J The ' Skilralffl. " Supersonic -Plane Output Said Rcadv LANGLEY AIR BASE. Va . May J ! P The United States could start producing faster-than-sound combat plare if an ail-out war effort demanded it. Jay one$of the nation's leading authorities on Su pei sonic aircraft. Present planes th-tt fast are just experimental n armament. J inn Stark, deputv chief of re-! vr. n for the narional advisory j committee for aeronautics, put it thi nay: T .day "we are on 'he ede" of designing true warplanw to fly at! S'Ji'oisome fed a result of' with existing research pi."- like the X-l. But. unless j wir should ccmpel the erpendi-j tur of larc ijm 'ar;r) intensive ; av"it i fic effort to b i Id actual t fin'rs. "we will need to know j Ii"! more" aoout rie.-.gning aril ; flvr? planes faster than sound can' U-. : ; S -i k. whr; conducts the bsic r-"( h that led to development , of X-l and D-558 planer far exploration rf speeds near or be yond that rf sound, give hi est i -nu1' in tainin g with reporters during an inspection of the NACA Iktaories ny members of the aircraft industry. Twistfer Blows Girl lip Tree SHELBURN. Ind, May 21 - The tornado: which struck Shel burn tonight blew four-year-old Patricia McGarvey up a tree. She was found in the wind whipped branches 20 feet off th ground, butj she escaped without serious injury only cuts and bruises. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Carvey, were listed among those in critical condition at a hospital in nearby Sullivan. Their home was badly damaged Apparently the little girl was outside the, bouse when the twister struck P re-Natal Sex Determination Method Used S.N DIEGO Calif.. May 2I-'fl Df Iopment cf pre-natal ae d tt rrunation, described as a hew. aimo. j.vstem, was announced hete today. Tie system, described by the Dilv Jourr.al as "promising to b-.-orne ir.f. lable." is reported to ha moved accurate in 86 .6 er ts-ot of cases tested at the Linda Vi'a med'cal center here. C.-orge Rcbert Talbott. a young te. ( u-i8ri at the medical center, was credited with developing the n method while making can OM !"t A medical center spokesman einpha.si7ec!. rowetr. that the test I 'i!l in the expei imentai stage Ti e paj er said in its copy-ritH'-d ai1,i- that Talbott found th if a smear from the moth ei ' ervix turned blue a boy wa piobaole: .f pink, a firl. T;e stain co'or. the article sai 1. was dcteim.red by the amount of "estrogen fcr.d proje? terone (pro due : of the oaiy). The system appears to work b-s' at triee months pregnancy. T'ip Jc. i! rifci's mar. aging editor Cm gf i hapiin. said the paper n con ii' ed the system "la not J ii' another unconfirmed especi al""' ! " FDR, Jr's Wife Gets Divorce in Nevada Court MIND EN,; Nev-- May 21 -T-PV In a five-rninu'e private hearing todav Mrs franklin D. Roosevelt. ;r , received a divorce. She accused the son of th late president iof extreme mental cruelty, an accusation he formally denied. The former Ehel du Pont, of the great chemical empire, had not a word of comment after Judge Watson signed the decree. George Sprifigmeyer of Reno, Mrs. Roosevelt's attorney, brought the case befr to avo-d r-ublicita'. 'After all." he told reporters in Reno yesterday. 'Mr Roosevelt vime day may be president of the United States ";i This week Roosevelt was elect ed to congress from a New York district. As, to hi eligibility to the presidency.; the? e is some debate. He was born in Canada But there has never been a court ruling to determine -whether that circum stance would cloud eligibility to take this nation's highest office. Aid to Backward Nations to Move Slowly in.First Stages WASHINGTON. May 21 -PV- President Truman's plan to put American help into backward nations will probably move a great deal slower than first guesses had it. The stream of American machinery moving into the more primitive nations will b at mere trickle at first. It will need a relatively small sum of $90,000,000 for the first year startinf July I, Here's why;, i The backward area need to do a good deal for their peoples before they will be able to absorb much modern machinery. The needs are outlined in a study the Interna tional Labor Office (ILO) has just done. It's on Latin America, but the findings can be applied to al most any backward area. The ILO report is betng discussed right now in Montevideo, Uruguay, where j ,,4 up consume,- goods indus- the cost of the machinery for the school rooms. Some American help in dollars may be