16 Thf) Statesmen. Sqftem, Oregon, Sunday. Jun 12. 1949 Room and Board BETTER CARE FOR LIGHT MENTAL COLONIAL MANOR v 6821 8. E. I12TH AVE. jORTLANDOREPHONEJTAhor 8528 BOARD it 'oom, 850 K St Hn. 3-iu. For Rent Itonnu ROOM FOR BUSINESS men Desk, typewriter optional. 8H5 N. W.nter. Ph 2.H33 r" l.g.v.-A.N I HM. Very close m. 243 S Church SLFETING m district 3,5i RM. Pn. 4 Blk. from busi nt. and batn. Ph, KUUM IN PRIVATE home lor ni.t. LVtCc nt e - t . w L J URN P' II A. C wa'c Men onlv ic.se in. Center. " Alt 'fc.L.Y FUHN. pn home, liood ! c;.t rn IMtt N rrftai; Ph .'--1i! ATiKACilVE room, private rrfitU en "" N Summer Ph KnO.vl A.D bieakia ' .11 modern hort- 117 Kreh'h M . W SaV'i "KKs sLkkI'IM;" riwmi. AIo Ka ra -e vt N Mirh M.'P 'ROOM u'tableTor 1 or work ing girls. Private f.rj.e. Ph. 2-7HV3. 635 S I inert v St "l.ijV l.l.Y KM anil m alT" i or !'"n. vl to 1. P. 3-7KH4 i;SMT. L1GH r housekeep.ng rm Alo sleep Gent'ener 1!'5 V CnM; "c "" SLP "rm. 2I3"l" Center Ph. ttlf .'.-r.H V2 wc k or hiOMS montli. ri . KFvr bv IKHJ'LSAIEM T-l 3-3K.1 "-"f.i'" HM ::" N iith ij k.h. :t-'.o.',fi Vl'.KAN "HMS'mi' McCo-. I'h :!-;'i',;V MOD ln ' ent IM'5 I-' " .slfKi.Y r )fv Phot.t Nil K.I. Y i's ern hoinr P irr . r ".it- J T I A pi i Carit 1 p; ' H N , . on". :,2" CttiP For RpuI i:irlm iil NICK I 'VFR FIAT 2 brr . partly tut n , .. .i t Vrfl J'l. .'ili'Ci .1 ti.VI. H'ii.V apt. up-talif . it . pi I. bath ajwl otitKMli- enttaiiir, to mid'! ie fed Workiii? roupli No fliinkint'. p t .r chiPlt. n .", c I'h i'-'.n .r, " "NKW ' .'- A T i irX'TIVK. .'! rm. A b..7t routt apt t'n(u:ri -xi-i pt -i -. i ref t'tilit' rtn. Jurnti-(.. Apply at IY Mrl'c, I'.'itlv tuin l.tn. Z KM M HN. Apl 1 p No el.ildien. .;: inn, PP. Z-7.'i42. HV) 'I rade St TPS I Alii'. FOR HKN'I , kit. ...II. bain A '' birt'oo'i ' 'Iiht mo'i I'll 31 'V'i L I. I I .7.... . ...I. ill . i . r i I v I l " J-i.W NH Kl.Y rUHMKIiKI" l,.oon. apt Clo e in 3 blr k-- v'iut:. t I. I'l l anil liu-li Haul' i 'liner C01111..11 c a!, a' i lU jl. ll- 11 S' 1 RM. Fl'RN. apt. Knp tuiKle or niaiinil epic. 704 N. Cottage. " O h i . 1 ' (IM .j:h apt .. . IIihii. I.afU finfffn.- I'h'iin :s -1 ".''f " l ' H-IlN HOO.M.S. pn Path. Pn. tot CJll- Hi I''"" S Clltt.l"! 2 H vt ri'i'lAllC Imn ajit. l.aiV' stoia-e ,) ( i Ph '-ilfll.l :".y N Com J " l.'MNItlFI APT.. Z 1111. aii'l kpi -' eit' l' 'a'l alter :t Mfl PM ;'-7.'il(, "I.I-.KI'ING Hf.'OMS and apt 1130 Tri-rri.. kct.i . i.aVi.I' L'l'IK.1 A ...... ...I.. heat, newly retJic. iloe in II L. Stiff j I'h l-'ilH'. or .S-7li.HI CI.KAN j RM. APT,, iiiiluin " xccn't for t.loyi Pn. ent.. W. Salrru. Ph.1 2-liSk)0 or 2 (t-'l iH-toie U a in. or attrr ' ftom, 3 LARGF. KM. unluin apt Auto oil lie;. I, ell lame Includeil. Pi 1 tiatii. Will accent children Phone .'l-777.'t MAI I. FURNISHfcD apt. Newly CliTotat" 1 !?' (Jerth ' (INK ROOM apt.. Iigrit houekecp-. In.' :hh Kjit W'afhlni'lon tj.r. n.oopin im-uiooio iiiiiuiii- hiii. Ultain beat, hot and roM water In cluded. Inquire Mr. Peletson, 2152 S yom'l 4 RM APT VValk'ai'diVfaVit'e. Kei lev Owens Witi N Liin ity For Rent Houses 4 RM HOUSE, wiied for Vlec iane Apply C. Heruv on I.ilxrtv RJ. jcro from cinncry 'it - I(V. CAH1N 3 'nuT out on " Waf M'' "'" bndfe Ph 2M2H. 4 KM OMPI.KTKLY fuiiilled UU jlen Adult" only. S 25th I PSTAIHS 1 BR. LR . Kitchen, Bath Partly furnished. 155 3 19th Sin-eel Pit Jtfl j HF.DHM " IIOMK Vimi" Hollywood Ave, $50 per month, family fruit trees. I.,h:i:it3 Pioneer Trust Co I k", PUR.N hou'f. Nice built ins. Man or couple 1015 Ksop' an rd I Vl!l(N TRM Cabin Phone ji-7pifi ";t"RM VTlOl'sEr gas lange. fill.' Phone ' nm eve, . i MOl 2 BR" houe, fully fuin.Cloe; In Vacant June 15 Ref requited , W' ite -bo: " t. cure Statesman ' FURNISHED trailer cabin, water and j lee, Chlldien and pels permitted. Ph t""',4n . i 2 Ixlim, all elect, home. Iw(.eii. I M 7th St . W. Ka,lern Imm, pos i$u4U-un formation,cII Geo. Glmir. 5ihi. Mc lVfrnnvillc, OreK , or write Box 2fi4. I For Rent FURNISHED OFFICE to share with reliable pn .i.8'.i.n 5 Rai DUPLEX fum A if h teli -prtore paitv. $:iOIKI $0 2.i1J Ie V ' - n i.iw el , iNinrl mower, garden tillers, paint spiavet, air compresser, Pluming fools and tc New ndd'es llowser Brothers, 1410 H 12th Pi' 3-3f48 Shop building For rent on HOE, tut north of Sa lem cltv limits All metal 4tixH0 bldg with renent floor. For further Infoi ttiaflon call Sullivnn Realtv Co . .t-i;'55 HK.N f A Siii,er ' Elect r ir Pcitlaliie Hewing machine bv the month in vour own borne Reasonable tales Delivery and p'ekott Singer Sewing Machine 'n i:;o V Commercial. Phone 315 1 2. " U DRIVE" IHI'CKS FOR HENl Blankets furrv 197 S Liberty Pn 