The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    I . . . ' HIM' .... "
I City News Briefs
i f!'-'
A speech by the national presi
dent of Old Oregon Trail, Inc.
t a Salem Lions club luncheon
today in the Marion hotel will
be open to all service club and
Thamberyof commerce members
the club reported Wednesday.
Speaker will be Dr. Howard
Drij?gs, farmer New York uni
versity history professor who is
an authority on "the trail."
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent dividend 2'. Ste First
Federal pavings First J42 S Lib
erty. Phone 3-4944.
- iwanon Koanguez obtained a
CITY GETS LAND ; city building permit Wednesday
- Marion county court Wedne-' for $1,000 alterations to a dv cll
day deeded the city "of Salem two ing at 1933 Highway ave. A $50
strips of la'nd 10 feet wide and wrecking permit wa granted R y
1,015 feet long on each ide of Lamb for a dwelling at 351 N
Alice avenue from South Com- j Cottage M.
mercial street to Mountain View1 .
drive. Property owners had. in : Exp. beauty operator. Air-condi-1936,
deeded the land to the coun-j"" -'hop. Steady employment,
y for use in. widening Alive ave-!n- 3-78.70.
nue. This, was never done. 1 THE SIS Ql'FSTION
tv- . w Irwin Douglas Plank. 441 State
The Melodairs are playing at the ' .a. . ... .
Burgandy rioom. Shattuc's Chat-
eau nitely.
A puppet show nd refresh
ments wil! be given Saturday.
July 30. at 10 a.m. for all boys
and girls who took part in the
summer reading program at the
Salem public library, it was re
ported Wednesday. Each child at- j
tending is to have his reading!
booklet complete and available on
the day of the program.
Painting, decorating. Ph. 3-7552.
Promotion of a former Willam
ette university graduate, Lt. Com
dr. Edgar R. Mumford. U.S. naval
.reserve, to the rank of commander,
was announced Wednesday. -A for
mer McMinnville resident, he and
Mrs. Mumford fere residing at An
napolis, Md. at present. He is as
signed to the Naval academy de
lArtment of ekctrical engineering.
Insured savings' earn more than
two per- cent, tt Salem Federnl
Savings Association, 560 State st
Recent changes in the unem
ployment compensation laws of
Oregon will be discussed by Wil
liam H. Baillie. manager of Sa
lem's office of the state employ
ment service, at a luncheon ol 1
the Salem Credit association Fri
day noon in the Golden Pheasant
. restaurant.
Fuchsia's and Begonia's For Sale
at Knight Pearcy Nursery Sales
yard, 375 S. Liberty St. Open from
1L:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
,200 young turkeys to bake or fry.
Fresh killed. 39c lb. C. S. Orwig.
4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128.
Patrick McCloughry. 5-vear-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Me- I BARRETT To Mr. and Mrs.
Cloughry, Salem route 7, box 283M'Marvin Barrett, Hubbard, a son,
incurred arm lacerations when; Wednesday; July 20, at Salem
struck by a car a mile east of ! Memorial hospital.
Brooks about 6:15 p.m. Wednes
day. He was treated at Salem
Memorial hospital and dismissed.
Karakul Knrpet. It's new. It's re
versible, it's 100 irgin wool a'id
woven through and through only
$4.95 sq yd. Ph 3-7648 or 3-3354.
It coords
Percy Eugene McCarthy. Salem
route 2, and Willard Lyle Pollard,
Woodburn, both charged with lar
ceny, waived preliminary examin
ation and bound over to grand
jury; each charged with second
complaint of larceny, continued
for plea to July 21; posted total of
$1,250. bail each.
James Earl Phipps, 21. sales
man, 1760 Berry st., and Veva
June Camp. 20, typist, 151)0 Alder
st., both of Salem.
Wilbur Winchman, 30, sheet
metal worker 1H60 Center st.. and
Bertha Esther.Panger, 30. nurse,
245 S. Cottage st , both of Salem.
Roy Coonce, Salem, charged
with larceny; held, bail not set.
