8 Tli Sidesman, Salem, Oregon. Monday, June 13, 1949 I SOCIETY CLUBS Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Breakfast r.mm. uamma Alumnae of Oregon chapter of Pi Beta Phi, Willamette'! cu. Manbnri Garden, covered dih , university, gathered for their an-!d,n""- m- i nual commencement breakfast J hour rlub Wllh Mll c ' Sunday morning in the Cherrian j jthson. lOti Cacde Drive, l 30 ... . . , i tv. clrt luncheon, room of the Senator hotel, me AmHlun u,on -ux.iii.ij 136 mel table were decorated with bou- inf. at Sakm Jttr.man's clufthouse. . quet of red roses and ribbon strea- ws.omsda; met bearing the class 1949. in honor of the graduating . seniors of the chapter. i iwtlunl i presided at the business session. 1 Short talks were given by the : house president. Miss Avis Ho- ; west sien.. terts, and treasurer. Miss Mary f " Jo Wigginton. New off iceis elect- t J ed were Mrs. Wheeler R.-English. : MFS. MOdSer "president: Miss Carolyn Brady. vice - ptesident; Miss Dorothy J- QQS iNlGCG S.v roes', secretary: and Mr. Hugh McGilvra, treasuier. In ,)rr,pUment to ner niece. Seniors, who werthonor guests, Mjsf; C'olleerii Madsen (t. Hills boro. included the MissesDmia Ad;.ms. ! Mrs Arthur H. Madsen enter Baib.'ua MacDuffee. Baibaia Mil- tamid at hef Soulh Church street Jer. Mirilee Ol-on. Portland. Pat- home Saturday night for merabeis ru ia Kir nmonfi. iseiso, ,isn . Phyllis Freies, St.iyti.n. Beverly BrVjtKs. F.ilith Fair ham. Addys.e Lane. Maxine Me.vers, all of S.i lem. Ahimn.ie attending were Mrs. (Yphus Hiiriifiuisl. Vashon. V;ish., Mrs. Fied Palmer. I.f It .-uide: Mis. Iiui LaHaic. EiiKene. Mrs. Ito l4-rt Rjii n tt. Anchorage,- Alaska, "Mis. flonald Huriyan. Ontario. Miss Bettie Olsoo. Milwaukie, Mis. Robeit Doruian. Oceanlake. Mis. Diiniel Schreibor, Mrs. Hugh McCfilviii. Foiest Grove, Mrs. Mn. f'h;nlolte Tebben Wilson, Mrs. Eugene Holmes. Miss Faye Coiniitt. Mrs. Kenneth l-gge. Miss Elaine Oherg. Mrs. George r lonrgonievv, rn s. nemerr ii;n riy. Miss Dorothy S.vme-. Miss Miriam Oakes. t 1 1 of Portland. Mis Mer- nil Ohlmg. Mrs. Chester A Downs Miss l-ila JohiiMin, Mrs. Kenneths Polls, Mrs. W. R. English. Mrs. Harrison W Elgin, jr.. Mis Wayne ' jiougnin, jirs r.i vin i-oiier, ivnss Mary Jean Huston, Mi.ss Mary Laughlin, Miss Adele Egan. Miss Carolvn Brady. Mrs. Richard Spooner. Mrs. Robert Bailey, Mrs. Geoige Schioffler. Miss Sara Ann Ohling, all of Salem. Picnic Dinner : For Mr. Neiqer A picnic dinner was held at the country home of Mr. and Mrs Henry J. Neiger honoring Mr. Nei ger on his birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Brog. Mr. and Mrs K. E. Neiger. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Casper, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Neiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cherry, , Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Neiger, Miss rM" ( asper. Miss Dorothy Casper, Miss Sherrill Ann Neiger. -Miss Ruth Chefry, Miss Maroia Neiger. Miss Dorothy Cherry, Miss Linda John ston, George Lane, Arthur Lane. Gregory Cherry. Gene Cherry, Gerald Brog. George Casper. Johnny Casper. Kenny Neiger. Brent Neiger and Ernie Irie. On KliqueUe By Roberta Lee Q. Is it proper to have the ring of the bridegroom engraved with initials, if the marriage is a double-ring ceremony? A. Yes; the bridegrooms ring is engraved with whatever the bride choosts Q. Is it correct when introduc ing two persons to say, "Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith; Mr. Smith. Mr. Brown"? A. No; it is not necessary to mention each name but