The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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2 Th Stcrtttmcau'Sal Oregon,- WdndaT.gan 1, 1349
faew York Stock Quotqtions
New York May 31 UP) Today1! Opsin Quotations:
. AmericanCan ,91H!Cen Electric. 35 a Radio Corp
- Am Power & LI 94 Gen Foods 4,2 H ! Rajonier w
Am tel & Tei 140H Gen Motor : 55 Ijtajonir pfd, ....
Anaconda ...c . 27' Goodyear Tire - 39 Keynilds Met ....
Bendix Avia 'u 28SInt Harvest 23 ! Richfield
yBeth Steel '. 254'Int Paper , 44 ! Safeway.
Boeing- Air
194 Kennecott -
Calif Pack
Canadian Pac
llV4!Libby McN&L 7 ,Stah Oil Cal
Case J I
Caterpillar s
Chrysler -.. ....
" Comwlth Sou
30lLon Bell A...:.- 15;iStudebaker
27 H Mont Ward 49, Sun Mining
4t'!Nash Kelvin- ...-Il4 Transarherica .
3VNat Dairy ....-30 Union Oil ......."..
94' NY Central .... lO-Un; Pacific
Coris Vultee ...
Continental Can 321 Northern Pac
Crowsi Za 224! Pac Am Fish
Curtis Wi2 ,8ss ' Pac Ga Elec
Douglas Air 58VRT & T
Dupont de Ne ...lSB'V Penny J C ...
-- p
Sdlem Market
(A ml late yesterday)
Nd. 1 ..JB ;
No 2
. l
. 68
71 -.72
IC.fiS (Buying)
(Wholesale price range, from I to 1.
cent, over buying price I
Extra large A,A ..
; l.arge AA
l.arge A ..
Medium AA
Medium A
Cracki J
.46 -.44
A Leghorn hen
B I -eg horn' Hens
C, Leghorn lien i
A '.colored hens X
B colored hens
C colored hen. ... . -
A colored fivers. 3 lbs. and up .
B colored fryers ., ::.'..i
C colored fryers , p- .
A old -f posters.
' B old Toostert :v;
C old rooster!
IIVESTOOK b Valley !'
Spring larnhs. top
Yearlings. light top
Fat dairy cows .
Cutter cow -,
24 27 00
... 14 no hi 16 nn
. ..' 2 nff to 6 no
14 00 to 16 on
... in oo to 14 m
j l no to 21 fro
Good calves. rtofl-450 lb
i n iwi to zii iki
Good veal. ISO to 300 lh. 22 00 to 25 00
. ,
' r '
Stocks and Bonds
Compiled' by the Afsoefafed Press
Mav 31
- . I"
10 10
2fl in
Rails Indust Utll Forgn
Net change
, I'rev. aday .
. Week ; ago .
. Month ao
Year ago .
.. D 2 IJ I D 1
. 89 7 Ml 402 0
. 89 9 101 7 102 I
90 0 101 7 102 2
' 90 5 10 8 101 S
A 2
ft 8
70 01
70 0 !
70 0
929 101 5
101 3
30 15 15 SO
Indus Ralls Ctll Stks
Dl 8 Dl 4 D4 Dl 4
. S4 32 5 .39 I 60
M7 Xi 39 5 62 2
' 86 8 33 8 39 8 62 2
. 88 7 - 34 3 40 3 6S 2
97 5 44 4 42U -71 0
lows. .
I 1
Net iiange
Tfiesdav .
Prev. day .
Week a;o
Month ago
Year ago
Portland Livestock ,
. "POKl LAND. Mav 31-1 AP-( USDA 1
Cattle: Salable 1500: calves 200. fed
' steers strong 'to 30 cents higher; other
slaughter classes tnd vealers steady:
load top good 949 lb. 'ed steers 27.00:
bulk average good kind 25 75-26 25;
medium 23.50-25 50: iomrho 22 00
23.00; odd head top good heifers 25 00;
bulk good kinds 23 :.-24 50; medium
fl'50-23 00;" eornmon 19 00-21. bO; plain
dalrv type 17.50-18 50: hulk good cows
20OO-20O; medium 17 50-19 50; cutter
wmnfcn M 00-17 00; canners 12 50-14 50.
foid weighty heef bulls 23 00-25,; good
sauge bulls 21 50-22 50; medium 18-80-21
00; cutter-common 13.00-18.00;
two choice light vealers 29 00;.' bulk
f ood -c hoice ! vealers 26 00-28 00; meri
um 2.10O-2SOO; common 14 00-22 50.
- small lot good 583.1b. feeder steeis
00. .
Hogs: Salable 800: generally 50 rents
. 1o 1 00 higher;, bulk good-choice 180
233 lb. butchers 23.00-2(1)0 Ittter price
top: 243-250 lbs. 22 00: 150-175 lbs. fhost
! ly 22 00; few 295-310 lbs 19 50-20 00;
i bulk good-chice saws 18.00-1900: few
smooth kind on butcher order up to
20 00; weights above 375 lbs. 17 00-5U:
. few boars 9O0-5O; feeder pigs scarce.
Sheep: Salable 500. slaughter lambs
Steady: light weight shorn slaughter
ewes about steady;' weighty excessively
fat ewes difficult to move: bulk gnod
rholce $3-103 lb. spring lambs 28 50-
Fnance to.
Long-Time Farm Ians
License 8-211 and M-222
Personal and Aota Leans
Wve WantYuor
Always a nependabla
1 Cash Market.
If yea don't bring thens t
Curly V- we both lose.
Curly's Dairy
Falrg rounds Read at flood
Ph. I-I7IJ
ULSi.iMi torn (MMOIIHOIO$)
Treated WHlMrt Hesaftal Ooeratie
Men. Ihrevgk frf.i 10 m.m, H J p.m.
ItsainjuMea., W.t frl., sntil $
Write or coll 'of rif I oevcrtivs booklet
The: Dean clinic
In Our 39th YMr
M l Caet L iaeMJos oa4 Grmn4 Ave.
Tslii tAa 11 enl 14. Ova.
i)f I.T Um.N D - Or O.ChaaJf O
sl NarUi Liberty
VaeUIre reetla41 Oeaeral Beetrte
da. Office epea SatarSay ely II
a. as. to I s ta T a at. Ceasal
aatotv 'BleM sttnw aaS n
esse are free of eaarga. rtactteM
ace 1911.
1 10H
- 29s4
20 v
.... 35.
.... 38 4
.... 60
.... 18
.... 8
.... m
.... 26
.... 784
.... 11
.... 65 4
.... 11
.... 46.5i,
43 ') Sears Roeb ..
iSo Pacific .. ......
13 V Un: Airlines ....
31 V;U S Steel
91 ! Warner Bros
47i Woblworth ...
Waterfront Work to Hah
Durinp' Bridf Speech
P PR T L A N D. May 31, -JP)r
Waterfront H ork Will halt he'-? ,
tornorrow nieht while Hurry
Bridges. liresirient of the CIO long-
Fhoresrrfen, t undresses a' union
Only ships; that are to sail that
nifht 'will' -Be worked. Bridges
nini will 'UC wumm. uiiusri
Will report On CIO matters and
also dicus a federal charge oi
perjury against him.
Everyone Pitches in to
j IhiiM Ki!; I'ljrvsroiirid
; LEArfeuVER. ill ' May 31-(Jl-!
Almost everyone in this town j
. thp'ugnt. it "-would be nice if the;
; kfds had a place to play.
