11 Th Stat man, Solatia, Oregon. Ihvndar. JulT 28. 133 c v George Hubbs In Hospital SILVERTON Gori W. Hubbs, prominent Silverton busi ness man, was rushed to the Sil verton hospital Wednesday after noon where he was reported Wednesday night as holding his own. Hubbs suffered a heart at tack early Wednesday morning but was able to remain at his home until mid-afternoon when it was found necessary to place him In an oxygen tent His three children, Max, who lives at Silverton, Mrs. James Jenks of Albany and Mrs. Earl Chalfan .of Portland were called to his home. Another son, Ronald, vhn had hn visiting here, re DAILY AND SUNDAY The Nation's Top Comics in Your Home Newspaper M!HI;'ii!!tlill!!l!ll ? c I if tr- s turned to his home in Minneapolis, Minn., a few days ago. mvm IMS iiftiiia ' Twts eooK jJlJJ-S-L- j T"' APeKTT OU ) ( SO wsitePESTikjS cZZ- j:, . ) II OOMIKlG "TO S I CANT PUT GPS AT SCOTT ' J ' S BED ? ITS J V, IT DOWN CEAO UMTlu ) V fcr: JiJ-J 7 I I GOT TO GET V -T-: sssr - J S J PACWOOO.' ( wwy ape cu A I'M TPyinG to get I E'Ght wouos sleep ) in Tvii?EE MOUffS - - - - "- ' " - " 1 Former Gcrvals Man Visits in Community GERVAIS Clarence Purdum of Seattle called on ,old friends and acquaintances here Monday. He spent the early part of his boy hood in Gervais when his father was Southern Pacific station ag ent 62 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams of San Jose, Calif, are the house guests of their son, Jess Adams, and family. Arriving from Chicago last week to visit their brother, Rev. Martin Doherty, are Eileen and Katharine Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Seguin re ceived word of the arrival of their first grandchild, a son born July 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Se guin of Los Angeles. " r r"""" " 'T???! -"....mn.. r J FUTURE I I PORCH j B. IZ qV it I n I tf6 1 io- ' ""TV tTl 9 " ff j. I Oa n3 o c- I C I FUTURE II V . FIREPLACE I HI W d all B.R. I L.R. I I2'6"xl0' I I8'xl3' I p- ! PACKING ALL the features of a larger home Into small dimensions, this economy boose covers only 768 square feet It can be built with or without a basement, the utility room providing adequate space for cellar stairs. If a fire place can be afforded. It ean be Included aa suggested on the plan. A detail sketch of the entrance Is shown in the inset This Is Design No. 4R-44 by Elmer Gyl leck, architect, 120 V So. Grove Ave Elfin, I1L He estimates that on the basis of tOO cuble feet of construction, this house may be built for about 18.000 In many localities. He suggests an exter ior of wood siding painted white with green shutters and a roof of colored asphalt or plain wood sblncles. Plans Completed for Tillamook Couiity Fair August 16 to 20 ' TILLAMOOK Plans are being completed here for the 33rd an nual Tillamook county fair from August 16 through 20. W. H. (Mike) Paynter, fair manager, predicts the event will top all previous fairs in entertainment, exhibits and attendance. The fair grounds are being readied for an estimated 33,000 during the five-day program. . The fair will open officially Tuesday, August 16, when Gov. Douglas McKay will be Honored during a noon luncheon by the local Kiwanis club at the fair grounds ballroom. Immediately following the Tillamook fair re vue in' the evening, the governor will crown as queen one of five young women sponsored by coun ty granges. The revue, Paynter says, will be presented each night at the grandstand and will feature top acts from California. Each afternoon a full racing program featuring both thorough bred races and local saddle hos es will be presented at the track. Horses from Gresham, Portland Meadows and Longacres near Se attle will compete. . The commercial exhibits will feature many new products not previously shown at any fair. The program by the day: August 16 - Governor's day. August 17 Pioneer day. August 18 North Tillamook day. August 10 Tillamook and loggers' day. August 20 South Tillamook and Children's day. Lyons Church Women Hold Business Session t Mrs. Lawrence Walworth was hostess for the meeting of the wo men's Society of Christian Ser vice Tuesday. The business meeting was in charge of Mrs. Walworth and Mrs. Wallace Power led the devotions. Various plans were made and dis 8 cussed.' At the close of the meeting re freshments were served to Mrs. ribyd Bassett, Mrs. Walter Be- V .... 