II Thm Stat man. Salm. Orqon. Monday Tun 6, 1948 JVetc Tax Commissioners Take Office Today A' I - 155 N. liberty D : Y'f Phone 3-3191 r 74--V; Kg&fck 'V- .-;2-t "V. sr., Sicnlnr oaths of office after beinr Bworn in as new aUte tax commissioners arejRobert D. McLean, Wild port, seated at left, and Ray E. Smith. Portland, seated at ritht, durinr ceremonies In the office of Earl T. Newbry, secretary of state, Saturday morning. They will assume office today. Standing left to right, are Harold Phillipe. manager of the accounting division, who. as a deputy and notary, swore In the two men; Newbry, and Walter Pearson, state treasurer. (Statesman photo.)! .- ; : ' Miss Bentley Adds Names To 'Spy' List WASHINCTON. June 5 -Jp)-Eliiabeth T. Bentley, former Red courier, today nnrnfA six addition al government employe ax infor mation suppliers for1 the Soviet government. Houe py hunters, meanwhile let it be kn wn they tuspect that somebodv ir, the government tin ned, wart'rrif Russian ' snip when G-Men pickei up their trails. The suspicion a'e based partly on testimony Mir.s Bentley gave last year and portly on informa tion obtained in a new case on which hearings will be bld to morrow. MiM Bentley sent the new names, plus 31 she bad mentioned before, to the senate judiciary committee. Neither she nor the committee said whether any of them still get their pay chrcks from the government. None of the six wss widely known in the : 1 T Ttie newcomers, whose names went into the committee's official records, yrc: Peter Perazich of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration; Ruth' Rivkin of UNRRA; Berniee Ivcvin of the old War Production Board: Vladimir Kazakevich, teacher or army courses at Cornell university: Peter Rhodes, broadcaster ylor the army in Africa and Italy; and Ahraham Rrnthman. reserve armv officer, also listed as an employe of Republic Steel company. New Names on List , Miss Bentley also had some new names of people outside the gov ernment she said were on the re lay team that passed information to the Russians. These included Anatol Vqjkov, a courier: Hazen Size, Canadian Film board, Canadian legation, Washington: Cedric Belfrage. British Intelligence Service. Ney York; and) Mrs. Robert Miller, Chinese Purchasing commission. . Miss Bentley admits she was a courier for wartime Red spy rings which she says got secrets from government workers and passed them to Soviet agents and on to Moscow. She soured on Commu nism and told her story to the FBI and later to congressional com mittees. Asked for Names An Immigration snbeommittee of trt senate judicary committee ask ed her on May 13 to submit for tho record names' of persons- "who to her knowledge were involved in relaying information to the Soviet government." j The subcommittee, headed by Senator McCarran (Q-Nev), made ..tho list public today. It names 37 a "U. S. government employes." kit outsiders as couriers, and three 4 Size, Belfrage and Mrs. Miller as employes of jfther governments. It was the first time she had put some of the courier in that category. For Instance, she listed Earl Browder, former head of the Communist party as a courier. She also named: John Abt. former New Deal lawyer and later a leader in Henrv Wallace's Progressive party;, Louis Bundenz, another one-t;me top Red who split with the party; Mary Price, Mttrtary to colum nist Walter Lippman: and Helen ilvermasU-r. wife of Nathan Gregory Silvermaster. Gadget Keeps Baby itiShape By Edward S. Kitch CHICAGO. Jvine MP)-Micki Williams soon may have thousands of babies jumping. For what was n temporary ex pedient three years ago now has grown into a going business. It all started simply when Mickl fix ed a diaper sling One day and sus pended it from a string attached to a doorway, to; amuse her twin baby niece. Another was . con structed with a belt from her dress. It held the second twin in a door way across the room. Soon both were jumping and enjoying the exercise. They were contented and safe. After the first- models of the' baby sling were shown