once. Q. Is it customary to use nap kin rings on the dinner table? A. While not exactly customary, it it nol strictly improper if one wishes, to use them at home. For the Time of Your Life! "DAFFY AUCTION" Y PAY When You Completely Automatic 5 Year Warranty (on btalfd'in tranMmiMiion) " Wesiinghouse Laundromat Trade-In allowance for your old OQO Qf" washer ......For Only iiWyiWW CLl'H CALENDAR MONDAY ftmana club with Mn J. L Stanton. ; "ib N. Cntc,l tt . I p ni. DiiDt-r AB' PEO with Mn. Ray Smith. iS) pm i Salem Woman's club-pcil meeting. I rltibheute. lo ti a m , covered dish ; lunchrcn at ncn. j Salem Memorial hpttat auxiliary.; 2 p.m. in chapel, election f officer. rt,a...r BO; vfx, ,lh k,r, j M. Ft A. Forkner. 1855 North Capital; meet, b.ju p m. , ,iiriuiir ut'aiu. ...... American legion auxiliary! with Mrs Merle Tiavl. .pn Shipping; t , 8 p m Hlumntr. i m. v Mr Tnm v Wright, lisl Tjh r with eet ,.f Irie familv. i Althta Mever. the o;casion be ing her birthday, pourer), while as sisting were Mrs. Harold Larsen, Kav Madseri and Ix)r(tta Madsen. Bidden were the hohor guest's Kliiri(imothers. Mrs. Ole Katern and Mrs. M. J Mad-en. Silverton: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen. Loretta ; Madsen. Roger Madsenj Hill;bro: Mr. and Mrs. f)scar Sjtern. Joan Salem and Darold Satejn. Mr. and Mrs. Han.lr Satem. Wallace Sat i t in. and Mr and Mrs. Marshall Satern. Mr and Mrs Harold Lar ren Miss Meyer and L, H. Meyer of Siherton. i r OUOVfT lOT . . Mice Md VOTSOTl Miss Evehn HaUaim bride- ,lf Her'mon Hanson of Port land was honored with a shower Thursday night at the, home of Miss Dorothy Engelhait. She and Mis. Kenneth Eilert were hos tesses. Those bidden were Kirs Filing HaH ar son. Miss E elyn Hah erson. Mrs. Harold Neunswanger. Mrs. Royal Hayles.Mrs Ray prow n. Mrs. Ralph Eyie, Mis. Ivnnj Osterman, Miss Mary Senter, Mrs. William Fawk. Mrs. lewis Jory Miss Joan Bair, Miss Hazel Hefleyl Mrs. M. D. Cochell. Mrs. Floyd Delapp, Mrs. Kenneth Hilficker. J Girl Born to Stiffs To Mr. nd Mrs. jHerbert L. Stiff, jr.. go felicitations n the birth of a daughter. Karen Jane, on Saturday, at the Saljem General hospital. 'fhe little j girl, who weighed seven pounds, three Ind M Hubert " , or,..i,nHrfaill,hi,, of Mn is the grandf aughter of S. Breitenstein and Mrs. Stiff, all of Salem. Mary Visitors In the capital are Mrs. Philo Hall (Mary Virginia Nohl gren) and ; children, j David and Susan, of Aberdeen. Suth Dakota, who ate guests of her p arents. Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Nohlgfen. at their country home. Mr. Hall will ar rive in Salem todays to join his family and accompany them home next weekend i v I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Viesko and Mr. and Mr. Edgar Aj Linden will leave Tuesday for a several days fishing trip at Diamond Lake. Mia Diane Perry.) daughter of the Vernon! Perrysj will leave Wcdnesda; ;for Seattle to visit w ith Miss Jean Patterson formerly of Salem, few several gays. Mr. and Mrs. C. Charbonean left by car on; Safurda for a two week vacation trip jto San Fran cisco, Lake Ta hoe and Reno. CLON'ERDALE A bridal show- er was held in honor of Miss Edith Schifterer on Thut srlav night, at the Home of Mr. a Schifferer and fam ftd Mrs. John illy. Hostesses for the occasion we p Mrs. Frank thur Kunke. Schampier.? Mrs. A Mrs. Sam fcragcr a id Mrs John Schifferer. Refres hiihents were ser ed to i thirtv - tight guests. Edith, w ho lis the yofinger daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs! Fied Schif ried July 1. feier. plans to te mar