The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    " New Service
Women's .
A new service women's organi
sation known at the "Yt Men
Ettes was formed at a meeting at
the home of Mrs, Robert O. Smith
- y on the North River road Wednes
day night The group will be an
auxiliary to the Y's Men's organi
zation. The constitution will be
. adopted and officers elected at
the final organization meeting in
the fall, A picnic with the hus
bands in August Is gelng planned
with Mrs. Nelson Hickok as chair
man. During the evening a shower
.wan given in honor of. Mrs. Ever
ett Clark and Mrs. Carlton Grcl
der. .
. Present for ' the first meeting j
N were Mrs. Charles A. Barclay,
Mrs. Dale P.iles, Mr. Douglas
Chambers. Mrs. , Everett Clark,
Mrs. Stuart Compton. Mrs. Wil
- - liam Crolbers, Mrs. Carlton Grei
der, Mrs. Nelson Hirkok, Mrs,
Leon Margoslan, Mrs. M. E. Moore
Mrs. Lawrence Rich. Mrs. Robert
O. Smith, Mrs. Norman K. Wins
low, Mrs. E. E. Woodson, Mrs.
. Robert Wulf.
Shower, Garden
jClub Meet Held
Chambers, 408J Durbln ave., en
. tertalned on Tuesday with a
double miscellaneous shower hon-'
oring Mrs. Willis Shipman- and
Mrs. Ray Gardner. Following the
social hour refreshments were ser
ved. Those honoring Mrs. Ship
man and MrsrGar-dner were Mrs.
Edward Walker, Mrs. R. P Simp
aon. Mrs. Keith Harris, Mrs, Fed
McFadden, Mrs. Earl Thulin, Mrs,
Joseph Mayer, Mrs. R. L. Simpson, M. Deen, Mrs. A. J. Bat
tertoh, Mrs. Harry Qtte, Mrs.
Arthur Larsen, Mrs. Albert Brant
and Mrs. Clifford Herman.
The June meeting of the Rickey
Garden club met Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs, St. Elmo Massengale
of Salem showed a film in techni
color on flower arrangement!.
Mrs. Waldo Milter presided at the
business meetirot. Officers elected
and Installed for the coming year
are president Mrs. Warrea Shrake;
'vice president Mrs.. Edward Wal
ker; secretary Mrs. Andrew Mess
man', treasurer Mrs. G, M, Deen.
Uecausc of dnylight saving time
the July and August meetings will
bin at 8:30 orn. On June 14 at
JB:30 p.m. at the Community hall
tiie Garden club will be hostess to
the .families and friends in the
community. At this time Mrs. E.
"IV Arneson will, show a film on
Norway. Hostesses for the even
ing were Mrs. toward Walker,
Mrs. Harold Halfman, Mrs. And
rew Messman and Mrs. Lawrence
Lee. v
Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Moody
and Dennis Allan Moody art re
ceiving friends and congratula
tions at their home, 3700 .Monroe
ve. The little boy was born May
29 at the Safem General hospital
and weighed eight pounds and
five ounces.1 He has an older sis
ter, Glenda, and a brother, Larry,'
The grandmothers are Mrs. Albert
Hilke, Salem, and Mrs. Josephine
Burger of Clark, Nebraska.
Prof. Roberts to
Present Pupils
The. piano'pupils of lrof. T. S.
Roberts will be presented in. re
cital at his studio on North Sum
mer street Sunday afternoon at 5
o'clock. Assisting on the program
will be MIk Jessica Kinsey, piano,
and Prof Roberts, organ.
Participating will be Tommy
Fifke, Marene Sitlinper, Paula
Kimple, Jimmle Fske, Jean Rick-
rd, Mary Marggi, Sharon Heider,
Donna Johnson, Carol Holfiker,
Marilyn Lorenz. Patsy Todd, Don
Smith, Jean Hartwell, Virginia
Miller, Patricia Perkins and Vir
ginia Benner.
Dr. and Mrs. Ion IMers of
$an Cranclsco, fojmerly of Salem,
have . been visiting in the Capital
this week. He came north to at
tend -first annual educators con
ference to aid handicapped children.-
Dr. Liissers, formerly with
the Oregon department of educa
tion and now n the faculty of San
Francisco state college, was one of
the speakers at the Friday after
noon session. They will return
south today.
