The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    e , f.
6 The Statesman. Salem Oregon, Thursday. July 21. 1919
Tea to Honor
Mrs. Little
f Tuesday
j I By Jer jr-me English
T Statesman Society Editor
Mi. Esther W. Little, who has
r-iged her position s executive
secretary of" the Salem YWCA.
will be honored at an -au revoir
te on Tuesday afternoon. July 26,
when member of the board en
tertain at the home of the presi
dnt. Mrs Alfred A. Schramm,
13 North 17th stteet.
Calling hours are from 3 to 5:30
o'clock. As no invitations are be
sent to the affair all friends
of Mi x. Little and the entire mem
bfiihip of the YWCA are being
invited through the press to at
tend. Mr. Little is leaving August 1
f..r Bremerton to take up her new
p nilion as executive secretary of
ttw Kitsap county YWCA, with
headquarters in Bremerton.
Members of the board serving
a hostesses include Mesdames A.
A. Schramm. Charles Fearing,
Chester Cox. A. E. Archibald, Wil
lim Kverett Anderson, George Al
T ling. Chandler Brown, Frank
Burke, John Caughell, Robert
Gtngware, Louis Gei linger, Ar
thur Madsen. Carlton MrLeod, III
McSlien y, C. W. Parker. Howard
Piwt. Harold Royebraugh, Robert
Sliinn, Bruce Spaulding. A. E. Ull
min and Norman Winslow.
Shower Honors
Recent Bride
X Ov K-
f ! .
.a,1 V-.-. v.
A bridal shower was given on
July 15 for Mrs. 1-avern Cox. the
frmer LaV'onne Yost, who was
manied in June. Hostesses were
. Mrs. Clifford Yost and Mrs. Ken-
n-fh Hinkle.
Honoring the recent bride were
Mrs. J C. Cox. Mis. George Yost.
Mrs. Menno Dalke. Mrs. A.
Sliw. Miss Pepev Straw. Miss
F. a McDougal. Mrs. Faye Baulaz. : ,
Miss Ixis Straw, Mrs. E. Bmk- , : i
sUn. Mrs. E. Scott. Mrs. Hubert (,OSlTl IS UlUD TO
7. lel. Miss Nola Zobel. Miss
D Miua Brandt. Miss Barbara Van T-Trilrl FlnnrO
I,.h. Dorla Lee and the nU1U UU11LB
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Johnson (Virginia Robartson),
were married on July 1 at the Central Prasbyterian
churqh in Portland. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Arnold
Robeftson of Portland and th9 groom is the son of Mrs. Laura
S. Johnson of Salem. The newlyweds will liv9 in Portland.
(Berger-Putnam studio).
Hostess Will
Fete Joan
Miss Beula Arnold has invited
guests to the North 21st street
home of her parents, the Lloyd
Arnolds, tonight to compliment
MLs Joan Hoereth, who will be
married to Theodore Covalt in
A china shower will honor the
bride-to-be. A dessert supper will
be served in the garden with an
informal evening following.
Honoring Miss Hoereth will be
Mrs. F. X. Hoereth and Mrs. Fer
rel CovalL mothers of the engaged
couple. Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Mrs.
i. A. Long, Miss Mat-ian Carson,
Miss Fiances Baum, Miss Virginia
Lewis, Miss Gayle Juve, Miss Mar
ilyn Burrw, Miss Eva McMullen,
Miss Cathy Cooper, Miss Nancy
Snyder. Miss Janice Baker, Miss
Ruth Holtzman, Miss Ruth McCall,
Miss Crystal Muntington, Miss
Janet Lindley, Miss Irene McLeod,
Miss Josephine Caughell, Miss
Jean Pifekens and the hostess.
Tidrtia rUa. Tint BaotMt church,
meet at church, 1 B.m.
Spiritual Sunshin club; at Marion
Square. 1 p.m, no host luncheon. j
Salem chapter, American Com star
Showers For
Mothers no-host supper u oeorf rro, RHrtM-Wt Anntimt t ihir in
trardra. 1113 VUpi avrniu, JO p.m.
