" I Th Stat mem, Salrn, Orxjon. Monday, Jtma 8. 194S 1 EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY WHEN YOU SHOP THE WANT ADS For SaleReal Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farm Wanted Ureed Car For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars! TWO BEDROOM u. hardwood floors, oil furnace. Lot 70x129 fl. Tw blovK imn bu. Pn. 7-iKt ' ONt REDRM. rood, home, gar '.i act.e. Will consider any earn offer 3 Pant View Dr URGENT Owner transferred, must sell very at tractive home; all utilities, three bed rooms nice yard witn outdoor fire place: Only 37930. Salem Realty Co. Realtor 1 W High St. PhoneJM ON LIVINGSTONE AVE 3720. acre of good soil ready to plant, new 3 BR. home, walla and ceiling are Insl.. deep well, for quirk ale. nrr will com. effer. Pn. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. I4th M. , TPOOM HOME. Desirable Hillside loca'ton 3T900. 670 Ratcliff Dr I.KO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS CLOSE IN 3 room house. Carafe. Some furniture. Price $ijOS. WOR1 H THE PRICE. Practically new 2 bedrtn. home, .large living rm.. cory kitchen Oak floon througnout. Large garage. Paved street. Englewood Dist. pure onlv WlOO - A FINE HOME In perfect condition. cheerful rms. High full cement base ment Forced air oil furnai-e. Fireplace. Xle to M Kinlev School. Prie til. 000. St'Bt'lJHAN HOMF C, acres Al mo' new 2 bedrm. house completely furnhd , Owner leaving. Priced right I KO N CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS , lMS.'ieit. Pn 2-3S43 Evenings2-40lT or 3-45111 87.0W Clean modern 2 bedroom home n South' High St. Living loom, dining room, fireplace, basement, furn ace I,ot nf fruit. Paved St. Call Stanley fcrown with Stale Finance Co. Realtor 111 S High St Ph.3-4121 Eve. 2;SS6l " DON r" BUY til you've ' n-'7 'iX. lovely 2 HR Imfne open lor inspection anytime ' Ml. E of Lancaster on Cen-ij trf J'l jinc 2-0045 lor rforrpalton M;J T SELL now. 3'irm. i'nuse' moi. hi every way I.o llff x220, $28C0 gown niA. '-SIOT BEST Bin Hollywood Brand new. very cute. Immed. poa. Veiy well built. Attached garade. But ft front dm. Walking Dilt from 8t. Vincent Ac Highland school Total price $4750 F H A. terma available. $700 DOWN Older type 4 bdrm home. With 2 A'. CI'M in. North. Imrjira. pH. Private well paved street. Priced for quick Mle at $.. Al Iaak & Co Realtors MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BUKFAU 3i25 Portland Pd Ph 3-782. 2-4598 EveS-fHTS, 3,-335 MAKt. AN OFFER "on t'ii good 4 tx4iiii home fust off Mate St. I.g Iv rm. fl rin. Kit, batn, I Oedrm down (tana. 1 Ig bed r ma up Nice' back yard Jk girt.'ii potBaieoent. Cm A WALTERS: REALTOR HONE 2-.W A 2- Nf AR LESLIE JR. IlIGH " III. Vw-Very nice 3 vr. eld home Wi'h J hfdinta on one floor, large dry b4eii)ent with extra piunthiiijr. hwd. floors ttiru-out. riiee isomer ot. GEO A WALTERS. REALTOR r PHONE 2-.Ui A 2:S70 At . ON PAVEMENT, late built, fnod Rvid. clean 2 BR. home, bua by 4kn. imM bath, larfc liv. mi., kit-dio-. atte ciiihiiied. elect, coowing. lota of built'in AIm 2 rm. hoicse ?enlal plua garage ;xk1 carden good in. drilled well, pm ed for -rtUick naie. tit S, Bok 114 Gurleo Kit. 2 blkr Writ cf Swt- glw ri"Nl. Brjiner, lermr HKOIKKINt t-.ou.-A . nrv. IV oecoialed. full iMseotent. oil burner, double pluiiibuii;. good location on bua line, large'lot. terma to ruil. M. B. Stegner, i. ruttaire Plione3-4flW Owner or this 3 br i.r. Cr. k. w". Meakfa! kpace. full bth. fireplace. pOVeied. wired for elec. r.Tff. 11 very anxious to aell furnished Mke ua an offer. Owner going into huainoa for - huimelf needa money. Lot la tOxlO, all , roMii on one floor Use. only 2 or S er old liraled on Browning ave. IIMM) Gaige he located in Kei?r dil in very good tocation on lot lux ' l'5ii 2 BR home located in Kei.er din Nice location on "a acre Paved rd Bim hvdoor achooi and hopping dit! close. Keier Real Estate & Ins. Ona H Olson O. R. Richard 63 Chemawa Hiud . ',, ml Wet of Keier mh. Phone 3-i:. or2-4.112 FOR SALE or traru 2 brum'. 1:uum In W. .Sa1-rrt. $jOu down, bal like rent or will iimlr tor hnune in Salem. Ph SEE THESE 1 $6000 A 2 Ik1i.ii houe. elect heat Variety of yiung fruits berrm Terms. $7(M)0 tm house, unfin upstairs, fireplace. 