The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 06, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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TheyTIPoIt EvetyTime' f
business trips 'the feminine
-fl JPtACE- Birr NOT ON TptE. B3A0! J
im races
Tam' Firing
1 Suggs Lead Women
r Shoots Torrid 64 ;
CHICAGO. Auf. M-Lloyd
Mangram, who took everything
but the doorknobs at Tam
O'Shanter last year, looks as if
he's even going after those now.
He uncorked an (-under-par 64
In todmr't first round of the Tam
golf circus. .
Manrxum was bead man among
120 hopefuls competing in today's
opening round of the All Amer
ican pro men's totrrnament. The
second half of the field includ
ing such hotshot as Sam Snead
and Cary Middlecoff enters
the gold rush tomorrow. The
field will then be, pruned for
Sunday'g second round.
While the dapper, Mangrum
wioner f ail or Tam a IMS
championship with 22JbOQ in as
sorted prize swag was per
forming today, leaders also, were
determined in the Ail-American
amateur ond women's open.
Johnny (Pick) Wagner of Chi
eago . and 29-year-old Julius
Boros. West Hartford, Conn, ac
countant, banged 6Ts to top the
amateur bracket. Chicago s AI
Besselink with 68 and defending
All-American Champion Frank
Stranahan of Toledo, followed
with 7. , t
in uve women s open, petite
Louise Suggs of Carroll ton, Ca,
ik. imam .. .w
Ml J "SO IUU4 . f U W WUV
turned- pro,. carved 35-37 72,
f our-under " women's nar. She
overshot the last green and need
ed a five. A par four would have
given ner a 11 10 maicn ine
course record set last year by
Champion Babe Zaharias.
Jary Softies
Hold '49 Title
The Jary Florists of Salem
knocked off the Jantzen Mills of
Portland -3 Thursdays night In
Portland to cop the Portland .Wo
men's league championship. The
Salems won 12 straight league
games to qualify for the regional
tournament in Boise, Ida., next
month. The Jarys are booked to
play the Lind Florists of Portland
in exniDiuon gabies at vsioria ri
day night (last (night) and Satur
day night at Longview, Wash.
2 FhascsCo.
rm Lut
Fans Lease
-2H and M-m
PersenaJ and Aate Lmbs
a f i
V. Ihrills! it) 'j Spills! ' ;
THE B-ttO?
Arbiters Enjriy
back: in Aaxjr
--n . TZMtywrj mnrTi fc w stca-ra r rrrra
Under Amerk Association Chief
-l I !-.;' i 1
By Gene Rognskl
g International New Service Sports Writer j
KANSAS CITY, .Mo., Aug. 5-(INSi-The life of ah umpire In
the American Association Isn't what is Used to be. It's a lot better,
thanks to the efforts Of League President Bruce Dudley and his pre
decessor. Frank LaneJ - ! "" r i-i !
Jackie Gardner hurled the title
clincher Thursday night and along
with Dorothy Richardson, who. bit
a two-run homer, provided part of
the winning batting attack. The
Boise tournament is booked for
early In September J and if the
Jarys win it they will enter the
world championship tourney biter
in Portland.
Jantzen J&lls 001 200 03 6 2
Jary Florists 020 211 x 6 5 1
Olson and Lasker; Gardner and
Wadsworth. '
Cross Returns j
To Play Rematch
It was slightly over three years
ago. that Sgt Howard Cross, just
departing ; for, his station near
Frankfort, Germany, played and
defeated, by one stroke, his father
H. A. Cross of 535 north Church
street, In a golf match. Sgt Cross
returned home Friday With a 60
day furlough while waiting for re
assignment, and one of the first
thines he did was accept the re
match challenge by the senior of
the family. Correspondence, In
cluding threats, has kept both
practicing I the past f three years,
Howard on the Frankfort course
and dad on the local links. i
Sgt Cross has been serving on
the sports staff of the GI "Stars
and Stripes" during his assign
ment in Europe.
Fair Excludes
Harness Races!
Stall applications are pouring
into state fair headquarters this
week in preparation for the ex
position's six day racing meet
which opens on Labor Day.
Racing Supermtendent Charles
A. Evans of Salem announced this
week that the daily cards would
include nine or ten running races.
For the first time in several years,
there will be no harness racing.
However; quarter-horse sprints
will be included on the cards for
the first time. There will prob
ably be one quarter-horse dash
per day. I i j.
J. C. Stevens of Benton, Wash-,
has reserved space for his string
of ten thoroughbreds, which have
been consistent winners this year
at Portland Meadows and Long
acres. Applications have also
been received from a number of
stables now campaigning on the
California fair tracks. M
Legionnaires ! This is on yonr prcgran
E:i Cell Every SL
tit" :
v I-
By pminHatlb j
Blissful life f
The campaigns to maxe tne As
sociation a paradise for the men
in blue was started by Lane, who
now i has moved on to the Chic
ago White Sox as business man
ager. Among other things that I Lane
did for the umps was the design
ing of dark colored, lightweight
shirts to be worn instead of coats
on hot days. I
Ne Argument ,
Inas done something equally re
volutionary this year.. He baa out
lawed the almost legendary right
of managers to argue with the
umpire. ' ; . . ! .
