I -K f V S ri, " ! ! t t ' The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper i r BLOND IE I-I DON T r?BCOUECT BUT I SiIO(?E MEOWED TUG GUN CO OFF. I M LlCt TRACY THE PV4PPV OF LTTTLE SPAI?KILE SENT TO TWE FL Pm?tC CUA!(? WO' I CAM H DISCRAGE "EM MV5ELF UNDO? TU TPUCK. " ONDO? I WUAT WE V WANTS 1 1 - tess is SEARCHING TWE MOUSE FOR MS?. FREELY. WE WANT TO FINISH "THIS LAST RCTUf?E A OM.TWAT B O PLENTY? ME'5 SOMEWHERE a-TALXIN TO 1M. HE lL TALK Me FR"EELV ACM OFF. -1 It?, r tJ THE INDIANS ARE" NICE TMEV SAVED WJUR LIVES uuru vmi uAC Or' air STAJiVltf-THiEV SAVED CEASOU&lE- MYUFM mJGSTW) 1 - II Kim.. LITTLE ANNIE ROONET THIS COUNTRYL iSaOOOEO J TO TAKE A I WITHGOLO y SMALL SAMPLES" TOWS AM TOMS D LATER OF IT , (we only plak ) uiii I rnuc- I i rags TUAT5 WHY THE IKOt AMS VCKT LET THE 10U TAKE tVEM ONE LITTLE PEE8LE-U PETE -1 IF YOU TAKE OUT OUE COLO SAMPLE. JD0U8LF K GOD RUSM WILL 4 INOIANS WHO SAVH). START AM THi INDIANS WILL) LOSE THEIR , COUNTRY- Ly. !, Kwj . W. IWyi rooous! tot it! wvat om IATV CAM ffC NTK1M6 Tf AT Ml, I I- AHtAtP P064 POTT Jl j BUZZ SAWYEB Y. iz xj ! SHAMS ON YOU F0OOLC51 TM XnZX MADAM; m MAVf LOCK HIM M MIS KENKcL TO IF YOU y OONT I I r la pck sj -4 THCSE, CVWUHfti YCKJ7T5TY, X FfAJ?n VCCST. AM ATC AtsA HOUSE PASTYNO, NO1. ITS Kaon! mmi PWMEN DO WE ATTACK , -r-f PCINEVAU I AMCKEE7 K. I ATTACK? I ASS VCHJ CKAZV 7 ANASVtV OP FC01?TEEN AGAINST "THE A) NT ASMY OF 4-0, k J I r A I?lSPaCTCH FCOM OUR f CEA " ACVY BELOW, RjENE2AJljnijTl SEE NOU LATE 6? 1 7 (Signed) I THE AWY ' T I t ,L . - . M VERY WELL, Z SHALL NOT PITY MX) BUT you CANNOT, CURS MT ADMIRATION Or 1DUR BEAUTY! TV.T ARE, I COULO C- MAE HOU ONE OP THE GREAT ACTRESSES OF our time: yrv-' f'i ,SOj MXI ARE I BUT WWY, AAR. HAMPTON I DEART ' GAUNT' I'M I ATRAJOrMUSli ASKTCUTO LEAVE! ! RIP KIRBT BECAUSE Z KNOW MISS MAOELONl DOES NOT WISH TO SEE YOU t I S r" V " " WnSi4 2r ; she fears and despises 6000-BYE THEN, MRS. SMITH .M BUT FIRST Z CRAVE ONE BOON. A KISS f STOP! DON'T COME NEAR ME! 4WT soy AM I IM A spot: ACS McCULP SAVi IVE to eewieE son jasper COT ILU GASOLINE AUET 177 y 5KEEX WILL CO LP IN - jfC. 3 I THE AJR AN I IKl 1 MAyBEBLCWifcN YJ UP TWE orv IP I DON'T. MUGS WILL WITHDRAW ALL Trfe CRAW WORK ME4 BcEN, WAND1N' LIS AN' NURSS . A GRUDGE BESIDES. y ANT HEf IS NOBODY TO VH J MAKE AN OF. lU. A 1 HAVE TO PW BALL twrTH him soyE WA UNWIND MY BEARD. VESWf'LESS SKOWW! I TAKE IT VOU DO NOT LIKE THC SCHUYLER NHRLY-D0. fOR. TYLER I SOWETHIWQ A LITTLE WORE CONSERVATIVE. PERHAPS? If SAKES AUVES WHO'S THAT PORTY VARMINT? Galifornians Are Guests at Home of Sister in Detroit DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Bar tr Sims and children, ! Fay and Jimmie, of Torrance, Calif., ar rived for a visit with Mr. Sims sister, Mrs. Rose MermiJlion. Mrs. Jennie Edwards of Santa Rosa, Ca'if is leaving this weHc for her home after two weeks visit at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cr Fowln. Guests this week at the home f Mr. and Mrv Gale Fagan were the latter's sister, Mrs. Arthur Grellner of St. ' Loui.v ; Mo., and children. Leland, Robert. Patricia and Adrian. Mrs. Tom Fryer and son. Don ald, returned from SaJt Lake City bringing