Mr. and Mrs. Mile E. Taylor are
In Bend this weekend to attend the
high sijhool graduation of their
granddaughter, Miss Dorothy May
Christie. They are visiting their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce L. Christie.
Old Time
Every Saturday
Over Wetern Auto
259 ourt St.
Jela the Crowd and Hava
Good Time
Ben's Orchestra
Pablie Dane
Adm. fOe. Inc. Tax
All Accordion Concert
, Accordion Bands Ensembles Seloists
; t Presented by l
Junt 7th 8:15 P.M. 4
Leslie Jr. High Auditorium
" Public Invited - , No Admitsien OiarfH)
Stvdie Address, 1430 No. 20th-DUI 9-71 1 I
.-Hii j - i '': 1 .
A ' ! .1 - ( .'A I H
. f ' .
I r ' '" I ' ' ' " 1 a
. u V.v ml' -'; : v
. iv ' ' .iv--
sWJlri fii'st fMi in -iffrU ruth mammmmmmmmmmmmmk I I l 1 I 1 ,i ksi &h&m&:-
Three teachers In the Salem schools weret honored on Thursday with a tea at Elfstroms
during the show which displayed their art work. Pictured above are the artist-teachers who
were honored, Geft to right), Mrs. Ruth Sitlinger, Leona Golz, Carmalita Barquiat and Robert
Voigt. Arranged in one of the largest shows yet to be exhibited at the galleries, the work
of these jfour included ceramic, water color, oils and pencil sketches. (Statesman photo).
Mr. and Mrs. George Watson (Alice Vogl) pictured leav
ing St. Vincent de Paul church on May 28 after their mar
riage. The bride is the daughter of the Cqrl Vogls and her
husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Watson. The couple
will live In Salem. (Kennell-Ellis).
For IViK or Small
Meat Loaves Handy for Weekends as
They'll Serve a Crowd pr Small Group
.ny aiaxine nuren
SUtroman Woman's Editor-'
Ground meat made into loaves is one of the most satisfactory
main dishes I for a weekend when company may or may not drop' in
for dinner. Persons "with country homes or beach places are those
most likely to have unexpected guests or weekends without a sign of
visitors. , : " :
The nice thing about meat loaves
is their versatility. They will re
place a roast nicely, will go Into
sandwiches, and ultimately end up
as hah if necessary. The Invest
ment is smaller than a large roast.
Here are three good loaves suit
ed to summer eating:
6 pound, each, beef and veal
Small jiece salt pork ground
1 cup bread crumbs
Milk fe molten
Small can pimientos
Small can mushroom
Add a little milk to top as It
hakes. Bake about 1 hour Jn 400
degree F. oven.
Also may i coolj mushrooms Jn
butter, theri place mixture in
greased ring mold about 1 hour
at 350 F. for, large ring mold
make 3 times recipe. v
lb. ground found steak
4 lb. ground raw ham
i loaf stale bread
1 pint milk
'i teaspoon dry mustard
2 eggs n
Break up bread and stand with
milk while mixing other ingredi
ents. Beat eggs, add mustard, meat
and soaked -bread. Sprinkle ring
mold with Hi: cup brown sugar and
heat until pelted, sprinkle with a
few whole cloves. Pack In meat
mixture and -bake 1 hour In
330 F, oven. Turn out and serve
t 1 S & V
4 i W
v J
f t i L' ''
I. . . t f .i 1
1 1 . , f - . ' -1
! i, ' - " '
I '.: ' -r I ' vr
with potato salad in center. Serves
10. For large ring mold make l'j
times recipe.
1 lb. ground raw beef
1 tablespoon chopped onion t
1 tablespoon salt
4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup soft bread crumbs
4 cup mashed bananas
(1 to 2)
4 teaspoon dry mustard
Use all -yellow slightly green
tipped bananas. Mix together with
meat, onion, salt, peppr and bread
crumbs." Combine bananas, mus
tard and mix. Add to meat mixture
and mix well. Form mixture Into
well-greased baking pan. Bake in
moderate oven, over 330 decrees
tor about an hour. 4 to 6 servings.
The Women's auxiliary the
Izaak Walton League is sponsor
ing a covered dish diner at the
new club building , on - Sunday,
June 3 at 12 o'clock. Coffee will
be served and members are asked-
to bring their hammers.
OH Tine aa4 Madera
Moale by l
Pop Edwards Orch.
