JTha Statesman, Solam. Oregon, Thursdcrr- A" 7 II. 134S M .AW i SOCIETY ' CLUBS Betrothals Highlight News By Jeryme EnglMi Statesman Society Edit jr Romantic new holdi ht social P .tlight today with aeveral young girls names augmented to the list of brides-elect. WUt Carver Injf4 Mr. Mildred Carver ia reveal ing the engagement of her daugh ter. Miss Patricia Carver, to Elmer L. Klelnke, jr.,. son of Mr. and Mr. E. L. Kleinke of Salem. No wlding date has been act. Mm Carver and her fiance art graduates of Salem high school nl she has been attending Will amette university. Mr. Klelnke, win is in the navy and stationed at Albuquerque, New Mexico, is nw home on leave. Prior to his enlistment he attended Oregon Stte college, where he was af filiated with Sigma Nu fraternity. A Summer Weddlns A summer wedding is being pUnned by Miss Betty Lou Jones, diuhter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne F Jones, and Charles Hunter of Kn Jose, Calif., nephew of Mr. tH Mrs. Russell Martin, of Eld ri Us, Calif., whose "engagement 1, being announced this week. The --temfiiy will take place In early Aiiust in the garden of the Jonee' b me. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Kilem high athool and is attend lu University of Oregon Medical S' hl in Portland. Her fiance la uie-medicl student at San Jose a'te college. Mim Hilfiker U Wad Mr. and Kr. Reubin Ft. Hilfiker avioourioed the engagement of th-ir daughter, Mi Arlyne Hil fiker, to Leland W. Wish of Em p rl. Kansas at a garden luncheon a' the Hilfiker country home on Julr 3. The wedding of the young ouple ia planned for early Sep tember. The table was covered with a white linen cloth with a center pi ce of a giant firecracker with i-l streamers to which were at-t-h"d firecrackers and the fuses re tiny scrolls bearing the iitnios "Arlyne and Leland." A CKiular arrangement of red and wrtne sweet peas completed the c iit iriece. Attending the announcement luncheon v,ere Mrs. Carl Gustaf ni. Mrs. Michael Hiifiker, Mrs. O V. Kirxi e. Mrs. Reubin Hil fiki, Misiev I.oi na and Jodie Jo iMiiiMbrr, Willett.a Hersrh, Shirlee PinMiiri, Beverly Cuitatsou, Don ii Whitley, Donna Camp, l.ola K ei tier, Yonr.e Casselman, Ros alie DuVoit. Carole Hilfiker and Ailyne HMt.ker. . Yesteryear's Ice Always Pure N "millrace water" is ued or ever has been to make ice at the C'ntr Street ice work, Frank Wateis, proprietor, advised The Statesman Wednesday. His state ment was prompted by reference In Maxine Euren's article yester day dealing with old tea boxes and ice-making in the Salem of yester-year. ' We still manufacture ice at our plant." said Mr. Waters, as well as operate a cold storage plant.. Water for ice-making is di An from our own well and is legularly tested for purity by s'' bacteriologists, and the plant is regularly inspected by the city s-itut i ian. '"Formerly we used city water never water from the mill race but some 20 years ao when the water company had trouble aver the quality of water then trfketi from the Willamette we drilled our own well and have ined it ever since." The Statesman i fclad to cor rect any wrong inference that might have teen drawn fi m Miss Bui en's interesting stoiy f pre elevtiic rtl'i iteration. After Smoking, Drinking, Eating Onions, etc. Breatli - TAKES YOUR "BREATH" AWAY! mSTAlXS SV.VTR.KCh -mmrnt-ing now -breath idir mMilrtlimr. Kat. drink, Mncka a you pUa Than juat pi! Krea'h (.) I jil or 1 net ren yotir lifia fori ir.hale. IJors nrtt covar otw ocior !' h another. N9mra?a v a (x rn inaianrly neutralize od'U- ilHf ... at fi mtunr -leaves bnwth sw4et ( lean, pU-HMMt't. raay lo ums. 0vped by Htixf Cnbv' Reaexrch Kmin ivlioa. BUY YOURS TODAY uisen THf OU5fNftr CONf COgai 4 COMMtKui ftnim MtDtCAl CFNtft NCH 7 40 fjttit IIH mtmm l nerruy 7 I I ' h. I - t' k - - r