allocated to buying classroom machinery. Much may go to financing American teachers. The ILO report says the gov ernments should plan first to de velop their own raw materials. ILO experts are talking over Latin America's plans for raising living standards. The report says the La tin nations need to fir.d out: 1. Just how many workers they have. 2. What kinds of Industries they need, what they can build out of their own raw materials and what skills they have to teach their people to do the job. 3. How they can best train their workers. Mas es of them are peons .who ride into town on burros with no no tion of how to use a lathe, a drill press or even a monkey wrench. 4. How to train supervisors to see that the trained peon does a good job. 5 How to find the teachers to train the supervisors. 6. And. once they have all this, how to shunt the trained worker to the job that needs him. Slow Diagnosis The ILO is 29 years old and has approached this diagnosis slowly, so that much of this advice has al ready gone out piecemeal and many Latin governments are al ready started on some of the pro grams. For some years now the Un ited States has loaned technical men to the southern republics, and many of the young Latin workers tries for their own people and build up both transportation and power. The report thinks Latin America may have to wait a while before it can set us any heavy Industry. New Crest Due On Columbia PORTLAND. May 2WP-The Snake river rose today, and the lower Columbia river area was warned this meant a second flood crest next week. The crest by Wednesday will be within two-tenths of a foot of the 224 feet reached this week at Vancouver, where flood stage is 15 feet. The forecast does not go beyond Wednesday. The Columbia, which had been falling slowly was at 22.1 feet to day. The small community of Prescott. down the Columbia from i here, was surrounded by six inches of water. No one had to move out, however. have been heie for training so that L Archbishop Edward D thev can return home to train oth- ! Portland, Gov. ers Mass to Open Second Day of K. of C. Meet Story also on page 1) Mass at St. Vincent de Paul church this morning at 9 o'clock will open the second day of acti vities for the annual Knights of Columbus state convention being held in Salem. A business session will convene in the council chambers at 11 a. m. A banquet for knights and wives will be at the Marion hotel at 6:30 p. m. Attending the banquet will be Howard of Douglas McKay. Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry HERBERT BERRT HELD Herbert Berry. IT 05 S. Church st.. was held in the city jail Sat urday night in lieu of $250 bail following his arrest in downtown Salem on a charge of driving while intoxicated. He was ar rested at the intersection of High and State streets. Mac Pliearson Undecided on Recall Move CORVALL1S, May JlH-VTalk of a possible recall movement ' against State Treasurer Walter Pearson and Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry was heard here to day. There was no certainty, how ever, that there would be such a move. Hector Mac Phearson, ex-state representative and former profes sor of political science at Oregon State college, said he had discussed it with political leaders. He added that he had not de cided whether to sponsor a recall. The possibility arose because of the recent appointment of repub lican Ray Smith. Portland and de mocrat, Robert MacLean. Wild port, to become state tax commis sioners. Political opponents said the two were inexperienced in tax matters. They would replace the veteran commissioners republican Earl Fi sher and democrat Wallace Wharton. Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian. India grows most ot tne worid-a empire, was destroyed ia 605 B. C ' sunpijrpf Jute. HFTOOJ t You need a Comprehensive Personal liability Policy 11 you: 1) Maintain a residence X) Have guests call at your horn 3) Are a sports enthusiast Call SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY for details. CHUCK n m CHPT INSURANCE 373 N. Church Phone 3-91 IS Salem f- OfflcM in: Salem. Coos Bay, Myrtle Point Gold Beads CUSTOMER PARTING AT OUR NEW LOCATION Clackamas Kills Road Tax OREGON CITY. May 21hP Voters in this area refused to tax themselves for new roads and a bridge, but they approved a levy to modern ie the fue department. A count; of yes'erday's special election shpwed the proposed $1. 