The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    yglhiltweSglllt oile
Bolanos Faces
Champion Ike
Bolh Camps Display
Lots of Confidence
Theyll Do It Every Time
-. By Jimmy Hatlo
Bristling statements of confidence
emerged today from the rival
boxing camps of lightweight
champion Ike Williams and chal
lenger Enrique Bolanos on the
eve of their 15-round battle for
Ike's crown.
Boldest prediction came fromi
the champion's mouthpiece. Man
aer Frank (Blinky) Palermo of
PhilaHelphia. who said:
"It will be a hard fifht but I ,
trTir.k Ike will knock him out in
id; of 10 rounds." j
Countered George (The Gray,
Grekr Parnas.-us, pilot of the lad!
from Mexico Citv: 'Enrique i? in;
perfect shape. He is confident of I
winning. We won the titie a year j
ao. in our book, and we'll win
it (irl to rights tomorrow night":
Pjrnass'n referred to the 15
round split decision awarded the j
Trenton. N.J.. titleholder. in theiM
irtitth last year. Referee Charley j
Randolph gave the nod to Boi
Ijhos but the two judges tabbed
Williams the winner.
Third man in the ring a Wng
ley fie'! tomorrow night will be
th old Manassa Mauler, Jack
Matchma'ner Charges MacDon
alt waved optimistic about the
aucces cf the show. He-expected j
a turnout of 18 000 to 20,000 fans.
He thinks it will gross past the
100,HIO mark and might ap
proach the $153,000 the pair drew
la-it . year.
Postponement from the original
Mr 2nd date, when, Williams
came up with a shoulder ail
ment, and subsequent indecision
ab)ut a new date unquestionably
hurt the attraction.
Official promoters of the bout
are Comedians Lou Costello and
Bud Abbott. Profits will go to
ward lifting an $83 000 mortgage
they mv is on the Costello youth,
foundation. East Los Angeles rec
reition center.
VONOXlt-fc! I CANT WATT "Vf mi
Rt nAJc n iaf mi V An ;-KrvC.nep
you cny 6UVs don't.
; x
f - -w
Risks Toga
Amerks Liked
In Oslo Meet
NEW YORK. July 20 -f;P-Track
and field stars from the
United States should win their
dual meet with Scandinavian
8'hietes at CVlo, Norway. July 27.
21. and 29. by something like a
do.en points.
That conclusion was reached to
ri ty by Daniel J. Ferris, National
A A U secretary-treasurer, who
wiJI serve as manager of the 52
, mn American team.
' Ferris was the busiest man In
town as he greeted his charges
and made other last-minute prep
arations tor the biggest man
movement , of American athlete
since the last Olympic games.
Accompanied by Head Coach
Brutus Hamilton of California as
Well as two trainers and two as
sistant managers. Ferris and mem
bers of the team will leave from
New York's International airport
at 3:25 p m. tomorrow on a
chartered Scandinavian airlines
- '- ' '
f . . J ' I :r.
. '' I
it,' - f:
;:': I - f
sS '-' 7
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I i
Blan HU Fa
Midgets, Steel Club Capture
Decisions in Junior 'C Loop
Midget Market remained unbeaten in Junior "C league play
Wednesday by virtue of a 8-1 triumph over Elfstroms at dinger as
Don Foller twirled a one-hitter. Salem Steel punched out a 14-1 vic
tory over Schreder's Four-Star Market on the Leslie lot.
The Midgets got but three hits
Soybeans Cain
New Highs on
Grain Market
CHICAGO, July 20 HJPy- Soy
beans notched out new highs for
the year today in a generally high
er market on the board of trade.
Grains also advanced, although
not as sharply as soybeans. Lsrd
could do little and ended with
prices mixed.
Wheat finished m-IS higher,
corn was V lower to 1 cent high
er, oats were S-2 higher, rye
was IVi-Hi hither, soybeans
were 4- higher and lard was
10 cents lower to 17 cents a hun
dred pounds higher.
Chief feature in wheat was the
lack of hedging pressure. Fanners
were holding grain in the south
west, taking advantage of govern
ment loan provisions. Receipts at
terminals in that area today were
about half of a year ago.
Cash wheat prices here remain
ed under the July future. No. 2
hard selling at a discount of 2 to
24 cents. No. 2 red. which is also
deliverable on July contracts,
went at a discount of 5 cents.
