Los Angelesi Gamming Czar mtmm, Victim ofGan Warfare gland OS ANGELES, July 20 Edward "Xtddie" Herbert, henchman of Gambler Mickey Cohen, lies on the sidewalk outside a Sunset Strip night spot today where he, Cohen, and two others were shot down in an outburst of gangland warfare. Herbert was wounded critically, one bullet reportedly severed his spinal cord. AP Wirephoto to The Statesman.) . McKay Replaces Entire State Game Commission GUP I On July 2th the voters of West Ealem will vote on whether to be come part of Salem. The question is provoking somo controversy among the citizens of West Salem, which Is natural. There has been sumo indulgence in personalities which may satisfy emotions but throws no light on the wisdom of r merger. It is a grave mistake in my judg ment for a Voter in either city to weigh the question chiefly in the light of his personal interest or that of his own city. What should 5? " nTA,1 i uiu now and in the years ahead. If we in that licht I believe that both cities will ap prove consolidation. As far as the West Salem election is concerned m-""" -;;--- y," " ' however it should be understood there is po pressure from this side to get a favorable vote, no "cam paign" organized in its behalf. It is squarely up to our neighbors across th river to make up their minds. If they join Salem we'll carry for ward together. If they conclude to continue to go it alone awhile long er we'll still be the best of friends. The advantage from consolida tion lies in the fact that urban services' can be planned and pro vided for the whole area. As an irftegral part of Salem the west side would have water service from the Salem system. It is part of the Salem plan to construct a great balancing reservoir on the westside hills both to augment reserve and to maintain good pressure. The problem of sewage dis- (Contmued on Editorial Page.) Dallas Police Force Aflils Iawrence WilkillSlof the four-day Legion gathering j which begins August 3. Thous DALLAS, July 20 -(Special)- ands of :Legionnaires, members of Appointment of Lawrence E. Wil- the auxiliary and visiting mii kins, "Woodburn, to the Dallas po- tary units will march in it. Fifty lice force has been approved by new street banners and decora the city, rouncil. Wilkins replaces 'tions fof 150 downtown light posts Dan Fisher. Dallas, whose resig- , will provide a backdrop for the nation has been accepted. ; gala parade. The new officer, with his wife r 1 and child, will move to Dallas as Wilkins has been in, police work tlMut a year. Animal Craclters By WARREN GOODRICH "Boy! Tslk bout t hen pecked huibtndf P7 tO 'k:4 i Reorganization of the state garde commission, as provided by an act of the 1949 legislature, was annnunrfd bv Gov Dnncrla Ms- Kav hr wrin.sHv through th appointment of five new members, New members are Carl C. Hill, Days Creek, former state repre tentative from Douglas county Se with wide experience as a forester and timber cruiser; S. Blakeley, Bend, Brooks-Scan Ion lumber company sales manager; Delbert G ilde r s 1 e e ve, Baker. stockman and president of the Oregon game protective society; J. H. VanWinkle, editor of the Oregon City Banner-Courier, and Donald Mitchell, Taft, pharmacist They succeed commissioners I whose terms ended July 16, Governor McKay said all have been prominently identified with the sportsmen's movement. The governor; said he selected the five new members of the commission from a list of 55 recommended and that a number of competeht men had to be by-passed. Hill will serve for five years, : Mitchell four years. Gildersleeve i ree ye(irf. , Vanw inkle two --years, ; and giakeiey one year. Members ! ?. lhe.J.ormer commission were w t wiison. corvains; iarry m- j , , Portland Theodore Conn i iaTe' rorll2.na. .5 -0"n' : lAKeview; k. u. wiccianen. tn- terprise.iand Kenneth S. Martin, Grants pass. ? ; "It appears to me that it was the intent of the legislature that' I should appoint an entirely ne,w commission". Governor McKay said. "I want that made plain be cause the old commissioners did a remarkable job under a system that mriny sportsmen felt to be inadequate." i ! : ' Maison to Lead Legion Parade Brig. Gen. H. G. (Fod) Maison will be; grand marshal of the American Legion state conven - tion parade here Friday. August 5. The appointment was marie -at a meeting of the convention com- mission headed by John Kerrick Wednesday night. Th rijirnrli will h a hiph-liffht Longshore Ulftl Raid Non-Union Conmany : HONOLULU. July 20 - (.V) - An ILWU raid on the offices of a new non unjon : stevedoring company today touched off the first major violence in Hawaii's 81-day ddck strike. ! Thirty men were arrested flsnd 19 were injured, including two po lice officers. Gov. Ingram M. Stainback for mally (tailed Hawaii's legislature into special session Tuesday i to ' seek an end to the bitter longshore 'strike. One of the proposed bills t under consideration would auth-: orize Stainback to. seize and oper-j ate the docks. Ml Salem i , 'I FortUnd , 69 San Fraiicisco . 