Mrs. Fryer's niece, Mary Mavnes, for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Purt have as their eues' tMs week teir son and familv V. D. Burt of Sacra mento, Cajif. Look and I .earn By A. C Gerdoo Flower Show Awards to Be Made Aug. 12 JEFFERSON The Friendly Garden club enjoyed a picnic supper on the lawn of the Frank Rehfield home Monday night Plans were made for the flower show and ice cream supper Fri day night, August 12 at the city hall. At the same event, awards will be made in the city-wide flower contest Mrs. Gilbert Loo ney was v named chairman of the flower show. It was decided to give a rose bush for the first prize and iris btIbs for the second prize, for the best roses . sponsored by the Garden club. Mr. and Mrs. James BlackwelL Bobbie and Jimmy, are spending the week visiting relatives and ! friends in Klamath Falls and oth er southern Oregon cities. Leonard Swanzy is ill with pneumonia at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Swanry. J. Swanzy clipped the ends off two ot the fingers on his left hand Vallev Births recently and the next day scalded the same hand when coffee maker broke. 400 Agriculture 414 Farm Egnlpment 1. What is the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence? 2. Which of the two Great Lakes are connected by the Niag ara river? ALBANY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elkins of Jefferson, July 18. at Willamette hospital, a 7 pound 11 ounce boy. To Mr. and Mr. Sam Watkins Old Building at Elkhorn Burns ELKHORN Last week Ike Mjrers touched a match to an old log building that has stood on his property for nearly 50 years. The log house was the original building built on the old Chamberlain place back in 1903. Since another house had been built close beside the log structure, it wan necessary to pull a wall at a time away and then burn it During the past week of hot weather, the Little North Fork has seen a good deal of swimming and picnicking. A majority of the Qkhom community gathered by the river Saturday night for a swimming party and wetner rcist followed afterward by an im promptu card party. Blackberries, which seem to be plentiful this year, are beginning to ripen. More petitions are being circu lated in an attempt to reroute the Elkhorn - Mehama road across the river from Lumpker's bridge and thus eliminate the Freres hill. A similar petition submitted a short time ago to the county court was refused. 3. What Ls the strongest leather i of Philomath. July 18. at Willam- " I A l aaa, a 1 known for it given weight and thickness? 4. What is the highest city in the world? 5. What is a c oncordance? ANSWERS 1. That of John Hancock. 2. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. 3. Kangaroo leather. 4. La Paz, Bolivia, with a mean elevation of about 12,000 feet. 5. An index of words or topics in a book, as the Bible. ette hospital a 7 4 pound boy. At Albany General on July 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shaw of Albany, an 8 pound boy. To Mr. and Mrs. John A. Koch. Albany, on July 15. at the Albany General hospital, a 5 pound 10 ounce girt MILL CITY Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Rugh, July 8, a son. Robert Wayne, their first child. To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grimes, July 15, a son. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Kiteereles: Pacific Daylight Time KSI.M 13M. KOCO 14M. KOIN 970. KGW Czt. KKX I1M HOUR 6KSI.M KOCO KOIM KCW KEX Morn. News. 0:15 IDawn Patrol Nwa Rour (tup KOIN Ktock Mode Port's Horlf Podga Early Bird 'Early Bird 00:39 00:45 'Tarm N-wi fMarrh Tim IKOCO KVk KOCO Klork IKOIN KVk ll IKOiN Klock IKneass Items iHodss Podia Parly Bird (Early Bird OR TRADE: Case pickup taler. Uka mw. aiao dde delivery rake, trade for wwi Ph. 8-T103- A BAAAD NEW Gibeuo Iractoi witn plow at a big discount Litrs. starter, hydraulic lift, etc See at Howta Brwa 1416 S. Hth St. COlZBINE. John OeaVa SI. tnotor a4 ntnninc fear. In tood condition. Es - tra drapers and ether parts. tSOA. ' See at ftt. S, Box lot. Salem (li ml. N. of Brunka Corner). Ph. S-11M after T n.ri. '.; j CSED JOHN Deere Model 11A com btne, food condition, ready to to. SflOS. Interstate Tractor A Equlp-m-nt Co.. 3KS 511erton Rd. OR TRADE: John Der No. com bine on rubber with pickup reeU Trade for cow, sheep lr heifers. Ph. 1-7103. 42S Auction Sole CAUL FOB BIDS Sealed bi will be received by the Board of E4ucUon of School Dmtrict No 24 CJ. Marion County. Oregon, up to S-00 p.m. on rndnv. July 22. 194. for instaUinf asphalt tJe at West Salem School and acoustical material at Par run Junior Hifh School. Soertiicatioa blanks may be obtain rd from and bids shall be Xiled with the Di1nrt Clerk at 460 North Huh Street, Salem Oregon. CON NELL C. WARD. District Clerk Jly lt-21 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices JJ Pacific Lod! ysgf a. m r. c July 12ml. 7 CnemelLeta loaae Nu eyerr Wednesday nnht Lodge No. SO AT. it Decrees. Friday. DO p. m. l luur oicru I tSLM ' soro KOIN KGW Dawn Patrol Tex Rirtr KOIN Klork Farm Tim News IDawn Patrol IDswn Patrol TN News & Sports Top O' Mornirg Top O Mornins 'News I Dick Joy Fed Bert Farm Time Old Songs wneats News Band Box Bob HaTen fTtme Tempos LM Newt 03reakfast Caog'Breakiast GanarTop Trades ro West Melodies (West Melodies sstars Sins: WildWd church N User News Art Baker 'Rob. Lewis I Rob. Lewis W Music (Music IRiders of SafetSam Hayes Stars Sine; lArgonsky tZ. Manners Tropics na Lf Barsaln CountrtMorn. Special 'Sons Pioneers "Music CO Haven of Rest fHaven of Rett IMusJe .I. C. Thomas IN Story (News I'Irand Slam Rosemary W Second Cup Rarond Cup Hack Bereh News X B-fast Club r fast Club IB taat Club IB-fast Club KSXafl News (Kate Smith Pastor's Call Charlie Spiyaa. KOCO Coffee Cup XW Report roncert Coacert KOIN Wendy Warren1 Aunt Jenny U. Trent ICal Sunday 5W Tommy Dorsey Txmrvny Dorsey (Tommy Dorser ITommy Dorsey Nws Today Stars !Kay Kysar Kay Kyaer m aFsx : si si KStM 1 I ocX KEX News Class Warn iK Sister "f. Ma ion IWalker's lOrcanalltics fWalti Serenade Class Wax jaian Wax iGlass Was Ala Perkins 'Dr. M alone Guldlaa Light I Orchestra rToday's Child. L. Lawton Gleaa Drake (Trua Story True Story 312 Lost and Found LOST: Wallet. Please return to owner, Many important papers no worth to you, co statesman SPECIAL i AUCTION TONIGHT ! 