Road - v - . - 1- ' T '. ' M ' Ssv ' w- - I ' -r - - ?. 1 ; r :T . , "' t:-: r .-::'.;' '" v-Fv - : Traffic Is a temponry basis alomf CroUu creek roa4 m county rssd crews pmt la srw bridges and rrrarfsce the ro4. Abrre Is sse ef the srtun7 eeilte4 bridces a beat half a mile from the South Klrer road. County road fandi are mostly belnf apent la reconstrmctioa work this mmcr do to the larc amoont of daaoace deae to Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Jwne Z2(Py-T oday's closing quotations: American Can 89 HICen Electric Am Power & Lt S Gen Foodi Am Tel it Tel .138VGn Motors Anocoodo Bendix Avia 261 Goodyear Tire Int Harvest Beth Steel Boeing Air Int Paper . Kennecott Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Caterpillar , ChrysJer . Comwlth Sou Ubby Mc N & Lone Bell A Mont Ward 46 Nash Kelvin 3INt Dairy Corn Vultee 8 ! NY Central Continental Can 32! Northern Pac Crown Zel 22Pac Am Fish . Curtis Wr 8iPac Gas Elec . DouglM Air 53 P T At T Dupont de Ne 46 Penny J C Salem Obituaries ATrifXD Bart Bakar Hatfield, lata faidnt f 043S Cantrr rt. Juiw . at the a M yaara Hatfirld; ir. &umvd by rite, three oaiurhtart. Mrs. Mary Viremia Cooler Mrs. Halan Sharp- pack JH HaUtekL anal tathar. Husn Hatflatd. all of Sakm; brother. Harrjr UaUleld of TUIamook: two su tar. Mrs. Naklle Tscheu C Salem and Mnm BUa Hatfield of BUckfoot. Idaho, and by thrae arandchUdran. Mambcr Of tha Ftrat Baptut churote. Sarvicaa will ba haid at Hb wall-Ed wards chapal Thursday, una 23 at 1JS p.m, with tha R. I.tL Turn bull offlciatlnc In liau ml flowara frWfba are requested to make daaattona to to flsst Baptist miaswnory fund. LA ITT - ; Narctano LaRaut, at tha yestdanca at TM N. Ctiurch St.. June SI at tha aa of S3 years. Survived by tha widow, Mrs. Lucy A. LaRaut. Salem: a daueh tar. Mrs. Kathleen LaRaut Wrena, Min neapolis. Minai.; two itstara. Mrs. Ida V. Smith and Mrs. Ethel M. Lewis, both of Star; aavaa eraadchlldren and five arret fvendrhildrea. tiarvicaa will ba hld at the Cloush-Barrtck chapel Thursday, June 23 at iaa a.m. with intrrinriil at Wilbur cemetery at Wil bur. Ore. at 3 JO p.m. CLAKKK Wmfiekl C. Clarke, in this city. June tl. lata, roaMent of 290 aurhmond ava. Survived by mother. Winifred Rigdoa Herri rk as Salem; a slater. Mrs. Thomas A. Brtakeraott of Nappa, Calrf.: a brother, Leon L. Clarke of Oakland. Calir.; and aavea aunts and uncles: Miaa Leila sUardoa. Mrs. Harriet It. Mar oar. Lloyd T. Riadoa and Roaeoa CUrke, all Of Salem. Mrs. W. H, Mc f all of Boeesnan. Mont, Mrs. Maurice Bullock ml aDrtneflekl. Maaa . ahd Mrs Mildraa Caarfa of SilvarVm. Serrtoaa will be aatd Saturday, June 39. at IS 30 a m. at the W. T. Sipoon chapel with coneiwdinf set kas in City View eemetery. The Rev. Brooks Moore will officiate at the rites and ritualistic ear Vices at the chapel will be under the direction of Sairm lade of BPOB No. Sat. Graveside services wnder the di rection of Capitol peat No. t. American legton. OARCIA Joaa Garcia, late resident of SM Jef ferson st. la this eitv. June 23. Sur vlved by two sons. Cdward Carcia of Portland, .and Lupe Caraaa. Announce- nteni ac aervices later ay tna w. T. Rigdoa ehapeL WALSBT ' rtta Bhnira Walsh, late resident of to J a. Arnngton st Los Angeles. laiir. June is. Announeement of ser vires later by the W. T. KUjdon ehapeL INT Minnie O. Hunt Uta