onmnis Win ' ; (Chase Cards Regain Second Place Culm Topple Brave ; Solona Bal Tigers NEW YORK. Tune 1l-VThe nrirushing Brooklvn Dodgers con tinued to sweep past all opposi tion, rolling on to their sixth straight victory todav with an easy 11-3 triumph cvere the Cincinnati The victory, coupled with Chi fo' 5-2 trii'mnh over Boston, widened the Dd"or.' first plare rnargln over the Graves to a (tame and a hslf. The defeat also dropped the Braved into third place, thrr nercentage point Le- ' hind the Pt. Tsuilx Cardinal?, who whippet! the PVHadelnhla Phils. 6-2. Tho PM! Ml into a fourth place deadlock with the New York Giants vho.firal1v snapped out of their five-name losing skein with a 4-3 win over the Pitt bunh Pirate. Th loss plummet d the Pirate Mo te National league cellar, a fame behind the Cubs. The New Yrrk 'Yankee In creased their American league lead over mnner-up Detroit to five tame, lambasting Cleveland 12r8 while tho Tl"er wert losing to Washington, 9-8. The Dodrers collected a dwen hits agalnft their aouthnaw pitch en, with Ken Paffenaberr be Ing tagged with the lost. Roy Cam panells smnched two home runa for the wlnnem and Pee Wee' Heese hit one Don Newcombe al lowed ftva hit in registering hi third victory with no defeati. He fanned nine. Walt Duhlel gained his second ddslon over the Braver, although he needed help from F.mil Kush In the ninth The Culm pounded Vern Birkfnrd fr.r 11 of their 15 hits to hnn the defe;it noon him Tr ii'inp 1-0 in the U half of the eirhth the f;ftnt pounced tioon F.'n"r Biddlf for four runs in their hlf of the innlnc to give F1lef Pi''her Hank Rhrman his third vi'tory. Hl;tin TV,b Feller for five hits In thp first innint'. the Yankees t.dliod nine times in the ononinp frime and went on to m.ikf it two In a row over the Tribe. The Tn di ins foupht hneV. knocking out A"ie Reynold Ifi the ninth with a t.re-nifi uprising, hut .Toe Pape atifjpft ihr threat Ttini .Toe r.nr, don to pon fiut with the hnses full. Cordon previously had hit hi ninth home run. A ni(ht game be--tween th" Philadelphia Athletirs fatKl-the St Louis Browns, at St f-tsi. wa posfnoned because of ! wet pround. Thr Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox were not scheduled to play. Amrrlran I. ram W.ithlngton -' 000 HIS 300-9 ft 0 n-tiiiit o:i7 i2o ooo- a n o M,is.tertnn. H.ivn' 3i. WHeroth 5J. Calvri 7 and Fvana: Hutrhtnann. Ommk.hT i Trout I6i Overmlre (7). Truck (7l and Rf.hlnnon. N York 001 000 20V-lt II t riv-jnr1 100 00? IM- 7 10 4 Rrvmlt 'ttr 9 and Brra Ntar h.,4 i7i. Frllfr 7iiMk til, Papiah (8) nd Hcgan. Trrh ifti. - National I.racnr Pittsburgh 12fl001 000.3 7 I N Voik onn nno 04 -4 s !MI and M-4"uJlouh: Kennedy. Rehrtnan and C ooper fhii-aKfl niton ooo ont 1105 1? 010 ooo ooi-l 7 I Dtibtrl. Kuih ig) and A Walk- Rirkfnid 4!Hd HiiKuf I 7 I. Barrett (9 k S ttii 002 002 llft-S 10 I Philadelphia 000 200 000 - 2 J o Murder and Garaginia: Borowv. Trinkie IS), Howe iUi and Semlntrk Cincinnati Iitfl 0(10 Oil 3 S Bi itoklvn OOO 132 41X-11 12 nsffennberaer, Peterson (St. Fan- ovtrh (7i and Mueller; Newcombe and f onpanella III HKIFK TO TEXAS SKATTLE, June 1 1 Head ed by left-hander Jim Brink, the University of Washington's four man tennis team will fly to Aus- rtin, Tex.. Friday for the National Collegiate A A. championships. Smooth A jatiact of a 1 ' 'S i I ill lt!f H if; .r FeBBeo- Kamloops: The Story of the Big Rainbows - - t ' 4-1- t ' . ' , -.' " . j. ft .'. :-" Li. .' Youngster en a Sandpolnt. Ida., -with a trout "almost as big as from Lake Pend Oreille 37-pounder. Sparks Handed Awards For Long Irish Ducats Gotie, Seattle SEATTLE, June 11 -0.