; - -1 m ; up ' n ... m j . :i "''' -- ' ' ''-1 x '' - " " wif) S v ' ' I Y p J V Mv V . rX ' -.'. - .-' . -y',:v 1 - - ' a"' :-:"; J'; -'3 . f y - ::. J ;: IN LOVE. CUry Cndct and fatricU Neil pUjr the roles of Koark n4 DMtaifit ta Waraer Btm.' elHac MTel, "The FtmnUinht&J." HOWS THAT AGAIN? "First w nast have proof Salem Obituaries USKIC Clifton Harold Buslck, at the rel 4emce. 21 N. Church rt., July 10. Sur Vlyed by wife. Mr. Roaalte Buklck of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Ramona Sparks at Salem; two brothers. Orick iuurk of Dayton and Dale Buaick of stelmond. la: a sister. Mrs. Clara Schntalle of Belmond. Services will be held Friday. July 15 at 3 run. at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum followed by entombment there. Direction by the W. T. Rig don chapel. ANSRN PFC Albert H. Hansen, late resident Pl a-T"H mi, VI T. VII S, -M .r aw w, 194. Survived by father, Lauriti Han sen of Detroit: a sister. Mrs. Annie Ketchum of Detroit, and a brother, Richard Hanson of Detroit. Graveside services will be held at Belcrest Mem rial park Saturday, July IS, at 1:30 p m. with the Rev. George t- Williams officiating. Military services will be conducted by the Veterans of ror Sign Wars. Direction by tte Clough larrlck chapel. AMIL Mrs Oara Sybil Hamel, Uw resident of 341 Brooka sve , at -M local no- rltal. July 13. at the ge of IS years urvlved bv Uiree son. Floyd R Hamel of Seattle. Roy w. Bamel of Alaska and Edward D. Hamel of Al aea: two broUiers. William J. Neueru and Edward H. Neuens. both of Sa lem: IS grandchildren and one groat SiandmtM. Services will be held at t. Joseph'! Catholic church. Friday. Julr Is. at t a.m. with interment Belcrest Memorial park. Direction by the CloughtBarrick chapel. Recitation of the rosary win oe Thursday, July 14, at p.m. KOCKXJCR Ntckolaa Kockler. late resident of Mt Angel, at local hoopttal. July 13. at the age of M years. Survived bv three sons. Walter KocKser or Bene ion. la. John B. Kockler of WaMe Park. Minn., and Paulua Kockler ef St. Cloud Minn.; two daughters. Mrs. Joe Engel beck of Melrose, Minn., and Mrs Christine W times of Armstrong, la Shipment has been mad to Mt. Angel by Ute HoweU - Edwarda chapel for services and interment. CH4NCR Mrs. Lida Margaret Chance, late res ident of IMS Madison st.. In this citv July 13. Wife of R. J. Chance of Sa lem, daughter of Crary R. and Vrvia Mscdcmnell of Marshfield, Mo.: sister of Thomas MacdonneU of Marshfield Ho . and Mrs. Jean Bell. Services will re held Saturday. July IS at 2:31 p n. a tbe W. T Ricdon chapel with the Rev. Lioyd T. Anderson ofliclating. CARTKR Baby bo Carter, at a local hosDital July 14. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ricmard R. Carter of Salem: sister. Carolyn Jean Carter, and a bro ther. Robert Roy Carter, both of Sa lem: grandparents. Mr. and Mr. Wes ley Means of Richmond. Calif.. Mrs W. J. Long of Richmond. Calif, and C. R Carter of San Francisco. Grave si Je services were held July 14 at Lee MtMtitn cemetery under direction of the Clough -Barrick chapeL BOWMAN Mrs. Doris Bowman, late resident of Sensor. Lahf . at a local bosDital July 14. Survived by husband. Frank Bow man of rnoentx. Arts., and mother, Mrs. Vera Da vies of Salem. Services wiu be awnounced later by the Clough- Barries: mapei. BR ALT Mavnard Mabry Heary, at the reside- at S0T Knapp st, July 14 at the age of Ct years. Husband of Grace E. Heely of Salem; father of Mrs. Olga H. . Curtis mt Salem: assd grandfather of Dorothy A. Curtis and Mrs. James K. Bartlett. both of Salem. Member of Massapeaua lodge No. til AT St AM In Long Island. N. V. Announcement of service later by the W. T. Rigdoa cnapei. The Diet of Worms was an as s JIy held in the city of Worms in 1521, where Martin Luther was summoned to answer charges of till VI IX ! Hrfl rttaiiatMa C Aya Kind's best st the ELSINORE. By DAVE COX that fm don't need Itr New Market Slates Opening At Mill City MILL CITY Lee Ross and R. L. Faustar'e announcing the open ing of their new market for July 19, with the grand opening to be July 23. The; store, located on the Faust property on the Marion county side of the river, will be 50 feet by 88 feet and will be finished in stuc co on; the outside. The interior will be of natural finished ply wood six feet on the sidewalls with the upper portion of the walls and the ceiling finished in white fir tex. The building will be air conditioned and flourescent light ing will b used with additional flood