to friends, orders began to come in for more. Micki and 'altfipplied for a pa tent pnd manufacturing began. Since lat November, they have marketed over 6,000 of the baby exercisers. The. couple demon strates the invention in department "store throughout, the country. Called a "Johnriy Jump Up." the unit is adjusted so that the child's feet just touch the floor. It can be used from the time the baby is three months old tintil it can walk. Floods Recede In Colorado, West Kansas LAMAR. Colo., June 5 P) Floodwaters were receding1 in eastern and central Colorado and western Kansas this afternoon, but thousands ofacres remained inun dated and transportation was blocked at some points. In the Lamar, Colo., area, where 7.28 inches of rain fell, between Saturday morning and today, the Arkansas river, which crested at noon, was again flowing inside its banks by late afternoon. The highway departrftent said however, that the big coast-to-coat road. U.S. .50. was covered with water in so many places that it was not certain when traffic would resume its flow. The flood waters also blocked rail travel n the region, washing out section of track from 50 to 60 feet in length along the Santa Fe lines' road beds. Railroad officials said they hoped to have the track patched up by late tonight) The eatbound Cajiforhia Limited, a streamliner, was halted at Cdolidge, Kas., last night. ! ,In the city of I&rnar water clim bed above floor-level in many re sidences and offk-e-buildings. National Guard units were sent to Granada and Holly. eat of thjis citjt. to help evacuate families from flooded glomes. : At Holly, near the Kaaas-Colorado state line, a break in the dikes along wild Hote Creek flooded one-half of the re sidential section of that town of L 500 population. At Granada levees broke along Wolf creek, letting the water into the village. Both gas and electricity service were knock ed out at Granadj. Bristol. Colo., also flooded, and Holly, are with out gas. but do have electricity, city officials reported. Red German Police Conduct ! 'Sham Battle' $y Daniel De Luce BERLIN'. June 5 -((")- Soviet zone people's police engaged in a three-day sham battle under Rus sian army supervision last week, the British - licensed Sozialdemo krat reported today. The Socialist newspaper previ ously hss charged that Russia or ganizing a police army exceeding 500,000 Germans in her zone for the purpose of conquering the en tire feifh for communism in the event western Germans are left on their own. , The American military govern ment recently estimated this force at about 80,000 but discounted Its, military; effectiveness. . An Amer-J ican intelligence officer said today he had po information confirming or refuting Sozialdemokrat s re port of! the maneuvers. The rjewspaper said 24 Russian tanks and a number of fighter planes participated in the rftfneu vers at (Dderberg, 28 miles north east of Berlin. Use German Generals It asserted that a soviet colonel named jSmirnov exercised field i command over the police exercise and that several former German army gejnerals who hold ligh po lice posts attended. The rjolice used mortars. light field artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns in mock attacks on dumrpy strong points, and em ployed sitorm bbats In crossing a small lake, the newspaper added. It quoted a police general as declaring, "our police are destined to achieve again the unity of Ger many." No Sims of Settlement The biter railway tieup showed no signs jof -settlement In its 16th day. Th4 soviet army newspaper Tseclich Rundschau admitted the strike . wjjs costly and reiterated the argument of Alexander Koti kov. soviet sector commander, that the only obstacle to resumption of raihvav service was the occupa tion of west Berlin stations by al-lied-contr!olled police and strik ers. I So far there has been no reaction from the fovjet-controlfed railway administration to the proposal of the strikiie non-communist trade union (TOO) that the administra tion split 'itsejf into two business