The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 The Statoamcni, Salmm. Oregon. Thursday. July 33. 1M9
Sisters Will
Be Married
Same Day
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
There is much excitement around
the Hubbell A. Young home these
days as .their two daughters, Carol
and June, will be married at a
double ceremony on Saturday,
September 3. The nuptials will
be performed at the First Pres
byterian church at 8 o'clock with
a reception following in the
church parlors.
Carol, who has been living in
Ban Francisco for several years.
will be married to Frank Laurit
ten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
C. Lauritzen of Oakland, Calif
Their engagement was announced
in the early spring in the bay
city. June will become the bnde
of Stanley Ralph Underwood, son
of the Stanley King Underwoods
of Los Angeles. They have been
a steady duo since early college
days, their troth being announced
several years ago. -
The two sisters are graduates
of Oregon State colege, Carol a
member of Gamma Phi Beta and
her sister wears the Chi Omega
sorority pin. Mr. Lauritzen at
tended the University of Califor
nia and graduated from Arm
strong College at Oakland. He is
now with the United States gov
ernment, with headquarters in
San Francisco, where the couple
will make their home. Mr. Under
wood graduated in June from the
University of Oregon, havpng pre
viously attended Oregon SHke col
lege. He Is now with the unem
ployment compensation commis
sion in McMinnville.
On the Fairways
Two events are on the calendar
for the Salem Women's Golf as
sociation during the coming week.
Sunday, July 31 there a
two-ball foursome with dinner
following at the Salem Golf club
and those wishing reservations are
asked to call Mrs. Conrad Paulson
by Friday. Play on Sunday will
begin at 1 o'clock. For the regu
lar ladies day on August 3 is
slated the annual dress-up day.
Guests at the regular play on
Wednesday were Mrs. Harry
Srhenk of Glendale, Calif., Mrs.
M. D. Hemenway of Portland, and
Mrs. J. W. Tindall. Prize winners
were Mrs. J. H. Thompson, class
A: Mrs. Chandler Brown, class B;
Mrs J. W. Matujec, class C; and
Mrs. Gerald M. Robison, class
D. A special prize went to Mrs.
Harry Wiedmer. j
Three He
There was a three-way Me in
class A for the Oak Knoll Lady
Golfers on Wednesday. Tieing
wert Mrs. Eldon Vaughn, Mrs.
Mars Flack and Mrs. Robert Even
den. Other winners were Mrs. Ice
land LeFors, class B; and Mrs.
Robert Claggett, class Ct No-host
luncheon followed at th club
house. Needlecraft
Eight-to-the-inch cross-stitches
make quick work even for be
ginners. A little girl can do them!
Cross-stitch and other easy
cmroidery for kitchen towels!
Pattern 690; transfer 6 motifs
947 inches.
Laura Wheeler's improved pat
tern makes needlework so simple
with its charts, photos and con
ewe directions.
Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for
thta pattern to The Oregon Statesman.
Mdlet-rart Ex-pt.. PjO. Box 5?4. Cnt
raco SO. III. Print plainly PATTEavN
With ZUNB.
Here's good news! $end fifteen easts
more (or your fascinating- Laura Wheel
er Needlecraft Book-f today t 104 Illus
trations of your favorite needle-hob-hrm
Uw choicest designs and the moat
concise patterns available. Beginner
easy designs, and ideas worthy of an
expert's attention. A Free needlework
pattcro rioted la the book.
Nebraska club, with Mrs. Elbert Hoc-
vet 310Vi Kapphahn Road, covered
dish luncheon, 12:30 D.m.
Royal Neighbors tewing club, with
Mrs. C. r. Gregory. 937 North 20th
ctreet. 12:30 covered dish luncheon
Jonet-McAlpin-Terhune picnic at Sil
verton city park.
Wesicyan Service guild of First
Methodist church, in fellowship room, 8
Rites Read
At Home
Miss Norma Stewart and Bruce
Peterson were married at a quiet
ceremony on Wednesday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
A. Lloyd. The ride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Stewart
of Hutchinson, Kansas, who were
unable to come west for the rites,
and the benedict is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Peterson of Sa
lem. Dr. Seth R. Huntington per
formed the 8 o'clock nuptials and
Mrs. Howard Kaufman played
the organ music. The couple ex
changed their vows before the
fireplace which was banked with
pink and white gladioluses and
For her wedding the bride chose
an aqua suit with white hat
adorned with brown ribbon ' trip
and white accessories. She car
ried a lavender orchid encircled
with baby's breath.
Miss Jean Monoghan was the
honor maid and wore a navy blue
suit with white accessories and
carried pink roses. David Spald
ing was best man for Mr. Peter
son. For her son's marriage Mrs.
