f TTv Statesmen!, Salem. Oregon. Monday. Tuna t. 1943 Cargo Vessel, Creek Ship Collide irf Fog LEWES, Del., June S-OVThe Grek freighter, Hellenic Beach, and the 7,600-ton cargo ship Ex ni'HJth collided today in a dense fog off the Delaware coast with gaping hole ripped in the side of the Ex mouth. , Two crewmen ahcard the F.x nvnjth were injured. The Hellenic Besch vanished into the predawn mist after the ciah and wasn't identified until 15 hour after the collision. It is owned, by Hellenic jUnes;-. Ltd., with offices in New York City. There was no indication c,f the ex ttnt of damage to the Hellenic Barh. The Hellenic Beach f.'orked at a Brooklyn shipyard about 5:30 p.m. (FSTl. Officials refused to dis cui.i the extent of damage or pos sible rrew injuries suffered in the -collision. ; An SOS for Coast Gvzrd Ofsis tatue was sent out by the Ex- tnouth's skippers-after the crash at : of the American Medical assocla 1 a.m. (KST) at the mouth of Del-1 turn. aware Hay, and a pkl-el boat was; On the same; program. Clem dispatched from the ( oast C.uard bae at Ix-wes.. The bout took two Injured ijr.rhcn from tht Ex rnoii'h .'nd removed t!''m to Bcebe tim)itnl here. Their cord;tior. is not Xl ltic.Tl. Coast Gvardsmer. hiu'cd the .frtit,er nnd aked v. hit happen- ed. The skipper replied thst an other vessel had mmmed into the aide np the Exmouth, tearing a 10 fwt. hole in the ship'i, sif'e. Two feet of the hole were below the water hue and lare quantities of witef pouted into "tie number two hold. The skipper said the Exmouth, owned by the Ameri bv Export lines, would be able to make port at Philadelphia without Coast Guard aid despite the shipped ,watei. Meanwhile the veel lay off the coast' waiting for the fog to lift. -AskeVl about the other ship in th? collision, the skipper of the Ex iiKtu'h replied that the other ves sel disappeared after the crash without making .any ccntact with the Exmouth. Hoover Galls Governmental Reform 'Must' WASHINGTON, June 5-()-Be-fnrm in the government in "ab olutely essential" to military pre paredness and a bulwark against depression, former President Her bert Hoover said today. Hover, chairman, of the bl- partian commission on federal re organization .asserted also that the entry of government into som field of business has become verv dangerous." "We are on the road of socializ ing the electric power industry of the United States." he said. The former president spoke on radio interview arranged by the GnrtPtt newspapers and broad - rat over six Gannett radio sta tioni in New York, Connecticut and Illinois. Partisan Attacks" -.Meanwhile the democratic na tion.il committee ixsued a state ment charging that Hoover and lm reform nropofals jne being 'iivi' by loTne republican con gress members, in radio inter vt ws, as the basis for partisan at- 4.eks on the administration. Senator J.. Howard McGrath (HI, democratic national chair lii.tii, said Hoover has limited his remarks to a "perfectly proper' and, factual discussion of reform and economy, but the republican 1ihUIims have turned the inter vit'ws into "wild" and violent cMrges o(- "so-called wasto and extra vagance" by , the party in tmwer. Public Tower Hut be noted that the govern Mi I h,u set up power plants as a by-product of water, conserva tioiv in at least 195 places. Each of these is being used as an ex titruinn of governmental power, lie said, adding: "One effect of this has been to stifle private company develop rwent. Generally, it is proceeding r) what I view as very dangerous lUes." Government reform which ulti mately can save taxpayers up wards of $3,000,000,000 a year, he declared, is "one of the best pro tif-tions against recession that there is." Now Shout ing - Opea 1:4$ DiiiJGim WAITDISNEYS SO DEAR TO Mlf HEART M IMII Mttmt Him MM SMUli Beeaad Featara "Bast Man Wins" tlsa On tha Stoca Toolaat Only Our Radio Talant Snow BandiU Refund Victim's Traveling Expenses' j BANGKOK,. June S-iJP) Two youthful Siamese bandits dressed in