J i jr f 1 - place YdDOflir s eDassSffnedl A Fw 7 ays on i v The 450 Merchandise 463 For Rent, Miscellaneous' GOOD USED Plsno. W. L. Stiff. UrTvTTRUCKS 6k RENf . Bla: ket. furn in S. Liberty. Ph. 1 M...C . I KENT A Singer Electric Portable Sew ing machine by the month In your own ham. Reasonable rat. Delivery and pickup. Sinner Sevtnf. Machine Co. 130 N. Commeretsi. Phone J-35 11. 470 For Sola. Miscellaneous USED PLUMBING fixtures. Cheap. Judson a. t7 N. Catnip COMPLETE" STOCK and equipment of the Hubbard Appliance and Electric o Co foe at auction. Thura.. July V. 7:30 p.m. at the G ten wood Ballroom. - i miles N. of Salem on'PortUnd Hl war tWC Hundreds ef new and used itema Owner H. L. Phillips is leav ing the state and says te sell the work reeardlesa ef price. Glenn Woodry. Auctioneer, Ph. 3-0110. Sa Jem. C Cm O N A oort. add i nr machine . A-l cond . $45. . Call 3-4348. loo GAL. high pressure wtr. tank, bathroom lavatory. 390 Evergreen Ave. , , - BABY BUGGY, bed and mattress. $15. tike new. PIk 21$19. . $U ART frultjars. cheap. 160 So. Lib erty S. ! fOR SALE MISC. Closing ouf the entire stock, fixtures and equipment of the Fashion LiMinee Drew Shoo. Tues July 9th T W om. Held tnalde spacious Glen wood Ballroom. 3 miles No. of Silent on 99E. Office furniture, clothing, futures, all goes. Glenn Woodry. Auctioneer. - ff WHEEL trailer. springs, lr' tires. SfMie furniture Rt. 6. box 23T. 'i mi N o Fruitlaridchurch. ffCKUP BED" for" I ton Dodee trucks 2585 Portland Rd Ph.3-47S3. KFWBERG Tvpe River Bottom Top S'l All kinds: Pit-Run: Gravel; Crushed: Sand: Mix: Concrete Pipe and Tile. Septic-Tanks; Reinforcing 'oRFGON GRAVEL CO. tf(5 N. Front. St. JPh. 3-3417 FARMERS- Attention Fence Control ler milk pasteurizers, close-out "yKATEH APPLIANCE CO. " PEAT' MOSS.-JuU bale $3.95. NorthT wyi Poultry. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Readv ml. All kinda of .nd and gravel. River a.K and fill Ph. 2-1966 Vallev Santl & Gravel Co. lit. sand fill dirt. Eca ptine 10B ekn...i . n r-tm TraiHr ftcnrm and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4002'. rea. 3:714. flO WAXING req ilred when vou uae PlMti-Kote. the celtophane-like fin ish fir your fioora or linoleum. YEATERAPPLIANCE CO. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rork tor roarts A driveway Cement Readv Mik Concrete. Garden -iand. Bull- dine, drainaxe and rtitrn:n ya hovel A dra line. Ph. 3-A249. FENCE POSTS. ple til types, shtnplea fertilizer tt flatrock. Phll-u.-. vi a tin- ha Ph S8F22. II 11 rm . a . w. PRACTICALLY' NEW wei'ern itvle ,.H.r, ..rirlle 9 Bwwi hi IV Ph 2-8589. QUARRY -ROCK for road bsise. Crush ed ix-k. fill dirt, we aenver. Croisan Quarries I'M r'nm'I 5t ' Ph. 2-6417 ti .r.t ik l.lTil Rea. 2-3075 fpirUMATlC75 Saw $68.50; innef siiniia mattress I17.S0; coffee table ptM. Maple ofa Jk cnair k a Trader Ixiule. 3055 Portland Rd. 472 Wanted. MigcUano IRON 1IAULFJIS. lc lb. or $20 per ton for old farm equipment; plows, har rnws. diacs, tractor or parts. Ph. 3 1221 . PIANO-TUNING Wills Music Store 474 Miscellaneous Salem "HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine reuaired.bv a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup & delivery service s all makes of michines. . Free estimates given be f.tie work is started. Singer Sewing Ntichine Co.. 130 N. Commercial. -Saleih Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - DAching . Sewer St Baaement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds ..; $12.00 per nr. 1J B- yds 90 per nr. D-7 Cat 8c Doter 10.50 per hr. D-S Cat 8c Dozens, j... 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat 8c Dorer 7.00 per hr. Phone days 3-94T Evenings 3-8?4 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or ' irrt!"iion. Duffield Bros, Rt. 9. box 58. Phone 2V1313 or 2-2795. WANT TO Buy used cameras Sc lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State. AUTO PAINTING. Just a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor O;3-10l. . lfattiesses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069. Dental Plate Repair - TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & Com. Ph 3-3311 478 Fuel CLEAN. HAND-PICKED. 16-IN. SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 Phillips Bro?. Fuel wood. Old Fir. oak. Ph. saf Statesman Classified Advertising Classified Ads Call 2 2441 Per line -15e Three Insertions ler line 40e 7 Insertions, per line .. 