2-B062 " '.1 MlV t'rct Piano H L Stiff Ml's;'l V FS Uifftn H i. Stifi" " 1RUI Kii and can lor rent Blankets furnished Smitty Clipper Service Center n4 Chore Phone J Wfloo TRAfl.FR SPACE for rent in modern frailer park Call J-107S. siiii OKS'lCf S tir rent Pt. Ground Floor Room Suitable fur office or stores State finance Co el .1-4121 OFPK E SPACES mj " desk spiers jt rent o Ira, pb 2-'2 if'Atfc suitable" for oil ire or siiiail business Ihone S-47!8. Wanted lo Rent 3 BR COMPLETELY fum house j for-jummtr while our bouse is being j finished, bv responsible family. Write j ftatesman Box 793 ""BY "F.MPUiSrfcD ""couple. moderte"lv j rrirt-d unfurn- house or apartment . an lve jefemce. Phone 2-lti i VOUNrt COUPLE ishfs " partly j furnished house In N. part of town 1 J-eM. j 4 or 8 rm. house, do not arnoae or arm v. in guarantee care vr,t'r home Phone3-7841. "mTaI" tUTf tR."wife and two small children desire partly furn. I bdrm house close In. Rent within $50 or $55 month Phone I-53H0 3 BDRM UN FURN. mhousV7ph. J- 2.5 J or a-7f. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE by owner. 8 bed rm. house suitable for convalescent home. Financing can be arranged. Write care of Box 110, Statesman. Additional Classified Ada on Page 15 For Sale Real Estate BV OWNER, rood 4 bedrm. home. Excel, loeatlcn. Phone 3-9395. xW 4 UJKM. horn. $16i0 dn. Bal- nff TH A Ph.. 25422; BY OWNi-It Attractive new 2 bdrm. home, Location Ideal for small cnildren. Engiewood. Auto, oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floor thruout Plenty of storage New lawn. $8100 FHA loan. 1!70 N 23-a Wallace Road 3', A. frontage! Best location in thm choice area.' Solidly in nuti Ac fiuit Hiir bearing tree. Improved. Barn worth remodeling. LI vine quar ter Close-In' High! Drv! Fine View! $. Wallace Road. 4 acre Home. ' ml. N of bridle. 9 r plstrd. houw Buy for home or business site $15,000. IRRIGATED FARM! Everv acre Willamette A Chehali loam. Fronts! major hlwayAc river as well on rear Good improvements! Same prosperous owners 30 yn ! $20. Inc tapt , I C W STULLER Exclusive Agt Salem Ore. Wallf.ce Road ml N of bridge .r.w2 family' flat 'j'u-d corn- p! led. Each apt. na 2 Mrm.. nice l:v. rrr.x . Jcitct n-. (!nicl't4, lots of cIo4't arifl Wuilt-iTi. Id a I hori.e and income r.t:t0 ITerniK R. K Mi rcdith Rlt or H M 3-f.rsj tl by y joi). ll S Comiiieri lal. Pa W N KH New 2 "fi rtn bdrm J'hnnc home F. 7-2i".H0 'I A tcrrri-l i OPEN MOUSE I Sun. 2-5 P. M Newl 2 bdrm . ranch tyle on lovely wooded lot Dry b-mt. witli fireplace Oil fli'p larp- room, bus bv door. Mi R.itil-ff Dr ill. OU0 - R.JV Lor. 07 k Ph .3-4;-R4 t.r.'iii" .i " liri,." llnr 'fp. " , 4 :m. t'nni) lurniahed. ! $37r.fl 4 .ftm 2 lot; llU'fl 4 rm;. S2P'0 dtf. $1750 4 rm 1 2 bdr.t v ired for 'ft FJer. n.W'.hl '.'Utility. 2 lot!, creek, edite of Salem, j' 'iff) 4 ir. 11100 dn.) Vacant !7'i0 mi Hhr.i Nortn S2ono dn UT!.I.AMf.TTE REAL ESTATE 17" f I .-In P' 37! Kl " $10 Wif) NEAR FNGi:WOOD itch.ioT 1ively 3 b;d rm. raihling type home, has l.'irce fuoms and eveiything. C,V4i. A; 'Walters. Realtor fM) S. Commercial Ph 2r?flt' f. I Ev' 'i Acie iBa.st with l.J'e built 5-i.m.mi home. KaiaKe. poult IV bouse, fruit tifM trpricf i; 400 VVi(l t .ke in small housein town, fall O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtor IM Slligh st , Ph 3-4I2I, Tven 2KM NEARLY n.-w attnute one bed rof.m li'iiTii :wit:i fin pliic, en blinrje All m.'cr.i " an.f ti ( ifiimrr for ou. k '.-.!e 4',C0 iinncd imi-'"., tenr.r, l!i() I. ana Ave', p. .n ".C77l , EARLY I'fiS'-ESSION Of a three bedroom houe nicely ! liH-ated near riade cbMil 1 be bouvc ! has ba'emeilt f 11 nice, fireplace, hard- I wiiod floor" tlininK room and nook, attractive fencid vard with oiifd'M.r : firep.ice, iii. $7950 Saltn fireplace, (a'tage. It s priced at only Realty Co. Reattoif 140 N High St Phone 3 7W0 F.'.e Phones 2-45'iJ - IMVli.iilAjK POSS. 'Small hou-e Ik double ifaragi- ' acre., .Excellent well '(oil. fl'iVl -clow n llaiiince t'-rms Rt I box t'S Ph -il.;4 'j rr.l. N W. Pnn'-le cmol on llattlf Creek rd "1Y OWNF.H fJooii "4 bdrm. home. Also new 4.bdrni. on tine floor Imm. no'Vion ' Ow ner ,'f5 l.aninif Ave $14.7:10 NEW .1 l K " All cm ground floor Very nice kit At nook. DR. LP.. fireplace, hdwd. Poors oil fum. Dble. I. R . far F H A. Iiii.ii'ml, $Hti('0 Near Hollywood 2 BR. dining space, kit. fireplaces bsn.t nace Veiv gotKl tetnis $5!)-a) vut lA-'he Hifjh. 4 BR. kit , D H . nice lot G.K.d terms $3800 '. aire Ent Clo-e to bus fur L R . L R . Kit . B H . bi th. Nice lvn V tries. OMKR'S REAL ESTATE I 1H'." t .Ph'.2:l 1 rHr,UMOUM Itoure Pull b iement 'Oil tuiiiaee. Auto waUr tieater. New ly decorated Oti bus l.re Close to I school $lll)tv0 Easy pin- Will take ! mall hoine for down. M. B. Stegtiet, 1 HM7 N Cottai'.