Salem Market
I As f tsU yesterday 1
a 1 '
So 1
KUCS (Baytaf)
Wholesale prtee rancea trca tm 1
emu mrrr tmrmg price I
Bittra large AA
Large AA .
Larse A
Medium AA
Medium A
A Lesham bens
B Leghorn hens
C Leghorn hens
A colored hem .
C colored heflwj
A colored fryers. S lbs and up
B colored fryers
C colored fryer
A old roosters
B old roosters
C old roosters .
IJVCSTOCK hy Talley Psrfe
Tat dalre cows IS M to 12 00
Cutter cows S O to II 00
Bulls ... 14 no to i? na
Good calves. 308-4M Iba. 17 00 to It 00
Cood ve.1 150 to 300 lbs. 100 to 71 M
feeder JIZZT U oo to is M ' cor " runnerup with 82.800
Thm SifxUmretan. Salin, Orfyxt, Tnur lay, fuly 21. 1-U9 9
60.stocks moved up .3 6f one point
at 62.9, with advance, well dis
tributed in the industrial, rail
road, and utility groups.
The market broadened to In
clude 1.018 individual Issues, lar
gest in five weeks. Of these 5S3
advanced and 21.4 declined.
Not s'irtce May 31 have price
reached so high; a level. In a
Fresh Buying
Keeps Stock
Rally Rolling
nfw vnpir Ti,i-
" - - - r- n ! :j
Fresh buying flipped the stock the marM hal regained all but a
market a little further up the j small part of the losse taken io
price ladder today in the sixth 1 a slide that reached bottom oa
week of a summer rally. j Juntj whwl a r WM
Main motive power for the rise I touched. -g a
came from the steel, railroad and i , , 7
automobile sections. Other groups I A.rknr? about SW per
were well represented in the J nt of n" ' ? UX- '
plus column, with gains generally i Uo witamt th nation onl
running from fractions to around diamond mm.
a point.
Turnover amounted to 1.30.000 Portland Grain
shares, compared, with 1,590,000
Yesterday, however, trading in
C S accounted for nearly half
the total volume. Turnover busi
ness in C & S dropped to 243.
300 shares, which included one
block of 113.000 shares. United
wheat Ibtd): Sort ; whit 2 10: sort
white lexeludin. rest 113; white club
2 10: notrrn red 1 to
Hard red winter :Ordinry 3 10: 10
p-r rent 2 11; II pet cent J IS. 11 pet
cent 2 15. i
Hard white baartf Ord B.rr 2 IS: 10
per rent 2. IS; 11 per rent; 2 20
Todar's car rer-ipla Wfc-t bar-
The Associated Press average of jeed ii.
Portland IJvrglock
SaUble cattle 3M. holdover 400. calves
10: market extremely slow on imxt
classes: few fed steers ' okl trad:
ranner-cutter rows strong with beef
cows of common-medium grade weak
to 50 cents or more lower: some bids
sharply lower and several lots without i
bids; calves estremely slow, uneven; . Tl'I X.
some bids sharp)- lower: few medium ! Mrs. Frances Evelyn Tull. late resi
steers 20.00-22.1O: cutter-common ! dent of SI0 Vuta ave.. at, a local ho
grades IS 0O-1S 00: few medium (rass ; pita I July 1. Survived by huvband
uciie r imx. canner-cuner rows ii w
II 50: common-medium beef rows 13 00
14.00: bid on heavy cows down to
City litiiaries
Arguments Heard
In Telephone Co.
Suit Against PUC
Arguments bf attorneys were
heard in the Marion county cir
cuit court Wednesday in a suit
brought by the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company to compel
P if K I t r ITtilfti rnmmiinnr
-. .i . i down to IS. 00: odd choice vealers 21.00 r Rrkfem of rorvallis. and three srand
oeorge n. r iagg to permu ine fa- ; 22 00; common down to 11.00 or below, rhildren. Services will be Thursday, and Mrs, Lucille Slasrl of Park Falls.
12 50; common-medium sausae bulls
14 50-17 00; 1 good heavy beef bull up
to 1S.7S but prortical top It 00: sirable
of Salem, and Oiarlejp Satltjr of Toledo.