65 Chicago i , S5 51 St 49 .00 .00 .oo R5 74 N-w York . 92 Willamette river -2 8 feet. FORECAST ilrom U. S. weatber bu reau. McNary field. Salem 1: Partly cloudy and slishtly warmer todav and tonight with the highest temperature today ner 80 and low tonight near' 50. Conditions will be favorable for moat farm activities todav. AI.F.M MKeiPITATIOV (Sept. 1 to July 21) '! This Year lt Year Normal 41.79 46J4 3749 By Bill Becker LOS ANGELES, July 20 Ufi) Gambling Kingpin Mickey Cohen and three other persons were blasted early today by gangster gunfire on Sunset strip movie night playground, less than 24 hours after he had been assigned a state bodyguard. Ironically, the special guard, Harry Cooper, 38, was critically wounded. Cohen, the dapper leader- of Hollywood sub rosa night life, suffered only a shoul der wound. i The other victims were ash blonde Dee David, 26, former actress, and Edward (Neddie) Herbert, 35. a Cohen henchman. Their condition was reported as grave. Today's shooting was the most snectacular gangland blast since Bugsy Sieel was ambushed as he sat in fh Beverly Hills man sion of gav divorcee.' Virginia Hill, two ye?rs ago. Cohen is a central figure in a current hot grand jury inquiry i into police vice tieuos. It already j diate plan to by-pass congress and energy met with the secretary of has resulted in a widespread po- I share A-bomb secrets with Britain ; state, the secretary of national de lice department ,shakeiiD. incluH-! Dy executive agreement. j fense, and the atomic energy com ing the resignation of Chief C. B. j General Dwight D. Eisenhower j mission and. General Eisenhower. Horrall. 1 and other top-ranking officials "We discussed the Ration's for- Cooper was assigned yesterday . discussed U. S. policy on atomic eign relations in the field of atomic by Attorney General Fred How- secrets for two hours and 45 min- j energy. No conclusions were ser to guard Cohen," presumably because Cohen had voiced fear that eastern ganesters were in town to assassinate him. "The cowardly attempted assas sination of Soecial Agent Cooper appeared to be a challenge to all law and order and decent citizens in our community," said the at torney general. As the law massed forces to;1 investigate the shooting and its J" obvious background of hoodlum rivalry, Howrer said his office had been working on ."specif'c information" shout who might have attempted to eliminate Cohen. Howser also disclosed that two; automatic shotguns found a block j from the shooting scere had Deen , traced to san Diego stores. Gov. Earl Warren said "this is gang warfare one group of or- ganized racketeers shooting up j another. ... The situation is de grading to our state. Seattle Plane gi -m fry -m i I tiGll I itn I ! L A 'lCX Reaches Seven SEATTLE, July 20-f;P)-Rubble and burned homes ringed the rip ped cabin of an ill-fated charter airliner in suburban Georgetown today. There seven persons met death late last night in the flam ing crash of the non-scheduled plane. "V Four of trte dead had their lives snuffed out as they slept in the modest residential buildings, un- " -1 . ,U-L- " r:, wl! ,,,.t,".i,rr,T:T rt... V. (XTUUHI l UirU Ul UUIMJ IU- dav The other two were Dassen-, uay. inc ointr iwu wcie prf . en , -. l gers aooara me t;nicago - Douna twin-engined C-46. Twenty-nine otners hurt in thc crasn. Six firpmpn enfforpd hums ! SUIIcr?a "?urns; Death was cheated of more vic- hv ilIst two minutethe in- terval between the crash and an earth-rocking, flaming explosion. ; In those i20 seconds nearly all the 32 passengers and crewmen tumbled out to safety. The death of Pete Chumos, 66, of Seattle raided the tragedy toll to seven this afternoon. He died of burns suffered while he was visiting in a roomine house which the C-46 hit. (Story also on page 2). ELLIOTT SUPPORT RAISED ! PORTLAND. July 20-7P)-Polit- ical supporters of Sheriff M. L. (Mike) Elliott have announced a j public rally in a move opposed to a recall ramnaipn against th i young Multnomah county official, A handbill signed by the Legal ! Defense committee was distributed in the citv today. It announced the rallv for 3 p.m.