1 A $XW will handle. $7300 4 bdrm. plastered house, beautiful set ting on Fairmont Hill new fas range 47 water heater go. Terms. ' $8500 I bdim. house ' A. close in. FVautifuI yaril. garden space, all vciv a'ttrac tive EJi.A. CommilUnent for 36600 loin. S1Q.000 A money maker. Motel with 4 cabins. S trailer hook-up. 2 pun p service station, i rm. mod, home for owner. rNK will handle or will trade fir city home or small acreage. This pl.tce has an Income of $8wi a mo. ART MADSEN MM State St. Ph 3-5M0 Statesman Classified Advertising Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Per Una ISc Three Insertions er Una . 40e 7 insertions, per , line 7a Ong month per line (Outide of Salem. each line . 15c) Minimum two lines. Coont ft words to lijie. Readers in city griefs lino Ja The deadltna for classified and reader advertising is I 43 p.m. daily Only emergency "lost" ads rtU be acre pled alter that hour. The Statesman reserves the rtgM te retect questionably adverOaang It furloer reserves tSe neht to place all advertising . under tne prostee rlassifiratlass. The Statesman asumes as finan cial respoaaiblltty for' errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In tts columns and in raai a where that paper ts at fault wttj reprmt that part of an advemaa ment in which the l7pographicaa mistake occurs. A "Bltaag Ad an ad eontalntnt a Statesman host number for aa dldresx as for the protection of the advertiser and" mutt therefore be answered by letter Tha gtalsnwaaj la not at liberty te divulce Infor mation aa so the Menf" nf a aj4 rertiaer using a "Blind" ad. 2 BR HOMES : for aal by owner. lowt Norway f UV OW.SLR. 4 rm. houae witft anow er new roof, corner lot S3123. M300. W 'rnrv K-4 115 Eiectrlc ave A ' GOOD anund ahnoat new 2 Eft houae with extra corner lot good for buaineaa. filling ata . restaurarui or gro cery or court on South 12th atreet. A real buy at IflSOO. Gootlu in & MrMillin REALTORS 4M Court St. Phone 3-4T07 Eve 2-Tgq . 2-4773 atL'STJC RETREAT, rairmont Hill, reasonably priced. Ph. J-J730. . 12 J E. Superior . BY OWNERTTfttrTTTrm. hou. ba--ment. iprrnkling lyjtem, thrubberv & garden in If Interested call 2-46H2. BE INDEPENDENT - Collect rent instead of paying it. New duplex, each apt. with' 2 B R. Large liv. rma. Lpvelv kitchen, dinettes; automatic heat. po ession thu week. 19 950 Terms to suit. R. E. MEREDITH. RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 S Commercial Phone 3-WW1 BY OWNER. 2 bedroom house., )Ut finuied. oak floors in L R and hall. V. blinds. Elec. water htr. Ac purrp. 'j A. lot Leaving state, must sell. 14300. 421t Durhin Ave. 4 Corners. Next to sew achooi. Lots $10 Iiown . flS per month will buy you a lot with, water, elect., trees, bus service, close to school. You can park your trailer. Hurry 1 Over 'z of them are gone. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 y Min i-S.SS. 2-821 . 3-503 APT. OR DL'PtEX ie. rd location. ' blk State Bldgs. t20Oij. Walt Socoiof r, Real Estate, Ph. 3-8835. lirhanoje- Real Kstatc EXCHANGE FORWLADE List ' your property for trade. We have traders for all types of real estate COLBATH LAND CO. 19S3 Center St. Phono 24552 Salt or -Farms TWANT-jA FARM? We have a good 30 A. Howell l e -' -.-4- 11 eqtro- wed ready to go. I A. of berries com ing on. Goodwin & MrMillin REALTORS 434 Court St. , Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 3-7283 2-4773 ' REAL ESTATE BARGAINS . Farm near Aumsvtlle. 60 acres, good btdgs.. good road. ne?r school, milk and mail route, school bus. 3 rm hse . fences and bldgs.. in good condition. 3 A. cultivated, bal. pasture. A real buy. Some terms. ' acres East Salem, good 7 room hse. barn and outbidgs. House mod ern, tile kitchen and. bath, very nice, clean home. Filberts, walnuts, best soil, terms if wanted. 7 acre place, good bldgs. and .water, best of fences and location. Beautiful hickory grove. Must see to appreciate. Terms to suit. School bus. mail, gar bage and nuik route bv the door. Many other farm and city bargains to choose from. Call R. A. McFarlane 2111 S'ate St. ; pvinne 3-3732 Licensed Real Estate Broker Notary Public, Loans, Insurance 333 A. STOCK ranch. 100 A. cult . fine pasture, woods, springs. Marys fiver, fair bldgs, 12 mi. toward New port from Corvallis. $15,000. Owner. 1411 Court aL AOniNO MACHINES au makes uad machines, sold, tent ed repaired Roen. 453 Court Phone JTTJ i , , APPLIANCE SERVICE Beiidix. KelVinator and Hotpoint Sales and Servlre Ralph Johnson Ap pliance. 