Putney E. Perkins estate: Order
.sets hearing on petition to appoint
(guardian and appraisers, at Aug
ust 8.
Oscar Peterson estate: Order ap-
1 3 . . . u 1 n w
puoiis itiiuaiu 11. f-eiry, Oliver
P. Brown and Catherine Plassas
as appraisers.
Arthur Coffin e'state: Estate ap
praised atj,$7,000.
Vera Louise Long vs Earl and
P nicia Miller: Order of default
Ellen Lock vs Roy Lock: Order
of default entered.
Pioneer Trust Co. vs Guy Ches
ter Miller and others: Decree
quiets plaintiff's title to rea prop
erty. Arnold Murrell Phillips vs
Jaunita Louise-Phillips: Suit for
divorce charging cruel and inhu
man treatment asks for custod y of
three minor children and for divi
sion of property rights. Married
'March-, 1936. at Brownfield, Tex.
John T. Finnelly vs Marie Green
Finnelly: Suit for divorce charging
cruel and inhuman treatment.
Married Jan. 10, 1948, at Steven
aon.Wash. Nothing Down. Pay Monthly
And Shades
We also wash, re tape, paint and
reslat your old Venetian Blinds.
Minnesota State society of
Portland! will hold its annual pic
nic Sunday, July 31, at Jantzen
Beach park in Portland. Former
residents) of Minnesota from over
the state are invited to attend. A
program- and speaker has been
Margaret Do-well. M. D., announees
the opening of her office at 1240
Center St., Practice limited to in
fants and children.
' '
after he accosted two patrolmen
10 una out what bus company
tKo., : anH riftiminv tj i.h
tofi larme or too small. F. A. Doer
fler & Sons Nursery, 150 N. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Cornerse. P. 2-1322
"?"mS?-"ae !5: i
collection and sale business, was
filed with the Marion count v
clerk Wednesday bv John- R
Woods and Mrs.
both Salem.
Mabel P.
Woods. ;
Beat the heat with an air cooler
from Jurison's.
Biririvir ,...... .
nC(tt' J- a"d Hazel T- Borman.
25th and Turner road, filed ui
assumed business name certifi
cate for, Salem Packing company
with the Marion county clerk
The Flower Basket. 2-4S02.
North Salem Boat shop is the
assumed business name certifi
cate filed with the Marion court.! y
clerk Wednesday bv John C.
Mainio and Eric Mainio, bdtn
Salem route 7, box 22.
Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugcl. 3-7G94. 7 .'') N. Capitol St.
The Womens Relief Corp. will
hold a cooked food sale Friday at
the Gas ,& Coke Co. store.
RASTORFER To Mr. and Mrs.
BnsiJ Rastorfer, 655 N. 17th st., a
son. Wednesday, July 20, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
STEELE Y To Mr. and Mrs. 1
Harold Steeley, Mill City, a daugh
ter, Wednesday. July 20, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
SHANNON To Mr. and Mrs. '
MaxtelliA. Shannon. Salem route;
2. box 48K, a daughter, Wednes
day. July 20, at SaMem Memorial',
hospital. '
TRNBCLL To Mr. and Mrs. j
John S. Turnbull. Salem route 3,
box K02J. a son. Wednesday. July
20. at Salem General hospital. j
so washable!
painted with
Perfect for kitchen, bath
room, nursery, laundry!
Semi-Lustre gives you
cheerful;! colorful -walls
l . . bevy-duty walls that
you can wash oyer and
er again. Dirt, 'grime,
Itrease, even mercuro
chrome, come off in a
twinkling with just mild
soap and water! This
satin-smooth Sherwin
Williams Semi-Lustre
w au rinisn is
economical, U
too. A little V
covers a lot!
Wilhrow Hardware
1280 Stala Ph. 3-S832
' Organize to Counsel on Fair Employment Act
v .
