The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 t
i -Jli - it ! t; tli f
t The Statesman, Salem. Orwon. Sunday. May 21. 1943
Senior Coeds
To Be Feted
Senior women of Willamette un
iversity will be honor guest at
the May meeting of the Salem
branch, American Association of
University Women Friday night at
Baxter hall at 8 o'clock. This will
b The last meeting; of the branch
f r the season end Mrs. Vernon
Wis-arson, president, win preside.
Flexion of officers will also be
h.ghlight of the meeting.
Tne procram will feature a pan
el riiicusuon by a group of foreign
students from the political science
department. University of Oregon,
vitn Dr. Charles P. Schleicher 1st
A social hour will follow the
meeting and procram with board
members serving as hostas,
Mr. John O. Burcham. a saem
ler of the Salem branch and state
president, will pour. Hostesses are
Mrs. Wiacarson, Mrs. Diss Schroa-ti-T.
Miss Marorle Cheater. Miss
Mildred Chrteteneoo, Mrs. Arthur
Bn, Mrs. Robert Corey. Mrs.
Arthur W. Cole. Mrs. Deana A.
Davis. Mrs. Aalfh Dobbs. Miea
ary Ann Foley, l!n Bruce Crsa
dell. Mrs. Errin Poster. Miss Ida
Mae Smith, Mr. Oordoa Carl.
Ji-a Constance Weinman. Mrs.
I'lestan Dough ton. Mrs. Rldgley
C Miller. Mrs. Egbert S. Oliver,
and Mrs. Arthur P. Sprague.
Piano Recital
This Afternoon,
Pupils of Jean Hobson Rich will
piav in lecital this afternoon at 4
o i lock at the Stone Piano eora
4uy. The interested public is in
itd The following young musi
cian are on the program. Sharon
Fiiim, Susan Roberts, Morris
Hon dale. Rob and Betty Burnslde,
t'aiole Wan en. Marilyn Reaney,
Nru-y Lee Raen, Karlene Quis
ta 1, Janst Fov, r, Janice Roberts,
Ellen M' Judy Klempel.
t. i U Synng. jr., Virki Bryant,
M ii fif Smith ar.due Syring
1h Minerva rlub. Sic ma Alpha
Epnlni wivea and daughter of
slumnaa and v. es of active mem
ber will met at the chapter
lion on the Wiilame'te universi
ty i tmpui Monday niht at 3 :'
cl k. Mrs. Alnci! T. An Icinn is
at idant of .lha newly orgnied
The apeak er an the AAl'W rsdle
Crogram Tuesday at 2 o'clock will
e Dr. Wslter Dyke, phylrs pro-ff-.r
of Linfield college. His aub
J - t is "The Wue Use Jf Scien
titi Development." 1
AV Vk thrift f iW
c S Aexrlta Ccxllat nridarp?
: s
I cTfZ-A V a K-sjrr KiNri oa ao c. CASTLI RING tTt.oo
l-J-r2 u Weddiag Iia lOO.OO Alo$l2J
IJentiff KefiV hf
ttM ta ib r-u&
sod (be word "guar
anteed regiucred pT
fret m ia tag,
mm iHcrs-d Pnker
pruuf of wniy ia es
tmMWd by ta faatoas
KctpMlr Certiacat of
GwriMn m4 Rgi
' 4
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Miaa Ula La Srovoos. ckraqhfer of Mr. and Mr. Ernest
Smth. Who wTJKtwnX to Curtis L Bach, son ol Mrs.
Jdi H. Bach, all oi Salem, has ben announced. A ram
mar waxldinej i planned by die coupio. CKannoli DlitJ-
A Summer
Engagement new being reveal
ed this week end concerns Miss
Liia Lee Stevana, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Ernest C Smith, who
will be married this summer to
Curtis L. Bach, son of Mrs. Jo
seph H. Bach, all of Salean.
The betrothal is being formally
announced today at a family din
ner at the home of the bride
elect's parents. The occasion slso
marka the birth gate of the bride-t.-be.