MORE ? Can Have Krluit j Water Saver ? i No Hotting Down Clean ItJrlf B MUSIC VoWs Read Onj Sunday Afternoon BETlriEL The marriage of Mis Mini Lee Spranger, daugh ter of j Mr. and Mr?. Arno C. Sprangeir. and Donald W. Sandau. son of !ylr. and Mrs. Sandau of St. Louis. Stio.. was solemnized at Bethan Evangelical and Reform ed ehufch in Salem Sunday af ternoon The Rev. Russell Mayer , sages w ere of gardenias, officiatekl at the four o'clock, dou- The couple will live in Kimber ble riiijj? ceremony. The decora- ; ly, Ore. following their return tions wre palms, red roses, white j from the beaches, and in the fall delphin abra. Wedti urns and lighted candel- ( ng music was played by! Miss Gijadys Edgar who also play-! ne junior high school. ed thej accompaniments for Miss! Assisting at the reception were Mary Jane Solomon singing "The i Mrs. Trevor Humphreys, who cut Lord s graver" and "Saviour Like ,he cake. Mrs. Arthur Brown, who a Shepherd'' and for Miss Grace Poured. Mrs. Russell Zink and AshforJ singing "A Wedding Pray-! Mis Helen Humphreys. er" and the hymn "O Perfect i The bride, who was given in Mary Lois Alfred marriage by her father, wore a ti T A Oi white Satin gown fashioned with InOW IVuS. OirOnQ a lace heckline. fitted bodice and , long ti'ain. She wore her moth-1 SILVERTON Sunnyside Meth er's wedding veil and orange bios- odist church. Portland, was the soms. The silk veil was folded and scene of the wedding June 10. worn finger tip length. Her bou- ' :30 p.m. of Miss Mary Lois Al quet was of Red Delight roses andfred. daughter of I. B. Alfred and her only ornament was a cameo Hhe late Mrs. Alfred of Sih erton. pin which her grandmother , to Robeit L. Strong, son of Mr. and brought from Norway. Mrs. G. H. Stiong of Milwaukie. The matron f honor was Mrs. r. E. A. Wolf officiated at the Calvin Welch of Corvallis. who double ring ceremony, wore a gown of shell pink faille. ' The t"1'- K1Vf,n inmarriage by The bridesmaids were Miss Grace her father, wore a white slipper "Ashford and Mrs. Donald Mader fatin made with court tram, round who; were attired in identical "nklin n,d ,s,r nd gou-J.s ,of rose heather faille made tr,m: H!r f'nger-tip veil was held with fitted bodice and accordion ,n J?,ac b' 8 cf'r':net and 'a,'j pleated ruffle at neckline and on "fd, a u.h,' B,bl tord w,,h skirt All carried olds fashioned , wh'"' t,yit,(i- nosga)s of rosebuds and mixed . ",'r orJ-v attendant was Mrs. j flowir, nd wore floral head -U,m D,,r,(", Ore. She bands woie pink and carried a matching "! .' nosegav. Best man was William The best man was Herbert Brav and ushers were Lieut. Col. , Schhrker. and the ushers were Lee L. Alfied and Robert AJtred, George W. Frentzel. Donald Spel- brother and nephew of the bride, brink, j Dona id Mader and Calvin and Sergeant Duane Strong and Welch., 'John Gillam. brother and brother- For her daughters wedding Mrs. 1 in-law of the bridegroom. Spranger wore a pearl gray crepe Pieceedmg the ceremony, Miss ensemble with a corsage of Talis- Charlotte Taher of Milwaukie. :c man roses and blue accessories, cornpamed by Miss Marilyn Hic Mrs Sandau. mother of the bride- kox. also of Milwaukie, sang, groom wore an aqua crepe gown Wedding music was played by and a i corsage of Talisman rose-; Miss Eunice Marie Wolf. Portland, buds. ! Acting in place of the bride's Following the ceremony a recep-I mother, was her sister-in-law, tion wJas held in the church par-: Mrs. Lee L. AIfid. in a dark blue lors. Mrs. A. E. Sykes of Seattle sheer with a corsage of gar denias (and Mrs. Raymond Holter of Port-! and rosebuds. Mrs. Strong, mother land, aunts of the bride, cut the j of the bridegroom, woie navy blue wedding cake and presided at the j sheer w ith a similar corsage, coffee urn. Mrs. George M. Frent- At the reception which followed. 