The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10Ths Statesman, Solem, Oregon. Monday. tune 13. 1949
" I i"
Spokes Edge Solons
By the Associated Pra
-Spokane swept both end ef
a double header with Brem
erton here tonight by taking
the nlfhtcap l'-l. The Spokea
lion the opener 2 to 1. The
win moved the Indian into
third place and shoved the Sa
lem Senator Into fourth, a
half game behind.
Wenatchee erased a six-run
deficit to win the opening game.
12-9. and copped the seven-inning
nightcap behind Lerov Steven
four-hit pitching.M-0. 'o sweep i
Western International baseball
league rlouble-hcnHer with the Ta
coma Ti'M'rn here today
Dick Greco, the league s leading
'Seala Nighf
Canceled as
Sox Suspend
BAYONL, N. J, June 2-AT)-lluw
does it feel to be dropped
from maj'.r league baseball, jusi
'when the mayor of your heme
towrT was Koing to present you
.with an automobile in Yankee
"It leally hur'.y,'' Jeiiy
Th- ChiiaK White Sox optioned
Seala to the Oakland. Oaks of the
West Coast league laM week. To
night Uicy suspended him indefi
nitely when he refused to leport.
"Three thousand mi'es i. a long
way iiA-av when you h;ive a sick
jnolhet. r.oides, I know I can
jjkiy major league b.ieball. I've
proved it ;md 1 want to stay up
, Jury Datted his way up from
the l?ayonne gandlotj. and started
1 hie major league career in th
'ChiruKo White Sox outfield this He is 22.
ranged a "Jerry Sea la night-' in
connection with the Chicajo-New
York (iinif in Yankee stadium this
Tuesday, and Bayonne resident.'
w ho rcmcmbi-red him on the sand
lots paid nearly $8,000 In ticket
piiichiifrs and contributions.
.Mayor Charles Heiser was going
to prevent Jerry with a "cw car.
"It fr it great to be up there," j
aid Jen
Hut la t Wednesday word came
tint Sea' i would be optioned.
So thec went .lerry Seala night
and the nu'omobile. The com
mittee had to refund the money
and cancel the car purchase,
Salutd; v the Sov cancelled the
option on Seala and sold Outfielder
Kail Ifapp to Oakland, ,S ala now
will sUtv wilh the Sox, and is to
report Tuesday in New York.
The kid are eagerly awaiting
the junior ball campaign but
where are the sponsors? It wa
'trprUing and a bit shocking to
all concerned when last week's
c ,elu?ed drawing had to be call
ed off l realise only a handful of
on' i s v. ere In the fold. All the
I "rr lent necessary for the most
' re fui Junior season et seem
ed n tuiiid. Including a rerord
r -.l-lrjiion of baehall-hungr.v
kit' . Then at irro hour perhaps
. H e niot important Item spons
oi. or rather lark of 'em threat
ens tit t'nav if not seriously dis
ouanir the program . . . So
rome on you firms and IndUldu-
. i.ukr it possible for the
iunsters to play ball. Sure,
thrre is some financial outU),
1m .. -k, ain't it worth It? . . .
fitting Ent?
humor and It may be strictly
th .' ctriir type sa Je Kahut
wi ; resume his rlnr career with
a t rirs of bouts in little old New
Y .-l:. If the rumor br true 'tis a
vi move on Joe's part, for If
t - Vtoo-lbiirn heavyweight ever
Is oin to take a crack, at the east
r- st vravv." it had better be
p' tly pmrto ...
Itr'tim linn Chance
leaking f the ring. F.nilish
h.. . ynelerit have taken a rib-l.'-.":
through the years because
f t'-.cfr often luckless ventures
It ide (he squared circle, particu
lar' v hrn Americans provided
I'tf opposition. But after looking
er the present picture one
d-'-sn't have to he. long on Ima
ghiatton to realize that a Briton
tnl'.ht very well be wearing the
heavy crown within the next two
yr.rtve, and without benefit
f a miracle. Bruce Woodcock,
w .to recently rlearrd a major ob-
IimIc in Freddie .Mills, la the lad
w o carries John Bull's hopes.
Woodcock, next meets Savold
rl Woodcock win over Lee
v nfdn't be exactly earth-rend-Inr
from the surprise anile since
,o!d is only a good fighter, not
great one. If Bruce gets by Sa
vold it' conceivable that he
ould then get a shot at the win
ner of the upcoming hs C harles
Joe Waleott mix for the big toga.
