The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 18, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cfiity MewslBriefs
Crome Davis, formerly of Wil
lamina, was returned to Eureka,
Calif., Thursday where he is
charged with check forgery, he
a . f a .
was picked up at Marion county
Jail by Deputy Sheriff Guy Bug- j
bee of Eureka. Davis was arrest
ed here May 24 on a charge of
obtaining money by false pre
tenses involving a bad check. He
pleaded guilty in circuit court.
cAntAnpftrl trt civ tnriiifhc in '
the county jail and paroled. He
was detained on the California
Final night tonight for the sen
sational Townsmen frio Otilio
Kivera excellent rumba Orch.
tarts Monday. Club Combo.
M vi 1 1 v ' i u ,w . . - . -
AC tOl'NTANTS TO MEET' E Ktvi of Salem. oreid-
dent of the Oregon Association f
Public Accountants, will lead a
group of Salem acrounianis in
the annual Convention of the as
sociation at Med ford June 23 to
25. Hueh Earle of Portland, col
lector of interncl revenue for the
Ore-eon district, will be the main
Karakul Karpet It's new, it's re
versible, it's 100 irgin wool and
woven through and through, .only
$4 95 q yd. Ph 3-7648 or 3-3364
Employment of Timothy J.
Burke. Dclake, a an assistant
state purchasing aent in the state
board of control offices was an
nounced Friday by Roy E. Mills,
state board of control secretary.
Hurke. recently employed as
salesman for a number of elec
trical concerns, will assume his
new duties July 1.
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol St.-
Fred Miner. 585 S. 12th st.. is
in critical condition at St. Vin
cent's hofpital in Portland, it was
reported here Friday. Miner col
lapsed with a cerebral hemor
rhage while visiting relatives in
Portland Sunday. His wife. Eve
lyn, and a son, Stewart, are in
Portland with him.
Landscaping and design No job
too large or too small. F. A. Doer
fler and Sons Nur-ery. 150 N. Lan-
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P . 2-1322.
Marion county has reached 47 j
per cent of its quota of the oppor- I
tunity drive with sales amounting
to $21,695 for the week ending;
June 11, it was reported Friday i
by Sid Stevens, county chairman
of the E bond sale.
Dance tonite. Glenwood.
Gov. Douglas McKay Friday an
nounced appointment of James C.
Dezendorf. R. R. Bullivant and
Joseph McKeown, all of Portland,
to the commission on uniform
state laws created by the last
state legislature.
Glenwood closed for dancing till
Sat. Sept. 10.
Two fatalities, 946 industrial
accidents and 13 claims for occu
pational disease benefits were re
ported to the state industrial acci
dent commission during the week
June 16, the commission reported
riday. ,
Shattuc's Chateau-Salem's unique
dining club.
Articles of incorporation of the
Bradfield Lumber company were
filed Friday with the Marion
county clerk by E. A.. Dorothy
Vf iA furl V lir-nA f;A rnn: .
tocK was lited at S20.000.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent dividend 2'if5-. See First
Federal Savings First 142 S. Lib
erty. Phone 3-4944.
Nora L. Robinson, 3845 E. D st.,
filed an assumed business name
certfficate as Nora's Home for the
Aged with the Marion county;
clerk Friday.
Old time dunce tonite 259 Court.
Salem "
L Jung Sin
Sinf, at the rcntdmce. 944
N Commercial it , June 14 Survived
by widow. Dora Sing of Salem; and
lour tep-rhlldren. Harrv Mun Gate
find Mt R. G. Chang, both of Port
and, Ernest J. Sin of Oelake. Ore.,
and M. Set. Helen Mun Tavne with the
wart at Ft. McPhemon, Ga. Service
villi be held Saturday, June II. at 10
m, at th W. T. Kiidort chapel. Con
cluding services In lOOF cemetery.
Mra. Fannie Beveridfe.
late resident
f 14113 Center t . at a local hospital.
inuraay. June l. survived Dy daugh
ter. Mrs. Helen Law of Salem: two
trandnona. Robert Beveridfe Law of
uarene, and Joeph, E. Law. jr. of Sa
lem: a sitter. Mrs. Laura Harlow of
Gresham. and four great granddaugh
ters. Private service will be held at
the chapel pf St. Paul's Kplcopal
church. Saturday. June It. at 4 p m.
with the Rev. George H. Swift officiat
ing. Please -omit flowers. Direction by
the Clough-Rarrick chapel.
