The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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, A,.e.l negation JCdUple Will
Governor and Mn Douglas Mv ! , ! ;
Marry Ihis
governor and Mrs Doug
Kay will fly to Medford today to
itend the dedication cf the new
Medford YMCA. at which Gov
unor McKay will give trie dedi
catory address. A reception in
honor of the McKays will follow
nd Speaker of the House Frank
Van Dyke is in charge of the re
ception commute.
rrx. rtf, K!
fVX- K$
; -r -rib TIL
W I t arii, Sfie wiM carry
, f be maikfd 'Ai'h an or
' Mis Je--.f. Waiker
Pop, Dad, Father, Paw,
whatever uu call your
father, it's his day J un
19th. Choose hit card
from our complete selee
lion of
for Father's Day.
Salem-m m
At ai3 o'clock ceremony this aft
ernoon Miss Joe Ann Walker,
daughter f Mr. and Mrs Joseph
S. Walker of Grant Pass, will be
come "the bride cf Colmar D.
Bjerke4 son of Mr and Mrs. Oscar
Bjerke of Salem The nuptial will
take place at St. Mark Evangeli
cal Lutheran church with the Rev.
M. A; Getzendaner officiating.
Mrs Ted Purvme will sing and
Bernard Phillips is the organist.
Boucjuet" of mixed pastel spring
flower? wf.l be arranged at the al
tar anil lighting the tapers will be
Mrs. Donald Ettner and Miks Ber
nice Ettner. who will wear yellow
and adjua frock respectn ely.
MrJWalker will give his daugh-
iter srj; marriage and ner cnaai ;
I gown ;is of white satin fashioned!
; with sweetheart neckline, long
!slee and a train. Her fingertip j
eiJ i nlon ret edged m lace will
iM it fr m a hearidre of seed
white bi- ;
a h be her
n1" t rumor main and re wm
ear Ja rrt blue net now n with!
iM.e f-Ji H Her pastel1
Ik uj let iiil be cer.'eied with te
p h n B f i s Jj.rr.ejf Minturn w-:ll iw iti tne ttum as best man :
and iihei wil oe Donald Ettner:
uid (iaon Vii (.
For daughter's wee: ding Mr
, Kr will a ear a nay blue
liimni with rose fltrai design.
hitei accessories ar.ri ot.isage of
hitejne. Mjs Bjetke at
tend fier'son mamage in a black
and n. );e f,oweied two-piece
j4'wn- wjih mater, i ng accessories
and a os,.e of white roses
A ij eptsori v. ill be held in the
crunch parlors. Pommg will be
Miss r (.'proline Strohmeier. Miss
K u til Hat and Miss Vernita
Si i u k meter. Miss Beinice Struck
nieter. will cut the bride's cake and
assisting; will be Miss Janice Head.
Mrs Wnham Ettner. Mrs Kfn
nHh jot'onncir and Mrs. John
Kadke 1
For! going away the bride will
don ndiisty rose suit designed with
l-ephtm in back. navy blue acces-iM-iie
afi5 in orchid corsage Aft
er a honeymoon trip south to Long
'-" T"V ' v"r
'Dates Told
For June
Rites .
June promises to be as popular
a month for brides thi vear as in
the past with more brides-elect re
vealing plans' for June ceremon
ies. Miss Ruth Hughlett. laughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hughlett has
announced Saturday. June 11 as
the date for her coming marriage
to Bob Lee Smith, son of Mr. and
Mn. R. S. L. Smith of Portland.
The wedding will take place at the
First Congregational church at 8
o'clock with a reception following.
Mis Charlotte Reeves, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reeves,
will be married on June 18 to Car
roll Keasey of Vernonia. She has
also chosen the First Congrega- j
tional church fer her nuptials with
a reception following the evening
On Friday. June 10 weddirg
belis will ring for Miss Barbara
Smith, daughter of fr. and Mrs.
Carl F. Smith of Saiem. and Bruce
Allan Erickson. son, of Mr and
Mrs. Joseph Enckson of Milwau
kee. The couple's marriape will take
place at the First Presbyterian
church at 8:30 o'clock with re
ception to follow. Miss Smith is a
former Oregon State college stu
dent and a member of Alpha Del
ta Pi sorority. Her fiance is a sen
ior at Oregon State college.