Ore. Services will b0 heldiFridav. July
22. a 130 pm. at Horll-Edwards
chapel with the Rev. Oifille Jenkins
Orval D. Tull. sr.. of Salem: a dsugh- officiating. Interment wilb In Belt
ter. Barbara Jean Tull of Salem: three Passi cemetery at Woodbuin.
sons. Jack Lierrnn ana crrvai. jr.. au
of Salem: two staters. Mrs. Ella Ben
nett of Corvallu. and Mrs. Eda Utle
of Marcola. Ore.; two brothers. Wsl-
offeiing medium vealers 1 00-1S 00: : t.r Roaera of Marcola and Gideon Rox
few good grades 20.00 but some bids er of The Dalle: mother. Mrs. Be-ste
Mrs. ,1-aura Hi ret Fleming, at tho
residence at Salem route 2. July 20.
Survived by husband. William C. Flem
ing, of Salem: t-0 daujehleis. Mrs.
Margaret AVen of . Okaiirhee. Wise.
cific company to pay to the Amer
ican Telephone it Telegraph com- , JI1 ,
pany 1 per cent of its gross reven- j ,vpe down
Awanl Proposed
For Robinson
Representative Bernard W. "Pat"
Kearney, republican. New Ydrk. j
said Tuesday he had recommend- j
ed that Jackie Robirvion. negro1
second baseman for the Brooklyn j
Dodgerf, receive the Veteran; of j
Foreign War's gold medal ''fori
gjood citizenship. I
Kearfiey. , a former national1
I commander of the VFW, said he
I hau Wired his recommendation
for the award to Robinson to the 1
present VFW head, Lyall T.
Beggs. 5
off Shepherd in their four-inning
mix with the "Elfs" but one of the
blows was a homer by Osborne
with a mate aboard in the second
inning. The victors collected four
runs in the initial frame with the
help of two hits.
Ken Schreder of the Steels set
the Schreders down with two
blows while his club was piling up
its big margin with the aid of six
hits and eight enemy errors. How
ard Mesmer smacked a grand
slam homer for the Steels in the
third inning.
Midgets .....420 6 3 1
Elfstroms 100 0 I 1 1
Foller and Osborne; Shepherd
and Lenaburg.
Schreders 000 11 2 8
Salem Steel 635 x-14 6 2
Smith and Syring; Schreder and
Two Lea Nabs
Cleopatra 'Cap
CHICAGO. July 20 -(VP,- Cal
umet faun's Two Ia. leading
all the way, soundly trounced five
3-year-old filly rivals in the $25.
OiW Cleopatra handicap at Arling
ton park today.
The handsome daughter of Bull
Lea-Two Bob never was tjx tend
ed, eviMi though she toted high
weight of 122 pounds. Approach- j not
ing the end of the mile journey, 1
Jockey Steve Biooks. took her j
under a strong hold." but even so
twj I.ea led Hal Price Head lev's I
Drolmy, Cernik
Apply for Visas
BERN. Switzerland, Jul; 20-(jfV-Jaioslay
Drobny and Vladi
mir Ceinik, the self-exiled Czech
tennis stars,, filed formal applica
tion for United States visas at
the American consulate Wednes
day, i :
Officials said Drobny and Qer
nik visited the consulate twice
during the day to complete the
formalities They are not expect
ed to Encounter any difficulty in
obtaining the visas.
The players announced during
the Swiss international tourna
ment last week that they would
return to Czechoslovakia.
Their : action followed an order
by the Czech government to quit
the tournament and return home
because German and- Spanish
lithe. 17-1 outsider, to the wire by 1 player were participating.
two lengths. ' ' 1 ,
The other half of the Calumet
entry. Wistful (half sister to Coal
town) came fiom last place to
finish third, a neck back of Lithe.
Odds-on Favorite, the Calumet
entry paid $3.20 to win, and $2.20
t place. There was no show bet
Jing. The time was 1:37.
Police Learn
Game ABCs
CORVALLIS, July 20-fP)-State
policemen assigned to game law
enforcement are going to school
here, learning a lot of animal,
bird and fish lore.
The 61 policemen are learning
a lot of things about species
things that might put John Q.
Sportsman in jail. They are de
tails that won't however, help the
sportsman stay within the law
until he iias downed that buck,
bagged the bird or landed the
State college professors have
told the policemen the best way
to tell the age of a deer is to
look at its teeth. They report the
best way to identify a sharp-tailed
grouse is the v-shaped marks on
its brest.