resident of 21 Arlington ave. Berk lev. Csuf.. June SO. Survived by twa seas. Georee K Hunt of Madison. Wise., and Homer H. Hunt mi Paradise Valley. CalU.; a daughter. Mrs. W. J. Phillips of Berk eley. Calif.; two brothers. John Mc Monies and Fred McManie. both of lAtm Angeles: five grajMtchiidren and sue great grandchildren. Graveside ser vices wtil ba held Friday. June 34. at 3 p m. at IOOI" cemetery in Salem under direction of the W. T. Kigdon ensoei. HYBRID CORN' INCREASED In the past 10 years The use ' of hybrid field corn In Oregon has increased from zero to ap proximately 75 per cent. Dr. R. E. Fore, agronomist at Corvallis, reports. Trials again last year . demonstrated that adapted hy brids will yield from 20 to 30 per cent more corn in Oregon titan open pounated varieties. Pi-s 4 FiceCo. Tu& FHA Loans Loas-Tlmo Faros Loan i Ucejaso 8-216 aad M-223 reeaoaal aad A ate Loaao IVo Want Your Always s Ptpealsbla . Cash Market. If yo daat l)rta (aeai to CTtyV-- wo both lose, &dys Dairy 28 . 24 18 31 11 32 aiBoad Repairs Progressing , . roads by the receat hard whiter. 35 V4 42 54 Radio Corp 10 Rayonier 21H Riyonier pfd ... 27 Reynolds Met Richfield 33 Safeway 22 Sean Roeb 38 So Pacific 35 Stan Oil Cal 57 Studebaker 17 Sun Mining 8V4 Transamerica 11 Union Oil ; 27 Un Pacific 76 - 3 234 ... 44 43 Lt 7 18 48 ...... 11 30 10 13 11 Un Airlines 12 31 , JU S Steel '89 I Warner Bros ... 45 I Wool worth Corn Forecast i it Boosts Prices CHICAGO, June t2-(JP)-A fore cast of a large pig crop and warn ings of corn borer damage caused buying in corn on the Board of Trade today. Corn lumped nearly cents while wheat, the recent market leader, fell back under profit-taking and small-scale hed- inr pressure. Wheat closed -! lower, corn was 1 to 1 higher, oats were - higher, rye was i-l higher, soybeans were to 1 cent higher and lard was unchanged to 10 cents a hundred pounds lower. I The agriculture department placed this spring's pig crop at 59,050.000 head, or 2.500,000 more than estimated In December. It estimated a combined spring and fall pig crop of 96.000,000 head, exceeded only by the crops of 1942 and 1943. ? j The wheat market got a rest At the day's close all deliveries except December had sunk below $2.00. Colorado Visitors i Honored Guests At East Salem Party j EAST SALEM . A family re union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy on the Silverton road Sunday with their house guests from Colorado hon ored. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stark and children. Anthony, Jr, and Shirley from Denver. Colo; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pickerel. Del be rt Pickerel and Eldon Pickerel from Pueblo, Colo.: Mr. and Mrs. Green Brown of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pickerel and son. William; Mr. and Mrs. James Burkart and daughter, Bonita. from Salem, and Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Pickerel and daughters, Leigh and Sue Jo, of Lancaster drive. Portland Produce PORTLAND. June 22 (API . But trrfst (Tentative, subject to immedi ate change H Premium quality maxi mum to 35 to 1 per cent acidttiy de livered tn Portland. Sl-e lb ! first ouaiity sa-SSr lb.: , second a via lit r 55- Stf. Valley routes and country points zc less man first. Butter Wholesale f.o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers- Grade AA. S3 sco 61-Zc lb.; A. 02 score. SO-SlUc lb.; B SO wore Sir Ih f as sear. 4Sc TH Cheese t Selling price to Portland wholesalers?: Oregon singles. : 3t's- S'jc: Oregon -U. loaf. 41-MHsC Ogs tTo wholesalers i A grade Large, 55-ia'TC. A grade medium U't-Vi'sC: B. grade, area 4f-Me. Live chickens (No. 1 Quality f ob. plants) : Broilers, under ' lbs, 2T-2SC; Iryers. 