- ,'!-40!il' ' SVA ELL LilCATION "jl ' iM-rtrtMitti" tt,oJ 1 ern home This week onlv. $6500. Terms I ftv.-ner iv.'t N 7t, we Want to set, i. it A nice modern two bedroom house In the I,cUe district -there is a $7500 G 1 loan which can be amumed. Owner will sell for as little as $12fst down A gKd property and a good value. ; Total pMc $1(850 ' Salem Realty Co. Realtors 140 N High St Phone Eve Phones 2-4591 2-M5 F()R effwient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW KINOWOOD HEIOHTS 2 BR home, bsmt.. rumpus rm . oil heat, 2 fireplaces, new carpeting. FHA call owner 3-8542 Small Down Payment Move lit 1 complete Plumbing V wiretng roughed m Well. 2 betlrms Att Gar , A. gcjod soil. Full price $.1200 C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 S Commercial Ph 345'tO Eve 36538 . Hot'-rJS in like Labnh Vlll 2 blkv F. f. Fish Market A F. Reese ENGLISH; t h tht' bouse. 3 bdrrc breakfast nook f r li auto oil. I80 K. r'irhrh :t-87R8 Bii:i:et Bargain in Oregon 8 ini, houe and bath. Hot tk cold water, gas, lights, shiubs and flowers Open house Sat. A Sun $2750 Easy terms Hay. Luthy, Geryais, Ore. i HFDKM older stvle house Coiner t..t sinall down pavmenf 2205 N 5th S19:0 SPLCIAL New sacrifice price on this good small home for limited time I .a rife lot with fruit and nuU. 1405 Hickory St . t.etween Brooks st and Valpak. Own er will he Ihere Sat nd Sun to2ell 200 DOWN New 2 bedim sjuhinhan home, dinette fireplace, brick flower box in front Drue bv 2055 Coral Ave W of 1-anc aster A Sunnvview Ph 3-85cil Suhiirhan 21 A I bedrm h'jie. Fireplac e D R . B Nook ing Basint 3 car gar Large L R Dhle plumh (.Md trout sueam j . s'raw w cane berries. Puce $11000 C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 S I'omrnerctal Ph. 345'iO Eve .145M $5250 - 2 ixlrm home near 4 Corners, lairs lot with family fruit & berries. Bus service Terms. S..0OO- 3 hdrms ljt 0x 100. cheries. walnuts Half down Gall Ramp. $73(S (i.MKl 4 bdrm; home in beau tiful scthnK Owner leaving cltv, A good buy and verv good terms f It! OKI One of Salem's finer homes 4 bdrms. extra larre : living A.- dining rm Beautif-il setting 4Ph manv trees, flowers ft l h rubs A real bargain with excellent terms. Art ladsen Realty Co. 1328 State !M Ph, 3-J580 or 2-8812 i BY OWNF.H 3 bdrm Utility on 1 floor Bsm't St furnace t.ge lot On bus line, near school., $1500 dn. 405 S ?Mh Ph 20312 Wet Salem ' All mod. 2 B R . bungalow, built 3 yrs New 24x24 ft. garage framed but not finished. Close to school, bus and stores Owner wants place in country. A good value for $5500. HOUSE AND I LOTS Very clean 3 B R . home with large attached garage The price hat tust been reduced to $7,000. Call Bon Cleary Walter Mussrave Realtors WlJEdjewaterPh. 3.5109, Eve 3-9939 J HM HOUSE with 'e lee.' well Large lot. Close to school. Price flJOU Terms. $7ou down, 830 a mo or trade for car. Colbath Lnd Co. 1883 Center. Ph. 7-4552 "TmmFJJ "VdSS 2 BR. Home, living rm , kitchen, unfinished upstairs, att garage. 2 -r old house. Must see to appreciate. Bargain. 4750 Harcotirt off h-ffhom : BV OWXtRT B fChome." centiaiiy located.- m N. 17lh. , For Sale Real Estate OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 TIL 6 P.M. l ' i . 4 ii I PL1,!; ! No Reasonable T.ke a look at this modern 2 BR. Home with large rooms, plastered. In-stilat-d. weathertrlpped. hardood floors Carpeted, electric heat, Venetian blinds & drapes. Eu by door. Neat school and store. ' i GARDEN ROAD RT. 5. BOX 1 15 PHONE 2-1119 SUBURBAN A'l. two BR, Home with 15 acre at 3J Roberts Av elei pun. p. laundry trays, shower. Oil circul.'i'or and sale; Wired for Flee, range The price is 14950. with a Balance $3i per mo. Johnson. HERE'S 2 Acres, suburban, ranch-style home, hwd, floors, d'jgble ifarage. insulated towrj in sw ap, -a'l ji lord. FINE LARGE Larce lot. N W. Kcier. 2 B.R.. 3rd niceilawn. shrubs and flowers we want HOLLYWOOD DE-UTXE BR. well constructed home, hwd. floors, fireplace, sun deck. Nflarlv new, 4 corner lot $12,850. Craw ford. 1320 MARKET ST. JfWaO is the full price of this English Style 3 BR place, good terms too. Crawford. I WANT TO BUY A JOB Spall Restaurant all equipped Price only f-HSO. Owner will accept $200. at a down payment. Kigifins. 