' So almost everybody doctor, :
i minister, barber, factory hand, i
t lxauty operator, tencher, postmas- ;
iter amfng thijm went to a vacant
'tot. They duff, raked, hammered,
.awed. By nifhtfall, they had pro-
.diueti a playground. COmplctewhh
swings una see-snws. i
2 00: nielium-tV)d 25 50-28 00; common
, dow n to 2?f0; Kond-rhmcf cllDPfd
I la.nlw Mi:oMlv ;N"o I rvlt 22 00-23.25;
' rrediun-.-etrt 19 "0-J! 00. few rood
-""'7 : - ll on TV no-
' .hora ewe? i 00-1 00; etmmon 5.00-6.00;
'pullvdo to 3 00
Portland Grain
31 -(API- Wheat:
j NO futures quoted.
tasa grain: oats no. j jw id. wnite
55 00.' "
"ash Khnt (bldi: Soft white 2.15.
Hard red winter: Ordinary z 13.
Todav car receipts: Wheat 94; har-
ley iz iiour 11; corn a; ,ots 3: n.iii-
'eed 10
Portland Produce 1
PORTLAND,) Mty 31 (API-'But-terfat
( ti ntatlye, suoject to immedi
ate channel: Pitmlun. quality maxi
mum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity -delivered
In Portland. 61-64c lb : first
quality S9-62 lb.: second qualitv 57
0c. (Valley routes' and country points
Zc lers than Urst.
Butter Wholesale fob. bulk cubes
to wholesalers- Grade AA. 93 score.
"l-62c lb; A. 92 "score. R0-61',c lb; B
to score. 58c lb.: C. 89 score. 37c lb.
Above prices are strictly nominal.
Cheese (selling 'price to Portland
wholesalers)' Oregon singles. 38'
48',c; Oiegon : 5-lb. loaf. 41'i-30'c.
Eggr-ito w)tlesalers) : A grade
large. f53-33c: A grade.' medium, 51
5l',c B grade.-large. 47',-50'aC
Live chickens' (No. 1 quality fob.
plants): Broilers, under 2'4 lbs.. 27 -29c:
fryers. 2'4-3 lbs.. 29-31c; 3-4 lbs.. 30
31c: roasters. 4 lbs. and oyer. 31 -32c:
fowl. Leghorns. 4 lbs. and under. 24-25c;
leghorns, over 4 lbs, 27-28ct coloied
fowl, all weights. 30-31c; old roosters,
all weights. 18-20C lb.
Rabbits (average to growers): Live
w hite. 4-3 lbs ; 26-27c; 5-6 lbs . 23-25c:
colored. 2 cents lower: old or heavy
does. 13-I7c lb.: dressed fryqrs to
butchers. S7-60e lb.: old and heavy ones.
33-38e lb.
. Fiesh dressed meats (wholesalers to
retailers per hundred lbs.): -
Beef: Steers.- good. 500-800 lbs.. $39
43. commercial. $39-41; utility. $34-36.
Cows Commercial. $36-38; utility.
$35-341; ranner-cutter. $34-35.'
Beef cuts (good steers): Hind. quar
ters. $51-53: rounds, $51-54; full loins,
trimmed. $56-61: triangles! $37-8:
square chucks,) $39-41; ribs $44-48. fore,
quarters. $37-38.
Veal and calf: Good-choice. $45-50;
commercial. $45-47; utility. $32-39
Lambs: Good-choice, under 60 lbs..
$51-53: commercial. $47-48. j0
Mutton. Good, 70 lbs., down. $26-29
Pork cutsLoin. No. 1. 8-12 lbs , $52-54-
shoulders, 1$ lbs . downr $.16-38:
spareribs, $43-45. carcasses $30-30 50.
Wool: Coarse, valley and medium
grades. 45c lb.
Mohair: Nominally 28c lb.' on 12
month growth,
. Country-killed meats: ;
Veal: Top quahtv. 37-40c lb : fancy
to 41c: other (tades. according to
weight and quality. x
Hogs: Light blockers. 27-Slc lb; sows
25-28c lb. - -
Lambs: Top quality. 40-43c lb.; mut
ton. 14-lSc.
Beef Good : cows. 30-34C lb.; cannery-cutters.
Onions: Wester Ore. yellows. 50 lbs..
No I med , ftom cold storage. $2 25
50: dry pack storage. $2 00-23: new
crop Calif white wax. $4.00-25: Sstock
tori Red Globes. $2 50-75: ellow Globe
I umbos. $2 85; med. $2 63.
potatoes: Calif., long whites, size A.
$4 25-50; No. t. 90 lbs.. $1 60-65. New
potatoes: Calif. ling whites, sixe A.
$4 15-25; commercial $3 00-25.
, Hay Follow ing wholesale prices are
strictly, nominat US, No I green ai
falfa or better, baled truck "lots whole
sale. Portland, $36-38: U S No, 1 mixed
timothy. $36 Oats and vetch mixed
hav. uncertified Clover hay, nominally
$tS-20. depending i quality, baled, on
Willamette atleTir farms.
NO. 2-2
Synopsis of Annual Statement for
the sear ended December 31. 194S. of
the Employers Mutual Casualty Com
Panyt of Des Moines, in the State ,of
Iowa, made to: the Insurance Commis
sioner ol the ; State jt Oregon, pur
suant to law: :
Net premiums received. $13.499.720 JS.
Total interest, dividends and real es
tate income. $285,381 OS.
Income front other sources. $1,911.02.
Total income. $13 787.012 46,
Net amount paid for losses. $3:170.-
' iLfriYr".-nt-,t,"m lLP-
tnderwritu expenses. $4,044,038.-
Dividend, paid to stockholders, none
Dividends pid or ctedited to poli
cyholder.. $388.911 09.
All other expenditures. $189,364 06.
Total -disbursements. $10 780.188.62.
Value of real estate owned (book
value). $340,121 69.
Loans oa mortgages and collateral.
Why Suffer Any Longer
waea otter fan. ase .oar Chiaese
resaea'tea. Aiaattag saceesa far teat
years la Calaa. N saaner with
wfeal allaaeat. yea -are afflictee
diaeraers. slaasitis. heart, laags. liv
er, kldaeys. gas. eoaatlaatlaa, a leers.
Siaaetes. rheaasatitaa. gall aae klaa
Ser fever, skla fesaale eosaalaiau.
tS6 fl CasBSSeretai
Tkaae 2-1IM .
ufftee Sleaee I U 1
Taea. aa4 SaL eaJy.
ete.J 35 44t M.
V.lue of bone owned (amortized).
$110016.16. ' K
Value of stocks owned (book al-
uoj $7470.00.
Cash in banks and on hand,' $2,139,
36037. Prerniums In course of collection
wrrtten nncf September 30. la. $2.-
117.jllO.aS. ,
' Interest and rents due and accrued.
tner asceu
of' admttled et.- lioxro iv w.
oUl unpaid sUlmM. $87139.13.
mated loss adjustment expense
fori unpaid claims. $169,401.04.
otal unearned premiums, S4.W4.-
.00. . .
11 other liabilities $1,525,864 59.
Otal liabihUes, except capital,. $13.-
apital paid up, none..
omrizl lurnlus funds. SS00 .000.00.
ynassicned funds (surplus I, $2,
Surplus as retards policyholders, $3.-
0SP1793M. 3
Total. $14,320,394.69.
Net premiums received. S1S.807.1X.
i,t kmes caid. S22.497.74.
X)ividend5 paid or credited to policy
holders, none.
No. 42-26
U nf Annual Statement ior the
combined Insurance C o rri p a n y of
America, of Philadelphia, in the State
oi Pennsylvania, mid.e to the Insur-
aitcei Commisnoner of the slate oi
Oregon, pursuant to law: t ..'
Net premiums recrived. $4,262,819 84.
Total interest. divSgends and real es-
llncome from other sources. $39,568 86.
lncome. oi.ioi.u.
Total income. $4.363..V5.90.
Net amounj paid for losses. $1,632,-
5(t2.24. ' -
Is adiustment expense $95 14173
Underwriting expenses. $2.201.863 11.