Mr. and Mrs. Jhn F. Sktblnski
of Oswego are the parent of a son.
James Michael, born Monday at
Einanuel hospital in Portland. The
baby has an older brother, John,
Jr. Mrs. Sklblnski Is the former '
J ' '
The Statesman, Salem. Oregon. Sunday. May 22. 1949 C
Irene Taylor of S;iiem Grardpar- 'lor f Saiem. and Mr. anf
ents t Mr. siid Mrs M.Jo Y- Tay- I Harts of Portland.
Rhodcd endrons
Every shrub ci iron 20 lo 33.
We rlese eur saleard fer I He summer oon.
375 S. Liberty (S blares h of stale)
Open Sunday 12 til 4.
Miss Phyllis Schr.el!. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
r.e.!. -whese rro'.'.a' to Rcbrt Strebig, sen cl Mr. cn.d
' r
r .1
a.'er f. c'rerjia, a.: o: ia.em, was xevoa.ea cr.
Kappa Kappa Gar:. ma hcuse or. the Ur.:vers:
I-relion It- Planned
Ir. . Nations were in the mail this
veek to a reception for which
merr.Di of tha Willamette uni
ersity fncuit.v vcill be hosts on
Saturday. June 11 at Ltuiaime
hail between 8 30 a ad 10 30
o'clock The affair is given annual
ly dur-ng commencement week in
honor of the graduating seniors,
their patents, alumni and friends
of the university.
,s tc re momea iate
Beach. Calif, the couple will be at
home in Salem at 360 Union street.
The fptneter will sneet Men-
day mht at 7 AO o'clock when
Mrs. Vernon Drye entertains the
group at, the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs C I. Wagner. 05
N Summer street. Assisting host
esses null be Mrs John Steelham
mer and Misa F'atrtcfa Vanden
eynde. Mm Halite Braleel will shew
pictures taken la Oersnanjr at a
meeting on May 34 to the Legion
auailiary No 138 Tuesday. Mrs.
Sam Harbison's soppy commit
tee. Mrs Harold St ret e. Mrs.
Duane Jasnsch and Mrs. ftobert
I C. Irwin will be in charge.
May 23 lo 25
. -v''-w
7 'J V
llptc, style
bras of
ttyU bras
light, cool, comfortoble nylon bros with
Seors exclusive Cordtex insert in wnderbost
for firm youthful uplift. Unsurpassed for
beauty, design, workmanship and fit. A. 6,
ond C cups us nude Of white. Sizes 30 to 42.
CcL Hahrwelafct nylon
brae with low cut front
for feminine lovelineee.
Coedtex "elfin" lneerta
thort never bscoas limp or 00007 even
after repealed laundering. Lastex Insert
between cup for snug. comiorVable fit.
A. B. or C cups in blue or white. Sixes 30-40.
new elastic
mm mi tt .c -
a t.a i,.
itlift 9
. ,. "aw
.!' M TW.1 mvm
m ' m a o w,ih 5
viM IM (tv Ma l rev
bras of
bck ceswf)
S 4 S.. .-
f&u&c&itfet, foot x&fctf feed'
Beautifully made of lustrous rayon satin wi''
Sears exclusive Cordtex insert for natural
buss support. Styled for snug, comfortable
with rayon elastic between bust trupe. A. B. ot
C cups in nude, white. Sixes 30 to 40.
484 State Si.
Phens 3-9191 '
on, Decoration
the revelation hi
J :'jS -
sf ,XS
ww II-
4 X
0'r j j, your.g tvotciiers are practi
cally stanrtmv cri trieur iodt with es-1
citernent a Lout our siew swim suits. Hovf
. . ..I
leveoung tney arel KJi now reveanng
your audience n.oy think they aVi.
for many of the effects are strictly i
m. er . r .i
luflior.e. w e ve f.nnct styles lor trie
rr.ore derr.jre. And many of our swim
s iits have thir c wn stores to cover yo'iT
shouicJers. Lois of
lostex and bales ol