- The "klandinc room only" sign went up today at the University of Wash- Inelnii iim t AAlKa II sr mm u i t I Notre Dame Oct.: 1. The sellout was announced just 10 days after the tickets first were offered The University stadium has 40.000 seats. Harvey Cassill, director of ath letics, said the sale was cut off to allow for an expected increase of 2.000 In season tickets. Last year the sale; of all-game pasteboard reached : 10.004. TEN NlSi MEET SET PORTLAND. June 11 1 Tennis jlayers of the west were advised today that the 51st an nual Oregon Tennis tournament will be held at the Irvington. club here July 3-10. Today's! jPitchcrs National League St. Louis at Philadelphia (2) Brecheen (4-3), and Staley (3-2) vs Simmons (2 3) and , Roberts (6-3). Concinnati At Drooklyn-Wehmeir (1-2) vs Barney (2-4). Pittsburgh at New York Lombard! (0-1 vs Koslo (1-2). Chicago at Boston (2) I K'hmili f1.il anI T ann nrA 1 B o ,j , I it ii in ! v Sairt (4-5) and Antonelli (1-2). i American League New York at irii.ve.lanH I .nr. at iS.n anrl Byrne (4-2) vs Lemon (4-1) 'and Gromek (2-4) or Garcia (4-2). Philadelphia at St. Louis (2) Schieb (2-2) and Brissie (5-3) vs F'annui (2-2) and Embree (2-7). Boston at Chicago (2) Parnell (7-2) and Dobson (4-5) vs Judson (1-6) and Pierce (2-3). Washing ton at Detroit (2) Scarborough (5-3) and Hudson (3-5) vs New houser (8-5) and Kretlow (1-2). drip and deailli tlie tiny raindrop is any root & taorst eticmv Iti hall a tctitury ot re-arch and manufacture. I'loneer-Hiptkote has con sistently thwarted ram damage with Thikbut Asphalt Shinples. Scientifically designed to pro vide double-strength through double thickness where exposed to weather. Ttukbui Shingles are unsurpassed for quality and dependability. .There is a Pioneer-Flintkote product for every roofing need. Call us (or a free esUmate-no obltgatwn whatsoever. ftirejclhi dock smile m they see Wes H unlet us. Hamlet made the record eaten WU Service "Lestle J. Spark. . called "Les" by his many friends and now al most as much a part of Willam ette university as Waller hall it self, last night was appreciative ly rewarded- for his long service at the "U" during, the annual Alumni banquet in Baxter Hall Sparks was given a large blanket, a jacket and a merchandise bond i by the alumni, many of whom he coached during their years at the school. On the blanket were 26 stars, emblematic of the 26 years Sparks1 has been coach of all sports at one tfme or another at Willamette. He has also served as director for many of the school's activities, counselor, adviser and professor. He has been limiting his activi ties to coaching the tennis varsity in. recent years. Almost 200 alumni were present for the occasion. It was one of the last in which Atheletic Director Jerry Lillie will take, part, for Jerry on July 1 joins the Univer sity of Oregon coaching -staff. BETTY GOLFING PORTLAND, June U-tfV Betty Evans, Portland's big-time girls' softball pitcher, is hurling some thing else these days. A golf ball. And she's doing mighty well at it, reported 5Pro Larry Lamberger, who has been coaching her for more than half a year now. She will play in a city tourna ment July 30-August 6, and con ceivably could upset anyone in the field," Lamberger said. lUXUMOUS SMAVt SOWl i.rut sia Si jo m7U MAGNIFICENT MEN'S Combination sots 'Margin' SANDPOINT, Ida. Long as fisherman's' arm, bigger than a fisherman's tallest tale: that's the fighting Kamloops rainbow trout of Lake Pend Areille (pronounced Pon-dor-ay). The heftiest .rainbow ever caught was manhandled out of this north Idaho mountain - rimmed lake in 1947 by Wes Hamlet of nearby Coeur d'Alene (see pic ture at left). Sit back, shut your eyes and dream about it. Sleek, wolf - jawed, its sides 1 the mirror of a western sunset, Hamlet's fighting fish weighed 37 pounds. Held elbow high, its tail nearly brushed the dock. Fight? "I thought I'd hooked a subma rine," says Hamlet. e. Pend Oreille's anglers don't yarn about the one that got away; they can't think of anything bigger than the ones that have been land ed. Laurence Hamilton of Rear don, Wash., astonished himself and the world when he gaffed a 324 pound Kamloops" in 1945, first year the season was opened on the giants. It cracked a rainbow record of 26 pounds that had last ed 29 years. C. C. Shepherd of Rathdrum, Ida., landed a 36 - pounder in 1947. Tht spotlight of Waltonism shone brightest on Jeseph D. Bates, Jr., of Longmeadow, Mass., last year. Ho boated a 31 -pound 12 - ouncer with eight - pound -tact line and i 5't ounce spin ning rod. The Kamloops is no native to America, which explains his late arrival on the scene. He's an emi grant, forcibly removed from his native Canada where he was hap