The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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A Luncheon
lln. John L. Franzen
will preside at a one
c'ciock luncheon on Tues
day aftf rnoon at her
North 21st street home for
members of her bridge
cub from Oregon City
and a few Salem friends.
C?rds will be in play alt
er the luncheon hour.
Covers v. dl be plated
for Mrs. Ray Ri lance.
Mrs. 1 an Hsnnf fo id,
Mrs. Raymond Howell,
J!rf Richard Kinley, Mrs.
tfordon McKiliican. Mre.
Grace th-txiili. Mrs V:lla
McCausland, Mrs.. Robert
Pe'kcv, Mr. R Hclman,
Jj'rs. John Collie. Mrs.
George Sv. afford, all of
Oregon City, Mrs-. Abner
K. Kline. Mrs Chailes H.
Fowler. Mrs Homer
Smith, jr. and Mrs Clyde
Warren, all of Salem.
Plans Told . . .
Plans have been com
pleted for the wedding of
Miss Jeanne DeMytt,
daughter of Leo J. Df
Mvtt. and Harold Gard
ner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben 'Creasy. The couple
will exchange their vows
t,t a morning ceremony
on Thursday. June 2 at
St. Josephs Catholic
church with father T J.
Bernards officiating at the
10 o'clock nuptial mass.
Mr. DeMytt will ?iehis
youngest daughter in
marriage and she ha ask
ed Miss Connne W'.ide to
Le her honor attendant.
A'T.n Tou.-hie v ill serve
a btst m..n f r Mr. G. r-o-
A wedding bie.ikf st
fi r the i t id;o i o t !
two families v le h ;'i
at "the SenaU r row! The
couple will Ue '.I S.Jcm.
Miss Dt-Mvii -a ho is
empioed at M'!li -c.ntile
Co . -a ..s t. -i.'-i ed
i,l a hudal shtuvtr ai d
n .t a hen memheis of the
office force of the siie
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V1 ( ru 5
-zk I J u
et Dr Brewer is .'5S coated fre rn eye. e-ir r f. -r.d
rhst. Hariand. ViSconfc4r. ,S the lorme, home of the Eiewet. "
Au Revoir Luncheon to Fete Matron . . .
By Jerjine Enlih. Society Iditor
Mr, r.unt C Roger will be a hostess on Friday afternoon at her South 2th M.eet
uJZ::- - to Mrs DadH JJ.-;
.K , early June for I ndianap! is tciatterd the supreme s, s.on of -e ' '
.s a memL o, -he . her us of Nd Temple M-s Came.on d. a- , -
Huth befoie returning home.
ewcomers ceir-g wcomfd in the caj ital ore Mrs. St Firrvo
MaPe:iMa;e it r.
A group of Mrs Camer. ns f.,e.,Os (lavt leen t ,o.i. n t, a one
after which coutiact bridge v,H be .n piay; Bouqus of .o-es a-:.t
,ll provide the note orJjthe tobies .-,1 .d, d the m- ro
Bidlen bv the hostess lo honoi M.s ltmi on . "A "'
., M,s I. M Dooghton. M.s. Claude H M'o N J .
M,s Walter I. Spauldn.g. Mr 3 hn f St, ukl..,:,., Mrs -W
l hambe.s M, Ka.l B Kgel,;Mrs ;EM.ll I. Btimk. M' f
M.s RHhant Kn !ev 1 ' u. n C.ty. Mr. M--
Came,o.S.nd he: .:...o M.s IhaldK-gei of Uu ..
rrlKe I.,ste. ..., M.s. Mu.n V Keij. of r-'t-.r.,t, the .atte. a -;.h. :
,k s. '.
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mtnths u.d acturjhter Render, who
. , ii i
recently came heif iron. ' t icaqo witn r-.r. wr..,
has purchased the ai ' c u Bof!::w c ... baiem Th Mas
pencjaler are new at heme or. the So .tn hiver tcxid at th tor
mer Honey Bc-bier i-'iace. (Kennell Eh;s.
Salem Man To Take Bride ...
A weddmg of inlei! to the couple many Salem rieijd U , plarf
ned for Sunday. June 12 when Mis M .r.lvnn I., gar., daughter of Dr.
and Mrs Noble H l gan of Oakland. Calif. ..m the br e f
William Iren Ready, son of Mr. and Mrs Me, unU. Head, of Sa
lem. The ceremony w.ll take place u. the ga-en of the horn
in Oakland.
The hi, de-elect will graduate in June fm Mills '""W-j"
che is an Enslh major. Her sister. Beverlee U gan. and hl..iter.
Beverlt Jo Readv. Jill her attendants lo,.n I),e of Wat,.m
ville. Calif., wdl Manci with the benedict-elect ti man.
Mr Ready is maiormg in business anm .Hstrat.on at Willumett.
universe ,,,d is a rr,en,.er d S,grna Alpha rpM.on Ira ernity Th.
couple will live in San Jos, and he cont.m.e h.s college v,o,k. l.gan has manv in Salem, having often vwited her.
at the home'f her fu.meV parent, a,;d at the Hph '''
Donald C Roberts hr mts She was a Mill . M- ela.m. te .f Mi
MlTgaiet Cooley ano Mis. Kobe, t E.J (GM..g.a Robert.).
rru crdaq
I; lil ? N !
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: :.WuHi ijiL'h - r
ere for ar. extended visit are Mrs. Lynn F Crcr.eiTrllW.
r. ard aaucjr.ter. lean, v- . acovt. s...
... wt-.rt wi-h e arrr.v air fcr.e .el. .-1cr.a.jy
sr , '--vw.-..l-n-tVf ,
for H
F.eid. wnere he w.ll ".ea-.e tcr av.:y -?
the cr-
.er and
ser.icr Trc!
err. k
r.e :a.:. trc-.e-
divide "heir tirr.e between the
.s tc .cm him m
er home and wsth her Iathei, Dt. Fred-
tscn. and mother, Mrs. l.cra ihcrapscn.
at ti
r v-, tori ir the capital from Anchorage, Alaska
-,e 'In were Mrs. Rorert C. Earr.ett and dauahlers.
and Roc.e. The Bainetts formerly made their
Salem and he is c dispatcher witn me Aiatwi.
Ai'llnes and this pest year the ha
a nc
net ts
iand a
iiving on
s T-
tead near Anchcrage. Vhile m ba.em tne car
ted w;th his parents ana ney are new m r.i
;e heme c: her paients, tne Quay Vassams. lcr-
Au revoir? are fcema said tc Mrs. John Dann. at the
right who :s leaving the tirsst of June for .cos bay
with Mr Dann to make her home. Ke has been engaged
real estate business
enterprise ;n
fT-.a will crera'e his cwn
rt-.-Vrn Oreoon c:rv. Mrs. Dann has
hn nr. nrtve memter ct trie -boiourners. since awuy
aitet its crganizattcn here. Kenrtel5-R!is
o : ' j l. 1
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