7 SO P W AT 911 LANCASTER DRIVE ( New electrical appliances 14 one tral. wh. paint Table saw. motor A attachments S saraae doors Ac hardware Coolerator ? 29 sacks new potatoes 3 piece Monterey set Walnut B R suit Daveno & rocker Occasional chair te tamp: New 4 ft apt. refrtgrrator New t ft. refrls. New 15 ga elec. water heater and loads of misc. Don't fors-rt the car Sale every Tues. 7-30 p.m. Bring your carj truck or trailer early. No j entry! fee Ne sale, no cornmiaaioit. Ph. i-lCl Wanted Cars Trucks. Trailers Entry Fee -$2 00. Ne sals. no com. mission Sale every- Tuesir 7 :3ft p m, ,Mik. and furniture sale every Thura. 7 pm. Bring your;; const gnmetit or call 3-1J2I. i L EAST SALEM AUCTION CENTER 7S Lancaster Drt 450 Mcrctianclinc 452 VVaniod Machinawy. TocJa WANTED TO BUY: ;Carpefter tools, bench taw or lathe fr home work shop Write detatlsTto Ki; S. Seely, 2SS Center. Salem. 455 Houaehold Goods For Scde W F1.LIN0TON PIANO In xc. cond. S175 ! S. Cottage St. t . QU ART FRUIT- lars 0c dJz. and pt. jars 33c doz. 1950 M ar k et tlLt? Lr.- f'"f " wh'f This bedroom set h.is got to go. Be- female Boston bull terrior. Reward. Ph. 1-3784 a fter S p.m. TWO BICYCLES Uken from 21 Pu ture St., Independence. Oreg. One red frame, black fenders: and black and cream frame. Phone 6ZJ. In- dcoendence. LOST:In Ladies rest room. Hotel Sen ator. Wide, yellow gold, wedding rtng. Custom made with 1 Ig. dia mond A small diamonds. Each set in a rose design. Bal. of ring in leaf design. $25 reward. Write Mrs. B. A. Johnson. 407 Level Lane. Spring field. Ore. or phone collect, Spring field 1-Mse. 31S Personal HUSBANDS! WIVES! Want pep? Thou- aanos oi couples weak, worn-out. solely because body lacks iron, get new vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size only SOc. At all druggists In Salem, at Fred Meyer's. IF LONELY wriURuth L Wade. Box 607 Vancouver. Wn.. an old reliable club lieve me folks. It is a niffty and Just 'or $111.50. BeauUfsl -piece. blonde bedroom surte. brn1 new Juat for you. Stop at Olefin's Door way, at Summer and Norujay.- Wood ry's Furniture Market. 160S N. Sum mer St.JPh. S-5110.J i WALNUT TWIN beds, aprtne and 1 BED davenport, .blue brpcade. (MS. Ph. 1-757S. -;- . 7 QT. NATIONAL pressure cooker. practtoanyjywjlO. Ph. a-saia. KSLM Top Trades IXews ! Queen for Day Queen for Day KOCO H'wood Music fHollyw'd Music Tew (red Dale KOIN News ICome Get It IN, Drake IBrlxhter Day KGW Double Nothing Double Nothing News lught World KEX B. Crocker INews IBaukhage - OCugallen KSLM Ladies First I Ladies First IN. W News Bob Kberty KOCO Mac's Melodies IMic'i Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies KOIN Mrs. Burton 'P Mason I bright it Light I Air-Flo KCW Ufa Beautiful Road of Ufa Pepper Family (Happiness KEX Northwest INorthwest Kay West IKay West KSLM Tell Neighbor 'Johnson Farn. lOrgan Reveries Blng Sings KOCO Macs Melodies Mac's Melodies IMaca Melodies (Mac's Melodies KOIN Air Newspaper 'Air Newspaper I Winner Take (Tunefully Yours KGW B'stage wife (Stella Dallas ! Lorenzo Jones Widder Brown KEX B last Hollw'd B'fast Hollw'd Xasy Aces Myrt A Margs Palmistry Readings Tells past, present St future. Advice on love, business and marriage. Ans wers all questions. Are you worried? 