Peterson chose a grey dress with
black accessories and corsage of
red roses.
At the reception, which imme
diately followed at the Lloyd
home Mrs. Ralph Ranson poured
and Mrs. Irene Monoghan cut the
at Penney's
ILAY-AWAY'S easy a:
3 lbs.
7 Decorator Colon
Moth Proofed for 5 yrs.
It's news when yoa can find an all wool blanket priced
this low. It's the wool that counts! That's why we pick
ed quality wools to re Into this beaaty. That's why wo
chose all seven colors so carefally. A winning three
some ... warmth, beaaty, low price. At Penney'.
Penney's price Is low, of course! Bat the true measure
of a blanket's worth is the wool that goes Into lt! That's
why yoa get 3Vt lbs. of coiy-warm quality wool, seven
of the loveliest, fall -bodied colors wo eoald fin 4! Tea,
It's at Penney's.
4 lbs. of
It's Extra Long
Come In S Colors
This year blankets f eolerfal! Am PesuerS fca this
fluffy beaaty la not one, not two bat NINE Imscioma
hades . . everything from softest pastels U mew ger
aniam red! Extra Ion IV x M" sixe means more taea
In. Teamed mn with 4 lb, of thick-napped wool. kere
a real blanket to bay!
A Bridal
Miss Jean Hatfield and Miss El
len Reynolds will be hostesses to
night for a bridal shower in com
pliment to Miss Carolyn Davis,
August bride-elect. The affair will
be held at the Earl Hatfield home
on Center street and during the
evening the guests will wrap
dream cakes. A miscellaneous
shower will fete Miss Davis and
a late supper will be served by the
Honoring the bride-to-be will be
Mrs. Dewey Davis, Mrs. Earl Hat
field, Mrs. Roy Reynolds, Mrs.
Mary Mann, Mrs. Evelyn Bartlett,
Mrs. Donald Breakey, Mrs. James
Duval, Mrs. Orval Cooley, Mrs.
Stuart Sharpnack, Mrs. Douglas
Coe, Miss Vera Jones, Miss Mar
jory Coe, Miss Caroline Stroh
maier, Miss Be mice Struchmier,
Miss Ardith Combs, Miss Pearl
Combs, Miss Marceil Stewart, Miss
Alice Baillie, Miss Jessie and Miss
Alice Humphreys, Miss Shirlee
Reimann, Miss Nancy Buren, Miss
Beverly Kenney, Miss Joan Trout,
Miss Merl Gramse, Miss Margaret
Forsytbe, Miss Wilma Dunn and
the hostesses.
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers.
Miss Dorathea Steusloff and Mrs.
George Alexander are vacation
ing this week at Pacific City at
the former's beach home. This
weekend they will be joined by
Mr. Chambers and Mr. Alexan
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins wlU be
in Silverton today to be a guest
at the tea for which her daugh
ter, Mrs. William Duncan, and
Mrs. Robert Duncan will be has
tesses for a group of their Sil
verton friends.
cake. Miss Joyce King assisted in
the serving.
After a wedding trip the couple
will be at home in Klamath Falls,
where he is in business.
of 100 Fore Wool
32 lbs. of 100 Virgin
100 All-WooI
i2 (0) (0
Couple Will
tytany in
Miss Cornelia, Strayer and Frank
Osborn have set their wedding day
for October 9 and the ceremony
will take place at the Jason Lee
Memorial church. The news was
told at a party Wednesday night
when Miss Barbara Owens enter
tained at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Owens on
Hood Street, for the pleasure of
the future bride. During the sup
per hour guests learned the news
when passed napkins bearing the
names "Cornelia and Frank, Octo
ber 9." The affair was held in the
party room, which was decorated
with pastel summer flowers.
The bride-to-be is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Strayer
and her fiance is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Osborn, sr. of Ger
vais. The engaged duo are grad
uates of Salem high school.
Attending the announcement
party were Miss Alice Louise O ri
ling. Miss Marlene DeWitt, Miss
JoArvn DeWitt, Miss Diane Stoody,
Miss Shirley Clark, Miss Marilyn
Reay, Miss Virginia Beall, Miss
MarcelLa Messmer, Miss Joyce
King, Miss Merttie Phillips, Miss
Beverly Shaff, Miss Mildred Sell
ard. Miss Loretta Lentz, Miss Faye
Crawford, Mrs. Frank Osborn, sr..
Mrs. Arwin Strayer, Mrs. Darrell
Satter. Mrs. Eucene Harp, Mrs.
Kenneth Alberts, Miss Strayer and
the hostess.