Anything can happen among a
bunch of gent who are far from
fteniuae In their trade . . .
Then and IS'mc
The present pare of the local
Senators almost exactly matches
that the Kolon were setting a
year ago. Is the current cam
paign through their game of June
irth the locals boasted a 25 and
SI record good for third place.
Their record at the same stage of
the race a year ago was it wins.
23 setbacks, and they also were
ta Um No. 3 siot ... lBdieaUn
hi 14th
arid 15th round-tripper of the
season, both with the bares emp
ty, and contributed an in nine -if
shartout relief pitching tof the los
ing Tiger caue.
The nightcapaw Bob Johnson's s
perfect pitching record Shattered
a the 41-year-old Tacortna man-
i ager yielded a irt-innin run on
i mtritm vv l,m U'rnee MUl Rhvn
!'"""' "'"'; f
' and wen nryam i
A sore arm caused Johr)on's re-
: tirement with "two out land non
aboard in the fourth.
U;.iv Kh.rif rr vienaunee ur- i
baseman ami the lea?uei leading
hitter, collected two trLlej
a incle in five trips ar)d batteil
in three "run to lead tie Chiefs
home run hitter, clouted
Vancouver to Open
Field Sieries T onight
Riding High
i 1
7 i
Bill (Ball) Brenner, who ha hli
Vancouver Cap In aerond place
in the W1L (tandingi. bring 'em
into WaUrs field tonight to open
a four-game aerie with the Sen
ator. Plays Marines
The City Softball lesgue leading
Paper Makers resume action to
night at Leslie park in one of two
game scheduled, starting at eight
o'clock. The P-M's, with Bob
Knight on the mound will tangle
with the Marine Reserve, last
place team in the standings.
In the second game! at nine
o'clock, the Randle Oils go against
the Golden Pheasants. Th G-Ps
in their last outing upse!t the pre
viously unbeaten Mootry Phar
macists, j
An Industrial leaguo jjame will
be played at 6:30 o'clock tonight
also, Post Office vs. Labibh.
that the Water park! elub thb
year la sharper hitting gang,
their '49 team hitting mark (a of
June 19th) was .287 ai compared
with a .211 for the corresponding
date In '41. Last season' club top
ped the team fielding :11st with a
.961 figure to the third-place .954
held by the present crew at the
June 10th point ... j
What AUiut Diclc?
Still scribbling about the Sen
ators, at the start of the current
season evervbody. Including Man
ager Bill. Beard, would nvf Drrn
all eestacv at the thought of hav
Inc Dick Slnovlc back In the fold.
But If Portland decides to send
Dick back l the locals at this
point in the rsce where will the
Salcms put 'im? The Kolons cur
rently have a hard-rafping set of
gardeners in Mel Valey, Boh
1ierry and Larry Ortelg . . .but
then guy like Hick Iran alwavi
be used . . . Eddie SaNtrom. Vrr
ex-Salem high all-round sport
sUr. got hi biggestj thrill last
week. His wife presented "him
w ith tw ins . t .
I'ublialv Can Hurl
If publicity doesn'tl goto hlx
head Detroit' Johnny iGroth mar
have a good year. If Johnny doe
burst bio hat-band hell be in for
a ragged time. Take a peek at th
leading maga of late. It's one
Johnny Croth story after another.
The Tiger rookie la certainly the
most publicised yearling- to come
' along In many a da. Bat fier
Bay of Groth that one; of his best
qualities h his mental attitude,
which will, of course, be put to a
teat aa he tries to keep an even
keel amid the ream of print
yraasia bit Uieata .
Leading P-M
-f ..'S'lv .".
: r
: i
' iiis'i i 1 " j v .
i i
From 3rd
in the oner. then singled in two
HUH" Bl J Urtl 111 mc uiguM-ae w
fore beirjK forced to the iideiine
with a grained thumb.
WfniUtitj 100 132 SOO 1J 14 3
Tarorra f 30 000 001 I II 4
r.i.b Kik4 Wmi.t' Wxlrien. Knfio.