1 ,AUTO COURT AT CUTLER CITY Omnerjwill accept some acreage up ti $12,(XHI . KiKfins LOOKING FOR INCOME PROPERTY' We have several listings that show a nice income and aie priced right. Come in and let us show you these. Kiggins. , DRIVE INN Doin? good b iMnes Nice set up. No competition. Ixcated be-tween Salem and the Coast. About 2 Acres of ground . Kiggins HURT PICHA 379 fS. High St. Eve: 2-131 OPEN HOUSE BRAND !NKW SUNDAY 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. lr NORTH WINTER STREET BUILDERS BARGAIN A giand 2 bedroom borne with auto Oil heat and fireplace. Good n'e kit chen and convenient utility room. The bedrooms are of ample Me The best of material and excellent workmanship. 'built act-ending to EIIA. specifications guarantees. A home of top quality. $1700.00 down and $53 00 a month will move you in immediately. Full Price 000. ALDEN BOWES REAL ESTATE 2281 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 22587 Ph. 247H Ph. 27278 Ml .... I ! )Best Buys ENOLEWOOD DIST. $1000 down on a neat, rather small but well aranged home. Attached gar ageji niceXront and back yds Electric heat FXill price onlv $6930. Evenings. Phorie 2-0473 or 3-3558. lar:ain Brand new-. Very well constructed. Ful basement, lots; of built -Ina. attach ed garage, extra large lot Bu t front door. Totaf pnee onlv $8500. Evenings Phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. SUBURBAN Ap exceptionally nice home, full basement verv nice outbuildings. Ixtfa of business frontage. Bl. of property is excel, subdivision property. All eouip meiit g.ier. Total price $38,000. Will ac eep other property as part oavment. Evenings Phone 2-0173 or 3-3558. Farm - North Howell Here s a farm, we are proud of 70 A. In North Howell. 2 sets of buildings. Home verv modern. Built in W,t. 2 A. of beaver dam Several A. of berries. Several cabins for berry pickers. Fam ily orchard and nuts, Crops ro If sold soon lOwner forced to sc'.l be cause of health Liberal terms. Tdtal pure onlv $10 000 Call for Mr la-a-vens. ev enings. Phone 3-6403 or 3-3558. Tractor Aew'v Well-known agency can be bought for I slock inventory A real deal for a' qualified man. No phone information, please Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors 303 1 Portland Rd Ph. ,3-7820, .2-4508 Whv pay high rent when $1200 dn. $34 : per mo. will buy 2 bdrm home, oil fire and gas. range Incl. Close to good schools flt'SO Owner will tav-e reas, dn pvmt. on ioy nrw, I bdrm. home Nice kit. Inside sit ' rm. nice lawn, shrubs. Just off State st. fi.-soo Good older home, Ige. llv. rm din, rm; 2 hdrms. kit. bath, bsmt . saw dust, burner, well JoC'ted, Englewood dist. Worth the rrnnev. a Real buv in older type home, nice liv rm din rm . Ige kit. 2 bdrms, bath, inside ut rm,,Newlv redee. In- side and out. Welt located north. $7500 I CRAY-HIMMEL REALTY CO. 1385 N Canitol St. Phj 2-8458 2-41152 - Eve. 2;5297, 3-8!01 A Real Bargain 2;rm mod house. All elec. Shower , bath, elec ranee and wall heater in 'u'!' C ial' i 'nci' ' hit. Sma' '- t Yovi can steil it for $1500. Marie St rjck land. 2350. Myrtle Ave. Leo N. Childs. Inc. REALTORS CVar lJke District. 1 acre good soil. Unfinished 4 rm. house. Flee, wafer system Small chicken house. Price onlv $2750. , Aci" 5 -m house. Some fruit. Spring water. MtSO. Worth the Price 2 hedrm. plaster ed house practically new. Nice sized nxims lree garage. Paved street. Eng'ewood D t Price onlv $8000 LEO N. CHILDS. INC , REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 2-3663 l Evenings call: 2-4007 or 2-8103 ! "73 'f iEH ' TYPE home. 2 bdrm one floor, utility rm.. basement, furnace, 1 correr lot, paved streets, trees St I shrubs. $4500 00. 82500 dn . bal. 0 00 I per mo. See t 1995 Berry, Owner at I 1Q1H F. Rural Ph 398i5. I 4 R HOUSE unfinished attic, inlaid I linoleum on floor, gat water heater, i shower bath, corner Iota. Rents for 40 Ter mo Price 3500. NEW 3 BEDROOM. 2 far attached gargge. view, location south. Lot 80x 108. 9500. Loan aoproved. for infor mation A orice caM Mrs Reeve with Alfred Dumbeck Real Estate: 147 N. Commercial St Ph 735.11: Eve 20181 BY OWNER LR bath fruit Kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 BR. full bsmt garage, large lot. tries. 1160 Nebraska st. Ph. 25073 ; . tti'Y FROM owner if you are in the market for a new home. Never lived In. See this beautiful 2 bdrm home over the weekend in one of Salem's nicest districts. F H A. built. 265 Can. dalana Blvd. 2 to S. 1 to I p.m. Build er Perire Son . BY OW'RtR, 4S A., S rm, house, utility rm.. completely furn.. dble. ga rage and workshop, family orchard. 