It used to be that a manager
could dash onto the: field and let
the Umpire know what he thought
about a decision. Under Dudley's
newi edict, decisions ! must be ac
cepted at face value. I
The league president figures that
umpires never change their de
cisions anyway. Thus, arguments
serve no useful purpose and slow
down games.
Players Still Beef
Of course, the players still beef
when a close one is called against
them. But if the manager emerges
from the dugout or leaves the
coaching box, it had better be only
to soothe the unhappy-player,
Jit isn't clear exactly how the
ians! ieei arxmi roe exuex.
Most of the managers don't like
the rule. They findUt difficult to
restrain themselves at times.
There Is one group you can
put down as automatically in favor
of the no-arguments ruling. 'That
is the umpiring staff; The boys
in blue are non-commital, but they
grin broadly when asked what
they think of the rule. You can
almost read what's in their minds
"Peace, it's wonderful!"
Rods to Hold
The racing roadsters, or "hot
rods will .conduct their second
program of the season tonight at
Hollywood bowl. Time trials will
start at 8 o clock and races short
ly after the glamorized Jalopies
have timed in. Helmet dash, heat
races and main event are on the
card. ' i
. Max Humm. the Salem : driver
who last week swept all i events
durinf the oDemng show, will
again be back and after a second
straight all-events j victory. His
competition will be made up of
the! same drivers here a week ago,
Leh Sutton. Bill Hyde, Russ Gil-
bertson, Howard Or born, . Uicx
Mclnrin, Bud Sargent, etc.
Thxta Trials t3 PJ.L
2nd Propj
whleb h ae wttk sack akin tfeat tut
tMk nrmt BteM ia am tatematMBai
mt articles turm f get started la
Mrs. McGill Leayes
Estate of $12,000
Mrs. Marie Flint' McCalL 90-
year-old Oregon pioneer who died
recently in Roseburg, left a $12,-
000 estate, according to the, filing
of her will in probate court there
this week.
Bequests included $2,000 to the
Roseburg public library and $900
to the Presbyterian church.
Stocks Post
4-Month ffiuli
NEW YORK, Aug. 5-P)-The
stock market shot ahead to a
four-month high today in one of
the sharpest advances of the yean
Leading issues closed for gains
of fractions to a top of around 3
points. New highs for 1949 or
longer were hit by 69 stocks.
Trading activity- expanded as
prices rolled ahead and volume.
helped along by heavy business in
commonwealth & Southern, went
far past the 1,000,000 share , mark.
Final prices were tops for the
day in most cases.
A check of the financial district
indicated that purchases to cover
previous short sales played an im
portant part in the rally. In the
background was the budding be
lief that business this fall may be
considerably better than expect
The Associated Press average
of; 60 stocks rose ' .8 of one point
to 64.2, a high since March 30.
The overall gain has been ex
ceeded only four times this year
and then by sum margins.
Wheat Prices
CHICAGO, Aug. 5-)-With
1950 wheat contracts moving into
seasonal high territory, the grain
market today responded in a bull
ish manner to a proposed new
farm bllL
The market opened higher fol
lowing overnight announcement of
the new farm legislation, which
traders believed would raise
government support levels if it
should eventually become law.
Prices held above the previous
close all day in a moderately ac
tive trade. .
Finalquotations were under the
day's best with wheat l-3ft
higher, corn 14-1 higher, oats
- higher, rye 3ttl3 higher,
soybeans 2 to 3 cents higher and
lard 12 to 23 cents a hundred
pounds higher.
Salom Market
(As ef lata reaterday)
No. 1
No. S
EBCI (BaTtnal
iWboi aU priee rancaa tram S ta T
rants ever buytaia price.)
Extra large AA , St
Large AA M
Large A M
Medium AA M
Medium A . M
Pullets M
Cracks -
A Leghorn hens
B Leghorn hens
C LefTbora hens
A colored, hena
B Colored bens .
C colored hens
A colored fry era. S lbs. and up
B colored fryers
C colored fryers
A eld, roosters
B old roosters
C old roosters
tXVKSTOC- sr Valley pack
Fat dairy cows 10 SO to 11 St
Cutter cows .'.10.oe to IJS
Bulls 1140 to U N
Good cairn. 300-450 lbs. 14.00 to 13 00
Good veal ISO to 300 lbs. 10.00 ta IS.M
Top lambs 11.0 to It 00
readers , 13 00 ta 13 00
Ewes 1J ta 4.00
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Aug. S - ( AP) Cash
wheat (bid): Soft white 1-04; soft
whlta (ezcludinc rex) 2-04; white club
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.04; 10
per cent 2JM; 11 per cent SJH; IX per
cant 1
Bard white heart: 10 per i cent 2J0
11 per cent S2; LS per cent 1J4.