Vich t. Citco ) and Warren
ico ooo a l 5
coo oco 00 4 l
Tw j
alVfPi McCnllum .7 ana winter, SGreco (4 and Sheet.
z, j
(M 010 CI J
1)00 ooo 101
Roi; Sullivan
7 1
7 2
Kiml all! and
jspokaie j m mo ms-is is l
4,, P, :VT,! HJ
Arn.frich 9i Ronnin ti and
corv. j
Olsefi to Pitch
On 'TMCA' Night
Salems suddenly h o m e-r u n ;
haDDv Senators return to the
Waters ie)d arena tonight to open
an eighty game home stand, start
ing witrl the Vancouver Capilanos
at eight tclock. It will be "YMCA
Night"-4all outside ticket sales will
benefit the Y Boys' fund and Big
Jim Olsen, ace of the Senators
mound itaff will be on hand on
the firilg line for Manager Bill
Beard's t iew.
Probable pitcher facing Olsen for
Skipper Bill Brenner's econd
place Cpi'anos is George Nicho
las. thf righthanded sidearmer
who blinked Spokane 9-0 in his
last outijng.
The series with the Vancouver
i m uA tr.r rnna sc Sa i
Icm is tr,w 2', games behind the
second 6Iarers
In Silem-Vancouver games
pfayed jhus far. Manager Bren
ner's outfit is ahead in wins. 4-3.
Four ga pies have been rained out,
three of ithem here, and one or two
may be fnade up this week.
Whether the Senators bring
their hojme run bats back home
remainsjjto be seen. They struck
a torrid 'Jour-base streak while on
the road last week, belting 13
round-trippers in six games. Most
of the hme runs were hit in parks
much smaller than the Waters lay
out, however, and chances are the
terrific rate of output will alack
off in the big local yard.
No otfeer WIL games art sched
uled torfight.
Aiinifrfviiie Etljjfrt Aurora
10-9 n WVL Encounter
AUmv!LLE. June 12-(Special)
Aumsvijle climbed into, a tie for
first plaVe in the Willamette Val
ley baseball league here today with
a 10-9 fvictory over Aurora.
Both parting hurlers were hell
ed frortj the mound in th early
inningsland the reliefers came on
to turn the go into a pitcher's bat
tit. jj
Aumsvijle. 232 000 02110 14 5
Aurora . ... 331 000 020 9 10 3
Batteries: Buxton, Wilkinson (3)
and Loiis; Croco. Smith (2), Miles
(4) atcf Medenhall.
Sublimity Downed
By Jffferon, 13-12
JEFriERSON, June 12 -(Sne-cial)
Jefferson and Sublimity held a
hitter'slmarathon in their Santiam
La?ague baseball game played here;
today. AV'hen the shelling stoppod I
-....ryi. m. n.,, vi a I
Sublimity blasted 15 hits and
the Jetlersons slammed out 19 in- ;
eluding C'atchcr-Austm's first inn-
ing hosier with the baes packed.
Sublimfty. 200 023 41012 15 4
Jeff. r.-f.n 702 020 20 13 19 3;
Batteries: V Lulay. R. Lulay (2) j
and Aickie: Grcnz. Wickersham !
(7) an Austin. j
Spfnator Swat
I to to date) j
B H P t b H Pet i
Scurral 2 2 1 too Spor, r 29 8 .320 1
. ., ,,, ntuillKlon It H ..Mi
rwruj . .1, 1
373 Fteard
135 40.2
t'heirv j 185 7
t'orhonii .TS 12
B Ptr.n 2 2 71
Orteii? I IS1 B0
W'a'h-v :j lsi f "
f J HtrMi 25 S
..'iR2 Povter
343 OKen
3"." W Pc;rn
All McNu'tv
:rr Obo; n
. "Si.
22 .273
42 12 m
127 58 .25S
20 4 .200
13 0 .000
4 4 31
o - (K
ONen i
: MtNuttt
router 4
2 22 Sporer
2 2 "rtrix n
2 18 i-'rcrtrrickf
3 23 -nirii
nncan J.eaaue
American f.eacue
New Li
ooo m.o ooo 0 $ 2
010 OOO 40- 11 1
iSi and Berra; Lem-
Poat. ;Mrhall
on and plb
New Ytrk 010 000 001 3 1
Cleveland 100 101 o3 4 2
snd llean
OOO OOO 0000 4 0
400 001 40 0 2
rvimi s
ScartArourh, Mittlr til. Welternti
'li aii(! ;-tvan. Sen homer and A. Ilob-
Wakhtnitcn 000 010 2025 12 a!
