Gov. Bowles On Presidential Candidate Lists cost nousing and increasing old i Tbo Solom. Oroqon. Sunday. May 12. 134S 13 Ago ptnitntn. ZmxtT la IMS, when it looked Bowles was talking about tax eutat was plugging for a national health like there might be depression, and retaining rent controls end ' insurance plan. A pound of finished steel sella f jc about four cents at the mills. GIDEONS ELECT -, . TACOMA, May 21-CP-Cuy It Huston of Yakima wu reelected atate president of the Gideons as the croup ended its 2Ird annual convention here today. Big Wheat Crop Problem This Year Will BeStorage Space, Not Lack of Railroad Boxcars By T. C Apolecate NITW YORK. May 21 If grain piles up on the rround in the wheat belt this summer, take a second look before blaming the railroad.-, i. Wheat for your next year's bread is Just startmg to flow to pro cessing poirua. This movement will swell to a flood in July and Aug ust. oertaxmg mill and elevator facilities. , 4 a t : , t : - - , - I 1 vaouiy tmjj Kj rounn-piur:g m i nine j time thev call it ,open storage" not unusual. Modern methods have compressed the bulk of har vesting into a short period. That is the season of outcwes for more cars to carry the gram. Here's what the railroads have done to get; ready for their big task of hauling the winter wheat crop: late in April they assembled Despite this, the Association of American Railroads this week ex pressed confidence its member , roads could "move every bushel j of grain fr.r which storage space j is available " i Storage space or the lack of it is the real problem j That it is seriou was empha- I sized br the recent government j more tnan Z0.OO9 box cars at nf , av f-mt, in to 115 country loading stations. Fully tc K,.,h-T tf th.v would ho!d ! loaded, these cars wUl carry near- fa ,trira-- ilT r.other vear i ly 35.WKi.00a bushels of wheat on 60.0O0.OOO bushels stored un- j each trip. j der the jo4g prjte support pro- j inus xrsm raiuxwKu nop to from storage quickly much of the 1948 wheat held under govern ment lean and purchase agree ments that expired April 30. And do it before the pew crop move ment is in full swing. The 1945 gra rr. . i Officials said this was intended J to help relieve the commercial ! storage situation. At the end of April more than ' half the public elevator capacity in tr.e winter wneai oen was re- winter wheat har- x& with last year s crop vest, bv litest estimates total 1.021.467.OO0 bushels. KAISER -FRAZER InvadrM ew Prire Field the Bir; nu; w Kur Drastic Low Prices 21 Moulin to Par TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 35S If. Liberty Salam. Oregon Phone 2-4173 Wlu TK. IT : diurtmnt nf acri sec" culture said there was available on tnat date in seven wmier wheat states only 76.000.000 b art els of storage space. A year ear her , these states Texas. New Mex-, ico. Oklahoma. Kansas. Missouri. Colorado and Nebraska had available 117,000.000 bushels of space. Reports of the AAR car ser ice division show 18.700 more box cars on western railroads than p.t the ame time a year ago. w :h 7.300 more box cars ready for service in the wheat belt. This improvement wm ach;.-.-ed despite the fai t that all tr e railroads owned only 692.093 ser- vii-eable box cars on April l.Thn was 8.723 less than the total b-x car supply a year earlier The better supply in the ?oat belt thus year is helped by the decline in demand for cats else where Carloadings in the f:r?t four months of 1949 were about , S per cent under the like pei iod a year ago. WONDERFULLY SIMPLE! HOLLAND Trash and Garbage BURNER Bums garbage and trash, wet r dry, without odor. No bonfir par m it neadad. A NICESSITY for homos that ar oil, gas, or stokor hosted. r: J ill m L- y Phono or write for particulars BURNS WET GARBAGI S BUSHtl CAPACITY NO ODORS NO OAS OR ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Wl REPAIR AND CLEAN ALL TYPES OF FURNACES HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney St. Phono 3 7803 Alfred W. Loarks Loucks Named Gty Leader of Hospital Drive Selection of Alfred W. Loucks. Salem fuel oil distributor and civ ic leader, as city manager for tha general gifts campaign of the Sa lem Hospital Development pro gram was announced Saturday. Loucks was chosen to lead the $300,000 drive, said Charles A. Sprague. spokesman for the drive steering committee, because "this important committee mut be headed by a person who is able and well ersed in management with a record of outstanding com munity service." This type of project ''comes once in a lifetime." said the committer The program's advance gif'.s so licitation is now in its fifth week and progressing satisfactorily, ac cording to Ford Watku.s. general campaign chairman. Other leaders are Dr J.mes Sears. d.