To the many friends who ex
tended their words of comfort and
sympathy, the beautiful floral
tributes and acts of understanding
kindness in the loss of my beloved
husband, and a devoted father.
George E. Earley. Jr.. may I offer
my gratefulness; also to . Rev
Dudley Strain, Mrs. Thomas King
and Capitol Legion post No. 9 my
sincere thanks.
Mrs. Evelyn Earley
And Family.
Paradise Islands
Pkknickinr Swimming
New Modern Dressing Rooms
Swimming P A Landscaping
S Mile East on Airport Kd
Call t-P02 for Picnic
Certificate of as5umed business
name as Canyon Amusement
company, a theatre at Idanha, was
filed Fridayf with the Marion
county clerk by R. N. Vickers and
F. C. Andersen of Idanha.
Insured savings earn nvre than
two per cenj tt Salem Federal
Savings Association. 560 State st
Dr. Harmon jr. Harvey announces
the removal of his office for he
practice of Diagnosis and Internal j
.Medicine tovue uvesiey fcJing
Effective June 19, 1949. Telephone
2-3641 for appointments.
The Salem; fire department was
summoned to two grass fires early
Friday afternoon. They were at
1330 S. 13th st. and the corner
of Howard ahd Lewis streets
damage was. reported.
The Melodaiirs are playing at the
Burgandy Room. Shattuc's Chat
eau nitely.
Hard of hearing? See the one unit
Beltone Hearing Aid priced as tow
as $75. Batteries for all makes of
hearing aids.; James Taft and As
sociates. 21 a, Oregon Bldg. Phone
Salem 2-4491.
Final clearance. All coats $8. Lul
laby Baby Sihop. Open eves.
Donald G. Freel. 554 Ferry St.,
filed an assumed business name
certificate as Industrial Supply
company, machinery dealers, with
the Marion jtounty clerk Friday.
The Knit Shop will re-open Mon-
day. June 20th. Ruth
190 N. Liberty.
Salem's unique dining club
tuc's Chateau.
Dance tonite. Glenwood.
A chimney fire at the Jennie!
Parker residence, 1520 Lee st ,
whs extinguished .quickly by Sa
km liremen; Friday afternoon.
Free--Decpfieere home freezer
clinic June 21st 7:30 p m. VFW
: Hall. 6.10 Hood st Door nrijes
Sponsored by YeateF Appliance
rn f ,
Glcnwood closed for dancing till
;Sat. Sept. 10.
Mrs. William Adams and baby
daughter of Stayton were dis
missed from Salem Memorial hos
pital Friday.
Mum plants 15c each this week.
The Flower Basket. 1020 Market
St. Ph. 2-4802.
Removal Sale, must vacate by
June 30. Radios, Recorders, office
inter-com, appliances, furniture,
fixtures, safe, supplies, etc. Bar
gain Prices. Court St. Radio &
Appli. 357 Court St. Ph. 3-3028.
Mrs. William Earl Miller and
baby daughter returned to their
home at Independence from Sa
lem General hospital Friday.
Road oiling; call Tweedie, 2
or 3-5769.
Pioneer Trails
Group: President
To Talk in Salem
Walter R, Meacham, Oregon re
presentative of the American Pion
eer Trails association, was in Sa
lem Thursday and arranged for the
DrigKs f New York, president of
the association, 'to speak at the
Salem Lions club meeting on July
Dr. Drigg. an educator, has
taken a keen interest in the Ore
gon trail arid other pioneer trails.
This summer he is making a tour
visiting oldtime mining camps of
the west.
KEITH 4 To Mr, and Mrs
Francis Keith, Salem route 1.
box 581, a son. Friday. June 17
at Salem Memorial hospital.
KEENEYj To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Keeney, 1528 Woodrowi
st. a daughter. Friday, June 17
at Salem .Memo'ial hospital.
MOOKE i- To Mr, and Mrs.
Asbend C.I Moore. 125 Harold
ave., a daughter. Thursday. June
16, at Salern General hospital.
