The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Headed For I
Several members Of the Salem
branch, American Association of
University Women will Ira re tor
Seattle the nd of the week to at
tend the national convention of the
association at the Olympic hotel,
headquarters, June 19-24.
Planning to attend from Sa
lem are Mrs. John Burcham, im
mediate past president of the
Oregon division of the AMJW;
Miss Beryl Holt, regional fellow
ship chairman; Dr. Helen Pearre,
Mrs. Cordon O. Leonard. Mrs.
Floyd Utter, Mrs. Krvin Potter.
Mrs. Gordon Carl, Miss Eleanor
Stephens, Mrs. Ellen Fisher, Mrs.
Vernon Wiarr.,ri, retiring presi
dent of the local branch; Miss El
Ise Schroeder, who is the incom
ing president of the Salem branch,
and Mrs. Harold Bansom.
Judge Dorothv Kenyon, United
States delegate to the United Na
tions; Mayor Dorothy McCullough
Lee of Portland, Dr. Althea J.
Hottel. dean of women at Univer
sity of Pennsylvania and the na
tional AAUW president: Miss
Mary Agnes Hamilton, director of
the American information service
in the British foreign office, will
be among speakers on tha pro
gram. The Wemaa's Society af Christ
ian Service of the Leslie Methodist
Church will meet In circles Wed
nesday afternoon at one thirty
o'clock. Mrs. P. L. Pratt will be
hostess to Circle No. 1 at 910 South
13th st. Mrs. S. M. Laws. 1680
State st., will entertain Circle No.
i. The program at both circles
will include business, devotions,
reports on society projects, and
the piecing of quilts.
Weekend guests of Mr. sod Mrs.
George Hanauska were Mr. and
Airs. I-eo Garabedian of Fresno,
- - , . L' j , - - u V, - - .
V' - r ? , -
I,-.. -. v - r ' v ,
v. f V '
t ' ? V . ? ' . , v - ,
Mrs. Robert G. Ross (Eileen Scott) who was married on
Juno 10 at SL Paul's Episcopal church. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. G. R. Scott of Lafolla, Calif., and the bene
dict's mother is Mrs. M. F. Teter 'of Salem. The couple will -live
in Salem and continue their) education at Willamette'
university. ;
WAC Sergeant
Honor Guest
SILVERTON, June 13 Serge
ant Dorrie Ross, WAC, who has
been visiting here from Yokoha
ma, Japan, on a 45-day, re-enlistment
furlough, will leave June 20
Fresh Fish
216 No. ComV
1- '
Funnies Honored
On Anniversary
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Se-
vert Funrue were complimented at
a surprise picnic at their Abiqua
farm home Sunday, the occasion
being their 40th wedding anniversary.
After the guests arrived, the!
couple gave the visitors a surprise
by donning their wedding clothes,
which they wore 40 years ago.
Included ia the Sunday party
were the best man and maid of
honor, Alvin Hemingsen and Mrs.
Edwin Overlund (Minnie Funrue).
Others present Sunday who had
attended the wedding which bad
been solemnized on the okf Hem
ingsen farm near Selah Springs,
were Mrs. J aimer Elleson (Alma
Funrue) of Mulino, Albert Funrue,
Silverton, Mrs. Clara Loe. Corval
lis, Alvin Williams and Mrs. Olga
Miller. Salem, S. P. Moberg. Scons
Mills and Alvord Moberg, Mol-
Others attending were Mr. and
Mrs. U. G. Blankenship and Linda,
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nel
son, Russell NeLjon, jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Kellis. Janet Kel
lis, all of Scotts Mills; Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Hemingsen, Jerry and
Dale, Mrs. Inga Cooper of Corval
lis; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hemingsen,
Mr. and Mrs. George Rail (Evelyn
Hemingsen), Kay, Lewis and Win
ston Rail, all of Portland; Mrs. Al
yord Moberg and Douglas of Mol-
n . . T l T. 1 1 . ., . .i C" U
sua, jeimei liiuuii iiu ounnuii
of Mulino; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Rue and Don of Sweet Home; Che
ster Loe of Albany, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Taylor, Anita and Dennis,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Funrue, Nor
man, Donald and Robert, Mrs.