lights used in the front dis play windows. An added feature which is new to Mill City will be the ladies lounge. This room is finished in natural plywood. ns Open New Store At Mill Gty MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman, sr., were hosts Sat urday evening, July 9, at a free public dam in their new store building located across from their present store. Music was furnished by Mr. a- d Mrj. Arey Podrabasky, Norma Jean and June Eevine and P 'Json Ste ens. IXicFhments were furnished by the l.f:1s. M Thi ttort will be opened in the near fture. Preceding the d:ut; the Mill City Fire Department put on k comic show in the vacant iot on this center of Kingwood Street and First avenue. The fireman know; as the "Knucklehead Fire department" were in costume and Arey; Prodrabsky and Wilbur Meinert were featured as popular bathing beauties of 1949. DICK HATMES WED . SAITA MONICA, Calif., July 13 -W)-Crooner Dick Haymes and Nora Eddington Flynn supped in to thg! county clerk's branch office just before closing time Wednes day fend obtained a marriage li cense. We Want Your EGGS ! Always a Depeadabla I Cash Market II ym bring them to C-rly'a w bc4 lose. , Gmly's Dairy f airgrvm-wia Koad at BmI - J ri Ft. S47U , Novr York-Stock Quolationtf NEW YORK, July 14-P)-Today'i American Can 82 H (Gen Electric Am Power & Lt lOVnCen Fooda Am Tel & Tel -HlVJGen Motors Anaconda 28 pood year Tire 40V4lReynolds Met Bendix A via 29 lint Harvest 26 (Richfield Beth SteeL 2Hl'nt Paper 48ISafeway Boeing Air 19 VKennecott 47 Sean Roeb - Calif Pack . 4So Pacific Canadian Pac 12V4pLibby McN & L 7 SUn OU Cal Case J I 35T'!Long Bell A Caterpillar . 30JWont Ward Chrysler Comwlth Sou 49-!Nash Kelvin 4i4iNat Dairy 9V4!N Y Central Cons Vulte Continental Can 32 k Northern Pac Crown Zel 234 Pac Am Curtis Wr i S-Pac Gas Elec Douglas Air 60 VP T &.T Dupont de Ne 47,iiPenney J C Late Selling Flurry Drops Grain Prices CHICAGO, July 14 -(IF)- A late flurry of selling, starting .n soybeans and spreading to other Dits. left commodities with a weak look at the close on the board of trade today. 1 Wheat closed Vt-W lower, corn was H lower to higher, oat were M-Vt lower, rye was 1 to 14 lower, soybeans were 1 4 lower and active. Lard de liveries were unchanged to 3 cents a hundred pounds lower. Wheat failed to respond to news that a large eastern chain baker had bought between 500,000 and 1,500,000 sacks of flour overnight. Traders shied away from the 1950 wheat futures on the ground Agriculture Secretary Brannan might not impose acreage allot ments and market quotas, as had been expected a month ago. Salem Market Quotations (As f lata yesterday) butt tar AT Premium No. 1 No 3 BUTTER Whrlesal Retail a si M M .11 F.GGS (Baytni) I Wholesale ottrc rsngea from I to T cent! ovff buvlnc price I Extra large AA ; .SO Large A A .59 Large A XI Medium AA : -M Medium A ; J2 Pullets .40 Cracks .40 lOCLTT A Leghorn hens B Leghorn hens .C Leghorn hens -A colored hens B colored hens C colored hens A colored fryers. 3 lbs and up B colored fryers C colored fryers A old roosters B old roosters C old roosters , 3X .17 .11 -24 .19 .13 SX XI J .13 .10 LIVESTOCK by Valley rack Fat dairy cows in no to 13 00 Cutter cows 8.00 to 11 00 Bulls 14.00 to 17 00 Good calves, 309-450 lbs 17 00 to 19 00 Good veal 150 to 300 lbs. 20.00 to 33.00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press July 14 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 13 80 flails Indust Util Forgn Net chang '. . A 2 A l A.l A.l Thurs. 83 0 32.3 3D 3 62.1 Piev. dav 87.8 32.2 39 2 62.0 Week ago 86 3 31 8 38- 61.1 Month ago 8. 7 30.3 38.4 58 8 Year ago 95 8 46.8 41.8 71.0 BONO AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Fgn A 2 A.l A .2 A.l Nt Change Thurs: .. 69.3 102 3 103 3 69.3 Prev. day 80.0 Week ago 88.7 102.3 103.3 693 102J 103.1 694 101.7 102.4 69.7 101 3 100 7 62 9 Month ago 89.0 Year ago 82 S Net change A3 unch unch unch Portland Produce PORTLAND. July 14 (AP) But- terfat (tentative, subject to immediate change): Premium quality maximum to .3 to l per cent acidity delivered tn Portland. 61 -64c lb.; first quality 59 63c lb.: second quality 55-58c. Valley routes and country point 2c less than fir5t Butter wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA.' 93 score Sle lb.: A. 93 score. 0c lb.; B. 90 score. S7 lb.: C. S9 score. 55c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese (selling price to Portland wholesalers): Oregon singles, 38,a ',c; Oregon 5-Ib. loaf. 4lT-50&c. Eggs ( to wholesalers) : A grade large, 0',-61'2c: A grade. Medium. 