355 Center St. Phone 3-3119 Y EATER Appuance Lo. 255 No Lib Ph. 3-4311 . AtTOMOBILE REPAIP AUTO REPAIR. Amazing low prices Eaxv Payment Plan U'tii St Junction Auto Wreckers.Ph. 2-8208. Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas "''T.111-00 510 N.t om l AT YOUR DOOR li RINDING Lawn niiw.rs;'scis.or knives sharp- ?DrdP?JJ?eiiS?!len.,ri--?hJ-3''13 BICYCLES 1 r tMYilGHERTY. 2138 air- r- rxYItflHERTY 1130 grounctx Rd Phone 3-6721. BLANKET WASHIXfi "Guar work. 1460 D St Ph 3-ail7 U-IICIMtlNTS PHOTOSTAT PRINT PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY., Salem Blue Print Co., Inc.. 480 Ferrvbt, : BRA'.ES . MikT" Panek. 275 S. Com! Ph.3-5U1 Brake tt wheel aligning specialist BVLLPOZING . QEAN ROBlNSON. Hhone2-65J7 LT."" Crawler doting, discing 23220 Bl'II BING 05i TRA C T O R S , PlilLDING a, new' home? Let Sulli van 3c Taylor, Homebuliders build It for you Ph 2-4479 or 2-7579 3'TtAM.f.' or masonry cont. Remodel, ir.a:. new foundations Alt Bros.. 2-5909. CKMKMT CONTHACTOa RiTw?srsJDwAXKs, nr0UN DAT10NS, a'nythini conrreU Ph HWO. rrMtNT wostK . . ANYTHING CEMENT. Prompt ser vice guaranteed. Ph. 3-3731. 371 S. rth . f.. COMMrKClAETOCtTipN r nPrigidaire sales "and service. Ritchie a ragg Inc.. I860 State, Ph. 3-6908 Ray Jones ajnredFgj . COMMERCIAL AstT Letterheads, cartoons, business sigsv trade marks photo retouching. Bob Browne. Satem ; Engraving Pti. 3-3441 313 S Commercial ELK CT RICA I. CONTRACTING " VINCE S Electric for electrical wlr uvg. coatracting-repairing. Is7 S. Lib" erty Phone -9239 H .a CTB.lt AL WIRING "SALEM Equipment Co. Phone -3-3561 ri'RNAt-sT t leaning HOLLANI5 rURNACE CO. 350 Kearney Phone 3-73U3 rt m fil a n; 7 1NSEC1 IClDal or germacide commer cial fumigating- Special rates on targe lot East Sa)errf FumlgtQTS Ph. 3-1S1 jryRNTt CRE'RESTORING We specialize in restoring antique furniture: Lambert s. Ph. ;J '0 HAULING "LESTER OeLapp Trutk Service Ceenl hauling it furniture rr.jving Dally service to Portland. Ph. 3-1750 HEALTH Attnorays, Hfrley Pugh, Ph. 3-4692 SlEATINU Judsun's." 279 N ConiT Ph. 3-4141. MOUiHOLU PRODtCTS J R Watkiru Co products ' 1711 Cen ter St Salem. Ph 3-5395. Tree del iNtTtNEATHf.RiTRipprrr nruWRt iNSUUtTiNG" jo 2-0053 A B C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3748 " I. fl Clasraoir Co 113a1 Broadway i.4MHCAri(l Choice oriumentai shrubbery, t. A iserfWr A atoSM .. 8-U23. f Business Directory $2.50 per line per month 10 ACRES ' Eire rm. modern home. Good eoo d.iKjn. fever; &ood oist bldgx. Am'y ilt soil; Owner very anxious to aell. Reduce to 17700. Call for Mr. Leavens. AI Isaak & Co.. Realtors (MEMBE7R Or MULTIPLE LISTING ' BURXAUI 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7f20. 2-tSM iEve. 3-40X. 33M 1 2S3 ACRES 230 acfea plow land. bedroom plast ered house, large barn, outbuildings, plenty of wateN- 1130. per acre. Salem Realty Co. i Realtors 143 N. High St. Ptione 3-7W0 6300 i', Acre. 3 bed rms. all on one floor, large kitchen te bv. rm. this place la 4-lose in 3c only 4 yrs. old. 112 5042 acre farm, one half cul tivated and the rest pasture, g rm. house about one yr old. Large 13 etan tion barh. Has 3 irigation wells, terms. Sl.nnoi-3S acres. 4 bed rm. house with full basement, large barn te chick en houae some orchard 3c pasture, balance Sruitirated. Call Ivan Si vers Geo. lA. Walters. Realtor SO S. Commercial Phone 2T349 Eve. 3703 FOR SALE: Grade A dairy. 23 heavy ! nrodufinar cows. 24 stanchion barn i. z 1 ..uiuni MmH nastui. all river 1 j bottom bnd with 3 years lease. 2 unit j milk mac hine. No cash rent Inquire at j 1393 Frapkhn St.. W. Salem. j Suburban 1 ACRE WITH partly finished 8 room house. SZZOO. inquire at i Washington Street. Dallas. W. J. Bow- I W j 1 , i RM. j wired for ranged well partly dug. garden, cherry, walnut trees, lot j Ox3n. Por quick sale $1730 cash. Inn. 4' Wqldo No Sun, rail.' 5 ACRES, older type 3 bedroom mod 1 ern home, wired for range, electric i water system, large chicken house. many flowers, shrubs, trees 12 apples, i 22 filberts, other fruit, beautiful loca tion, all buAes. ideal for chickens, ber j ries. a miie 99 E. 4 miles downtown, price reasonable. Baxter Road. South. Phone 2-jBJM. , ' BY OWNER: 2 BR. home North. Newly redecorated, auto, furnace, fire place, large garage and utility room. Water system, near good school on paved street, bus service. Call 3-4783. 