-ct'i " di- ision. and Thomas McNeill, rural. Loutks is vice president of Sa lem Community chest, served that organization as advance gifts chairman in 1947 and general chairman last year. He is a di rector of Salem YMCA and Salem Shrine club, a deacon in the Pres byterian church and a member of Salem Kiwams club. He has also done committee work for the Free dom Train. Salem Governor's r- , ception memorial auditorium. ; blood bank and Salem Breakfast ' club. Leslie Band to Give Concert at Bush Monday A 43-piece Leslie junior high school band directed by Raymond Carl will present a concert at Bush school at 9 o'clock Monday morn ing. Approximately 100 sixth grade pupils took part in "Fiesta Time." an original play presented to a large group of parents and friends at Bush school auditorium Thurs day afternoon. The play, an out growth of work In social studies and correlated with music, art and physical education, was based on a study of Mexico and South America. The scenes included an Indian village in the Andes mountains of South America with natives mak ing preparation for the fiesta and i a Mexican village on market day with several typical villagers and many visitors. As the finale the entire group sang the Mexican song. '"Chiapanecas " Directing the program were Ev elyn likes. Mrs Wiima Fahey and Mrs Janice Stein, sixth grade teachers WASHINGTON. May 21 (AP) Count Gov. Chester Bowles of Connecticut in on the 1952 pre sidential nomination race as one of the "white hopes' of that seg ment of the democratic party which classes itself as liberal. Friends figure that if the gang ling former OPA chief can make the grade for re-election as gover nor next year he will be set to bid for the nomination if Presi dent Truman decides not to run again. Relations between Mr. Truman and Bowles seem now to bo friendly. Bowles probably would like to forget now that he went on a national hookup last spring to declare that the president's chances of election were "slim to the disappearing point" and to add, that "the democratic party cannot and will not unite behind the pre sident." Despite this false start, hero is no apparent feeling in the ad ministration camp that B o w 1 e didn't do his best for Mr. Tru man in the Connecticut campaign last fall. Truman Miht Back Thus if Mr. Truman doesn't run himself he might not have to stretch a point to include the 48-year-old governor on any list of those acceptable to him. As one of the founders of Americans for democratic action, the Connecticut governor pretty well represents a l;ne of thinking that has some outstanding, if not materially large, backing within the democratic party. As far as he can make himself, he is an exponent of the Roosevelt new oeal and Roosevelt ideas. As a sr-all demonstration, he was the firt Connecticut goveri.or to name a woman and a negro to his staff. As a government official during the war, Bowles was on the in ternationalist side, although he was not directly involved In fur nishing the answers to most for eign questions. As price administrator. Bowles won the enmity of a large slice of congress. He said when ha first went into the OPA in 1943 "no sensible man would seek a Job of this kind." Labor Likes Bowles Labor always has liked Bowles. He began his public career by loading the Connecticut state OPA staff, of 'which he was the director, with something like 150 labor representatives. He has a 75-cent state minimum wage law in his Connecticut plat form. He has long advocated low t2i-a32s - Li Flfl : rr D 1 . , fr -rww , S l - 1 r 1 n .. , .. . : - 1. L. I. "Shod" Shodrick