2'-3 lbs.. Jl-03c; 3-4 Iba . 32-33c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 32-33c: fowl. lerhorns. 4 lbs. and under. 21-23c; leghorns. 4 Jbs and under. 21c; leg horns, over 4 rbs.. 23r: colored fowl, all weights 29c: old roosters. - all weights. lS-Soc lb. Rabbits Average to growersl: Live whrte 4-S lbs.. is-21c: S-4 lbs.. 17-lSc: colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 3-1 4c lb.; dressed fry ers. SO-Mc lb. Presa dresssd maata (wholesalers to retailers per hundred m.): . Beef: Steers, good. SOO-aoo lbs. SO 42 JO: coaimerciaX $40-44:. utility. $33-21. Cows: CommercUU. $30-37; utility. BrT.TXaavJ(3 I $M-4VCaaaJt a DKS. CHA1V . . .. LAM 21 . 11 46 sfal gajii ... I i ifr m i.'f cbxnxss graBAf iyra j M NosTtk Ubtrty I i Cpstalu resnaaS B so oral alaetrte Co tMftaa aeMO SsgarOsiy aadyJjO Svaairo 1fro af "oaa'is li si nit swo mtJ I . -tm - ... ,.j , , . . - (SUInau aaoto.) Slow Market Drops Fraction NEW YORK. June 22 -(.V)- A trickle of sellinjr orders pushed stock prices a trifle lower today. In one of the quietest markets In recent yea-s. leading shares drifted down for losses of frac tions to around a point, j Most changes were fractional and num- herous stocks failed to move one way or another. Business dropped to only 550, 000 shares, a total at which most brokerage firms start dusting off the red ink for their bookkeep ing operations. This was the smallest since 540.000 shares changed hand on June 17. which was in turn a low since Oct. 11 Turnover Tuesday amounted to 770.000 shares. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dipped J. of one do int to 59.4. The rail group took the largest loss, with the industrials a bit lower and utilities uhchang ed. Only 905 individual ' issues changed hands, of which 364 lost ground and 289 advanced. 332-23: canner-cutter $20-31. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind Quar ters. SU-U: rounds. r3-33: fl loins, trimmed. $60-09; triangles. 137-3 square chucks. $30-43: nbe, S47-S1 fur quart-n. STi-.s. Veal and calf: Good $41-43; eornmer- Clal. $30-41- utility. $30-32. Lam ha: Good-choice, under 09 lbs. SS4-M: eonimercUl. $51 -$2; ( mutton good. 70 Jbsl, down S31-2J. ; Mutton- Good. 70 lbs. down. $23-23. Pork cuts: lotas. No. 1. $-12 lbs.. $34-97; shoulders. IS lbs., down $35-38 carrassas. $31-32: spa re ribs. $40-90. wool: coarse, valley aa j medium grades. 45c lb. ssnnatr: nomuvauy ase IB. on u- BMJSIIU glow in. uoun try -killed meats: Veal: Top quality. 36-39c lb.: other grades according to weight and qual ity witn poor or Heavier sa-sac. Hogs: Light blockers. 20-soe lb.; sows. 2427c. Lambs: Too Quality. SO-33c lb mut ton. 12-lc. Beef: Good cows, 30-34c lb.: can- acrs-cutters. 