxunistrauY assistant. aa office prarided for In the last budxet. Josephine Baumgirtner. reier- ence librarian, who has senior rank tn the staff. wOl take over the legislative reference work Tiously handled by Miss Blair, and Mary Keefer, now first assis tant la the cataloc division, win become bead of the division which Miss Blair has bandied aloof with her other duties; Miss Stephens said: "Oregon has never had a finer state worker nor a more loyal citizen than Mirpah Blair. No one W01 ever fill her place in the . hearts of the staff who have worked with ber.1 Started la Ohio Miss Blair has devoted her life to library work, becinnina in a suburban" library near Cincinnati, Ohio, then fomf in 1900 to the Cincinnati public library as stu dent in its training course and library assistant, and supervisor of branch libraries. From 1907 to 1913 she was head cataloguer at the library of Ohio State university at Columbus, leaving there to come to Salem as head cataloguer in 1913. Here she has proven one of the "in dispensables" at the library. Ap pointed first by Cornelia Marvin (Mrs. Walter M. Pierce) she served through the administrations of Mrs. Virginia Bacon (1929-1930) and Harriet B. Long (1930-1940) and under the present administration of Miss Stephens. In interim periods she has served as acting head of the state library. Was1 Army Librarian The new administrative assist ant. Miss Ebert, received her li brary training at University of Minnesota. After library work in the middle west she entered gov ernment service as army librarian. Her present work in Europe in cludes 200 libraries, 160 deposit collections, six bookmobiles and one reference center. She ad ministers a budget of a boat half million dollars and the work of 75 librarians in the special ser vices division of the army. Miss Ebert was desirous of re turning to library work in Am erica and hopes to be able to reach Salem to begin work by Novem ber 1. As administrative assist ant she will do much -of the field work in connection with the deve lopment of county libraries and share with Miss Stephens admin istrative duties in the office. . WeH-Kaewa Sal cat ramfhr Miss Baumgartner. of a well- known Salem, family, has been with the library since 1927, when she completed her library train ing at Columbia university. As reference librarian she has proves -"iS J. M. N. Crisclla Retired Aurora Farmer, Dies Millard Newton CrUell, 73, re tired Aurora farmer, died Friday in Laa Angeles, according to word Saturday. Ht had flown July 24 to visit a son and a brother and on July 31 suffered a stroke from which he never regained conscious ness. ' ' Born July it. 1874. near Staf ford In Clackamas county, CrUell had spent an his life on his farm on the Willamette river five miles north of Aurora. On Oct 2, 1912, he was married to Florence Eliza beth Gault. who died in 1939. CriseU was a member of ! Wil son villa XOOF lodge for more than 1 41 years and had served as a di rector of the old Union Hjn school and later asa director of Canby union high school. Survivors ate four children, Wil liam M. CriseU of Los Angeles, Glenn S. CriseU 'of Aurora. Mrs. Kenneth Torgeson of Salem and Mrs. Earl Manning of Aurora: brother. A. A. CriseU of Los An geles; eight grandchildren. Funeral services will be at Au rora Funeral home with burial in Butteville cemetery, but time is not yet arranged. mWEi JUEME PEACHES unusually competent and Bow will add legislative reference work to the general work she has hand led. . 1 .-- Miss Keeferlis a graduate of Willamette university who began work in the library as a typist She was encouraged to take spec ial training at university of Wash ington and remained there as staff member for several years. She retarned to "the Oregon library a bout five years ago as assistant cataloguer. . Tinman Asks Education Aid State Reouir I - i lis WASHINGTON. Aug. - UP) President Truman put pressure on his congressional leaders Friday to get a federal aid to education law on the books.! The legislation is stalled in the house by a dispute over whether parochial and private schools should share in any of the proposed 13004)00,000 ! federal grant The president's lieutenants didnt make him any promises. They ap parently considered the controv eny too bitter for that They just said they'd try again. Lebanon Paving Contract Awarded To Warren Co. 1 ' i LEBANON Warren Northwest construction company of Portland received the contract for paving three additional Lebanon streets this summer when bids were open ed at the city hall Tuesday night The new streets will make a total of nearly 50 "blocks of paving to be laid by the company this year. Included In the newest group were Second