TodsTi car receipts: Wheat 42: bar
ley ; flour 9; corn 3; oats 2; mill-
faaa u.
IVo Want Your
Always a Depeadafcle
Cask Market, i
If yea imut bring f-em te
Cnrlys we both
Cnrly's Dairy
I-trgree-u-s -Uwvd at Ba4
. r . s-stss if ,
(TJJi-Ula. - Be.
csjsssm) B-urrs
. X41 Narth IVarty
- rBnars Matet rmeea-year-K klasukto Ttents af IHrtlaad has aaaa
fceS rlaaesi aaaat af feia Ufa wtta lacaai t attacka at rHa itii favas.
CpSiln Psrttud Ostal OactrH
Cai OOtea aaaa Sat a Say aaiajr M
?ea ada
by a
teas ta UUs
eC the fastest
babbies ta tba
: Clnvter
Nearly every model plane build
er will tell you mat tne mggest
thrill connected with his hobby
mes with the actual flying of
planes. There are some, however,
that enjoy construction and tink
ering even more. There are many
angles to model plane building.
Flying, designing, experimenting
and building. Ifs an ideal sport
and hobby for young and old. ;
Model plane clubs by the hun
dreds have been started in com
munities everywhere, including
foreign countries. Members i of
these clubs are usually also mem
bers of the Academy of Model
Aeronautics, a national organiza
tion; similar to the CAA. The CAA
regulates full size plane activity
and the A MA works out standards
and rules for contest meets with
models. - All recognized model
plane, contests such as the Oregon
meet sponsored by the state Ply
mouth dealers; and the big Ply
mouth International held annually
at Detroit, are sanctioned by the
AMA. -
In discussing a topic on actual
model performance, we have to
consider, of course, the type of
design. Rubber-powered - models
have characteristics unlike gas
powered or jets. Also In each pow
ering class, there are Individual
Labrieato Bands
With the rroe of newer . provid
ed by rubber, natural! the first
preparation is one of winding. It
is suggested that you design your
propeller or shaft with a winding
loop. A simple hand drill with a
hook inserted in place of a drill
makes a perfect winder. As sug
gested before, in the article on
powering, lubricate the rubber
strands before twisting them. The
accepted wax to wind is to stretch
the rubbers out away from .the
plane which; can be held by a
friend. Then start turning and
moving in. When the complete
number of turns are applied, you
should have arrived at the nose of
the plane. .
Assuming that the model has all
ready been adjusted, the launch
ing technique on rubber-power is
simple. Holding the ship about
shoulder hight, release the prop
and gently push the model in a
slight upward movement, The rest
Is up to the plane.
Regarding : gas-powered control
line designs, which are the most
popular in Oregon events, these
are capable of taking off from the
ground on suitable under carriage.
It is important to have motor per
forming perfectly on test block be
fore installing it in your ship. Then
have it working perfectly in the
plane before making an attempt
to launch it.
C ark Surfaces
Control Ihve reels are well
known to every modeler and you
will become familiar with their
use when you get to frying your
own planes. ! A pair of strong steel
Lines are attached to the control
surface Of a model and by a slight
up and down wrist action of an
operator, they move elevators up
and down. In preparing to fly, be
sure to check and see that con
trol surfaces on the plane have
equal up and down travel.
Now you are ready .to move out
into the field for a flight, provided,
as before, that your ship has been
adjusted and ready to fly right. Do
you have eyeiything? Don't for
get fuel!
First attach your control lines
and with someone holding the
plane, run out Lines and test con
trol handle. Be sure that when
you give up control on handle that
control surfaces move up and
vice-versa. Now with motor run
ning perfectly, run out 20 to 25
tests with control handle while
your buddy holds the plane. When
ready, signal for him to release
the plane and allow it to take off
the ground. After plane is in the
air and circling around you, just
point with your arm where you
want the plane to go. If lines be
come slightly slack, step back
few paces. When the motor cuts.
step back and swing plane in for
a landing. The rule about pointing
holds true on all 'liners speed,
stunt and jet.
To get the most out of zzodel
building, you should join a model
clubjx start one of your own. If
some oiners in your neignDornooa
are interested in flying models,
you have the makings of a dub.
The next step is to write to the
Academy of Model Aeronautics
(A.MA) at 1025 Connecticut ave.
Washington 6. D, C. and ask for in
formation on forming a club.
It has been fun making these
brief comments on model plane
building, I hope you can have as
much fun in modeling as I have
had and am still having. Best of
luck and good flying!
(This concludes the series of
articles on model aircraft con
struction.) i
Portland Livestock
Salable catue today S3, carves so- mar
ket fairly active an most classes: fully
steady but quality mostly common and
be low. Salable cattle tor five days
1123. calves i tec compared week ago
high cesnme - medium beef cattle
stron-t to M cents
M a cents lower.