Oregon's new fair employment practice committee met for the first time Wednesday morning after be
ing appointed by Gov. Douglas McKay as provided in a fair employment bill passed during the last
legislature. The committee, all from Portland Is shown above, left to right. I'lysse Plummet, secre
tary; E. C. Berry, special consultant (bat not a commissioner); Chairman David Robinson; Francis
Kern; AI McCready and Herald CampbelL Not present was Mrs. J. IL Thomas, also of Portland. (States
man photo.)
Mutt Show Set
At Berg Store;
Vets to Judge
Dogs just plain dogs will
come into their own at Berg's
store at 12th and Center streets
at 4 p,m. Friday when prizes will
; be of feredj in 1 1 divisions, it was
1 announced by Elmer Berg Wed-
The prizes will go to the dog
wlth the lonest ears. longest hair, .
smallest dog, largest dog, dirtiest '
rra rloanpst tt0 Ana with th
shortest legs, fattest dog, dog with s
1 i . . . 1 tuL. : '
II1C JUllgl.-M Idil, IIIC UCM lilUll 111 j
the show" and the most comically- f
dressed dog.
Judges will include Drs. K. D. j
pelerson, F. G. Rankin and Syd- I
ney p Levenc plus the audience, j
Annual Dress-Up
Dav Set Fridav at .
City Playgrounds
The annual dress-up day at the
playgrounds will be held at 1:30
Friday, with judging in five classi
fications, it was announced Wed
nesday by Director Vernon Gil
; more. The classifications are pret
tiest, best characterization, best
foreign, funniest and most unusual.
The dress-up day program will
be at all playgrounds except Les
lie. At Leslie at 3 p.m. Sunday a
Portland water safety group, led
' by Harold Spoelstra, will give
demonstrations at a program free
to the public. John Fairbairn, lead-
: ing the current learn-to-swim cam
paign, will assist.
There will be a flag - raising
ceremony, underwater swimming,
i stroke demonstration, swimming
1 comedy, canoe demonstration, life-
i sav ing and "The Tragedy of Mud
Creek" a comedy take-off on life -
10 .b. 87 c
Crisco - Spry - Snowdrift
3 iba. 799
Morion Sail I'.'dlH F 15c
Log Cabin Syrup Vu 25c
Topping 8"' 2 27c
Peler Pan r.Bu!". ....... 33c
Gro Pup Dog Food Pk, 29c
Plavfair 3 25c
Canned Ililk N:S"on .. 10c
2 lot ...
Hew Nucoa
(' 1 ' 1 ' 1 " ' ' ' a ' W Wli aaf vu: "w ' ' n
-if w
FEPA Advisor Group Keynotes
Education in Organizing Meet
By Winston II. Taylor
Staff Writer. The Statesman
With education as the keynote, the advisory commission for Ore
gon's' new fair employment practices act organized here Wednesday.
Chosen chairman was David Robinson, attorney, president of Port-
land City club and Jewish leader. Secretary will be Ulysses Plummer,
Portland Negro attorney.
Gov. Douglas McKay reminded that "you can't legislate tolerance
Deadline for
GI Jobless
Benefits Near
An estimated 95 per cent of
Oregon's World War II veterans
will be ineligible for G-I jobless
benefits after July 25, the last date
for payments to men discharged
from active service prior to the
official end of the war on July 25.
1947, the Oregon department of
veterans affairs announced Wed
nesday. The remaining five per cent can
draw until their two years follow
ing discharge time is up.
Figures released by the Oregon
state unemployment compensation
commission show that only 6.530
veterans or less than five per cent
of Oregon's World War II veteran
population, had exhausted their
benefits, which amount to $20 a
week for a maximum of 52 weeks
for the unemployed ex-GI and
$100 for slightly more than 10
months of self employed.
The veterans department said
efforts to get congress to extend
the deadline apparently have been
Th Mniavp- Desert in south -
! eastern California is an area of
' about 15,000 square miles.
Want a trip to the mountains ... a seashore vacation
... or a couple of weeks where the "big ones" are biting?