Dividends paid to stockholders. None.
Dividends paid or credited to policy-
olders. None.
All other expenditures. S97.fl50.96.
Tota-1 disbursements. $4.027 458.04.
Value of real estate owned (market
auei. S187.367 90. -
Ixan on mortgages and collateral.
to.. 8 604 21 .
Value of bonds owned (amortized).
2,053 079 03.
Value of stocks owned (market Val-
el. None.
Cash m banks and on hand, $269,997.-
P . ... ... 4-.,.i
Ltt"n Xe September 30. im$2?l.-
Int-s.t and rents due and accrued.
Other assets Irreti. None.
Total admitted assets. $2 548.350 36.
, Total .unpaid claims S391.015.56. '
Estimated loss advutment expense
for unpaid claims. 84.936.71.
Totai unearned premiums
All other liabilities. $387,234.09. .
Total liabilities, except capital. $1
954 172 89.
Capital paid up. $200 000 00
Special susplus funds: None.
Lnassigned funds surplus , $394 -
HI77 47..
Surplus as regards policyholders.
8394.177.47. - ;
Total. $2,548,350 36. '
Net premiums received. $68,476.22.
Net losses paid. $18 622 48.
Dividends paid or credited to policy
holders. None. .
No. 7-30
Svnopsls of Annual Statement for the
ear ended December 31. 1948. of the
Abstract a Title Insurance Co. of Port-
nnd. in the State of Oregon, made to
he Insurance Commissioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Net premiums reecived. $236,410.54.
Total interest, dividends and real es
tate income. $12 58567. ,
Income from ojfier sources. $104,699.-
92.' ;
Total Income. $373.695 43.
Net amount paid for losses, $2,366.42.
Loss adjustment expenses. None.
Underwriting expenses, None. '
DiviJends baid to stockholders '(Cash.
15.000 00: stock. Nonel.t$13.000.00.
Dividends paid or credited to policy
olders. None. . -!
All other expenditures - (Including"
nvestment. expenses $!!5.42.02). $330.-
054 09.
! Total disbursements. $348.320,31..
Value of real estate owned (market
talue). $35.000 00.
I Loans on mortgages and collateral,
etc.. $19,940.89.
! Value of bonds owned (amortized),
I Value of stocks owned (market
value l. None.
1 Cash ' in banks and on hand. $149.
Z49 40;
Premiums in course of collection
written since September 30, 1948, $28,-
830 92.
Interest and rents due and accrued,
Other asset, (net), $75,131.55.
lotai admitted assets. $383.153 76.
Total unpaid claims. None.
Estimated loss adiustment expense
for unpaid claims. None.
Total unearned premiums. $36. 643.03.
All other liabilities. $133.513 55.
Total liabilities, except capital. $170..
156 60.
Capital paid up. $100.000 00.
Special surplus funds: None.
I niuiirn funria isurnliial fllll.
i Surplus at regirdi policyholders,
$214 996 16
I ToUl. $385.152 76.
Net premium, received. $256,410 54.
I Net losses paid. $2,366 42,
j Dividends paid or credited to pol
ICVholders None
Principal office in Oregpn : . 423 S.W.
i,v .... n . , n
li ac, ruiLiarui 9, urcgon.
s No. 15-15
I Synopsis of Annual Statement for
the year ended December 31. 1948, of
the National Travelers Casualty -Company
of Des Moines, in the State of
low a. made to the Insurance Commis
sioner of the State of Oregon, pursu
ant to' law:
jNet premiums received. $1,769,930 42.
! Total interest, dividends and . real
estate Income. $23,077 55.
! Income from other sources, $3 863.65.
: Total income. $1,796.871 62
' Net amount paid for losses, -44 70 .331.
2$. , Loss adjustment- expenses. $47,360 25.
j Underwriting expenses. $1.01 1.791 62.
Dividends paid to stockholders. None,
i Dividends paid or credited to policy
holders. Nqne.
All other expenditures (including
Investment expenses $96 63). $13 286.21.
Total disbursements. SI .542 969 33.
Value of real estate owned (market
value i . None.
Loans on mortgages and collateral,
etc.. Nne. ,
Value of bonds owned (amortized).
Value of stocks owned (market
value), $31.50200.
Cash in bariks and on hand. $137.-
' Premium. In course of collection
rn,n since September SO. 1S4S. S93S .
V3S 13.
36.- '
Interest and rents due and accrued.
utner assets men, none.
Total admitted assets. $1141596 60.
ToUt unpaid claims. $201,462.17.
Estimated loss adiustment expense
for unpaid claims. $20,182.40.
: Total unearned premiums. $429,892.39:
I All other liabilities. $83213 45
Total liabilities, except capital. $734.-
730 51.
Cap'tal paid up. none.
Special surplus funds: $106,846.09
Lnasaigned funds (surplus), $300.-
000 00.
Surplus . as regards oollcvholders
Total. 11141.596 60.
Net premium, received. $31,354.72.
jisei losses paid, aaoji.
Dividends paid or ctedited to policy
holders. Von.
, Principal office in Oregon. Portland.
Na. 1-2J
Synopsis of Annual Statement for the
year ended December 31. 1948. of the
Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company
eg Vancouver, la Briuaa Columbia,
made to the Insurance Commissioner
of the State of Oreeon, pursuant to
Net Dremlumi received. $1.1
Total Interest, dividends and real es
tate income. $60,694.20.
Income from other sources.
$2.146 65.
Total income. SI. 069.577 .36.
Net amount paid for losses.
13. r i
Loss adjustment expenses. $21,772.58.
Underwritinc expenses. S419.528 92
Dividends paid to stockholders. None.
Dividends paid or credited to policy
holders. None. '
All other expenditures (including In
vestment expenses!, $10,267.08.
Total disbursements. $63 609.71.
Value of real estate owned (market
value). None. j
Loans on mortgages and collateral,
etc.. None. v " !
Value of bonds owned (amortized),
$1,189,021.80. f
. Value of stocks owned (market 'val
ue). $65176.54.
Cash in banks and on hand. $285.
177.63. Premiums in course of collection
written since September 30. !l&48, $171
070 M. i
Interest and rents due and accrued
S4.557.3ut- v I
Other assets (net). $41,003113.
Total admitted assets. $2 $44,806 74.
Total -unpaid claims; $343,232.17.
Estimated loss -adjustment expense
for uriaid claims. $10:592.78,
Totai unearned pi emiurhs. $768,334.51.
All cfther liabilities. $102,527.50. -
To'fal liabilities, except capital, $1,
224.686.96. 1
Statutory Deposit. $500,000.00.'
Special surplus funds; None.
Lnassigned funds (surplus). $60..U9.
78. Surplus as regards peliev holders,
Total. $2.344.806 74. i !
Net premiums reecived. j$2pl2 62. '
Net losses paid. $5.537.14. i f
Dividends paid or credited to
policy Imlders None. i :
rnotE. ninnx j t.-. r. rKiiq ;
ri.-t SIKtLl T) HJIHUKI SXKfctT.
Notice hereby is gien thiat the com-
mon council of the city of Salem. Ore- i
goii deems it necessary anil expedient
and hereby declares its purpose and in- ;
tention to improve Mvrtle ivenue from '
the north line of Pine street to the ;
north line of Hickory stfeet, in the. i
'city of SaleM. Marion county. Oregon. ;
at the expense of the abutting and ad !
jacent property, e.vcept the street in- ,
tersections the expense of which will j
be assumed by the city ojf Salem-, by '
bringing s;iid portion of said street to
the established grde. constructing
ct rnent'.concrete curb'. 'and paving said j
portion ot s-iid street wjrfli a 2'2 inch !
asphaltic cmcrete pavtrnient 30 feet :
A'lde in arcorddfire wih tine plans and
specifications theretor which were i
adopted by .the common council May i
23. 1!49. which are now on file in the j
office of the city recorder and which I
by this reference thereto are made a
nart hereof - -S ' !