Why Suffer Anj Longer
aaaata. flm
rmSttm Cbt "Wa"" art w wttih
what a IT i at yap are amtrtea
er. k-Sswy-v raa. i lastljiHta. -leers
StaaatasrkMm i MiaiKaB anabl-S-
cXMs warn.
W M-Ciiii-iii-I
' ran S-uua
1 V i
New York Stock Quotations
New York, Aug. 5-WVTodays
American Can . 90?4jGca Eectri
Am Power it Lt HVslCen Foods
Am Tel & Tel 143 Vi
Anaconda 29 H
Gen Motors
Bendix Aviat 30 Vi
Int Harvest
Int Paper
Boering Air 19"
Calif Pack . 22
Canadian Pac 1234
Caterpillar 32
Case J I 38
Chrysler 51
Comwlth Sou 5
Cons Vultee 9Vi
Libby Mc N
Long Bell
Mont Ward
Nash Kelvin -Nat
JN Y Central
Continental Can 33
Crown Zel 25 V,
Pac Am
Curtis, Wr
Douglas Air .
StttPac Gas
P T or T
Penney J.
Dupont de Ne 49
cutter cows ltM off. BuQs 50 cents to
LOO lower. Vealers L00-1.M and more
higher. No good steers available, top
medium 1060-1100 lb. (rasa steers 24.00.
the top. uuter ntn comrnon-meaiuni
.raisers, 17.30-22.50. few 22. 0O-23 JO. Cut
ter nd low common 12X0-17.00. Medium-food
stockers and feeders 1800
20iM. Hifh medium spayed heUers 21 -50.
bulk common-medium gnam betf.
ers' 13 50-15 00. Canner-cutter cows 10..
00-11.50. early to 12.00 and over. Com
mon-medium peer cows u.oo-u.00, gooa
mature cows to 15.50. young cows to
18 00. Good beef bulls 18.0O-2J.0O. early
top 1S.-0. Cosnmon-cood sausaae bulla Good-choice vealers largely
22.00-23 JO. extreme top 24.00. Common
medium 12.00-20. 00.
Salable boa today 10: top Z4.90: for
five dava. salable 1200. for week mar
ket 25 to SO cents higher. Good-choice
180-330 lbs. 24 M to mostly sa. rat
type down to 13 50. Heavier and lighter
weights discounted unevenly according
to weight and excessive fat. Good un
der 450 lb. sows 18.00-17 50, heavier
weighta slow, downward to 15.00 and
under. Good -choice seeder Pigs 24.00
25 JO. heavy feeders down to 21.00 and
Salable -been today no. bow over wr.
few aalea steady to weak: good 70 It).
feeder lambs 14-0O-. good 125 lb. ewes
SJO; common down to 3.00; for weak
salable 3550; market uneven, spring
lambs 1.00 or more lower, feeders 2.00
off. Old crop lambs and yearling! leas
plentiful, so cents to l.uo on, ewes
amk. Late undertona lower. Good-
choice spring lambs largely 20.00. few
at 20 JO and 21.00. Medium-good 1S.00-
lf 00. Good feeders closed around ism
Good old crop lambs and yearlings
ltJO-lTJW. common is.00 oown. bona
hght ewes 0JO-7J0, common -medium
Stocks and Bonds
Compiled by the Associated Press
Aug. s
30 10 10 10
Ralls Indscst TJu? rorgn
Net change A.l AJ unch A.1
Prtdav i WJ iu lOJ a tqj
Previoua day SO I 10XS 103.S 70.1
Week ago sJ i im i
Month ago x. nt 102.1 103.2 Ml
Year ago 4- 1.0 100a w.s sj.o
30 IS 19. SO
Indust Rails OtO Stocks
Net change -. A A S A3 A I
Prlday : 00 33 5 4M 2
Previous day SO S 33.7 40J 03.4
Week ago - at 1 33.0 30 S S3 9
Month ago H I 31.4 30.1 S1.0
Year ago Wa 45J 41.1 SB 0
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Aug. 9 (AP) But
terfat . tentative, subject to im
mediate change): Premium ouauiy
maximum to JS to 1 per cant acidity
HeNwrad te Portland. S3 OSc Eb.: first
quality -4e E04 second Quanty St
SOc Valley routes and country points
Butter Wholesale to.b. bulk cubes
to wholesalers: Grade AA, S3 score.
62c lb.; A. 03 score. lc lb B. BO score
ase lb : C at acorc. SSc lb. Above pricas
are runcuy nominal. ;
Cheese (Selling price to t-oniaao
wholesalers): Oregon singles. 3S'V-7c:
Oregon 3-1D. aaat. 4ii-c
kggs (To wholesalers): A grade
large. Slla-aVte; A grade, medium,
54s-57ac: small 44',ic; B grade, large.