3-3713 ot 2-S55S. ' f . " Wanted Rral Estate Want Stock Ranch from 200 to 300 acres. Must have good pasture and water wjth buildings. We have buyers for good farm s Ac ranch's List your piopert with us now for results. (Allen Jones or Mabel Needham - 341 Stat St. Rm. 4 upstairs. Ph. 39201 Farm Equipment NEW MODEL ,,M' International Harvester tractor with starter. Igts , belt and pulley, hydraulic units, etc. Save $500 on new price. Wm. Schultz, Rt. 1. Aumsville. 3 miles E. , Shaw (Old Tufker Farm). "jk TRADE: Belt pulley'for D2 with hitch on it. good shape. 10 ft. Oliver sup. gram drill, power lift, good shape. Small John Beere with cult., week cut ter, on rubber. Just right for berries. Fairbanks-Morse hammer miU. like new. WM trade for good cow. Ph. -7int ' FOR RALE Cletrac in excellent cond. Rt. 4. Box 828. Ph. 2-5851. i J 4 f LtWNMQWFRS. ! J F-bOL'GHERTV. 2130 Fair grounds h.l Phone 3-6711 SHARPENING Guaranteed aervioe. New nower and hand mowers. Call Harrv WScott 147 So. Coml. St LAWi MOWERS, scissors, knives sharncned Dexter. 963 Center P 3-6833. i n.HTjNc; rixTVREs aaieai's exclusive lighting store. 234 N Hifch ' Senator Hotel Bldg 3-9413' I.LMBKt MlLLTprices. W. Salem Lbr. 3-9593 I j y Lvo ; I TRUCKS and cars for rent Blanket ; furnished. Smltty's Clipper Servtcs. ("enter jand Church. Phone 3-9600. Mt'SItf LESS)N " Spanish and Hawaiian guitar, man- ' dohn banjo, etc. 1333 Court. Ph. 3-7363 j MBSKRQS Landscaping tt designing. . A. Doer i fler A, Sons. 130 No. ' Lancaster. Pb, 3-i:r22 . ' NURsis REGISTRT Praciical mirsen day-night. 3-5072. , IL cjlRCI'LATOB SERVICE j Call iCy Younger. Ph. 3-0072 PAINTING Painting and papering. Free estimate Phone; 857 Shipping Insufe or out. C. Horn. Ph. 2-5518 PAPKstHANGING Paryirhanging. Jerry Johnson. 3-372X PLl'MBIMfi GENERAL repair and pumps. De catur a Maer 970 S. Co ml Ph. 3-3223 Judyin-s. 279 No. Com'L PhT3-4141. Repairs. BUI Skewis. Phone 3-46H0 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capua! B-rgain House. 143 Center St ' Si I f ron Supply Co.. 321 No. Com 'IT BA kHNLS pumpt. Salem Equip. Co u banks-M orse sales and service fa Allen Hdw. 236 No. Com't Ph. -.Ha3. Stettler Supply Co. Phone 2-6038. RKWtlAVING ANN THE RE-WEAVER. Ph. 3-3913. tiao N. Winter- ReweaTing A Mendinn. Ph. 1-5058. HA Ml AM) GRAVEL v i Walling Sand and Cravel Co. Crushed I"rock. For roads and driveway. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching yd. r hovel and drag line. Phone 3-0249 Saw4 ' Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. 5ih. 3-7603 ' Se WER SERVICE ' iewer and Drain Service. Electric Roto-Booter exclusive, patented razor I sharp c it ting blades. Cleans sesrers , or drains Septic tanks cleaned, but not your purse. 3-8327 or a-S408. SEPTIC TANKS "K. F, HAMEL septic tank cleaned. Electiic machine service on sewer and drain;, lines. Guaranteed work- 1143 8th sl West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. SICR. ROOM EQUIPMENT 1 RENT sick room equipmenU 3-3774. SK.N.l Si SHOW CARDS R L- Elfstrom Co., 340 Court 3-3493 SPRAYING PRUNING TOPES FOR RENT Tools, bull dosing, land' eiaaruig. heavy equipment Howser Bros. 4h8 Ed ee water. Phone 3 3643. VENETIAN BLINDS Made in Salem, fsee estimates Ph 3-7,323. Elmer. The Blind Man. WATCH REPAIRING Claude Mix. 248 N. ComX Ph. 2-4030 WELL DRILLING U Drimns- Domestic LrlgaUoakttraCtive Farm LoaUS .a t u a fa.BwSH.&Ksss fjti a aa I We Industrial. H. A. Robtnsost, 3214 N. Front Salem. Ph. 8-7298 WkATH rtlSTSlIPTINC FREE estimates T Pullman. f-SWI I1X URIUJNG Meyers Bros, Rt 1. box 34, Delia: Ph. 3064. Salens po. S-S S13& Farm Equipment 1347 MODEL A International tractor, plow as cult., plow never been used, or will trade for late model pickup, will give or take diff. John Dor an. 2 miles front ML Angel on Silverton highway. : - GARDEN TRACTOR, disc cultivator aiw plow, used very little. Sells (280 new. asking 1173 complete See eve nings ar Sunday at MX. m. Bom SOB. Glen Crwek road, ar phone 3-343 Basinet Opportunities FOR RENT: Body end fender shop, fully equipped. All utilities turn. Neon sign. A money maker for the rutht man. Apply 1104 Edge water. COMPLETE retail bakery equipment, do kettle and machine, oven, ma chines, benches, stearobox. all kinds of baking pans. etc. Show cases, back bar. cash register, all stock on band. Box 733 Statesman. HARDWARE store tile and brick bkdg.. plate glass front 4 rm. living apU. Modern. 311.300. Stock and fix. tures at invoice about 38000. Some terms. 