2S-30c. Onions: Western Ore. yellows. SO lbs. No. 1 med from cold sttorage. $1J0- 2 00: yellow globe Jumbos, new crop Calif, med. and large. $2.25-90; reds $2.00-25. Potatoes: Russets. Deschutes. No. 1A $9.00-5.13: new potatoes: Calif, long whites, size A, $3.79-4.00; sue B. 100 ! lbs.. $230-3 00. nominal) : V. S. No. I freen alfalfa or better. . baled truck lots wholesale. Portland. $31 U. S. No. 1 mixed timo thy. S3S: oats and vetch mixed hay. uneertrfied clover hay, nominally $19 18. depending on quality,: baled, on Willamette valley farms. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Juno 22-( AP WUSDA) Salable cattle ISO holdover 290; calves 89; market mostly steady; mast classes moderately active at week's decline: some heavy fed steers not moving: part load low good 1090 lbs. and part load average good 1270 lb. red steers 24j00; com moo steers 17.00-19.00; medium to 22.00; common heifers 14 00-1I.50; canner-cutter cows mostly 10 00-11.50; few 12.00; shells down to 1.00; common snedlum beef cows 13i)0-13.00: cutter common sausage bulls very slow; few sales 15.00-17.00; odd good beef bulls 20.00; food vaalers mostly 25.00; com mon down to 19.00. Salable nogs 190: market less octree, steady to 25 cents lower; lata sales 180-230 lbs. around 22.25; early sales 22.50-22.75: 250-270 lbs. 19.50-20J0; good .150-500 lb. sows 18.00-17.00: odd head heavy slaughter boars 8-00-S 0O; feeder ptgs larking; good choice quotable 22.50-23 50. Salable aheap $00: market slow, around 50 cents lower: good-choice spring lambs mostly 24.00: medium good lots 23.00: medium-good ewes and wether feeder lambs 18.00-20.00: bucks mostly 13 00; medium old crop lambs and yearlings 19.00-20.00: good under ISO lb. ewes 850-7.00: heavy ewes down to 9 80; common down to 3.00. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press June 22 STOCK AVERAGES 20 19 IS Indus Rail Util Stks Net changa D 1 D.4 vnch Di Wednesday 83.4 .310 38 4 $0 4 Prev. day 83 9 31.4 3S.4 99.8 Week aao S3 2 20 8 3S5 90.1 Month aeo 88 9 34 2 39 9 82.4 Year ago 975 48 8 4X2 7L$ BOND AVERAGES 20 1$ ; 1$ l$ Rails Indus! Util Forrn Net Chang unch D 1 , A.l D.1 Wednesday . 88.8 101.7 1025H 80 9 Prev. day . 888 loiJ 102.4 $9.1 Week aeo SOS 101.7: 10XS 09.$ Month ago 80S 101S 102.1 70.8 Year ago - 0X2 19L3; lOSS 8X8 H New 140 high- Hemorrhoid CPU) Flstnla. Fls are Prolstse. rmd o&ar social dls orrlers oorroctod. &o oasT corrvox Uxxt way XTo BoL Dr. H Ecyrdis Clidc ItstsstBaeal Speeiailsl 1UI Ceaier SL lMMS-tt&l Lrook and Learn By A. a Gordoa ! 1. What is the air pressure on the body of average adult? 2, What is the Continental Di vide? S What is the largest city on the Mississippi river? I 4. Where is the ball of the foot? ! 5. What cabinet officer is the bead of the U. S. Department -f Justice? i ANSWEKS 1. About 13 tons. ! 2. A line dividing the water shed of the Mississippi river from that of the Pacific coast 3. St. Louis. 4. It is the soft part jetween the toes and the arch. 5. Attorney General. Salem Market Quotations I As of tale vosterdav) BUTTCRrAT as si JU M .71 No. 1 No 3 BUTTER Whclesale Retail gcr.s ( Berime) IWhol 'leaaie once ranges from to 1 cants over biivtng price I Extra largo AA ; Largo AA Large A , 34 JU Jl M .49 J2 3X XX .17 .11 J4 .! .12 J2 J7 J J Jl as Medium AA - Mediuoi A ' ruueta Cracks - POl'LTRT A Leghern hens ;' B Lanrhera hens C Leghorn bens ;i A colored hens B colored hens i C colored hens , . A colored fryers. 3 lbs. and up B colored fryers , C colored fryers . A old roosters B eld roosters C old roosters t.rVESTOCBl by VaJlev Paefe rat dairy cows - U.10.OS to 11.00 Cutter cows . .. 