Uve chickens (No. 1 quality f.o.b.
plants): Broilers, under 3 lbs.. 3S
27c; fryers. 2i-3 lbs.. 30-32c: 3-4 lbs..
33-33c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 33c;
fowl. Leghorns, over 4 lbs, 19-21c: col
ored fowl, all weights 23c; old roost
ers, all weights. IS-20c lb.
Rabbits (Average to growers:
Uve white. 4-3 lbs, lS-30c; 8-4 lbs..
lS-lSc: colored. 2 cents lower: old or
heavy does and bucks. S-14c lb.; dress
ed fryers. 53-67c lb.
Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to
retailers per cwt. ) :
Beef: Steers, good, -auo-eoo ids., mz-
45; commercial. $35-41; utility. $31-34.
Cows: Commercial. $33-36: utility.
$20-31; canoe ra -cutters. $25-27. 1
Beet cuts (Good steers): Hind
quarters, $53-55; rounds. $53-65: full
loins, trimmed, seo-vu: viangies, jo
37; square chucks. $38-40; ribs. $50-53;
forequarters. $30-37.
Veal and calf: Good. $3S-4fl5- com
mercial. $32-33; utility. $-.
Lambs: Good-choice, spring, lambs.
$45-46; commercial. $40-42.
Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down. $13-20.
Pork cuts- Lome. No. 1. S-13 lbs..
SSS-ftl; shoulders. 10 lbs, down. $30
41; spareribs. $48-51; carcasses. $35-30;
mixed weights $3 lower.
Wool: Coarse, valley and medium
grades. 45c lb.
Mohair: Nominally 25c lb. on 13
monlh growth.
Country-killed meats:
Veal: Top quality. 31 -33c .; other
grades according to weight and qual
ity with poor or heavier 34 39a.
Hogs: Light blockers. 31-330 B.;
sows 24-20c
Lambs: Top quality, 27-3tc lb.; mut
ton. 10-12c.
Beef; Good cows. 23-36c lb.; eanners
cutters 21 -23c.
Onions: Yellow Globe Babosai. new
crop, Calif, med, and large. $2.00-25;
Wash. Walla Walla comml med. $1 J5
X.OO, large $2.00-25.
Potatoes: Ore. Bosrdmsn dlst. White
Rose No. U $2JO-73; No. 2. SS-Oc;
Long whites No. Is 100 lbs. $2-eO;
No. 2s. 50 lbs, tOe-L00r Calif, long
whites No. 1-A S3 60-3.75.
Hay; New crop windrow hales. U.S.
No. 1 green alfalfa or better, truck
lots f o b. Portland. $2S--. UX No.
nndersutned. by an order of .the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Marion County. Probata Department.
made and entered on the Ukb day of
July, 1940 was appointed executrix of
the estate of JOSLA.H M. B1XLER, de
ceased, and that she has qualified as
such executrix- AU persona having
claims against said estate are hereby
not if 14 to bring the same, duly veri
fied and with proper vouchers, to the
undersigned executrix at 1813 N. 23rd
Street, Salem, Oregon, or to her at
torney, within six months from the
date of the first publication of tola
notice, which first publication Is made
July IS. 1949.
. xjsu niai.rji
E-etuUUr of the Estate of
. JOS1AH M. mXl.TR.
Charles W. Creighton. Jr.
Attorney for the estate
SIS N. Lfbertv Street
Salem. Oregon , Try 1S.23J0 Aug 6
In the Circuit Court at the State of
Oregon foe the County of Marion.
Probate Department
Notice la hereby given that tne 1
dersignad Joseph J. Flatter naa b
noointed Exec-tor of tba estate
rarria K. Fisher, deceased, by , the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Marion County, and as quauiiea.
having rif1"' again sa-a
estate are hereby notified to present
the same, dnhr verified as. by law re-
aatnd. to the as lei signed at 1
Lumliai marts Bldg. Port-snd. Oregon,
within sU montha from tba data here
of flat saU-nM ASfwi atn.
yVUMJer J FUkMFHL saeutae
Jahmon. Sbtphem A F recL Attorney
Oasing Quotation:
...,. 37HfRadk Corp
jRayonier pfd .
Tire ttHrReynokxs Met
SOHjSafeway :
48tSears Roeb
: I So Pacific
& L
Stan Oil Cal
Sun Mining
Union, Oil
Un Pacific
Un Airlines -
U S Steel :
Warner Bros
Wool worth
Eec S3t4
C 49
1 - mixed timothy. $13-34; new crop
oats and Vetch mixed hay. uncertified
e lover hay. $11-21. depending on qual
ity, baled, on Willamette valley farms.
300 Personal
310 MBng Notice.
M. Sat, Aug. 6th. MJC. de
gree, on Bald Mountain. Polk
County. 8:00 p.m. All Master
Masons mvitea.
Cheme-eta i-ooae Ne. L lOOft anaaU
every Wedsaaday night
312 Lost cmd Found
LOST OR STRAYED vicinity of No.