1 zel of St. Louis, sister to the i Mrs. C. A. Strong. Myrtle Creek, . bridegroom, served the punch, i grandmother of the bridegroom. 'Miss Lillian Grimm of Portland J poured. Mrs. John Gillam. sister served the ices. Centering the t of the bridegroom cut the cake and ser ving table were pink roses j Mrs. Thomas Largen. w as at the guarded by tapers in crystal hold- j punch bowl. Assisting were Mrs. ers. j Julian Arpen. Miss Martha Ann Assisting were Mrs. Donald Reg- Meeks. Miss Gladys Fletcher, 'all her. Mrs. Lvle Hadlev. Miss Aleda of Portland; and Mrs Charles Rehm. Miss Phyllis Holter Miss i Johnson. Mrs. Harry Hagedorn. Dorotfiv Wulfemeyer. Miss Ro- mona Van Hess. Miss Dolores Spel- brink, Mrs. Edward Walker and Mrs. Carl Raetz. When the couple left on their wedding trio bv. motor tn Smith. ern California the bride wore an apple; gieen suit with gray acces sories and a corsage of rosebuds. Following their return they will spendj the summer in Oregon and go toj Missouri in the autumn. I; I Weird has been received in Sa lem 6f the birth of a daughter named Marv Ellen on Juru. Q to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puffer (Nita 1 and Mr and Mrs- A,hur w Taylor) of Redmond, formerly of! lrnka' Commander Lamka will Salem. The birthday was also the leavc Jllne 20 for hls new hi,fe 9th wedding anniversary of the hi Norfc,k. Virginia, his wife plan Puffers. They have a six-year-old nin to. jm him the' in the fa,! daughter, Marcile. j ,. - . . ... I; ! Marylin Everly and Carole an- 1 Dusen have spent the past week as Salrm Writer's rlub will meet house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les- on Wednesday. June 15 at 7:30 lie Randall of Longview, Wash. p.mj at the YWCA. 768 State st. This weekend they were at the Mjrs. Flora Enders will be the i Randall's summer cabin on the hostess. filed with PA oVotm of -1 . ' 1 : ! Ensemble with motchiofl cologne ... 3.50 ApHrotfiftei Wodh Tigrss Straw riot Miss Cannon : Married The wedding of Miss Virginia Cannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cannon, to Robert Allen Humphreys, son of Mrs. Lola Humphreys was solemnized on Friday night at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Cannon wore a sea team i green after noon dress and purpl? orchid for her wedding. She was attended by her sister. Miss Elsie Cannon, who wore pale salmon j crepe and a corsage of pink car- nations and freesias. jne Kev. t. h. Becker per formed the ceremony. Russell Zink attended the groom. Younger sister of the bride. Dor othy Cannon, lit the tapers. Mrs. Cannon wore an aqua two-piece j dress suit and Mrs. Humphreys a marrinn rrinp 0tu-n Thir r.,r w ill go to Eueene w hile he com ! pletes his senior year at Univer- pf Oregon and she teaches in ' Mrs Howard fiogan and i Shei man M"'n of Sih erton. Miss ! re:irl f,rd. Portland, was charge of the guest book and Miss rkr'n, Airrec. neice or tne or.oe. Passa ",e groom s ci,Ke. After a wedding trip to the Ore gon beaches. Mr. and Mrs. Strong will be at home in Portland. I.t. Comm. and Mrs. Raymond Lamka have arrived in Salem from Newport. Rhode Island, where they have been the past yerr They ale guests at the home of i lrlr parents, jvirs. tva.u. mack , Kalama river. like a coresj . . . itrk pmtt f rl 1 perfume on her skin . . The loveliest