- Sunday in a public Dark Plane Cuts Smith of Destruction S- ;- - vlrW- " l . " :-n-s ,-r . 1 SEATTLE, July 21 This Is general view af destrne tive path rut by a erasbing C-4 plane here last night Partly wrecked house shows in foreground; part af brick house In renter was demolished and booses on either side suffered damage from crash or fire. Th o piano carried 32 persona. (AF Wirephoto to The 1 Statesman.) 99th YTAB 14 PAGES Release off AWitoudc Bomb Secirets Not'Cajljledl. For Dim Atlantic Pact, RilcRilaihon Tells Seriate Sharing A -Bomb Secret Not Planned by Truman WASHINGTON, July 20 -UP)- At the end of the session Sena An extraordinary secret session of tor McMahon (D-Cdnn). chair high officials and law-makers man of the joint committee, told produced indications tonight that reporters: President Truman has no imme- : utes with the senate-house com- j reached and none was contemplat mittee on atomic energy. Their ' ed at this meeting. I - j momentous meeting was guarded j "A future meeting will be held by two police sergeants, and the j at the call of the chairman after shades of their meeting room were j the elapse of sufficient time for tightly drawn. I further deliberations."! Rent Decontrol Move Draws Group Protest By Conrad G. Prange S'.alf Writer. The Statesman Force? opposing decontrol of rent in the Salem area are this week training their big guns on Gov. Douglas McKay who "soon is 0 consider a petition from Salem city council seeking removal of controls. i Mam objections to decontrol! have come from representatives o labor, Marion county veterans : service and the Marion -Polk Counties Progressive club. - One big argument they advance is the assertion that rents will in crease immediately if controls are removed. Another is that a bona fide, impartial survey of the hous ing situation in this area should be made by a qualified party be fore final action is taken. This last received emphasis from Governor McKav who earlier this week approved removal of rent controls for the city of Ashland. duct housing surveys before reach- ing decisions. . In conference with a delegation from Salem Trades and Labor : council Tuesday Gov. McKay point-j ed out that match money for city- j provided funds was made available j for this purpose by the 1949 legis- I lature. j Salem along with other principal Oregon cities were informed by letter of these fu inos. ire SOer- I nnr ii n n i on v rnn ant aaueii . . . . . . n..l 1 M-J : ,' l' T j . . . . ODl)orturutv and 1!; to ; , . ..: conduct a housing survey soon. The governor also told the local labor delegation, headed by Her- r-t Rrbor that h HiHltrl to ..rriH. lor! a,.thoritv" Hp said he will give considerable study to the decontrol petitions from Sa- lem and Eugene city councils be- fore acting, however. (Additional details, page 2) i r j - ffattlC (jVCF rami SnneHiv III TiiillSf i"1'0 . llul WASHINGTON, July 20 -(JV-Administration forces fought in the house today to save the Bran nan farm subsidy plan from threatened defeat. They shouted that it is necessary to prevent p. collapse of the whole farm pro gram The opposition responded with a charge that the .administration bill gathers its support principally from organized labor not from hrnun Thev aririiA4 that it' urnnlH laH ultimatplv in a npare- time OP A. Tlx Oraxjon "The joint committee on atomic "Contribution Surprise Seen In Fund Drive Surprises are in $tore for the fund campaign force of Salem Hos- pital"' Development program when it meets to post initial pledge re- ports Friday noon in the Senator , hotel. i This was the word Wednesday , from hospital campaign headquar- ! ters as scores of the 300-member j campaign group continued to -check in for pledge cards or information ! and with hints of encouragingly large contributions already on hand for the Friday report. ! City Chairman Alfred W. Loucks anrl PrnJram Dirprtnr IT T Prank. -- ,- -j i lln salQ compeinion is Keen among , . . ci Ulc J" irim- iu;hi onrm prospects tions. for hospital contribu- . At this stage of the campaign. workers are seeking to exceed an l P t(.a"' 'heAexntual ver-all goal of -1 ,000 for expansion of this -city hopit;l facilities Memorial gifts camp;.iene: s, who already have laised nearly $250,000, wiil make lurtner reports ai mcr reg - ular meeting this noon in the Mar- - .. . ion hotel. All campaign worker? are stress- ing the advantages to donors of using the .six-payment plan set up by the fund headquarters to dis tribute the contribution over three tax years. AIRFIELD FI NDS OKEHF.D ci-o viv.. .i v,,o kc . aiiotoH nnn for imnrovement kJ aiv ill r ii a t v iitiu t lao w-v m ' next year, contingent upon $19,000 city match-money. Rep. Walter I Norblad informed Chamber of i Commerce Manager Clay Cochran on Fridav Norhlad w informed of the allotment bv the civil aero- ' nautics administration. 