The difference between a silver
salmon and a chinook is the black
spots on the caudal fins. The sil
ver has the spots only on the
top half of the fin.
The wood duck is easy to re
cognize: He has a white ring
around the eyes.
The classes, the first ever con
fish and game law enforcement,
will end Saturday,
McKay Urges
Cost Cuts in
State Spending
Spending taxpayers' dollars
with a view of getting full value
in a market of falling commodity
prices, was stressed by Gov. Doug
las McKay Wednesday. Meeting
with department heads under ex
ecutive appointive power here he
urged them to get by on less mon
ey wherever feasible.
No sharp financial recession was
foreseen by the governor, how
ever, and he made it plain that
cuts in operating expenses should
not come from the "hides' of
tate employes. Increased efficien
cy, rather than a reduction in pay,
would give the departments better
production records, he said.
"No one ever went broke paying
good money for good employes.
he continued, "and more men and
women of a high type may be at
tracted to state employment be
cause of salary improvements
brought about at the last legis-
, lature.
j Oregon has recovered from its
! midwinter slump and has the
j least unemployment of any coast
state on a per capita basis, said
I McKay. "I find the local and
national economic picture far
from discouraging." he added,
i noting that an employment dip
! might be expected this fall,
j Officials contemplating out-of-j
state travel should be guided by
j the war-time slogan. "Is this trip
! really necessary?" the governor
1 said.
hog ?00: market !ow. ! Julv 21 at I N p m. at the Cloueh-! Wiae.:' a son. F.vafi) J. McMahan
cents lower; good -choice Barrick chapel with Dr. l.lovd T. And- Long Beach. Calif.: and If grandchild
butcher mostly 24 00; fat ' eron officiating. Interment be in len. Service will-, be beld at the
r down to 53 no- r. lis-lun IK. j ,-..,i. v- I lrn K mc c-h-ttel. Xjlurdlt Jul
ues under a license service con- 21 00-22 00: good 330-40 it, sow u.oo-'; 1 In. at i pm. wiu uie Krv. Dudley
tract. i 50; lighter weight to 17 00: 1 700 lb. OR W j Slj am oificiatuig Interment t la
Flags' Dreviouslv ruled against ,ow ls-; ew choice SO lb. feeder pigs Gustav Or w at the residence at 123! Belcien Memoital park, j
,. v w 1 ! 15 E- Browning ave.. Julv 19. at the age
the license Contract on the ground I Salable sheep 500: market active, of 77 v ear v Surxtved by widow. Elena H 4VTHOIS i
that any service Obtained from the i strong, top 50 cent higher: good- Oiaw' of SUIem: a son. Richard W. William Harrtori .Hanthorn. It ths
Amerif-an rnmnanv hntiM he on 1 choice spring lambs mostly 21 00-50. IfQiaw of Salem; four daughters. Mrs. residence at 3195 Atgvle dr.. Julv 20.
,w. .. I si-able lot 7g lb. mostly Cheviots of Mar v Taylor of Portland. Mrs. I-ouise at the age of ii years. Survived by
high good-choice 2700. common-med- j Biessler of Salem. Mis. Elzena Rich of widow. Mrs. Burnetts Haothorn of a
turn 17.00-20.00. good S5-7J lb. feeder I Salem and Selma Or a of Poitland. I lem: tree daughieis. Mr. Claudia
IS.00: com mon yearlings 1500:. good 1 also II gi andchtldren and one great ' Klein of Salem, Mrs. Bessie O Dea of
requisition rather than on a gross
revenue percentage basis. Attor-
n v fnr tK iitilitie rnmmiinn
,,,j tK f, .:, ,.,.. j ""ht ewes 6.50-7.00; common down to giandchild. Services will be held from McCook. Nebr.. and; Mrs. Ida Wing of
argued that tne service coniract.l J00 fh clouah.Barriclt chapel. Thursdav. Jewell. Ore : two sons. lo Hanthorn
based on gross revenues, automa
tically would operate to the benefit j
of the American company and
against the Oregon telephone rate j
The Pacific company contended
that Flagg's ruling was in violation
of both the federal and state con
stitutions. Circuit Judge George Net change
Duncan took the arguments under , py"
advisement, 1 weeii ago
' ! Month ago .