gift to gracl perfvm fc. 2.30 Commencement Time By JERYME ENGLISH AT WILLAMETTE I'M VER-j bridesmaids will be Barbara Mar SITY ... Saturday night at j Duffee and Dona Adams, also Pi Lausanne hall a grand turnout of j Phi sisters . . . alumni, seniors and their parents. ) AU REVOIKS ... to the Ken for the annual faculty reception j neth Yorks and children, John . . many coming directly from . and Peter ... He has been a the annual alumni banquet at Bax- j member of the Willamette univer ter hall, where all but two seats 5jtv law school facurty and now were taken ... For those of us will be on the law faculty at Uni w ho have been out of school ten ; versity of Southern California . . . years or more. It was grand to J After the USC summer j session see so many of the older faculty i he will attend marine camp at members greeting guests in the Coronado, Calif., and she will go foyer . . . Among them . . . the on to Paonia, Colorado to visit her Chester Luthers. Charles John-; parents the L. R, Armstrongs . . . sons. Miss Lois Latimer and Miss ' in late August Mrs. York w ill Olive M. Dahl ... , leave for New York and Ottawa, Receiving . . . Mrs. William j Canada, w here she will be joined E. Kirk, introducing the first part by her husband ... He will attend of the evening, leaving the facul- ! the national convention of Phi tv club after many years as a Delta Phi. legal fraternity, of faculty wife and the past eleven which he is editor of the mag years as house mother at the azine ... Alpha Chi Omega sorority ... SIMMER SESSION . . . The she will soon be moving injo her Ronald Runyans (Mary East) of new apartment at the Ulrich . . : : Ontario were back for commence Dr. G. Herbert Smith handsome j ment and w ill remain for the sum in his white dinner jacket ... mer at the home of her parents, Mrs. Smith in delft blue . : . Dr. Mr 8nd Mr,. H. East, while and Mrs. John L. Knight greeting ; he attends summer session at Wil old friends, as he a former mem- lamette ... he is athletic coach ber of the faculty .. . she most at Ontario high school . . . Mary attractive in a black crepe gown jean Huston, w ho has been teach with red flowers at the waistline ing at Seaside, also attended com ,. . Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, 1 mencement and will be attending house guests of the A A. the summer session . . . Next year Schramms during commencement she will teach at Milwaukie . . . . ... the two men classmates at Wil- Xwo of the graduates . . . Bar lamette. ... bara Miller and Edith Fairham, The decor . . . gorgeous floral will also study this summer. arrangements about the rooms . . . white roses on the mantel . , . blue and purple delphinium combined with red Sweet William on the piano . . . outstanding was the low arrangement of pansies and w hite deutzia. w hich nearly cox - ered the low round colfee table . . . nun arm wmie carnations in a silver bowl cm the seiving table. which was covered with a green satin cloth .... Congratulations ... to Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schulze. who were nwxhtTZi biuedcoa7,h fhe Herbert Hardy ( Elojse White t. who were down from Portland for commencement, having been mar- lied just 15 vears ago Eloise smart in navv blue with white !and navv striped jacket and a navy brim off-the-face straw . . . From out-of-town nnteH Mr anH M r Charles Kaufman of Foiest C,rove . . . their eldest daughter. Mar- garet. who will be legisteiing at Willamette in the fall . . . From Portland . . . the Edgar Aveiillf and Dr. and Mrs. Carl Holling worth. weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, the Ralph Nohlgrens ... . Pat and Mil dred Emmons up from Albany, having moved a year ago . . . Dr. and Mis. Ivan Ixnell, former Wil- lamette faculty members, here from Seattle, where he has been on the university, of Washington faculty the past year . . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis of Eugene, she a former Willamette faculty mem- ber . . . Mrs. George Montgomery iety to the mixture. dow n from Portland and w ith her i Cooked vegetables too, make .brother-in-law and sister, Ken and ' good salad ingredients in summer. ! Jean Potts ... Beans, corn, cooked squash and WEDDING BELLS . . . w ill ring beets will help w ith the flavor in soon after graduation for several ' terest. Carrots of course can be of the seniors . . . Phyllis Frcres used either raw or uncooked, of Stay ton and Marvin Goodman, Our family menu often con- ' who announced their troth early tinues with a casserole dish of in the spring, will be mauied some sort that can be served not on July 16 at St. Joseph's in Sa- too hot. Here are two good ex lem ... Two of her attendants w ill amples of covered dish for such be her Pi Phi sororitv sisters, Sara meals: Ann Ohling and Betsy Lyon of i ITALIAN SPAGHETTI Centralia, who will be a bride! 1 package spaghetti herelf on June 25 ... . Phvlhs! ' cup butter and Marv will live in Salem for the summer and go to Oregon City in the fall, where he is coach at Canby high school . . . Maiilee Olson, also a graduate, will be mairied on August 13 to Dale Mor- an in roniaiKt . . . i wo oi nor Send a FATHERS DAY CARD ltA ltd9 A AtUlin tke Proud . . . cjf their husband gra- duates . . . among them . . . Mr Robeit Bailey. Mrs. Eric Berg- man. Mrs. Wallace Baumer. Mrs. i Robei t Bailey, Richard Spooner, Mrs. Jesse M. .Jones, jr.. Mrs. Joseph E. I.aw, jr.. Mrs. Alan G. Robertson. Mrs. Charles K. Mills, Airs, nugn viuiam Aiccininny, Mis. Floyd Moore, jr., Mrs. Jer- . - - - - - ToSSPa AtOIUUI Salad Includes Variety of Things From Garden in Every Summer Meal ! B Minr Buren i ,, i j Won-.an . Editor. Ti Mailman In our f;,m,,' almost every outdoor meal in summer begins with a tossed salad. Tne "tossed1' affair begins with head of lettuce, preferably fresh frc,n ,h garden, and may include anything from avocado to zuccmi. and that s A to Z. I he lat- ter is one of manv things fiom a garden that is designed to cut down the summer vegetable bill. Green onions of course must go into almost every salad, radishes are included when they're useable j when actually boiling add spagh ( successive plantings aim to pro- j etti. Combine half the butter with v irie radishes all summer, but : onion, celery, green pepper and sometimes there's an intermission i garlic and cook until clear. Add between crops) Tomatoes, peppers bouillon, tomato paste and season ard cucumbers come along in mid- ! ings. Boil hard while spaghetti is summer, various greens such as spinach, chard, cabbage and corn salad bolster up the green end of i the mixture and provide a bit of tang. The avocados, though a fruit. sometimes appear just to add var i cup each, diced onion, celery, green pepper 1 quart solid pack tomatoes 1 can bouillon or consomme 1 small can tomato paste 1 teaspoon each salt, sugar, paprika k mJU a BIG NOISE " on FATHER'S DAY LEAD j Rust Craft Norcross - Hallmark The MODERNE Clara Condit, Pioneer, is 82 WEST STAYTON Mrs. Clara Condit of West Stayton will cele brate her 82nd birthday today. One of the oldest native born women in her locality, she leads an active and interested life. Mrs. Condit was born Clara C. Robbins. of pioneer parents, on the old Dexter Robbins donation land claw.