171 9 Coml Open S a.m. to 10 p.m. MADAM MARfE FORTUNE TELLER Palm and Pscytkr reader. Tells past. present, and future. Advice on au matters, answers all questions. Open every day IS to 10. Located 3M0 Portland Road Howard's Trailer Court One half block from Caprtola bus stop. KSLM The Storm The Storm (Music (Music KOCO Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies 'Mac's Melodies iMac's Melodies KOIN Art Klrkham I Meet Missus I Meet Missus (Arthur Godfrey KGW Ctrl Marries (Faces Life (Plain Bull lPage Farrell KEX Surprise Pkg. Surprise Pkg. 'Bride A Groom Bride A Groom KSLM Say with Music Way with Music 'Songs of Times (News KOCO Women-s Pag (Philosopher ISpoUlght I Spotlight KOIN Art Godfrey Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey KGW Welc'me Trav. (Welc'me Tray. I Aunt Mary (Love A Learn KEX Travelers (Travelers Linkletter ILinkietter KSLM Fulton Lewis 'F. Hemingway IPasslng Paradc'News KOCO Rhrlhm Ranch IRythm Ranch IBlng Crosby IS port Pag KOIN Curt Masey Little Show longs I Larry LeSuer KGW Woman Secret ISunny Side INews IHarknesa KEX Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage 'John Lujack iJohn Lujack KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX B-Bar-B Candle Light K Manning Serenade Sports 'B-Bar-B (Candle Light farad Bands (Serenade IHome Edition ! Adventures (News !C. Huntley Symphony I Romances News BiU Stern News E. Peterson Romances KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gab; Heatter Pat O'Brien Escape Nelson Eddy Ed C H1U N.W News iBandstand ! Escape Nelson Eddy Elmer Davis tRamblers IBandstand Crime Photo. irUusion iName Movi Ramblers I Dugout Dop (Crime Photo. Illusion IName Movie KSLM Drama Music House 'Morgan Mannr'Morgan Mannet KOCO Baseball (Baseball liar.eball 3aseball KOIN First Nighter First Nighter IChicagoans frhicagoans KGW Fred Waring (Fred Waring lOragnet Oragnet KEX Counter Spy (Counter Spy IBand Show Band Show KSLM Hop long Cas. iHop 'long Cas. ICoast Survey Coast Survey KOCO Baseball (Baseball : Baseball (Baseball KOIN Lowell Thomas (Quintet I Mr. Keen IMr. Keen KGW Supper Club (News World (Partner (Partner KEX Theatre Theatre IRunyan TheatriRunyan Theatr KSLM News KOCO Baseball KOIN ) Sui rinal KGW News KX Nt tLocal News (News (News irrack 1490 'Your Security (?pin to Win ISports Page Bands Rntenneizo I Concert Hour (Music irtack 1490 5pin to Win IBand Wagon Concert Hour KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO track 1490 KOIN Serenade KGW News KEX Concert Hour (Concert Hour Bob Poole I Bob Poole Music (Track 1490 (Track 1490 (Track 1490 I You Ac World (Orchestra (Orchestra (Wax Museum Wax Museum IWax Mnsearn memos inenm KOAC S5S k.e. Thursday 10 00 a.m. News: 10 15 Especially for Women 11:00 Concert Hall: Ut News: 11:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour: 1 00 Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:13 Variety Time: 1 JO Mel ody Lane: 2 rOO Calvacad of Drama Memory Book of Music: 3:00 News: 3 IS Mnsie of the Masters 4-00 Ore sun Reporter: 4:13 Favor ite Hvmns: 4-45 Children's Theater 5.