0. V. 1 V- IfUllllWII, 0. Fannie Saetebier, Mrs. Art Batt ler, Mrs. Wallace Power, Mrs. Jim Lande, Mrs. Minnie' Smith, Mrs. Daisy Johnston, , Mrs. Anna Johnson, Mrs. Loren Chamber lain, Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. John Bridehoft, the Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Jewell, Mrs. Dick Power of Glendale, Calif., who was guest of the afternoon, and the hostess, Mrs. Walworth. Mt. Angel Woman Host For Family Dinner MT. ANGEL Mrs. N. G. Mlckel was host at her home Sun day at a dinner for the members of her family visiting here over the week end. Guests included Mr. and Mrs Ben Neinke, Margo and Mickel of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gale, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Mickel, Port Angeles, Wash.: Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenwood, Barbara and Wayne, of Sandy, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ward of Seattle, and Bob Mickel. Fellowship Hour Held at Lyons LYONS A no-host dinner and fellowship hour was held fol lowing the morning services nt the Lyons Methodist church Sunday. In the arternoon a meeting was held to discuss the maintenence and building up of the Sunday school and church. Work has been progressing on the parsonage and it is hoped that it will be ready for the Rev. and Mrs. Jewell to move In the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and sons, Donald and Walter, left Monday for Burntwoods where she was called by the serious illness of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt went to Lebanon Friday evening. They will spend- a week at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma. Hiatt, suffering with a heart condition, Is to have complete rest for a while. Ray Kampy of Portland is vis iting at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-Clurg. Mrs. Miller Replaced By Mils Marcoe, Dallas Elsie Marco will Join the Polk county extension staff as county extension agent (home economics) on August 1, N. John Hansen, Polk county extension agent, an nounced Wednesday. Miss Marco will replace Mrs. Thelma Miller, who has been serving ilncee Feb ruary 1. Miss Marco is a graduate of the state agricultural college at Storrs, Conn., and received htr master's degree at Cornell. Besides her work with the homemakers of Polk county, she will assist in or ganizing 4-H clubs and advising local leaders, sharing the respon sibility of the 4-H program with R. M. Ohling. Mrs. Miller will make her home in Salem. PLAN 4R-44 Middle Grove Scout Troop Stages Party MIDDLE GROVEommittee- men and members or Middle Grove Boy Scout troop 42 held a business meeting and fishing party Tuesday at Mission slough. Edna Brazealle, Grants Pass, a visitor at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lawrence Hammer Io sev eral weeks, has retuned home Mrs. Hammer accompanied her to Grants Pass for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scharf and family spent the week end at Taft fishing. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman are spending a week at the coast Diamonds are often used to draw very fine wire. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles! KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 820. KEX 1190 OOUR 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 00:09 Morn. Mews. 00:13 t)awn Patrol Nw Rour.dup IKOXN Klock Hods Podge (Hodge Podge Early Bird Xarly Bird 00:10 00:45 I"arm Newi - IMarch Time IKOCO Klock "KOCO Klock I KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock IKneass News Hodge Podfe Early Bird Early Bird KSLM KOCO OIN GW Dawn Patrol Tex flitter KOm Klock Farm Time News (Dawn Patrol (Dawn Patrol IN INewa St Sports Top O' Morning ITop O" Morning newi iuick Joy irreo Beck farm Time lOld Songs