78 One month per Ilne.f2.5t (Outside of Salens . - each line , ,. , Minlmana twe tines. Ceant . S word to line. . , Readers In city brif f llneVe The deadline for classified and reader advertising is 8 45 p.m. dally. Only emergency "tost" ads wul be accepted after that hour. The Statesman reserves the light te reiect questionable advertising It rurthei reserves ts right to place all advertising under the proper .classification. The Statesman assumes no Fl nan ' rial responstblltty for errors which me appear In advertisements pub ut lied In Its columns and In eases where this paper Is at (Suit will reprint that part of aa advertise ment In which the typographical nutaae occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad eontatntnt a Statesman bos number for an address Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered ty letter The SUtesmes not at liberty to divulre snfsr- ttoft as to the trlentir of mm ad vertiser using a 'Blind" ad 450 Merchandise 478 Fu-al Sumrner Special Buy your winter fuel now and save. Good acraened sawdust $4.00 unit. Good clean Mock wood $t 00 Id. Dry sUb tor furnace M 50 Id. Dry edflng tor cook atore $aUW M. Oregon Fuel Co. 'i Pit. 3-5533 West Salem Fuel Co. if-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 1$ In., clean no bark SCREENED SA WDUST RURAL DELIVERIES ' DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edcewater 51.- w. saiem. fiLAB'WoOD." le 2 cord loads. Tli Klammtra f Wood Tfl. Ph. J-zww. CTXANTRESH sawdust Prompt ieT livery. Ph. 2.253 Daiiaa couect. Wai ter Fern. SPECIAL 12 in clean Inside mill wood. : TRI-CITY FUEL Ph. 2-7442 30 DAY special. Old growth block wood from Valsetz. $10 cord delivered off car. Kill dry planners. 2 cords $1$. Ph. 2-7121. Capital Lumber"Fuel Co. Oregon Fuel Co. Clean biockwood. $8.50 load. Good freen edgings. $5.50 load dble. load 10. Dry edgings $9 load. Ph. 3-5533. Hiehwav Fuel Co. STOVE $c DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 3-6444 FURNACE, fireplace, heater wood, large block & slab. Medium block. Some 3 ft. second growth. Nice olan er trimmed for cook stoves. R. H. Allen. 1260 Candlewood Drive. Ph. 2-2382. j , Tri Chy Fuel Fresh cut screened sawdust . UT minwood Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7442 Aak for S A H Green Stamps Elmer Boje 2025 S.' 12th i Ph. 3-9453 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer wood for cook stove 18 in. old gth fir FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No bark . Pick - Up and Haul ' at $3.00. per Unit Call Independence 42 for Delivered Prices 500 Business & Finance 502 Buas Opportunlttes EXCLUSIVE Franchise! Demand great er than ever before for Frledrich Floatinsalr self-service and other commercial refrigerators. Back your sales talk with our 5 years rating and reputation. Fnedrich means the finest in commercial refrigerators. Experience hot necessary, but ac quaintance ' sv Ith butchers, grocers, produce and, other food merchants heipfuh Must be financially respon sible. Only iinvestment vour time, effort and sales ability. Liberal com tniMsions Immediate deliveries. Write pen and ink age. past exoerience, schooling references etc. Ed Fried rich Sales Corporation. San Antonio, Texas. ; Pitluck Advertising Co. 510 Monoy To Loan FARM apd CITY LOANS 4 '., and 5 Your own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7182 AOOINO MA CHIN IS All makes used machines, sold, tent ed, repaired, Roen. 45$ Court Phone 3-8773. ; f APPLIANCE SERVICE n Ant i Ifatwinatnr and Hotoolnt Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap- pltance. aaa center mow j-jij. YEATKR ApplUnce Co. 253 No. Lib. Pti sa.tll -i AUTOMOBILE EEPAP Air-rrt orpitn A marina low orlfea Easy Payment Plan. 12th St. Jurctlon Auto Wreckers? Ph. 2-1201. rimnii Oievrotr service. Douelaa McKay Chevrolet Co.. 510 N. Com! AT YOUR DOOR GRINDING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharpened-Dexter. 968 Center. Ph. 3-8833 BLANKET WASHING Guar, work. 1460 "D" St. Ph. 3-9317. BRA'.ES kfilca Panek275 S Com'L PhJ-5161 Bake 6t wheel allgninT specialist. BCLI.DtlZING . DEAN ROBINSON. Phone 2-6537. LT. CRAWLER, doling. 2-3220. BUILDING CONTRACTORS rnAVlF nr maennrv ranvt Rmnri.l. Ing. new foundations. Alt Bros.. 3-5909. CEMENT . Sidewalk, driveway, anything cement Prompt service. E. Drake. Ph. 2-4731. CEMENT CONTRACTOR . "DRlVtWAVS, SIDEWALKS. FOUN DATIONS, anything concrete. Ph 24850 'OMMr.EClAL REFRIGERATION t rigiaaire aaies anu KrvKi. ruictuv ti Tu. Ine- I860 State, Ph. S-690S Ray Jones a Fred Fagg COMMERCIAL ART Letterheads, cartoons, business siga trade marks, 'photo retouching. Bob Browne. Sale,n Engraving Ph. 3-2441 115S Commercial. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING VlNCE'S Electric lor .electrical wir ing coniractine-repalrtng. 