Ue'roil I OOO 210 1028 12 0
Hurttin. Havn 161. trvert and
Weieel.j Kret'ow. Overmir til and
Swilt. A. Robinson i.
Boftton 2. 004 600 C05 IS 14 0
CMcaoj 002 001 000 1 6 2
i Parnell and Tebuetx: Judann. Bar.
kont t4i, Cettel Ji snd Tipton.
Bo.', on L.. W 0237 1
Chlreftkl 1 110 101 i 9 1
Kndrt and Battt; Pierre. Piertttl
Itl andi Wheeler
Philadelphia . 300 C31 0313 1 t
St. Lou .. 005 013 01010 14' 1
Bruxut. Iwrria 4. Kellner (Jl and
A'trothJ Erneee. Starr J. Kennedy
ii. fa (I a i (7), Carver (Si, Drews tl
and M..
Philadelphia . 001 ont loo 4 IS 1
St. Louis 000 002 04 0
Colenwin. Schanti ii. Scheib ill and
Cuerr: rannin, rerrick i7. Carver
l) andiLcUax.
Ibdoainis Grab) Two; Beavers Top Seals Twice
Homers Save I
Winning Skein
Twin Win Give Bevos
6-1 Series Margin
PORTLAND- Ore.. June 12-(V
Two double-run homers tied and
won. 5 to 4, for Portland in a 13
inning opener today over San
Francisco and a final inning score
pddd the seven inning nightcap,
3 to 2, in their Pacific Coast base
ball league series.
The doubleheader wins stretched
Portland's winning streak to five
games and nailed down the series
j ?ix games to one for the Beavers,
j Second Baseman Eddie Basin-
ki s two-run homer in the 13th
inning gave Portland the first
game. The Beavers were trailing.
3-1. going into the 1st half of the
ninth when Outfielder Joe Brovia
poled out his homer with a team
mate aboard.
In that first game. San Fran-
cisco had scored in the first inn-
ing when Brooks Holder walked.
Walt Judnich doubled, moving
Holder to third. He then came in
on Mickey Rocco's ground out. The
Seals added two more in the third
when Frank Shofner and Lodigi
ani singled. Roy Partee doubled to
Score Shofner and I-odigiani came
in after Roy Nicely's fly out was
Brovia's tying ninth inning hom
er came after one Portland run was
scored in the seventh and Basin
ski's circuit clout followed the one
run lead San Francisco had poted
in the first half of the 13th -
San Franrl-io (t) (J) Portland
Holder. r
!S 2 .1 0 Marauez.l 5 0 3 1!
;i,hntI " ?
7 0 lime.l 6 1 17 0 .
OThomax .1 i 1 1 !
Rocro.l 6 0
Shofner.3 2
Lodleanl.2 6 1
Partee.c 3
Nicelv.a 0
Nagy.p 9 2
2 Hurker.m 4
1 Hrovia.r 8
4Kai.inski.2 6
2 0
5 0
2 6
5 1
3 S
O 0
0 0
0 0
J Farnanclvc 5
AuMin.i 4 0
2 altzman p 2 0
Wenner 1 0
iFlemlng.p 1 1
Total St 13 38 18 Totals 48 9 .TO '..I
Wrnnr lined out for Saltzman iti bn,
Two out wfcen winning run 'fund.
San Tranrirco 100 200 000 000 14
Portland . OOfl ooo 102 wo ? -.-S
Pitcher IP AB R H TH SO BB
Nagy 12, 46 5 5 -0 3
Saltzman 8 32 3 3 2 2
Fleming 5 19 I 4 I 2 0
Runs batted In Rocco. Prt-e 2,
Nlrfly, Fernandr, Bio via 2, B.ixinkl
2 Two bae hit Partee. Hucker.
Home runs Brovia. J'jrke. B.i'iii
kl. Stolen base o. Vaunhan.
Sacrifice Mucker. Double plavt -
Marquez to Thomn; Nicely to l.odi
glanl to 'Hiicco. Ixti on haes - San
Franclcco 10. Portland S. tilt by pitcher,
bv Nagv (Autlni. Umpires Mutatt,
F.ngeln and Doran. Tim 2 50.