offices, east and west, one to deal in west marks with the hon-com-munist union, the other to con tinue on n east-mark basis and bargaining with the communist free German trade union. The fight hinges on the demand of the nonicommunists for official recognition! of' their union by the communistmanaged Reichshahn. Aphrodite, goddess of love,- Is believed to have been adopted by Greece from a Semitic cult. LW1 Car Market Going Dohii? Better Reatl This j WOODWARD. Okla.. June 5 (F i Barney Bohificld Is one new car ; dealer who; finds the autmobile sit- j uation stillj acute he had to go in a competitor toebuy a ca! Business; was so good. Bonifjeld , 1 sold all hi cars including his per-j sonal-machfine. After a week with , inadequate; transportation, he waj forced to bjuy a competitive make, i Poland Report Growing Den ire to Stulv Huian WARSAW, Poland. June 5 (A) Th ministry of education says there is a "growing interest in Rus sian literature and the Russian lanfuage" among Poles. To meet the demand, the ministry said it was neecary to find more tea chers of the Russian language. It ordered special six-month courses set up for preparing new teachers. KEEP COOL! V With our low-coot olr-conditionora. PL UMBINO zHE A TING WHY PAY MORE? When You Can Have O Completely Automatic O 5 Year Warranty (on sealtd-in-transtnission) O Exclusive Water Saver i O No Bolting Down O Cleans Itself Westinghonse Laundromat Trade-in allowance for your old washer .For Only 299.95 SALEM'S EX rTE APPLIAKCE STORE CLUSIV YEATEB APPLMIICE CO. 255 N. Liberty Street 10 FRfCZil Stores 22 lbs. frozen food, p!u$ ice cubes.. TWIN MISHENUS Hi-humidity stor ogo kseps vege tables fresh. 0Dowiv 24Moath fo pay SLIDI-AWAY SHIIF Exclusive with M-W! Alio ws more storage' flexibility. FINEST 7.5 CU. FT. M-W WITH MANY EXTRA FEATURES TO GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR REFRIGERATOR DOLLAR! Compare this M-W, and its extra features, with mode's priced much higheK. . . you'll agree M-W is your best re frigerptor buy! 4 J;ffy ice cube and tray releases.. rroys won't "stick" and cubes pop up instantly. Push Pull doer lotch ocenj ot $!ght touch. Famous M-W Sealed Unit. BjA ' now . . . Ian included at no extra cost '' v i 1 OVEN THERMOSTAT Selector switch enables you to control heat. 1ft DEEP-WEIL COOKER 6-qt. Aluminum. Cooks meals at lowest cost. 95 ll 10DownA U 24 Months II' 30' OVEN Over-$ized oven ho'ds 25-ib. turkey easily 1 FORMERLY SOLD FOR 174.95 . . ; M-W ELECTRIC RANGE WITH MANY TIME-AND-MONEY-SAVING FEATURESI Compare the work-easing features, ana th new lc pnee, with models selling for more elsewhere! 0 piece 40 cooktop has no seams to clean. 7-heaf switches for cocktop heating units hondyplug-in appli once cutlet; storage orea for cooking utenstlt. Fan IncuJeo1 of no oxfrocosf DELUXE M-W . . . . . 244.95 wifn tiff Ucfric ran SUPREME M-W .... 279.95 fopoy 1 Wf At Ho XJRA COST! " BIG 12- INCH, 3-SPEED OSCILLATING FAN! i Worth dcllan more than the Ward-low prce of $ 19.95 ... this fan is incljdei at no extra ccst when you buy any M-W refr'g-jrafor or range listed in this adl Don't dsby buy fodayl FAN INCLUDED WITH ANY OF THESE M-W REFRIGERATORS! 7.5 cu. ft. M-W hold-, 21 lbs. Ai J qs frozen foods. Deluxe features. J Low priced, big 8 8 co. ft. M-W with full width cnspr. 226.00 9 5 cu. tt. M-W-Over 13 sq. QC' QC ft. of shelf, storag area. ZJTt7J 8.8 cu. width food and ice i. ft. M-W-Giant full OQQ freezer holds 50 lbs. 7J 7 SAVE NOW! COMPARE THIS BIG M-W AT $30 MORE! 10 Down; Balance Monthly id88 Weal family lire! Swirlotor washrg action c!anses clothes thoroughly. Pressure selector on wringer for ony thicknesi fabric; Push-type safety release. Por celain enamel finish wipes clean with domo cloth. 8-lb. capacity; gravity drain hose 0 With automatic drain pump 103.08 e-VANI IWIIIATOR Gentle efficient woshing action . . ncn-fonging. LOVfU WtlNOII Swings on column . 8 positions. Balloon rolls. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE . OPEN "TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT