I TlU Statesman, Salts. OrotaMondarj Jwnm IX 1MJ GRIN AND BEAR IT rcson talesman ,Vo Tavor Sway Vs, No Fear Shall Awe" FrB Flnt gUtttinti. Mirth U, 11 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY CH A RPR AGUE. Editor and Publisher Entered at the postofflce at Salem. Oregon, as see nd elat matter under act f eonrreM March J, 1171. Published every morninf. Buslnew office 1S 8. Commercial. Salem. Oretin. "Telephone 1-U41 over the other- but, rather aims to Integrate the members into an economically harmon ious group with some collective security. Rus sia wants agreement between but fears feder ation jof the satellites, meanwhile keeping them all tinder the Kremlin's sore thumb. Still, the basic purpose of tbese East and West alli ances! is the same; making nations commit them selvel on the side of East or West. So jthe old proverb might be changed to: Let him who is without treaties, get the moss off his back. A Day to Abolish OM Maiils Mother had her day in May; Father's is com ing up this month, and Kational Baby Week was duly observed by merchants delighted to part with jjnumerous items for infants to wear or tear into. N6w a Pennsylvania spinster is campaign ing to have June 4 set aside as Old Maid's Day. In fa;t, she and a few score other feminine mem bers of the elderly unmarried set celebrated the occasion in several east coast cities. It U fitting indeed to give proper notice to tht spinsters in the population. They are an institu tion without which most families simply could not do. Who is always on call as a baby sitter whose only remuneration i the child's affection? Who is always willing to provide bed and board for the family pet while its owners are on vaca tion? Who ia the confidential depositary of everyone's secrets and; the generous dispensator of gratuitous advice? ;Who visits the afflicted, cheers the woebegone, bandages the scraped knee and always remembers birthdays? Why, the Maiden Aunt, of course. Perhaps the best way to express our regard for vr, the family's favorite spinster, would be to d(i away with her at quickly as possible. Not by rrpyh'tn or murderf Not by declaring an Old Maid's day! But by setting aside a Day. to Abol ish th Maiden Aunt with the viw of calling attention to all her virtues and accomplishments, especially the attention of bachelors who ought quickly to reduce the ranks of spinsters. i I,ojt in Portland Symphony Not Portland alonej the whole state suffers from the decision to discontinue the Portland Symphony orchestra. It has been the principal musical organization of the area and under Con ductor Werner Jensen gave performances of su perior quality. The Portland concerts attracted music-lovers from over the state and the near by portion of Washington: and the orchestra journeyed to other points, including Salem to present concerts. Nowjlhey are ended, and the hope; of early revival lis dim. It is a sad com-, mentary on our culture that we can provide mas entertainment, make money out of sports, sustain dog racing and indulge liberally in lux uries, but can't seem to maintain a fine orchestra. Mail is elfohones outside s still 6 pr cent "s lesc steel, coal, "nited Stntrs. tion is a Russian or than anvwhere Mjrif limited to rich ritv dwellers. Black hreiii 1 the ,'iverat'e Rusirm's d.nlv menu and he i Trade Is What Kuia Needs . As this page frequently has reiterated, trade may be the key to unlock the iron wall of isol ation around Russia. A U S. News and World Report survey of the thing Russia has and what It ne-d khows that th USSR is one of th back Ward areas of the world, a nation with 52 OOO.OOf) more people than the United States and '4.681.000 more square milts' of land than the United Stales, but not much else. Th land and pooulation supremacy of the Soviets has tended to make people that Russia rtMi1v stronc romnetitor fo rthe U. S. That Russia has twice as much iron ore as the U. S . more manganese, bauxie. and considerable eo.il and petroleum has strengthened that fear. Actually, Russia is much weaker than the V. 5. Its iron, coal and other minerals are in the ground and production facU;t;es are inferior. Its supplv of .skilled workers is short. The land area figures are misleading because much of Russian territory is frozen. swamDy or desert; thfre are only about 100.000. 000 nor acres of arable land in Russia than the lT. S. Transportation is a fundamental Russian wakn"ss Railroads and rolling stock are poor, highways cannot compare to America's. The U. S. has 37.240.000 moire motor vehicles 4Kn TYnciwiv ViAttAr oir1:nA CrmmMri mail ik .