1 owned 17 years, retiring, Manns Hardware. Detake. Ore. Nelson News TRADE FOR GOOD COUNTRY STORE A good general store te 2 bdrm.. home, double garage, l'j ac. land. In good country location. Store well equipped including meat market, ice cream St tuoeh counter. Priced $11,000 plus merchandise inventory. Owner's (..ilk .i rwm.. u.it ti. small income property in Salem or producing acreage In trade. Nelson & Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by men who specialize 702 N. High Salem Ph. 3-422 CLEANING AND PRESSING $37,500. Nothing to be overhauled or replaced, all first class, business show ing steady increase. This is a good deal. Ph. 2-44MW. ED LUKJNBEAL REAL ESTATE . 440 N. 14th St. FOR SALE by owner. Eleven unit cabin court, one, two and three rms.. furnished. Grocery store, pkg. beer and wine. Filling station, also 3 bdrm. hse. for owner Grossing over 360400 an nually. See owner at Richfield station, lunctipn" 58-99 So. Goshen. Oreeon. FOR LEASE: Service station in Hol lywood Dist. at inventory and equip ment. United Petroleum. Call E1106 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr, Slkes. Cafe Sacrifice Seats 40. very good business. 30 x 30 bldg, 5 rm. turn, hvlng quarters. Good equipmenot. A real bargain. Owner forced to sell.. Will accept small home SJ pert pymt. or $JOOO. down. Total price for building, stock and equip ment 37300. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors (Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 1 3023 Portland Road Ph. 2-7830. 3-4398. Eve. 2-0473. 3-3533 CHEAP BY Owner. Going business, must sell at once. Make me an offer, or will trade. Phone 2-6367 seven days a wk. tie t ween 8 am. and 8 p.m. FOUNTAIN lunch, good location, ideal for a oouple. We will take unfin. houv in trade. Ph. 2-6852. L ' $5,000 Service Station and tune up shop. Doing good business. Price in cludes bldg . lot. equipment. Stock at inventory. Terms. Qall O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High St. Ph. 3-4121 - Eves 25206 SMALL YEAR around 'restaurant ful. ly equipped, in thriving coast town. Excellent for man and wife. Living quarters. 81500 ful price. Illness. Box TWO. Statesman BUSINESS Dldg. for lease. Good lo cation for store or cafe. Phone 2-1121 CONVALESCENT home, well equip ped, long established with good re cord. 22 patient cap. Almost full. For details inq. 1144 Center St HOME with 10 rentals, close in. good Income, or will trade for small auto j court. 'Statesman. Box 729. I TOR SALE : One -man frozen food locker in small live town. 31.73 cubic . foot rental scale. 320,000. terms Less for cash. Owner. Reply box 747. The Statesman I APPROXIMATE $1000 MONTH NET INCOME Grocery stocked and equipped. 200 food lockers, meat and Ice business, includes building, rentals, shoe store, barber shop. 5 furnished apts . addi tional .space for rent. Price $32,000. Would consider trade for farm or small business.. Call j Allen Jones or- i Mabel Needham, Realtors ; Rin. 4 Upstairs Res. 3-4335 Ph 3-9201 8763 or 3-8033 SMALL Restaurant for sale, seats 21 For lniormat'bn call Silverton 1301 weekdays or Salem 3-1708 Sunday. ' Resort Property DELUXE APT.", steam heated. 100 ft. from beach, one day free on weekly rates. Phone Delave 160 or write box 70 Nelscott Sea Air Court. Financial $ CASH S 323.00 to 8500 00 Furniture Livestock. Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up to 3500 00. Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from hank No parking problems. Phone 2-7033 Lie Na. M369-S291. Flovd Kenyan, Mgr. Money to Loan Buy real estate mortgages for your Savings Investments 5 ' Net Iropm-tt- Salem St vadnitr. See the STATE HNANCE CO 133 S. Hirh St AUTO LOANS WILLAMZTTB CREDIT CO. 182 . Church St Ph. 2-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie- M138-S134 Private Money Ob Can. Trucks. & Trailer Homes Long ar Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 13 S Commercial St Phone 3-9181 FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and 3 Tout ova terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Cos tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SFXTJRITTsVS CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 3-712 CASH -NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-oara-ed loan company offers money when vou need Itl You can-pay anytime la reducs act cost I Ne endorsers or help from friends i Oa ears, trucks, trailer homes so 350801 . On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to Phone or visit our office today I , Lie. No. 5138 and M338 General Finance Co rP s PH'. 