Ada, tee (Ui taeladed)
New Officers
Aire Installed
On the afterndon of Wednesday.
June 1, the Women' Society of
Christian Service of Leslie church
held a general meeting in which
the officers for the coming year
were installed. The installation
service was conducted by Mrs.
Harry Otto, district president. Mrs.
Carl Gies spoke to the groUp of
her witner spent in Mexico and
Those installed were: President,
Mrs. E. W. Stripling; vice presi
dent, Mrs. Virgil Burson; program
secretary, Mrs. Wilbur Ankeny;
recording secretary, Mrs. Ted
Adams; treasurer, Mrs. Mason Bis
hop; missionary education, Mrs.
Elsie Trick; christian social re
lations, Mrs. C. W. Stacey; local
church activities, Mrs. L. Conner;
student work, Mrs. A. Largent;
youth work, Mrs. G. W. Turner;
childrens work, Mrs. L. Edgell;
literature and publications, Mrs.
J. Murray; supplies, Mrs. Clarence
King; spiritual life, Mrs. A. W.
Metxger; status of women, Mrs.
Winifred Heidler, and fellowship,
Mrs. Sadie Henderson.
New officers for the Wesleyan
Service guild are president, Miss
Lois Ohmart; vice president, Mrs.
Esther Davis; secretary, MrsrMary
Lovett, and treasurer, Mrs. La
Verne Mason.
Recital Tonight
For Pianists
Miss Ruth Bedford will present
a group of her pupils in a recital
tonight at 8 o'clock at Roberts'
studio at 505 North Summer
street. The interested public is in
vited. The following pupils will play:
Bob Pence, Ronriie Bartcls, Lot -aine
Ray, Kathryn Cook. Jimmy
Allen. Jerry Berg, Sara Allen. Sue
Wilson, fenton'Lockenour. Patri
cia Whelan, Bob Wulf, Patrici.i
Edwards, Dolores George, Mnrilyn
Morley, Lo Anne Mindinger. Frank
Smith. Barbara Blakely, Dorothy
Rae MacGregor, Marjorie Beaver.
Michelle Edwards. Henry BarteK.
Anna May Lockenour, Betty Jo
ter Guild entertained their hus
bands at a dinner'May 21 at Ln
bish Center schoolhouse. Cards
were played following the dinner.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Don
Cummings and Max Bibby. At
tending were, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Ldvre, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bibby,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klampe, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard McCIaughry, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Klampe, Mr. and
Mrs. George Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Cummings and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Bennet.
1 a r d McCIaughry entertained
members of the Labish Center
guild at its regular meeting. Ken
ny McCIaughry was honored dur
ing the afternoon with a birthday
party for his third birthday.
Those present were Mrs. Wayne
Lovre and Randy; Mrs. Lyle
Klampe and Lee; Mrs. Leslie
Klampe, Paddy, Lorrie arid Chris
tie; Mrs. Gerald Bennet and Greg;
Mrs. George Davis, Vicki and
Johnny; Mrs. Max Bibby and
Terry; Mrs. Don Cummings. Don
na and Linda; and Mrs. McCIaugh
ry and Kenny.
MUa Marraret Cooler will be in
Eugene tonight to attend the an
nual Mortar Board formal on the
University of Oregon campus with
her fiance, John Maulding.
Wayne Slrachan's
Hood and Church St.
Enjoy the Best Dane
Floor In Salem :
Surprise Shower
For Bride-elect
A surprise bridal shower for
Miss Barbara Carrow was given
Wednesday night by Mrs. Armond
L. Carrow and Mrs. Lula Brown at
the tatter's home on South Capital
street Miss Carrow is the bride
elect of Kenneth Wheeler of Sa
lem and the wedding will be June
4. Mrs. Paul H. Carrow assisted
the hostesses.
Honoring Miss Carrow were
Mesdames W. H. Carrow, Lyle
Carrow, Varian Carrow, Irma
Reiha, Doris Esphin, Jessie Short,
Delores Andrens, Charlotte Dail
ey, Doris Cochran, Janice Foster,
Charles L. Taylor. L. A. Wheeler,
Kay Ferguson, Misses Velma Car
dow, Thelma Strand,:; Dorothy
Woods, Sylvia Lucht," Florence
Wood, Rollene Rickard, Phyllis
Scott Betty Litkey, Joy Hale, Bar
bara Welter, Florence Mapes, Jer
ry Anderson, Pat Jeffery. Marie
Erendt, Barbara Peterson, Beverly
Burt and the hostesses.
