r"1 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, July TM." (-Today's American Can .. 91ilGrn Bedrid . Am Power it Lt 10S'Jen Foods Am Tel ft TeL.142ben Motors Anacoada 2S4Goodrear Tire Bendix Aria )30Int Harvest Beth Steel J 27 Vint Paper Boeing Air J 19'ilKennecott Calil Pack 32t Canadian Pac i 1-Vnbby McN it Case J I 37 ' Long Bell A Caterpillar 32 IMont Ward Chrysler 50 , Nash Kelvin Comwlth Sou 4'N'at Dairy Cons Vultee TiN Y Central Continental Can 33 Northern Pac Crown Zel 24 'k Pac Am Fish Curtis Wr 8'jIPac Cas FJec Douglas Air P " 4 T closing quotations: 37V4ladio Corp 43HRayonler 82 Bayonier pfd . 41 'Reynolds Met 25 'Richfield Dupont de Ne.. 47 Penney J C 50!Safeway 47 j Sears Roeb . fSo Pacific L 7t5tan Oil Cal Btudebaker 53S;Sun llininf IJTranaamerica 314rUnion CHI . 10 jUn Pacific 13IUn Airlines . 224 !U S Steel 144 (Warner Bros 49 Vi Wool worth 10i 24 3014 - 24 36 23 40V 37 V 62 V4 22 ,10V 304 80 V? 13S 231'! 10 49 15 cents a hundred pounds higher. TO ETTJ N TO SCHOOL OLYMPIA. Wash, July 27-WV H. P. (Dick) Everest, assistant to Governor Langlie, said today he still plans to return this fall to his former post as director of the Uni versity of Washington school of journalism. Salem Market Quotations . As of Is Cp yesterday) miTTflTAT ! Premium No. 1 No. Slimmer Rally Retarded in Stock Market NEW YORK, July 27 -JP)- A summer rally in the stock mar ket stalled today. At the close of trading, the price level, after Jiggling up and down all day, was Just about where it was at the opening. Yesterday the market closed at the highest level since May 19. as measured by the Associated Press average of 60 stocks. It was the most recent gain in an advance that has been under way since mid-June. Trading was lively much of the day, with business boosted by substantial dealings in Com monwealth Sc Southern. Turnover of 1.030,000 shares compared with 1,310,000 Tuesday. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks remained at 03.1 Rises in the industrial and utility groups were balanced by a de cline in the railroad section. Of the 089 individual issues which traded, 413 advanced and 284 lost ground. Grains Back on Upward Trail CHICAGO, July 27 -(yP)-Grains got back on the upward trail today. A little bit of the pessimism which was so pronounced yes terday carried over into today's early trade, but as the day wore on this attitude disappeared. Ev erything was sunny again at the close. The advance started first in corn, spread to soybeans, and finally even wheat joined the up ward movement. All soybean contracts set new seasonal highs, but grains could not match prev ious high marks. Even lard show ed signs of bullish life in re sponse to army buying of cash lard. Wheat closed 1 to 1 higher, corn was IV4-1 nigner, oats were higher, rye was 2V4- 2i higher, soybeans were 4 to 5 cents higher and lard was 12 to Conscientious, Dignified Service (45 North Capitol TeL S-3672 M .71 butts Wholesale . Retail fCCS (Hyll) Who let 1 once ranges from I te I cents tw htivtnc arte I Extra large AA .S3 Large aa . .SI Large A J k'.eoium A A .54 Medium A , J5 luUeU . Cracks AO POUI.THT A Leghorn hens .21 B Leghorn hru . .16 C Leghorn hens . .. .IS A colored hens J3 B Colored hens .18 C colored hens .11 A colored fryer. 3 lb aud up E2 B colored fryers XX C colored fryers Jl A old roosters -13 B old roosters JO C old roosters OS LIVESTOCK fey Taney rark Paf dairy cows 10 00 to 12 08 Cutter cows : 10.00 to 11.50 Bulls 13.00' to 17.00 Good calves. 300-450 lbs. 14.00 to 15.00 Good veal 150 to 300 lbs. 16.00 to 19 00 Top lambs 17.00 to 1S.60 Feeders , . 