UEDDLE To Mr. and Mrs.
Monte- Weddle, Jefferson, a son,
Friday, Jun 17 at Salem Gen
eral hospital.
WYSE To Mr. and Mrs. John
Wyse, 'Independence, a daughter,
Friday. June 17 at Salem Gen
eral hospital.
r"Y E itart
Distributed by McDonald
Newbry Defend
Board Action in
Insurance Deal
Secretary of State Earl T. New
bry Ffiday defended Thursday's
action 'of the state board of con
trol in awarding an insurance
coveraee contract, involving state
owned; motor vehicles, to general
rpaialty company on a second low
bid. ;
The 'low bid of $74,717 was sub
mitted-by t!ie truck insurance ex-i
rh.rige, a reciprocal company of
Los Angeles. The general casualty
company bid was $83,778.
Criticism was directed at the
Newbry said principal reason for
awarding the contract to the gen
eral casualty company was its pro
mise to put three safety engineers
at work in an effort to reduce the
accident toll involving state-owned
automobiles and trucks. This will
cost the company between $15,000
and $20,000, Newbry said.
The secretary of state also said
that under the bid of the casualty
company the state will receive a
graduated reduction in rates based
on the? reduction in the number of
Vote! of the board for awarding
the contract to the general casual
ty corfipany was unaminous.
Board of control records show
that the truck insurance exchange,
while jferving the state's insurance
needs, ;paid all its claims. Newbry
said criticism of the award was
not justified.
Show to Boost
Airnlane Fund
Satan's hell drivers are coming
to Hollywood bowl Friday, June
24, for a Salem police aieial patrol
sponsored show.
Purchase of an airplane for use
in emergencies and disasters in
the Salem area is the goal of the
forma nce ac
iormance, according to Cine icott.
group) DacKing the benefit per-
publicity chairman of the patrol.
Twq ambulances, from Eddie's
and Salem Memorial hospitalpive
volunUered to stand by for ac-j
cidents that sometimes accompany j
the tvyo-hour performance of the
crashing, catapulting autos. And
the Salem motorcycle club has
promised to provide additional en
tertainment for the occasion.
The; same group of stunt men
appealed at Hollywood bowl last
summer. Through cooperation
of Andrew Klett. owner of
Hollywood bowl, the police aerial
patrol is sponsoring their rebeat
performance. i
1,000 Men in
1 raining tor
Approximately 1.000 men in
cluding many college graduates,
are how in training, and will
be available for forest fire protect
tion services during the currei
summer, Nels Rogers, state for
ester, 'reported here Friday. fs j
Each firefighter has to attend
one of a series of 14 schools held
by the state forestry departmen
annually in the forested areas.
Rogers said the new system is
superjor to the old one when the
departmerrt employed pick-up
crews.' from the skidrows in Portr
land to battle fires after they
break' out. .
Legion Post
Election of post officers, and
delegates to the state convention
votinjf on a propcojf by-law?
change. 4 program wnKlunch are
on the agenda for the meeting
Monday night of American Le-
eion. Capital Dost 9.
Officers nominated include Sen
hus Starr for commander, John
Kerrirk for first vice commander,
and James Turnbull and Claude
Martin for second vice commander.
Charles Muggins is retiring com
mander. Th proposed change in post by
laws Would, if passed, clarify du
ties of the building and executive
committees. The post's drum corps
will jmakes its first appearance
Monday night at the meeting in
Legion hall, beginning at 8 o'
clock - Liitf r-Beer
CandrjCa. 1375 Howard SL
Carefree Moment at Big 4 Ministers Dinner
-v . ,' -.
if' L j ;
""""v. ;i - ' - . -
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W :Z. X , J J
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PARIS. June 17 Andrei Vlshinsky (second from left), U.S. Secretary of State, and French foreign min
ister Robert Schuman (right), dring a carefree moment at a dinner tn Paris Tuesday for delegates to
the Council of Foreign Ministers. At left Is Ernest Bevin, British foreign minister. (AP Wire photo to
The Statesman).
Girls State Legislators Vote to
Keep Luxury Tax on Cosmetics
The Girls State, at its legislative sessions here Friday, turned
thumbs down on a bill designed to eliminate the luxury tax on wo-
mens cosmetics. The bill originated in the senate where it was de-
fcated after an extended debate.