H. K. Funrue, Mrs. Ole Meland
and Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Stceet Things
Honey Reminders, Good to Sweeten,
Flavor Foods; Makes Salad Dressing
By Maxiae Here
Statesman Woman's Editor
Since the war has been over, and sugar U a regular item in the
cupboard, we may forget it as a flavorful sweetener that gives inter- mcr months and the next meeting
esting variety to foods.. will be in September
Most honey found on the market is blended, and consist an t ly t
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. June 14. H4f-'
- SEsuox to oris
COR VALLIiV June iHf-The
Carnival and Cherry festival. Oa
carnival committee are Mrs.
Emery Handrickson sr., Mrs. O. D.
Binegar. For the Cherry festival
Mrs. Emery Hendrickson Jr Mrs.
Andrew Etzel, Mrs. Russell, Mrs.
Don Doerfler, Mrs. John Fox and
Mrs. O. D. Binegar. The auxiliary
voted to adjourn through the sum-
annual Oregon 4-H summer ses
sion will open on the Oregon State
college campus; here ,tomoddow.
Approximately 1800 boys and girls
are expected to attend the 10-day
event. !
sauce when poured over the irozen j
dessert and topped with nuts.
If using honey in breads, cakes
or cookies, it's recommended that
a regular recipe be used, a the
honey acts differently than sugar
or corn syrups.
similar in flavor with only a mild
ly different taste in vrrying locali
ties. 55ost of the honey bought in
the stores is light in color usually
mild in flavor.
Many loci 1 buyers however,
purchase honey from growers
whose roadside stands may offer
the product made by bees who dine
on a certain flower in a particular
Food specialists of the depart
ment of agriculture suggest a
number of ways to use honey ad
vantageously during the summer I p ro-iro A r
months. Here are some ideas: I V-i JZ-itri o nlc
Honey is good as a sweetener i i ,
for punch, ice tea and even. I'm j LranClparentS
told, oi coiiee one lines sweet
ened Iced coffee.
A fruit cup sweetened with
honey makes a fine meal begin
ner. If the fruit is mild in fla
vor, add some lemon juice for tart
ness. A honey dressing for fruit sal
ads is popular. Here's our old fa
i cup sugar
peanut butter or chopped dried Swegle Cartleil Club
fruits and nuts for sandwich fill- Iltars Flower Lecture
4ngs and becomes an ice cream SWEGLE The June meeting of
The game of auction bridge ori
ginated in India.
On Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
and! report to Camp Stoneman.
Calif., to return to Japan for two
more years.
Sgt. Ross has been a guest of her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, trrol Ross at Silverton. Fri
day i afternoon Mrs. Ross enter
tained in her honor with guests
bidden including Mrs. R. E. Klein
sorse, Mrs. Edward Porter, Mrs.
C. W. Keene. Mrs. Coore Stool.
hammer, Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, Mrs.
A. if. Kyan. Mrs. R. A. McClana
than, Mrs. A. E. Janz, Mrs. George
Hubbs, Miss Frances Keene of San
' Frarjcisco. Miss Elizabeth Klein
sOrge, Mrs. Homer Rand, Miss
! Kreta Albright and Mrs. D. R
j Ross, the latter of Salem.
, Cen trail Temple. Pythian Sis
ters iwill hold their last meeting
iuntil fall Wednesday nieht at H
odor at me K.K nail. The pro-! gueiis are seaiear
gran) w, 11 oe in observance Of
Flag; Day and Memorial Dav. Re
freshments will be served follow
ing ;the meeting.
Q. When attending a formal
dinner, is it all iiht for a guest
to leave before the last course is
A. No; a guest should never
leave before the dinner is finished,
unless, ol course, it is for some
very urgent reason, such as ill
ness. Q.LWhat kinds of food may be
placid un the table before the
cuo honey
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon panrika
teasnoon salt
1 teasnoon celerv seed
5 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablesnoon lemon juke
1 teasnoon grated onion
1 cup oil
Garlic if desired
Mix drys. add all other ingre
dients, beating while adding oil.