1j7 S Lib ertv Phone 3B 239 ' ELECTRICAL WIRING SALEM Equipment Co. Phone 3-5561 Ft'RNA CE Cl.EANIN O HOLLAND FURNACE CO. " ' 320 Kearney Phone 3-7803 FUMIGATING INSECTICIDE or germacide commer cial fumlgatihg Special rates on large lots East Salem FUmtgators Ph. 3-1221 l l'ENITt RE RESTORING We specialise in restoring antique furniture. Lambert's, ph. 3-7100. rLM'LJNG j LESTER DeLapp Truck Service Com'l hauling St furniture moving Pally service to Portland. Ph. 2-1750 HEALTH Atmorays. parley Pugh, Ph. 3-4692 n w. tiu Judson't 274 N ConiT. Ph. 3-4141. OUgEHotyPEODIJCTS i R Watkins Co. producU 1717 Cen ter St..Salern Ph 2-5395 Free del lNSi Liiiiunwu i Hens i nirrMi. FUTURE rNSULATING Co 2-00.55 A B C. InsipaUon Co. Ph. 3-374$ L H Clawson Co "1132 Broad wav " CAN lC APING Choice omameotaJ shrubbery. F a PoerOer 8t Sons. 15 No. Lancaster I 4NmiWtt; ; " SHARP E.NLNG Guaranteed service New power and hand mowers Caff Harry w scott 147 so. Com I St LAWN MOKST s. ars. knlvea snarpened Dexter S9$ Center P $-8833 LIGHTING riXTfRES Salem exclusive lighting store. 234 J Hlth Senator Hotel Bids 3-taU LlWBFl Mil I prices! W Salem Lbr 3-S93 MOVING TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smitty's Clipper Service, Center and Church. Pnone 3-9600. 500 Business & Finance 510 Money- To Loan Private Money On Cars, Trucks & Trailer Homes Loot or snort Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial SI Ph. 2-9181 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need HI ; You ran pay anytime to reduce net coat! ( No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to $300401 I Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. 5138 and MX5M General Finance Corp. PH. 2-9181 ' 13 S. COMX ST. VACATIONS AGAIN Your Way -1 and Fast And again a loan from Personal for that much needed trip. $25 to $500 Son Auto UP TO $300 ON SALARY. FURNITURE Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan solves a problem phone or come ' in today. j ' Personal Finance Co. of Salem 518 State St. Rm. 125 Phone 2-2400 Lie J No. S-122 M-185 C. R. Allen' Mgr. Buy real estate mortgages for your Savings Investments 5 Net Properties Salem it vicinity. See the STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St. , Ph. 2-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ..Onlv 4. or 4 Int. 5 to 40 years' and NO commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. , Ph 2-3863 $ CASH $ $25.00 to $500.00 Furniture. Livestock. Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up to $500.00. Come in or phone. Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7032 Lie. No. M369 &2HI. Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted Male RELIABLE man for porter and janitor work. . Apply Mr. Wilson, 465 Cen ter St. 606 Help Wanted. Female T" "WANTED-: Housekeeper for 3 adults, light housework, private rm, per manent. Ph. 3-4977. 2255 N. Com'l St. 608 Pickers Wanted BEAN PICKERS register. Picking to start about July 13. jHeavy yield. .Rt. 2. Box 190. Salem. Phone 3-1355. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian guitar. Hiia dolin banjo, etc, 1533 Court. Ph. 3-738S. NURSERIES I . Landscaping St designing. . A. Doer fler St Sons. 150 Ho. Lancaster. Ph. 2-1322. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. PhT26072 OIL FURNACE, BURNER SERVICE Llovd Robinson. 1025 N. 17. 2-1775. PAINTING i PAiNTINC St decorating, interior St exterior. 635 Curchdale ave. Ph. 2-8287. PamUng and papering. Free estimate Phone 3-9S13. 857 Shipping. ' PAPERHANGING j JERRY JOHNSON7T3-463L - And painting. Don Lucero. Ph. 2-5522. PLUMBING I , 'GENERAL repair and pumps. De- catur & Maer 970 S. Coml Ph. 3-8223. Judson's, 279 No. ComT. Ph. 3-414L Repairs. Bjll Skewic Phone 2-4800. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capital Bargain House, 145 Center St PRACTICAL NURSES REGISTRY Practical nursing day Sc night. Ph 3-5072 PUMPS j BARNES pumps, Salem Equip. Co. Fairbanks-Morse sales and service Allen Hdw. 238 No. Cpm'i. Ph. 3-3183. Stettler Supply Coa Phone "26038. REWEAVTNG t Reweaving St Mending. Ph. 2-5958. SAND AND GRAVEL Walling Sand and Gravel Co Crushed rock. For roads and driveway Cement Ready-mix concrete? Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage -and ditching i vd. rhovel and drag Itne. Phone 3-924S. SAWS Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. 5th. 3-7603. SEWER SERVICE ' Electric Roto-Root eT exclusive pat ent raxer sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drama or dram tile. Septic tanks cleaned. Ph. 3-5327. 3-9468 pr 2-09TT. SUPTIC TANK I CARE TAKEN with Uwna. No mile age charge. Call collect 7 odd's Septic '" oemce. ssa state. enone j-otm K- F HAM EL aeotic tinki eltansiL Electric machine service on sewer and drain tines. Guaranteed work, 1143 8th t. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. Mikes Septic Service cleans septic tanks, also installs tanks and drain lines. Ph. 3-9468. SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT I RENT sick room equipment. 2-3771 SIGNS SHOW CARDS R L Elfstrom Co . 340 Court 2-2493 TELEPHONE SECRET ARXVL BUREAUS TELEPHONE answering aervice,ay or night We act aa your telephone sec retary. 153 S. Liberty. Phone 3-S13X TOOLS FOB RENT HOWSER BROS, your power tool rental head Quarters. 1410 S. 12th. Pta 3-3648. " TREE SPRAYING I REE spraying J Carden Ph.3-1928 VENETIAN BLINDS Made in Salem, free estimates Ph 2-7328. Elmer The Blind Man. WATCH REPAIRING; Claude Mix 248N Com! Ph. 2-4030 S t ATHERSTR1PPING f REE estimates T Pullman. 3-595. WELL DRILLTNG" 4- Weli Dniling - Domestic- IrrlgatiosI industrial. B. A Rootnseew $214 N fVwwt Ssiem Ph S-T2S3 ' , . Meyers Bros. Rt 1. box 3B4. DaUas Ph W Sslem oh 1-8180 J A. SNEED St Sons, well drilg. 2508 Brooks St, Salem. Ph. 3-880$. Directory 600 Employment 611 Work Wanted, Male tXVlHUMCZli gtweryaaen would eon aider other steady employment. Box . SSI Statesman. ' OPPORTUNITY We will put twe snen in business, age 25 to 55. Must harve clean record and able to be bonded. Our product has great public awsssptance. and our snen nave hlch avwrage sorwings. Car necessary. Please write 854, Salem Statesman. Enclose phone number 618 Education 0RXGON"S oldest vocational schools, opera ton by Multnomah College, oi ler unexcelled training in radio theory and broadcasting, refrigera tion, automotive mechanics, and av iation mechanics. Fall classes start September 8. Ask for bulletin "A" describing all courses, write MULT NOMAH COLLEGE, Portland 4. Ore gon. Situations Wanted TRACTOR work of all kinds. Can Sprenger. ph. 3-1121. DEPENDABLE baby sitter. Ph. 3-4915. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph 3-9924. LIGHTNING Repair Service. Refriger- a tor, washer. Pumps. Ph. 2-8057. PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 3-8825. WIRE HALTING, T. R. Burton. Ph. 22F3 or 2-7273. ALTERATIONS, aewing. 360 State. CHILDREN boarded good care, lovely yard playground equipment Ph. 2-' 3850. Painting and Decorating Ph. 3-7552 HAY BALING. String baler reasonable rates. Chapman and Allenby, 109F13 68F21. CEMENT work. AU kinds. Ph. 2-4850. Painting & Decorating: WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK PREY 3-6265 DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621. CHIMNEY sweep. orthness. Ph. 3-4450 SEWING, buttonholes. Ph. 2-7730. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Ph. 3-9468 or 3-5327. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat, Shovel and track work of all kinds Ph. 2-4367 3J99.?sta-tSt. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. GENERAL cement contracting. 8 yrs. in business. FHA bank terms. Satis faction guaranteed. Stanley Fagg. 3- 1043. Al'MORAYSTrleyJPhPhiJk4692. CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-4878. FURNITURE repaired' lc remodeled. Lee Bros. Furn. Re-finishing. Co. 2- 7001. i 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms. Board BOARD St room. 850 E St. Ph. 3-8706. BETTER CARE FOR LIGHT MENTAL COLONIAL MANOR 8821 SE. 112TH AVE. PORTLAND. ORE. PHONE TAbor 8526 VERY NICE ROOM, private home. gentleman. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-Q36B. SLEEPING RM.. private home. bus. restaurant, gentlemen. 1078 Highland Avei. ROOMS. Kit. privelege. Ladies only. azu statesman i. NICELY FURN. Bdrm. close in. 898 N Cottage. Ph. 3-9430. SLEEP. RM. prv. ent. Ph. 2-4427. SLP. RM 2131 Center. Ph. 3-6842. CLEAN RMS. 2035 McCoy. Pb. 3-8093. 705 Apartments For Rent LARGE, completely furnished apart ment to sublet, contact Mr. Harry Scott. 147 S. Com! St. MOD. 3 rm. unfurn. apt. 386 Bellevue. 2 AND 3 RM. FURN. apts. Will take chitdren. no drinking. 2318 N. 4th St. FURN. 1 8c 2 rm. apts. Trailer hee. sDace. 160 Union. Ph. 2-9835. STUDIO APT., furnished, kitchenette. For business girl. 1370 Chemeketa. NEAR STATE house, completely fur nished. No children or pets. Kef. Ph. 3-4620. SPACIOUS APT. in beautiful court, unfurn. except for refrigerator and range. Auto, laundry. Call at 907 S. 13th after 10 a m UPSTAIRS apt., light housekeeping. Share bath. Inquire 1188 N. 4th, apt. at ii net 9 - 2 RM. FURN, apt., refrig.. pri. bath ana ent. l&u is. church, apt. s. Call after 5:30 p.m NEW AND attractive 3 dm. 8c bath. All elec.. unfurn, except for range St refrig. Apply at 1555 McCoy. MOD. 1ST. fir. 3 rm. apt., nicely turn. Refrig.. pri. bath Sc ent. 643 Union. 