The argument was advanced
with other levies, for the financial
The senate aDDroved a bill Dro-
that the boys' and Girls ;
State should be held at the same
time and at the same place but
it went down to defeat in the
house of representatives. Oppo
nents of this bill said the girls
attended the annual meeting for
work and not for boys. Propo
nents said such a proposal, if
approved, would make it possible
to hold an inaugural ball in honor
of their officials.
Both houses approved a meas
ure providing that the president
of the United States shall be
elected by popular vote. Also
passing both houses was a bill
providing that the process pf
manufacturing the atomic bomb
be kept a secret by the United
! States.
The annual Girls State ban
quet was held Friday night with
Mrs. Laura Engesather, Brock
ets N. D., national chairman of
the American Legion auxiliary
Girls State, the principal speaker.
Friday afternoon was devoted
to inspection of state offices here.
Saturday's program will include
a naturalization session and court
The conference, opening here
last Monday, will close Sunday
with church services and a lunch
eon. More than 210 girls, represen
tative of all sections of the state,
are attending. The event i spon
sored by the American Legion
auxiliary, Oregon department.
1 ! -
UBoy Released
From Hospital
Michael Delk. injured Thursday
in a car-tricycle accident, was re
leased from Salem General hospi
tal Friday.
The three-year-old was treated
for severe cuts and bruises incur
red when a car struck him while
he rode his tricycle rear his home
at 1130 Nebraska st.
Michael's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. T. Delk, said he was improving
"remarkably" Friday night, and
that his worst injury had been a
wide gash on the side of his head.
Close-Quf Price
Ammonium Sulphate
We are closing out the balance of our stock
of Ammonium Sulphate at
See Your Dealer
If he cannot supply,call our plant.
Phone Salem 2-2415
Colombia Ileials Corporation
that this tax was required, along,
support of the government.
Gary Lee Kuebler, 19, student,
80 Beach ave.. and Doris Jean
Larson. 19, student, 1127 Broad
wav st.. both of Salem.
1"uuc'1 "
Alexander: Defendant files an -
swrr uciijms i.:6"v" ' 1"'"
Ray Cowan vs Rey C. Bever
and others: Defendants Pacific
Traders Inc. and 'Charles Sien
vine file answer admitting and
Edward J. and Alice R. Kan
eski vs Orville C. and Alta G.
John: Defendants file answer ad
mitting and denying.
Mable P. Youngblood vs Walter
N. Youngblood: Complaint for
divorce alleging cruel and inhum
an treatment. Married Jan. 4.
1942. at Long Beach, Calif.
Hazel Peterson vs Edward N.
Peterson: Order for default of
Etta Mae Klatz vs Alfred F.
Klatz: Order for default of de
fendant. Andrew C. Burk vs George
Putnam: Defendant files answer
admitting and denying.
6 Pauline Boetticher vi Otto
Boetticher: Order for default of
defendant and grants plaintiff
custody of minor child.
Betty Rogers vs Ray H. Rogers:
Decree for divorce granted, plain
tiff awarded custody of minor
child, granted $50 monthly ali
mony during minority of child
and order confirms settlement of
property rights.
Robert J. Volchok vs Lesla
Jeanne Volchok: Divorce decree
granted and defendant's maiden
name of Lesla Jeanne Bailey re
Clifton Thomas, jr., and Shirley
Ann Denn, both of Los Angeles,
Calif., charged with attempting to
Obtain property by false pre
tenses, continued for plea to June
18. Held in lieu of $1,000 bail.
Marie Henderschott estate: Or-
Our Plant
Jer appoints Hilda Woelke as ,
administratrix and Marjorie Ker- j
ber, Josephine Bell and George
H. Bell as appraisers.
Charles C. Hopkins estate: Or- i
tier appoints J. S. Murray. W. '
j E. Stewart, jr. and Leo G. Page
i as appraisers. 1
Louise A. Rehfuss estate: Order
appoints William Schreiber as ad-
ministrator and Thomas B. Gab-
nel, Helen Codington and Ma-!
donna Prinslow as appraisers. I
Even Evenson estate: Apprais
al at $3,000.