Makes 2 cuds dressing.
A fruit salad with more honey
flavor is made by dipping orange
segments in honey then in coconut
and arranging on lettuce leaves.
Berries or cherries as a topping
make the salad attractive.
Honty becomes a sweetener for
sweet-sour s;uice on vegetables
such as beets or cabbage.
Honev has long been a favorite
sweetener for candied sweet rx-
lations go to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Crozier, 3920 E. State St., who are
the grandparents of the week in
Four Corners. On Wednesday,
June 8 at the Salem- Memorial
hospital, Alan Lyle Cave was born
to Mr. and Mrs. D. Cave. (Sher
lee Crozier) of Salem. The little
boy weighed seven pounds and
fourteen ounces and has an older
sister, Robin Lynn.
On Thursday. June 9 at the Sa
cred Heart hospital in Eugene twin
daughters were born to Rev. and
Mrs. Richard T. Owen (Carol Cro- i
zier). The little girls have been
named Kilmlee Ellen, who weighed I
six pounds and five ounces and!
Marmie Eileen who weighed five ;
pounds and eight ounces. Rev. i
Owen is the pastor of the Mollala !
Christian church, he is a graduate 1
of Northwest Christian college in j
Eugene and at present is attend- j
ir.g the University cf Oregon.
The Croziers have another
grandson Bruce- Priem, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Priem (Gayle Cro
zier) of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thulin, 4090
Duro n ave.. are receiving con-;
. gratulations on the birth of their,
lirst grand child, Kenneth F.d- '
v aid,. born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
the Swegle Road Garden club was
held Thursday in the home of i
Mrs. Melvin La Due on Hollywood ,
The lesson for the meeting was,
"Budding in General and Roses in
Particular." Demonstrations were
given by Earl Anderson.
Present were Mrs. Dan Stauf
fer, Mrs. Floyd King, Mrs. Bryan
Garrison, Mrs. H. Olson. Mrs. Al
fred Pauli, Mrs. Oscar Wigle, Mrs.
O. P. Bond, Mrs. Robert Fryrear.
Mrs. Daniel Casey, Mrs. Ross I
Bales, Mrs. George Quinn and the I
hostess. For a good will project j
members are bringing to the meet-
ings cancelled stamps, greeting i
cards and jig saw puzzles for use i
by the Chin-up club. The July j
meeting will be with Mrs. Homer
Conklin. 1
Use Organic
O The ri$ht way to re
build soil
O Free of seeds)
O Odorless
6 sacks $5.00
Bulk 1 ton .. $10.00
2 tons ..J. ... J.50
Free defirery anywhere
in Salem area. (
Phone 3-8127 1
- A. Olives, raaishi-s, saiiea al
monds, or any other similar rel
ishes. Q. When accepting a courtesy
, a nn-; T,, ir Ti,. i;ti..
t.itoes. and it glazes carrots nicely i , , .;v,j v, j. .
' , boy weighed eight pounds and
, , , , . three ounces.
t Honey glazes ham. It combines M.s () D Rip(li,3r ,0 s T.;m
; ta.NU-r drive v.'as ho tcs on Wed
frum a woman, should a injii lift , nesday to the Fnemen's auxiliary,
his hat I with Mits. William Futrell s co-
A. Yes, always; and also when hostes. Plans were made and
extendiiit; a courtesy.