Eilen Hadly s
Sixth Birthday
Eileen Hadley, daughter of the
Wayne Hadleys, will celebrate her
sixth birthday at a party Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Sagi
naw street homee of her parents.
The youngsters will play in the
garden after which birthday cake
will be served.
Honoring Eileen will be Steven
and David Chambers. Patricia
Test, John Gibbens. Julia Linfoot,
Ann Chambers, Catheryn and
Carolyn Stadter, Judy Wicks, and
Allan Hadley.
On Etiquette
By Roberta Lea
Q. If after Inviting guests to
dinner you find that you must
leave town on urgent business,
what should you do?
A. Telephone each guest, ex
plain, apologize, and mention a
definite future date.
Q. When a person staying at a
hotel has a complaint to make,
whom should he see?
A. The clerk at the desk; he
should never take the liberty of
complaining to any other em
ployee. Q. When a man is calling at a
girl's home, and is leaving, should
the girl get his hat and coat for
A. No; if there Is no servant to
ao mis, the girl should let him
wait on himself.
To Return lo Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Schneider
and Mrs. Theodore Mankertz will
be In Corvallis this weekend to
attend the Oregon State college
commencement exercises. Mrs.
Mankertz's son, Theodore Man
kertz, jr., is a member of the grad
uating class and will receive his
degree in pharmacy on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mankertz (Patsy
Schneider) who have been living
in Corvallis the past two years,
will return to Salem to make their
home and have taken a house on
Howard street. He will be with
Tihdall's Pharmacy
IDAN'IIA A birthday party and
au revoir shower was given Tues
day night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hubcr Ray. Mrs. Frank Ray
was feted on her birthday and
Mrs. Phil Willis is leaving to re
side near Willamina. Present
were the honor guests. Frank Ray,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodard,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Willis, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr; and Mrs.
Huber Ray and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Willis.
Mrs. Arthur Weddle of Salem,
Immediate past president of the
Oregon Federation of Business and
Professional Women's clubs, was
the installing officer for the Oswe
go Business and Professional
Women's club's new officers
Thursday night at a party held at
the home of Miss Betty Rochr
near Oswego Lake.
William Fawk will present hU
piano and organ pupils in a serie.4
of three recitals, June 0, 8, and 10
in the First Evangelical church tit
7:45 p m. Elementary, intermediate
aand advanced students will be
featured in each recital. The pub
lic is invited to attend.
Oitgon - StU Nurwf Mnorlatlon,
Dim net J, flalrm Woman' rlubhome,
covered dih uppr 1 7 30 p.m.
Miivourl club covered dlnh luncheon
with Mr. Alvin Stewart, 200 Culver
I-fif, Yi 7a p m.
Women's fellowhlp f Knlfht Me
morial church luncheon at 12 o'clock
at church.
Royal Nelfhbors Sewln club with
Mn. Margaret Willi. W5 N. 5th it ,
covered dish lunrhn. 12.30 p m.
Jon Lee. WCSC. buinrs meeting
at 11 a.m. Luncheon at 12 30; businea
1 .43 p.m.
Sloper Hall
Willamette Valley'i Top
; "Western Band"
Sponsored by
Hazel Green
Graduates All
Boy Graders
HAZEL GREEN Graduation
exercises at Hazel Green school
were held Friday with Glen Loon
ey, chairman of the board, pre
senting diplomas to the all boy
The program included proces
sional and recessional played by
Mrs. Ralph Gilbert; invocation by
the Rev. R. P.Curren; flag pres
entation by Larry Gower and Jim
my McKibben; Salutatory by Rich
ard Haury: xla$s history, will and
prophecy by Otis Phillips, jr; and
Billy Rosson introduced the speak
eV, Fred Remington.
Ray Rickard: gave the class in
troduction and Valedictory. Music
was furnished by Salem Academy
trio. Otis Phillips was honored
with a remembrance from the
school board for his eight years
attendance without an absence
from school.
Hubbard School
Graduates Record
Grade Class of 25
HUBBARD The largest eighth
grade cla?s in the history of the
Hubbard school was graduated at
exercises in the school gymna
sium. May 31, when 23 students
received their diplomas.
Mrs. Vivian Hoeni from the
Marion County Department of
Education gave the address of the
The Parent-Teacher association
medal awarded for scholarship
and citizenship was won by Elea
nor Aho.