Merry Time club with Mrs. Donald ,
Haramack. Brush Collese Road, 1 30 1
deaagrt luncheoo.
Salem chapter. OBS. annual covered
dish picnic. Dallas park, 1 p.m.
I Nebraska dub. with Mrs, Elbert Hoe-
vet. 110', Kapphahn Road, covered
dkth luncheon. 11J0 p.m. '
' the .summer entertaining.
Friday night Mrs. Melvin H.
Cei$t and Mrs. Henry Meyer m ill
be hostesses for a dessert supper
and bridal shower for the pleasure
of Mrs. Marcia Elliott at the Geist
home on the West Lefelle street.
A group of the bride-elect's
Portland tnd Salem friends have
been invited to the affair. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Heward Maple
left Wednesday for a month's trip
north and fishing in British Co
lumbia. Their first destination
will be Pillar lake and then they
Mis Flirabeth tarj iM Mkt n
Edith Schryver will be in Port-I J Q
land today to be luncneon guests
of Mrs. Van Anderson at the
Town club Mrs. Anderson is en
tertaining ytor the pleasure of Mrs.
Norman (Murray Smith, who is
visum i(i rortland lor me sum
Saturday. August 20j has been
set as the dale for thetforthcom-
Elliott and Rhine Bettger of ! hosts to the district meeting Friday
Portland will be married here on ! at S o'clock at the Woman's club
Tuesday, July 2.
roer from her South Carolina 1 in mj-rriage of blonde Dorothy
Ann Hooson. aaugnier ei Mr. ana
Mrs. Henry H Hobson of Molalla.
to Fred Graham, son df Mr. and
Mrs. F. O. Graham of :Longview,
Wash. The couple's engagement
was announced irt the spring at
the Chi Omega house on the Wil
lamette universitytrampus.
The ceremony will be; performed
at St Paul's Episcopal church with,
tht Rev. George H. Swift otlicia-
District Meet
In Salem Friday
Members of Silver Bell circle.
Neichbors of Woodcraft, will be
Far Miss Haary ,
Mrs. Leonard Roth and Mrs.
will go over to Four Winds camp ' Roy H'rr '"Pertained with a pre
to visit their daughter. Marcia i nuPtiaI party Wednesday, after-
who is there for six weeks and i noon the former s home in Dundee, Halsev,
ti . I at tne It O TIOt'K lltcs. n "
team will be in charge of ritualis- j ception will follow in pe parisrt
tic work. hall. J i
Guests will b- here from Al- The couple wilfc live Jn Dayton,
bany. Amitv. Corvallis. Dallas, where he will teach arvd coach , .t
ln4twninn i the USTIOn niKH KV"
Bellingham to visit Mrs. Maple's i COTnP,iment to Miss Josephine McMinnville. Newberz. Newport, Hobson. who is attending : tne sum
mother. They will return to fwn ! Haary, bride-elect of Lyle Know- . Monmouth. Philomath. Silverton. mer session at Willamette unixer-
The grand ' sitv. will continue u -
in Canada a week or so and will er- A kitchen shower feted the Shedd and Toledo,
De accompanied by their daugh-: nonor guest and refreshments guardian. Minerva Colling
ter after camp closes. i were served during the afternoon. Portland will be present.
of in the fall to complete jher senior
On the Fairways
New members welcomed on la
dies day at the Salem Golf club on
Wednesday were Mrs. B. G. An
derson, Mrs. William H. Hamilton
and Mrs. Clay Eggelston. Guests
for the play and luncheon, which
followed at the clubhouse, were
Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. Earl Ol
son of Portland, Mrs. L. M. Ham
merstad and Mrs. James H. Nich- i
olson, jr. '
A flag tournament was held ,
Wednesday with prizes going to
Mrs. James Haley, class A: Mrs. i
Kate G. Bell, class B: Mrs. George 1
R. Hoffman, class C: and Mrs. I
Ingvald Johnson, class D. Last :
play for the Kay trophy is being I
held this week.