83r 56'k: B grade, large, 49',52,c. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given thai on Juno 13 194. M. G. Clark and Ruth Clark, his wife, and other, filed a petition with the City Recorder of the Oty of Salem. Oregon, reouestlne tne Com mon Council of said city to vacate the following described real property. Beginning at the Southeast corner of -lock Two (Z) Good Addition to Sa lem, Marion CouTty. Oregon: thence sou in along the west line of Lot Sev en (7i. Tuxedo Park Addition to Sa lem. Marion County. Oregon. L7 feet to the North line of Oxford Street as presently located: thence West 14 feet to a point where an extension nf the North line of Oxford Street as presently located would lnterect with an extension of the East Una of South Capitol Street; thence North 11.7 feet. along a line coinciding with an ex tension of the East line of South Cap itol Street, to the Southwest corner of Block Two (2) Good Addition: thence East along the South line of Block Two Good Addition. 14 feet to tne place or Deetnnuur. and that said Common Council ha fixed the 8th day of Au fust. 1948. at the hour of 8 00 o'clock PJK, (Pacific Daylight Timet as the time,, and the Council Chamber at the Oty Hall of the City of Salem. Oregon, as the place, for Uie hearing of the said petition and any and all objections and remon strances thereto. Objections . to such vacation, if any there be, should be made in writing and fued with the City Recorder of said city prior to the tune of the hearing. By order of the Common Council: ALFRED MTJNjJTi Oty Recorder Jly 1-8-15-22-29 "i&s-y Dr.T.TXaaaJt.D I Bv-eXbaaJV D DKS. CHAN . . . IUI CHINESE tratBAIJSTS Ml North Ubetty Costa r Fsvtts d General s-setrtc Co Office ope- Sarars y eau? U Kmml 1VV a-aa. sxa mi in testa are free of earto I wawe tart 4 closing quotations: 38Radio Corp 42iRayonier . 59fRayonier pfd 10H 19 354 23 Va 38 V4 374 61-i 20 20Vfc',Studebaker 53 Sun Mining V4 12V4lTransamerica 10 Si 32 K 10 Union Oil 30 Un Pacific 78 13tUn Airlines 13' Fish 12 32V4 U S Steel 82 (Warner Bros 487,Woolwoi th 22 11 V4 48 Live chickens (No. 1 quality f ob. plants): Broilers, under 2' lbs.. i7-2Sc: fryers. I',-3 lbs . 31 -33c: 3-4 lbs. 33c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 33c: fowl. Leg horns. 4 lbs. and under. 11 -23c: Leg horns, over 4 lbs.. 23c: colored fowl, all weights, 25c; old roosters, all weight lt-lSc lb. Rabbit (average to growers): Live white. 4-S lbs.. 19-21c- S- lbs.. 17-19c: colored. 2 cents lowvr: old or heavy does and bucks. -14c lb.; dressed fry ers. 3 57c lb. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per cwt ) : Beef: Steers, good. 500-800 lb.. commercial. S39-43: utility. rUV-SS. Cows: Commercial. S-T6-3T: utility. 830-33: vanners-cutters. $35-27. Beef cuts (good steersl: Hind Quar ters.; $53-55: rounds. $53-55: full loins. t-imnved. SCO-fid. triangles. S37-38; square chucks, $38-40- ribs. $50-53; tore ouarters, $38-37. Veal and calf: Good. $41-44; commer cial $39-41: utility. $30-33. Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs $47-50, commercial. $45-4. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down, sis-zi. Pork cut: Lotus. No. 1. $-12 lbs.. $55-57: shoulders. 1$ lbs . down. $37-40: spa re ribs. $48-50; carcasses. $31-33: mix ed weights $3 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley and medium grade-. 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 25c lb. on 13- month growth. Country-killed meats: Veal: Too Quality. 3S-3Sc lb.: other grades according to weight and quality with poor or' heavier. 2S-32c. Hogs: Light Mockers, ju - jzc in.: sows. 24-2SC. Lambs: Top quality. J-Wc lb.; mut ton. 10-12c Beef: Good cows. 24-36c lb.; cmnners cutters. 22-24c. Onions: Yellow globe jumbos, new crop. Calif., med. and large. $-.00-25: reds. $25-4S: white globes. $3.50-4.00. Potatoes: Oregon Board man district white rose No. 1. $3.00-15; No. 8 $1.00 10. Hay: New crop windrow bale. U. S. No. 1 green alfalfa or better, truck lot f.o.b. Portland. $29-30: U. S. No. 1 mixed Timothy. $33-34; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $17-21. depending on qual ity, baled, on Willamette valley farms. Portland Grain PORTLAND. July 14 (AP) Cash wheat (bid): soft white 2.0S; soft white (excluding rex) 2.09; white club 2.09 western red 2.09. Hard red winter: ordinary 2 09: 10 per cent 2.09; 11 per cent 2.10: 12 per cent 2.12. Hard white