v j- v. J . v av - e m "if- iif - -.Vr-. y Mr. Robert Laraon (Edith Echifferr) who was married on July I art th Bthl Baptut church. Th brid i the daughter; of Mr. and Mra. Trad P. Schlffarar of Turnar and tha groom i tha son oi Mr. Gilbart Laraon of North Long Beach, Calif. (Jtan-Miiler). A Baptismal Ceremony Richard William and Christy Louise, young children of Mr. and Mrs. Williarn L. Phillips, jr., will be baptized at a ceremony this af- ternoori at tjie West Lefelle street home of their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. William L. Phillips. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin will perform the 2:30 o'clock ceremony and godparents for the children will be Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks. A small reception for the imme diate family will follow and also present will be the maternal grandpnrents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Polk. New Glub Has First Kleeting A newly formed club for girls working ii private homes held its first meeting at the YWCA on "Monday night. The program and meeting wefe held in the yard of the YW, and refreshments cooked over the outdoor fireplace. -Mr?.! Katherine B. Hughes will j be the volunteer leader and Mis Jean Clericp the staff member in charge. All girls working in homes ; are welcome to attend the meet ings which will be held the sec ond and fourth Monday of each month at the YWCA at 7:30 p. m.x At Monday night's meeting a , disc ussion of the etiquette of Intro riucts Was conducted. In the meet- 1 O - T VL&CCtC st ope rat t as on4 Lator MUSIC v ? Vi f -7 ings to follow, other discussions of educational value will be held. Severat men friends of the jrls attended the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jena Hughe are on a camping and fishing trip at Wallowa lake and with them are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed f t Portland. NEW MAGIC FOR OLD FLOORS! eas""""" "-- - - I c e -: c e Lw, fit so. rt. Make your home sing with color. Start with tha floor a sparkling new floor of Sloane Quality Lino leum. Then, let us help you selea the right colors for the rest of the room to go with the linoleum yo chooe. You'll 4e proud . . . you'll be gay . . . ia rooms that sing with color with bright new floors that are so easy to keep new anJ beautiful. We're proud of our expert mechanics.VTe bonettly believe they do the finest, smoothest linoleum laying in lows. Come sec as today! PHONE J-W Newcomer Is Honor Guest Mrs. Phillip W. Allison was hostess for a delightful informal tea Wednesday afternoon at her Fairmount Hill home for the plea sure of a newcomer in the capital, Mrs. 4 Lewis Scott, who will be remembered as Jean Sersanous, formerly of Portland. Mr. Scott is now with the state highway department here. A group of mothers and daugh ters were bidden to greet the n v comer. The honor guest's mother. Mrs. A. F. Sersanous of Portland, who formerly lived here, was down for the ocasion. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt presided at the tea urn and assisting wete Mrs. Paul Lard on and Mrs. Wal lace Bonesteele. Arrangements of pastel summer flowers were used about the rooms. Visitor Feted At Party Mrs. Clinton Standish was host ess for a salad luncheon on Wed nesday afternoon at her North Church street home in compli ment to her house guest. Mrs. Wil liam Schultz of McCook. Nebra ska. Mrs. Schultz, who formerly resided here, and her son. Billy, arrived in the capital last week end and will be here a fortnight. Bridge was in play following the luncheon hour and bouquets of summer flowers were used in decorating. Honoring Mrs. Schultz were Mrs. Daniel Hay of Portland, Mrs. Ira Fitts. Mrs. J. Irvine Cap linger, Mrs. Arthur Binegar. Mrs. Charles Foulger. Mrs. Gregory Lancaster. Mrs. A. A. Hager, Mrs. Elmore Hill. Mrs. Rov Mink. Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. Tom Wolga mott and Mrs. Standish. Mrs. Schultz will be an honor guest tonight when Mrs. Ira Fitts entertains her bridge club at her South Commercial street homa. Newcomers) Welcomed Newcomers being welcomed in the capital are Dr. and Mrs. Wood son Bennett and three children, Susan, Woodson. Jr., and Steven, who is two months. The Bennetts moved her this weak from Port land and he will ba associated with Drs. Garnjobst and Ha worth. Tha Bennetts have taken a house on Breys avenue. li ml Omr Knowledge la Gained Hint Vfcsaal Iinpreealons, EYE CAR! PAYS BIO DIVIDENDS Dr. S. A. Wheatler Optometrist 724 Caarit Pa. 2-44Ct ONLY $2.45 UP l) YARD i 1 1 j ... v.v.'.. ' - ' "1 ' I' ll" 1 j. t- - X . y m Shakespearean Gift Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson (center), president of Southern Oregon college, receives a gitt as nucleus of a Shakespearean library piesented by the Dra matists' Alliance oi Stanford iniv?rsity through Robert E. Dodge (right), president of the Oregon Shakespearian Festival association, while festival founder and producing director Angus L. Bowmer voices approval. Special w9 will be mad-? oi th c.1 on during th Shake.peat Summ?r srhoo! to be held at Southern Oregon beginning on Jujfe 13. Au Revoir Tea Today Mrs. Layport and Mrs. Louis A..deron will entertain inform ally at tea this afternoon at the former's home on Chemeketa street in compliment to Mrs. Lynn Fortsch, who is leaving soon with her two sons for Boise. Idaho to live. Mr. Fortsch left Salem six weeks ago to take over his new position. Members of Chapter BF, PF.O. of which Mrs. I ortsch is a member have been bidden to the farewell party. Mrs. E. G. Sanders will pre side at the tea urn. Arrangements of summer garden flowers will provide the decorative not. Secretary af Stat and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry and daughter, Shirltt, are leaving this week for Chicago and will return by way of Yellowstone park and Cana dian resorts. They will be away two weeks. . . at BAKED WITHOUT SHORTENING OH ADDED FATS (LIB CALFNDAt THIRnY M omen Society nl World Service Kn;leood United Bicthren church , with Mr. rinvd Quer. ISIS Nebrsk 115 p in Neitbori of Woixlrraft Thimble club I no-hosl picmr dinner. ith Mr O. L Scott. i:hW S. Liberty t . 1J 15 p m. 1KIDU Wbne Cross circlM at Women Mi- iionarv mociety of Calvary Bantt j rhurch meet with Mrs. L. C. Thomp son. 405 Watne Iri, 10 am. IliSDAT Benon count. North Dakota annual j Oicnic. Olinger Paik. 1J.30 p.m. ClKiranc SaU High quality prints, sheers, cottons, suits and casts. GilmoiVi Upstairs Dress Shop (LAN CHI H. WILSON, Owner 439 Court Street o o o D LtlI 1 E o J A new taste thrill for "bread hungry diets" NOW you can Eat and Enjoy bread . . . yes. Sun Valley Bread. Low in calory count (less than 50 to th slice) yet high in energy producing proteins. Start TODAY EAT AND ENJOY the new SUN VAtLEY BREAD your favorite food store. 1 AT VOOR f flUORITE f COD STORS SniAiirners It lliiv " SOjOUniCrS IO I lay x Thomas Bagan is chairman of today's meeting of the Sojourners which will be held "at the Salem Woman's clubhouse at I o'clock. See "tni's '49 i orte fo-j f4 Caanet SHdffif Mat Chesl if Big f reeling Cemporlmeet -sV 4 FvfNWfcfrli Shelves it 1 2 Jlfiy lf Cubes 2 Taff-leverage Shere it 14 Stmintard fca Cubes Imtmrlt UstM MermeHcafry Seafed Unit I. i( Ymr Cwsfamar rafatfn ') GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 4o7 Cart Straa ? LOW HIGH . f n eri nincn win preceed anj ,fternoon of bridge. I hi remain- der of the comrruttee is; Mrs. Del Binkley, Mrs. Mason DeSess, Mrs. Arthur Lewis. Mrs. Theodora Lynrt and Mrs. Robert t'pson. ttk ttfHUff tit fltiu Mttt' Kaia S-9411 IN CALORIES IN ENERGY 1