'J 1 FOUNDED 1651 Statesman. Salam, Oracon, Thursday. July 21. 1949 Boston Bound with Beans i 41 ". it rs V ' -. 1 STAYTON. July 2 This elihl-y ear-old Stay ton 'boy, Dennv Frank, is real Jack-of-the-BeansUlk as pietared above In a ban field.- lie was ebesen today to have that title as he rules over thc Stayton bean festival July 26-3. . Stay ton's Jack to Pack Goodwill to Bean Town STAYTON, July 20 -(Special)-Ultle Denny Frank. , selected Jack of the Bean Stalk here Wednesday, will leave today for Boston on "operation beans." Denny is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frank. His father is con- i . . ... . , t-.ii, nected with Freres and Frank . Lumber company. Denny was se lected bs Jack on basis of a popu I 1 11 -. r . W. n fn.tk lamv uuil lis pail vi nm iui i"- -omirie Santiam Bean Festival. Dennv. accompanied by his mother ad Gene Malecki of Sa- lem festival manager, will leave fev ane from Salem airport u g;55 oclock tonieht. Notable bean eaters such as Gov. Douglas Mc Vov Movr.r- flifforH 1.ik of 1 X 1 J . ' I " ' - . StaVton anJ others. wiu see Derinv of on his crossCOuntrv fijght. risd In an authentic Jack -of- theean-sta1k costume De.iny will present a case of Santiam j ooaro, tne sirme cauea against tne ; beans to Boston's Mavor James . Southern Pacific railway was be i M. Curlev. Mavor. Curley is ex- ing postponed 60 days, i pected to respond' with a pot of! This would be 60 days from the l .... i j m i i:t. (Boston baked beans for uenny.iojie uuiinauj sn iw mt mihi The Stayton party will retur ; Friday, July 22 Corcoran said. home Ju v 2 lust in lime ior me - bean festival, July 26 to 30. I urmona Kea,n. -oruana cut commissioner, wni crovs n Y"' a Jack of the Bean Stalk on i the opening day of the lestivai Y1 oiay ion s new community , building Jack is to have as his honor guard the Robin Hood or ganization of Sherwood. Denny was sponsored in the congest for title of Jack by the20 A miliu revolt Sgainst Stayton Catholic Daughters of i the g(ernment 0 Pres:ident Juan rtme.d -uu rk'""'"; , DUS. Knr clliiTrtir Kenneth Ware and Paul Freres. both of Stayton: Gail Elmer. Al bany: Thumper Julian. Lyon!-: Lerov Fender. Mehama: Jackie Ditter. Sublimity and Ray Mark ham, West Stayton. McCormick Buvs Capitol Paper CHICAGO. July 20-VCol. Ro bert R. McCormicn s cnicago in - bune today bought the Washing-; WASHINGTON, July 20-fPVrA I foreign ministry lismied the pO ton Times-Herald, which his cou- Russjan protest against Italy's viet objections a f 'puiSe fantasy." sin, the late Mrs. Eleanor M. (Cis- ; membership in the North Atlantic A spokesman foil; the jfninistry in sy); Patterson built into the cap- , alliance was rejected by Secretary italfs biggest. ! f State Acheson todav within a CpL McCormick. editor and pub- ' ew hours after its arrival. He call lishcfr of the Tribune, made a crisp, i tne soviet objection "utterly two-jsentence announcement of the J without foundation." , purchase. He said: i At the same time, Acheson took "The Chicago Tribune bought ' occasion at a news conference to the Washington Times-Herald to- j fire a rounj of his own jn the coij day. The present management w ill - be continued.' Purchase price and other details were not disclosed. MEETING' POSTPONED The scheduled trip of West Coast Airlines officials to Salem Was postponed again Wednesday, due to a delay in the company's receiving - a new ship at Seattle. The trip will be re-scheduled within a week or 10 days,- DECLTNES GOP POST WASHINGTON, July 20 -(P) Former Senator John A. Danaher of Connecticut took himself out of the running for the republican national chairmanship today. r ..." y SP Trainmen Agree to Delay Calling Strike SAN FRANCISCO, July 20-7P)- J. J. Corcoran, general chairman : of the Brotherhood of Railway ! trainmen, announced today that in accordance with President iru- ; man's creation of an emergency "w"1 "' gency board to' investigate the dis pute between the brotherhood and the railway. Corcoran said he could make no further comment on the situation until "we know who the personnel