- a , fc fcT i giuiin ivv, v "ohuuhiil ations is another Russian bottleneck undpndablc. there are few the large cities (Americans have 3,500,000 more telephones than Russians). Russia's industrial output below 1940 level". It prorlur oil lcrl ric power than the Tht result of poor d'stribi sjarul.trd of livintf Ihat is low else in Ktirope. The a vera w Russian has 65 qu u feet of housing cnmridred to the Amer lean's 1?K0 square feet. Bathlube. running wa ter, r 'dio, television, motion pictures are liix Black bread is elwivs hard un for a ww suit of clothes.: To wive the nvernjre R'sian anything near tin ki'l ofJife enjoyed even in austere Bri tain f American st.nc';irJ are Utopian, indeed) Would require trade with the West. Kvcn when such a-ii'i ations are ennd mn'-d ;ts treafon, the yen to keep uo with .the Joneses is pretty universal. Todav, the' United States is the Joneses, setting the pare for the rest of the world, and the average Rus.-ian would be only too gl 'd.lo copv our "capitalist-built two-bfd-room house, with bath and radio, four-door se dan, and chicken or steak every Sunday. Trad" with the West is probably the only w iy he can get wliat he wants, so Russia may soon he willing to softly talk business and leave tin stick at home. Pol I'ilchifi; IVhldeis Russia Ihroving stones at the Atlantic pact Is like the pot calling the kettle black. The agreement Ixtwun the Western nations l a multilateral pledge of mutual aid. It. is the kind of regional treaty allowed by the United Nations Charter, but the Soviets have kicked up a howl of protest, asserting that it 1 just a roster of the team aimed at aggression against the communist '"peoole's democracies' No .such spotlirht fell on Russia's own pact making. Since 1943. the USSR has worked quietlv to line up the members of its own organization, terming these alliances as simple friendly gestures between its ever-loving satel lites Czechoslovakia was the first to sign a treaty with Russia in 1943. In 1945, Poland and Yugoslavia joined the list; Hungary. Bulgaria and Finland, entered agreements with Russia In 1948. These arrangements all tied the satel lites firmly to the Kremlin. To complete the interlocking set-up, the satellites have made alliances among them- aelves' Yucrtslavia icnfd treaties with Po land. Czechoslovakia and Albania in 1946: with Bulgaria. Hungary and Rumania in 1947. Czech-' I J. 1 1 j 1 1 Tli1ff.i. A IVt4nin nmim t. a r a mil in iiuiui -iiuniiisti jai iJ v i t iimu? .111 1941. Last year Bulgaria got together with Rumania, Czechoslovakia. Poland and Hun gary; Hungary signed with Rumania and Po land; Rumania joined with the Czechs. This year the circle was strengthened with pacts between Poland and Rumania, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. There's considerable difference between the treats-making in the East and West. The Atlantic pact gives no single nation domination Questions of location should not kill off the new highway to Silverton. At present the old road is in bad shape and repairs or replacements are urgently needed. State and county engineers should get together and agree on a location and push the road through! This is a very important secondary highway w:h.ose improvement has been put off too long. Get the job done this summer. , 1 -J I - -The Chinese reds gave a partial answer to tha question whether they would trade with tha west or not. They piingled up $100,000 worth of gold bullion to pay! for a tanker-load of fuel oil needed to keep trie Shanghai power plant running. Sure they'll trade; but it will be pret ty rnuch of a cash-onUhe-barrelhead exchange for the time being. A camera has been invented which exposes and develops a film and makes a print in the space of a minute. That's just what the news photogs have been looking for. Now if someone would invent a one-minute process for making Engravings newspaper art would really be on a short-order basis. I Arabs Need Red China's Green Tea Br James D. White AP Torelifn N Arlt SAN KRANSCkSfO, June 12 Red China grows green tea, an thin i important to France. It MvrtM that the Arabs of French Morocco and Tunisia In sist oil gicen tea and uill have n other. They "grow rriitlrs''" s.iy the French, when they can t K-t it. j They probably 'Vrow rritles" for other reasons, too includ ing French reasons but any W4y France has sent a man to .Sh.inh;i to nee about buying Hieeri tea from Red China, the main source for green tea. France also would be .Jnter st1 in reaching some under standing with Red China about Ind.i China. It is Just south of ( .una and haa a revolt going on trice 1945 against French rule. Thii revolt is lead by a local communist named Ho Chl-Minh. If the French are not worried about his eettlna heln ar,m dav frm Red China tey have com pletely lost their touch. They haven't of course, which i one reason they talk about J g teen tea as they seek trade rela ' tioni with Red C-a. . Diplom atic relations usu. ly follow the urge to