8 00 to IS 00 Bulls 15.0$ to 19.00 Good calves. 300-450 lbs. 17.00 to 1100 Good veal ISO to 300 lbs. 20.00 to 23 00 Spring lambs j 21.0 to 22 00 Feeder lambs IS 00 to Ewe. 2 00 to S 00 Portland Grain PORTLAND. June 22 (API Cash wfteat (bid). Unquoted. Hard red winter: 11 per cent 2.23; 17 ner cent ZXi. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2 28: 10 per cent 2.2S; 11 per cent 2.22: 12 per cent 2 35. Today's car receipts: wheat 20: bar- ley I; flmir 5: com ; fftllfeed 7. BIDS WANTED Sealed bids wanted for boarding for a period of eleven months commencing August 1. 1S49. all pTBBoners confined In the Marion County ialL will be re ceived by tha County Court at 10 O0 AJal. P-5.T. July S. 194S. tn tha County Courtroom in tha Courthouse at Sa lem. Oregon. Bids must be submitted oa approved forms and must be filed with the county clerk before . the time ttoned above. The right to to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for Marion County. H. A. JXTDD. County Clerk J. a-lO-XS-30-Jiy 7 'Tab It Thcso Used those offered l4f Fartl Z-4oar sedaat If 11 Olsmtwli caaTcrtihVo "M I fee won ci or m At $rrrijrnart . i NQTICr IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed tn tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Depart ment, bis aury vertnea rmai Account as Executor of the Last Will and Test ament and Estate of Mary McReyaoids. deceased, and that said Court has fixed skadiT. the Tim aav ot Juries ins. at the boor of 10 OS o'clock Ail. of said day as the tuna, tn the Circuit Court Room in ue county ioun House, in Salem. Marion County Oreeoa. as the olac for bearing said ruial Account aad all obiections thereto. Dated at Salem. Orexon. this 2oTB day of May. Executor of the estate of Mary McReynolds. deceased. RONALD C GLOVER. Attorney for Executor 205 Oreeoa Building. Salem. Oregon My 2S J. 2-0-1S-23 NOTICE OP INTENTION TO TM PROVE WARREN COURT FROM 19TH rtUtET TO THE TMlMIItCI OF WARREN COURT Notice hereby is gtven that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore- con, deems it necejsary and expedient nd hereby declares its purpose and in 'ention to improve Warren Court from tha east Hoe of fteenth street to the Terminus of Warren Court in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent pruui ill, by bringine said portion of said Ue-t to the e-tabltsried grade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and psvuu; said portion of said street with a l'.h inch asphaltic concrete pave ment 30 feet wide in accordance wrtn the ians and soecificatiom tnerefor which were adopted by the common council June IX 1S4S. which are now on Me in the office of the city record er and wfaicb by this reference thereto ore made a part hereof. , The common council hereby declares its nuroose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de- pertinent. Br Order of tha Common Council June 13. 1040. ALFRED MUNUT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is June 19. 1040. Ju 19. 18. 17. 18. 10. 20. 2L $2. 23. 94, 29. 1S4S NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IM PROVE NORTH ISTH STREET FROM JEFFERSON STREET TO MADISON STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore con, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and in. tention to improve North Frfteenta) Street from the north line of Jefferson Street to the south line of Madison Street In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2s inch asphaltic concrete pave ment 30 feed wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council June 13. 