on the emergency board will be." MILITARY REVOLT CALMS GUATEMALA, Guatemala, July 'Jose Arevalo flickered out today. A strange calm spread over this capital after 24 hours of battle that followed the assassination Monday of Col. Francisco Javier Arana, chief of the armed ser , vices. Acheson Rejects On Including Italy in Peacej Pact ! j war- He denounced the communist campaign gains Lice Roman Cath olic church in Chechoslovakia as a violation of the United Nations' pledges to build up anb respect human rights and freedoms throughout the world. Questioned as to what "tensions and conflicts' behind the iron cur tain President Truman had in mind in his Chicago speech yesterday, Acheson said he had no comment. But other officials: declared the Uheft record is clear that religious, poli tical and ecdnomiCjforces are work ing against absolute communist control of Russia's satellites in eastern Europe. Even before the American sec retary's swift rejection, the Italian No. 124 Night Session Clears Way for Voting TjojrJay WASHINGTON.! Jly 20-(TV Ratification of theNofth Atlantic pact will carry ni jbjligaticn fe the United State ;to share atcm bomb secrets with Jther treaty nations. Senator McMahon (D Conn) told the seiitet tonight. McMahon chairman of tha senate-house atomic energy ccm nittee said the exact nature cl the military aid to E&irope must be decided when' congress rts to implement the irety with ua arms program. i McMahon gav e I hi replies to Senators Wherry 1 (Pg-Neb) end Donnell (R-Mo) who pressed him as to whether any aemy obliga tion in the treaty;; woipld calf lot sharing the atom bomb itla MtMahon decl3red4 "There ia no binding compulsion! in the j fcct as to what kind of mitjtary ii1 a nee will be given." I -It. may be. he added, the ruct nations could best bib defrn)l by keeping the atomjc wrattras in the continental: bopndaritf i4 the United States. i The senate heldCa nght sespina on the treaty ciann the wny for u vote late tomorow. Tad supporters say they h.ve the two thirds necessjry to atify. mlh some to spare. Trey no my tht-y are confident of defeating aU ie servations. f In today's 'debate' bicker f 1 ha security treaty cIedj it a lu wak fr peace ;nl5 opponeta saying it would v eakeji the Unit ed .Nations. ! Senator Ifumofitrey-f (D-Mmn) went to bat for tfe treaty tclay, ut did Senator Sr.lisKvirf (R-Conn). Senator Taylor (D-IJjho) cl os ed it. ,s Then, as the ssiojh wore cn. Senator Graham (D-NC) deliver ed his maiden ienal speed in support of the nlct ind Senate Lucas or Illinois, majority flr leader, made a dramatic appeal for ratification. Humphrey said; th time lt.a come for the Unitedl. States to adopt a "positive foreign prlicy that places us orv the offenfixe." "We can no logger fa f ford," ha said, "to have our foreign policy made in Moscow. We tian no long er afford to wait until the enemiea of world peace t.e action. " Senator Baldwin tofd the en afe the treaty could be expanded Jater into a world alliance to re serve the peace. Ha dtirlared fur ther that an internatipnal p lira force is "within the raege of rs sibility" under the pait. He said by refusing to join tha alliance the Unite! Stte. wt.uld run the risk of .standing alt-na in the world." -i I Albany Center Buildings Sold ALBANY, JuTy -(SpfciaD-Two downtown business buijdings hr changed hands thj week. One of the city's oldest struc tures, located on v"ateristreet was purchased by Lloyd Templetcn from the John Robson estate t a price estimated it $45,000 frcm tax stamps. Temp'etdn, whcs automobile business shares th building with Keller Feed & Seed, said there would be no; change in occupancy. 1 William rinc1iT ' ' rrnritrr r.f Workmen Clothing stcfre, bought the other buildtng. locited at W. 1st St., from:; Mrs Marga 323 argarct Kelly of Salem, pussier plans to move his business ther after re modeling. Present tenant, Winn Auto Supply Co., fya ncyt yet found Russ Protest i . Rome said the note wiS be reject ed categorically" ii opn as it is received. i , . i At Salem 4-0, Tacorra OwJ At Spokane 3-S. Vancouver - At Wnatch t. Victor 7 At Yakima 3, Brcir.ertoa 2, COAST LCAct At Seattle 0. Portland At Oakland 3. San Francisco At Sacramento 4. San tu(0 0 At Hollywood 3. Lot Ajifel 2. ' ' AMEKICA LCACCE At Cleveland J Xw Vtrk 1 At Detroit . WhtitgtJn 5 At Ctiicafo S. Boston -At St. Loul-Philae;pr4a. rain. KATlONAfc LXAX1VE At Philadelphia 3. Chicago 4 (11 Inn.) At Boston 4. St. L''-iu S (10 Inn.) At New York J. Cincinnati I At Brooklyn , FiiUurga S. PRICE Se