t The Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Sunday May TX. 1345 Eager-to-Build Vets Finding Salem Contractors Wary of 'No Down Payment' Homes Br Charles Irelaea Stft Writer. Th SUtmt The new-horn Industry in Portland has entered m new phase fx-servicemen there are purchasing houses with neict-to-nothlng down fallowed by payments that are nominal by today'! standards and Sa lem veterana have started to ask when houses here wilt be available on similar terms. The answer, and it comes (ram E. E. Tate, veteran administration lan guaranty officer of the Port- lnd regional office which serves the state, is that Salem can have the same thing when and if build er construct houses here that can h o!d for the VA-appraisei val- V Until recently the very thought of this was fantasy, but Tate says that Portland 'contractors have "sharpened their pencils" and fig ured ways f building bouses that can meet the loan provisions In cluded in the GI bill of rights. In addition to building a house finger-tip control for light and airy privacy More Light Tea ae lancer its half the window, set fall-length valee ef light. More Air You raa opea win dows wide, let In more air . . . ret seep son out. More Privacy Blind lsts ire easi ly sgjiuted t sees rour privacy cora plete. More Beauty Venetian blinds are modern, smarter Uoklnr .... ad eh arm 1 any raom. jl -C j mil I,, 11 "Hi i mmmi Venetian) MDimdls As Low As Enjoy tho many advantages of Venetian blinds at Sears money-saving prices. Our superior blinds, the finest you will be made to fit the exact merits of your windows ... hi wood or aluminum slats. Fill out the cou-r-Ustom-Built Steel pon for a free estimate. Blinds, 45 e sq. ft ri ivci. vvi - measure- -iave steel, ; rUm Sears, Roebuck and Co. 434 State Street At no obligation on my part, please have Venetian blinds expert call at my home and a Sears price on Venetian blinds. Name Address Phone L your l quote 't - - - J 44 State St. Phone 3-9191 which will sell tor a VA-apprais-ed price, contractors also must ar range for sale of the mortgages. The sticker here is that many lend ing institutions are opposed In principle to 100 per cent loans; another factor Is that the smaller portion of the Loan which VA guar antees must bear a 4 per cent in terest rate. And that is low on to day's market. However. Tate said. Portland contractors seem to be encountering no difficulty in sell ing such mortgages. Caeer GI BUI Financing of the houses in men tion is conducted under the provi sions of section 505 of the GI bill of rights, according to Tate. In this FHA guarantees about tO per cent of the loan and VA the balance. Called "no down payment" homes, they actually require an , Initial payment of two or three hundred dollars, but this defrays costs of closing the mortgage and does not apply on the loan. Houses selling: under this provi sion in Portland are priced from S7.SO0 to $9,500, according to Tate. Monthly payments on an $8,000 house on a 20-year basis are $51.51 plus taxes and insurance, he added. Tate said that the VA loan of fice in Portland has been virtually swamped with contractors since the advent of the workable 100 per cent loan for veterans. They all want to build houses that way. Queries also have come from Al bany, Eugene, Pendleton and On tario builders, he added. But none yet from Salem. 'Happy te Disease He said the VA loan office In Portland would be "happy to dis cus" the subject with anyone who might consider such an undertak ing in Salem. As the plan operates, contrac tors take their plans and specifi cations to the VA office and get them approved before a spade is turned. Then VA assigns three ap praisers to inspect the proposed building sites, as well as the plans and specifications of the proposed construction. If approved, the con tractor is given a pre-const ruction appraisal committment and csn proceed with the sale of the houses even before they are finished, ac cording to Tate. Houses Sell Fast Tale cited a recent example !n which a Portland builder who had completed one group of house sold another group of 20 in one day before construction was started. Tate said he thought, and hop ed, contractors interested in build ing such houses in Salem would be able to secure financing through existing Salem lending institutions. He added that he was confident they could get it someplace if they tried. The Salem veterans administra tion office does not process loans. All queries there are referred to the Portland office. 