874 Cascade or. Pa. 3-1637. ; For Sale Real Estate Offer Refused bus one block. Rarape, Mas cook jto e Po u ith down payment of $1000 VALUE 2 B R. At den. fireplace, unique 'kitchen, '$8'.J0. and will consider car or lot in BUNGAIXDW in b.i:-cment. fireplace, double rarape. an offer 00 thra one Crawford. home, full batcment, fire- REALTORS Office 2-349 or 3-7452 $12,000. Clc.'in modern 3 bedrm home. Hollywood dot. Close to Catholic school Hd floors, fireplace, partv room in basement. This Is a beautiful home. Must sell. Call Stanley Brown with State Financr Co. Realtors 153 S, High St, Ph. 34121. Ev. .23561 $2950 New unfinished house East. Attached garage. Ut PKixlBO. Call Stanley Brown withh State Finance Co. Realtor- 15.1 S High 'St., Ph .11121. Ev. 25.VS1. ! $8,500, New modern 2-Br home on 'bus line close lo si hool llw floors, fireplace, oil furnace. V-blindv at j tached garage. Jmmediate possession. 1 f850.INI down ! Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High St.. Ph 34121. Ev. 25.581 $3,750 Clean 1 Br. hoene furnished. ! Close to school Bus at door. South. Call Stanley Brown with i State Finance Co. Realtors m .S High St . Ph 34121, Ev 25561 F!nlewood Very nice 2 , B R . home. Hwd. firs , fireplace, excellent location. 50x 100 lot. Owner needs larger home in Englewood. Will pay cash difference. Income Property Lovely 8 unit permanent rent.1?; court. Ige lot. 3 garages. Util. rm Income $315 per mon. plus owners quarters. Will accept nice home in trade. - 10 Acres North All In cult exceif some pasture 3 B R . home Stoi k. M equipped. Take home in Salem as p.,, . payment. :V2l2 Acres Exp taken Good Salem soil. Thii years crop goes If soon. Verv nice modern home, barn Stocked Ac equiped. Take home as part pavrrtent We bHve many more good lutings to chose from. Come In and lets talk It over. Call Mr. Noonchester.' II. E Corev Real Estate 1385 N Broadway Ph. 20552 Eve 2-010.1 - 3.18I8 t3,5o0 Attractive 4 -room house In Kcier Dist. on bus line. Oarage util ity room, good drilled vll. Terms. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High st Ph 3-4121 Eve. 252(18 MOTHER-IN-LAW LIT ING QUARTERS $7.000-1 j acre close in. nice two bed rm. modtrn home phi two rm. house in hack for inlaws $10 000 - 5 acres good location.. 7 rm. house, large barn, 24x1 'SI chicken house , .1 acres fruit A- nuts. . Call Ivan Sivcrs I Ceo. Pjsone A. Walters. Realtor ',0 2::8' S. Commercial Eve 37012 RUO TSEB YUB Y A DOT Spelled frontward" me.-ms OCR BEST BUY TODAY'!' ' We offer, prospective purchaser no apology on this excellent 2-besiruofn home located at 4:'0 Wayne Dr. !iJ lovciv Manbrin Gdns.: Deep h dry basement: oil furnace, fireplace) large ; fenced yard, perfect location; iity .V j school bus at door: priced at I SI. 000 1 less than FHA apprais l ll.Vxtl cash ; down moves you. in. We aay-don't ; nesitate Call . T i MATTS0N R0ETHLIN I Ph 3-58.18 REAL ESTATE 231 N. High j EvenPh.3-75M;.- 1-1724 - J -742.1 ! ""These ore all good homes, and Tare , really worth looking at, at the price ' we are asking. 33M Claude $ 5250 t: 145 East Owens 8ooo 1220 So 14th I ssno m Ratcliff drive i 5250 4160 Gardner Road !'Si1 2O80 Bruce Street $ 7750 HX5 Vista Ave. $ 8050 Some of the bargains may be had for a small cash payment. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Ph. 34707- 484Court Eve. 24773 - 27283 J " t aooo ' Practically new, 2 bedroom home. hardwood floors throughout. Furnished attic Good deep well in acre about 4 mi'es out. $2000 will handle. RENT SAVER f 1200 00 3 room house in large io. North. Some Term. Good K'dg lot Kelzer Dist. $50 00. Terms. Call G. A. Viearv, Real Estate i 818 NjToml t. Ph, Day. or Eve 20421 1 "fozso BUYS this a beds r rtouie. :ue loc. N. Living r. dining; It kit., large lot. fruit Ac berries, grge C 3. JACKSON. BRQKEA. PH. U88 For Sale Real Estate - r " - . i -. -- 4KX1T 1 . t. '! i A , .' I DEPEND .-jklLE INCOME These 5 duplex apartments, only 2 vrs old. located on the S..lein-D.,ll n highway bring an Income of $420 a month. Each apartment has ,ii).. sip r iiiie. The price. $.0(si0, includes a corner business lot op the higr.'-vay AND loom for 2 n.oie iourts. f2:"no will h.inci'.e it Multiple listing No. 147. ' ;'; i ' j- GRACIOUS LIVING This lovely ranch stvle home has an exceptionally large living room. 2 bed rooms, dining room, and attached garare The 'lours aie all oak On a be. . i ful 88x350 lot with 3 pear trees, and on a paved street. 