baart: ordinary 2.09; 10 per cent 2.10; 11 per cent 2.11; 12 per cent 2.12. Today's car receipts: wheat 53: bar ley 3: flour 7; corn 6; oats 4; mUlfeed 13. Portland Livcslock PORTLAND. July 14 ( AP)-(USDA) Salable cattle today 2O0. calves 100: market very slow, few fed steers and canner -cutter cows about steady; oth er classes under pressure: vealer mar ket pra'ettdcally at standstill; scattered sales 2.00-4.00 belovy early this week but bulk of supply unsold; 1 sizable lot medium-low good 865 lb. fed steers 25.00. lightly sorted: few cutter -com mm grass steers 15.00-18.50: odd cut ter-common heifers 13 00-17.00: canner cutter cows mostly 11.00-12.50: several light canners down to 10.00; few com mon-medium beef cows 13 00-13 00; l good sausage bulls 1850: common downward to 15.00: odd good 270 lb vealers 23.00: choice light vealers quot ed up to 24.00; common-medium 12.00- 1800. Salable hogs 200: market active, stea dv: good-choice 180-230 lbs. mostly 24 - 75: good 173 lbs. 24.25: good-choice 245 290 lbs. 22.00-75; good 350-550 lb. sows 17.00-18.00: lighter weights to 1B.7S; around SCO lbs. 16.00: few good feeder pigs 23.50; choice light feeders up to 25.50. Salable sheep ?00: holdover 450: mar ket slow; steady to weak; few good IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. UNITED STATES OF AM RI CA v. 870 Cartons, more or less, con tainlng 12 cartridges each, of Rodent Rat Control. Civil No. 4934. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 13th day of July 1949. 624 Cartons of an article labeled in part: "Rodent Rat Control were taken into the possession ot the United States Marshal for the Distriotc of Ore gon, pursuant to a warrant and process duly issued bv the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, in a suit for condemnation and forfeiture entitled: united Mates of America. Libelent v. 870 Cartons, more or less, containing 12 cartridges each, of Rodent Rat Control: brought under the provisions of Section 394, Title 21. U.S.C-A wherein it is sought to have the above entiUed property condemned and forfeited for the fol lowing reasons. That on or about the 27th day of August. 1948, the aaid property was shipped in interstate commerce from Glendale. caiuorma to Salem. State and District ot Ore gon: that the said property was not registered at misbranded within tne purview of Section 4 ot the Federal Insecticide. Fungiside, and Rodenticide Act of 1947: that all person claiming anv right, title or interest in and to the said above-described property are hereby notified to appear on or before the 15th day of August. 194. ta the Federal Court at Portland. Oregon, to show cause, if any there be. why the same should not be decreed against and forfeited to the United States as m branded. JACK R. CAUFT-LD. United State Marshal: HENRY L. HESS. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon, and GENE B. CONKLXN. As sistant United State Attorney. Jly 14-19-18. Hurry . . Hurry Hurry To the Four Corners Carnival Lots of Fro Prizos ... lot of Concessions .... A FREI SHOW ... Lots of Rip-roaring Ridosl Evorybods Going, ThoroU bo Fun for AllI Soo You ilMtrcl ehoie pria lambs MJfr-TlM; .sixabte uppiy medtum-xood 1BJO-3Q.M: com mon down to 1S.00- few food old rrop lamb and yearlmcs 1S.W; mvdium bood C0-7 lb. feeder Umbt IT 0-ia00: good Uxot ewes 1-30-7X0; common down to 3.00. TRADK-MARK NOTtCB TO WHOM IT MAV COSCtRN: GEO. K CRUTCHFITT1 J). JR of the city of yimwaod. coanty of Rocks uueham. and State of Vrrgirua. and' hav ing ita prtrvclpal place of business at Lynn wood. Virrrds. having made ap-o-tcatJon for reei-tration of its trade mark KORN KAKE ia the State of Oregon, rterebv cnibMsbes a descriptioa of said trade-mark pursuant to the laws al the State of Oregon. The trade-mark consists of the words KORN KAKE. GEO. K. CBtTTCHTiyXXI. JR. Bv: Mason Fen wick Mi Lawrence Attorneys, Washington. D.C. Jly 1-8-15 NOTICE OF PLAT AND STREET VACATION Notice is hereb- given that on Feb i ry 14. 1941 OREGON RADIO INCOR PORATED, an Oregon Corporation, til ed a petition with the Oty Recorder of the City of SiHm. Oregon, request ing the Common Council of said city to vacate the olat and streets compris ing Wyatfs View Tracts in the City of aletn. Polk Countv. Oregon recorded with the Countv Clerk of said County at page 27 in Volume 3 of the Record of Town Plats for said 'county and more particularly described as: Beginning at a 2" galvanized Iron pipe at the Southeast corner of the Wm. Cole D.L.C. in Section 21. Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian hv Polk Countv. Oregon; thence North 89" 54' West 978.65' feet alone the South line of the Cole D.L.C. to the East line of Lot 8 West Side Fruit Farms; thence South 0' 09' East along the East line of said Lot 8. 671.73 feet to the renter ot a County Road; thence South 78 08' East along the center of said road 278.98 feet; thence North 3 22' East 334.25 feet: thence South 85 12' East 477.22 feet to the West line of the J. White D.L.C: thence North 27 06 East alonjt the West line of said D.L.C. 421.02 feet to the point of beginning being m Towmhip 7 South. Rang 3 West. Polk County. Oregon and that the said Common Council has fixed the 8th day of August. 1949. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock PM. (Pacific Daylight Time I as the time, and the Council Chambers at the City HU of the City of Salem. Oregon, as tr place. tor the hearing of -he said petition and any and ail objections and remon strances thereto. Objections to such va cation, if any there be. should be made in writing and filed with the City Recorder of said city prior to the time of the hearing. By Order of the Common Council: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Jly 1-8-15-22-29 300 Personal 310 Mooting Nottcos Pacific Lodge No. 50 AT. & A.M. No meeting Friday. July 15th. Chemeketa Loose No. L lOOf . meets every Wednesday night 316 Personal CF LONELY write Ruth L. Wade. Box 607 Vancouver Wn an old reliable club Palmistry Readings Tells past, present St future. Advice on love, businees and marriage. Answer- all questions. Are you worried? 173 S CoinX Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock GENTLE saddle horse. Good home es sential. Call 2-4280. GOOD purebred Jersey bull. Call eves, after 6. Ph. SUyton 26F15. Wm. Wahlster. Rt. 1. Box 59. Sublimity. On S. Silver Creek Falls rd. FKE.SH HEIFER. H. F. qhrisUansen. Rt . 5. Box 4ft4. Mi w. or Maeieay mi s. U S. GOV. inspected fresh horse meat. the best for animals, fit lor humans Ph. 3-5072: 1335 State. RED FRYERS, any rize. Rt. 7. Box 4:t A. McCain Ave, out SUverton Rd. YEAR OLD Colt. Arabian breeding Sired by Gedron. Rt- 7. Box 407 K. on Silverton Rd. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed- ward. Rt. 3. Box 809E. Ph. 3-1144. AT STUD. Reg. Palomino quarter- horse, il. L Stiff. Jr. Rl. 3. Box 870 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C MrCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. WANTED. Thm cows and heifers for feeders, slso butcher cattle. Get my bid. it will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chien. 2495 N. 5th. Salem. Phone 2-1656. 404 Poultry and Rabbita BED FRYERS $1 es. Ph. 3-7818. FRYERS Roasters and pullets. C. Kramer. 1255 Candlewood Dr. WHlrf ROCKPULLEfS $i:i5. fryers 1. 3 mo. old. Rt. 7, Box 429. out on McCain Rd. Carlton Keiscnke N.H. CH1CTCS7$15 perTiundred. Liberty Poultry Farms. Rt. 9, Box 270, Salem, Ore. RABBITS 55c per lb ."Tree delivery. Ph. 3-5013 NEW HAMP. chicks every Thursday. Ph. 2-2861. Lfi Hatchery. WING'S ftabbitry needs fryer rabbits, top prices. 3983 State 109F3. 408 Pots BLACK and whit Boston btiDdogs. Also Boston service. Ph. 2-2958. Fred Mullins, St. 9. Box 850, PUREBRED cocker pups. $10.00. 1745 Baker St. Ph. 3-8286. RED COCKER Spaniel pups, female $1$. Two male $23 each. Rt, $, Box 31k Ph. 22330. 412 Fruit and Farm Produco YELLOW APPLES. U-plck. $1 b.ishel. 1055 N. 15th St RASPBERRIES U-pick. lbc mi. west of 99E on Chemawa cut-off road. Rt. 2. Box 442. . CASCADE BLACKBERRIES U-Pick 5c Bring containers. $3 crate delivered. Cobb Rt 2. Box 2$ E. Turner. 14 ml. S. Prinele School on Robins Lane. CUCUMBERS. Phone 2-0B79. $80 Holly - wood Ave ; FOR SALE A lta Fescue grass hay. bal ed. Excellent heifer feed. $15 ton in field. Call evenings Si mornings, ber tween 7 and 8 o'clock; Ph. 109ri3 STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. 7c lb. Ben son St Hollin Bros. Star Rt, Silver ton. Oreg. I 1 V rV 11IUI 3115 Slat SL, Fowr Cotoofs i 400 Agricnlhirc 414 Farm Equlpmanl A BRAND NEW Gibson tractor with plow at a big discount Lite, starter, hydraulic lift, etc See at Uowsk Bros, 1418 S. 12th St. ALMOST NEW 4 wheel trailer with dble. box. Farmers, bass's a bwy 1 M'ke Rex. 114 Mil St.. SaJera. TRACTOR. 1 inch tow Be and cover disc. Ph. 2571$. RL Boa 83. 