I-' i It1 Too State aman. Salem, Orocon. Sahgday, AoTnrt 6. 134t Hillsboro Unit, LaGrande Drum -Corps Win Final Legion Parade j I - Br Conrad G. Praure ;J " ; ' Staff Writer, Tb Statesman . While thousands lined the route the American Leriori convention frand parade, one of the largest seen in Salem in recent year, filed through downtown streets Friday niht. (Pictures on pagoi one), f LaGrande' drum and bugle corps, crowned state I ; champion Thursday, won new honors in the Friday parade as best muaicial unit; followed by Astoria, second, and Ashland, Marching winner was the Hillsboro auxiliary anil team, 101- lowed by Coquille'a unit, second, and the Yamhill majorettes. Eleetioa of Offleera Today the state conventioners wind up Legion affairs with elec tion of officers and final business. Sam Bowe of Grants Pass it' fav ored for state commander. Following the grand parade last Tii?ht a lavish' entertainment show drew several thousands to the state fairgrounds. In the parade one feature which attracted all eyes along the down town parade route was the U. S. army's showing of musicians, "troops, vehicles and weapons of the 2nd infantry band and over 300 troops of the 4th infantry regi mental . combat team. Weapon Carriers, The troops including weapon mounted ieeps and larger guns, were under the command of ra.it James E. Marks. The 5 piece band was conducted by WO ao Earl C Anderson. The band mUo included a hagpipe unit, the nlv one of its kind in the army, Th 4S-minute line of march was -tieaded by Grand Marshall Brig. Glen Woodry Treaenta MOM- AUG. 15. 9 to 1 GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4 ML M. ( Salem IN PERSON V(OyW and hit ORCHESTRA NEW LOW PRICES SLM (pins ta) ENJOY DANCING TOIIITE to Yfayn'e Slrachan's Ilwic VTW Hall Hood and Church Sts. The Coolest Ballroom The Beet Dcmco Floor in Salem Old Time DAIICE Every Saturday High! Over Western Auto . 259 Court St Jew th Crowd and Hare a Good Time MUSIC BY Ben's Orrhcstra Fablie Dance Adm. COe. Ine. Tax A Baxekall TonigU Salen Senators vs. Vancouver 8:C0 P. II WATERS FIELD Bex Seat Reservations Phone I-4C47 HELD OVEB! Don Slrahl at SHATTUC'S CHATEAU Milk Bottle Cap Regulation to Take Effect on SepL 1 ' The pouring lip of all milk bot tles will have to be covered with caps jafter September 1. The state department of agricul ture, pointed out Friday the regu lation Was adopted last September 1 but distributors were given; one year to make the change. j Trucks hauling milk for bottling must also be completely closed ai ter the first of next month. Gen. H. G. Maison of Salem, fol lowed by 'Gov. Douglas McKay and Maj. Gen. Thomas Rilea. Then came the Ft. Lewis troops followed by Salem naval reserve unit and Salem national guar units. The green-dad LaGrande champions paced by Avery Milleri- ing were followed by lines of marching Legionnaires, led by De partment H Commander B. E. (Kelly Owens bv Salem. I Color Bearers ' j' j. Official Legion cplor bearers were Charles L. Lantpman of St Helens. Lilah Brown; of Portland and Walter Nystrom' of Salem, Capital post 9. ! Survivors of Capital post's 1932 national championship drum arid bugle corps drew applause from the crowd. There were 20 of them marching led by Tom Hill. They had not played together since 1933. Other features of the parade in cluded a hurdy-gurdy pair from Portland post 1. Paul Munpower, i appropriate costume turned the crank of the music machine pulled by a giant black "bear, - O. A. Don aldson, i Another crowd-pleaser was j a truck load of "49-er" a group of ladies from Capital post 9 auxiliary and Clatskanie post i 68. The la dies were dressed hi dancing cos tumes of the gay 90s era and posed around a barrel labeled "beer".! Salem Cherrians j The Hillsboro auxiliary- drill team, dressed in natty white coats and blue skirts, provided a marcb ina thrill.! The Salem Cherrians. in marching formation, escortedJ Beverly Krueger, recently named Miss Oregon? ! - i Salem Junior Eagles band, led by Don i Forrest, and Cottage Grove high school band, directed by El wood Rickmanf were in the