1S49. which are now on file in the office of the city record er and which by this reference thereto are made a nart hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through tha street improvement de partment. Bv Order of the Common Council June IX I$49. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publicaUon hereof Is June 13. 104$. Ju 15. 18. 17. IX 1$. 30. 21. 22. 23, 24. 23th. 1S49. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: $ extra good weaner pigs. $12 ea. A. Schwengei. box 354. 1U nL E. ' mi. S. of Totem Pole. Ph. 2-2858. fete ivMai From Me . . if s much mors conomical to operata a later moooi carl You get batter mileage, for one thing: You save on repairs for another. Yes, and you certainly save a lot of worry! You have my word ... when your car gets older it's cheaper in trie long run to traae it in on newer, better modal. And when you do trade it in . . . look for tha best values in Tha Oregon Statesman Classified ads. Car Values are typical in today's Classified Ads S 67S ItSt llyiBaUt eoape 194f Bokk Saper 1793 awdaaetto Shop For Your Car in Today's Oregon Lrvestork amd- Ponltry- A GOOD working horse. R. C. Week- en. Ru 7. box 253, Ph. 2-1S0S. Call evenlnrt. YOUNG COW with hetfer calf. G. SlddaU. Ph3-l14. Rt 7. Box 188. ' Al SILiD Reg Pakiminv quarter- H L Stiff. Jr. Rt 3. box S70 BONDED LrVESTOCV buyer l" C McCandlish 1127 S 25th Ph 3-8147 LICENMLD live stork buyer E. Snethen Turner Ore Harold WANTED Tata cows and betters tut seders also butcher cattle Get my bid it win east vow nothing Earl Du Chlea 2405 N sen Salem Phoae S-ISSO 1 YEAR OLD COLT. Arabian breed tag. Sired by Gedroa, Rt 1. Box 40TK on .live-ton Rd. BONDED livestock buyer Claude Ed- Rt 3 Box $9fE Ph 3-1144 NEW HAM? chicks every Thurs- dav P -OS' Lee's Hatcherv. 8 WTXKS old New Kamp. pullets to lay. also New Hampa. fryer clucks Gehrtag Hatchery. Ph. Black 13 Silverton.. : J YR. OLD siro saddle horse. $125. H. BaUweoer. Rt. 1. B. 25. Brooks. Ore. Auctions PLEASE LOOK at Farm Tor Sale column - Farm selling at auction by C. Kileore AUCTION TONIGHT. '15 Chev. truck 2 ice boxes, washing machine, oil cir culator. wood range, row boat and loads cf misc. 978 Laneanster Dr. Ph 3-1221. . Kilgore's Auction SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT Hereford cattle. 30 head. Yearling. steers. A heifers. Two 2 vr. old reg istered bulla out of Domino breeding. Thurs. June 23rd. On Dayton-Amity Highway. Cattle sale starts at 130 pjn. Ph Amity 205. THE a baiesn Auction Canter otters a source of disposal Thurs 7 am. (or ail types of Merchandise If you cant bring your consignment call S-122L Help Wanted ' ADULT CHERRY pickers. John Ar cher Brooks. Ph. 2-1393. U PICK. Late strawberries. Lancas ter drive A WE. li mi. N. of town. R. F Carothers. CHERRY. BERRY and bean pickers. age 13 and over, to Join platoon, call Mrs. waiter c. Germatn. rn. z-m. CHERRY pickers wanted at Brown- in Jr Jones Orchard. Uberry Road and Browning Ave. 3c lb. Phone 2-1 19. NEED cherry pickers. 2$ acres, med. trees. Paying 3c Carlton Orchard. 