committers appointed for the
Special Sale On
Automobile Accessories
Also Many Other Items at Greatly Reduced Prices
List Tax Total Total
6.25-6.50x16 $3.80 J4e $3 04 $1.74
6.50-7.0dxl6 2.80 34c ?14 1.84
6.00x2t 3.41 33 3.74 2.33
7.00-7.50x20 5.77 64s 6.41 3 64
8.25x20 . 6.56 74e 7.30 4 4
6.00-6.50x17 t.95 28 3?23 1.78
5.50-6.00x17 2 80 28 18 1.71
Dedge-Piymouth Cars
Dodge Jdb-Rafed Trucks
High and Chemeketa Streets";
They bought ay FATHER'S DAY GlfT at
in til
I VAX: Vi.'X
as I m bh. m w c av Ik
h !; i i n iifv ,
il sii i 1
At AWa
More akarlag swrface i trtater whisker
P1CX-UP . kiglMr cMter-sae4 ia this
MAMCloaal ow tbiter. Has s powerful.
breaa-tjrpe, self-tttrtiof motor. Until ow'm
Mi k fou bavs oo idea of the fsM, smooth.
clo-lialBt comfort you ca now tt'ioj.
We know you will b imucd hrit)ou
kmd out tke treaaeaJous sdvaocs Lb4 has
beta mad la electric shavers. I
Here Are A Few Sure Fire
They're Quality With Savings
And Dozens oi Others in Our Store
Stanley Brace Be?. q
No, 945 has 104nch sweep. Price eO7
Polished steel finish. Positive 5.9S ejJJ
ratchet action. Firm grip chuck.
Ililler Falls Brace r. sqq
Noi 1710 has 10-lnch sweep. Price Tw
Bucged construction through 3.50
out. and polished steel finish.
Stanley Hammer " qq
IS ox. straight claw. Ripping Reg. 1 1 Ov
type. Hardwood handle. Well 2.3 S
j Stanley Plane r qa
No: 4 a 9-inch Bailey, smooth- Reg. fj VO
tag type plane with 2-inch ad- t-4S "j1
fuslable cutting blade.
Ililler Falls No. 9 rayiQ
Smoothing Plane Reg. VNTeaf
1-Loch long. Polished Heel finishU 6.35 JJ
2-lnch adjustable blade.
Ililler Falls Ho. SC. poo
Smoothing Plane Reg. UO ej
With corrugated bottom iace tS$ tSV
otherwise same as No. t.
! Ililler Falls aiQ
I Jack Plane No. 14 Rf. teN4
14-(nches long 2-lnch adjust- 133 eSJ
able blade. Highly finished. .
j Ililler Falls qq
I Jack Plane No. 14C R (
Wllh axrugatea botlom other- 7 JS V
wipe same as No. 14.
1 Stanley Brace -toCQ
No. tS5N Has 10-toch tnrep. R-xj. yOW
Strpog ratchet action and post- 2-25 r
Its) bit grip. .
! I 1
Sleel Hide
TinensiiTliieil eiseT leisrl
Designed far ineid or out
One Coast-wide school system is for
telephone people only and better
service for the West is the result
if Y'-Hrr'A fr V )r
. i. - '
m mm? TmmimjmumtmmiMunlimmSiLji
1. As this young lady learns to urn s training switch
board, she'll also learn many things that will be mighty
important to good service. All through her training she'll
see how operators make courtesy and helpfulness a nor
mal part of their jobs. And the same spirit is present as
other telephone people learn their new skills.
; ii -i,,i,i,-ii,, iniiiaiMi Tiin MM '. - -
2. On stubby pole like these, linemen karn to use their
new dimbing equipment. This is just one of the more than
one hundred courses that telephone people study up and
down the Coast. In 1948, thousands of employees received
training. That means thousands better able to rurnish
good service to you.
3. On - the -job - training is typified by this 44 student"
who is learning the workings of a trouble indicator frame
an automatic detective that makes sure the lines on its
"beat" are giving good service. Even experienced employ
ees take refresher courses like this to keep up-to-date,.,
and keep learning their way up the ladder, j
4. Good Mrriesj for you comes from
telephone people who know their jobs.
You can help them serve you best by
making sure yon always have the right
rmmber in mind before calling, leaving
a little time between calls, giving the
called person time to answer
The Pacific Telephone
) and Telegraph Company
Your telephone it one of today'
biggest bargain