IKneass News Band Box I Bob Hazen (Time Tempos 8 KILM News Breakfast Gang Breakfast GanglTop Trades KOCO West Melodies IWest Melodies IStars Sing Wildw'd church KOIN Uaer News Art Baker Rob. Lewis I Rob. Lewis KGW Music Music I Riders of SageiSam Hayes KEX Star Sing lArgonsky Z. Manners Tropicana 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN Bargain CountrtMorn. Haven of Best lory Second Cup 6 fast club Special ISons Pioneers Haven of Rest IMuaie News (Grand Slam Second Cup Jack Bcrch IB'fast Club jB'fait Club Music 17. C. Thomas Rosemary News B last Club 10 KSLM News (Kate Smith Pastor's Call (Charlie Spivaa vonee cup !ww Report Loncert concert Wendy Warren1 Aunt Jenny IH. Trent IGal Sunday KOIN KGW KEX rommy Dorsey (Tommy Dorsey I Tommy Doney ITommy Dorsey News Today Stars IKay Kyser Kay Kyser 11 KSLM News KOCO Glass Wax KOIN Big Sister KGW Orchestra KEX T. Malone (Walker's Class Wax (Ma Perkins (Orchestra Ciena Drake OrganaIlties iGlass Wax 'Dr. Malone iroday s Child. (True Story Waltz Serenade Glass Wax Guiding Light !L. Lawton (True Story MRS. LARKINS AT COAST EAST SALEM Mrs. Glen Larkins is at Camp Magruder at Barview on the coast this week as a teacher for the junior outing program of the First Methodist church. Donna Lou Kleen of Mid dle Grove community is one of the young people at the camp this week. L5? Wit SK4i Look and Learn By A. C Gordon 1. What are the dimensions of the ordinary American building brick? 2. How much did a coat of mail, as worn by the medieval knights, weigh? 3. Which state of the Union has the most rainfall? 4. What is the title of the presid ing officer of the U. S. House of Representatives? 5. Who said, A house divided against itself cannot stand"? ANSWERS 1. Eight inches long, four Inches wide, 2V4 inches thick. 2. From 55 to 100 pounds. ' 3. Louisiana. 4. Speaker. 5. Lincoln. LL 12 KSLM Top Trades (News 'Quern for Day Queen for Day rx wooo nuug inouyw a music news Ilea Uale KOIN Newt ICome Get It N. Drake Brihter Day KGW Double Nothing Double Nothing News (Light World KEX B. Crocker iNews iBaukhage tKilgallen 1 KSLM Ladies rirst Ladies First IN. W. News 'Bob Eberly KOCO Mac's Melodies (Mac's Melodies iMac's Melodies Mac's Melodies KOIN Mrs. Burton IP. Mason Bright it Light (Aik-Flo KGW Life Beautiful IRoad of Life iPepper Family IHactoiness KEX Northwest INorthwest Kay West IKay West 2 KSLM Tell Neighbor Johnson Fam. (Organ Reveries Blng Sings KOCO Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies Mac- Melodies iMac s Melodies KOIN Air Newspaper (Air Newspaper (Winner Take (Tunefully Youri KGW B'stage wife IStella Dallas (Lorenzo Jones Widder Brown KEX ' B last Hollw'd B'fast HoUw'd Easy Aces iMyrt Ac Marge BLONDE 1 rjl : vT TWAT VACUUM BftOiV J OONTAiNS OUST FT3DM JfV nZACk-S ON TALCUM Jg FREELY CJSPtt.Jfck&) DICK TRACT WE'LL EXAMINE" IT UNDO? THE MICROSCOPE. THEN LgUN A CHEMICAL ANALYSIS M EANwI-HLE, RVT AND SAM ACE BUSY AT TALCUM R?LfciY5 HOME. THERE ACE TWO FOOT PRINTS IN THE FLOWS? BED BUT THE WATER SPRINKLER MAS FILLED THEM WITH WATER. TWERES SOME CHEESE - CLOTH IN THE OTHER KIT. SAM. o1NU IT HERE, AMD 1. 1 1 -lU ur VI I LX 1U TT 1 P CAST A FOOTPRINT UNDO? WATER. 1 t HONEST. W0 FOOtIM'- YM MEAlU-x TrE INDIANS ARE GONNA IITW US LEAVE ? WE OONT NAVE J&K TP STAV MERE NO M0B fj fTS LITTLE ANNIE ROONET CHIEF aYING HAWK FELLS HE CALLS TWE-MAN-WNO UVES-F0REVEB HE WOULD TAKE YOJ BACK hTOYOUa OWN PEOPLE 1 r r ft m INOIAHS AU LOVE YDU-THOf SAT YOJ BCOUCHT TUEM C0O0 , LUCK - BUT THEYfeE AWFUL SUPERSTITIOUS-THEY THINK BAD LUCK TO; KOMISE-AJ 6EE, TWATS SWELL- AN' WOUONtf IT BE 6RAN0 IF EVERYBODY 1 IN THE WORLD HAD THAT KINO Of SUPERSTITION!?; BUZZ SAWYEB CCAAIK1G FROM YOUR ROOM, IMPOSSIBLE! I V'if.". I-l CANT l I umpC5tano rr. J M MA. hA1. TM!K N0TM;S4 OF IT, MY D5AST KA66. YOJ V-MT WAVE PROPPED VOUR CiGAR IM TWE WA5TE BASKET. 