Diplomas were presented by
Howard Jonst chairman of the
school board to the following.
Kenneth Hooley, Loretta Hosiey,
Doris Friend. Luella Bender, Bob
by Wimar, Darrell Blanton. El
eanor Aho, Isa Monnier. Kathleen
Morrison.-'Donald Blanton. Robin
Berkey. Sharon Compton Victoria
Pillar, Elois Nelson, Larry Berkey.
Ronald Barendse, Jovce Piper,
Raymond Young, Junior K.-iuff-man,'
Orville Fyock, Harlev Dew,
Keith McKary, Darrell Shei. Wil
liam Hod kin and Dave Warren
Keizer Cub Pack
Plans Camp Trip,
Holds Final Meet
KEIZER Cub Scout pack 41
will make an overnight camping
jaunt to Smith creek Saturday,
June 4, it was announced Thurs
day. "
The final pack meeting of the
season was held Friday at the
Keizer school with a showing of
movies of scout parade and com
edies following, an award cere
mony. "
Awards were ;Wolf Hugh Ra
gan, Richard Murphy, Robert Eng
lish, and Bennie McConnell; Bear
Jan Shidler; Lion Gerry Wat
son, Fred Cast, jr., John Gettis,
Wright Noel and David Aiams;
gold arrows Billie Shattuck,and
Jan Shidler; silver arrows Jerry
Complen, Billie Shattuck, Jan
Shidler, Orin Gilbertson, Melvin
Hasche, Charles Reinwald, How
ard MsClarahan, Douglas Adams,
Bruce Estes and Gerry Watson;
Webelos Courtney Jacombs, Ed
die O Neil and David AdSms.
Classmates Attend .
Hospital Graduate
Exereise for Bov
MT. ANGF.L All the 32 boys
of the graduating clais of Mt. An
gel Prep and the Rev. Gabriel
Morris, principal of the school,
motored to Salem Tuesday night,
May 31 to be present at the grad
uation exercises at the TB hospi
tal in Salem, to see Harry Sthae
cher of Mt. Angel receive his high
school diploma.
Harry was a student of Mt.
Angel Prep since his frehman
year but shortly before last Chri.d
mas entered the hospital. He con
tinued his schooling there and had
hoped to be back on the Hilltoo
to receive his certificate.
Raymond Walsh of Oakland.
Calif., has been visiting in the
capital for a week at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Raymond Walsh.
He returned south today by car.
200 Yards N. of
Drive-in Theatre 99E
Admission I5f Students 60c
Da iK f to 12 Standard TImo
' 'The Statesman, Sqlem, Oregon. SahirdgTVrjVm HIS 3
Leslie Junior
Makes Debut
The Rocket, first class yearbook
ever published by a Junior high
school in Oregon, was released
this week at Leslie junior high.
Eight members of the ninth
grade journalism class, under the
guidance of Vice-Principal Robert
Keuscher, compiled the new year-
i book.
' They published the volume
j without soliciting advertising and
'.still paid all expenses of publics -j
tion. Students bought 400 copies
; at 75 cents each to finance the
! book.
Staff members were Beverly
Kayser, Darlene Johnson, Doris
Willard, Tommy Her. Don Bunse.
; Jean Smith, Norman Cocking and
Chris Eisemann.
Beverly Kayser and Darlene
Johnson of the staff were present
ed awards for outstanding service
in the Journalism department at
The 64-page book Is complete
with pictures of every 1949 grad
uate, as well as all faculty mem
bers. It also includes writeups
and pictures of every school activ
ity. The Rocket will be entered In
competition for national honors
awarded yearly by the- National
Scholastic Press association.
First honors in a similar contest
for school newspapers were won
by the Leslie school paper, the
Linn-Benton Group
Takes Ownership
Of Albany Hospital
ALBANY Announcement was
made Wednesday that the Linn
Benton Hospital Association had
taken ownership of Willamette hos
pital In Albany, and were assem
bling a jttaff of nurses and other
personnel, members of which
would Ix? announced later.
The larjie three-story residence
formerly owned anrl occupied by
the late Eher If. Rhodes, was own
ed by Mrs. Cora Haven who for
the past three years has operated
the hospital.
Dr. A, P. Howells, who has been
associated with the hospital since
its organization and who is a mem- i
ber of the, newly instituted non-
prom corporation, states improve
ments on the building are planned
as well as a number of improve
ment. At present it is being oper
ated as a 13-bed hospital.
