The Statesman. SoUm. Oregon, Friday. July 22. 194913 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMER; News and Views of Farm and Garden -By Will L madseH ' ? Wet Method Smut Control Is Popular Although dry methods give just as effective control, use of the newer wet. so-called slurry treat ment, to prevent wheat smut is gaining popularity throughout Oregon's wheat belt, reports Rex Warren, state college extension Number of machines in use has Increased greatly wjimn me pasi year or so, the specialist adds. To make use of Ceresan M by the wet, slurry method, required a specially built machine designed to weigh accurately and measure wheat seed as well as the amount of treating material used. Big advantage the wet method has over other treating methods using Ceresan products is the fact tint obnoxious dust and fumes are eliminated. With the slurry meth od, seed wheat must still be allow ed to set 24 hours between treat ing and planting. Warren empha .' This waiting period allows full utilization of gas that is form ed by Ceresan M. It kills smut spores. Although water is used in the slurry method. Warren states the moisture content of seed wheat is increased less than one percent by proper use of this treatment. New Improved Ceresan. copper carbonate or basic copper are all recommended smut control treat ments. With New Improved Cer esan, dust and fumes are object ionable. Copper carbonate and baio copper, while effective, de pend entirely upon diiect contact With the smut spores. Their use li ineffective when mixing is not thorough, the specialist points out. A tutad many warehouses as well a commercial seed treaters have now installed the slurry method. Poor treatment which resulted from short-cuts or cutting down on the amount of offensive material has been virtually eliminated through use of the automatic slur ry treateis. Slurry treating seed as it comes from the field will not effect gei initiation if the grain is planted within six weeks. Warren points out. Hold-over Ceresan treated s?et is planted 20 perc ent heavier, the specialist advises. -Tvr Brucellosis 11 Vaccine Appears A new kind of vaccine appear to be "99 per cent effective" in checking the losses caused by brucellosis, one of today's most erious diseases of cattle. This conclusion, drawn from a large-vcale experiment involving the vaccination of hundreds of Michigan cows, was reported at the national convention of the American Veterinary Medical as sociation, held at Detroit, Mich., recently. The i-eport was submitted by Dr. I. Forest Hu'd3le?on, research vet erinarian in the department of bacteriology and public health at Michigan State college. East Lan sing. In the first ftafe of the experi ments, "Brucella M" vaccine was administered to 772 "clean rows" in 22 private herds containing more than 100 infected animals from which the disease might be contracted. Only 23 vaccinated cows became infected in the ensu ing 12 to 14 months. Then, to further check the value of "Brucella M," smaller numbers of clean cows in four herds were vaccinated and other clean cows In the same herds were left un vaccinated to serve as "controls." Tests a year later showed only one vaccinated animal was infected, while many of the unprotected "controls" had contracted the dis ease. "Thus far," Dr. Huddleson said, "from personal investigations, and from inquiries among veterinar ians and farmers, we have obtain ed no evidence of any harmful ef fects from the use of 'M' vaccine Data now being accumulated in dicate the spread of brucellosis has been checked in 89 per cent of herd where all non-infected ani- mali were vaccinated." Big Milk Production I)orn't Always Pay High producing cows obtained t too great a cost in labor and ur Chased feeds will not insure igh net income on a dairy farm as shown again in results of a study of income and expenses on seven farms in Clatsop county that are cooperating under the farm unit test demonstration of the Tennessee Vallev authority The study was made by staff members of the farm manage ment department at the state col- Iee experiment station. Labor income the return to the operator for his labor anrt management after deducting 'he interest on the capital used was highest when efficient use of labor and efficient feeding were com bined with high production. Good improved pastures were also a contributing factor in those show ing high labor income. Labor