The common .council hereby declares
Its purpose and 'indention to make the
above described . improvement bv and
t through, the street improvement de-
partmem. ,
Bv Order of -the Common Council
May 23. 1949.
City Recorder 1
Date of first publication hereof Is
MaV 28. 194:.. ;
Statesman Publishing Co.
My 28. 29. 30. 31. June 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7 1949. j
Notice hereby is given that the com
mon council of the city of ;Salei.i. Ore
gon, deems it necessary and expedient
and hereby declares its purpose and in
tention to "improve H:nes street from
the west line of Fourteenth street to
the east line of Thirteenth street, in
the city of Salem. Marion County. Ore
gon, at the expense of the abutting and
adjacent broperty, by bringing said
portion at said .street to the established
grade, constructing cement concrete
curbs.' and oavine said nortion of said
street with a 2'2 inch asphalticconcrete
pavement 30 feet wide in accordance
with the plans and specifications there
for which were adopted by the com
mon council . May 23, 1949. which are
now on file in the office: of the city
recorded and which by this reference
thereto are made a part hereof.'
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and .indention to make the
above described improvement by and
through the street improvement de
partment. Bv Order of the Common Council
May 23. 1949.
v OHy Recorder
Date of first publication hereof Is
May 28. 1949
Statesman Publishing Co,
May 28. 29. 30. 31. June 1. 1, 3. 4. S. 6.
7, 1949,
Notice herebv is given that the com
mon council of the city of Saem. Ore
gon, deems it necessary and expedient
and hereby declares its purpose and in
tention to improve.Alice avenue from
the west line of Commercial street to
the east line of Mountain View Drive,
In the city of, Salem. Marion county.
Oregpn. at the expense of the abutting
and adjacent property, by bringing
said portion of said street to the estab
lished grade, constructing cement con
crete curbs, and paving .aid portion of
said street with a 2' inch asphaltic
concrete pavement 30 feet wide In ac
cordance 'with the plans and specifica
tions thefefor which were adopted by.
the common 'council May 23, 1949.
which are ,now on file fn the office of
the city recorder and which by this
reference thereto are made a part
The common council hereby declares
n. uiimc aiiu uirnuun w nidKC ine ' rj PH 2-5161 OR 2-5165
above described improvement bv and I FXPFRlENrEn-1 irU cauiti viT
through the street improvement de- 1 jpt.X )i62 state St . ' al W
""bT Order of the Common Council ! .Tf wanted. Cal,in7.
May 23 1949 ' light furnished. 4'ac. Good , picking.
ALFRED MUNDT 220 acr" Pn 9693 Hillsboro, Ore.
City Recorder ' I 1 . , . -j' . ...
w0".. .Llirtt publication hereof is i Help Wanted Male
Mav 28. 1949. 1 :
Statesman Publishing Co.
May 28, 29, 30. 31. June 1, 3. 3, 4. S. 6
7, 1949.
Notice is -hereby given that Inter-
national Salt Companv, a New Jersev
corporation, of Scranton, Pa . has filed
its trade mark. "Representation of an
old jailor in i motion having the word
"SALTY" displayed on his hat and the
words "FRXfc Rt'N'N" astride his legs."
wren ine secrexary 01 siaie 01 uregon
Mv 18-2S J 1
Notice is herebv eiven that Cheml
cals. Inc., a California corporation of
2601 Wood St.. Oakland. Calif . has
filed its trade mark "DURA STARCH"
with the Secretary of State of Oregon
My 18-25 J 1
Notice J -hereby given: that Old
Dutch Industrial Products Co.. Inc..
a New Jersey corporation of Harrison.
N. J naS filed iu trade mark "ACE"
and design with the Secretary of State
of Oregon.
Mv 'iiw t 1
' J 1
LivestocJs and Poultry
NEW HAMP. chicks' every Thurs
dav. Ph '2-2861. Lee"s Hatcherv'
turkey poults. Pilgrim
Hatchery. West Salerrv
S FRESH COWS for sale. All heavy
mllkr- t0 SI'S each. Abe Edi-
'r Rt. 2KSO ;
WANTED: Real Estate Salesman to
work exclusive farm sale. Contact
the Colbath Land Co.. 1683 Center St.
Interview between 2-$ p m. ,
BABY CHICKS May 30th. Hamp
shires. Leghorns and Wyandottes. Pn.
2-21)61. Lees Hatchery. I
HEAVY FRYERS dressed. Also 6 gal.
Jersey cow. Just fresh with calf by
side. Dbl. tested. Rt. 6. Box 264. Out
Center St. to Fruitland. ;
2 COLTS.: I arid S yrs old. Arabian
breeding. Sired by Jedron. Rt. 7. bos,
07K. on silverton Rd. 1
A I STUD: Ree Palomino auarter
nor H L. Stiff
Stiff. Jr.. Rt S box 870
McCandlian. 1127 . 23th. Ph. $-8147.
Livestock anil Poultry
UCEKSED bve itock buyer. Harold
E. P net hen. Turner. Ore. -
. NtW HAMPSHIRE and Parmenter
Red chirks six days a week-, also start
ed chicks, straight run and pullets.
Gearing Hatchery.. Rt- 3, Silvertoa.
Oreeon. Ph. Black 193.
a 'Kl. BERKSHIRE bred sows. 4
Berkhire snlts. Rt. 4. Box S30. Salem.
auW AVAILABLE We arc receiv
ing applications for membership on
Monday. Wednesday and Friday ' of
each week at our new warehouse lo
cated on the NX. corner of North Front
aad Hood Streets. Salem. See Air. I.
H. Fetrow or write. Pacific CooneraUve
Producers. 306 "SE. Ash St, Portland
1. Oreg Membership fee $1.00 Avail
able to poultry, turkey or other . Hve-
trr oroC'ic'ers. -
BONDED livestock buyer Claude Ed
rd Rt 3 Box 899E. Ph 3-1144
WANTED Thin cows ana heifers tor.
feeders also butcher cattle Get my bid
it will cost vou nothing Earl Du Oruei
2495 N 5th Salem. Phone 2-1656. .
r Auction
Thursday. June 2
AT 1:00 P.M. SHARP
Due to" illness in the family I . am
forced to sell my entire herd of grade
A dairy cows, on the, farm located 3
miles east of Pen 4 Corners. Salem.'
Oregon, the J. .G. Lauderback Dairy
, Ranch. ' ,
or ii-.i ri' . or
4-O ilfdd UtXliy JUdlllC .0 .-HAKPEN. YOUR lawn mower now
ALL COWS ON D.H.I.A. RECORDS ' Hoes i shovels sharpened free Pick
1 Jersev 7- vejrs old. producing 24 up & delivery Howscr Bros-.Ph 33646
lbs milk. 4 6 test, bred May, 12.-.
2 Jersey-Holstein 3 years, dry, will
freshen July r. , j
3 Holsteih. 3 years. 39 lb. milk, 4.3 i
te . Ad- 1 . '
4 Holtein. 3 ea 21 lbs
test 4 7.
bred April 11.
5-Jersev. 3 vears.. 24 lbs., test 5 0.
bred May 4.
6 Jersey. 5 years. .28 lbs . test 5 4.
bied April 5. ,, i
7 Hobtem-Je'rsev. 4 years. 34 lbs .
5 8 test bred Mav 11.
8 Jersey. 9 yrs , 34 lbs..
4 2
bred May 22.
9 Jersey, 3 jis,
bred April 18
10 Jei sey. 4 y rs .
bred Apr. H
11 Holstem. 9 yrs ,
bred Mav 3.