425 Auction Soli Consign Tour Cars, trucks, trailers, machinery, furniture, produce and n sc. items with i Leak's Auction 3620 Silvcrton Rd. Sale Every Sat: It JO am. Already consigned for July 1$: 2 elec tric washers, refrigerator, wood range. g ranee, oil heater, radios, beds, buffets, vacuum cleaners, b rycle paint, roofing. in. galv. ptpe and numerous other items. Mny consljrn men ts always received too late ttf advert! se. so plan to attend these Saturday sales. You may find lust what you want at a price you can afford. V. D. Leek AUCTIONEFR AND MANAGER Ph. 2-8813 Auction SATURDAY. JULY 18, 1J0 PM. At Mohler, Oregon 8 miles N.E. of Mohler Grocery Store on Walter Easom's ranch. Leaving Mohler store, watch tor auction arrows. Selling entire nerd of CO grade A dairy cows. Heavy producers, some fresh. some heavy springers and fail spring ers 1 registered Brown Swiss bull. 20 mo, old. 4 unit milking machine, all household goods including elec tric range, electric hot water neater. Fngidaire. livirut rm. suite, other misc. Item. Open for In spectton now. Auctioneer Gus Blanton and Emery Alderman. Owner. S. D. Blanton. . Wanted Cars Trucks, Trailers Entry Fee $2.80. No sale, no com mission Sale every Tues. 7 JO p m. Misc. and furniture sal every Thurs. 7 pm. Bring your consignment or call 3-1221. EAST SALEM AUCTION CENTER 97$ Lancaster Dr. 450 Merchandise? 451 Macaorr and Tools OXY-ACETYLENE welding and cut ting out lit. complete. Tap and dye set U" to 1 . Lae. mach. vise, ptpt jaws, heavy duty. All equip, like new 1585 N. 18th. A G&OD USED Power lawn mower for only $60 18 cut Warranted, howser Bros., 1410 5. 12th St. 455 Houaohold Goods For Solo FULL SIZE BED. box springs, inner "nrc w Stress for sa'e or "hane for twin size bed. Ph. 2-9973 after i::iQ p m : 2 MAHOGANY bedroom sets, inner- spring mattress. 8 pc. mahogany Duncan Phvfe dining set. desk, lamps, tables, davenport, 3 chairs, floor lamp. Coffee table, throuj rh rues, remgera tor. Many other household items. Call at 1945 Fairmount St. evt or Sunday Dm. LEAVING, must sell Prices reduced Make offer. Elec. range, nearly new; chrome dinette set. da yea port, swing rocker, beds. wash, mach; many oth er articles. Rt. 5. Box 114 on Garden Rd. near Sweele sch. Ph. 2-8T OWNER leaving town, must sell. Da venport and chair, swing rocker, pi ano, lamps. ru. range, Drea.ias sei washer. Ph. 2-3059. 2 NAVY BUNKS, mattresses St springs 1 elec. ironer. 1 enamel trash burn er and other items. 725 N. Church RErRICLRATOR. Coldspot. 7 cu. ft. S125 3055 Portland Rd RTf RIG. 7 1. Leonard. Like new. Ph 2-0196. Reasonable D STOVL. gd. cond. Ph. 2-1054. DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers $129.93 and up. YVATTH APPLIANCE CO ONE FRIGID AIRE, good shape, also washing machine; 3 miles east of Chemasva. ' mile east Hazel Green Sch.. Julius Slattum, RL 7. Box 345 Ph. 2-7177 SAVE COMPLETE ROOM GROUPINGS Bur these group at tremendous say ings. LTVTNG ROOM 8 pieces Deluxe daveno and matching - swing rocker. 2 walnut end table and walnut cocktail table with glass tops to protect finish. 2 beautiful table lamps with pleated shade and a $ wit I E S. Floor lamp. Complete group $149.93. Terms $25. down, $9.00 a month. BED ROOM 8 piece Beautiful limed oak vanity -ik .!, .!. wiw ht i ill sized betli'vanify bench. 90 coil steel base spring. . ISO coil inner spirng mattress. 2 beautiful boudoir lamp and matching bed lamp. Complete group only $139.93, Terms 829. down f a 73 a montn. WE GIVE S-H GREEN STAMPS H. & H. FURNITURE CO 1550 fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33777 OPEN TRI. EVE. UNTIL t P. M. RUG 7xll ft Burgundy solid color mcludine pad. Fine condition. REAL ORENTLAL-SAROUK RUG 9x12 ft. including pad. Excellent condition Skirted reas r Table and stool. Flreol La t Set includine scree. Very reasonably priced. 737 S. Church St. Ph. 3-8378. ELECTRIC Sewing Machine 1 Westmghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. BOTTLE GAS STOVg with timer at clock. Perfect cond. 318 S. 3tn KITCHEN RANGE, bums wood or coal has coils, good cond; hot water tank S40 for both. 24 a. mtn. USED washing machines, ranees, re frigerator, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO HOTPLATES, fans, pressu YEATER APPLIANCE CO- EXHAUST fans Close out price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 456 Wanted. Houaohold Goods NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture. Ph. 3-5110 Woodry. "awai B I -af-S asy a Dial 3-SS15 Tho SloWn-i- Solo-L Oro70 rrlArY. July IS. 'IMS 17 450 Merchandise 4S6 WcmtocL RcH-Mkhold Goods SEP FtTRNTTURE. Phone 3-9189. C K.S ITU RE All kinds wanted. Free appraisal. Ph 2-8558, Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. 