Miss Stevens and her flaaea are
graduates of Salem Kin sehool.
She i employed at Bonesteele
Sales and Service Ia and Mr.
Bach is with , the MeKay Chevro
let Co.
Arriving lii the gapltal Monday ;
for a aeverai days stay with Mrs. i
Prince W. Byrd will be Mrs Rue-
sell LaFountSlne of Florence, who j
has often visited If) Salem.
mm hlk tatdarU ci
we peotadiy peex geaealssa
Weddtag Rtag tOO.OO
te are privileged to announce our appotot
mcBi as aa Auibonjted Keepsake Jeweler.
Keepsake, the ring of guaranteed higb
quality and value, fully meets our long
established standards of escellcoce and
perfection. So w have joined hands with
Keepsake to offer row the nation's fcaesc
quality Diamond Engagement and Wedding
Rings. p.
A Luncheon Meeting
Women of Rotary will hold
their last -meeting of the season
on Monday afternoon at the Gold
en Pheasant. A buffet luncheon
will be served at one o'clock and
all Women of Rotary members
and wives of Rotanans are invit
ed to attend. Mrs. Abner Khne
will preside at the business ses
sion and election of officers will
be held. Mrs Charles Fowler has
arranged the program for the af
ternoon. Theatre Arte greaa will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. J. . West and Miss Kate
Dickson. 470 N. Summer at., for a
on o'clock dessert luncheon. Mn.
Otto K. Paul us will review. Ten-
Williams latest plsy. "Sum-
and Smoke." which la now
showing on Broadway.
The Rev. R. D. Bulkley of the
Corvaliis Federated churches will
apeak on the Woman's Half Hour
over KOAC on Friday at X o'
clock. His subject is '-Those We
Veddiag Rtag
son oo
Junior Club
To Honor
Salem Junior Woman's anr.ual
Mother's tea and installation of
officers will be an ever.t of Mon
day night at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Sam Campbeil win be in
stalled as the new president and
Mrs. Donald Parker, the club ad
visor, will be the installing of
ficer. Mrs. Cedric Reaney. the le
tiring president, will g:ve her an
nual repart as will other chair
men and Mrs. Reaney will a!o
teil of the nation a i f .-deration con
vention to which s.he va a dele
gate at Hollywood Beac h, FI n
da. in April.
Mrs. George Sirn.o heads the
committee in charge of arrange
ments for the mother s tea and
assisting are Mrs. V.Vsiev Good
rich, Mrs. Roy Mink. Mrs Rob
ert Copley. Mrs. Peerv T. Bun-n.
Mrs. Wakefield Walker. Mrs. C ai
vin Kent. Mrs- Frank Ward and
Miss Lucille Satter.
Two Recitals
This Afternoon
The students of Miss Margaret
Hogg will appear in piano recitals
on Sunday afternoon at 3 and 4
o'clock at the Roberts studio.
Friends are invited to attend. Ma
ry Evelyn Parke and Barbara
Senter, vocalists, will assist.
At S o'clock the following will
play: Loree King. Glenn and Car
ol Livesay, Dennis McCloughry,
Peter and Kathryn Smith. Rob
ert Leth. Val Leta ITay. Mary Lin
da Doerfler, Harriet Hooper. Caro
lyn Madsen. Lynn Higenbotham
and Sally Tontz
The 4 o'clock players re James.
Hart. DeAnn McC! .ushry. Sa
mara Ramp, Suiidra Hurwood. Su
zanne DeArmond. G irdon juve,
Nancy Rust, David Iutham, Loree
Silffe Jane MrGrath. Alice Row
land, Joan Fitts, Norene Wells and
Barbara Owens.