trade, and the urge to trade with Red China is not by any means confined ; to France. Speaking of tea, China used to sell most of her surplus to Rus ia, pressed in bricks like plug tobacco. Recently, however, the Soviets have grn more and more of their own tea in southern Russia. Yet ljst Week Moscow wai re ported to have detailed tormer foreign Minister Molotov to direct Russian policy towarda China. ' Thw Job Would be bigger than It sounds. We might think that it should be simple U keep com munist .China friendly to com munist Russia. Outwardly, yes, but In the light of history .the two countries don't mix much. Now, however, China Is go ing communist, and this changes the picture in more ways than one. China has more than twice as many people as Russia, and already has a communist party about half as big as that in Rus- If a small satellite like Yug oslavia can give Moscow a head ache, what about a big, unman ageable place hkm China,?. By Lichty I 7p5i 1 "More production is the answer to a slump, Jenkins! . . . from now on, 95 instead of 70 sandwiches come out of a live-ooand bam." I ' Papers are getting some fun out of the fact: that the governor of Florida is coming to Cali fornia for a bride. Judging by her picture though, he didn't pick a California lemon. Dean G. W. Gleeson told graduates at OSC they will sacrifice, unlimited opportunities if they emphasize "security." In other words, stretch yourselves, don't curl up and whine. Russia is supposed to be the center of the communist world. What if China outstripped her particularly in appeal to near ly 700 million other , Asiatics whom Russia hopes to influence? Ceuld the Red hierarchy in Moii-ow tolerate communist au thority spreading from any other renter? Can Russia be sure China will always follow the true word from the Kremlin? i China needs many things that she i cannot get from Russia machines and technical help on many kinds. China also has things to sell, such as green tea for those who insist upon it. She has antimony to strengthen the type this is printed with, hog bristles for paint brushes, casings for sau sages, tungsten for electric lamps and steel alloys, and a number of other things the world is used to buying from her. - As expected. Red China wants to trade, and also as expected, the world's merchants want to trade wita her. It Soviet Russia has given the China policy job to Molotov, it is because the job of keeping China the approved shad of Rett will be a very big on. MrLemor Henry Warms Up to Battle Bulls in Spain By Henry McLemore NEW YORK. June 12 If it Is possible for a man to have four jokers in his mental deck, then I have them. I a convinced of this, and when I finish this column I am going out to shop for a nice, cool, cut-on-the-bias, summer-weight Straight , jacket for myself. Let me ex plain, while I am still partial ly lucid. Yes terday I read a maga zine articled about pygmies. Today, high . In Mau Vrrlr' Chrysler Build- inf. i pwkh 1 r i p on V a American World,. Airways which will take me to the Belg ian Congo, the home of the pyg mies. Now why in the world did I do that? Don't ask me. I don't know. I have lived 42 years without pygmies, and all of a sudden I feel that 1 must meet some of the little fellows. It wouldn't be quite so absurd if pygmies were to be found as close, say, as Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, or Dallas. But 1 am going all the way to Leopold ville, which is an overnight trip from New York on the map alone, to watch pygmies skip arid prance in the jungle. Why couldn't I have felt art urge to meet some Three-Eye League baseball players, or some St. Iuis barbers, or some Bos ton street sweepers? I could have gone arid seen them and have been back home in a week, but this trip I've arranged won't get me home until it is almost time to hang up my stocking for Santa Claus to fill. I'm taking off early In July, and the first town I will horrify will be Lisbon. I understand that Lisbon is just about the most expensive city in the world today, and that a man is lucky if he can get by on fifty Ameri can dollars a day. As my budget for the entire trip is scarcely more than that, I have been trying to figure out how I could af'ord to stay in Lisbon more than 13 minutes, and I think I have the perfect plan. Lisbon, as you doubtless know, is the world's center of espion age, so I am going to pose as an American, high in atomic bomb circles, and get foreign agents to wine and dine me in the hope of extracting a secret or two from me. I shall register at Lisbon's leading hotel under the name of Professor Henry Plutonium Mc Lemore, and give my address as Oak Ridge, Tennessee. And when dining and wining in the most plush cafes. I shall continually refer to B-36, B-39. the B-l vita min and