'.2-r-nr :iC!e rw,- 3
freshen Julv 1 to 15.
22 lbs.,
37 lbs..
, -6 lbs.,
4 5
4 8 test.
3 8 test.
vears. drv.
13 Holstcin. 10 ears. 39 lbs . .17 test,
bder Mav 18
14 Jersey. 6 years . 3 teats. 23 lbs.,
no test, open
15 Jersev. 4 yrs.. 36 lbs., 4 7 test.
bred May 6.
W Jersey, 7
years, springer, due
Julv 1
17 Jersev. 4 years. 29 lbs.. 5 8 test
, , . , .
W-Jersev 3 yr... 22 lbs.. 4 8 test,
bred April 5.
19 Brindle. 6 years.; 36 ids., 4 4 tesi.
Bred April n.
20 Jersey, 6 years old. milking 38
lbs. Open.
21 Jersev. 6 vears old. 26 lbs. Open.
j 22 Jersey-Guernsey, 2'2 years. 28
i lbf- Open.
23 J erse y -G u e r rise y
2' i years, 32
1 lbs. Open.
; 24 Brown Swiss-Holstein, yrs
25 Jersev-Guernsey bull. 1 year old.
One 3-bottorn 12 inch Oliver plow on
Come and see cow. milked. Milking
tirne 7 a.m. and 7 p m. daylight time.
J. G. Louderback. Owner
fn. .MIUOD JAIVE, ivrt L r ivian.i.iri
FURNITURE Auction every tuesdav.
Glenwood Ballroom. J pm. We sell
for U- or pay spot cash, estates bouEht
outrieht. Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer.
PK"'3-M10 .
THE E. Salem Auction Center offers,
a source of disposal Thurs 7 p m. fosj
ail lypes 01 iviercnanuise. 11 vuu t
brine vour consign rn en t. call 3-1221.
Furniture & Livestock
- Auction
Wednesday June 1st at 10 a m. Sc 7 p.m.
Leaving state. Will sell 5 rooms of
furniture consisting of: davenport 6c
chair. 3 piece dinette set, twin rocker,
7 piece waterfall bedrm. set with Mr.
and Mrs. chests, Studio couch, box
spring, inner-spring mattress, chest of
drawers, gate leg drop leaf table. L &
H elec. range. desk.-M.W. 6 ft, refrig .
coffee tables. & many other miscel
laneous articles. ,
Model 30 Caterpiller tractor, good
cond.. side delivery rake, & other ma
chinery. Chickens, rabbits it produce.
Feeder V weaner pigs. Colves 6c veals,
several good cows and heifers.
1 mi. E of Salem on Silverton Rd.
Ph. 3-6089 - .
Help Wanted
STRAWBERRY pickers Wednesday.
June 1st. 24c a carrier. Henry Ras
mussen. Rt. 7, Box 313. Salem. 1 mile
east Sc. z mile north of Hale) Green
srl ool. ' '
BERRY PICKERS: Wed. 1 today I. Ia
miles north of town.99E and Lancas
ter Drive R F- Carothers Sc Son.
STRAWBERRY pickers. 2nd pick
ing. Wed. June 1st. R. P. Barnwell. 4930
N. River Rd. Keizer
Sf5AW BERRY pickers, starting
about June 3rd. Cabins and camping
space. Transportation furnished. Ben
son 8c Hollin Bros.. Star Route,"BX
70. Silverton. Oreeon.
pni r 1. mi m rv vam n.rivr
Three Men W7anted
For training as General Casualty In
surance Agents. Commission: plus sal-
irv naiil u hllii trilnmf Inr vrtiir ni..n
business. Contact W. ,L. Gathw right
between 6 and 8 p m. T285 N. Cottage.
CARRIER driver for night shift at
Turner, Oregon for Burkland Lumber
Co Ph 1104
iND General El.ctric Co. has
opening tLr mall clerk. Must be qual-
l.ified for advancement. No dependents
. 111, is ai uuuuni vi ine muuer. see
M- CrosVland 237 N. Liberty.
EXPERIENCED driver in retail lum
ber ard If not experienced do not
1 apply. Borkman Lbr
Ac Mdwe Co..
2460 State St.. Evening. 1090 Donna
MALE MEMBERS of Cannery Local
670 reg. for work on pea vlnerS. work
begins June 6. 445 Center St. Ph.
3-7221 ;
WANT SOMEONE to contract cutting
white fir for pulp wood. 6 mi. S. of
Salem, 'j mi. E. of Rosedale. R. E.
Chrit ie. Rt 9. box 630
WANTED: Real Estate Salesman to
1 specialize In business opportunities.
Contact the Colbath Land Co . 1683
: Center St. Interview between 2-5. p.m.
Help Wanted Female
Travel New York
With sales group age 28-60. Per
manent. No experience necessary. Food
; allowance, commission, hotel expense.
i transportation. Miss Kate Scott, hours'
. 6 o m- to 8 o. m.. Marlon Hotel.
RELIABLE woman between 30-36 for
pricing Dept. Must have typing know
ledre Call 2-3fli0.
WOMAN with pleasing telephone
voice to sell advertising over phone.
$1.00 hr. guarantee.- Use own phone.
CslI 3-3161. ext 143. .
GIRL OR YOUNG woman to live in
our home. Nice private room and bath,
in new home in South Salem. Small
salary In exchange tor care of children
in evenings and" some help with house.
Could work during daytime if hours
are tehf, CaM .W48 '
UNENCUMBERED lady, between 23
St 45 f cr work in summer resort, goo
alary and expenses. Statesman Box
Help Wanted Female
EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper to
work in office of Willamette Valley s
leading furniture and appliance store. I
liooq salary, pleasant wvi imm tunut- i
tiTi Aoolv Hoee Bros.. 260 State.
AT ONCE! Middle-aged lady or prac
tical nurse to assist me in care of my
aged mother. Some Jight housework,
full or part-time. Mrs. Lest on W. How
ell. 52S N. CapitoL Ph. 3-6174.
Situations .Wanted
WILL CARE FOR invalid women In
mv home. Phone 2-7615.
.-Lvhi.(. uiscing and Rotary Till
ine. VP Cfmw? Rd. Ph. r-5972.
LANDSCAPING. new lawns.
h-ult. Ph. 34549
AviiMV papernangmg.jSl Z5 hour
or contract. W. J. Kerner. Box 156,
Fj11 Citv-
Tiller. Ph.
Ph. 3.W81.
secretary. Experience.
MILL GIVE excellent tare ol cnild
age 2 to 10. Home by the park. Pn.
?-0.S3 :t.S. Magnolia
CAiir'tNTEP... Lse. or small job. Ph.
n-23W. Liav or eves. '
VfcT WITH 18 yr. exp. in all tvpes j
o painting Call 3-6351.
CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping 3-9924. I
POE'S mimeographing typing serv-
ice. Quality -work. Lower prices. 665 N. !
16th. Phone 3-2643. j
SE IKS jno septic tankk installed ;
and repaired St-harff Bros Phone 2.V568 i
Paiiitinir & Decorating
2-5444 JJICK OREY 3-6265
tlHAWl.NG nogw' piars Ph 3-9b21
, il
Mmnev weep Northres ph .1-4450
fVI'ewater St . W Saicm
Mike!; Spti.c "Service
Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service
in $'Krr Pone 3-9468 br 3-S.t27
Llovd M. Hill. Inc. '
Cat Shove", and truck work ot H klnd
Phone 2-467 S995 St.rte Pt
fl'HXltl'RE repjircd & remodeled
lee Bro'. Furn Rcfinish ne Co "'-7001
WILL CARE for elderlv l.ui:es m
mv homo Phone 2-3797.