of Stato Motors. Inc. Salem's Packard Doalor prosenting Mr. M. "Yak" ftrooks and wife a Sot of Golden Keys to tho fifst Go!den Anniversary Packard DeLuxo Sedan do dvorod in Ss'em as Mr. E. O. "Curly" Wolting, owner of Stafo Motors, Inc., and Raiph Webb, sa'es mm, look Mr. ard Mrs Brooks Irvo at 10 Evorgreen Avenue and for the past 20 years Mr. Voots hs. been connected with Portland General E!ectnc Company of Sa'em. "Cu . Weilmg and ' Shad" Shadr'ck both say me Golden Anniversary Packard is the Char acter Car of te medium price field make the d scoyery for yourself-Three Was. First, step up o the Cosden Anniversary Packard, tap tho bod and lisen-you will hear no metallic plonk, fust a d-- so' d thud. Secc-listen for the iod of this Car's Superlative 1 35-horsepower en gine as Ufs at the curb ,dj w.ll hooronSy a so; w.h.sper. Third, take ?- Ne.v Golden Anni versary ;-. j'i c.-t cn ?h ri d get he cao'e-e effect of its Hew Go? den SSence. You w.ll listen iu t o c Rood HwC and "ing-ne Se -ss'on" Hu Gibe'- A t, versa , fu d tr e Firev Cs- Pa. rd has buii' for SO years with 77 f r. Impro. T'? i a c; a c ce rej.c' .- - c' $ 1 03 up to $225. Cone m ie li show yoj the thing t'yr Cars of To;n, -(d I US. ASKS FOR IISI.EK WASHI(;T0N'. M,v 21-4.-An official domar. i on ti e British gov- err.mertt for return of communist j leader Gerhast Filler to the L'nit- ed States was dispatched to Lon I don today by the state department. Official aid the requiiti.n treats the 52-year -old runaway strn !ly as a fugitive from justice lather than a political refugee. Marble is s plentiful in Proc tor, Vt, that house foundations frequently use the stuff and but chers cut their chops on a marble slab. NOW is the Time lo PAIIIT Call Elislroms For FREE ESTIMATE Take a tip front Mother Na ture and brighten up with spar kling new colors this spring . . . Have those drab Interiors re designed in smartly coordinated colors bv our expert rolorists Your whole house will fairly sing and you will, too '.hen Elfstrora'a crews take over. TAKE S VRS. TO PAY IF YOU LIKE Oar Prices Are Competitive 34 Coart Dial 2-2493 CtAfrf cftrs sayt W build BETTER and FASTER with EMPIRE BLOCK and tavt monty for owntrs' Xaopire Block are designed for rapid cooatrmctio. They are tree-oise, Biforaa. eaay to handle. Coat less than other materials. More tha 100 shapes and asses to meet yoor specifications. Ideal for residences, commercial, industrial and public bundaags. PUi ftOOCUT shows Empire Block con struction in your community. Phone or write for year copy. WB m urs-ocx . cocrri Pumiliie Block & Supply Co. .HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S summer sale! eaven Sent h perfumed deodorant twins DEODORA.NT COUCMK, reguUrlf 1.50 DCOOOIU.TT CUAM, rfgvlaxlf 1.00 2.50 Tdlue for j50 PERFUMED DEODORANT CREAM In HtAvrn-sCMT or APrU ILO5S0M fragrtnee use on concentrated areaa to check perspiration odor and moisture instantly quickly absorbed ... soothing to skin. gives longer-lasting perfumed protection from bath lo bath DEODORAXT COLOGNE in hcayem-scxt or appu blossom fragrance uae as larishlr as any potently perfumed cologne for perfumed protection from head to toe o wonderful for moist palms, shoulders, feet apple bi OSSOiil perfumed deodorant twins DEODORANT COLOGNE, regularly 1.00 DEODORANT cream. reguUrly .75 both for 50 CAPITAL DRUG STORE STATI AT LIBERTY STREET DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist PAINLESS PARKER H5 rJlo&iilEis So Po v IMMEDIATE RESTORATION ... enables yoa to wear your plates IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't hare to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss ojvaluable time from your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Com to th office when convenient for on ex ominotion. Credit terms apply to aH types of dental work ... Plates, Extractions, Filling. Crowns, Inlays or Eridgework. Get needed dental work NOW...tte your CREDIT. DR. L B. WARNICKCO Manoger j Now associated with i Dr. Painless Parker, Dentil1 125 N. liberty Street alem, Oregon j DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities Out Ed 50 water Street Phono 2 5o43 Salem. Oroao