20th and Market year-old Neuter cat.
gray tiger and white, family pet.
Answers to Bobbie. Return to iS20
N. 30th St. Ph. 3-3875.
LOST: Ladies Helbros Gold Wrist-
watch cor. SUte and High Sta. Frt.
Eve. Reward. X. H. McNalL Ph.
LOST Lady's 1$ )ewel Elgin. Black
cord band. Ph. Mrs. Proctor 3-07S3.
STRAYED to our ranch bead nuxed
beef & dairy typo cattle. Owner may
have same upon paying for keep and
advertising. D. P. McCarthy A Son,
Rt. 3. Box S33. Salem. Ore. Phone 19F3
316 Personal
NOT responsiMe tor any bills con
tracted by anybody other than my
. self. Joseph Petal. Sr.
Palmistry Readings
Tells past, present St- future. Advice an
tava but nneas and marrtago. Ans
ars all ouestiona. Are yon womedf
173 S pomX Open 9 am. to 10 pan.
400 Agriculture
402 Lhrwstock
2 NtC- pinto saddle horses. 1 child
Ptnto pony. $108 each. 4310 Silver
ton Rd.
QCZNS-D Uve stock buyer. Harold
g. Snethen. Turner. Oregon.
FOR sale or trade. $ yr. old saddle
horse. Gentle with a lot of style. Call
25209 before $ pjn. or 22330 after S
BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed-
wards. Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph. 3-1144.
AT STUD. Beg. Palommo quarter
norae. rt. t. st'tt. ir. Kt. a. Box 870
McCandhsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-6147.
WANTED. Tam cows and heifers for
feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my
bid. it wul cost yen nothing. Earl
Du Chlen. 2499 N. 9th. Salem. Phone
404 Po-ltry cmd Bed-bias
4 N. Z. DOES. 2 dble. rabbit hutches.
t. a tin. rr a rii w
.... . . . . . .
BED FBYEaS. live or Tmm&. RU l'.
Box 434A. McCam Ave. off Silver
NEW BAMPSfiDE chicks. Cehring
Hatchery. Bt. 3. SUvertoa, Oreg. Ph.
Black -193.
SEVX NTY-41VK bronao turkeys. All or
part. 3 tons Jr Miller. X. 1. Mon
mouth. Located on highway between
Monmouth and bdenendence.
NEW RAMP chicks every Thursday
Ph 2-261 uee Hatchery
NEW BAMPSamS chicks for tmme-
diate ; or future delivery. Hatches
every : Tuea. Foxes Hatchery. 3830
SUte St, Ph. 3-490.
408 Pats
Syrian Golden Hampsters
i Pets with personality
Heart -O-Goid Hamspery
396 S. 21rt. Cor. Mill
Salem. Oreron. Ph. 2-063$
A.K.C. REG. Cocker Spaniel pup, 4'i
mo. szs witn papers. Ph. jasrt.
412 Fruit cmd Farm Prodaco)
Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 2-5958.
BOY&BI-XrIeS, U-pIck. 3c lb. Loti
of berries. G. P. Lowery. 1 ml. E .
and '.fa ml. N. of Brooks.
EARLY; canning peaches. Schindler
Bros., Grand Island.
CUCUMBER-, any size. J. E. Peter-
son. Rt. 1. Box 402. Salem. Wallace
SWEET: CORN. 340 Chemawa Rd. M
ml. west of Keizer sch. Ph. 2-5972.
GRAVENSTEIN apples. About mile
west ox AvCi-er cnoo 111. , box
CANNING BEETS. Call Sat. and Sun-
dsy. 3135 "D" St.
PlCXmC Golden Jubilee peaches Aug.
5. I Townsenda Orchard. Mission
FOR SALE Grass Straw. 25 T. baled
Chewing! rescue, dean at bright
$8 00 per T. in field. Phone Ccrvais
2234. Robert M. Harper. Vt mi. N.
of Gervats. 4 corners on u. a. wc.
GOOD , BOYSENS. You pick. sc. Ph.
2-7153 Salem.
ROCHESTER peaches, 340 Chemawa
Road, 1 1 mile west 01 Keizer school.
Ph. a-ssnz.
DELICIOUS tree ripened peaches are
ready at the Jess Math orchard
and Emit Stand. mi. N. of Salem
on Portland Hwy. Fine for eating,
canning or freezuag. Jeaa Mathtt. Rt.
Z, Box 33S, saiem.
GOLDEN JUBILEE canning peaches
now ready. Slapptes about Aug. 6.
Porttan Cider Worst, west saiem.
BOYS tNBEBRnS. V pick. 5c lb. R.
G. Doege mi. E. Liberty
sch. Rt.
9, Box 270. Ph. 2-3141.
SWEET CORN, cucumbers, carrots.
potatoes. Win deliver, can
Ph. 2-2342.
streag stands acverest conditions.