line of march as were Salem's drum and bugle corps (dressed as Indians) and the three local Le gion posts and auxiliaries. - j: -Providing noise and confusion was the Linn ocunty voiture, 40 et 8, locomotive and box car driven by Frank Koos. Other groups in cluded Disabled American Vet erans, Gold Star Mothers American War Mothers and others. The last word in parade atmo sphere was provided by a squadron of plane rooming Over the par ade route. Fireworks and sirens provided their bit to the Legion's parade. h . '. I Nef Judgeship Reveals Rift in Demo Ranks PORTLAND, Aug. 5-WVAp-pointment of Circuit Judge Earl C, Latourette of Oregon City i the state's third federal Judge was supported today by Walter J. Pear son. i democratic state treasurer. At the- same time he said that support of Gus J. Solomon, Port' land! attorney, for the post by democratic national committeeman Monroe Sweetland threatens to split the democratic party. I Pearson added that he tried to get Sweetland to withdraw i Solo mon's name. . He would, not agree with me. so I told him if he continued to support Solomon I would support Latourette," the state treasurer saidi "I wrote to the national com mitttee urging Latourette' (ap pointment. m u sr -sn lait Mav f ace GOP Opponent COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 5P- Murray D. Lincoln, a farm leader with labor support, said today he might oppose U. S. Sen. Robert A. Taft in the republican primary next year. The announcement startled Ohio republican leaders. They had fig ured Taft would win renomination with little trouble before taking on an ! as-yet-unnamed democratic opponent in a bitter fight.! Organized labor has marked the republican congressional quarter' back as its No. 1 target in 1950. Lincoln, 57-year-old i president of the farm bureau, insurance firm, previously has been mentioned as a potential candidate for the dem ocrat nomination for U. S. sena tor.; .It would be his first bid for political office. ilhmeiiHear Grei L S. Crowdcr Business will continue Its pres ent leveling-off process from tow into tre year 1951, the Salem Credit association was told Fri day noon by L. S. Crowder, man ager of a national retail credit association with Offices in iSt. Louis, Mo. 1 J But Crowder declared that this adjustment of prices downward is a healthy sign In the nation's economy. The speaker warned his audience against the practice cf no down payments on credit purchased items like refrigerators and other household appliances. Socialism Debate Blocks Final Vote Ori Foreign Aid ! WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-P-The big -foreign recovery bill was de layed again today this time by a senate fight over an amend "bient designed to halt socialism in Britain. J i . Leaders had thought the $5,647, 724.000 measure. Which includes funds to carry onlhe Marshall plan of European recovery, was on the point of passage, j i But just as a final vote appear ed imminent Senator Kem (R-Mo;) introduced an amendment to deny aid to any nation which nation alizes in the future; any of its basic industries. Debate on this was in progress when the senate quit until Monday. J . . FOR A REAL TREAT Try j , Tom's King Cole ;i Drive-In - i . ETeryihia a Specialty Home Made Plea Dally S. Ceml St, Just BeyeaeV the Uberty "Y" . j r- . ! TOM ADOLPHSON Pre. Dewey Rej ects Senate Race ALBANY. N. Y., Aug. 5 -(JPh Goy. Thomas E. Dewey turned a deaf ear today to a. demand that hei"make good" for the republican party in New York state by run ning for the U. S. senate.!, Dewey was silent on a sharply worded letter from Rep. W. Kings- land Macy (R-NY), but authori tative sources said flatly that Dewey simply would not run for the senate next fall. The same well-placed sources indicated that John Foster Dulles, now sitting in the senate by in terim' appointment from. Dewey, was being considered seriously as a ! possible nominee for election November 8. i ' SALEM SUPPER CLUB flick filariso's Famous lian Food f. r. Lovely Frances Conger's ; Evterialasaeat i' ' - Full Oub Privileges j Jut Weal ef