CEMFNT Work All kinds Ph
O. F. Shrvr'er. Ph "--lfi or ,-2?97
GENERAL cement contrictirrf. m.
us hu'tness. FHA hank t.rri. S.'t:f ic- j
' uaranW'ri Stan'ev Kai;f, .l-'i'l
EV ING I -pec iai . e in -iadK -u.t. '
coat and children's apparel. 2240 Fair-
frinnrt-' rd Ph. 2-7j'n ;
Almorivs Harlev Pugh Ph 3-4n92
CARPENTER work New rct. 2-2 :93
FLOWING AND discing Al Moss. !
Ph 2-2957 ' j
1 ' t 1 I V 1. 1 . I I ,. ....
i B. J'ilhrenajredI10Nl Com'l. ;
IFVIKA',; S"11 ralLs;iin.,li ls! 1
-roiM-ero DA"irTe c r V r i' c T"
uiunm.--nerrnr nur- ..
with two children. A full time emplove
with the state and a student at Wi!
limette University in business admin
istration. Will graduate June 12 De
sire positiorf as office manager in- Ss
lem or vicinity. Appreciate an inter
vitw. Box 773 Statesman.
For Sale Miscellaneous
GAS WATER heater S25. Water cool
ed air conditioner '.&. Dble. iron Deli
sted, spnnp, mattress $35. Call at
Wte. rer-trr
.Nr.v 12 Fl. 0 U ft. s:ied w.t'i floor.
Two windows and 2 doors. Suitable
f sr- 4 a tn rv-r- eit r t I in tt ta r a ti S f
, j,,, ph 3.5355
- CLOSING 0UT special on cnei ry
tnrming ladders. Ore-on Fuel Co
RARriAlV IN new tiOdxlb an.l 5a(
4 nlv tire and tubV Oregon Fuel. C"
Fi ida
645 N.
9x12 BONNY MAID 1 ugs 111 tan or
blue flora patterns. $6.95. 6 foot yard
eoods. 45c foot. Green stamps. Salem
Home Ft 1 rn . Co137S . Com'l
HEAVY tapestry daveno and rocker,
lirey or wine. Specially priced t
.119.88. We give green' stamps. Salerh
Home Furn. Co . 137 S. Com'l.
6 YR. BABY crib, natural, narrow
decorated center panel, spring adi. to
3 heights. $19 95, Neftien innerspring
mattress.. $10.95. Green stamps. Salem,
Home Furn Co.. 137 S. Com'l.
165 4 MO. old thorbred N.H. pullets
for sale Rt 3 Box 801. Ph. 2-3159
2 ALMOST new 12
stepladders &
ext. plank. Alst 50 ft. of white picket
fence $12 See at 2147 S. Winter
5 PIECE mahoeanv bdrm. suite.'S'.OO.
8 piece mahogany Duncan Phyfe din
ing rm. set. $123.. antique settee. $75..
miscellaneous . articles. All in good
cond. 109? Cascade Dr.. W. Sa'em.
RED HEART strawberries. Frank U.
Hems. Rt. 7. Box 381. N. Lancaster Dr.
Ph 2-1184
STRAWBERRIES for sale! You pick
9c; Bring your own containers. Plenty
of heme. Mrs. Norris, Rt. 2. Box
81. Turner.
rain Ph. 2-2922
IVORY ICE Box. 50 lb. cap. Good
cond. 961 Oak St.. Salem.
BALDWIN bungalow style piano.
Move forces sale. 670 Ratcliff Dr
USED PLUMBING fixtures. Chea.
J Olson's' 279 N Commercial.
'"EXHaT'ST fa-is. Close out prices
Veater Appliance Co.
FARMERS attention. Fence control
ler., milk pasteurizer, st close-out
price VeatC" Appliance' Co. .
USED reirigcrators. wasning ma
chines, ranges, water heaters. Yeater
Annllance C"
ELECTRIC sewing machines I'ree
Westinghoue). Yeater Appliance Civ
.NO WAXLfG required when you use
Pasti-Kote. the cellophane - like fin
ish for your floors or linoleum. Yeater
Appliance Co
DEEPFRJCEZE Home Freezers. $129 95
and un. Yeater Appliance . Co.
VACUUM sweeper with attachments
.Phone .1-6357. '
At your War Surplus Store.
on paint needs.
Outside white . $3.50 gal.
Hi-GJoss enamel -$4 5o gal.
Flat wall .... $2 93 gal.
All other types in stock.
Corner Fjurgrundsd.AChurch St
HAVE BtaT outlet for furniture, ap
pliances, household effects Pay top
prlcespo, cash or.ell for U on com-
mifsion. Glenn Vloodry. -The Auction -
eer Phone 3-5110 '
ejNfc NEW Lawrence No. 48 quick
rising arage dam- 23 Ph 2-4896
4-DRAWERf National cash register
with recording tape. Ha been In teadv
use and is in good mechanical con
dition Ph. 2-2485
ARE YOU interested in the service
station business? I have a service sta
tion business for sale at inventory
price in Dallas. Oregon. Contact War
ren Doolittle, General Petroleum Dis
tributor. Pr. 3-4619.
LATE MODEL Westinghouse electilc
range. 42 inches long big super deluxe
size completely automatic. Four burn
ers, oversize oven, oven-size warmer
Excellent condition, both In looks and
operation. Best offer. 2010 Nebraska St..
Ant. 2
14 CU. FT. chest type home freezer.
New. $330. Ph. 3-4284.
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
For road. Ic driveway. -Cement
Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand
Bulldozing, drainage and witching. 4
vd shovel I & drag line Phone 3-9249
RED CEDAR shingles .So. 1. $9 30
No. 2. $5-50. No 3. $3.50. We del. Phil
lips Bros. Rt, 6. Box 118. Salem, Ore
Ph. 66F22. ' "
(or patios, rockwalls. walks, gardens
61 all rock const. We del. and sell here
or at pit. See or call for prices. Phil
lips Bros. Rt. 6. Box lis. Salem. Ph.
68F22. t
8x10 wall J a $26.50
10x12 waU , :,. 32.50
9x 9 umbrella 7 :,. 34 50
AU sues in stock, all new, for sports
men. '
Corner No. Church it Fairgrouad? Bd
ciLOiTkOi:" oaby bukxy. Hardiy
used, deluxe inodeL Phone 2-779L
For Sale IireIlaneou
yfnT pay more? On your next Job
our grades and prices. Write,
phone, or see us. for our latest price
1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593
ftO; BED and coil springs. St.uf.
20 Yew . St.
t lUGlOAlKe. ref. BR set. Eureka
sweeper, 1 lawn mower. Hurry I We are
teavin town. 520 N. lth. '
V.nlfE ENAMEL 5 burner., long
chimnev, Perfectioif ker. range. A-l
co ted slightly. 581 Hirh'nnd
S i RAW BERRIES You pick. 10c
lb. 4 miles out. Silverton highway.
Clean field. L. V. Hammer. Rt. 6, box
i'uAVtNPORT 8t CKR, Good cond.
t7 Iancaster Dr. N.
BLUE VELVOUR davenport At chair,
A. B. apt. elec. range. 9x12 linoleum
ur '9o5 Bmlev R. eat of Keirer.
BED. 3 quarter, size.
(Commercial Sand & Gravel
Crushed rock Read mix. All kinds
Crushed rock Ready mix All kinds-
ot sand and gravel River sUt and fill
Ph. 21066
U-.ED SEWING machines. Ph 3-3139
oTENOTYPE In new condition with
papfr holder timer, and carrying case.