Then plan to pay for that well earned rest with the money
youll save by shopping here at PARK N MARKET lor
the best in quality food at prices that will make your
budget really balance.
Rinso -
. 45
2u. 57c
if l i i i i r
. r
and morals . . . but people do ad-
vance through education." Com-
mon sense treatment in protection
of minorities, "without perpetua-
tion of injustices to others." was
urged by the governor, and by
Labor Commissioner W. E. Kimsey,
administrator of the act.
Robinson recalled that none of
the other nine states with FEP
acts has yet had occasion for crim
inal prosecution in order to gain
compliance and expressed hope
that Oregon would have similar
fortune. By and large, he said he
felt firms want to follow the law,
but many are in doubt as to tech
nical phases.
Most of the day-long meeting
was spent in deciding information
which will be disseminated to em
ployers coming under the act.
Headquarters for 'FEP adminis
tration will be in Salem, although
the Rev. William Van Meter, ad
ministrator, is to spend much time
in Portland, where much cf the
activity is expected to center.
Lots were drawn for the seven
members' terms, with the longest,
four years, going to Robinson.
Three-year terms went to S. P.
Stevens and Herald Campbell: two
year, Francis Kern and Mrs. J. H.
Thomas: one-year, Plumm"- ;:rd
Al McCready. All are from Port
Second in this season's outdoor
band concerts will be held tonight
at Willson park beginning at 8
o'clock. Music will be played by
"e Salem Municipal band
I ducted by Maurice Bennen
Oxydol - Daz - Borene
Pork & Beans Z 2 4 35c
Shredded Wheal sf 16c
Dundee Tuna Fish d 25c
Boraxo Large economy size 25c
Dane Sweet lender 1ft
IT COS Overlook brand - 1UC
Vinegar Pure dder gaL 35c
Ripe Olives ttZZLi 22c
Green Peppersjb. 15c
Canlaloupes : . each 15c
Peaches nice alicers 2 ib. 25c
Bus Service to
Start Mond
First of a daily round trip bus
service between Detroit dam site
ana saiem for dam workers will
begin here Monday morning, July
25. by Hamman Stage lines.
tv. j jj x. , ...
The added Hamman bus will
urrc ana dick ud aav snill
worncrs in 5aiem and way points i
in between, including Aumsville,
Sublimity, Stayton, Mehama. Ly-
ons, Mill City and Gates, and go
i on in to Detroit. The return trip
will be made at night.
Time of departure from Salem
has not been established yet. said
noyd Hamman. operator-of the
lines. The bus will probably pro-
ceed down North Commercial
: street to State street, east on State
j to Four Corners, turning right
; there, and picking up workers
j along the route.
Eventually, w hen the need arises,
j Hamman intends to operate three
round-trips daily to accommodate
day. swing and graveyard shifts
at the dam. Between 700 and 800
men are working at the dam now,
said Hamman, in the tunnel.-pow-'
er line and clearing operations.
Fares said Hamman will be from
Salem, $7.50 for six roundtrips;
1 Aumsville, Stayton and Sublimity.
$6 for six roundtrips: Mehama and
Lyons $4.50, and Mill City and
t-ates, $3.
rr,tfi a C pn-.T
A IIvl I OI vj-LMV
! A rlrlarl T iof-
Against Youths
Two youths, who appeared In
Marion county district court on a
charge of larceny of tools, alo
face second charges of theft of a
The young men are Percy Eu
gene McCarthy, 18, Salem route 2,
and Willard Lvle Pollard. 20. of
Woodburn. In the complaint filed
Wednesday by Mary Karvelis. Sa
lem route 2. they are charged with
taking a $200 Jersey milk cow
June 30.
In the original charge, the two
youths and a third juvenile, are
charged with taking about $250
worth of tools from a sand
gravel plant. Bail totaling $1,250
each was posted Wednesday. Mc
Carthy and Pollard, bound over to
the grand jury on the tool theft
charge, are slated to appear for
pica in district court today on the
cow theft complaint.