7" 1 MICKEY MOUSE KTWEOW'EM POWNiJ, . m A. I i l f tym it, CCU (3UES3 WE PONT NEED AN AJ2MV,' 7? r EE5AI TM5 AINT3 ACE ALL V" FK5HTIN3 EACH OTHER POC 3 4 KSLM Ths Storm fTh Storm Music IMusle KOCO Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies IMac s Melodies (Mac's Melodies KOIN Art Klrkhara Met Missus Meet Missus (Arthur Godfrey KGW Girl Marries traces life IPlain Bull Page rarrell KEX Surprise Pkg. Surprise Pkg. IBrida Sc Groom Brida & Groom KRLM Say with Music ISay with Music JSonnrs of Times INews KOCO Women's Paf philosopher ISpoUight I Spotlight KOIN Art Godfrey Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey !Art Godfrey KGW tVelc'me Trav. (Welc'me Trav. I Aunt Mary I Love & Learn KEX Travelers (Travelers Unkletter ILinklctter 5 KSLM Fulton Lewis IT. Hemlnfway Passinf Parade News KOCO Rhythm Ranch IRythm Ranch iBing Crosby iSport Pace KOIN curt Massey I Little Show . Kons I Larry LeSuer KGW Woman Secret jSunny Side INews (Harkness KEX Squirrel Cafa Squirrel Cage John Lujack John Lujack 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX B-Bar-B Candle Light K Manning -Serenade Sports IB-Bar-B ICandle Light Parade Bands Serenade Home Edition Adventures News C. Huntley Symphony IRomances News Bill Stern News E. Peterson Romances 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gab. Heatter Pat O'Brien Escape Nelson Eddy Ed C. Hill IN.W. News Naval Res. Escape Nelson Eddy Elmer Davis IRamblers Top Band Crime Photo. Mason Show (Name Movie IRamblers ITop Band Crime Photo. I Mason Show IName Movie 8 9 KSLM Drama Music House IMorgan Mannr 'Morgan Manner KOCO Bandstand (Bandstand - Dugout Dope I baseball KOIN First Nighter IFirst Ntghter lOrchestra I Orchestra KGW Fred Waring JFred Waring lOragnet Dragnet KEX Counter Spy Counter Spy IBaad Show band Show KSLM Hop long Caa. Hop lonf Cas. ICoast Survey Coast Survey KOCO Rase ball (Baseball I Base bail Baseball KOIN Collingwood IChicagoans (Mr. Keen - Mr. Keen KGW Supper dub INews World (Partner I Partner KEX Theatre I Theatre (Runyan TheatrlRunyaa Theatx 10 KSLM News KOCO Baseball KOIN star Final KGW New News local News IVews (Your Security IS ports Pag Intermezzo New rrark 1490 Spin to Win Bands Concert Hour lUuste rrack 1490 Spin to Win Band Wagon (Concert Hour 11 KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Track 14M KOIN Serenade KGW Newa KEX Concert Hour Bob Poole IBob Poole Track 1490 rrtack 1490 Vou at World (Orchestra Wax Museum IWax Museum Concert Hour Ittemoa Music Track 1490 lOrchestra IWax Moseeat (Memo KOAC SM k. Tkarsday 10 AO ajn. News; 10 JS Eapecially for Women; 11:00 Concert Hall: U.tX News; U:1S P-m. Noon Farm Houn 1M Ride 'em Cowboy; 1JJ Variety Time: 130 Mel ody Lane: 1M Calvacade of Drama: 11J Memoir Book of Music: IM Newa; a:U Music of the Masters; 4:00 Oregon, Reporter: 4:15 - Favor tte Hymns; 4:43 Children's Theater; S0 On too Upbeat; 120 (50 Sports Club; $M News; J3 Dinner Melodies: JO "Round the Campflre; T:1S E ren in Farm Hour; ItO You and Your Security; :1 Great Songs: S:4J News; M Musk: That Endures: 0:45 Lift Up Thy Voice: 10:00 Excursions in Science: 10:19 Serenade: 10:49 New; 11:00 Sign Off. ifsft &!&i"l&7l BETTER SLOW DOWN, ). Q'XpMtVlL RIP, CR IOU'U. BE JhC" WEIX gCTWR0U6H IT! J is, honey... v'S' PriZ. 11A j -fm mm .-J J l-T - - RIP KTRBT RIP Kiw)jjtf J0SIyaf?i StuHAMaS IsS PAfiAN! IT'S SO OOOO THERE'5 STILL to see vou : but what are i time., a wo i KOU DOING MERE! SHOOLDNT J HAD TO SEE YOU.1 YOU BE AT THE THEATRE, OH, RIP...I NEED 6ETT1N3 READY FDR. StK YOUR HELP! THE OPENiNfl f It 'LJ--LfeT- NOT A NCKEt! T i wiLIhTW ITR'EDTHAT 1 3 iTr r& 1 ONCE rVtTH CHICCE2- ft; l fctTM CEV5t3ER ? I F :: rv5 leaknep wy le66Cn: i hut i l 1 GASOLINE ALLET rrs all pck "V the deal WALLET I BC63LE, 16 OFP, AND 1 AN WE'VE HAD VOU CAN I I A NCE &JOl I TELL THAT I op woex at ccoo to youz I speiCESrr--y--V vmcs:. ' AW, C06H SEEX! Y IP WE CAN'T 'fl WE'LL LOSE ALL 1 OPERATE ON H THAT SWELL STREET THE UP-AND- IP, VE CXDN'T DESERVE TO BE IN jV CANCEL AU fVW Xf VS,MR. APPOINTMENTS, FIFI-1V SCHUYLER SCHUYLER, THE NT FABULOUS HAIR 1 ) j ' STYLE R, IS GOING HOME n TO THINK; i BARNEY GOOGLE come, come, scLyLER--CONCEflTRrVTE!., VOU MUST COME. FORTH WITH THE MOST AMAZING CHIN COIFFURE OF THE century FOR TIE LESS" TV TYLER- YOU MUST CUT TT OFF YET LfcfWfc IT WWW . ro