Reasonable to student or operator Call
n-79.1. ' :
Saleni Screen Shop
1430 S 12th St
' Window' sci tens & screen doors made
to order Glas replacement
fj-rX'TKIt ! water ncaters. 40 . sal
rouble elcn ent. guarisitecd $71 M) In i
spallation if desired W A. Skewis Co
Ph. 3-4600 or 3-4223 after 6 1330 Mad-
tjon Hollywood Dit
FERTILIZER, cow. horve or chicken
Oelivert-d in Salem Well rotted or
fres'i Jj per cu ard. Also by sack at
olac e. or will del 5 sack order Phil
Iids Bros Rt. 6. Box 118. Salem. Ore
rl, KHJT22
SV: ING -Slai-lints. N w Home elec.
H '"w ac JM M' rtn.. ,6 Mi mo 3-3139
QUARRY 'ROCK ' tor "road base
Crushed rock, fill cirt We deliver
Croian Quarries
1565 S Com'l St Ph 2 6417
Plant Ph3N121 Res 2-1fl75
rri!--K lk-iii.ou-1: atioii -K -l) ilium
Rei.'Vtton j--.teiv I'hotie 3-('n74
allcv Sand X (travel Co.
Silt, .jand' & fill dirt Excavat'pg
0B S.'iovtl and cat' . Tractor '
any truck Cor oirt niuXin
2-'Ol'2. rej ,1-7136.
CtllAR POST Yew wood posts
'unples. teie & e'ecti ii- poles Phillips
Bios. Rt. 6, Box 118 Salem. .Ore. Ph
STRAWBERRIES, 10c per lb. U pick
and furnish own container. 3 mi.
No.-th Union Hill hcii-e Ronald lleat-
. e Rt. 1. Noc 1 3A- S . 1 M i m 1 1 v vOre
SlhAWEEHRIES. U pick "lOc. Brine.
! containers. Out Silverton Rd. 2'a mi.
Middle Grove school, turn right '
mi. He-r At Riensthc
' "STRAWBERRIES ' You pick, 10c lb
Clean patch: Mon . Tucs. and Wed. '
' mi. north 'of Center school
Lvle Klampe. Rt. 1. Boxe 187A. Brooks.
Puone 2-5883.
Biiildin; Materials
2.M10 PIECES 4x12x12 Hollow Tile rt
1 1 ' r per piece Mr Miller 2-6055
Hundreds of window sash I. 2. 4. (Rr 6
lights, all sic Plywood for walls.
U.K. ime cahiriets Cedar shakes, as-
, h.,n. .iHins hi.otrr.rk hinrl
j ulation. firUx. tr.asonite ic plumbing.
Check our puces C. G Long. I'h.
?-'H21 1 mile N of Kei-'er
CLOSE till'l . Special. Hardwood
Flooring, pecan hnd gum In a variety
of sizes at only $125 M Keith Brown.
Front & 'Quit Stst , Salem
SKIL-TOOL Rental Service. Valley
Farm Store ! 4.145 Silverton Rd,
DOORS fnlenor 2 panel doors at
Keith Brown's great special purchase
bottom price bargain of only $660
each. Keith Brown's, Front 6c Court
sts . Salem.
TILLAMOOK cedar shingles, del No
1 - $9, No. 2 -. $5 Cedar wall.' 18 in.
painted shake. $12 80 per sq. under
course. free ! Ted Muller. . formerly
Eola Yd. Salem-Independence Rd. Ph
Salem 2-1196.
Plywood Cut-offs. 48"
x II" x '4 . for ceiling panel, wall
panel, siding and many other uses.
Only 5'c per sq. ft. Keith Brown.
Front Sc Court Sts..'jSalem.
. NEW PLYWOOD." all thicknesses.
Special prices on insulation. 16in x
32 in ceiling tile, elect, water heater,
and wallboard for bathroom, kitchen
or utility room. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821.
1 r North of Keizer
SHEfiTROCk. new shipment. Y
a". See us for new low cash price.
Keith Brown, Court and Front Sts.
Wanted -Furniture
USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110.
Wantefl MiM'ellaneous
ESTATES bought for cash, anytime,
aiiv place. Trader Louie. 3053 Port
ion d Road Ph. .1-8558,'
UVk FURNITURE to self at auction
or will pav casn. P.'ione Clenn Woodry.
Tf Auctioneer, 3-51IO.
EsTATES' biught butright. Glenn
Woodry. The1 Auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110.
Wilis Music Store. Salem
AUTO painting lust a shade better
ov Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co
HAVE S'OUR Singer sewing machine
repaired bv a qualified Singer rtpre
senlalive Ph, 3-3512 for free pickup 6c
delivery (service on all makes of ma
chines. Freei estimates given before
work Is , started Singer Sewing M.
chine Co . 130 N Commercla K
viattteses Capital bed Co Ph 3-4010
REROOF NOW One-two- or three
years to pay.' For free estimate, phone
27177 Wstetn Auto Suppjy Co.
Mr.nPp;,Th,,p 433'm.U
1 . ,
I f Int 1 1 PUl. Reioir
a--e iimi laiVSIVIftlll
Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair
Adoloh Bide j State Ac Ccyn. Ph 3-3311
Saleni Sand A Gravel Co.
I ' Contract Work '
Roads - ' Cilearing - Ditching
Sewer Sc Basement
Equipment Rental
15 B- yds: i . $12 00 per hr.
10 B-Ji vds . 960 per hr.
D-7., Cat & Dozer , ,, 10 50 per hr
D-6 Cat 6c Dorer ' 8 40 pef hr.
D-4 Cat it Dozer '. 7 00 per hr
Phone days 3-9408
; Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 -
Sslem. Oregon
"WATER WELL dnITing. Domestic 01
Irrigation. Duffitld Bros.. Rt S. boa
58 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2793.
Room and Board
BOARD ic toom. S50 E St. Ph. 9-8706.
For RentRoo,iTJs
LCE. NEWLY dec. rm. on bus Mne.
Pri. ent. ic phone. $13 month. 2213
Harel Ave.
SMALL comfortable sleeping rm,
913 month 3f. N. CapitoL Ph. 3-3Cf)Q
SLEEPING RM. Pri. ent, Gentleman.
N. Summer. Ph. S'-77TS.
CLYTriR5r.r1n7Ih mod.. home.
Ph V73&6. y -
PLEASANT i sleeping rm. for gentle
man IPSO Nojrwav. phone 2-4547.
CLEAN, weii-furn room. Pri. home
1065 N. Cttre Ph. 1-1449. 1
ROOMS TO RENT by the week or
jTet 3-3161
LP. RM. 24)5 K. 14th.nooe 2-9067"
For Rent Room
CI EAN RMS. WIS McCoy.jPh. 3-e093.'
MOD sip. r:m. for men. Tel. At pru
JU sip. r:m. for men. Tel. at
1505 N CatMtol. Ph 3-J425.
rtlct SLEEPING nus, .doubie or
sm-'e WI N "i.
tiOLi.EKEE.PiNG apt. tor nian. 103
Marten. - j
Kor R-nl Aparimfnla .
ROOM i .vbath. Pri. ehtrant-e 1st
Iror Ar'n't. S04 . Com"!
udiut uiiij.1" apt. except foi yaa
range. Pri h . clean..' main fluor.
Across from Bsti schooL Inquire 330
1..f,n St . v 1 ;
i AND j i . lam. apt, .no oi.ns-
n - will take ru'drm. Z3W rt. tn.
i 6? Court M,
UN. AfAtt I'MEXTS Private
K--th Coun' -w?v. 2455 -ptate
o.N E UF Sj.e n s iuiest ;un l li i n s tied
aoU Nw and io-".-. Ph. 3-5."5a
KM. ah; jj. oatn. unfurn. Cluil
k' Tei-n - Ph" ?-74fl. r;
'H rit
new St nice au-cnd.
p 'TZ u inuia .
3 rv.vL API. w.t-n Visn. partl filrn-
ished.. priva: showett, and loiltt. elec
tric range
ani refrig. vtiall. but coii
n us hurt nVat Lejjlie tr.
venient. on
high and pa.'. for single working ldy
or teacher. Je it 1U1J S. Ldttage st.
com-- Q o- l D . '
?ACioC'"s 3 apt. in '.niod.'Tci'ui-l.