pily undiscovered for centuries. Undiscovered, that is, by the mul titude, western Canadians knew of the giants that lurked in the depths of Kamloops lake and Koo . tenay lake in British Columbia, big enough and fierce enough to bite off your measurin' arm. Pend Oreille had lots of fish but nothing bigger than 10-12-pound dolly varden. Local sports men got wind of the Canadian rainbow secret and began slip ping over the line to tangle with the heavyweights. When they gbt down to comparison, they decided the only difference between their home lake and the British Colum- bia fish pastures was Kamloops ' trout ! They went back home and rais ed some cash around town, bought 100,000 Kamloops eggs from a Ca nadian spawn - taking station and turned them over to Idaho hatch eries. In the fall of 1942 they dumped 20,000 fingerling Kam loops into Lake Pend Oreille. Some fish were held back for brood stock and now the plant ings come from United States citizen fish. The war kept fishermen off the lake and the season was closed on Kamloops. When at last the war ended and folks had time to fish again the world looked around and gasped when Hamilton pulled in his unbelievable whopper. Oregonians In the Majon What they did Saturday: Ab H 0 A E Rbi 4 1 3 Gordon. Cleveland 5 112 To make sure his face is ""well-dressed," give him magnificent Couxtley toiletries. The handsome "permanent containers will thrill him every day for years. i' 1 1 r m V - - 7 selection ot color. Many other superior Couruoy products. Tuesday Mat Roundup Made With all hands now signed by Matchmaker Elton Owen, the lineup Is set for Tuesday night's ma i cara at me f- - t - IL. first starting at j :30 e c i e e k , t i if four man tag team icrip. Owen himself will referee. The first match will biu huunfr ring on the debut of Dale Ri ser, 11-year-old younger brother of Tiger Jack, long a popular artist here. Young Dale, tutored by his illustrious brother and said to be a beautifully propor- Capot Nips Ponder, Nabs Belmont Event NEW YORK. June 1 l-(P)-Capot gave Greentree stable a powerful claim on tho 1949 three-year-old championship today when he beat Calumet Farm's favored Ponder by Belmont stakes. Just as expected, it was strictly a three-horse race between Capot, Ponder and Isidor Bieber's Pales tinian, which took third money another half length back of the Calumet colt. The fourth hors in the eight-horse field, Mrs. Eben H. Ellison, jr's.. Sun Bahram, was 12 lengths back of Palestinian to give an idea how much the others were left out of the act. Most everybody in the crowd of 40,241. but the Greentree forces thought Ponder, tho Kentucky Derby winner, was going to take this final jewel in the triple crown, because of his reputation for com ing from behind. But jockey Ted Atkinson, who was winning his first Belmont victory aboard Ca pot, knew what he was doing as he had tht brown son of Menow Piquet in front for most of tht Silver Drift Vanity Victor ARCADIA, Calif., Juno ll-P-The Irish teamed up today to cap ture the $23,000 vanity handicap at Hollywood par-k at Santa Anita. Silver Drift, a 42 to one shot, upset the expensive honeymoon and nine other mares and fillies rab tne toP net Pme ,jf $19-300. The four year old Bay Filly was ridden by Nocholas Patrick Brcnnon of County Kikiare.. win nings his first American stakes since his recent arrival in tnisi country from Ireland. Silver! Drift's owner is Mrs. R. J. Malonev of New York. The trainer is Af falable Charley Gribbin, and to round out the wearin' of the green, the Filly was bred by Mrs. Mary C. O'Leary at her farm In New Jersey. For Rent Trucks Vans,. Stakes, Pickups Do Your Own Hauling. Rave H Packing Pads and Hand Trucks Furnished. Central Service Garage Cor. Ferry and Liberty Phone 2-9062 mt jMAVt lonoi S-mOnTM 12 50 wll MATCHLISS CONTAINER tloned 17 5 -pounder, tangles with Tony FaletU. the Italian meanle la s one-faller. Right after that Big Brother Jack, advancing rap idly la tho local mat picture, takes oa BIU (Bull) Weldner.the punishing strong man. This will be a 2-of-l faller. The main event looms aa one of tho host tag teamen ta months. Ia It are the Bock Weaver-Al Ssast and Frank S to