Sunday, July 31 was announced
as the date for the next two-ball 1
foursome at the club with din
ner following in the evening.
At Oak Knoll
Tournament play for the Ful
gham cup is now in progress at (
the Oak Knoll golf course for the j
lady golfers. On ladies day Wed- ;
nesday Mrs. Elmo Bennett and 1
Mrs. Samuel Miller tied in class i
A; Mrs. Hilda King was winner
in class B; and Mrs. Floyd Pruett,
class C.
Mrs. David Wrijht was a luoeh-'
em hostess Wednesday afternoon !
L t her Stewart street home for j
niefiibers of her summer bridge
' Joan Barae Ls in Tarom for
th week visiting with her aunt.
Mis. Joseph Mulholland.
The Cosmis club will hold its
monthly dance on Saturday, July
23 at the Mayflower hall. MuSic
will be furnished by Claude Bird's
Chairmen of the committee are
Mr. arid Mrs. Ted Rainwater.
Assisting are Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mars Slack,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Whitacre.
ill ML
Regularly $12.50 during this sale
Here's a regular Nemo Wonderlift Innerbelt foundation we've
beti selling at $12.50 specially priced to save you $2.50. Easy Oft
the purse but oh so firm with the figure-j-that's Nemo's Wonder
lift. Its new patented innerbelt lifts and supports sagging musclef
efficiently . . . smooths the diaphragm . . whisks away
weight. You enjoy unexcelled comfort and control. Made of ba
tiste with well-divided bust. Style M-120 for average 14-129 for
shorter figures. Sizes 36 to 43. L i
dwtcJi cfiecfc cottm
ih t fi I
Fashion ndortts, yWU noy ln dork fresh look of Nelly Don's
smart Scotch checks. Cut In the new easy silhouette for Fall with
oWp collar, deep pockets .- off with woshabU taffeta
rayon tie ood belt. Very now end oMoMooking cotton for stow,
straight info mxS ssjosonl Aqyo, rod. groon ond yoOow. 12-45
- . . . twrrrYmrrwieMr'i
iiassfsiH j g
Down -On Nationally Known Brands! A Clearance Sale
All This Week!
Nemo Foundations, regularly $8.95 . . . . . . Now $6.95
Famous Brand Nylon Panties, rea. $3.00 . . . . Now Sl.19
Famous Brand Dresses .1 $9.95
Red Cross Shoes, regularly to $12.95 Now $6.80
Pequot 81 x 108 Muslin Sheets . . . .... $189
Esmond Blankets, large full bed size . . . . . $4.95
f-. t
15 Denier Extra Sheer Nylon Hose . . ... . . f 9c
Famous Brand Denim Halters, reg. $2.95 . . . . Npw50c
I; s
Needlepoint For Your Summer Work ... . . . 75c
Clearance of Costume Jewelry, Earrings to $3.95 . . . Now 69c
. i i
Wool-Rayon Remnants . . ' . . . . . . Hall Price
Famous Brand Men's Sport Shirts, small sizes . . . $?.95
Pure Silk Crepes, regularly $3.98 yard . . . Now, YcL $1.95
All Wool Suitings, wide Less One-Third
Plastic Shower Curtains, good quality . . . . . $2.59
All Cotton Dresses Downstairs . . One-Fourth jOff
All Odd Curtains Downstairs . ... . . One -Third Off
Stainless Steel Knives and Forks, plastic handles . . . j 25c
5' . I
Drip Coffee-Makers . . . . . . . . . Half Price
Girls' Wool Plaid Skirts, reg. $5.95 Downstairs . . . . $b.95
i. 3
Four-Drawer Chest for Accessories, Notions ; $1.98
Nemo Foundations, regularly $12.50 . . . . Now $10.00
Penaljo Shoes, Sports and Play Shoes . . . . . . ! $6.80
Ruffled Curtains One-Third i Off
I Rest Room 1 a0 IjJUJuL0JJ
Now Opn lg UVfWC&