all other B's imaginable. I trust that the foreign agents who seek me out will be well heeled and ready to spend freely on the gabby "American Profes sor." From Lisbon I go to Dakar, then to Johannesburg, where I hope to root around in those dia mond mines and pick myself up a pocketful of carats. After wearing out my welcome in South Africa, I hop to Madrid, where I hope an offer to fight a few- bulls will bring me in enough money to continue on to Rome, Florence and Paris. I have never fought a bull, but between now and my depar ture I am going to take up the art of being a matador. No, I am not foolish enough to start right off practicing on a real grown-up bull. I am going to start learning by waving a cape at a small animal something like a dachshund. They tell me that an angry dachshund Is very tierce, and I hope by worki v with one I will learn in minia ture, so to speak, how to handle larger animals. After the dachshund, I will take on a bulldog, and after the bulldog, a Shetland pony, and after the Shetland pony a cow. By the time I get to Madrid. Ij snouia m reaoy to enter . in arena with perfect confidence ! confident that the crowd will, be i bored to death while I'm being j gored to death. I have made no plans for; Rome or Paris because I know ; what is going to happen to me ; there. I am going to be run over j and trampled by 25,000 Ameri- can school teachers spending a i ; "leisurely" two or three weeks I abroad. ! I pron.ise to bring every single i one of my readers a souvenir. If an; of you want a pygmy, let me know the size you want. Frank ly, I believe the best all-round size is two-foot-two, eyes of blue. But, of course, your ta&te in pygmies may not be the same as mine. Demos Hold Judgment on Farm Prograiii DES MOINES. June 12 -CP-Anxious to hold 1848 election gains, midwest democratic leaders reserved the right tonight to" pro pose changes in the Truman ad ministration's controversial Bran nan farm program. A farm belt party spokesman made this clear as nany top-ranking administration chfeftains including Secretary of Agricul tural Charles Brannan, author of the plan arrived here for a two day conference with democratic leaders from 18 mid western states. The purpose of the meeting is to plan strategy for next year's congressional campaign in a broad agricultural area that promises to be a major battleground for con trol of the next congress. Secretary Brannan believes a new program he laid before con gress recently will do the job. He will explain the plan tomorrow and give his reasons why he thinks it a good program and a vote getter. Speaking for the mid western leaders, James C. Quigley, Nebras ka national committeeman and chairman of the democratic mid west conference cf states, said his group would reserve judgment un til they hear the secretary. In general, the plan would sup port farmer returns at consider ably higher levels than would the so-called Aiken long-range farm law due to go into effect in 1950 unless changed by congress, It would use government subsidies on a much broader scale. 000,000 a year to keep the CVA operating after it takes over the functions of the army eng ineers and the reclamauon bureau in the seven northwest states. The senate committee plans to renew its hearings on the CVA this week, probably Wednesday or Thursday. 4-Story Fall Fatal to Man PORTLAND, June 12 -OV A four story fall down a waterfront grain elevator shaft was fatal last night to Comfort H. Knapp, 63, Portland. Police said A. C. Stoutenberg reported hearing the shaft cablet rattling and looked around to see Knapp's body falling. Knapp war working on the seventh floor leve! ', and struck a ledge on the third i floor level. j His skull was fractured and he j was pronounced dead on being ad i mitted to a hospital, the coroner' I office reported. ' Darold Satcrn Named Silverton Recreation Cliief SILVERTON, June I2-(Special) -Selection of Darold Satcrn. for mer Silverton high school baseball and basketball player, as summer recreation director here ! wajs an nounced Sunday by Wade1 Scott, president of Silverton Recreation association. Satern, who just finished his junior year at Pacific Lutheran college, will head thic program of playgrounds, softball and swim ming which is to gH under way in about 10 days. a flMPf Moplitrhing, dry p blitier quick- svslW-DRY If you own a Dodge Car or Dodg e Trucl SAVE $63.05 If you own a Plymouth Car! SAVE $60.00 DT7 0333300 (Continued from page 1) which appear more vulnerable to those wilh better proypecti. Utility sfocks for example have held their ground or advanced over the year. There is some basis for the opinion that th current pessim ism in Wall street is badly over done. Some of the prices teem far too low in relation to current earnings and