blue and posing as passengers on a train suddenly pulled out re volvers and took. 10.000 ticalslin cash and jewelry from passengers. One of them after taking jewelry from a pretty girl returned her a five tical note for travelling ex penses. . DoctorsHear Truman Health ATLANTIC CITY, NJ J,- June 5 -P)-U. S. Senator John L. Mc Clelan (D-Ark) said tonight Pres ident Truman's national health pro gram would cost the nation "not less than $12,000,000,000 to 5, 000,000.000 annually and possibly a great deal more." McClellan addressed the nation- Tal conference ..of county medical society officer?, which met on the eve of the 98th annual convention Whitaker of Chicago, director of the AMA's National Education campaign, said a -"grass roots cru sade" is under way by the medical profession to defeat President Tru man's proposal. . "Evil la Concept" McClellan said the national health program "is evil in concept" and it will become cruet in prac tice." He said: "If this compulsory health In surance program; is enacted into law along with some 10 or 12 other proposals that are now pending, tve can expect within five years after their enactment that the cost of operating the federal govern ment wLJl be at least $60,000,000, 000 annually." McClellan .''d the cost would be approximately $20,000,000,000 more than, the present federal budget. Weald Destroy System "In my judgment that much ad ditional taxation,, whether taken from payrolls or otherwise, would be confiscatory and would destroy our free enterprise system," he said. Whitaker called on the nation's 200,000 doctors to talk "to their friends and patients and doctor's tradesmen and all the people with whom they cqme In contact." He said his organization planned distribution of pamphlets on a national basis, addressed to civic and neighborhood clubs and news paper and radio advertising. 'This is a showdown battle in the war between - Americanism and stateUm," Whitaker said. The first machine to make barb ed wira waa patented in 1874. Held' OVERI p nrilSiriiiir1 PS) t MAJOR TREATS! Jeanne Craln Linda Darnell Ana Sothern la "A LETTER TO S -WIVES" And Wsllace Beery Marjorie Mala la "BIG JACK" Salam lith St Entrant Fair Grounds Parking Lot CLYDE BEATTY in rcasoa WITH TMS LSMCCSr MUCO OAOUe Or WH.D no rcnociovs ouhmstimo ooms mo tiocts m tmc HisTowy of thc would r r sTas-eka6sMt at" mom U U all eaars Of thi world Twlct CAilt la 41 ii I f druUs 00Oft$ 0PCN VJSt 7 FJsLlIIICII 2 Tickets oa sale today at Qaiaaca Berry s rhanaaey, Conrt and Commercial , Cbfldreas Admission jr Afternoon Only yW C Bill Attacked gajaaaB arrd """""I ft ray"lland j V A38HT una pwm wruai ; h. 1 i odav TMt fmt ' Ow Mt Imn iii titm 1 Unls Casttf FmAbW aV AJl tstWs sHaJaasTf tsVaBtsstaM p- PAPAL CUARD RECRUITS Twa aew recrviU for the Swiss Guards (left) at Vatican City, don their uniforms la the organization that has been guarding the Fopes since 150k Fire Fatal to in vania HAZLETOM, Pa June S-ifPA fire that f-oareli through a west Hazleton hornet early today killed five small; children and critically injured three other persons. Firemen1 fought the flames 'for 45 minutes before bringing them under control. Three of the fire fighters were hurt. When they could get inside the burried out structure, they found five brothers huddled together in a tiny bedroom. The coroner's of fice said death was due to as phyxiation: and third degree burns. The dead children, aU sons of Steven Gaiiick, a hard coal miner were identified as Joseph, 11; Richard, 5; Leo, 3; Thomas, 2, and Donald, 0 months. One of the brothers lay face down on the floor between the two beds In the room. On each of the beds were two boys, clinging to each other in death. The fingers of six-month-old Donald remained tightly clutch ing a nippted soda pop bottle con taining milk;. Injured critically were Gaizick, his wife and another son, Robert, seven. The Gaizick couple had 14 children, j The fire apparently started In Mat.! Daily From 1 T. M a NOW SHOWINGI Getty cult tsan .a rrirrshri l Opens 1:45 PJ. NOW SHOWINOl lOlin SiOOaUI NUIsHrhtSVl Now! Opens 1:4$ P3L m Cagnay "Angols with Dirty Facas" iCaorga Rraft TKay DrivtbyNlghf Penrisyl Laatj Times Tonltet T' Starts at Dask h Free Pony Rides 8 P.M. If Jana Wyman ' David Nivon "AKissinthtt iDark" j Walt Disnas 1 1 'fBambi" 1 In Technicolor lircirifori ThriU Ca-IllU If rf(TI . 