- three miles west of West Stayton. She rode horse back to school which stood on what is now the. Leonard Walker farm. She has seen two new schoolhouses there since then. In 1R94 she married Silas Jun ius Condit in the old "haunted house" on what is now the Bow man place. Mr. Condit died in 1932. Except between 1902 and 1905 when the family lived near Tuala tin, she has always lived in the Willamette valley. She now resides with her daughter. Augusta Den hem, a teacher on the old home place, and her other daughter. Mrs. Carl Gibson lives on the farm adjoining. She has one grandchild. Carvel Gibson. Thom as and great-grandchildren, Jimmy and Jer ry Thomas. Mrs. Condit's hobbies are gold fish and gardening. She crochets, knits and pieces quilts. A straw berry patch takes much of her time, and she does housekeeping with dishwashing, laundering and housework, despite her age. old Mulkey. Mrs. Alan Patton, ; Mrs. Gerald M. Robison, Mrs. , Kenneth E. Brown. Mrs. - Loren Hicks and Mrs. John William Stortz. who were all married in the last few years . . . and Mrs. Robert Donovan, whose husband received his master of education cegree . . . 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 clove garlic mashed Pinch rosemaiy Parmesan cheese Put on large kettle water and j cooking until it shows no thread j of starch when broken. Drain and ; put in large bowl or casserole. Moisten with sauce, add rest of butter and plenty of cheese. Sauce may be strained. (Serves 6 to 8.) MORE 1 pound ground beef pound salt pork 1 tablespoon butter 1 small onion minced I'V cups rice or spaghetti 1 large can tomatoes 1 small can peas 1 small can ripe olives H pound grated Ameiican cheese 1 small can pin 1 ntos Grind meat, cook pork in pan until crisp. Add onion and cook 3 minutes. Add beef and cook 20 minutes. Slir, drain and add cook ed rice and rest of ingredients (le taining half for top). Put in cas serole and add rest of olives, pimienlos and cheese on top. Cov er with tolled cornflakes, dot with butter. Bake in hot oven till brown (400 degrees for 30 to 40 min.) ON TOP IS THIS OFF-THE-FACE STRAW. riht out of the designing hands of Draper. Fifth Avenue. It uporU sly veil and a piquant little rooebud. Of course Picture Hats are very much tn the picture this season, too Jand dressy r tailored youll see them all at Johnson's1 Jby Draper, lioll) vogue or mormon. Priced f pretty, too! SIMPLE AND SIMPLY BEATTIFl L! And don t YOIT be too casual ab. t running down to try on this new "Casually Your." It's beautifully tailored of Burlington Washable Tom-Tom: rayon-shantung and a classic must. Full-length zipper, covered down the front. This dress would easily sell for well over ten dollars but it's priced at Johnson's for just 7.9B.. THE ARISTOCRATS of uniform re those by Bob Evaus and Barco. We how them in fine cottons with short, three-quarter or long sleeves from I 4.95 to 8.65.. If you like, they are i also available In Nylon from 12.95. K.FP SWEET AND I OOl. ... In ( irttr'i f'harmiru Celanee Jfrw bhortie down, rrrciou lace joke front and flatter- fashioned puff sleeves. This one's in Blue, or Fink -orchid Small-Mrdulm-Larie 4.95. AND EVERYTHING'S AT SALEM'S EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE STORE YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Street! senjierrij 1 UUm't Gift HeoVr1er LdCUj 1 m QuntMMtr cot Nti raahion" TtMiAKHsHAst operate ss im iClOl 305 Cwrt Si. fKn 3-3 tOS 1