22i. .')5 a month will handle BLIVEN & C00M:Y. REALTORS Member of S.iletn Multiple Listing Bureau 617 N. High Stuet Evenings and Sum! Insurance for F.erv Need Phone 2-3til7 NELSON NEWS f'roisan Cam on Specials PRICE REDCCED JIH.'rf) Several people have looked at tins property wi'hout buying at the r,M p- . a now its a real bargain. First cone, first sereej 'Hxi A rustic m-" ng ,il... t 1 acie. with Ins. alders, etc. with backei ound Lr. r'.ou with at' n.l.iie Dui. rm., kit, nook, bath all on one fir Part hunt, with L. facilities A. f.un.ioe. Il,a. His. ele. wtr. htr Good pnvite wli. svstem. I '.RAM) NEW Exceptional arrangement, an enchanting i nmm view 13x19 ,1 'v rm l?vl2 Din. rm 2 bdiu s X an. pie closets I. Travt. util. i-., .,11 cm one fp Epl... e. patio, hwd. His. throughout, air nmil, furnace, u:t. gar. ila.joo. See open house sign. RUSTIC BACKGROUND One-third ac IJv rm. 12x12 with fpl.iee. Din rm. 12x12 2 Ige hdrn V'.' nook, attractive ha'!,, hwd llrs V. blinds, rustic iniein.r finish, bsn.t, with oil furnace, gauge witn driveway from l.t ground level. $13,bti0. PRODUCING HOLLY GROVE Two acres in be.ning holly. 250 ft. neck frontage, 1 ae home s'te with n isc-.' nuts v fruit. 2 bdrms Liv rm Dm. rr: patio. g..r on l i t gjo nd level, lull bsn t . with sawdust futnaie. ele wli htr. attractively landscaped, f 16. 000. All of these homes on school bus. NELSON NELSON Multiple l isting Keillors Personal Service bv Men Who Specialize 702 N. High. Pn. ,!-4ii22 i OPEN HOUSE I SI N DAY, MAY 12, FROM 1 :'M) TO P.M. At 1320 MARKET ST. You'll find leal value here, In a 3 BR, home, basement, fireplace, at onlv $8i50. Burt Picha, Realtors 37 N. High St. Ph 2-3649 GRABENHORST SPECIALS SOUTH RIVER ROAD Modern 5 rm. home. Vt acres, beau tlful setting, lots of trees. Price only $10,700. Call Peter GeiM-r. S S2th ' STREET Corner lot No. 3 business tone, lot 45x152, 3 bdrm. wit'i basmt, au'o-o l heat, wned for rm sr. Gteat possibili ties. Piice only $'.1.00. Call Richard E. Gi abenhornt. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings A SundM call Earl West 2-1232 Peter Geier -'"sg Roy Ferris 2-WH0 Good Buy $fi50 New."1 2 bedrm. North. Hwd. Firs Utility rm. Attached Gar. Auto. W. system, i, A Appraised GL lian $000. This Is priced to sell. C.W. Reeve Realtor 945' S Commercial Ph. 31590 Eve 3HS.T8 " ' L fc A V l N G FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down Hardwood floo's throughout.. Full plan ter d basement Ac Plastered garage. Lots of storage spare Terraced back yard. Cot over $13. "00 to build. Will sell for $14,900. some terms. Also will consider cheaper houe In trade For more information inquire at Steven U.ec' Cars. 678 12th St $10 f0U late built 2-bedroonr home. Fireplace, floor furnace, 2 -car garare. FHA. loan. lfXi down, located at 275 Candelana Blvd. Call O V. Hume wPh State Finance Co. Realtor 153 S Jlifh St Ph. 3-4 121 - Eves 252011 All the Extras! in this moderately priced 2-bedroom home with floored attic, corner lo'. outdoor fireplace, sprinkling system, double garage S blocks to school. Only 87.0OU. No. 25;. 3 Bedrooms! Lovely setting, private drive, 'i base ment with auto oil f irnace. main fl'.or utility room, fireplace, dining room. lovely hack yard for children. Easy terms. No. 304 1 Acre! Very close in on corner at bus line. Hard surfaced roid on both side of property. 3 bedroom home. Part basement. Lots of fruit and nut trees. Only $7.0O0. No.. 318. Suhurhan Ranch! 2 homes on 40 acres. 1 home very modern with fireplace, basement, ai.to heat. Also older type 3-bedroom home Year round creek, excellent barn. Just the place for a lot of lun for the whole family. Onlv $11,600 with very easy terms. No 1058. F.H.A. Loans MULTIPLE LISTINGS Reimann for Real Esta Ev. tc Sun 2-8241. 2-2532 3-5905, 2-3738 Open Today 2 to 7 p m, Kingwood drive and Lefor drive. Watch for our sign. Brand new Urge 3 bedroom, ranch style home. 2 baths. 2-car garage. Large porch overlooking the city. ISO ft. frontage. Exclusive neighborhood. fl7.5uO. Walter Murave Realtors UIl Edgewaler st. Ph 3-5109, eve 3-s3 For Sale Real Estate m r. V :""fl 2370 S. pith STREET 2 bdrm. liv. rm. dm. rir, hall, bath li.tide utility, built in 1141 ty pieseut r.vvner. Exc--llenl ccindition turnout, laige lot, garden. $7 .850. Call H Fe i r is. . SEE TtllS HOME AT 2020 S. HIGH ST 2 bdrm. Ige liv. mi, with fireplace, din rm, hdwd fits, plenty of clo-ct pace, full basrrt, auto-he.it. Inls hou r is oniv I', blks. from Jr. High aud 3 from grade school, on bus line and in lu.e iesideiiti.il distiict. LAND BARGAINS ON EASY TERMS ItiO Acre, i n lie Highway 'M. timber, ftazing Full Price $12.50, 40 Acres near Hlgnwav 66 Some Timbc r Full Price - $195 40 acre rear Rogue River Good vacation Spot, Full Price $21i5 l.ais'e l-vel Lots, Good Soil, Full Price - $'.. Mi Acres Near S!-ata Lake Good Hunting Fishir.g Full Price $.',!5 Hundreds of Other Ranch aud 'Iiuiber Rat gains in California, Oregon and Washington. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET T L DREX1 EH 52f 1 W Fountain I os Antfeles 27, Calif S6.300 acre 3 bedrooms all on one floor. In din , Kit . full bath Fine well built 4 yea is. Planted to a grand garden Ir grape, and berrie Nice lawn on citv bus line. Immediate pots. I'h. 3.'.2f General Real K.-tate 255 Center 1900 2' year old two bedroom home with 1 l-.rr carafe north mav lie able to handle for state veteran for $500 down. Suburban Acreage Here It fx! 4'j acres with two bed room home, barn and poultry houses can be sold for low down payment, located North east. City bus by door. State Veteran Wants a low priced home, veteran with steady ,.,K aM-,. . . ,. ,. .,h.n. .,.,,..,! $5000 located South. Will use max. State loan. What have you? Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38214. Sunday 2-8478 or 37217 BY OWNER 2 BR mod. house choice residential dist. 2 lots, pear grade i and Jr. High schools. Terms. Ph. 2-8338 "venings, ' BY OWNER Home with 2 bdrm. LR DR. kit and bath, large garage with guest and utility rms.. large lot, ; excellent location. f7.GO0. 1CJ0 Nor - way t Ph 33588 Business Property Kouth Commercial St. I 'bedrm. home. Bide. 24x50 on back of lot for , shop Approx 7 blocks from Ladd Ac Bush Ban. Knee wow. C.W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 343') Eve. 395.VI 9 RM. cottage, good location. 4 fruit tltea. 0UAI. aiW tutUUtl OX. For Sale Real E.tate For Sale or Lease 13.P0 q ft. tile and concrete building plus 1 1, e rjtoiner' parking rea. Owner will complete lo suit tenant. Call or wsite. BRICE REALTY CO. 304 S.V,th Ae P.r:i no. Oregon Sunday and evenings OHM ART CAI.AIM. RKALtORS IDEAL OPPORTUNITY To hoc 1 ace c f I. i d i n the ClaVer R,. d with a . i'e 4 i.ici, I1...,!' fur .i:'v Vnksi Th- i,,t i'.ic. s good, his a v.if i : il orchaid .in'l a (msj chicken h ui.se. OWNER MUST SELL This attractive In, me located at 751 P - -i ", V - S, ,, . room js Lit se wi'h huge tuck f;re Pl.ice. there ..re J bedrooms with a.d dituiu.il rcHi-n iips'ait-s has wall to" w .ill carpeting . id oil f urnace, the M-tiintf is nice I- -l.ts of shrubs and t'ccv Prive bv . :' n let u show vou thru and 'fj vi.u of the nrv.- lo Pi .e il'S T. ...st hen lowered to CAN YOU FIND THF PROPFRTY YOU WANT If not. don t m seeing this nearly nrw and modem " l-,cd;oi.Tt; home in the S.item lleii:V;'.s o.st The floors h ive good wall to w.ll cipc'ii-g and the null drapenes ,,;e iru hided living i."i is 18x?0- The lot is veiv large and the ,rnce t JUST $7!'aP. WANT TO TRADE IN A GOOD TRAILER HOCSE' re's a iliuue to l:a'e 'n vour trailer house on a mw and attractive bedroom s iliutb.,ri home owners of this home will con Per tiailer house up" to $:!.'jO0, See litniv lor full t!e ta.ls. I IF Oil M ART & CALAB. R'EM.TORS 177 Court St Eve i l one 2-8053 - I S'fif! TERMS' 1Vi0 DOWN, H D R K : t BEDROOMS rn ii'iti'v rm nii'c (.n.u'r : , II 'o s II ' .$' .in bl:nd 1 in.ie ln.it. Only . .')"l I I HJ SAVE $$$$ $i:'.-aiisi t I'l l. PIU' E Unfinished home in Keier 2 Mocks Ii.i'm s, hi.oj ,,)d shi riung centei 20 14 I. It 2 P. R' Dinii. tte. kite hen. In'h S',i'irc.,v into i.pst.uis Seoera' 10x12 Utihtv. .itt.u i ccl n.o.ige ( en cnt di iv ewav sidep , l . Septic tank. Y "ir own well and pump. Special Vns Week Only. FOR Appointment Huff Real Estate Co.; Realtors 341 Chemekela Eves and Sundays P v Open House By Owners New FHA. built home In Englewood d',i i V f.i mi room, dining lootn, nlce kitchen, two bedrooms, powder room, full hi i ml ,i user, lanndiv n i.m with aiitoo.atcr washer. Oak floors throughout, fi i il ,'h tile n.iriile and recessed minor, Venetian blinds, automatic ml f! . r furon a, .iM.u heel s. u ge, wilh eeit.ent floor and drive. Insulated and vs . ,i u -i a i i po 1 All large n.ir.a. FHA terms, $2'i'.5 down, balance approxlm i ' el v s;.i nor n onrh Open daily for inspection at 1H!5 fiarfield Stieet 8 am t.i i o .... . ..!! f.,i .ippiu.i .., nU William T. J. 1550 Baker Street GOOD INVESTMENT $tvro Rented $65 p onth ei-c h Buy one bsmt Both with oil lien One a large Leslie and S...lem Heights schools The sta These ate both moneymakers and CIIAS.HIJDKINSXSON Over 27 Years in S i 250 N. H gh St. Veiv fine 3 BR. home, full base ment, beautiful lawn arid shiubs. hwd floors, fireplace, on North Church. 1500 dcrwn, loll price $10 WO A good b iv Call Mr Dahl, New 2 B R-. unfinished up. attachecf i f repl i. li.e.tf.'l and w eat) cti ip- laige garage, hwd floors, IR, DR.! ped M d , ,-. t r Renelix, plasls red K . and B Nice home $1200 down, full ; garage. $li . C 'l Jack. price $7,700. Call Mr. Dahl. i, ., . , i -.. Verv g ei I gi'e-wry store, doing fir0 Verv fine, most modern meat market, s " s doing good business. Call Mr. Dahl. i bmiii'vi '' J t. Ed Byrkit & Go. 367 No High St. Eagles Ft: lg Phone 3-3101 or 2-15:13 E.