Cuts S to 10 inches deep. Ideal for
orchards, cover crop and stubble.
Hitch offsets right or left Ounce of
ire. '-- Zflbladea. $210.00.
Trade and High saiem
425 Auction SoIm
CONSIGN your' ears, tracks, trailers.
macninery. rurmiurc. prvuuce ana
misc. items with Leek's Auction,
as 1 Silvarton Rd. Sales every Sat.
1ft 0 ajn. Already consigned for
ln: a- TT Stuirk- ta M-tal A dr. dn
21 ft. Lincoln house trailer. 4-wheel
trailer, refrigerators, ice boxes, eiec.
washers, davenport and chair, daveno,
evil nif . 4i m l 1 nfl . K i . vev .
um j cleaners, lamps, pa in ta. motor
eu. new gaiva-u-eu fape.
aaora. r replace act.
.. .1 1 . .
tad thaae Saturday sales. Buy what
you want at a price you can afford.
Ph. 3-oaix -
I Wanted -Car
! Tracks, Traaera
TUoaL. f JO p. aa.
T njnv Bringt
eaU S-l
450 Mwrhiiidis
S5 Hcnu-aJ-old Good-For Sola
39x12 rurs. washer, other frnitura,v
Mrs. E. Bamuton. 1410!. Court Sata.
and Sun only. 1 - i
LTV. R.M.ST of BiRwcll daveno. 1 '
end tables, coffee table, wall mirror,
lamp: $7 ' Leonard elec range, '
like new. $160. Ph. t-SCH eves. t :
GOOD lata model washer. $45; Mohair
davenport-apr.- eanst, $4. Good elec. 5
vacuum. $15. 1330 Saginaw. ;
ALMOST new Dexter twua tub washing
machinewiUi pump. new cosu::
UPRIGHT PIANO $1 Go out DaU-a . .
hiway and turn right at Brunk's ,
corner. Bt. $, Box 70S. ; i "
USED gas range and stdearm water
beater. $75. Wood range. $33. 33 ail
heaters Ph. 3-7646. : i
furnace, apt. sixe. practtcally new. '
K wr . - 1
ELEC. stove, re-frig. A- washing machV'
ine. m. a-wti
ELEC range. Can be seen at! 853 T.1
Carnl. i
EASY wringer washing machine in
good cond. Ph. 2-4206 after 5. r
FOR SALE. Mahogany Governor Win
tturap desk, like new. 2 matching rugs
dark red Gulliston Wilton, one 9x12
with pad and one 8" 3xir r. Largo
cabinet RCA-radio, mahogany: Wind-
aor chair. Ph, 3-932L j?
DRESSER, elec. stove, side oven. Bilt
weU daveno. Very good cond. $68 Si
Summer. i ':
LEAVING the place. Wul sett: new I
PC bed roo--n suit; nice 7 ftrefrig
erator. good gas range and auto, hot
water heater, other misc. -1S94 N,
ComX Ph. 3-6821. L
USED sewing machine. Ph. 3-3 US. :
456 Wonted. Household Goods
USED fura. Check our price. Valley
Turn. Co.. 265 N. Coml Ph. 1-7471,
NEED AT ONCE. Urea quantity us4
furniture. Ph 3-511 Woodry.
USED FURNITURE. Phone S-filS-. "
Mcrbsrio s
B. AND B. cedar gutter 22c ft, eedaf
wall 18 In. shakes $12.80 per aq. witA
uixierrourae. Ted fuller, formerly
Eola Yard Ph. Salem, 2-1 194.
973 Chemeketa. All material must be
: sold, nothing reserved, doors, win
dows, plumbing, furnace, air con
dituoners. floor carpeting, etc. See
Chris at the house. .
ir No 1 cedar shakes. Natural or
painted prime . coated or stained.
Cedar wait. Fttttte or Beer brand.
$9. per. eq op. Delivered with undat
course. Ted Muller, Saiem 1-1196.
LARGE STOCK of sixes, thick n
and grades, both plain and water
proof. Pricas start at 9c per so .ft.
Also good stocks s in. and in. in
sulating boards. Low prices - on
m. and in. sheetrock. Ketth Brown,
Front and Court Streets. Salem. .
Realize substantial savmgs on lumber.
Bock bottom prices for ! Urge
tOSO Wallace Rd- Ph. 3-0593
RED QlDAR SHlKcXXS. No. 1 vertical
gram, $8 i per aq akw complete
stock roofing materials, tncluduig vat
- Icy tin. ridge roll, galvanized shingk
nails.' tin shingles, metal gutters ar"4
down spouts. Keith Brown. Front 4
Court St.. Salem.
SPtX-A Cedar aiding VS". Ran
dom lengUia. C grada. $85 per ML
Keith Bionn. Fro-t A Court SU
Salem r
" OrrS-T binges. Premo coat Ue pr.
Chroma SOe pr. Piaauc puua ac ex.
art o. aia n.