2 ROOM housekeeping apt. 103 Mar ion. 2 ROOM furn. apt. Utilities paid. 1480 Broadway 3 RM. APT. Pri. ent. and bath. Apply ih s. lztn. 707 Houses For Rent OFFICE AND CLERICAL, POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St. Ph. 2-1488 3 RM. HSE. with bath, completely furn. withgardenspace. Rt. 2, Box 17TB. FOR RENT OR LEASE Small, modern 2 BR home at 1105 Jefferson St by July 15. Elec. stove furn. $60 per mo. Call 2-7482. WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 V 3 BEDROOM HOMES H W floors, furnace. UT. room, garage, large lot, paved St.. city water, sewer, bus. Low as $200 DOWN. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126 S RM. FURN. home for lease. 367 N. High. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses FURN. 1 OR 2 B R. house by couple with 3a yr. old girl, local references. Contact Mr. Williams, mgr. Vista Meat Mkt. Ph. 2-3253. FAMILY, incL 3 children, need unfurn. hse. Will give proper care. Ph. 3-4588. FURN. APT. or house. Couple with 2 , children aged 10-14. Best of care taken. Ph. 3-5100. 714 Business Rentals Ground .Floor Rooms Suitable for office or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. State Fin ance Co. TeL 2-4121. OFFICE SPACES and desk spaces for rent or lease. Ph. 2-5692. BUSINESS Room. H. L. SUfL 800 Real Estate 802 Basin ess Property SMALL RESTAURANT for sale, fully equipt. doing good business. For further info, call Sitverton 1301 week days Salem 3-1708 Sun, at eves. FOR SALE: New groc store bldg. and fixtures. 2 g pump, cabins. N. of Salem on hwy. 99. W. J. Janna Rt. . 7, Box 145. Ph. 2-4319. ' n itfYCOFFEt SHOP No ' competition good business, long lease, living quarters, fountain and equipment. Aak Mr. Bean to tell you about this ease. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660 800 Real Estate GR ABENHORSTi SPECIALS CANDALARIA HEIGHTS New bdrm. home, partial brick front, dble. garage. Hv. rm, din. rm hall bath, fireplace VIEW its good' $1450. Call Roy Perns. SEE THIS HOME If schools are a point with you. you cent beat this location. Both Jr. High GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ! 134 S Liberty St Phone 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Earl West 2-1232 Peter Geiser 3-9968 Roy fema 2-8O10 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS CAN YOU .QUALITY E-H-A. approved loan of $5,600 on this modern 2-bedroom home close to school, bus and stores. Paved street Selling price. 17,150. F.H-A. approved loan for $8,400 on this 2-bedroom home, close to achobls, in good location. Selling price. $8,350.- F.H-A. approved loan of $8,000 on this new 2-bedroom borne, corner lot, paved street, close to school Selling price. $10 500. F.H.A. approved loan of $9,500 on this fine 2-bedroom home. Paved street. Excellent location. Selling price. $12,150. : These Are All Outstanding Values See or call A. W. McKiIlop 3-8620 Daytime McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and High Streets 802 Business Property ALMOST NEW bldg. in the center of Hollywood business dist.. 2045 Fair grounds Rd. Attractive living quar ters in rear. Excell. business loc. Ph. 3-1 18L PRICE SLASHED! 7 unit motel, trailer Sark. service sta.. and home, excell. icome. everything included. By owner. 3580 S. Com ! St FOR LEASE: Service station inHolly wood Dist. at inventory and equip ment. United Petroleum. Call Ell 0 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sikes CONVALESCENT home for sale, or lease. Fully equip. Inquire 1144 Cen ter St, : 806 Houses or $595000 ENGLEWOOD DIST. Older type 3 bedroom plastered house on large lot. near schools and bus. $5250.00 2 bedrooms and den, full basement large garage and lot north in No. 3 rone. Could use front of lot for bus iness site. , $3750.00 Nice clean 2 bedroom home on 2 lots, south, will consider trade for acre age. Call or See G. A. V1CARY REAL ESTATE 818 N Com'l. St. Ph. dav or eve. 20421 5 HM. MODERN cottage. $2230. 670 Ratcliff. ' $1000.00 DOWN! New - Suburban - Large lot. 1 block to school and groceries - city bus line. Nice home with Ife. L.R.. Kitchen. Breakfast nook. 2 B.R.. attached gar age. Hdwd. floors - oil heat. This is a good buy! $1200.00 DOWN! 3 B.R. - Full finished basement. Lee. combination L R. and D R.. kitchen, nook, hdwd. floors, fireplace, saw dust pipe furnace, single garage. Close to schools bus and stores. For Appointment Call Len urton Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 Eves. 2-3983 HERE IS A BUY New 3 B.R. home. hwd. firs., fireplace. elec. ht., Ige. utility rm.. ige. micnen. garage. This home now has a F.H.A. loan of $8080. payable $55.00 monthly, inc. taxes 8c ins. Located in So. Sa lem. Shown by appointment only. Hurry on this one. Kiggins. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 . Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 Little, Dream Home Drive by 2325 Laural Ave. and see one of the best buys in the city in a one B.R. home, fully insulated, elect, heat, close to schools, bus Sc stores. The price is $6,300. Please don't bother occupant. Sullivan Realty Co. 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eves. 3-1778 BY OWNER: Small unfinished hse.. r S2250 $200 down. Ph. 2-3203. a d UOTTQF. unfin Sell below COSt. Gar. very liveable, view props i Hansen aw 3 B.R. HOUSE, furn. Close in north. $4600. Ph. 3-9037 BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. F.H.A. terms. $750 dn. pnone x-ioau. FOR efficient and effective sales ser Tice call the Salem Realty Co. NOW. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. Centrally located. Possession ; wm. w. inn. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm., den, L. rm.. din ette, kit. full bath. Ige. utility and guest house. Auto, heat Sc hot water, immediate boss. $6200. Ph. 3-3379, NEW 3 bdrm. down, unfinished attic. hardwood floors, uenaix wasner. blk. to bus. Near school. $1300 down. balance FHA. Ph. Z-54ZZ CLEAN. MOD. home with some income. 4 bdrms.. dble. plumb. Basmt. furn. etc. Corner location.' 2 lots or 1. 1810 Trade St. . 2 B.R- RANCH style, full, dry bsmt. oil furn. lovely wooded lot. I fire places. $11.500. 645 Ratchff. Ph. 3-4284. BY OWNER Spacious 2 bdrm. home. ' acre near Ketzer sch. on bus line. lg. dining rm. St kit., extra lg. garage, hdwd. floors, fireplace. Insulated 8c weatherstrip ped. Drive to 4840 N. River Rd. and then Ph. 2-7278. F.H.A. terms avail able ; Walnut Park By owner, nearly new home, full base ment, fireplace in basement and liv ing rm. Large lot. plenty of flowers and shrubs. 1400 ft. of floor space be sides garage. Iram. possession. Priced low. For appointment ph. owner. 3-3734. A REAL VIEW HOME Overlooking the city, 3 large bedrms. 2 baths, full din. rm. breakfast nook, automatic dish washer, living room with picture windows, large porch and 120x130 lot. This home Just com pleted with the finest materials and workmanship available. Price $17,500. A REAL BUY Large liv, rm. with fireplace. 2 bd rms. full dining room with French doors opening onto patio and beauti ful back yard. Large landscaped lot with view of the city. Price $9,000. Will take limit F.H-A. loan. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-9939 BY OW&ER: 2 blks. W. of Salem Gen. hosp. 2 bdrm. late built, piped oil heat. att. garage, hardwd. firs, full bant. Immediate poss. 635 Carter line Ave. Ph. 3-528S or 2-8749. KINGW00D HEIGHTS 2 B.R. home, bsmt, rumpus m, oil heat. 2 fireplaces, new earpettng, FA. Call owner. 3-8542. OPEN HOUSE DaQy unti p.m. By owner, builder. New S bdrsa. FJI-A. hone with built in Tnermador esse, range, Benrtix. fireplace, picture windows. Venetian blinds, nrdwd. floors. - copper tube . plumbing, insulated, weathc i ati tpved. automatic oil beet, patio, city water, lg. It nice view. A sacrifice at $18308. Come S. on 99E to $e Case. Tern right up Ewala Ave. to first street left iwelty Ave.) Second hse, est right. 800 Real Estate and grade schools within 3 blka. 2are. bedrms, liv. rm. 14x24 ft with fire place, din. rm. kitchen with nook, Ige lot fenced in back. On sua line and in a fine residential section. Located at 2020 South 'High Street. See It and then See Earl West 2-1243 - Evening Salem. Oregon 806 Houses or Sale LOVELY Chemeketa home. 3 B.R.. full bsmt.. tile fireplace, patio and air conditioned. Call 3-4348 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. Englewood home, furnace, fire place, full basement Irom. occupan cv. $9850 1665 Madison. Ph. 2-0870. BEST BUYS $600 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Very close In. About II yrs. old. Immed. posa. Paved street Vi A. lot. Well worth $4520. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 bdrm. older type home in good con dition. Choice location. One block to school. Owner leaving city. Attached garage. V. blinds. $2000. down. Total price $8750 Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $500 DOWN 3 A., modern home. Large barn. No waste land. Only 13 minutes from downtown. Total price only $4500. Eve. 3-9403 or 3-3556. 