Spring pledges into the sorori
ties at Willamette university as
announced this week are: Alpha
Chi Omega. Ixi Gottwald, Salem;
Sally Kibbey, Coos Bay. Chi Ome
ga. Joan Aiken. Salem, Marjorie
Aldinger, Hillsboro, Arlene Deak
ins. Payette, Idaho, Barbara Free
man, Portland; Barbara Kemmer
lck, Clackamas. Delta Gamma,
Marilyn Dixon, Roseburg: Virgin
ia Wilson, Parkdale. Pi Beta Phi,
Oat Koupal, Parkdale; Joann Oli
ver, Yakima, Wash.
1SS N. Liberty
In spring
a moth's
turns to
of your
Profect it against mofhs ...
heat , . . fire . . theft
O STORAGE in scientifical
ly cooled vaults 2.50
O CLEANING the furrier's
way 4.95
SAB -AlbmnV Dinner
Salem Sigma Alpha Epsilon
alumni will entertain their wives
at dinner Tuesday night at Chuck's
Tavern. The affair is being ar
ranged at a farewell party in com
pliment to Mr. and Mrs. George
Xeuner. who are leavine for Rose- !
burg to make their home. Several
alumni from Portland are expect
t ed to be down f?r the occasion.
To Speak
Members of the Oregon State
College Mothers club will enter
tain teir husbands at a cover
ed diih dinner Monday night at
the Four Corners Community hall
, on LaHraneh avenue at C:30 o-
i clock. This will be the last meet
ing of the yer for the group and
Mr. L O. Arens will preside.
New officers wii! be installed and
' goins in as president will be Mrs.
AuUn Wilson.
Ail parents of prospective Ore-
eon State college students are in
vited tf attend. Special guests will
lie Governor and Mrs. Douglas
i McKay. President and Mrs. A. L.
S'.rana. Mr. and Mrs. G Freder
Yk Chambers and Dr. and Mrs.
D. T. Ordfman Mr. Chambers is
a memoer of the state board of
hieher education Dr. Ordeman.
nex registrar at Oregon State
i college, will be the guest speaker.
Daaghters ef St. Eliza aet af
: St. Paul's Episcopal church will
meet for a one o'clock luncheon
on Tuesday afternoon at the par
ish house. A special business ses
i si on will be held with all mem
bers asked to attend. Hostesses
will be Mrs. E G Sanders, chair
man, Mrs R H. Bakiock, Mrs. H.
W. Do;ph, Mrs Phillip Allison,
' Mrs. W. J. Hardie and Mrs. Ar
thur D. Hay.
Mathers ef W illamette Baiversi-
ty Eta Theta Pis will be guests
of the Portland Mothers club at
the Howard Stearns home in Port-
' land at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wed
nesday. Mrs. Henrry V. Compton
, is taking calls for reservations for
' transportation.
Ladies Nylons
For Invisible Mamiing
Professional Sarvk
Reasonable PriceJ
Call 3-7487
Phan J-ail
Miss Mary Reimarm. June bride-
elect of Oscar Christenson, will
. - ,;i .
r r-.i.
; UUgJ iiisiis n iitu V. ea v T
tDaxis entertains at the Lansing
i avenue home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dewey F. Davis.
The hostess .and honor gtiest
were roommates at Oregon State
college their freshman year and
I a group of former high school
and coiieife friends have been in
vited to the affair. A miscellan
eous shower will honor the bride-to-be,
and after an informal eve
ning a late supper will be served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs,
Honoring Miss Reimann will -be
her mother, Mrs. Leo Reimann.
her sister; Miss Shirley Reimann,
Mrs. Edward Lucas. Urt Donv.
IH Vm Ur. Srl ll ,r.Lrt Sin '
Floyd Riley. Mrs. Paul Gilmer.
! Mrs. Troy McGowan. Miss Nancy
Buren. Miss Ellen Reynolds. Miv
Jean Hatfield, Miss Bette Twedt.
Miss Beverly Kemtey. Miss Pat
ricia Larson. Miss Betty Causey
and the hash
Ilollimoor -
in uuucu
The exec tire cecncfl ef Salem !
Council of Church Women will (
meet at the YWCA Tuesday at 2 '
Te. we asaiettle a Wi
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