Year ago .
Stocks and Bonds
Compiled by the Associated Press
July 21. at 3 pm. with interment at of Jewel, and l-eonaid ftanlliorn of
Beicrewt Memorial park. The Rev. Her- Jewel; la grandchildren and 2 great
man Bolil will officiate. grandchildren. He wa al member of
St. Joseph's Catholic church Services
LEWIS ; will be announced later by tlx llaell-
Blaru-he B Lewis, at U reidence Fdwaid chapel.
I at 3! Columbia t.. Julv 19. at the age V-
; of 91 yeais. Wife of George Lewis of n.FSHMt 5
i Salem: mother of Rav C. Iwi of Laura F.lie FlesheJr. at the residence
' . . . . , . m - 141a P1.....L.1. u . T . .1 . i . .
.nonmoii'n. nil vera namnri ui . un viwmrrn ! m-wy i-.
Julv 20
20 19 10 10
Rails Indust Util Fen
.A! A3 A 2 A3. Berkeley. Calif, and Carl W. Lewi of: age of 8S years. Survi.dfby a daugli
S3 4
33 Sag 62 Bitow. Calif: aister of John Br.dv J ter. Mr Mersa V .llanoni of Saletn;
32 7 3 4 C2 ( 1 of Epworth. la . Ben Brady of Hock- a son. Claude D. Flesheri of Otymaxa.
321 J9I S2 ford. Ill . and Mary Knirkri hoi ker and , Wash : two sister. Mil Dolly Clark
31 0 311 4 59 4 Iena Dalm of Manchester. Ia. Service" of Rofwell. S D.. and Mm. Lucrefta
44 1 413 1 ' ill be held Saturday. Julv 23. at I Burns of Ipaw ish. S. D : 4hree grarx
j p m. at the W T. Rlgdon chapel with children and live great tt andchildreH.
1 Dr. Lewi. Kirby officiating Entomb- Announcement of ei vices latei by lh
ment will be at Mt. Ciesl Abbey maua- w. T. Kigdon cn.pei. ;
fet change
Wednesday . 89 7
Prev. day ass
Week ago 880
Month ago Ml
Year ago 92J
Rails Indust UliI Forgn
A.I A 1 Unch A.l STT-ai
107 3 103 4
1022 103 4
102 3 103 3
101 7 102 5
101 ioa.3
Robert D Paris, lata resident of 2I9S
3j- Davtd B. Salter, late residence of S. High t.. in thu citv. Jul) 20. at tho
2! Salem rou'e . box 00. at a local hot- age of 09 year. Survived pv wife, Har-
tt) nitil. Julv. 19. at the age of M veais. riet M Paris, two daughters. Mrs
v I Survived bv widow. Adeline Salter of Frances Brooks of Ran r sncisco. and
62.2 Salem: and two broUters. John Satter Mrs. C. H. Dai ley of St-Vton; two ais-
teis. Mrs. R. C. McLananen of Helena
I Mont . and Mrs. OoodseQ Billings U
1 Piaiue du Chiene.: Wisc.i one giand
1 child. Jack Dai ley of Klavton. kuj
eveial niece and 'nephews Atinoua
cement of services later by tha W . T.
Rlgdon chapel. j
New York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK, July 20-(-Today s closing quotations:
American Can .. 92 U 'Gen Electric 37, Radio Corp 10V
Am Power & Lt 10 Ien Foods 43 li,Rayonier 25
Tel .141 Gen Motors 60 Rayomer pfd
28i Goodyear Tire 41i Reynolds Met
.. 30 Vint Harvest 26 1 Richfield
.. 27s Int Paper 49 Safeway .
.. 18 N Kennecott 47 Shears Roeb ...