-00 On the Upbeat; 5:50 554 Sports dub: 4:00 News; 4:15 Dinner Melodies MM Hound the Campfire: 1:13 Even ing Farm Hour: SAO You and Your Security: 4J3 Great Songs: S 43 News :0t Music That Endures: :4S Lift Up Thy Voice: 10:00 Excursions in Science: 10:15 Serenade; 10:49 News; 110 Sign Off. -aatl "RZ t 1 1 iii mi i ii 1 W&B&V 400 Agriculture 402 LiTMtock U. S. GOVERNMENT inspected horse meat. The best food for man s best friend. Fit for a duke. Equine Park ing. 1333 State Street, Salem. Ph. 3-507J. CD. CATTED saddle horse. Gentle for women and children. Sacrifice new and used riding equipment. Rt. 4. hox 337. Baxter rq RlffrTpLAlN. Plum -colored! Oke 7 ft. x 15 ft. with pad SflSjPh. 3-MS3, VtLOUR AND TAPESTRY Drvenw. Deep coll construction t!8 SS. Green sUmps Salem Home Fufn .Co. 137 S. jTomT ' - 1 BLiXTTRIlS Sewing itaches Free Westinghnuse. V YFATER APP1.1ANCE CO. FTVeTPIECE blond bedrooth suite, two reversible rugs, baby's ' bed, high chair, other articles, davenport. 13f N Summer. Ph. 33753. j . AXL WOOL reversible chenille rnge xl3 3M. SxlO 29.99. Chosce of colors. Green stamps. Salem Home Fiirn. Co 137 S. Cpm'l. j DKEPFREE2E Horn. Freers SiaSJi and up. i USED washing machine, j range, re frigerators, water heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO NEW MONTEREY west era furnitur. For den or rec. room. Sofa, chair desk, bench, tabl. lamp, ifost $483. if sold this week $030. Call 3-SS13 ev. or see at 740 Tillman AVe. EXHAUST fan Close opt prica. YEATER APPUANCa: CO KpT. SI2E , elec. raniTk Bendii washer t-tV t i GOING EAST, must sell kvilnut B R. set 35S0 S. Crnnl. ;: I . HOTPLATES, tans, nreasbr cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 456 Wanted, Hoaswhold Goods JERSEY HEIFER, small, due fersh now. $133. Hugh Harris. 3 mi. S. on 99 E. FOR SALE: Good Holstein cow. heavy producer, due to freshen now. Also young Guernsey. J. O. Gritton. Rt. 1, box 3aa. Put Wallace road NEED AT ONCE, la re quantity used furniture. Ph. 3-Slli j Woodry. . jJslEDFURNlTtfRg?hoHe 3-91li5 FURNITURE All kinda wanted. Fre appraisal. Ph. 1-4354. Trader Louie, X&S Portland Rd. t. 4 GOOD FAMILY COW gentle, easy milker, stake broke and used to chil dren $150 00. G. E. Woitte. Rt 9. Box 76Z. '.a mi east , mi south of Liberty school 7YR. OLD mare and I mo. old stud colt, American Saddle Breeding. 2'.a Sr. old white fiUy with sorrel mark et. Abrabtan. 1 yr. old sorrel filly with white markings. ' Arab ian.. Phone 3-4450. 14S9 Court St. NEW weatherstrippeti window com plete with frame. Mny stars in stock. Hundreds of sash. Check our prices. C. G. Long. Ph. ; J -3821. 1 mL N nt Kelrer - 1 CONCRETE GRAVEtX mm. Ph. IU$. YEAR OLD ColL Arabian breeding. Sired by Gedron. Rt. 7 Box 407 K. on Silver! on Rd. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box D99E. Ph 3-1144. AT STUD. Reg. Palomino quarter- borne. H. L Stiff. Jr. Rt. 3. Box 870 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E, C McCandltsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph 3-8147 WANTED. Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid. it will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chien. ?493 N. 5th. Salem. Phone -14M l'UKEBRE5 American saddle bors and equipment. S350. Ph. 2-756L 404 Poultry end RabbitT N. H. CHICKS. tlS per hundred. Lib erty, poultry I rm. in. , oox ziu, Salem. Ore. HEAVY FRYERS. Alive or dressed. Albert Francke. Rt. 7. Box 323. 