William George Hamrick es-
! tate: Order confirms sale of real
I property.
Nancy A. Basey estate: Order
sets final account hearing July 25
and authorizes executors to make
partial distribution.
Vina Olive Moore estate: Or
der admits will to probate and
appoints Alonzo E. Moore exe
cutor. Geraldine Lee MacDonald guar-
dianshiP' estate: rder appoints
,c ie Q MacDonald guardian
unH snrviint W R MnhUr
Havillea El wood Canada estate:
Order admits will to probate, ap
points Nellie Howe executrix and
J. F. Goode, C. A. Howe and Ora
E. Johnston appraisers and sets
hearing for petition seeking ap
pointment of guardian for July 6.
Rites Set for
Mrs. Strauss
Graveside services for Cathrine
Morrison Strauss, 42, have been
tentatively set for S p.m. today at
Belcrest Memorial park pending
arrival of the remains from Tuc
son. Ariz.
She was the daughter of Mrs. A.
L. Morrison, 1358 Chemeketa it.,
and died June 9 at Tucson where
she had lived three years due to
asthma which caused her death.
Before that she was a costume de
signer In New York for about 10
years. ne was Dorn in variion,
Surviving besides her mother
are a son, Eric, of Pasadena, Cal.,
and two aunts. Mrs. W. L. Patter
son and Mrs. Ethel Weeks, both
of Salem.
L fmi ij n.j
Yhm Stcrtoamcm. Salom, Dromon. Scrhirjay. Tun 18. 194
Fiuieral Rites
Conducted for
Justice Kelly
Funeral services for the late
Percy R. Kelly, since 1930 justice
of the state supreme court, were
held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel
here Friday afternoon with Dr..W.
W. Youngson. Portland, officiat
ing. The Masonic ritualistic serv
ice followed.
Interment was in Belcrest Me
morial park. Honorary pallbearers
included the current grand master
and past grand masters of the
Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon
and the six members of the state
supreme court.
Active pallbearers were W. W.
Stuart, jr.. J. K. Weatherford, jr.,
Max Rohrbough, R. M. Russell,
Harry Curran and Ed S. Dirrett.
Justice Kelly died here early
Tuesdav following an extended ill
ness. He was 79 years old. Among
those at the service were a large
number of circuit and district
judges and attorneys from .various
sections of the state.. Offices of
the state supreme court were
closed Friday afternoon and the
attorney general's office during
the funeral hour.
PORTLAND. June 17-()-The
assessment rolls in Multnomah
county stood at $510,409,775 to
day 7.35 per cent more than
last year's.
Remember Him
On Sunday
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 3-8632
ANCE CO., of IIcIIINNVILLE, have had
special low fire insurance raies for farmers
since 1894.
Ask us also about Farm Liabiliiy Insurance.
Ii is a HUST COVERAGE for Farmers.
Scellars, Foley & Rising, Inc.
A Progreeaire Insurance Office
143 S. Liberty St ' TeL 2-4143
Si; IT
tuthoTijel ccnixAciox
rotciuiN on mil
The only wall tile of Iti Idnd-genutr porce
lain fused to a base of $teel-by the makers of
Armstrong's Linoleum. Lasts a lifetime. Won't
crack, craze, or fade. Many beautiful color.
Custom designs. Quick installation. Stop by
and see this unusual porcelain-on-steel tile.
Estimates furnished free, without obligation
IT. I. lepine Co: '
tttJ Portland Rood
Local Bankers to
Visit 4-H Camp
Bankers day. June 21, at the 4-H
summer school now in session at
Corvallis will be attended by L. C
Smith, assistant vice president and
T. R. Hobart. bank fieldman, both
of Ladd and Bush bank.
The Ladd & Bush bank has fur
nished scholarships for two of tho
1800 youngsters in attendance,
Dorothy Salchenberg. route 3. bo
890. Salem, and Jimmie Adams,
route 1, Jefferson. Anthol Riney,
Marion county 4-H club leader,"
assisted in making the selection of
the two.
Dorothy has been in club work
for two years and has completed
six projects, and Jimmie has been
in club work five years and has
completed 11 projects.
184 N. Liberty
420 Court Street
mb ayyctnlHitnl as