650.000 Clackamas county road levy defeated. In Oregon City, the voters turn ed down a $63,000 ley to construct a bridge a,t 12th street. But they approved a fire department im provement which would cost $28, 000 annually for two years and $7.0C0 annually for the next eight yea rs. Cuba, for instance, needs train-; and Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom ing schools and has to face unem-! Judge Frank Loner gan of Port ployment in the sugar industry . land will speak on American heri during the slack season. So it put ' tage. the two worries together and Is Dan Hay of Portland, formerly now building 1.500 schools by us- a member of the Salem council. ing sugar workers in the slack months. In 1948 it built 400 train ing schools which in turn will train better workers. Argentina now gives trade train ing in 150 schools. Biazil has built 40 trade schools in the past five years, and Chile has put up 38 in the past 10. For the most, part these schools train young workers. But several nations Argentina. Chile. Cuba. Ecuador. Peru and Veneiue la are trying to get their adults into night trade schools. Need Arithmetic The ILO report says that some Latins have to be taught beginner arithmetic before they can begin to run the sort of family farm which suptmrts so many families in the United States. Many have to b taught simple health lessons. One of the big problems in set ting up such training schools is and chairman of the Knights of Columbus annual national con vention, slated for Portland Aug ust 16 to 18, will also talk at the program. Election of officers of the slate assembly will take place at the closing session Monday. A con vention mass will be celebrated for delegates at St. Joseph's church Monday at 8 a.m. Delegates also will be conduct ed 011 a tour through the capitol buildings today and a tea for wives aUo has been set. 1 w Sj '3 n n h "Holly" ays Hiice ioli rifi'' Real ie 1 1 t-..d any r f s. If'.M.i feel and i! wil Pc-f e a:e i I unifies with Even if we had pi., e ' jewelrv we'd rather do it than seen the Willame'te University Comic nice pie-e woi k and we in Saiem f tr-r students in charge. You can get and for two bits and it's - money vei! like a sourpu pi'k up one of trxe W i hai.tte y'Hi into a "Happy Harry " ontented peoole aril those are the in to ha maga- should one at pent. U C M. Happy !ks we sa 1 1 f ;ce the e somebody tame .ii vi ithc t o'he. citv a ladv veil n a smile on then face Reminds me. the came in. said. "Holly, I came in to give ri v c . kpris. this lapel p,n won't stav closed" Wet'. re had a grin ixi her taie from ear to ear and it rrioe w happy ,n give hei a r.w p;ri. Then she to'd me .he ut at :;he hore aho ai d she dropped her pin at..! a h:e s'et fed on it and that why i wouldn't clot efii nur to get 'tk' when petple smile at you . t e they :e doing it I fixed up the broken pin just ..ft r.ew ar.d mmI :t to her hutnd and he is going to crt tar hi-r b.tth.iay Wha'.'s :nat about he who laughs i:i iiir.s away ill live to gather 110 mo'' or something. ne .el.ir.g t .v o ptn t one L rd in a j bush. We have t 'un sella k jewelry sn.1 d fcn.vi.ds and vtatthes and 'f Yen should come ovei avirie: .rr,e 1 rtu admission chat ge ). on I. te:v rrt. Noi .h Litrty! tha :s. ;t aiound 1 1 : nr 'um Sallj's. Jackson Jewelers l: ! n. Jaast -2$ N. Uberty Street Ar4 Ttae t'emer Fretsi 1 u u u u u u 1$ II u u u u u u u u u u SI u II II II II II I! II II II II Si CAR TUNES C RANDALL TOP SCORER CORVALLIS. May l-JPh- Cliff Crandall scored 12 points tonight to pace the Oregon State alumni to a 50 to 43 win over the 1950 OSC varsity squad in an exhibi tion game tonight. by OTTO J. WILSON CO. MM eiT SSV' r., INI S, U I A CT ffllj OTTO J. WILSON CO. gives a car that needed power to got away from these Revenoo agents." Have You Ordmfd Your Berry Tickets? Save Time Save Trouble ORDER THEH IIOU From The : JOB DEPARTMENT SalU's IWWW'WWW''WWl ! Hwiaisiiswwwiiawni ; 1 . 1 Our PrUt ARI Pla in Aiarktd WKotever tHe ftnonctol dr cumsttsnces may be, our prices ore tfe tome to every on for K some) rvnerol ssrvK oppose! rmeots.. Qongh-Barrick Co. 205 S. Cksrch St. Ssiesa. Oreroe (7 HDAY Siore Honrs 9:30 A. II. To 5:30 P. II. caVe 8 "nIbd t"T 0 v I-vl. aSSea 4 r-.t TOY e r um OSf rriou c at. an4 a ?3i :t sotx Xat,s S am Bt v-Vw mm Be Here Early To Enjoy These Savings! 3L. . . . rWie Vai, -1 ml. 1 gSSeV j t-im.t . col0r . 12 . ' C- "W- e,,- inn m we ssesvej sbbbb "ssj S BSSk I mi S-tl3t Est. 1S73 177 II. UBEBTY ' 1 saw- 1 c STDEET i