16 ACRES Willamette silt soil. Modern. Almost new. Several good out bldgs. Will trade for smaller farm. Total price $12,000. TeFins. Evei 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. P. 3-7820 or 2-4596 2 B.R. HOME, well built plastered in terior, oil circulating heat, large liv ing room, kitchen, nook large bath. Plenty of built-ins. Screened back porch, garage, insulated fruit house, j acre lot. 20 bearing fruit and nut trees, grapes, berries, nice shrubs. 1 blk. to city and school buses and excel, shopping center. $6E00. Ph. 2-8318. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS CLOSE IN 5 room partly furnished home. $5500. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN. Year around creek. Fruit, shrubs. 4 bed r in. house. Furnace. Barn, chicken house. Price $11,000. Terms. IDEAL HOME. Practically new. 9 Irg. rooms. Fireplace, full cement base ment; forced air furnace. Large floor ed attic. Close to McKinley School. Price $13,000. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2-3883 Evenings call: 2-4007. or 3-6789 807 Apts.. Courts For Sale 12 UNIT MOTEL, all modern. Wall to wall carpets, elec. heat 6 rm. house with fireplace, hdwd. floors. Paved drive. Priced right. C. W. BartelL 3355 Portland Rd. Retire With 10 on Your Investment By Owner: New well -constructed 4 unit apt. with separate 3 rm. home on 1 ' acre of gr Family orchard, garage 8c small rnicken hse. Wonderful view. Prip. in beautiful town. Located in the heart of Oregon fishing 8c hunt ing. $18,000 will handle. Ph. 4123. 907 Reserve St.. Silverton. Ore. 808 Lots For Sale $10 DOWN LOTS WITH WATER, BUS SERVICE. CLOSE TO SCHOOL. Balance $15 per month. See them today! Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Kve. and Sun. 2-2532. 3-9712. 2-3738 CORNER LOT. 100x50. cor of Oxford and High. Inq. 1999 W. Nob Hill, eves. VIEW LOT. 90x98. restricted, city water, opp. 515 Vista Ave. Ph. 3-428L 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale Lot 50 x 120 1950 Broadway. $1,000. 10 Acres land, all in cult., near Cot tage Farm. Good build, site. $3,000. low down payment lit A. off Center St. lovely 5 rm. house. basement 2 fireplaces, party rm. Elect, water system, bus at door. $12,650. small down payment. Income property with 5 yr. lease at $100 per month. Excellent location. $9,250 $4,250 will handle. R. E. MEREDITH. RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 ACREAGE NORTH Eight acres close in on paved rd. just N. of Salem. All Willamette silt loam ai all cleared. About 1', acres of Bartlett Pears. baL in grain with 1 j crop to purchaser. Full price only $3,500. Excellent terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 Eve. 37988 98 acres a few miles out near 99 high way on pavement 45 a. cult. bal. wood and saw timber, creek, could sub-divide. See us for all particulars. 61 acres 9 miles south, paved road, 30 A. cult. 6 A. mixed orchard good crop, bal. cut over pasture, woven wire fences, nice creek. $5,000 full PStce. Alfred Dumbeck Real Estate 147 N. Commercial St 812 Exchange Real Estate ROOMING HOUSE EUGENE. ORE. $500 income monthly plus owner's apt Will consider Salem residence or acreage. See or write P. J. Varley. 537 Lincoln St., Eugene. BY OWNER: Sale or trade for Salem property. 2 bdrm. mod. home, less than 1 yr. old. Firepl. oil heat, utility rm. with auto, washer. Choice loca tion near Park. Phone Silver-ton 3303 or write Mrs. M. McMilhn. 236 Jerome St, Silverton. 850 Automotive 832 Used Cars For Solo VERT CLEAN 1948 Ptrmouth coupe, reasonable. Call 2-1726 eves, or Sun. FOR SALE: '44 Buick sedanette. Super. Reasons Me. 630 Union St 37 OLDS S. A-l motor, tires .paint $75 D SC Batnt. apt. or Pb. 2-0301 after S-38 o.m. ORIGINAL OWNER offers 1946 Poo tiae 4 door Streamliner. Hydromatic. ; Fully equipped. Low mileage. Ph. -tT4e. 850 Automotive Pontiacs If 47 Pontiac Sedan Coupe , '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe .... ... '40 2 Dr. Sedan '40 Plymouth, 2 Dr. Sedan '47 Ford Cluh Coupe '38 Ford Sedan .... '36 Chev. Sedan '42 Oldsmobile Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES 660 N. LIBERTY 852 Used Cars For Sale CONVERTIBLE buyers lmmacculate 194 Ford convert, radio, heater, cooler system, wheel 'kirts. spotlite. back up lites undercoat, super bal loon tires, white sidewaU. See at 1384 S. 12th. st. 38 DODGE PICKUP. Fair cond. Ph. 2-4751. '40 4 DOOR FORD Deluxe. R a H. J to 7 p.m. 1922 N. Com'l. "38 PONTIAC 8 cyld. I dr. R 8c H. far above average cond. 1363 N. 5th. Ph. 2-8537. 38 CHRYSLER Sport coupe. R V H. 62S' N. Winter St. '38 FORD, new brakes, front end. up holsterv. paint, motor: R St H. $495. Rt. 1. Box 47. Wallace Road- 41 SPECIAL DeLux Chev. 5 pass, couoe. A-l cond ' ion $200 worth of extras. This week only. 47.000 miles. zza l Mreyman EXCELLENT 33 "Fore 4 dr. sedan, heat er, good tires: original oalnt. $350. 