I '-"Ml III you C0B hov ,in' I '
I yV ff modern, chrome breakfast let
I ' I or o price you thought woi pre-
r.-::"S5 ! ' War hUrory. We bring you this
I 1 ' extension table, 30x40 m
I V 1 Closed; 30x50 open, end two i
I ' ! n fine chome choirs covered In ji "
I Vv t?-0 either red or blue leatherette
I W-SlJ I ' motch loble-top rrim at this y&r
I - " f Sensationally low price. Came J
S6E OUI OTHI riNl wavanienf lermi.
I I fsfiwitNr. If
tOPS... 4495 V 1
I Tl and up
I $H IDoivn Delivers the
f. 6
Tha Stodaaman. Saln. Orjon, Thuradar JuIt 1 .,49-3 .
Eugene Man Faces Charge of
Forging Fortune in ChekUs
APPLETON. Wis.. July 20 -
has handed out a fortune in recent checks apparently spurious is
in the county Jail tonight under $5,000 bond on a forf ery charge.
Edward B. Gallion. Eugene. Ore., pleaded guilty fo fckging -a $54
bank note in 1946. and was jailetTto await sentencing. lut ShVrilf
Andrew Schiltz said an investigator has traced about l$15ft,00p wor'h
of Gallion's checks in Oregon.
Kansas and Wisconsin.
Schiltz said all were apparently
worthless, although Gallion claims
. . ,nnna t
. t
Miller, a Eugene construction
; w ,
superintendent. The sheriff said
Gallion produced a newspaper
clipping telling of his inheritance, j
But. Schiltz added, the chpping
is not dated, the name of the
paper is not given and the Eu
gene bank reports that Gallion's
account totals $1 50. i
The fheriff added that the Eu
gene bank told an investigator it 1
"as an $89,000 check which Gal- j
hn sent them with instructions 1
to send a cahier s check for that
amount to his sister.
Gallion was arrested Monday on
the 1946 foreery warrant. The ar
rest came after a banker com-
plained that he had received a
bogus $1,000 check.
Schiltz said Gallion, a cement
finisher, had quit his job here
and left town in 1946 before the
warrant could be served. He said
the banker's call was the first he
knew that Gallion had returned.
Schiltz said an investigator.
Jack Zuelike. reported that:
Galhon had written a $50,000
check in Kansas City. I
When he was arrested, he was ',
driving a 1948 automobile which j
he purchased from a Kimberly. i
Wis., dealer with a $1,750 check. J
Ivan Walters, White Lake. Wis., i
has a $2,000 check which Gallion
gave him gratis and six $500
checks given as "loans".
An Antigo, Wis., bank has a
$10,000 check which Gallion left j
there for his mother
A number of Appleton couples
have $1 000 checks given them bv
Gallion in the past few days, and
one of the couples bought a car
with the check. ;
A number of other persons re- ,
ported they had been gien small-
er checks "because Gallion said
he liked them." !
Thft of Automatic
Oiargeil to ('ounce
Roy Cooncc. Salem, was charged
with larceny following his acreM
by city police on a Marion county
1 district court warrant 'Wednesday.
He was held at the citv jail in lieu
of 500 bail.
The charge involved theft cf a !
.32 calibre automatic pistol. Coon
ce wa. fined $35 Tuesday in mnni-
cipal court for possession f a con-
' cealed weapon.
JFY - An Oregon man fwhci police say.
Although tbe people of the Un
ite.! States urd patural g.s for
lighting as far Upk 4s the' e.uly
liUOV. it is ,nly ? in he I art 15
years that it has been extensively
ued in homes ardt.iridiistries.
. . k 3
6'. . 1
TO j
And Stop
f. i
Wul Gat You
All Yon
Can Eal
01 I
New '
Nohlgren'a Downtown
on Stata: Street
5:00 P. M. 8:3Q P. KL
Every Day Except
S.mday f
c. 'i
P 8
Call Any Time Far Free
Estimates Phone 37321
1453 Rage SL W. Salens
We Give S&II Green Stamps