3-lsT 13 S COMX ST See Us For Only 4 or 4V2 Int. a to years aa NO LEO N.XHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUte 8L Phone 3-3fSs3 FOR SALE: lM2Che- truck with "43 motor. 203 Patterson Ave.. W. Sa- lrm. 1347 FORD 1', T. truck3 speed Wat son Factory made bed cVXrack. High eit of 'r take. 71 Williarr,fAy. even. 4S CMC dump truck. FoK sale or will lease to right party. Prefer to sell. 1234 Franklin. Ph. 2-7334. y PIOkL'P. 47 rord Con. Inquire house trailer rear of Central Howell tore Out Silverton rd.. eyrs or Sifrn "47 FORD 1 1 T. Panel. Excel, cond) See at Richfield Sta. 373 S. Coml. '41 OiEV 4x4. SWB. 8 speeds. Wreck er boom. 7-50-20 MAS tires. Priced rt hf EZ terms. 368 No Capitol. 19443 CHEV. flatbed, long wheel base i truck, low mileage, new oaint. loaded ; in A-l cond. Examine at Schwab Lum- her Co.. Wallace RoskL W. Salem. Ph. I Ray, Rhoteo, 3-8139 for further inior- j msTron. 1343 FORD DUMP truck for sale. 1 rma need but never been used. See W. W. McKinney. Administrator. Matthew Lee estate. j ' i Trailers ' WILL TRADE IS ft. trailer house on lot for smaller trailer house. Cross Lancaster on Haysville Dr.. 1st road to neht. Skarvold. C - 4-v r 1 . v r i ee yjuT iommeie Line oi Kit Trailers, sizes 10. 16. l. 25. 33 ft. Metal covered, with oil heat, butane elec. ref.. and sleep two to six people. Cash, terms or trade. "Jayhawk Trailer Sales 2640 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8043 13 FT. GLIDER house trailer, verv attractive, price 3485. 1445 Court IT COTTAGE trailer, excellent cimd . very reasonable 3235 Port Rd. ' IS FT. factory made trailer house. perfect ennd 730 Mill St. 1939 MODEL trailer house. 380. Some repairs needed. A. L. Shannon, Rt. 2. box 176. Ph 2-2047 after 5 o m HOUSE TRAILER BARGAINS 1948 S'-rton Manrr many extras oerff-t cond Also .1947 American, excel cond Reas. terms, to approved party E.erlv j Aircraft Co . ph 2-3631. SEE THE NEW 1949 Universal Trailer Coaches 21. 25, 27 A 31 rt These trailers equipped with hot water heaters Apt size range, oil neat, double sinks. 4 closets. Prices start at 31893. Also bew Curtis Wrights Mobile home. Pacific Liner. St Norrrels in , various sizes j SECURITY MOTORS ! 3383 Portland Rd- P" NEW AND Used trailer hemes Cel ger Sales Lot 3295 Portland Rd. Aircraft FOR SALE Airplane 1-1916; Ereoupe with only 250 hours. Hour meter, sensitive altimeter. 2-way Bendix Radio. Aiwa y s hangared. JAMES hmADEN CO. 2953 SILVERTON ROAD PH. 2-4123 For Sale Wood SPECIAL 12 In. clean inside mill wood. TRi-CITY FUEL Phone 27442 30 DAY special. Old growth block wood from Valsetz. 810 cord delivered off car. Kill dry planers. 3 cords $18. Ph. 3-7721. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. HAND PICKED 18 in. slab wood. 310 load. Ph. 3-9734. In in. and 4 ft. fir and oak. Ciieny and prune wood. Buy now and save. We do com'l. sawing. Ph. 2-42';6. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE & DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 3-6444 Elmer Boje 2023 S 12th Ph. 3-9453 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer wood forcoc'.-tove.16 in. old fth fir. : HAND-PICKED 16 in. slab wood. j dried 16 in. old fir and dried second ! growth. Ph. 2-2950 after 5 p. m. Kamp- j ! stra's Wood Yard. I FURNACE, fireplace, neater wood. I ' large block 4 slab. Medium block. Some j 2 ft. second growth. Nice planer trim ( nied for cook stoves. R H. Allen. 1260 ' Candle wood Drive Ph. 2-2382. GOOD 16" SLAB, green or dry. Good clean, .sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533j r Tri City Fuel Fresh cut screened sawdust 16" mill wood Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7442 Ask for S A H. Green Stamps WEST SALEM FUEL CO Block plainer or slabwood and saw dust. Call 2-4031. Phillips Bros. Fuel wood. Old fir for next winter Phone 68r22. CLEAN. HAND-PICKED. 16-LN SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone S-T731 Motoreycles CUSHMAN Motor scooter 3 wheel excellent condition. See after 3:30 pjn. 123S Vista Ave Indian - Cushman MUSTANG - WHTZZER Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1423 Automobiles SAVE MONEY at Braden's Body te Paint Shop. Repairs, welding. Paint lobs 833) tt up. Open Sun. and eves. 363 Cherry Ave. Phone 2-2022. Personal Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 724 . 3-3234. IT'S NO SECRET Glenn Woodry pay's more than any other dealer for your used furniture Ph. 3-5110. if LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade. Box 07. Vancouver. Wn. an old re liable club. Lost Mid Found LOST: Boston bulldog, answers to "Skippy." Child's pet; reward. Call 2-7117 or 2-9184 LOST: Siamese cat child's pet. Lib- eral reward for return. 888 N. Summer St. Phone 3-5540. Lodges :4r SALEM Lodge No. 4, AT. tt AM. Wed, June 8- E-A. De gree. 730 pjn. Chemeketa Losge No. L IOOF. meeU every Wednesday aught. TO TRADE: '43 Jeep pickup. 4-wheel I drive for Jeep. Ph. 2-7402 or 2-3133. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL tg Fairgrounds Road. TRADE Phone 2-3454 WANTED! CLEAN USED CARS Bob Marr 214 ge Commercial St. USED CARS Buy a sell Ron's Motor Co 340 S High Phone 3-4393. 1 MACS USED CARS V 733 S 12U SL ! If sVA Wat Vssl ft-l s a a D asv"9a . e-vWVW asf AaSJ A UK CgAniUbl w KJn CLXAN CARS. PHONE 3-140X Guy McHone. Formal Used Cara '41 CHEV.. PASS.;, coupe. RAH. spotlight. 3go. Phone 3-3t92 Special $1095 I 1946 Studebaker Champibn Sedan, ra dio, heater. Spotlight, seat Covers, over drive. Book price 81295. Save yourself 3200 at Loder Broh, YOUR OLDS DEALER 2410 Fairgrounds Rd Phone 2-14$9j Is Your Car Old Enough To Smoke? ; IP SO. TRADE IT IN ON ONE OF VALLEY'S CLEAN. TROUBLE-rREE RECONDITIONED AND GUARAN j TEED USED CARS AND GET BET : TER PERTORMANCE AND MORE I DRIVING PLEASURE. VALLEY MO- I ! TOR USED CARS ARE MARKED ' FOR THEIR SENSIBLE, PAYABLE PRICES AND BACKED BY OUR REPUTATION Or FAIR DEALING. "BE MORE THAN SAFE; BE T VALLEY SAFE ... Look These Over Sure! 1941 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SE DAN. "AS IS" 3665 1936 PLYMOUTH COUPE. RUNS GOOD 3250 I 1940 FORD TUDOR DELUXE 3793 1941 MERCURY-. CONVERTIBLE NEARLY NEW MOTOR 3875 1941 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SEDAN COUPE A-l MOTOR 31073 1938 FORD 60 COUPE, NEW PAINT Sc SEAT COVERS 3425 1935 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. OVER HAULED MOTOR. RAH 3363 1941 PACKARD COUPE. A DANDY 8745 FOR TfE HOT ROD SPECIALIST A REAL GOOD 1932 FORD V-8 DE LUXE COUPE 3263 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Y VALLEY MOTOR MART "Used cars with a personality" CENTER AT HIGH PH. 3-3147 This Time It's HUDSON! jservtcw SALES Parts Horn of Good Ured Cart Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa Sts Ph. 3-9101 Pontiacs 1 47 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPS 144S '41 PONTIAC SPORT COUPE ... 8 895 "47 NASH CLUB COUPE $1195 39 NASH COUPE $ 395 4 FORD PICKUP 8125 41 CHEV. SEDAN 3 895 3 CHEV. SEDAN 3 295 Herrall-Owens Co. Trades Terms 60 N. LIBERTY PHONE 2-4113 1941 CHEV. TUDOR sedan. 265 W. Wilson. 1948 Ford $1395 1297 SUte MeCALLS Dial 3-810 "SI FORD 4 door: motor, front end in good shape, new brakes. 3395. 1114 3rd St.. W. Satem. Ph. 2-2524 41 FORD STATION Wagon. '48 Mer cury motor, 9.C00 mi. Good body. 75 tires. Sell or trade late model light car 2 to 3 p m, 341 W, Liberty. Apt 3. 1938 Hudson $275 1397 Sata MeCALLS Dial 3-810 1939 Stude. Coupe $475,00 oris? owner. Very clean. Apt 3. So. 19th. St. IS3flT5ELUXl DeSete four deer se- dasi. neater and radio, with stew Chrys- 3er engine. Call' Monday. 3-4793. 8 PONTIAC "" 2 dr. Far ebeve aver. cond. 13ft N. Sta. Ph. 3-3337. lit ' ! ' : 5 i i t i f i -N ; ' We Can Solve Your Trucking Probletas with . Efficiency and Economy PICK 1949 Chevrolet, P U.. 4 speed 1946 Ford Pick-up 1943 Ford Pick-up TRUCKS 1948 Pord. 134" W.B . C C . 2 speed. 3 speed Brown Up 1943 ford. 158" W.B.. C C. 2 speed 1946 rord. 153 ' WvB.. CC. single axel 1946 Chevrolet. 158" W B . CC. 2 speed. 8 speed Clark. DUMP 1946 rord 4 yr. Dump body. 2 speed 1940 Chevrolet. 4 yd. dump body 2 speed SEMI-TRAILERS l- ft. Kingham Semi. Lumber y alley Motor f Liberty at Marlon Open Sat. P.M. for Best Buys 1938 Dodge Sedan, new paint. A-l condition 137 Chev. Sedan. Can't beat it at 1941 Wilfys Sedan (Look Only I 1940 Olds f0" Sedan, new paint tA Steal I at 1941 Plymouth' Sedan, radio, heater, only .. 1942 Chrysler v9edan. like a new car. all accessories ! 