Au Revoir Party
For Mrs. Hill
Mrs. M. F. Becker entertained
with a handkerchief shower Tues
day night at her North Church
street home for Mrs. Madge Hill,
of Southampton, England, who
has been here the past two
months visiting her daughter
Mrs. Fred Baker. Mrs. Hill will
leave here August 11 to return
to England. Refreshments were
served later in the evening.
Honoring Mrs. Hill were Mrs
Fred Baker, Mrs. Robert Seales,
Mrs. Henry Burn ham, Mrs
George Petersen, Miss Mary
Bourke and Mrs. Becker.
Mrs. D. C. Wahlberr, 2623
Brooks street will fly to Seattle
today for a week's visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Reinertesen.
f I I II
The Wyoming- picnic will be
held all day Sunday, July 31 at
the Benton-Lane park, two miles
north of Junction City on high
way 99W. All former Wyoming
residents and their families rre
invited to attend the annual
On Etiquette
By Roberta Leo
Q. Is it proper for a girl to give
her fiance an engagement gift?
A. This is purely optional; in
most cases, the ring given to the
girl is the only engagement gift
Q. Is it ever permissible for an
employer to take his woman sec
retary to luncheon or dinner?
A. Yes, when strictly a matter
of business, but not in a social way
unless he is willing, if seen by
mends, to have his act misinter
preted. Q. Is it correct to refer to a
doctor's wife as "Mrs. Dr. Brown"?
A. No; the correct form is "Mrs.
Brown," or say, "the wife of Dr.
n rvn
A Surprise
Party, Date
Is Set
Miss Constance Louise Cocking
and James Paul Woodroffe, who
recently announced their engage
ment, have set Saturday, August
27 as their wedding day. The
S o'clock ceremony will take place
at the First Congregational church
with the Rev. Brooks Moore of
ficiating. A reception will follow
at the home of the bride-elect's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cock
ing. The benedict-elect is the son
of Mrs. N. S. Woodroffe.
A Sarprise Shower
Mrs. Donald Preiss, the former
Jane Acton, was hostess for a sur
prise bridal shower and party
Wednesday night at apartment on
North Church street for the pleas
ure of Miss Cocking. A late sup
per was served following the mis
cellaneous shower.
Honoring Miss Cocking were a
of all
Summer Merchandise
All Items
Stunning fashions at astounding values ... you'll be proud to
wear those smart coats and dresses for the rest of the season
... and youll bo smart too, in that you took advantage of
those amaxing savings ... hurry In first thing today, as tUs
Is positively the last time at whkh you can get this quality of
merchandise at this low, low price!
Reduced To
RW (o)00
(c (o)
Slashed To
m w
All Sales
Ho Refunds
it n o
1 1
eos couzt ntrn
few of her Intimate friends in-,
eluding Miss June Young. Miss
Carolyn Carson, Miss Addyse
Lane, Miss Edith Fairhun, Miss
Mary Alice Glatt, Mrs. Richard
Jennings and Mrs. Preiss.
Girl Born to Keiths
Felicitations go to Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Park Keith (Barbara Jean
Vincent) on the birth of a daugh
ter, Frances Vincent, on Wednes
day morning at the Salem General
hospital. The little girl, who
weighed eight pounds, five and a
half ounces, has an older sister,
Christine Lisa. Her grandparents
are Lt Col. and Mrs. Willis E.
Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton
L. Keith of Wilmette, 111. Colonel
Vincent is now enroute to his new
army base at Fort Richardson,
Anchorage. Alaska.
Mrs. Everett deWeese is "tri
Portland this week assisting on
the committee for the Reed Sum
mer Festival of Theatre and"
Dance, which is presenting a ser
ies of plays Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights. Also on th
committee arranging the festival
Or Exchanges!
(o) t?
so wmv dt Wi
Iris Proudfit r
Honor Guest
Miss Iris Proudfit, whose ma
riage to Wilbur Freisen will bt
an event of August was the honor
ed guest for a shower at
home of her sister, Mrs. Paul
Byram, on Hollywood drive Fri
day night
Guests were Mrs. Dan Ftiesen,
Mrs. Jess Barham, Doris and
Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell M.
Proudfit, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Floyd
White. June, Jean and Marleen
White, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Herbert
Hansen, sr., Mrs, Herbert Han
sen, jr., Mrs. Ira, Mrs. Marion
Van Tassel, Leona and Elaine
Van Tassel, Mrs. John Walker,
Mrs. Helen Emmert, Mrs. Lewis
Petterson, Mrs. Ralph Miller,
Mrs. Emory Goode. Mrs. Paul
Bassett. Mrs. John Van Laanen,
Mrs. Minnie Hulet, Mrs. Fred
Ortman, Grace and Muriel Stew
art, Mrs. Idabelle Williams, the
honor guest and Mr. Friesen.
is Mrs. deWeese's sister. Mrs.
Richard Carter of Portland.