Salen the Dallas Hlgbway SALEfA SUPPER CLUB ii X salllr aws Rent Decontrol Propo Lebanon Fire; Hearing Tuesday LEBANON Opposition to decontrol of rent in Lebanon was fast gaining, momentum this week with next Tuesday's discussion at the city hall expected to attract a record number of persons for a town meeting in wis ary. ;, j Definitely favoring the move were landlords, while opposing the measure are both union groups, IWA-CIO and the Plywood and Veneer workers local of the ATI Real estate dealers went on record as being neutral. Also against it are representatives from the Lebanon veterans organizations. Groups opposing the decontrol of rents maintain that at the pre sent time there is definitely not a surplus of rental units, and there fore, rent controls should be main tained in Lebanon, it was stated by the AFL headquarters.: ) Real estate dealers acting as re presentatives of landlords, peti tioned the council several weeks ago 'to remove rents and the coun cil approved unanimously at that time. Final action by the gover nor, however, was withheld until Plan Revived For Cliampoeg Memorial Road Plans to establish a Chamooeg Memorial highway, first discussed about 13 years ago, were revived Friday by the Marion county court but ho immediate action is con templated. The court, on studying ' an old survey of the proposed route, found the county in 1936 paid 131.000 for a rhrht of war for the highway. The road, to be a hard surfaced highway, would extend from Champoeg park to ButevUle where in would loin a : present rniintv road to the Wilsonville cut off of the state highway depart ment, Tha original Dlan called for the county to furnish the right of way, whil th rAad was to .be con structed by the then-existent WPA. Hop Harvest Starts in Valley The hop harvest Is under way in the Willamette valley with pick ing of early fuggles in the St. Paul-Aurora district. The labor supply is adequate un til the harvest of clusters begins about September 1, Paul Rowell, manager of the U. S. hop growers association, reported. Early reports indicate a light yield of fuggles, he said. But the entire crop is expected to be better than last year's low average. Acre age, however, is down this year. STOLEN CAE IN MISSISSIPPI A car stolen from Salem May 24 has been recovered in Jackson, Miss., city police were informed Friday. Ernest E. Woods, Salem route 7, box 207 is the owner. Late Owl Shew Tonite ! Doors Open l:tt P3fJ For HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB Stage Program Drawing- for Prises : ' Cartoons Serial Special Matinee Feature: "GAS HOUSE KIDS . alse i Benson's Birthday Cake I for. Doarias Edminster, Jimmy Batliner. Charles Jones. Bobby Cole, Richard Clans. Timothy Emmons, Linda Bowden, Jackie Canada, Snsanne Cochran. Robert O'Neill. Margaret O'Neill. Beverly Carpenter, Jack Emmons, Molly i Allen, Nancy Toelle, James ! Keld- linrer. Eve. Show Cont After 5:39 ENDS TODAY! ! . r MiMtt .-Jauq y-wTecMcofar JUv,l., .ssssssssaBsssaai-MBSw- aiiitiaui'vi Kin Second Bis Hit -STREET WITH NO NAME" ! Starts Tomorrow -Cont. oecona f eainre t LADY AT MIDNIGHT T j Theatrt WOODBURN, ORE. I LAST TIMES TODAY! Return of Che Bad Man" And "IMek Tracy Meets Grnsome" , STJN-MON-TUES. "Ma 4 Pa KotnV - With Marjory Mala and Percy Kilbride Free Shetland Pony Rides for the Kid dies SUrtlng Dally At 8 P.M. 5 a public meeting had been caned and views of citizens heard and sent back to the state official. The meeting Tuesday will be held at 8 o'clock in the upstairs auditorium. j Mayor Peter Tweed will act as monitor for the discussian and will allow all parties ample opportun ity to voice their views.! Gregory Peek ; Ann Baxter -Richard Wldmark "1'EIXOW SKY- Kirk Donrlas Marilyn Maxwell -CHAMPION, act rrn n a I I Cant From 1 P3L I " Now Snowing! I c-nit!! Jon WUer - ' TIG LEAF FOa EVE" - - ADULTS ONLY I KARTOON KARNIYAL TODAY Ai fUM with Keg. Snow ENDS TODAY t EadabeBe V "Swing Your Seotty Puiuiex Approval Given To West Salem 1 i Bus Rate Rise A proposed increase in West Sa lem bus fares was given! final ap proval Friday by Public