Jack-Lefty racer teams. Wearer and txaat are easily a pair of the top sci entific swifties to show here la years, and against them will be the muscular and thoroughly capable Coast Junior heavy tl- Uist and his southpaw roughlaa partner. "This one should be one of tho best." Owen claimed as he announced his full card. a half-length to win the $91,300 dusty milt and ont-half route. Capot had won the Preakness, but most "experts" thought the longer Belmont distance would prove too tough for tht Greentree galloper. Third choice in the betting Capot rewarded his backers with a $13.20, $4.90 and $2.80 return for $2. Ca pot's timt for the once-around Bel mont's huge milt and one-half track was 2:30 15, on a fast strip. Capot took down $00,900 for this one, hoisting his 1949 earn ings to $181,735 and his total for two years of racing to $273,883. Sofiy Standings: CITY l.r.AOl'K w Paper Maker t Mootry Pharmacy . 4 Golden Phraaant 4 Knighta Colutnhua S Handle OH . Rock Wool J 12th St Market 1 Marine 0 L Pet i r?s 1 .B00 t .567 I .ftOO 1 .500 1 400 I .123 I .000 IN018TKIAI. I FAG IE W I. Pet Interstate Ti actor .4 0 1 000 Naval Reserve . 4 1 .A00 Clear l.aKa . , 2 1 W7 Testniters .. .22 .500 Paper mill .12 J33 Po.t Office . . 1 I .250 i-aoian .01 .ooo Warner Motors . 0 4 .000 Monday eames Industrial Irjon. Pokt Office vi. Labish at B 30. City league -- Marines vs Papr Makera at 8. Rjndle Oil v Golden Pheasant at 9 $299 OtHor LoonaraJ Rfrtflraroes from IC Yes! Value you can see. Foil 8.6 cu. ft. capacity! 15.8 sq.ft. of shelf area! 25 lb. Frozen Food Chest! Extra high bottle storage space. 12 qt. sliding Vegetable Crisperl Handy, unbreakable chilling tray. Wonderful features you want in your kitchen! MODEL si $OOQ95 Illustrated 7 frirtt iAm art far idmry i )W kUdktit A 5- Ytmr Plan. SWt mmd tmml law mrtrm. Priam mmf ftifintnnt mmjmM m mmm Tht Statoamom, Salorav Oroqon, Sunday !" 1949 IX 4 Northern Divisioners Land Spots on All-Coast Ball Club SAN FRANCISCO, June 11-tfVAn All-Coast baseball team was named by the National Collegiate Athletic association today for the first time. A wealth of battery talent prompted the naming of four pitchers and two catchers. The NCAA selection committee is headed by Clint Evans of the University i of California and includes Sam Barry of U. S. C. and Ralph Cole man of Orrgon State. Three senior start led in the in dividual balloting. They were Bob OTell, California first baseman; Frank Roelandt, Oregon State catcher, and Art Mazmanian, USC second sacker. First team: Pitcher: Stile (WSO: Tom Clara); Pender (USCi; Mea tSan Jjm Statel. Catcher- McKelvey iL'SC); RoUndt lOrefon i(ati Ut Ba O Dell I California . 2nd bate: Mazmanian (CSC) 3rd ba: Marter iWnh. State). Shortstop: Bndee-er (L'SC). Outfield Renna iS Clarsl Jenaen (California): Choi Hon itt'iih.l Mt. Lassen in California is the only active volcano in the United Staes. CAR TUNES pkQDUQ Copyright IM7 "H's hying to qrt popl to OTTO J. WILSON CO." 2 EXTRA CU. FT. OF COLD SPACE! ITS LEONARD'S 116, COLD FRUIT FRESKEXER THAT GIVES THE EXTRA SPACE. x LOOK WHAT YOU IV os. h. at tho satio skoK arto-psvf 2 ra. ft. atttisd ky Ike lofrifforotod frost Fretk aorl Mock kifjor knkiol Ho kipor ootsUsI tt at. siklksg Vsfotaklt Crisfor. jfr Proslo SksM. Arraaft tfsjct yWaC aM4w S3 0Qrj3 ora mm Hungary Whips Swiss Netlers LONDON, June 11 -4- Hun gary swept into the semi-final round of the European Davis cup play today when it complete! a 5-0 rout of Switzerland, while the favored Czechoslovakia! team (ell behind by 2-0 in its quarter-final match with France. In the other two matches, a thunderstorm intprnipted Yugo sla ta-and-Sweden at Zagreb, Yu goslavia, before any decision Was reached and Italy look a 2-1 lead oer?Chile by winning the doubles at fTurin. by OTTO I. WILSON CO. Ixwal A4wrtMa( C. notic that nw paint Job boa GET IN MODEL LC lessors' sjoolitf, boooty4 0Ms)MVy fsWMsQskwUfyl ir 44 ft. Frosos) Foosl Ckostl H llf Csoaral Storofo Cissy art) I A Istral Tko Ksfrlforoted frit) fftskoasfl. t OOCVKM l VVcsatintaiiy i raisBimem HAMILTON FURNITURE . CO. 230 CHEMEKETA A L E M. O R E O O kf ":JiCC taIJJlSe- life SSTVrielf ' alfw Wtt S3 Oft' IT I II AT