in comes varied from a loss of $2392 to a profit of $2729. Feed purchased per animal unit varied from a low of $71 to a high of $234 with an average of S136. CTT TANSY ADVISED For that patch of tansy ragwort. It is better to clip the flower stalks and spray later with 2.4-D than it it to spray mature plants, says Jack W. Ilansell. county extension agent in Yamhill. After the tansy plant bloorns, atlacide, ammale or odium chlorate the best control material. The mixture is one pound of material per one gallon of water. Army Captain, Wife 1 Visiting Buena Vista s BUENA VISTA Capt. and fttrs. David Short are guests at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. jW. L. Short. They arrived Friday, July IS, from Japan, where Short has been stationed the past year. After a short visit in Oregon, they will report to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Othet guests at the Short home Sunday were Major and Mrs. All bright lot San Francisco, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoover and Mr. E. Barklow of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Beck of Eugene. Mti Aii eel Flax Festival Plans In Final Stage MT A ANGEL. July 21 The program for the 1949 Oregon Flax festival is nearly complete, .with three full days of entertainment promised by the committee in charge ; on July 29, 30 and 31. Pka. The queen is to be crowned by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry Friday! night on a stage to; be erected on the steps of the city hall. All festival programs Will be staged at the same place. Two vaudeville shows, one by the Young Oregonians and one by the Journal Juniors have been se cured ffor Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. t The ; gTand industrial pafade takes place Saturday at 2:30 p.m. and the kiddies' parade Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A special sports program for the children is slated for Satur day morning with Mike Wejton and Willie Bean in charge. Ai the same time the usual tours for visitors will be conducted. ; the flax plant and the other coope ratives; as well as the church, college, and academy being i in cluded in the places visited. A baseball came under Hhe lights at Ebner ball park "will conclude festivities. . A garden show and a flax ex hibit will be on display at "the city hall Saturday and Sunday Garden show prizes will be in cash. 815. $10 and $5 being-of fered for the three best exhibits by Garden clubs and $7.f0t; $5 and S2.50 for the best flower arrangements and vegetable ar raneements by individuals. i Flax rugs valued at $100 will be given in prize for the flax exhibits. The divisions here? in elude :the best bundle of flax two inches in diameter, the best braided flax and the tallest sin gle stalk of flax. The queen will be selected at an amateur program on the city hall stage Tuesday, July 29t at 8 p.m. Fall Citv Residents ( Visit, Entertain FALLS CITY Mrs. Fred Dorn- hecker1. and children returned home Sunday, July 17, from a visit with her mother at Lobster Valley. Mr. I and Mrs. Gene Williams and family of Valsetz, spent : the weekend with her parents, ;Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Murphy. Mrs; Richard Marr and son. Dickie, and Miss Pat Jeffreys, left Monday, July 18. by airplane for Juneau, Alaska. Mrs. Marr joined her husband and they will make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslin. re turned home Sunday, July; 17, after spending their vacation In San Francisco, Calif. MANY ENTRIES EXPECTED Opeh class entries in the varied livestock divisions of the Oregon state fair will close on August 5 Manager Leo Spitzbart has ; an nounced. Early indications point to a record number of livestock entrie$, particularly in the beef and dairy cattle classes. Guernsey breeders report they will have a record number of cattle in their division of the show. JENNINGS SUPERINTENDENT Kenneth Jennings. West Salem poultryman, has been named as superintendent of the Oregon state i fair's 1949 poultry show Jennings will be in charge of the poultry competition for the third consecutive year. AMITY REBEKAIIS MEET : AMITY Industrial Rebekah lodge held its regular meeting and birthday party Tuesday evening Out 6f town guests were Mrs Finley of Davis. Calif., and Mrs S. Hi Beyer of the jurisdiction of California who has to Eola Hill. ; Refreshments were served late in the evening. Willamette Valley. Purebred