.. 32 i So Pacific
Am Tel &
Bendix Avia
Beth Steel
Boeing Air
Calif Pack
Canadian Pac 12 Libby McN &. L
Case J I 37'i Long Bell A .... Studebaker
Caterpillar 31' Mont Ward 521. un Mining 8'i
IThrysler .. 50 4 Nash Kelvin .... 12 Tr ansa merit a -.. 10
Comwlth Sou 4s,Nat Dairy 324 Union Oil 30
Corrs Vultee .... I'jN Y Central ... lOSUn Pacific 80
Continental Can 32 4 Northern Pac 13SUn Airlines 13V,
Crown Zel 25 ,Pac Am Fish .... 12
Curtis Wr - 8lii Pac Gas Elec 32iU S Steel 22',
Jjoueias Air w r 1 st 1 warner kios 11
Robert D. Paris,
Former Woolen
Mill Owner Dies
Heintzelman Im
Orange Conch
To Piny Again
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Jaly t-(,P,
e- EIHotL new end roach of
Oregon state and a star quarter
back last year for Michigan, will
b staving- aggin August 12.
He will return to Chicago U .
play in a college all-star football!
Caaae U be staged at Soldiers j
fle4 by the Chicago T rib we. He
les-es here July 25. Is the only MWhigaa
athlete ever U receive 12 sports
letters frooi the big school. He
was both defense and afen
qaarterbark on last year's 4e
feated Wolverine team.
- Mt pitchers slow down as
they ; grew older. Not Kenny
Heintgelman - he gets faster
and better.
Kenny.' the forgotten man of
the AH-Slar game, is no babe in
arms: to major league warfare.
He's been around since 1937. but
never before baa Kenny compil
ed a' recard sack as 12-3 and
pitched tt straight scoreless
But that's what Hrintselau.
a tall southpaw from Pemque,
Mo.. ' who rets his paychecks
from1 the PhiladelphU rkiUies.
has dene in 1949 at Ike age t
33. :
Robert D. Paris, 2190 S. High
... M -v ; icaiuciu iui ij years,
exclusively for Oregon died Wednesday at a local hospitai
following a month s illness. He was
He operated the Paris Woolen
mill in Stayton for 11 years before
retiring in 1943, but maintained
his residence in Salem. He came
here from Portland and was born
at Prairie du Chiene, Wise, Jan.
20. 1880.
Surviving are his wife. Harriet
M. Paris, of Salem; two daughters,
Mrs. C. H. Darley of Stayton, and
Mrs. Frances Brooks of San Fran
cisco; two sisters, Mrs. R. C. Mc-
Lanahan of Helena. Mont., and
Mrs. Good sell Billing of Prairie
du Chiene, Wise., and one grand
child, i
Services will be announced lat
er by the W. T. Rigdon chapel.
1 A
proves witn Age
Heintzelman nerer had a winning-
record In the majors. Be
fore this season, his best mark
was 11-11 with the Pittsburgh
Pirates In 1941.
As far as Kenuy is eooeerned.
his success is largely a matter of
"Geo re I-srssshaw (Phils'
pitching coach) took me aside la
spring training." Kenny said,
"and told me I ought to speed up
my delivery."
"I ased U waste a Ui af time
fidgeting around the aooond and
giving the batters plenty of time
to get set," Hewtseimaa said.
"N'w I've gatten m I eaa keep
them off balance.
State Fair Horse Show
In duties Young Rulers
The Oregon state fair horse
show In Salem, September 5 to
II. will feature childrans' classes
for the first time since 1M1. fair
Officials announced Wednesday.
Manager Harrison Cutler an
"hounced that the state fair com
petition has become a member of
the American hor.e show associa
tion. The latter (roup will sponsor
thi juvenile divisions to include;
saddle horn seat, hunting, and
stork horse seat. There will be no
etitry fee far classes confined to
children under 18 years of age-.
9 i f 1 Presents j
; i
It's First
!i; " j
FRIDAY, JUiY;22, 900 P. M.
At Stayton's Cors-nunity Dldg.
Top Flight Show From Soattld
Portland Produce
' terf a t-t tentative, subject to immediate
! change : Premium quality maximum
10 Ji lo I per cent arMity delivered
' in Portland. Sl-4c lb.: first quality
39-3e lb.: second quality SJ-JSc Val
' ley routes and country points 3c less
' Uutn tirst.
i Butter: Wholesale f ob. bulk cubes
to wholesalers: Grade AA. S3 score.
; Sic lb : A. 92 score. SOc lb.: B. 90 score.
57c lb.: C. 89 score. 55c lb. Above prices
are strictly nominal. 1
Cheese-1 selling price ; to Portland j
wholesalers! : Oreeon singles.
M'i c; Oregon J-lb. loaf, 41,-50'ic.