4S8 Building Materials 100 GAL. of white outside paint. $3.2 S tn rai. pans. 1 1Z3 -Norway St. RED ClDAR SHLNGlXSno" I vertical fiam. ss.23 per so,, also complete stock roofing materials, including val ley tin. ridge roll, galvanized shingle natts. tin shingles, metal gutters and down spouts. Keith Brown. Front k Court St.. Salem. CSED LLMBXR. bricks, windows, etc. Laundry trays S3 On. Rt. 8. Box S73T. ti ml N. Fruitland church. SECLATCedar siding " -x8 '. Ran- aam engine . graoe. sas per w. Keith Brown. Front t Court Sta Salem croATf"sTrcES - shaTOS-" May be supply you with TUlamook Coast Grand Rounde Inland and Cascade High Mountain No. 1 thra gles SaC S q . No. 2 $5 08. StdewsJl 18 in shakes painted with under course $12 80 sq.. unpainted $9.00 sq Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1198 SKTL-TOOL Rental Service: Valley Farm Store. 434S SUyerton Rd. n OFFSET hinge. Prenve coat 12c pr. Chrome 20c pr. Plastic puUs 5c ea. Beavercrart Co. $79 N. Lancaster drive. HARDW06rrFLdORlNG. aU grades. from $99 per M and up. Keitn tirown Front St Court Sts Salem. 468 For BonL MLscoIlanooua TRAILER SPACE. Mod, shade. 20 cooler. Few space left. Reas, rate. Clean rest rooms. 8 min. from city center out N. Front St. Fir-Crest Tril-r Park 3910 N. River Rd THUCKS and -a is for sent. Blankets furnished. Smitty s Clipper fcervice. Center and Church Phone 3-9300 GCM iD USED Piano H. L. Stiff. U-bRiVt Trucks for rent Bian- kets fum 197 S. Uberty. Ph. 3-9063. 470 For Solo. Miscellaneous NEW aid conditioning unit, complete with motor and blower water rooted, cos new $173. Will accept $100. Pa. 3-OSSS or 3-8714. Nf.W maple syrup, freak from Vermont. Half gallon cans $3 each. Delivered to yen Write J. B. Woods. P.O. Box 647. NEW metal cots. 38 in. Navy surplus. Legs fold under ends. A bargain at $4-95. No sag. spring. 28 in. from floor. Green stamps. Salem Home rum. Co.. 1S7 S. Coral St. COMBINATION end table lamp Ma- hog. finish. Special at $13.88. Green stamns. Salem Home Turn Co.. 137 S. Com'l St. 8 FLOOD LICTHS. 10CO to 1500 W. lamps, 2x6 plate glass display counter. Ph. 2-1643. BLENDED rayon and Acetata hooktwut rugs. Rubber ed neck. Burgundy, blue, beaver, tan. 28x49. $8 96. 34x60 $11 a$. 82x76 821 85. We give green stamps. Salem Heme Furn. Co, 137 S Cornl St. . 14 FT FACTOHY built boat with glassed in cabin, no plywood. 1948 model 4 cyL outboard motor, like new. 3240 So. Commercial. -USD" OFFICE DESKS FOR-SALE ' 15 identical-desks; some needing repair and reiinunmg. importunity iot per son with tune and ability to repair and sell at a profit. Will seU entire lot for $100. Ph. 2-14HS BARGAINS China closet $34.50, elec. washer $1950. ice boxes $7, wood range so. radio $6.50 table St chairs $13 50. chest of drawers $6 So. elec. battery chargers $45. apt. dec. range $12.50. New and used elec. ranges, refrigs. below re tall., elec. heaters below retail, new vacuum cleaner $27.50. beds compTcte with spring a mattress $22.50. end tables, kerosene range, oil heaters. gas range as low as $6.50. Girls' and boys bicycles $4.50 and tip. wo heaters, new fruit Jars 90c dor, many outer items cneap. Hardman Bros 4't mUes north of Salem by the drive-in. theatre. Open seven day wk. from 7 a.m. until t p.m. JOHNSON S H P. outboard motor. C.. Roaster, complete with grille, elec hand vacuum cleaner, nlcro stainless steel coffee maker. 1 pr. matched pin-up lamp, and many other items all new or nearly new and priced for quick sale. 102$ Garnet St. Ph. S-S36i MISC. ANTIQUES, including 4 match- ed str. Pack chairs, stiver fruit dish and lots of glassware and dishes. 1,033 Garnet st. SALEM SCREEN SHOP Windows. Screens made to order 14.10 S 12h St ZIPPER TYPE sleeping bags and knap- sacks. so gal. auto, gas water heater, H 180 S. High St. 2 WHEEL trailer, springs, iftlres. Some furniture. Rt. 6, box 273T. 't rrd. N ofFruitlandchurch. FARMERS: Attention Fence Control lers, nlk pasteurizers, close out prices YEATER APPLIANCE CO. PfXT MOSS. fu bale $3 65. TJortST west Poultry. Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Sin sand St flu dirt. Excavating 10B Shovel and rata. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4002, res. 3-7146 NO WAXlNG required when you use Plasti-Kote. the cellophane-like fin ish for your floors or linoleum. YE ATM APPLIANCE CO QUARRY ROCK-for road base. Crush -ed rock, fill dirt. W deliver. Croisan Quarries 156S S. Com 7 St, Ph. S-S4I7 Plant. Ph. 3-123 1 Res. 3-3073 I-RAN fiUBBER boat Man's 17 Jewel Benru wtch. 1633 N. 20th. Ph. 2-4700. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port- ablea. desk type, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph Joha- son Appnance. TARM at your War Surplus Store 18 ox. Waterproof. Grommet 8x7 $3.1$ 7x $3 87 Ox $4 32 txlO $8.18 AIT other sizes in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. at Church St. COOD AS NEW electric water heater, $45. 835 Oak St. 'i USED CA t . i ; f r 450 Merchandise 470 rorjMwr MlsIlanoot-i Hoyt i St. Surplus Closing Sale Irrigation Pump with Wisconsin motor. Electric water heaters, DeLux wash era. Cast Iron Enameled 30"xl8" Waah Basin new complete at lea than wholesale $23 00. Galv oew pipe $15.00 per hundred ft, Serv En trance conduit, fuse boxes, house and outside wire. WaU Safe $5.00. Bua seats $10 00. 8 x30 10 Too traiier $20000. Spud peeler 8400. Bakery electric oven S bun pan sue priced te sell. Hotel rise Champion d hwa-hee $-00.06. folding metal cruurs $248, Swivel chair $5.00, Oil circulator $20 00. Hay tart. Kitchen Sinks, toi lets $37.50. soil Pipe. cauHung lead 18c lb hammer mill tor feed grind ing $45.00. 1943 International K-9 truck l( Ton $925.00. 1947 CM C. long wheel base dual range tike new $1400 00. International KS 4x4 with power take off $3000,00. Laundry dry er 80 00. 9 Ton Hercules new chain hoist $32.50. E lee 'Air Compressor unit. Garage hydraulic lift for Bull ing transmissions and motors $150.00, Wards 800 Watt tarn lit plant $65.00, Lots more and all priced to sell. Acre with RR fropUge 0 sq ft, buildtngs sone 4 for sale of long term lease Come south On 1-th to large HOYT sign. Turn EAST one block, Tel 3-T916. 9 TON green asfisque at: rye grass straw. Excellent steer St florae feed. $10. Frank Holoubek. Ruit. Box 81. 3 ml N. of Wrooks, I ! rtNC POSTS, pole. 1 type; shingles fertilizer At flatroek, Phil- .JiJS- Bt. 8, Box 118-1 Ph. SsTgL. 6 CU. FT. Fngidaire. See t 910 Nor way. f 472 Wanted. M-rcocrneua RUBBER TIRED wheelbarrow with me tal box. 380 S. 17th. i PIANO TUNlNd Wills Music Store Salem 474 Mlacollasoo-s ELECT. RANGES: new at used. man St Matthews. 337 N. High Ph. --74L 4 HAVtnroTJRSinger sewing maebisto raoaired oy a quail ned SJnayr reote sentaUve. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup St d eh very service: on a8 malsse ef machines. Free estimates, gives be fore work ks started. Singer Sewing Machine Co, 130 N. ComperciaL Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work S Roads - Clearing - Ditching" Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental IS B- yda $lg.oo per hr. 10 B- yda 60 per hr. D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per hr. D-s Cat & Dozer 1 49 per hr. D-4 Cat St Dozer 7 60 per hr. Phone dav S-9nS Evenings 3-8348 or 24400 Salem. Oregon WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or i - - -mop Ovi'f'eld Brt i Kt. S. box 58 Phone 2jJ313 or t-TT93 , WANT TO Buy used cameras Wnsea. McEwan Photo Shop, 435 SUte. AUTO PAINTING, just a shade better by Ray ETTER. CaU Shrock Motor Co -)ini Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES I Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLEH. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State A- Corp. Ph 3-3311 Mat tr Capital Bed Co. Ph. S-4069. 478 Fuel HAND PICKED 16 lit. slab wd. $tl load. Ph. 3-9734. ,' STOVE WD. of all kinds. We do coml wd. sawing. Ph. day p-3523. Eve. 2-427S. Phillip! Brds. Fuel wood. Old Fir, oak. Ph. 6SF31. Summer fSpenal Buy your winter fuel now and aave. Good screened sawdust $4-00 unit. Good clean block wood $300 Id. Dry slab for furnace $8 50 Id, Dry edging for cook stove $8.00 Id. g Oregon Fuel flo. Ph. 3-8533 f We8t Salem Fufl Co. 16-1N, DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER T.10S Old growth block wood IB la., clean no Darx SCREENED SAWDl'ST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pbone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edge water St, W. Salem, f CLEAN- rLCNDIC3Ctbn8-TNT" 6 LAB WOOD TOR FURNACE Capital Lumbcr-lfuel Co. Phone 8-7721 1 SLAB WOOD IgeTeoroTfeed. 8l Klammtra s Wood: Yd. Ph 2-2W0. SPEOAL It tak clean Imrfde mlB wood. TRI-CTTY FUEL PO. B-T442 30bAY special. Old grewthj block wood from Valsets. $10 cord deHverea on car. Kill dry planner, 8 cords $18. Ph. 2-772L I Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. I SUls FLnacceCo. S-tll a4 M-txS lerso-al a4 Atrto AT i I '; -fir--; FHA heresy. -