Kan Francisco (2) (1) Portland
Tohin.m 3 1 3 0Marque.1 3
Judnich.l 3 0 1 OShupe.l 4
Rocco.l 3 2 9 0 rhoinan.3 4
Shofner,3 3 2 1 4 RuckT.m 2
t.odiRani.2 3 1 4 4 F.rovia.r 4
3 1
6 i
I 1
3 I
3 12 1 IS.,ln.M.2
3 0 0 2CJiadd,c 4
2 0 0 2 Auitln.s 2
1 2
4 1
1 2
(I 0
0 0
Vsuithan.r 3
0 0 0 Brldaev p 1
Holder. r
110 0 Wtnner.l 1
Totals 27 S20I3 ''Totals 28 21 S
Two out when winning run scoicd.
San FranciKco 100 001 0-2
I'oi tland .. 000 101 13
Pitcher IP AB R H ER SO BB
Lien (V, 28 3 2 2 3
Bridges 7 27 2 8 2 3 1
Run batted In Rocco. Barinski.
Gladd 2, Jaivx. Two bae hits - l.o
dlRianl, Gladd Home run - Gladd.
Stolen h;ie - Sliodni. Sacrifices -Bridge
2, Rucki-r. Double plav -Shofner
to t.odigiani to Hocco. Ieft on basex
San Francisco 5. Portland 11. Um
pires Engeln. Doran and Mutart
Time 1 42. Attendance 8149.
San Dirgo
Hollywood .
010 300 1 02fr 11
220 100 0(111 5 13
Ramdell. Slvt-Min (7 and Unuei ,
?anaicK (8i; ioi- and Ritchey.-
San DieKn .
Molly w ood
210 010 1-5 a 0
100 001 0 2 8 0
Schallock. Wtod
Karrelt and Mot, re'
'5 and sndinck. iKMer hit ht 22nd
",ld 2:3'd hor" r"n
cacr,m,nlo (XjI 000 Wi2
3 8
0.'lkli,nil OOO 0IO 0102 S 0
Da-o and naini'ndi; Casawav and
Facrjn enlo 000 001 2-3 5 0
Oakland 000 'no n 1 3 2
Ciiovrr, Conner i"l n1 Raunondi.
Buxton. Candmi 1 7 , Thompkou (Tl,
Cecil 1 7 and Krir.
I-o Anteltn . ooo ooo OOO -0 S I
Seattle ISil OOO 00 I 5 0
Hide. Arltion iS and MaIoie.
Scrtam and Grao
lx Ansele 220 0O5 1 10 14 0
I Seattle (SSI 200 0 2 0
Watkins and Bui brink: Arduoia. Mc-
Call 14). Hoffn.iin 7i and Whitcrn.
A practice session has been sche-
doled for 5:30 p.m., tonight at
Olmger field for the West Sultm
Lumber "B" league team.
I iTiriini!)!;!''
..(.itrin' N n
! '1T'
.... 52 2W 44 73 .349
.. S2 211 40 73 ,34
.. 48 194 28 M J4
... 51 189 34 4 .339
. . 52 194 54 S3 .323
47 193 38 62 .311
Rohtnton. Dtwlgeis .
Kill, Tier'
Schoendient. Cards
Kiner. Pirate
Jotwt. Athletics
Dl.MagKio. Red Sox
Home runn National league: Kiner.
Pirt.-. 14; Semmick. Fhllliea. ll: Mu
lal. Cardinals, 11 American league:
Stephens. Red Sox. IS; Williams, Red
Sox. 14; Jooot, Athletic. 13.
Run batted in National league:
Robinson, Dodsers, 31; Hodse. ffcx!--rrs..
43, Rrete. Dodsers. 37; Ennls,
"h'llief. 3 American league: Stephen!.
Red Rox. S4. Williami. Red Sox, 32;
erti. Tler. 49
l Stri(Mvl
iStfMWj.MlI'lli'W'.. 1 I 1 I 1 1 1
&&l$1ttUUt SHOES
s Lead Qui to Tlhiree
uu) iiuit in
J i )LL
Leslie J. (Ies) Sparks (renter), reseive blanket, merchandise; order and Jacket from Athletic Direc
tor Jerry Lillie (left) and Coach Johnny Lewis t.'lght) a token of appreciation fromtWIIIamette d
versity lettermen and coaching aasoeiate for Leu' 2 6 year of service to the school athletic department.