street from Oak to the canal bridge, east ! Sherman from Walnut to the end of the street and Cedar from Main to Hemlock. City crews ' have already com menced excavation on the three streets and paving is expected to be laid within a few weeks. Inspection of ; ; School Buses New or used school buses pur chased on or after July 19 of this year must meet minimum and uni form standards and must be in spected before they can be placed in service, according to Secretary of State Earl Newbry. Officials said school districts placing buses Into service for the first time la their district whe ther new4or used, should report this fact to the traffic safety div isiar so that the vehicles may be inspected before they begin trans porting pupils. The new standards. adopted by the last legislature, are outlined in a pamphlet distributed to aO districts, bus dealers and bus manufacturers last month. School buses in service in the same district before July IS may cdntinue to operate without wait ing, for inspection, it was emph asized provided they meet the old standards in effect last year and are mechanically safe. No ap plication or. request for inspec tion is neecssary for these vehicles. but they will be cnecked by safety division inspectors as soon as prac tical. Public utilities commission ex emption plates are no longer nec essary for any school bus. Stop signal arms as specified by the new regulations must be in stalled on all buses, whether new or old, to implement .the law re quiring motorists to stop when encountering a school bus in the process of loading or unloading children. Bus drivers are to ais play the stop signal, the safety division said, only when children are crossing the roadway to or from the bus. Hearing rjn Bus Fare Changes at Tillamook Public hearing on a petition by Roy M. East line to alter some local passenger tariffs has been set by the Oregon public utilities commission for 2 p-m., August 15, in the Tillamook county court house. Community Chest Committee to Meet Salem's Community chest cam paign committee will meet Mon day noon at the YMCA for the first planning session preparatory to the annual campaign October 4 to 14. called by Joseph A. II. Dodd, general campaign chairman New ideas and problems arising out of past experience wjll be dis cussed by division leaders, com mittee chairmen and the campaign executive committee. A Threb Sisler Convalescent Hone X5J5 D Street Now Under New Management Finest Qmallty Feeds ... Everything Home Cook New Eeateaseat A Home where year leved one gets best. Clema and refreshing. t visit and laseertloa wel f ' Clfl.r Jruifc .fclnti? ,t2eiO ruLii iAiwisU! ' Thw tcrteeanearfemOreqeew eWawW AerwJt-74B4S--IT 3 : !!!;? in fTro n prrr? jlIUl Li-ViiJ-lj LiJ L : it with FRONT opening and ELECTRIC drying! VaaBBaawaWBaawJaawM "TTHY . -p jprn ""A 12.35 per mo.! " J. j mi m lwmlfc dithpaa drwdgcry . . . an arrca how a wee i . . for only four cents extra a day! Come in and ee how the amazing aw Hotpotat AUTOMATICALLY waahc diahea bjrfieaicalty tHemei and dries thaan electrically. Aljrou do ia load racks which are BpadaUy deaifned to prevent breakage, add detergent an "" the dial. Average dtab-handling tioie Uut to aevea minutes! Owldi bny CWam Swfel Diahea are double washed, double rinsed and dried electrically. Self-riranins. Hotpoaat Diahwasbera erea tara themselves off. Convenient front -opening feature eases loading, pro videa permanent top work surface and permits Hotpoint's effectivS too-scray actio. Come ia f or a free demonstration. ivfirsoors oiariNe ro Mica Bendca Sfaruckmeier. Supt IkFtpoiiit Dishwashers OM oiro M- al r o o oiiGiUaimmuiD-- Bring Yonr Container L J :. I n 2)LIQDQG AEET7AI J1CE OOAD i -1 i . i mm I i" Nov In Progress A EM 11 i I i i On Every Piece Qt Furniture In The Store A Feiv Examples of Savings: 2 Piece IGih Genlory Davenport and Chair B9. SUU0 SALE PEICE 10nl7 I0DIIE7 SHAPED DAVEIIP0I1T Down Cushions Becj. $343X0 SALE PRICE j 1 Only 2 Piece DAVEIIO BED SUITE Mohair frieze) cover i - i Recj. $163.00 SALE PEICE i 3 Only SOFA BEDS Bos frieze cover, roomy bedding com partment. Made to ell for $123X0. SUE PEId COCKTAIL TABLE Manocany wUk leather top. i Becj $84X0 SALE PRICE 4x1 ValnM to 14X9 SALE F3ICE SHAG BUGS ; -.v !Y. . : . choice) of colors. ; PLATFOBII ROCKERS Varr ccsmiortable. beet of conatraction. ! REG. 33X0 SALE PRICE CHROIIE DUIETTE SET 5 Piece set extension table and 4 ujAolstered chairs. U195 SALE PEICE i -U IT, j 5 Piece Walnal Bedroom Set Vanitr. chest bed. bench and matching night stand. 8AIXPBICE CEDAR CHESTS Complete with tray, large elxe. BEG. $4.75 SALE PRICE 27S If. Ltbsdr EAST TESM3 - FEES DEIIVEST TAXE TOU11 TIME TO PAY -4 I r.- i !