dividends. Actually the stock market -never did cap italize on the war boom. Trading was generally guile restrained. The reported great increase in amount of stocks -sold khort re veals the common tendency of traders to overdo; and when they start to cover prices will re bound. In some respects the situation in Wie stock market shows a fundamental change in wealth : pattern in this country. There has been a great increase in the quantity of securities offered the public, but the wealthy classes under prevailing systems of tax ation are unable to carry them all. The class of fmall propriet ors and artisans who now are "in the money" are not educated to buying stocks; yet they have a great reservoir of capital which ought to be employed in pro ductive enterprise. To what degree fear of the political future may affect the market I cannot say. On long range that may be more justified than fear as to the economic future of this country. Our eco nomic sinews are .fill Strong fend vibrant. Our political smews are deteriorating under socialist penetration. That however is not of immediate general concern as far as the stock market goes. It will travel its own sweet way, and prove a false guide as often as a correct one. At present business is tapering off, as was inevitable after the war boom. My own opinion, of fered for what it is worth, i that the stock market is exag gerating the ills of business, pres ent or in sight. CVA Heariiii; Slates Krug as First Witness WASHINGTON', June 12-f)-The house public works commit tee will begin a hearing June 20 on the administration proposal to establish a Columbia Valley Ad ministration in the Pacific north west. Chairman Whittington (D Miss.) announced today that Secretary of Interior Krug will be the first witness. He will lie 'fol lowed by Assistant Secretary Davidson. Krug appeared before the sen ate public works committee two weeks ago and urged enactment of the bill to set up the CVA in the Columbia river basin. He told the committee he thought congress should appropriate at least $200,- Cet your car or truck ready now for summer driving and vacation trips at special low prices. We will install brand new factory built engine (not a rebuilt job) on Dodge and Plymouth cars (1935 to 1949) or Dodge trucks, ?, s4 and 1 ton (1935 to 1949). Installation of engine and all necessary parts Includes: Install new engine assembly; completely rebuild carburetor; new distributor points and rondensor; new radiator hoses, new crankshaft drive pulley: new oil filter; new oil; all gaskets and seals to complete installation. Regular price, Dodge cars and trucks .. 352.05 289.00 Special price complete 329.50 269.50 Regular price, Plymouth cars Special price complete TERMS ON APPROVED CREDIT AS LONG AS A YEAR TO PAYJ. Limited Stock of Engines Availabl First Come, First Served STAN BAKER MOTORS Dodre-Plymouth Cars Iode Job Rated Trulks High and ChemekeU Streets Better English By D. C. W illiams Br D. C. Williams 1. What is wrong with this ' sentence? "I value your patron- ; age above any. other." 2. What is the correct proun ciation of "extricable"? 3. Which one of these wordj is misspelled? Oscilate, annihil ate, ventilate. 4. What does the word "prone ness" mean? 5. What is a word beginning : with ha that means 'calm, peace ful"? ANSWERS 1. Say. "more than any other." 2. Pronounce with accent on first syllable, not the second. 3. Oscil- ! late. 4. Inclination of mind, heart, or temper; "There was a certain proneness to self-grati-facation." 3. Halcyon. FT. LEWIS MAN KILLED CAMP MURRAY, Wash., June 12-TVThe aide to the command ing general at nearby Fort Lewii was killed and six soldiers were critically injured in a headon col lision at camp entrance here early today. Dead was 1 C. pt. Kermetn Worrisette 2$, of Monterey, Calif. State patrolmen said Morrisette's car, traveling northbound, sud-j denly swerved Into the southbound lane. . . i Gifts ttatDarf would choose, himself. . . A GREAT WATCH FOR A GREAT GUY I I cm DAD a pi AMfllCAS NNI WATCH Hamilton and Father compliment one soother both have character and staunch dependability that stand the test of time. See the oew Hamiltons! " rrutl mam fy V7 tUrdlm W C - A. GILBMT 1 4K CONYINIINT TUMI fj JJJ?? A Small Down Payment talanc Weekly r Monthly At No Extra Charge. Handsome gifts that show individuality and good taste. Dad will be thrilled and proud to receive them. And with every purchase goes a long term guaran tee. SUGGESTIONS o ELECTRIC SHAVER o PEN A PENCIklET o RONSON LIGHTER o BRUSH SET o BILLFOLD WATCH BAND o BIRTHSTONE RING o BAROMETER o DESK CLOCK o CUFF LINKS o TIE CHAIN o KEY CHAIN o TRAVEL CLOCK o TABLE LIGHTER o CIGARETTE CASE Wrist Watches i.OO 350 Inrlndii&f Fed. Tk STEVENS & SON UVESLIY BUILDING 390 Stabs Street Salem, Oregon