Eggs-Ho wholesalers): A grade large.'
Sl,,-2,i-; a Grade, medium. M',- .
$7-c: B grade, large. 5C-'-S.ViC j
Live chickens (No. 1 quality fob.
plants): Broileis, under tt lbs.. 27 -28c:
fryers. 2'4-3 lbs.. Jl-33c: 3-4 lbs.. 33c; ,
roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 33c: fowl.
Leghorns. 4 lbs. and under. 21 -23c; 1
Leghorns, over 4 lbs.. 23c; colored fowl, i
1 all weights. 25c; old ' roosters, all
j weights. 18-18 lb. I
! Rabbit-i average to growers!: Livei
I white. 4-5 lj .. l-llc: 3-S lbs.. 17-!Sc; I
j colored. 2 cents lower: old or heav y ,
does and burki, S-14c lb.: dressed
' frvers. 55-57c lb. !
1 Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to
I retailers per cwti:
! Beef: Steers, good. M0-B00 lbs . $42
! 45: commercial. 40-41; utility. S.13-3S. j
1 Cows: Coinr.iercial. $35-37; utility,
! S31-33: canners-cutters. S24J-J9 I
IterZ'rd-'i: 'fl 1'. i DuPnt d Ne 47T P?nney J C " " Voo'worth 48S
I trimmed. $65-?0: tiianjle. $3-37;
! square chucks. S28-40; ribs. SJO-53;
I forequarters. S38-37. r'
' Veal and calf: Good. $-40-43: commer-' ;
cial. H4-37; utility, $28-30 "j
Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambv
$44-46; commercial. $40-42.
Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down. $18-20
Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1. 8-12 lbs . $61- i
83: shoulders. 16 lbs . down. $41-43. !
iparenbs. $48-51; carcasses. $33-36. j
mixed weights $3 lower, '
Wool: Coarse, Valley and medium
grades. 46c lb. i
Mohair: Nominally 23c lb. on 12-"
month growth.
Country-killed meats:
Veal: Top quality. 12 -34c lb.; other
grades according to weight and qual
ity with poor or heavier 28-32c.
Hogs: Light blockers. 31-32c lb:
sows 24-2Sc.
Lambs: Top quality. 44)-43c lb.; mut
ton. S-14e.
Beef: Good cows. 2-SOc lb.; eanners
cutters. 23-25c.
Onions: Market dull: yellow globe
jumbos, new crop. Calif, med... and
large. $2 00-23; reds, $2 25-43; white
globes. $3 50-4 00.
Potatoes: Or. Boardman district
whiterose No. 1. $3 0O-2S. No. 2. $1.00
10 per 50 lbs.: new potatoes: Calif, long
whites, size A. $3.90-75; size B. 100 lbs..
Hay: New crop windrow bales, U. S.
No. 1 green alfalfa or better, truck
lots f o b. Portland. $-; V. S. No. 1
mixed Timotny. $33-34 ; new crop oats
and Tetch mixed hay. uneertiOed
clover hay. $17-21. depending on qual
ity, baled, on Willamette valley farms.
1 Dr. Robert Clarke, at the residence
fat 40. Morgan ave, July 20 at the a
s Clarke of Salem: a daughter. Mrs,
. 35 William Nickels of ', GrenWboio. N. C" :
.23 i a sister. Mrs Valfry r idler, and tw
tax j brothers. Jat k (laike land Joseph
I? Clarke, alt of Vancouver. B V : and two
" 4 ; grandchildien. Anriounrenieiit f ae
7's Stan Oil Cal 6ln . vices later by the Cmgh-Barrick
21 1 . I cnapei. 5
New Location
595 N. Frsrtt St.
Telephone Z-53M
Lee llandwerk. .Mgr.
ijase of 1 enjotj a
The word "almanac is derived
from the ancient Arabian words
which meant "the weather or
Closing Sale
All !tw ond Surplus Goods at Cost oi Lm Hurry I Tout
Last Chanc. (S OassiftscU.
j ' !.
1351 ioyfi 8. !
There's a full measure of pleasure
in even glass of light and lirelj
Blitz Weinliari Light, cool, clear r
. . . liTelg, reireslunay s&ihfiit.
1: s
ii ssssX
1 vim aid wk
0 i . .
Pts-dbuisJ bj CUss-s Stois Cmnpamr !