The presentation was made during the annual Alu mni Banquet Saturday night
Salem Legion Keeps Win Streak
With 2 Victories Over Silverton
Walker. I)e Ceer
Credited with Wins
Bill Hanauska's American Le
gion junior baseball team kept its
undefeated record unblemished in
a double header with Silverton.
winning the first 9 to 3 and the
second 11 to 7. It jjave the Salem
club a 6-0 record for the young
Sonny Walker and Bob De Geer
did the twirling for the winners.
Though Walker yielded eight hits
and De Geer 11, both went the
distance in the games played at
The Salem clubbers rapped a
couple of Silverton hurlers for 15
hits in the opener, including
home run by Jack Largent and
0 1 triple by Bill John-in. Bob Sand-
Kren urn Max tnvt-ns t"oK 'tie
brunt of an 11-hit aituck in tl?c
nightcap. Sloan and Nelson rapped
triples to help the Salem cause.
Silverton jumped to the lead in
the opener with a loner in the
first inning, but Hanauska's crew
came back with a four-run bar
rate in the second to move ahead
for Kood, Jones and Johnson each
hit thice for four for Salem.
The Silverton Juniors did it
8Rin in the nisjhtcap with a three
run splurge in the first. Salem
knotted the count in the third and
then pded on five runs in the
fourth for the clincher. Largvnt
mnnrd three for four in the
l Sll erton
Lucht ,4
f-ester p 1
r;uftiifn.m 3
Owens. 1 3
R Mohnnon.l 3
0 2 Stewart in
0 0 J,u or- n.2
1 2 Sloan. 3
0 l l-ar rent s
0 lIone,c
1 1 fohnson.r
0 1 N'el.'on I
0 0 4 a oven 1
0 n tValkrr p
I 2
0 I
1 ?
1 2
2 3
2 3
t 0
I 2
0 0
Hlckvr 2
I Montrmrv e 3
2 Q. l, j. 1 1
I f! lhn't n J 2
i j incoln in 2
! andreen 2 0
0 0
0 0J
101 Ofl 1-3
043 011 0 9
Silv i ton
Pltchtr TP
V.'alk r 7
I-ester .4
Gustufson 1
2fi 8 3 2 10 2
21 A 7 6 2 1
IS 7 2 2 2 0
Let on bae: Salem 10
Hnjne run: Jack I-argent
Silverton 7
Three rmve
,hit Bill Johnson.
Max Owen. Tune
r h r.
Silverton 3O0 Oil 2- 7 11 0
Salem 113 510 -! 11 0
Battel ie Sandgreen. Vick i4i and
Montso-nery: D Geer snd Brown.
Stavton Wins 3-2 '
STAYTON, June 12 (Special).
Stayton's American Legion team
punched across a run in the last
of .the seventh inning here tonight
to edge Mt. Angel 3-2. Russell,
hurling for the winners, struck out
13 and gave up four hits.
Stayton 200 000 13 4 3
Mt. Angel . 100 00 12 4 1
Batteries: Russell and T. High
beiger; Ebner and Turin.
In the Major
What ther did
Gordon. Indians .
Pesky. Red Sox
Sundav :
Ab H H O A T. Rbi
3 2 1 0 6 0 1
3 0 0 0 3 0 0
4 0 0 0 3 0 0
5 2 2 1 3 1 1
Doerr. Red Sox 5 1 23303
3 0 0 I 1 0 1
Fox, Reds, pitched but not charged
with lo (pitched 0 plu inning, uU
off 2. walk 1, struck out Oi.
licit iui j. uiti o
Wtta I
w i. pet ; wi. pet.
Yakima 37 17 .685 Wenatchee 28 28.500
Viiru ouvr 29 22 5ti!l Bremerton 25 32 .431
Spokane 28 26 .519 Tacoma 23 34 ,404
Salem 28 25 510 Victoria 23 .14 404
Sunday results: ;A1 Tacoma 8-0, We
natcher 12-1, at Biemeilon 1-1, Spo
kane 2-l.'.
W I. 1'ct W I.h't
Ilollvwod 51 28 .648 Oakland M 4d' .487
Seattle 44 .18 .550 Sjn Frn 38 42 :.4C2
San Dieno 40 37.5IU Aniils XI 45 .423
Sm rmnlo 37 . 4!., I'oi tland 3144 413
SiiiuJav n-iult" At J'orltiind 5-:f. H..n-
rirtiii l-ci) 4-2. ,i! Seattle 1-2 I if A"-
i ! ('-Ifl at Hollywood 5-2. n Di-
t'u 4-3; at UrfKi.inU 2-1, i fncn.o
w i. Pi t v: i. p. t
Miooklvn 32 20 l.-i i w Ynk 27 2.'i ,.!
SI. Louis 2 21 .SHU Cincinnati 22jH.:.!
Botuti :o 22 577 cine ii o in .a .:mn
Hhlladelp 28 25 .52H Pft omiili HI 32 .373
Sunday reult! At lio.lon hi
raao -6; at New m k hijrgn
6, at Philadelphia '3 -.i l,(i,.', -.'. a!
Biooklyn 20, t' I 7.
Wl.Prt W I. Pi t
New York 32 IB S4U Ronton 25 :'ti 510
Detroit 30 22 577 Cl t-nd 24 ..'!
Phlladelp 2ii 24 .'.33 Chu am 22.9.431
WanhDRtn 2(1 25 .'.Id St lin 15 36 2"4
Suml.iv I eult At Clew!, ml ;B-3.
New York 0-1.-at Detroit S I,. W'ssn
inslon 0-5. at fhicago 3-5. Riton 15
7; at St. Iui 6-10. Philadelphia 4-13
Sliiiiimiii' Cuniinv
. 7I4.IIII III I II 1'llllllllt
ial)H I)eatiir Tille
DECATUR, III., jiine 1.2-MTi-Sammy
Snead. who didn't have
quite enough steam to win . the
national open golf toutn ament .
was certainly hot today.
Slammin' Sammy negotiated the
south side country club In 62-63- -125,
17 .vtrokes under par, to top
first prize and $a00 in the Deca
tur Invitational Oolf meet.
The White Sulphur Spiings, W.
V'a . veleran. who tied for second'
in the open tourney which ended '
' yesterrlay. was over par on only j
one of .'tfi holes here. After the i
1 match, he told newsmen it was j
: the lowest consecutive two ro'jnd I
j of 18 holes that he ever had shot, i
i Snead's 62 was a coure record
for the Decatur Club.
CHICAGO, June 12-irVlt will
be some time before Dr. Cary
Middlecoff of Memphis, Term .
goes back to yanking teeth. The
new U. S. Open Golf champion
Middlecoff today was the neon?
highest money-winner in the pro
fessional circuit. He has a 1949
take of nearly $12,000 which
probably is close to financial par
for any successful dentist.
If you haro a 1949 Oregon
Fishing License and art 21
years of aa or over, you can
FLASH FISH free. Only 250
will be airen in order to in
troduce this new fish getter.
Complete Details at
362 Slate St, Phone 3-6082
dSairaues as Tigers,1
tf uui m
Silverton Sinks
Homes. 9 to 0
SWEET HOME. June 12-(Spc-cial)-Lefty
Chuck Sauvam hut
out Sweet He me on three hits here
this afternoon to KiVe Silverton an
even break in the State league
series, 9 to 0. Sweet Home won
Saturday 4-1.
The ex-Oregon Stale roMe:c
southpav nave up only thice mii
gles and only one man reached
third base. Th;it crate rn'rie uu
in the iixth when fvo-of the hits
mnl a walk lo'ided the basi, but
c Brock grounded out to f 1 1 -1 to end
the tliicat.
The Red Sox found the pitch
ing of Sweet Home's Berg nlmct
as rough in the opening mnmi".
but broke the ice with a loner in
the fourth sans hit; They ".'tabled
.nothcr in the filth on a tuple
bv Sauv.iin and a smt'lo bv (' 'iis-tenM-n.
Two blows got Hum time
ions in the m1U, ttu'v added an-
tht r in the tc ''h and xilivhd
the Kame off v. ith a tin ee-i ii'n.
thrcc-hit outbuist in the ninth.
Silverton . 000 113 101 9 ll l
Sweet Home 000 000 000 0 t 3
Batteries: Sam am and Ken;
Berg and Wiley.
-Bill Schindler. one-legged
ing veteran from Freeport, N, Y.,
W(m the 150-mile national midget
aulo iaing championship here to
day in one hoin, 52 minute, 45.18
seconds. In a tiial heat I-n Koe
nig, 37. of I'aliriy, Pa., was in
juicd lalallv when his car side
swiped armlhcr and' turned over.
it",-;fwf .
Here's what we do!
Remove hoot wbU and inspect
Inapcd. cUan ! rpak beat
wbaal baoriofa.
laapcct brake drums.
Check aad add hraka fluid 11
5 Adjust the broke shees f secuc
full contact with drums.
0 Carefully I4t brakes.
Cnter at Liberty
I Dodgers Stase
siconng aoree
jem Slretclied to Two
Games -ovpij Si. Louin
NEW YORK. Jurje 12 -)- Th
Brooklyn Dodgers tased the big
gest scoring spreei of fhe major
league campaign tioday, romptng
to a 20-7 triumph over fhe Cin
cinnati Beds, j
Gil Hodpes and jBilly Cox fea
tured tl e bombardment of seven
Red pitchers byj belting two
home is apiece ancf driving hom
eight ,uh1 six runs resptH'tively.
One Hodges' came w ittt
the bases loaded.
The Dodgers, whi now have won
seven straight, whacked out 13 hits
and made the moft of ll walks
and a hit batsman.) The rout en
abled the Dodgers )to stretch their
lead to two game over the runner-up
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Iiuis divided' with Philadel
phia 7-3 and 8-3i The Biaves
split with Chicago 2-0 and 6-2.
Ralph Kiner exploded his 14th
home run of the season in the
seventh to give P ttsburgh a 6-5
triumph ocr New York.
! The Cleveland jndians took a
twin bill Irom the Yankees. 6-0
and 3-1. before 77. .143 fans, largest
major league uowji of the season.
The setbacks slui-d the Yanks'
American league ltjad oer Detroit
to three games. Tlje Tigers dump
ed Washington twie. 9-0 and 6-5,
Bob lcmoii blanikcd the Bmb
eis on six hits and! slugged a two
run homer in beutjng Ed lopat in
the opener. The whitewashing was
the Yanks' first in 1 13 games.
Hal Newhou.ser iheld the Sena
tors to four hits j in posting hit
first shutout and jseventh victory
of the season in ! the opener at
Detroit. J
Bosion captured two games fn.m
the White Sox. l-HI and 7-5. The
A's divied with the Browns, 13-10
and fi-4.
National l.rnut
(" . ftm oto ooo t ic f
KoHon 300 UNI OHO 1 4 i
S ii t Hacker ii and A Walker;
am. lle in, lUanrtl 1R1 and
MaM. Saikcld 1S1.
Chicago 0O0 000 000 0 4 I
Boston tjol 000 111 2 6
I t tcniiid anrt Novotiiev. Antotielll and
Hitt-hoi(ih 401 000 I0O S
I New Vol k ())2 li;ifl iKiO 5 11 I
I on.r-aw'l, Dick-o-j i ll. Scwt II i Jl,
Ci'i i i'm hikI MCiilloinib. lluiie.
Wclh ill il.nT'i ll.hirn..ii i)
and I.l 1 1 ! c t' n, ' '.. r (4.
! i
st r.. - i fliii tin uu 7ii l
,'. JIN) HO' 00'' 3 5 1
i'Kl I)
R if
Strtm .on,
anil Sefii-
K'l,' t.uit
( 7 1 . Tin
r Ic i 1 1
Sit lnii
PhiliiiU Ip'.l.i
Sl;i -v . li. ,, n
on I4. Ftceiitr
G,n ii,la Rob ;
Vl UK) 10O 3 i
ll'. too 01 S 12 t
3i.i Wilk Ml 'nil n-
iti Hr.ile iRi and
I Scmiim S .
i ('(m;nnii
. Biookbn
On Ot) 50700
1 1
l : I
1" 0 4 1 20 13 I
Wehmi in I
H itl nsh i p r
(3 i, C uu i he 1 1 i.i
i5l, Vanrti i Mn i '
nev, Mmt'er i.ri an
rox ii, OoIm i nle
. it It, iv. .11. Bai
rlv.,ntli. GAI.KNTO PI( KS H'AI.COTT
MOMKNCE. June 12 iV
Two-Ion Tony (Ifilcnto, who hag
been puiuhed by exfjerts; predict
ed tod..y tliat Jersey Joe Waleott
will tlatten K.zarrJ Charles for the
heavyweight title i when they meet
in Chicago June 2.
For the; Time of
Your Lifel
Phone 2-2491
,, ijift, J. .L: .113
ummum miiii.i .uu. m j