-unK pt'-.nes 2.1277 or fC.'.K'st BY OWNER View Home Candalaria Ills. New a B R . Ige I. R . D K . kitc hen K novk. Dhle garage, auto, oil tur nace 'tare lot !4 5si Terms, Imme diate possession 245 Alice Ave Out ? c 1 turn ichI ul rjitv Ooeen. Ph. I 3-4108. By Owner Neat 2 bedroom home hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil heat, attached plastered garage. I-ot 60x140 Price 7!t.'i0 110 Duncan Ave. Ph. 22!gs Evenings Mronti 11 dill Ranch Catalog DESCRIBES 2710 Bargains - Oregon and 34 other Slates - Mailed free. Lat est reduced prices, homes, ranches, resorts STROUT REALTY, 510 S W. Third Ayr . Portland. 4. Ore. Have "very fine 3 B R. . sub. home, basement, oil heat, double garage, flowers, shrubs, trees, 4t 'j Acre. $16,000 3 BR. -home with sewing room, basement, new oil furnace, double garage, tool hse . large fruit trees, $15 000 Will trade for 2 BR. home in N.E. Salem. By Appt Only. mod. 4 B R . home. Ige. firepl., den. extra Ige. L.R . full basement, mod heating plant, shrub. Very good location. $1200. Larsen Home & Loan Co.. .xcluatve Listings - Personal Service 164 H. Com! St. Ph. 2-839Eve -74 a i "OW litM ' fwo brm "houe" 2 blk. from school and bus line, 2440 N. th. For SaleReal Estate Ph At. W63 E.i.p 7Ct; or Bef TALK All . "T BARGAINS. HERE ONE J.-s- i.- .n b-.iv tis home ..i . ' , a . for c nlv $10 ! iii.il.ni' I .'. Kl C lo.; n can has k "j - I' -; It li - . thro-.u h't ;.nd ! . . i. full liiiiii'-mnn ar.d d.r. and g Piped .' gal.. i'e ,. -.1 ic Ai'i'hei .nod K.th -V .er-ent with, ,-.,.to - - jt-.d large c'cwt.le : l.T lot 6.1X135 LET 1HF frSVT PAY THE M.Kt i;age live co-vf t' V.v in the downsl.'.ir qu.n'c: c.n.,'m; of la 14x16 Ii 1?X 14 Dr , l.' k'.'fl .'O 2 good S'id r-cri-roo- s ;,r I f .'1 ! i h - then tti.t tie new It' I-."- Is- 1 t r'so.n and 1 .-. 1 h) ap.ii' -en' - o - ' a l-e.it is ;,.,t. cut and t: e !-i'i .- u er v close in i.t.d the pi !-f :-. ou'v I I "i1. FOI KS HKIfK IS A REAL IT ACE A lo. 1 !, (t ren subtuban 'a-me uiM; ui ,s ,s -v -fl draine.i '. ,liam e'te S I' ul i f A in st i aw t 1 1 . this I , a ;s ..! ' i is throng) ' ut has lovelv r-r if .sl .i.iili, l.ii ge e'. ul le g.'.r -ge i 'I i Ix machine l.-p. 'ly rl -. - .'Iv . '' .','1 piOPettV Which we vs : I ! p, rt ! i show ah v t iM e nciiY phone I .111 t VOl BET: "A V '. HI. AN "1 r.-n I I ir.i'.igi t.. si hi 1. 4. fust l ow d . p and Ho st. rl Ft I i'. s'- via r Veiv t I H D Hdwd f n ice ! v A rr.l b ! ft I; . ip ,,' . Ml h.,u r )!, : li c .. 'h f.. 1 , ... SuUll el ofcx N l..'g I ra i k. ,' fur- ' nh, C..lt,f.'ii O.'m St I"- l.jri 1 i i.l Foster. Buihier Phone J faiJ or bo'l 2 Ii ".i(i..m houses. r.e w itrf i'Ivt in ii! t.o al oiis Near t i (i niiel and Want la) lot l' 1 rent-- c an t pui . I. ia- l jn easy lenr.s. Ph 2 412 2'. a' i-M "i.r. 5 r wen older i lane, 80' t ' J w 'II. VS n Call J. k. Ne a 1 u.t f ; . all o on flool 1 I el i - lee', bdwe tla ,. BY OANLIf 2 !. ks W new m dl cal I rl'p. iirdwocKl fhs full ha e. . to li' J , uil furnace Garage. Imir.e.-'i i e soisexiKto Puc e $fris. g:t5 C.-itt ., ' ' 6741 or 3-52t F.H.A. Hoii'ses EAS " -'.' KN'.f.ri'A'OoD ADDI'I K'N ENC;it-.7 'lull AVENUE $';: i 'si ! M idem H ing,.lc w bednai" i. "ler'i ne.it and fiKplace. Lr. mil V Dirufig t Ki'n. kitchtn arid breiK. 'i.' ri'tu.c, l iuridr y rcairn h;.rd-n-ii'id I',, r. g ir ie f..,ricrete drive At walfc . i .a'l ti -e' Full price llOMsS -FHA ;nvmeriv $51 'M per month. ll-io KVKKGREEN AVENUE $27'.) VI D'rn Mxlern Cottae Ivpe. 2 lied; n il' . 'il b.i' piped into ach room. 2 ii: 'pI.cm. Iiviruf and d.rung room, ki'ch'-ri tiid breakfast r,t.h, hardwrvid flesrs, garage. concrete drive and wills laved streets full puce t!l.riNi FHA payments on balance $jj 7i) p--r month. All ni'iwi brand new and ready for Immed a'e iKi.iai.n Can be financed thru F H A Tou loans at 4'' interest for 20 ear term if wanted. Ahrams & Skinner. Ine. 411 Masonic B'dg Ph 3-9217 Insuram-e - R,1 Estate - Mlge learns 125 ..ere ranch. 1 bedrm. house, full plumbing -barn, silo, large math shed . chicken house. Wjuld make a gcxaj dairy firm 14 stanchions, water cop for each csuw. 1 springs, fruit. Nrnei, nice trees, onlv $84tg. Reas. down, poss Oct 1st If interested. Call Md ers'rom or Hughes. 2 lrge hoCaet income over $.150 mo. Good business district, kit 82x82. Would make an ideal business corner. Asking price 2 5-s Submit offer. Addreae 405 and IIS Marion St. Corner lal-rty. Sederttroiri cr Hughes. Evtninga 2-76K2 ot 3-7Mt. We have a 1 bedrm. horn -fum. $4350. Sever in Realty Co. 212 N. High St, ph. 3-40U