Unfurn ece:j f r refrig, As
AntO 'l jt'il! a'90J S l"t:
4 tU Ay Walk 3 distance. KeF
'ev Owvr.s. 6tj N Liberty. '
For Reut llotiset
SMALL f;: "
ali'i1 " v vL
LH i.r. A -''.
hcu-e "
i n- -'-" 1 1;
V Is- 1
'... !,!. HS
wciri: .: . i- i
i"t .f : :
""ci.Or. 1 -!atn.
IVi . ' , '
an: .til : ''
tijue. Refrig Snt-
.ume. PU.J2-.3 af-
iviidcn 1 hn in.
. Elec. ,tm e lv n;
i.usf .. pal 1 1 f iii-
; v 2ist t
. -i- rent J Gi i tr tor
. w it", 1- chilld.
... . uufurn 4
it. (or tltc
:. 1-,1-n. & t..
Hi ) ts-
1 i utilities t.i u! If
", .."t f.ll .pill' 1,1-1,1. lit
tf. iuiusr. I' l I r
'I li'i'.ic Kit1 e
1 . -ii',j;;77o!
'i (sve. 1 1 t-.lie
Valty. 9?9 S. U'tli. euinr.til $9
11. Also t ' .l r
,. -rue" Ih-tib's Trail
1 - Ave. Ph 2-4019.
M ime. liK'alf (i 1106
I A r i
st. $;s s -j
Nr.;v t h:
c i:
1 1 n S : . V . Si
, I-i rr
piss tor m-
01 rt.. t :i . c 1;' G-.m
Glisin. 591'. Mi-
Mir" . !i li-.-
si-.t.. b,i :'('4
1 -' 1 1 FT4's ' K L..' N . iter.
I - t h"f(' n'AG'F '215 oit!..iui d.
S.,.l.i. . O """! u.'iti) ' lu it! $23
.1. H 1 'iH'.i? li . do. , s 11 h i vi
ease Muc n.v. f uniture. I'h. i-cV44.
260 Tt A' i y : '
Fr Keot
OFFICE SP'ES arid desk aea
'0 'e:iir 2. ' '"'' 2-5S92
IKAILEP SPACE "for reTit In mera
taner pa: v'11 2-1073
U UKH'l ' (I ''KS: "FOR " htNT.
Blankets fu , H7 s Laerty Pn '2-906X.
.in " 'mi'.r H li "Stiff
IM - . sr.. (....ii. M L .Stiff
1KUCKS cars foi rent Rianketa
furnished v 'tv s Cllppe Servlca,
fnte- ani .-ft, Phohe' 3 9600
Ground Floor Rooms
S u it a b ie
Finance Co
nit ii or toi es.
Watitett to Kent
FURN. 1 or 2 HR . .use. Wnt W.
CI How ard. i-aieSeiiaor JHolel ,
VOUG M D : an i faiiny" teMie" 2 or
3 hcirm uii'Nir 'louse. fJ 'i-ftli
WANTED 4 iinn houi-e wutd for
-n'.ee I'h r j
A LITTLE two-bedroom untuuiih
ed w a yard fof oci uin T
in Julv by ,w arkuig couplW w ith small
baby. We w 7! tedecorate luteilc r In
return for r.MSuuahle rent and take
good ca:e of your, proiierty. Call 2-7470
after noon -
EVER BEEN" viireleHs? v"et w ife and
3 kids utenIv need a 3 bedroom
house' d i-Mi't perriiit over $50
per mo ten Prefer near grade school.
Can lou help us Phone 3-4532.
For Sale Real Estate
En-lewood JJitrict
2 bdrm. .hiirn finlv 2 blks. finm
school Elec. owe ,V water healer. ili
heat. A buy, Reiisorixblf
tern s.
Siilnirhaii $770 )ovn
Bungalo s'vle 2 bdrm. hone, oil
heat f wa".. heater, gar.. Cit bus,'
grade , sch'iol 4 hhes. This nice ,)
ran be h igh' for $45. per, mo. In
cluding in'-rest Full price $.'I5I. (ka
be shown at an-- itrne. ,
Raw Mns Realty1
(HiUvwod Distrtctl
Ph 2-4664 Eve 2-6D13 or 3-7128 or 2-9781
f Don't .Miss Thi
3 bdrm . d'u'le lot. lawn In. fire
place. hdd fl'-s thruont. Laige util
ity, elec hi. FHA built and finand
at 4' . til") dn . $53 mo. includes taxea
& inlurini-e Shown eves, and Sun. by
app't. Pn. 3-72S
2 BR'" HOMES for sale by cwWr.
1060 Nii-m"
"FOR ALE ir tr',le. l' acres. S Bft
house, wired f r parage, gas akilble.
Rm. foi i'W i.vf '-hickensj Citv water
and bu, vrcf Trade for ID acres.
6 0nO 74." R-ti-'iff Ph 2-5521.
ONE BEDK VI mud. home . gat '
acre. Will consider any cash c.ffer.
325Ph'asan Vle-v Dr.
BEAUT IFL'il home site, 2'"4 acres,
fruit ani yrnw, low down payment,
bal. on corrijit
1385 N Canl' jl . Phon. 2-6458
Fv;- T-t'kll, 2-5297, 2-432
Owiier Ieavinjr
,Thi 4 BR hoir.e has Just been re-
du( ' r , ' $8900. II -.. d
a good fjrr.ilv home in a delightful
setting, be m.'re to see this one. A iinrt
of trees' tiirnhs, flowers; fruit arid
berries Lot frontage ;230 ft. Corner yf
Parkway Dn.e 3c Glen Creek Rd.
' New jviniivvood View
ST art ne 3 RR ranch : home with'
wonderful iidVli! UO' x 137 . One of
the most attractive home. we've seen.
Priced at $18 500.
City Lot $1075
A fine corner lot 50' x 100'. Paved on
both streets. Citv park across strtcL
Close o everything. ..
Walter MTiKrave Realtors
12IIEdsewitef PJvJ-150v Eves.3-..
I', YR. OLD hae. $9783. $2495 ecTJTty,
bal. $S6 per rri F H A. Completely
and r.icelv furn. for $43$ more. If you
ignore tnis. you ain't no bargain punt
er. S. Cq.'iil. t- Liberty Rd., tq Falera
Ht Ave t3'0Jjnola.j-rr---
COt'NtRYiivint in town. 1 BR irw
.ulated home. Fireplace, Ige. Jot. Gar
den Fruit and n it trees. Irdoz. hena.
$6000171). W. B'-iah St. Ph. I-4W.
BY OWNER: Genuine CalWoj-nia stTii
ranch home, cedar paneling flagstona
fireplace, breakfast bar 3
20 ft
Tei-e, view loti pn.
BY OWNER. 3 rm:
hse atiH.-. util
ity hse. Cement floors. ,. acre. $200
plus snall mortgage. Imm. pern. S30
Norman Ave. 4 blks. east of Stat
Hnsn. . . 1 ".
3 hOOM HOME.' Desirable "H.TTsiaa
location S.TSOO. 970 . Ratcliff : Dr.
CALL 2-2761
If you are interested in a 9 BR
home. 1 yr. old. LR. DR, Urge "kit.,
hwd. firs V. blinds, auto. - heat, fire
place, att. gar. Lge. lot. 'Imm. pose.
oa?o. N tjn 'ers please. ' 1
BY OWNER: 3- BR house, newjy r. -duced.
$7230 with S25pS do. See aoy-.
time 124') t.V-i V
' FOR efficient and effective sales
service tail the Saiem Realty Co. OW.
- 1 - -; i