1946 Olds "S3" Sedan. Hydramauc. all ace, 1 owner 1948 Olds "78" Cftib HydisamaUc, only 10.600 nviles. a new car 1947 Olds "W" Sedan, Hydramatic. Lk THE P CE TORl'Y OR TRADE CHANGE OFTEN. WIU.KE? AT LOtR' BROS. m r V r-v a lourUlyr Ueaier 3410 fairgrounds Rd (Portland HWy) BY OWNER '39 BuliK Special 4 dr sedan SB lights, very clean, must sell this week $395. Phone 2-4X2. 1948 KAISER sedan. 2200 miles, ex- j tras. 2050 Virginia St. ! 1936 LaSalle . $545 1297 tafe MeCALLS 1942 LUICK SPKCIAL new ton 41050 1225 So Dial 3-8108 ron vertible 19th. 1947 OLDS 8' CON.V. Has R A H. hydramatic. Ph. 3-6887 days. 2-9973 af- j w s , '41 FORD 5 PASS. '46 motor, new I diff Best offer after 5 1130 1-rwU ' 1940 FORD 4 door deluxe. 8795. 1394 Sarinaw. Ph 3-57fil $1223. Beautiful , '46 DODGE 5 I car B70 Ratcliff pass. Dr ORIGINAL OWNER offers 1948 Pon tiac 4 door Streamliner. Hydoinatic Fullv equipped. Low mileage. Ph. 3-970 CHEV. coupe, original paint. good ron't-on 590 Ph 2-4751. 19t6 FOKD super deluxe tudor. Rv dio. heater. Columbia rear end. air cushion Vires, safety tubes, excellent condition. 30.000 miles. 415 S. Broad St.. Monmouth. Ore. ; We Arc in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS FIRMER MOTC'-PCO. I 352 N. High Salem. Oregon MEMBER OF TOe"aSSOCIAi ED FRLSS The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use for re pabltratioa of all the local news printed In this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches. ' MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU jpr ADVERTISING Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Co., New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Detroit MEMBER AIDIT B UREAL OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Daily and Sunday By carrier in cities 3 1.20 month 90 month 4 75 six mos. 9.00 year ! By mall In Oregon ' (In advance I I Bv speciafc Sunday I Seven-day rate lwk-day by mail, j deliverv on many motor delivery Sunday) $12.50 a year i ruial routes. I i in adv.) By mail in U.S.A. outside Oregon nn adv. I 1 .20 month 7.2ft six mos 14 40 year Available in certain areas DAILY CROSSWORD 23. 24. 27. 21 29. .31. ACROSS . Feminin nam DOWN 1. A short, -light spear 2. Leave out 3. Sleeveless garment Arab.) 4. Peerless , 5. Loiter 6. Blunder 7. Shuffle 8. Ledge 11. Beetle 13. Lixivium 16. Past 20. Reddish 21. On the ocean 9 Minus 9. Large readinr desk 10b Bow 11. Of birdi 12. A thin - porridge 14. Encoun tered 15. Father ,17. Insect 13. Man's nickname 19. A. builder s cramp iron 22. Sever 25. Positiv pole 26. A ruse 30. Maladies 32. Scuffles I J5 Sun god Old win cup 37 Actinium (sym.) 38. Varying weight (India) 39. Bookof gcrc writings 42. Island in 1 New Tork Harbor 44. Toward the lee 45. Rcquir it. Bottom timber of a Bhip iT.Mixbksj - UPS Transmlssloa TRUCKS Roll AT A BARGAIN PRICR Truck Dept. Phone 3-3147 your convenience In Town 3 463 00 375 08 8 '375.00 3 rss oo I 80 08 81100 08 81910 6O 32415 00 , 81700 00 low mileage, 1 owner IS THE PI.ACE WHERE TACTS a , T 1 Phone 2-1490 x 1935 Nash 474. I ), 1297 Rotate MeCALLS DiaJ 3-3103 , 1949 'MERGURY Sedan, radio A heat er. Uhdercoated. fender skirts, seat covers CaJ! evenings at 1999 W. Nob Hill or pKne 2-8775 1948 FORHOR Mercury. FN eel lent : I condition. Radio te heater. 3J3W 2403 S Commercial 193TOodse $495 . I297State MrCALLA Dial 3-810J 194 CHHYsLEH Rovasedan. white-- i v,all tires, heater. Fjicefl cond. By owner $H75. Ph. 3-8764. 1725 Madisoi aftprK Dni jn r.-ar house . 193" DE SOTO pickup. 2514 N. River Rt hor" 3-4713 BY OWSKK 1939 2 df Ciev. Good tonj S'oliarv fhorE2-504i " '41 Bl'iC'K SPKXJIAL "Sedanettc. New paint, snooper light, dual, fog lights. RAH. barking lights. SR50 Wavoe W.tzr'.. Rt. '. Bex 121. Turner, Ore, . mi N Cr?for.l School t 1947 Ford Station wagon, overdrive, beater .'$1475. By orig. owner. 2180 Myr tie Ave. - j' 1941 Plymouth p $95 1297 State Mi-calls Dial 3-810 j Week-days Only Sundays Only 8 1.00 month .10 week .75 monh 4 25 six mos. 8 IK) year .40 month ' 2 25 six mos. 4 00 year r- .10 werk ' 4 50 vear (in adv.) 1 00 month 6 iiO six mos 12 00 year 50 month i 2 75 six mos, 5 1)0 year Depart V Excess of chances Part of "to be" Sea nymphs (Gr. myth.) Same S3 curi Body of water UTn uNall j 32. Flap 33. Eskimo boat 34. Valuable fur 38. Killed 40. Sheltered aide Tester sr ' AarwM1 41. Snakelike flsh 43. Marshy meadow 1: ll: -I : " vJy v ,T " "" l " """" If U 14 " T" w U 34 "" "" "" fc j! : t . W&yn'dz- i It 40 44 I ffl 1 ffl 1 1 II t ' . - ' I 'r ' . , '. l- . . .), 1 tM. ... f, ' i : I f i' 1 t " !