2 mi S. of Liberty on SkTune Rd. CHERRY PICKERS. ml. W. on Sa- lem-Dallas highway at Brunks corner. Rt 8. Box 719. Ph. 2-1188, . CHERRY PCKERS, Albert Van San ten. Rt 1. Salem. LOGANBERRY pickers. Wm. Albien. 1 mi. E. Sr 'i ml. N of Keirer. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED. l' mi. west Rosed ale on Bates Rd. W T Perry. CHERRY pickers. 2', mi. E. of Shaw on Silver Creek Falls Hiway. R. C Aosm. 2d CHERRY nickers. Fum. tents. Glen Robertson. Ph. 27F24. on Gaylord dr. West Salem. Kingwood Drive to Oavlnrn Rd. Rt. B Box 3S0 CHUtRY pickers. 9 mi. N.. J1. ml E. of Salem. Good ptcking. E. M. Boies. SOMEONE to nick cherries St take half. D. Barnard. Rt 1. Box 121. Rick reall. Ph. Dallas 3722. WANTED: Cherry pickers. Rt. 3. Box 482. 4 mile North of United Growers Cannery on Cunningham Lane. Ph 2-2843 evenings. L Hartman. Watch tor sign on noerry ltd. TRADE city lot for labor. Harder'a Real Ertste. (North) Dallas. Ore. WANTED: $ cherry pickers - paying .V lb Ph. 2-3024. CHERRY packers. 3339 D. St. or Ph. 2-120B. State-man II jt: v'tp: v l Vv -. , ' ' s 1 ( m Ian l ' : r in - i " Tl4 StoUtsMicnu SaUnt, OroxToiu Thursday. Jtmo) 23, 1949 13 Help Wanted Male ATTENTION MEN We have openings for several young. net appearing men who are interested in aa income of not less than $303. per month while learning. We train ' you tree and possibilities are unlimited. Apply at once 4J0 court Room 101 between 10 and 12 a m WANTED: JANITOR for night work 4$ hr wk in Dept store. Prefer one with experience. Write Box $34 co Statesman. GOOD butcher in new. attractive grocery store. H. H. Harder. (North! Delia-. Ore. Ph. 2437 Dallas. CANADA Dry has openings for route salesmen. 25 to 30 yrs. Must live in Salem, to work Salem territory. Work requires, good car aad appli cant in good physical con dition. Salary, bonus, car al lowance. Call for appoint ment EAst 1150 Portland. BKKXEPER. Exp. Perm, or seasonal. -! eef Statesman Box 83f EXPER1ENCEO cost accountant Must be qualified to figure factory job costs. Excellent opportunity for right person. Oregon Flax Textiles. West Salem. Help Wanted. Female HOUSXXEZPTR wanted. Must like children and be efficient and reliable Board, room and rood wages. Can 3-W9 after 10 a. m. STENOGRAPHIC vacancies now exist In several state dents, at Junior and Senior levels. Starting salary $180 at $195 per month, respectively. 49 hr k. Applicants must pass aa exam ination which is sow open. Certifica tion to a position ran be anticipated tn z-3 weeks. Apply state Civil ser' vice CommKrlon 444 Center st. Secretary $190 StenogTapher-Bkpr. 175 Stenographer 179 Typist (speed! 179 Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 2m State St. Ph. 2-148$ EXP. OFFICE girl for sawmill office Turner. Ore. - Ph. Salem 2 -COM or Turner 1125. Burklsnd Lumber Co. WOMEN FOR housework for 1 per son. Live in. Middle-age preferred. Ph 3-4581 HOUSEKEEPER. 1 adults. Call mor- nrnp. W5 N. Liberty WANTED: Housekeeper for father at 13 yr. old daughter. 