1733 Fairmount. Ph 3-5812. This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa St,. Ph 3-9101 We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO, 352 N. High Salem . Oregon '37 FORD V-8 cpe. . $250. 1590 Cross St BEST "29 Model A sdn. in Salem. 600x 16 tires, new paint clean inside. Ph. 2-3024. 37 FORD TUDOR. $150. 375 E. Brown ing Ave. Hotter Than a Firecracker 4th of July Bargains '47 Hudson Sdn. '46 Nash Sdn. 1 -46 Ford snd. '42 Studebaker sdn. '42 Nash sdn. 41 Nash sdn. 40 Nash sdn. '41 Chev sdn. j "38 Nash sdn. 39 Ford sdn. 1, "37 Plymouth cpe. MARION MOTORS YOUR NASH DEALER CENTER St COMMERCIAL. t refiontatestnaa MEMBER OF THE Toe Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use fer republication ef all the local news printed In this newspaper, as well it all AT news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAtt OF ADVERTISING Advertising Representatives Ward San Francisco, Detroit t MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION X SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally and Sunday Week-days Only 'Sundays Only By carrier in cities . $ 1.20 month $ 1.00 month . J JO week .90 month .75 month .40 month By mail In Oregon 4.73 six mot, 4.25 six mot. 22 six moa. (In advance) 9.00 year 1 8.00 year 4.00 year By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by mall, .10 week delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $12.50 a year. 4.56 year rural routes. (in adv.) do adv.) By mail In UA. 1.20 month 1.00 month .58 month outside Oregon 1.20 six moa. 6.00 six moa. 2.71 six moa, (in adv.) 14 40 year 12.00 year 5.00 year Available tn certain area. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 15. Perish 1. Refuse 1. Inlaid work 17. Petition of J. Arabic 20 The first of grapes letter anything 5 Little I Equip 21. River (Fr.) children 4. Comply 23. Most 9 Medley 5. Private ' difficult 10 On, In , teacher 24. Network all It's t. Work 25. Edicts meanings (musical) 26. Ala ll.Per$on's 1. Inflicted 27. Heroic! inscribed extreme 28. Bend the name pain head in 13. Simpleton 8. Scoffs greeting; 14. Iced 12. Macaws SO. Unit of IS Greek letter 13. Goddess of 17 Fly aloft 18. Swiss csnton 19 Scrubs thoroughly 21 Scottish Gaelic 22. Border 23. Tint 24. Abide 26. Chief officer of a prison 29 Unit of work 30 Blaze 31. River (ID 22. Robber 34. Disease of sheep 2S.Strenuc 37. River la Africa 35. A rail 39 Vehicle with runners 40 Long distance pbon charge harvests (It.) V. 1 24 850 Automotive ..$1395 i$ 795 4 $ 595 1$ 545 i$1295 1$ 295 .1$ 245 i.$ 995 TERMS PHONE 2-4US 856 Wanted, (irs Trucks WANTED I CLEAN VStD CARS Bob Marr 2160 So. Commercial St. USED CARS. Buy 4c sell. Ron Motor Co. 248 S. High. Phone 3V4S98. MAC'S USED CARS . 783 S. 12th St.f ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR . CLEAN CARS. PHONE 2-7402 l Guy McHone j ZEEB S USED CARS i BUY SELL TRADE 2325 Fairgrounds Rd. -phone 2-6454 858 Motorcycles FOR SALE or trade:' '48 Indian Chief. S54.V Ph. Independence 2JI3W. Indian - Cushfnan j MUSTANG WHIZER Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1423 860 Auto Miscellaneous DRIVE OUT Save $$ Briden's Body and Paint Shop. 3690 CJierry Ave, Ph. 2-2022. 862 House Trailers ' I SMALL SLEEPING trailer, suitable for coastal trips, fishing or hunting. 3433 Center Street or Ph. 3-9345. -.' Special I New latest 1949 Model Mobtihomt with 5 closets. 28 ft. oil heat piped to bedroom. $2695. Also rjice Curtia , Wright 6 sleeper complete! with batli tooni $2795. Security Motors ' 338S PortUnd Road. Pl .2-MS4 See Our Complete JJne of Kit Trailers, sizes lO, 18. 21. 25. 33 ft. Metal covered with oil hat. butane elec. ref. and sleep two tot, six people. Cash, terms or trade. Jayhawk' Trailer f Sales 2640 "Portland Rd. ' I Ph. 3-8043 HOUSE TRAILER BARGAINS. 1948 Sparton Manor, many extjas, perfect cond,. Also 1947 American, excel, cond. Reas. terms to approved prty. Eyerly Aircraft Co. Ph. 2-3631.- 6 864 Trucks. Trailers For Sale ALMOST NEW. steel bodied, rubber tired. 5 T. capacity, 4 wheel trailer (Boby speed wagon). Prk-ed reason ably. 2 ml. N. of Monitor ln Monitor Bf rlow Rd. Ph. Monitor? 2251 '32 CHEV. pick-up. 4090 Denver Ave. Ph. 2-5783. I '41 CHEV. sedan delivery. Verv cleanl excel, condition. Ph.. 3-!f0 Tue-da v . '36 Vi CHEV. truck good cond. 2393 S. 13th. Ph. 2-7168, i ASSOCIATED PRESS - Griffith Co. New York,' Chlcage, Raj" fcTTTol o t i t x n "4o w ' it I A t T 16 1.1 t T fit oTTT o o nF ' r t oTnr y on RTlTiTnrL lilt I UImaJ LJ ilntLl' Ts4araayi Aaswar 34. Young unmarried woman 38. Also capacity S3. Factor l 8 ii YA it 15 Mi 'A to