'Our business is to get veterans into houses," Tate concluded. "This plan is doing that in Portland, and we would like to see it wotkUn Salem and elsewhere as well." Experts Say Rules Change For Grammar By Aaelaiae NEW YORK -VP)- It's appar ently OK now to even use a preposition to end a sentence with. A lot of things are happening to grammar. They are signs of a liberalism that is spreading through the Eng lish language. It is part ; of an evolutionary change. Expressions that once bore "don't touch" lab els are gradually gaining l quali fied acceptance. So many new words are being added that some dictionaries now put out Supple ments between editions to keep up with the pace. a. is aa uw suuf 4 as. gii i j nsf , standard of acceptable English." j says Prof. Allen Walker Read of ; Columbia university, one of the modern expert!. "One style is proper to one audience, another to a different audience." j Changes Nat New I Changes and growth are not new to English. Prof. Albert H Marckwardt of the University of j Michigan, author and authority, on acceptable English, says the vocabulary of the language ap- ymi cuuj us (jiuuuinra in uiree and one-half centuries and the number who speak it has in creased 50-fold. He cites figures indicating that 270,000,000 speak it today and foresees considerable increase in that number. The (American) National Coun cil of Teachers of English, with more than 11,000 members. played a considerable part in the changes. When wide usage flouts an old rale, the teachers (chiefly on the college level) research and study to determine whether they are Justmed an e nana sending that usage should overrule the rule. They discuss their findings in articles and conventions and wrap up their conclusions In stu dent handbooks. Many of these are used to teach composition to eoHrge freshmen, who nwraSer more than half million a year. Alterataesss Aaeeered Here are some changes ap proved by one or more of these experts Prepositions may be used to end sentences sometimes, if wedg ing one into the body of s sen tence makes it awkward or alters the meaning OK is given unqualified stand ing1 as a word in one dictionary Several others label it "collo quial." though some still omit it. Even "ain't" is not as com pletely blacklisted as it used to be. Though some dictionaries still ignore its existence, several list it with some such tag as "illit erate" ond "not regarded as good usage." But one says it has some sanction as s contraction of am not. And one expert says if enough people use it, it will be come established in the language. good or bad. The new Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park covers 53.000 acres along the Little Mis souri river in North Dakota. Watch Found During March If you lost a watch during the month of March and It was still running when you lost It, you may be on the way to getting it back. City police received a letter Sat urday from a Mrs. Ray Barnett of lone, Oregon, reporting that she had found a lady's wrist watch lying on a sidewalk in Salem dur ing the month of March. "The watch was still running, so appar ently had not been lost for long." Mrs. Barnett wrote. She told police she would be ' glad to return the watch to the rightful owner, if such a person could describe it and tell the ap proximate time it was lost." TRUCK FIRM BANKRUPT PORTLAND. May 21-Ay-The Rand Truck line, which operates between Portland and the Oregon coast, filed a bankruptcy petition today. The firm has operated to McMinnville. Sheridan. Willamina. cuss Junction. Agate Beach and in termediate points. YOU MAY BI SURI THAT FILM OR FILM SUPPLIES. BICAUSE . . . films and camtrai art our business. YetrH have no failoras because ol fUm ags ovary can Is plainly dated at BUtKrS . . . every box is chock ed for yets. We carry ca Basra a, ftaaa. chemicals. eWvelopiaej a 4 printing equipment. era, protectors. era, titters, flash betas. tight, sJideviewers . . . tf W in th photogrspbis Bste, Its In our line. You Buy Your CAMERA From a CAMERA Shop. s '-it r At i ? Ik ?y, v-rii ft V ) 4 f 1 sr.s ,. x mmm "ssseaseaasssissmsssssw- l I I . 1 sv a .: i ,, a m- yv.s vi i 1 ' la . . . .ill ;-z? 141 v ' - - . - III wC Down U COf i aa-a ssi tit s Samson makes them "Strong Enough to Stand On" Have two, few, six or a dozea chain, as pS catirs, side chairs, djainf reesa. 4sk. kail, r r reesa. aae llviag room chairs. Ssmsosi sasVss Caean in stunning decorator oslors. i ioliiag ckairs ara srWur4 vmrl Saaaa essaioB seal gde yes r sis i -"i r r inti f. L Aa4 4 ra eaat tls eai ulr lo falsiac ckairs awn Z7S N. 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