43M Hager St Salesman Wanted WANTED: YOUNG agfresiiive new car salesman. State age St experience. Write Box 838 co Statesman. SALESMAN, here is your chance to get Into business for yourself. New in terstate Eng. Product. Car necessary High percentage. Big future. Men now making over $600 a month. Experience not necessary. Free training if de sired. Apply June 23 or 24th. 8 M a.m 35 N. Summer St REAL ESTATE Salesman with car, excellent opportunity with good com mission. Call at 475 Center Street. AN EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman. An excellent opportunity for the right party. Write to Box 831, Statesman. Sitnations Wanted WIRE BALZTNG. T. R. Burton. Ph. 2ZO. KEI.IARU hum school girl wants part or full-time day work. Mother's helper or child care. Also some even tors. Phone 2-9877 EXPERIENCED hifh school gill wUl eare for child by day in my home. Nice yard for play. Ph. z-eaoo or a-eaiz. it si t . 1 1 r.ti5 i.'ijcits.' i Situations Wanted WANTED: Yard Work, lawn tnaklne or janitor work. Ph. 2-4814. $93 Ford St. WASHING, ironing, housework. Pol Z-433S. Ot'FiCK WORK wanted by older woman qualified by experience foe position of trust and responsibility. Clerical, typing. PJ3X Excellent ref- erenees. Write box 829. Statesman. SPRAY PAlXTlNfl tract. Reasonable rates. Vincent NaaL Ph. 2-1C8S. ALTERATION'S, sewing. 360 State" CHILDREN hoarded nxxt ear Inv. ely yard, playground equipment. Ph. .KV0. SCYTHE WORX. $1.58 hr. PU. 3-4jX 03 S. 22nd. LAN OSC APING, new lawns, prun ng general clean up. exp gardener. Painting and Decorating Pnone HAY BAllNG. String baler reaaoa- able rates. Chapman and Alienor. "-rij etim. MOWING AND RAKING, new power mower Ph. 37133 or 31404. GRASS MOWING with small Graved tv tnetor Ph. 3-73S2 CARPENTER WORK, remodehng or new construction by day or contract Ph ?241 or 33582. SEWT5aad septic tanks installrd and reoaired Scnarff Bros Phune 2WOB. CEMENT work. AU kinds. Ptv 2 tatO. ChILD CARE m my home. Ph. 2-51CX POiTS mimeo-Tapbiag. typing serr- ce. Quality work, uower nrtcea, as ft. loth. Phone 3-364X Painting & ) Decorating wx SPECIALTZX in mixioas 14444 DICK ORXY 3-874S i ORAWlWG house plans. Ptv. 3-OX2L 3-44 Chimney Nortnness. ph. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Servtca an Sewers. Phone $-0468 or 3-5327. STWrNG. buttonholes. Phone 1-T73Q. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 2-4367 ; 20O9 State St GENERAL cement contracting. 8 yrs. In business FHA bank terms. SaUsfac Hon guaranteed Stanley Tag; 3-1045. Atmors,v8 Hsriev Pugh Ph. 3-46S2. ' rmm care, isj s. lsth Ph. 2-or?C FURNlTURK repaired A remodeled. Loe Bros Furn Ritfintahmg Co VTeoX. PRACTICAL nursing - housework. $30 week. Ph. I-M71 Mrs. Fisher. PRE-DENTAL student needs steady job for the summer with part trma work after school starts. Ph. 2-282$ after 5:30 p i WOULD LIKE steady i anitor work. or night watchman work. Several years exo F-tt of refsJPh. 2-7801. SHRUBBERY and hedges trimmed tt spaded, lawns cleaned, cut. edged and trimmed. Exo. man. Ph. 7-7QZ3. TRACTOR work wanted with Ford tractor. Mowing, discing,- plowing. rn. Z-ITI3. CEMENT work. For the best, rail Frank. Guaranteed work by Journey man. Ph. 3-8110. i For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Good used electric re- frieerator. $85. Ph. 2-5248. GARDEN PLOW. Urge wheel. 4 at- tachments. 3 porch rockers. 4 oak din. chairs, upholstered settee. 1 wardrobe trunk. 1 typist chair. 1 metal office chair. 1 metal 3 dr. file. 905 Highland sve. Ph. I-2t. Ot. FRUIT tars. 3Uc doa. Ina. at c 1 1 I OR SALE: Girl s bike. Raasotiable. 750 Peck Ave. Ph. 3-1115. HAV for sal. $24 a too. C. W. WCks - Rt. 8. Box 110. rh. 3-rxsa f -