Utilities Commissioner George Flagg. The increase ranges; from 18. to 25 per cent j Increases authorized are from 8 to 10 cents for single j fares and from 30 to 35 cents for purchases of four tokens. Children's fare re main at 5 cents. The authorization follows a state PUC public hear ing and approval by the West Sa lem city council. No opposition was expressed before either body. The increase will take effect as soon as Proprietor Robert Covert of the bus company completes for mal filing procedure with the PUC, probably nearly next week. China General Joins Commies CANTON, China, Aug. 5 -WV Nationalist China's deputy om rtfander on the all-important front north of Canton changed over to the communists and hand ed them the fortress of Changsha last night. j This desertion, with part of his army, is expected greatly to accel erate the red advance on this pro visional capital. The -communist are now only 215 miles! from Can ton at one point, and the turncoat general, Chen Ming-Jen, knows the troop dispositions and plans of the defense. Woman Para3e Watcher Collapses The Salem first 4aid car was called to the scene of the Ameri can Legion grand parade Just be fore it started at 7 pjn. Friday when Mary Yakesh, 42, 103 Mar ion st, collapsed in the 200 block of North Commercial street She was taken to Salem Me morial hospital where attendants later reported her "much im proved" following a heart attack. MARGARINE PRICE UP PORTLAND, Aug. MVThe price of margarine went up two cents a pound here today. The advance followed by a week a similar hike in butter prices. 2ht V StO South Retain Oregon Base SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5 -tfr United Airlines today challenged the power of the government to grant a request to . a competitor that would wipe out UAL feeder lines to five California cities and Klamath Falls, Ore. The California cities involved are Eureka, Red Bluff, Monterey, Santa Barbara and Salinas. Southwest airways, whose per mits to serve four of these cities expires, asks a five year renewal, the addition of the other two and an order suspending UAL. com- WESTERN SWING S . DAIICE TONIGHT ! - ! GLENWOOD BALLROOM LAIIBT&HIS CASCADE RANGE BID EDS 9 to 12:30 netttlonJ 1 . ' W. A. Patterson, president of United, told a civil aeronautics board hearing that granting outnwest airways extended per mits was CAB business. But ho declared, the board had no right to cancel out UAL. He said that any arrangement should be work ed out by the airlines themselves. Last Day ! "WIZARD OF Of "Henry The Rainmaker r T0II0DQ017! Dins at Double J Cafe Chinos and American Food Dora & Jimmy Chan ) Silverton, Oregon From 11 A. M. to 10 P. M. Saturday 11 A. M. to 12 P. M. Closed Thursday Lei's Skate To the Music of -Eddy Syiing at the Hammond CAPITOLA ROLLER RIIIK 90 Lana Ato. Take Ccrpitola Bus Ph. S-S4C7 Matinee Daily From 1 TM. Prevno Tonile! (Ono Feature) . . . MID START S T0U0RR0W! ENDS TODAY I (Sot) 'TARZANS MAGIC FOUNT AUT "SHADOW VALLEY" SHJflDO 1& 1 FLAMING FLAPPER DAYS lJf vtJ if ; ,A...V'..:r. m . s . S & f SMASH MUSICAL HIT . f -f? i I OF THE EXCTTTNQ JAZZ ERA f L Anne REVERE f r.r IShori ROBINSON W V AJoaMOWEm-Stodey WOGES ' Y --X CO-FEATURE'! S1' i' i .' ; cs:aj w:::rj sic:y c? , 1 I ! ntrtri I " , v ! mm - . j, : . .-- - mm n x wi rxv v J VkV 111 t-aiMfc ,ar Yt- Tmpznrutms low JIANNI MAOEU1NI GIOROI CRAII1 CARROLL SANDERS UCHAtO t p GREEIIE A J JL ': COLOR CARTOON "HULA HULA LAIID' Aimaa Fox Ilovielcne Hews! MUM jiiEss sr.imi ii iimfiiffi WENDELL COREY AUDREY TOTTER a me-ounrmATai nenm FlAttKKU KAIT UIJI . IDHS STIS KEETYM LcEDT PEDDDCTIOft 2nd Major Hit! i- srattwa : i K0NALD RUCaW VIYECA tlNPFOXS A1m! I i COLOR CAJtTOON Warner News NOW! ! -I JOHN WAYNE in "WAKE OF THE RED WTTCHI land - Kobert Taylor Ara Gardner u THE BRIBE" lT DANCE j pM n Saturday Nif I ii V AUMSVILLJE PAVIUON f 1 1 FeatBrtna- I I f x Tommy and Hia f Northwest Kamblers eJ I " t:3t to US9 I M Ul MUea 5. E. of Salem i TO THE MUSIC OP LEE and Ihe 1 Ilclcdy Baxailers AIBANT ARMORY f EVtKT SAT. NIGHT Alam. tie lac Tax f ' Seaai-Modem