CALL 2119$ Salem, we sell the best
cedar shingles from Tinamook. Grand
Bonda or Cascade high mountain
timber. No. 1 SS. No. S $-. Denver-,
Ted Mu Her. SaJkma-IndependencO
Road Ph. 1-11- '
Home Bailders
Cedar shingles No. 1 $8.00, Primed
cedar shakes $12.80. Sheet rock we-L
" board 44c Screen doors $.5a New'
glaas doors $10-5. Interior doors
S5.7S up. Lowest pricas on plywood
for walls, cabinet work and flooring.
Large stock insula Uoa, ceiling uio.
rock lath. Asbestos siding $10 aq. Fir
tax wallboard ,Sc C. G. Long. Ph.
s-aczi. one m a oru ot A.eisor.
460 Musical Instruments
Phono 3-44L
4S2 Sports Equipmant
5'4 HP. Outboard motor $60. Phono
3-8347 after 8 p.m. 1
4SS For fitmt MiscaHaneous
REDUCED monthly rate. Roomy trail
er iiur. Sehl. eltv bus. 3500 S. Coml.
TRAILER 8PACE Mod, shade. SO
cooler. Few spaces lert. neas. rata,
dean rest rooms. $ min. from city
center out N. Front St. Fir-Crest
Trailer Para, asie rt. tuver. no.
TRUCKS and can for rent j Blanked
furnished. Smitty's cupper bervice.
Center and Church. Phone 3-9600.
UUUU uS4 r no. it. . a-.
1 ' r? s wrrTmS
keta furn 197 S. -Jberty. pa. J-mm.
470 For Sola. MLscaflaneous
BLONDE Spinet piano, also fine grand
puna ra. j-wi. 1 ;
... niciin nDTVV
ava VAJCJm- ,
WINE davenport and matching chair.
large size ana vnm id w
i.-ir rinmt enrwtr P. 33574.
A W B . wm - . -
MOD. avliiut enamel wood range with
reaervoH. eg. si nuauu
sale $98.88. Green Stamps. Salem
ix as. r-n itv rvitl
HARVEST BAGS for sale. Northwest
Poultry and Dairy rroauct ito
MALLEABLE wood range, ci E Ulery.
Box 9. Ml a--. au. a. uwitj
FOR SALE Ken more portable sewing
machine. Call 39353.
CLOSING OUT SALE cverythmg be-
lOW COS IX. BprTK-. n iu ......
chests, end tables, tables and chairs,
elec, gas. kerosene and wood ranges,
refrigv, .elec, gas. oil and wood
beaters, elec. -sixer, toasters, waffle
irons, washers, vacuum cleaners, ra
dios, baby beds, buggy, tricycle, bi
cycle, two 2-wheel trailers, car heat
ers, batts.. tires and tubes, batt
nl r-MM. 31 CheV.
4 dr. sedan. Hardman Broa.; 4' mi a .
north of Salem an ran. mway. uyca .
. it itmm m '.' rW
m IJn. wu w yjn. . " i
COMBINATION baby-bed and play- ' .
pan mat ion a a o au .
traveling. Beautiful hardwood coo -;
struction. Our ck-e-out price; of ,
$14 S5 is actually below the cost of "
. manufacture. Trader Louia, 205a
. Inll4 Rr ft '
UNDERWOOD typewriter and Enfield) .
sporter JO-os gun. wme aainmn,
An 037. ! ;.
OeLE. cement laundry tubal Gd. eond.' -
SIS. Phone X-1M. - I;
RE FRIGEBATORS One recent -nodei
CU oat remg, rree-er acro-s wum-m
cu. ft, glass shelves, nke new $14053.
One Duel Temp Stewart Warner 7
co. ft. frigmalr. beautiful cond
!- torlnr. mu mt unit. SI JO.
Norge Refrigerator, dean j and lood
cond. pore un exterior, ana . m
terior $79 JO- I
r st Phone 33139
f-vRT.E AMT. PUte glass nuxrors. A
Sew sample .nrteea. 34 la. aqy
mm M aa - mt mt M
jsxso, si-, a -a. nra-j
34. $17318x48. $1SJ, 12x24. $4 95.
Crui-Hcas icu. co. U
137 S. CommerrUl St.
DtSSTON Mercury chain saw with
new chain
. Excellent coney rn. imni.
iue uvsnat. Never
PLYWOOD piano box $1.00. TaBman "8
395 S. I2ttt St .
STIMFSON electric scale. Alien eom
bmanon eaah and adding martilna, "
' 143 S. 12th. ------ '
USED 0 ft aaeet ease with quartee
hoiaa-powee FrtgldBire eoe-preasor
Jones A Fagg . Ph. 3690S. T
1 U-EI Taatian Blessing po-Uras Ec- f
Upse carbon-tor. Jones 4s fags. Ptw
Aug o-L3--0-7 S. 3. . , . . -. " ;