13.00 to 13.00 Zwra IjOO to KM Today's ear receipts: heat lit: br W 3; flour 3; com 3; oats 13; mUlfeed 1L Portland Livestock PORTLAND, July 27 ( AP) (US DA) SaU Me cattle today 200, calves 50; market active, mostly steady to strong; soma me luin beef steers strons; to 50 rests higher at 21 -50-14 .00 for seo-H73 lbs: common steers mostly lS.SO-ia 00; common -medium betters U-5O-M0O; uetit cutter dairy type steers and bcifers UJe-13.80: canner rutter cow mostly ll.sa-ll.50-. several 1X00: common beef cow 134W-23; odd good young cows up to 1S.SO; common food sauce bulls U.M-laJO: cuS common calves and men la .00-13.00; medium grades 17.00-18-00; good STS lb. ranee carvce 20.00; food-choice vealers 2040-21. 00. Salable hoes ISO: market active, fully steady with top 29 cents higher: good choice 180-230 lbs. mostly S4.00: few ehoi 17-21 lbs 24.25: 25-175 lb 21 50-2T 00; 300-335 lbs li.00-2000; good under 350 lb sows KJ0: sizable supply good 430-575 lb sows at 1S.OO; choice iketit feeder pigs quotable up to 25.00. Salable sheep 250; market active, fully steady eonsiderine. quality; few food -choice spring lambs 21.00; scat tered lots medium-good grades 10.50 20.00; some good no 22. pelt lamb at UM; culls down to 14.00; iredtum good 95-73 lb leered lambs 17.00-IS 25; rood yearlings salable 18.00: good Ught ewes 7.00; common-medium 3.00-5.50. 300 Persona 312 Lost and Foand STRAYED: 1 small, reddish Jersey neuter. Please notify Joseph A. Ku ber, Rt. 7. Boh 73. Pn7-160. LOST on UcCJeay Rd. 1 hand truck. Name ike carved on handle. Re ward If returned to mill immediate ly. Cherry City Milling Co. Trade High. 316 PeraraxT IT LOftZLT write Rutb f Wade. Be 07 Vancouver W an oM reflabto club Palmistry Readings Te pass, piaannl at Future. Advice on love. r.nsiaiss and marriage. Aaa- w er aH questmos. Are yon jj rn ed ? 173 S Coca 1. Open a-m. to 10 pjn. 400 Agriculture Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press STOCK JULY 27 AVE ACKS an 11 i si Indust Kails Utils Stocks Net Change A.l D A 1 Uncb Wednesday .4 33 0 18 7 63.1 Prev. day aJ 33.2 30.S S3.1 Week ago MO 33 0 30.6 62 9 Month ago ... 84 3 30.7 36 4 MS Year ago HI 45- 41 J 60.7 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Vtil Forgn Net chanee Unch Unch D.l A.3 Wednesday ,. W0 102.3 1031 69.8 Prev. day 90.0 102.3 103J 09J Week ago . 89.7 102 J 103.4 69.3 Month ago 88 4 101.7 102 5 69.4 Year ago S2.5 110.0 100 J 62 J Portlanrl Grain PORTLAND. July 27 I AP) Wheat futures and cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat ibfdi: soft white 2.11; soft white (excluding rex) 2.11', ; white club 2 11',. Hard rd winter: ordinary 2.11; 10 per cent 2.11; 11 per cent 2.11; 12 per cent 2.12. Hard white baart: ordinary 2.14 10 per cent 2.14; 11 per cent 2.16; 12 per cent 2.13. FINAL CLEARANCE Oar Entire Slock or ILaun Furniture GOES AT TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS 1 Every piece f lawa fsu-nltaro most fo! Its yenr chance t complete year lawa set at prices ye ever dreamed possible. Come early omr stock is limited to those pieces en ow fleer! LAY7II SWINGS Swings that formerly cost SSMt aw redaeed for a cjalck action clearance. Cam Mpied A bailt to leaf Cholc limited at this xtra taring $ price. 5900 And lUwimlxrl Tks) Eaalaat Tanas t Towa LAwn cnAms ItigLllr colored, Ivurdwood franM dow to only L0U17GE CHAIQS Mrkd Frazaa filial colorad. Dnrabb Loath- '1200 rattd Cms lo i Baducsxl From n-50 To A Small Down Paymont DaUrari Any Ztom Portl an n rro luce PORTLAND. July 27 (AP) But terfat (tentative, subject to immediate change): Premium quality maximum to 35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 61-4c lb.; first quality 5&-C- lb.: second Quality 55-5Sc. Val ley routes and country points 2c less than first. : Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. S3 score. 