1 11 vw4kf r f fci iii ir - - - - " r Motorcvcle Accident Injures Portland Man A motorcycle accident on high way 99-E near Brooks shortly be fore midnight Sunday injured Merwiii E. Strayer, 33, of Port land. A flat tire caused his ma chine to le e the road and over turn. He was taken to Salem Mem orial hospital, where the extent of his injuries was not determined immediately. CHERRIANS MEET TONIGHT The Salem Cherrians will meet tonight at 8:30 at the Golden Pheasant to discuss final plans for their participation in the Portland Rose festival. the kitchen after all the members of the family were asleep. There was no indication of what started the blaze. Table of Coastal Tides S 41 a.m. I M p m. t:M Jn. 9 32 p.m. 11:06 m m. 10:12 p.m. 12 :10 p m. 10 M p.m. I D3 p.m. 11 3S p.m. 1 :S1 p.m. 4S 1:5! a.m. 0 7 S 2 IS p.m. I I 4 3 3:49 a.m. -0 2 71 3 OS p.m. IS 4 4:43 m m. -10 7 4 3:33 p.m. 3 1 41 5 28 s m. -18 7 3 4:43 p.m. 2 4 4 S IS a.m. -19 7 4 8 31 p.m. St 4t 7:01 mm. -2 0 8-20 p m. 2 9 Salem One Week Starting To-day-Mon., June 6 2030 Fairaround Rd. and Woodrow SL For the Entire Family. Bring Your Kodaks Camaras -.Continuous Noon till 10 P.M. i t i GATEST V- c5HOW ivl On , i - V GIANT CONTINENT MENAGERIE HORSE SH0W-Z00 BELGIAN BOB tt horse. tti lf 4i M. WvifKt 710 b. ILAMArtl mMl horn SowOi Amr. ZEIU SCf4 Ol from mrfrOM ' KYL0E From tK H9MAt el SctUo. LONE STAR vv,, wtiKino m at JOOS lb. CARACUL SHEEP WORLD'S SMALLEST HORSE Only 2t incKj ) WILD YAK From T.bt 4 Hort, Qiiws. Tko cow of frow rtq!oM ALSO VVortff mlltt r.J,,:Uwm COW. kx'von, rKf bwH. xny krt. .',ii;ife(jiinc NEB CUR -HA 1.000 YEAt. OtO man Tax Kids aader 12 25a Adults e lac. Extra ATTRACTION! PROF. JOSEPH COGOZZO and bis Trained Monkeys Tax Kids aader 12 2ae Adalta Sea lac. far CbfJdrea 1 1 . i Late Sports Salem Legion Tips Mt. Angel MT. ANGEL, June 5 (Special) Salem's American Legion entry scored six runs on three hits and some -fancy base-running to whip Mt Angel In a Legion opener here this afternoon, 6 to 2. Bill Haunaska's crew opened the scoring in the first on an error,-passed ball, an out and a single by Bill Johnson. Mt. Angel coun tered in a tally in their naif, but Salem went ahead on two runs in the second. Jones hit, sto'e second, moved to third on a passed ball and Sloan scored via the ca tchers miscue for the second. Salem added two more on a walk; hit basemen, and error and a sacrifice. Again it was Jone3 and Sloan crossing the plate. Sloan walked in the sixth, stole second, moved to third on a sacrifice and then stole home to give Salem their Tin luiaj vuuill. Jim Rock' went the route for Salem, giving up five hits. R H E Salem 120 201 n ? mt Angel 110,000 0 2 5 4 Batteries: Rock and Jones, Tav lor (5); Wellman, Bielemeir (5) Ebner (6) and Turin. CAR THEFT REPORTED Theft of a '37 Fdrd sedan from Anderson's Used Car lot, 240 Cen ter St., was reported to city police at 11 p.m. Sunday. Bring your gal . . . make It an evenlr -shell never forget. Be sure io come . . .. . mm. m mm O DINfc .. o DANCE 11 U l Brine Tour eal ... .' P o BROADCAST DINE . . DANCE c uHnwc mi inc new Mff roniana tt CHUCKS STEAK HOUSE Construction Together with 43 Take this opportunity to extend Congratulations and Best Wishes lo ilr. and I Irs. Virgil L. Pade on the Re-Opening oi their building ... and Every Success lo Hen and Jack Ilnller, operators o! Chuck's Steak House. Glen E. Brownina Bob Falkenberg, Ted Schroeder Share Win SPOKANE. June 5 -CP)- Ted Schroeder, the hard-hitting Davis Cup veteran from La Crescenta, Calif., defeated Bob Falkenburg 7-5, 6-1, 6-2 in 57 minutes today to win the singles title in the Athletic Round Table's Invitational tennis tournament. Then Schroeder teamed with Falkenburg to win the doubles event over Sam Match and Art Larsen of San Francisco, 2-6, 6-4, 6-8, 6-2, 6-1. HALSET DOWNS DALLAS DALLAS, June 5-(Special )-Hal-sey scored three runs in the first of the tenth here today to break a 4-4 tie and defeat Dallas in a Coast league semi-pro game, 7 to 4. Ray Osuna homered in the sixth . with nobody on for the losers. 