Teachcrg Honored
By Salem Heights
Mothers Group
Mothers club honored the teachers
at a luncheon Thursday noon at
the school lunchroom.
Luncheon was served to Mrs.
Roy Farrand, Mrs. Inez Green,
Mrs, Maxine Pierce, Mrs. Char
lotte Jones, Mrs. Nan Denhem,
Have Your Sunday Dinner At The
15 Miles East of Mahama on tho Elk horn Road
Now It" tho timo to plan your vacation In tho mountain!'
Hiking Fishing Exploring
Beautiful Scenery, Comfortable Rooms, Orand Food
Writo, Call or Soo Us for Information or Reservations.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall, Mehame, Oregon
Urines Yon 2 Full-SitrJ
LiUclu m om muirt case
$2 value $1
for only
JL plus
Think of Jt I Yon get 2 full-sized Tur
Lipsticks in a beautiful burnished metal ea
AU for the price of a single lipatiek!
Yoa get two of the famooa Tuy shades in that flattering
Tuaey texture. All this beauty in smart-looking gilded
case that makes a handsome purse mccewry. You'll
want one for yourself and several more for gifts.
Tus$y$ "Ttco-in-OnS? Up$tlrk$ 4
las glamorous color combination t
Garden Party Midnight ..for fair eomptexiosi
Contraband )f idnigbt Jor medium complexion
( Kaip berry-Fnasnaker -.f or dark complexion
Fanmaker Merry fied....,.., for Medium complexion
Garden Party fair complexion
Capital, Drug Store
Stato 41 Ubofty ' 'On tho Cornor
Mrs. Wilraajtf ammond, Mrs. Maid
red Tenimjote, Mrs. Iv Anderson,
Mrs. ArviUa Boyer, Marion Miller,
Wallace Atkinson. Mrs. Hobart
Smith, Mrs. Leslie Bates, and
Marjorie Dunn.
-iChairman of the luncheon was"
Mrs. J. Brasher, assisted by Mrs.
Carl Harris. Mrs, Paul Harvey,
Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker, Mrs. Carl
Anderson, Mrs. Gardner Jeffery,
Mrs. Leo Olson. Mrs. Alfred Ep
perly, and Mrs. Lean Frahm deco
rated the tables.
Klamath Host
To 2,500 at
Elks Conclave
An unexpectedly lare delt-gtkn
of more than 2.500 turned up today
for the annual State Elkscotien
tion here.
Registration was expected to in
crease still further as late ariii,ls
came in.
Among the key arrivals today
' was Grand Exalted Rullr Georr
I. Hall. Lynbrook. N. Y and pat
Grand Exalted Ruler Jddjie Krunk
Looeran, Portland. The Elks frorn
Portland came here by special
train, which they will ue as
"hotel" during the convention.
A hue flag parade will march
down the main street of Klarnath
Falls tomorrow afternoon, in ther
main public event of the conven
tion. The Elks are expected to elect
Elmo Angele. Lakeview, as presi
dent for the coming year. Anptl
has served as first vice piesident
this lat year.
Piano Students
Hold Last Meet
JEFFERSON Piano pupils of
Mr. Hubert Matfart held ticji ls?.t
regular monthly class niht of the
reason at the home of Mi, Wil
lard Sinner in Attkmy. Students
from Jefferson. M.iuori, Tjilbot i.iul
Scio liking part uere Myra My
ers, Beth Robison, EU'unor arid
Thersa Patsy Miller, Mary'
Lee and Kalhryn Heyrrl.v, Ki.m
ona and Janice Wheeler, Myilen
and Montana Franz, Sandra Slep
hensixi, Gloria Huber, Jennie Su
per, Florence Marlatt and Ann Wit
Albany children participating at
some of the class meetings dining
the year were Shirley Ford, Jri
and Gene Starks, Karen Stanfitld,
Judy and Paula Sloper, Maiiun
Ellen Wood,. Suzanne Katzluff and
Constance Harwood.
, Public Lecture
"Tht ParabU of
Th Foolish Virgin"
Saturday, iune 4-1 P.M.
Beaver Hall
24SV N. Cemml. St.
Kei. Clyde F.dminster, Mpeafcer
. Hponsered by Salem Bible
. Forum
i i ?
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i i
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