61c lb.- A. 92 score. 00c lb.: B. 90 score. 57c lb.-. C. score. 55c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. . Cheese- selling' price to Portland wholesalers): Oregon singles, 38i-47c; Oregon 5-lb. loai. 41i-49c. Eggs-(to wholesalers): A grade large. 61-ViC; A grade, medium. 54', 57",c; B grade. Ure. S-'j-SS'iC. Uv chickens-(No. 1 quality fob. plants) . Broilers, under 2 lbs.. 27 -28c; fryers. 24-3 lbs., 31 -33c; 3-4 lbs.. 32 33c: roasters. 4 lba. and over 32-33c; fowl. Leghorns, over 4 lbs.. 22c: color ed fowl. aU weight. 23-24c; old roost ers, all weights, 18-20c lb. Rabbits-( a vera re to growers): Live white. 4-9 lbs.. 19-21c: 5-4) lbs.. 17-Uv; colored. 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks, S-14c lb.; dressed fry ers. 55-37C lb. Fresb dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per ewt): Beef: Steers, good. 500-800 lbs.. $42-45; commercial. 635-41; utility. 831-34. Cows: commercial. $33-36; utility, $29 31; canners-cutters, $23-27. Beef cuts-(food steers: Hind quar ter. $53-55; rounds. $53-55; full loins, trimmed. $65-70; triangles. $36-37; square chucks. $38-40; ribs. 350-53; forequarters. $36-37. Veal and calf: Good. $36-40: commer cial. $32-35; utility. S28-30. Lamb: good- choice, spring lambs, $44-46; commercial. $40-42. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down $18-20. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. $50-61; shoulders. 16 lbs., down, $39-41: spareribs. $48-51; carcasses, $35-36; mixed weights $3 lower. Wool: Course, valley and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 25c lb. on 12 month growth. Country -killed meats: Veal: top quality. 32-33c lb: other grades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier 24-30c. Hogs: Light blockers. 31 -32c lb.;; sows 24-26c. Lambs: top quality, 37-38c lb; mutton, 10-13c. Beef: Good cowt, 23-28c lb.; canners-cutters. SI -23c. Onions: Market full: yellow globe Babosas. new crop. Calif, med. Sc Urge. $2.00-25: reds, $2-25-45; white globes.3 50-4 00. Hay: new crop stack baled VS. No. 1 alfalfa or better, truck or car lots r.O.B. Portland or Puget sound. $30-32 ton: VS. No. 1 mixed timothy. $31 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified eiover hay, $20-22. depend tng on quality, baled, on Willamette valley farms. 402 Iirastock NOTICE TO CKEDITORS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Department of Probate. In the Matter of Price Toombs, de ceased. NOTICX IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Price Toombs, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. County of Mar lon (Probate Department). All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present such claims duly verified, and with proper verifi cation attached, to the undersigned at 647 North High Street. Salem, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice, the same being dated and. published the first time this 28th day of July. 1949. William Bliven Administrator of the Estate of Price Toombs Jly 2S-A4-U-18-25 300 Personal 310 Mooting Notices Pacific Lodge No. 50 A. F. & A. M. M.M. Degrees, Friday, Jury zytn. Cbemeketa Lodge No. 1 lOOF. meats everv Wednesday night TOR SALE Model "A" roup, new paint, good cond. 108 M. Liberty. Duroc Bred Gilt & Boar Sale Show 10.30 m m. Sale 1 "00 pjn. Saturday, August 6. 1949 Fairgrounds. G re-ham. Oregon Northwest Duroc Breeders Ass'n. 4 JERSEY -Guernsey cows, giving milk. 30 young N. H. hens, also some tryers Ciirxon tractor and cream separster. Rt. 3. Box 801. Ph. 2-3159. 1 YEAR OLD Colt. Arab n breeding Sired by Gedron Rt. 7 Box 40 7 K. on Sihrerton Rd. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph 3-1144. 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit and Farm Prodoco BOTCENBFJtKIES. Se lb. TJ-pick. good picking. Rt. 2. Box 390 B B. mi. N.W. of Chemawa Indian School oa Keizer-Chemawa Rd. BOYSENBFJRltS. U-ptck. 3c lb. Bring con lamer. A. u. w mi never. Sale R- 7. Box 36$. On HayesvtUe Drive. 1 mi K. of Green Apple Market. Fcmn IoTitpui4Mit FOR SAIJC. IMS Fauna B "Super A", ptow. cultivator, with swupa and discs, 2 ft. $ in. rover crop disc. All A-l cend . save $400. Paul Rlile. Rt. S. Box 334. Salem. CLETRAC tnSC Crawlse Model ED. Pbooe 3-1263 or 3-3230. 425 Auction Salaa J Wanted Cars Trucks- Trailers No sale, no mmmiaslocv Sale every Tues 7:30 p. m. Hat. and furniture sale every Thurs. 7 p m. Bring your coo-CDnwot or call 3-1221. EAST SALEM AUCTION CXNTTR 97$ Lancaster Dr. 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods Tor Sola 1 BED daveno $65. 6x9 rug and pad $H. Electric heater $i0 Ph. 2-5Z48. NOW AT STUD. Reg. Palomino quai ter horse H. L Stiff, jr. Rt. 3. Box 870 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C MrCandlwh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 WANTED. Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid. it will cost vou nothing. Earl Du Chlen. t495 N. 5th. Salem. Phone -16M s ARAB 2 yr. old filly, broke to ride. Gentle. $70 Fisher Rd. 404 Poultry and Rabbi 25 N. H. PULLETS, 11 weeks old $1.40 each, also some N. H. hens. Call after $ p. m Lyman Cain. P. O. Box 157. 2 blks. north of Webbs Garage. Turner. Oregon. 1.000 Christie strain N. H. pullets. 13 wks. old. sell all or part. Charles Morley. Rt. 1. Sublimity. 3 miles N. E. Union Hill School. Ph. Stayton - R-5. N. Z. WHITE does with Utters. 2015 Kappa han Rd. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for imme diate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Foxes Hatcnery, 3830 State St., Ph. 3-4968 NEW HA MP chicks every Thursday. Ph. 2-28S1. Ltti Hatchery. 408 Pats GOLDEN Hamsters cunning little pets. $1.00 ea. Ph. 3-9590. FREE kittens to good home. Ph. 2-5507. 585 N. 22nd St. 412 Fruit and Farm Produca WANT to know who will furnish me Tanuon plums. Ph. 3-4005 BOYSENBERR1ES You pick. 50c crate. 1 mile So. l' E. of Pringle school. Lyle Lorenti. ErESSED rabbit fryers 55c per. lb. free delivery. Phone 3-5013. GRAVEN STEIN apples. About U mi. W. of Ketrer Sen. Rt. 2. Box 158. lOYSENBERJUES. U pick. 5c lbTS. G. Doege. mi. E. Liberty sen Rt 9. Box 210. Ph. 2-3141. PICKLING cucumbers, beans (green and yellow), boysenbemes. Friggard Fruit Farm. ! mile N. Ketzer sen. CUCUMBERS - tomatoes - apples -peaches, etc. Leon s Fruit Stand, 400 N. River Rd. WANTED: Produce to sell on commis sion. Leon's Fruit Sund, 4905 N. River Rd. Don't Bo FAT! RJ D JL helps you reduce Take B..D.X. Tablets before saean s aeip yoa crb yoat spps at for aaeccded fosds. Between aJs. B..D.X. TsMea help yoa I mmmmrt due caoses yoa o taaratag taacsa. Redacing beaanc man p a ssam eaionble y of If roar doctor ft sold yon takeogwvignt, aK budsso at woaderhu -ewB-D.X.Tsblea od Racui PUa. B..D.X. Tablea coacsia M brmfl drufi. Let Tke Scales Show Yea. Yos 4o wtmt to lose weight, doo't yoa? Thea boy s sedUgc of B.D.X. Tablea saa follow the K.D.X. eaacta PUa. a n ) YaeUMWailt V J m The Tost Ihtittl ...of luscious ...COOL 4 FOIL PINTS! as 'I'HL Open Eves. Until 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Saturday until $ pjn. Complete Home Furnishings LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY S. 3c H. GREEN STAMPS You cant beat this combination. H & H Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797 FOR SALE: Mahogany Governor Win thrap desk, like new. 2 matching rugs dark red Gulliston Wilton, one 9x12 with pad and one 3"xl0 ". 1 taupe mohair. Cogswell Birtchfield chair, mohagany Windsor chair. Ph. 3-9JZ1. Tno Shrtaa-naaa- Soiam, Onqua, Tkandcrr f&T i& 194S 1) 450 Blcrrhandijw 4SS Houaakold Gooda For Sola DEEPFREEZE Borne freexers. 1129 50 and ap. Vbsce's Electrtc. 1ST So. NEW Speed Queen washerTS89 SoTliT mwn. virwe s r-iecOTC, 131 a. uny. CLECTKlC Sewuig Machines Fr Westinghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO NEW a ft. Gibson refrtgerator. alggja. Vince's Electric. 157 S. berty DcXPFRXEZK Home Freexers SUM and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO GOOD USED electric ranee. U5I Vinces El-ctric. 157 S. Liberty trsED washing machines, ranges. e fnaerators. water beaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. EXHAUST fa ns Close out pricaa YEATER APPLIANCE CO HOTPLATES, fans, pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO HOTPT. ELEC range, side owen. dres ser. bed daveno, 665 So. Summer af ter 5 D.m fcOOD OAK dresser. $15. Ph. 2-0157. OHIO OIL circulator, pipe, oil can. 522.50. Call 2-0438. 4S6 Wanted. Household Goods NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture. Ph. 3-5110 Woodry, 1'SK.O t'L'KMTl'RE Phone 3-91M. FURNITURE All kinds wanted. Free appraisal. Ph 3-0550. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. 458 Building Matexkda lr No. 1 cedar ahakea. Natural me painted, prime coated or stained. Cedar waU, Fittite or Bear brands, 58. per. sq. up. Delivered with under course. Ted Muller. Salem 2-1190, 2x4 s Douglas Ftr No. S and No. 4 FARMERS - CONTRACTORS Surfaced Four Sides $22 JO F.O.B. Mill Independence Lumber Jk Manutactur g to. Inc. inO' RED CEDAR SHINGLESTNo. per aq. No. 2, 15 00 per sq. C. G. Long, ph X582L One mile north of K.e n.c.p. a Jan Jelly PECTIU . " sra) For BIGGER and BETTER Maximum egg productioa . . at lower coat. That's the story of Triangle X-tra egg pro ducer. A carefully balanced feed supplying the require ments for more extra grade eggs. Mash or pellets. TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER "Saa YowF Local Triangle Daalar" 1288 State SL We ara ogtdn ofiarlna a wonderful salactioi. of cuts in oil variatias trt pricas tiicrt will or a you from 25 to 30. You can not afford to pass up thesa values especially when there is plenty of courteous service thrown in for good measure. Prices effective Thurs day. Friday and Saturday I FRESHLY GROUND HAIIBURGER lb. 33' EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD npiTP . Arm Cats iliVXsX Blade Cats a la. 110 AST K.mpe 39c EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD T BOIIES lb. SS1 MHJ- FED VEAL ROAST lb. 43 FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE lb. 33 EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD STEAK lb. 49' EASTERN ORE. HEKCfOKD ROUIID STEM ib 0i EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD gf, Boneless Sirloin 09 TENDER SDNNLESS WIEIIERS lb. 39' EASTERN SUGAR CURED lb. 45c LOCKER BEEF NO NEED TO WAIT1 BUY ONE RIGHT NOW WHILE THE PRICE IS LOW. EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD. SMALL SIZES lb. BASIN GER'S FOOD MARKET 12S8 State Street In The Unlversirf Shoppincj Center SHEET CORII Locally Grown Excellent Quality Doz. 39c CAirrELODTE JX i-9c GDAPES ,. 29c CABBAGE "hT n,4c PEACHES T-.?Si1 29c LETTUCE ,.,--. ..5c POTATOES U1,V 33c WATEnilELOnS '"ZX . 3c . ... CIIISCO i iu. 83c S0PEDS0DS t n. 39c SUuAD 87c PLUIIS--'229c ' ! , VINEGAR & PIC-UNO SPICES SHACK rJT4 37c stock up now t KxeeDemt IK 45c Mcm ESactive Thxoa. rd. Sal July .28-280 SHOP & SAVE AT DASHIGE-S 13th & State IIATOmilUSE 73c Qairt COFFEE Nat. Asrv. IHLE 10c TkXI EHE2D IK n. 19c J file White f u