3 mi. E. of Totem Pole. Call after 3. Nc.w HAMF chicks every Thursday Ph. I-2SB1 e's Hatchery WING'S" Radbitry needs tryer rabbits top prices. 3943 Slat 109F3 408 Pets 1 GREY. S white kittens. Free. Write Wm. Legler. Kt, 7. Box iifta. aaiem. WAWTfcU: Good home for black kitten Ph 2-7343. 412 Fruit and Farm Produc APPLES U pick. Yellow trans par nt SI bu Rt. 2. box 4C3. LOGANBERRIES. U-pick. 3c lb. Call eves, or Sun. Harry Heth. Rt. 2. Box 394. 1 mL N. Cnemawa. cnemawa Ouinabv roafl. GRAVEN STEIN apples. $1J0 bu. 240 Maple Aye. PRESSED ItABBfrTryers. $Sc per lb" Free denvery. Phone 3-sou. OUR TREE, np tilton spncoU from The nalle ar nere. up) wee it days S a m. to pjn. Sundays t to ?. Puritan Cider works, west saiem. CUCUMBERS and carrots, any sn will deliver. Ph. 2-2342 between '4c 7 PJSV . . 414 Farm EqujpmttnT USED FT. AC all crop cawnbtne. op erating condition, S450. Interstate Tractor A Equipment Co, 3039 S0- 458 Btifldlnq Motariala PLYWOOD s LARGE STOCK of Sixes, thicknesses and grades, both plata and water proof. Prices start -at 4c per sq .ft. Also good stocks in. and i in. In sulating boards. Lew prices on in. and ,'s In. sheetreckl Keith Brown. Front and Court Streets. Salem. BUILDERS Realize substantial savings on lumber. Rock bottom prices! for larger amounts ' i WEST SALEM SAWMTIX ntn U,I1,m 1t4 Ph l-OSOt RTD CtDAR SHINGT-EsTNo. F vertical grain, ao.a psrr ss.. viau iuin(jiri stock roofing materials, including val ley tin. ridge roll, galvanized shlngl nails, tin shingle, metal gutters and down spouts. KelUt Brown. Front Court St.. Salem. SPEClAl Cedar siding K'xtT: Ran- dom lengtha. C grade. STO per M. Keith Brown, front -.A Court Sta. Salem j czDA-fcnmcm U shatces Mav b supply you with Tillamook Coast. Grand Round Inland and Cascade High Mountain No. I shin gles HU sq . No. Z $3,00. Sidewau II in shakes painted with undercourss $12 SO sq, unpalnted .' S9i sq Ted Muller Building Supphes. Ph. Salem 2-1JM y' f gKTL-TOOlI Rental Service" Valley Farm Store, 4345 Silyerton Rd . f?3" OFFSET Tungeaf Prem coat 12c pr. C nrome 2oc pr. Plastic pulls 5c ea. Beavcrcraxt Co. $7 N. Lancaster drive. , . V , . HARDWTD-rLOORliferll frades. from $9$ per M and up Keith Brown Front ACmirt Sta galifm. COMi-TSTTE STOCK I panel and 2 panel doors, mahogany front doors. $24-50. screen doors $4.50. comb, storm doors $10. A thickness of plywood and sheet reck and wall board at low prices. C. G. Lonti ph. 1-SS2L 1 mL N. of Kelier. j 462 Sports Equlprant OUTBOARDS. tVt HJd. Milbura Cub, 1, HJ. Waterwitcbi $30 or $53 both, 1113 Hines, Apt. Z. Ph. 2-wtOJ. Vets Housinf. 4S8 For Banxt, Mlacallcmacma TRAILER SPACE. Mod, shade. 20 cooler Few apace left. Reaa, rat. Clean rest rooms. min. from city center out N. Front St. Ftr-Crat Tra'W Park. 3910 N. River Ri TftUcKs' and ears fof rent BlankeU furnished. Smltty's Clipper Servtc, Center and Church. Phone 3-SftOS. r BOOO USED PianojLL. Stiff. U-oVt tR0cKSaENT Bi- kets turn 17 S. Liberty. Pb, 2-90O. BARNEY GOOGLE ' ;