7 R H F Halsey 130 000 000 37 4 2 Dallas .... 001 001 020 02 12 2 Batteries: Vannice and Lreper; Holweger, Wilson 4,2) and Vout- WIL Scores WENATCHEE, June 5-0P)-Sec-ond game: Victoria 000 030 001 4 6 7 Wenatchee .204 001 42x 13 15 1 Ducurevich and Morgan; Orrell and Winter. (Second Yakima - Bremerton game unreported). Wheat is the most widely dis tributed of the cereal crops. MAKE A If II ba a gala event . , thrill to every moment the New building . . fina food and service. ''I ' J A" have one of Chuck's famous steaks to your hearts content over KSLAA 7 p. . . . Monday m. AT THE NEW Company, Inc. the following participating Subcontractor.: Woodry Furniture Co. Q Floor Covering Harold Dunsraoor O Painting Henry Barr O Plumbing Vera Beimann O Healing and Sneel Iletal Lee Booting Co. O Booting Hingwood Electric O Wiring and Electrical work A Eanz Bros. O Plastering Salem Lighting Co. O Lighting fixtures x Bill Holand O Brick work Bedding Cabinet Shop O Glass and A Hill work Floyd Poland Boosts '49 Coal Output KATOW1EE, Poland, June SV(rP) Poland's coal miners expect to turn out around 75,000,000 tons this year. The 1949 target is 74, OOC.0O0. That would be an in crease of about 14,000,000 over 1948. Additionally, coal miners have pledged themselves to exceed pro duction targets assigned to them. They expect to produce 1,500,000 tens of coal aoove their "norms". All through the coal industry, the ministry of mining and power Is encouraging "work races". That means champion miners are vying against each other to see who can produce the most coal. Thus far this year, a total of 600 miners are reported to have ex ceeded their targets by 151 to 400 per cent. Poland exported 26,000,000 tons nf fnal in Fvrwt arm v - pected to top 30,000.000 this year. ! noon and 1-3 p m.; well balsv con IDl STRIAL SCHEDULE ference at health department (by Six games are on tap this week i appointment onlyl 9:30-1 1:30 a nt. for Industrial Leaane softballrri Friday Immunizations for a wtth the Fapermakers leading of f : dults and children at health He at 6:30 Monday night against the ' partment, 10 a.m.-noon and 3-5 Naval Reserve. Warner Motors p. m : child guidance, clinic, 1-3. meets Post Office at 6:30 p.m.. j p.m.: food and milk handlers' ex Tuesday; Clear Lake and Naval animations and blood tests, 8:30 Reserve tangle at the same time ' a m. -noon and 1-4 p.m. Wednesday and Labish and Inter-1 Saturday Immunizations for a state Tractor vie in an S:30 p.m. dults and children at health de encounter. Teamsters and War- partment, 8:30 - 11:30 am. ners meet and 6:30 pjn., Thurs- j dav and Interstate Tractor vs Pa- ! permakers completes the schedule! Friday at 6:30 p.m. ' DATE TO ATTEND OUR mmim you'll . . to to tha . w - Monday and Tuesday 5 k Closad Until 5 P. M. S, yi iThasa Two Days Only IlorganX County Health Office Calendar Lists Clinics The schedule of activities for this week announced by the Mar ion county health department is as follows Monday Immunizations for children at the health department, 10 a.m. noon and 3 - y'pjn. Tuesday Pre-sChool clinic at Englewood ' school, 9 a m. -noon; child health conference at Eugene Field school, Silverton. 2-.4 Dm.; parent-nurse conference at Wood burn public library. 1:30-2:30 -vm. Wednesday Pre-schoo! clinic 1 a Englewood school, 9 a.m.-noon; fluoroscopic clinic at Salem Mem- I orial bosnital (by appointment ionlv). 1-2 P.m. ' Thursday Pre-school clinic it Stay ton Women's club. 10 a m.- Bats' limbs are not adapted for walking. 1 David V. Randolph I Af ft" k s 1