Bam and Ewe Sale Linn County Fair Groundt Albany, Oregon; 1 Saturday, August 6 .; Sal starts at 10 a m. P. S. T. Offering He Head Registered Stud and Ranee Rams and Ewes from Top Willamette Valley nocks I BREEDS: Suffolk. ; Hampshire, Remney, Lincoln, Corrledale, South dawn, Shropshire. Dorset. Cots wold. Columbia and Cheviot. CoL Earl O. Walter, Auctioneer Tor catalogue write: f O. E. Mlkesetl. Secretary Coartboose, Albany, Oregon UNDERWOOD Deviled Ham 2V' ox, can CmJ Chili Con Carne With boons JO IS ox. can OO Crackerjacks It's the kids favorite CAMPHRE Marshmallows l lb. oc Pka. OD 332? HHXB' rimy 3uT3V dte dmi tlv mm I I 1 V T f A Canned Fruii Products Now Low Prices As always whon markots docllno IGA Storoo cm first so lowor pricos. Elsinore Halves t os. 2 u 21c can Elsinore Whole No. 1 2 29c Tasty Pali HIvs. No. 2Yt 23c can Springday Barlletl Pears No. 2a 30c can Elsinore Barlletl Pears , 8-X" o fcr ai- Del Ilonle Frail Cochiail can No. 2's can . . 33c WAXTEX WAX PAPER IIAPiailS Good Housekoopor PICIIIC PLATES ao'idd PLASTIC SPOONS AssL Colors ?nWT? P7A1in9V7 A! These Independence Food Market Indepeadeneo. Orofoti Scio Food Market Sclo. Orefoo Highland Market S0 HisUand Ave. Ken Golliet Mehama. Ore.-Opa Sanday Pearson's Food Mkh 24 No. CoBssnerclaJ Model Food Market ZTi North High Orcutt's Market 420 North Elrer Road Central Cash Market MtsMstk, Oresoa IGA TOP Trades KSLII 7:45 A. II. DAILY Listen lo . This Pro-gran O Si' A'S affix .as 1 j- IQV fell (ft IfiA ' "f'fiVP1! L-s IGA XTRA-WHlPftO SALAD DRESSING 4 Jar Special Law 'most . for your kyl Crsomy amooni rick Ii Six delicious fruit orite salads. :V Stolniold Whole Dill PICKLES 24 1 2 -ox. Jar Solid whole pickles that just right flavor in favor. DtficHofy th FINEST QUALITY IGA HOMOGENIZED D UTTER Full Pound Jar 37c Unpld. Apricols 6 fa 59c Unpld. Apricols 6 .. 83c Unpld. Apricots 6 135 6 175 6 te 195 125 h. RoU ... 25c 14c 15c 14c IGA Stores Broadway Grocery Brdwj. 4c Mkt. - Opes Ssa. iKrueger Kash & Karry E. Center st 4lth-Open Son. Ronner's Grocery Cervals. Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodbsra. Oregon Lemmon's Market SIS N. Cotnaserclal St Quality Food Mkt. 11th and Center Carter's Market I7th and Market 8C State Street Market UM State St.. Price RKOMjf' ood IGA Caso 12-ox. 3 W pkas. Cos 12 24-ox. flavors. For all your fav 1 20c sSiy IGA BRAND U with that as ' tW. 'nl ' g Lb. y- PBICE SALE SUPER SUDS or FAB Large Pkg. Buy on package at special low prico 26- On pack ago at Vi prico. OO C Both lor Ow' Rilz Crackers Lb. pkg. - 29c LIPTON Black Tea 33c A refreshing glass of Upton Iced tea and Kits Crackers, for! s light snaek. rmn m m - ar . j , ; s r f aiss us st m si - ssi si ss i $sxj&n rt.v. ( can nui -J f HALEY'S CHICKEN iJU-' i 3NL Spread zr& 29c -1 x 1 i 1 . iitr 1 1 u a "il 1A ' A V 'J M fcr m & BALL Easy to stack in your lockors. Usable yoar after yoar.. $1.19 $L29 12 PALIIOLIVE SOAP 3 25c 225c For too or ssower Cashnere Bonqnel SOAP 2 17c With tho iragranco mon lor WMHSKk Wisst -AQ w- w I" 1 1 can Iv I can IP fc fZ HALEY'S miM II S Meal Balls mm WUh Graw afc A M S-e-.T ill m . r.-r. if s 1 arm SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR ADDED SAYINGS I KARO SYRUP 5 53c SPRY SHORTEIIIIIG .. 3 - 83c v CAIJIIED IIILK Jand. 3 J 35c Everyday Low Prices WILL SAVE YOU MORE MONEY Brown Sugar Lb. LL 12c Ilershey's Cocoa i, ib. ii 21c Hershey's Chocolale 39c Hol BoU IlixpJL 27c Pancake Flour 49c IGA Enriched Flour 85c Kellogg's Pep ... ,k(. L 16c Graled Tuna Fish , 33c Ilinced Razor Clams 7. 41c Texsun Grapefruil Juicef 29c j Elsinore Orange Juice 49c Elsinore Blended Juice t 39c Oven Baked Beans 27c Chicken Fricassee 55c Tasiy Pak Catsup 17c IGA Hayonnaise Plt j.r .. 37c InsianI Coffee ?Tlr J . 43c Toile! Tissue SlSLlL 25c Arm Stor CORNED BEEF 12 os. can 45c HAIXY Yeg. Slew Wiih Beef Lara 29 os. can Now low pr. HALEY'S Beef; Stew V7ilh Gravy 37 rv. . 3" Hi Jumbo. BoautJlul Tino-rlp- .j int-K and HoltdoUS, Lb, OW SEEDLESS GRAPES Flno flarorsd, swsst and dslldaus grapM In your salads. 0"T Pound V CELERY HEARTS Crisp, londor colory a mighty 4 Q gL good rslih Junch JL V V SAIITA ROSA PLUIIS Frsh fruit doUcacy Ano V 4Ca whsnstowsd , Lb. A a V CAULIFLOWER Snow whlto 1 th Pound A'sT r IB Toy Balk Soap In Each Packags IGA I SOAP GDAIIIS pw.25c It Mikes yoar cUthes whiter sod Wlghler, It's t-Baraateed is satisfy and It's hath ttsna fna for taw artddleo. . i .