t The SldHmmt golem. Owyn. gunacry. May C 1843 (Gsiirdleiniiinig TFoolsJiy By Ullie L. Madaen "With June, the Oregon rose month, just around the corner, im.re attention is turning w-arc rce c&re Howfr. it thi tar hasn't been go ing on for : me months, rharues are -the garden er villi have no rc,.f-5 f ! the ap rr a f i r e -rv a s P A C rv i : of r. e air, tn.- lr f at- ' i n- r i I g' U ; U he tr,- : ; 1 1: -L i - itv T r f- -; r r i v t a r i ' -1 i lrt 1! . 1 1 t . jm kin;, up itr.1 Oii- .j.. , ir.e "' f.- -r. the 'A ell a lettiOV ir.g anv i . "a n pernst .n tr.e are, rit me Dump January. 14' s a dormant pia When ;.-. D gin t( ..r.'. 'd he flUi! fi..-tir.g the bu.'r.f at P I n x.nii' iy seven to 1 0 -i m ttrval ar.ri continued this tin ought ut the summer, whethei ct not there wi any evidence of disease There are a number of spra and dust materials that con trol the three major d. -a.e -blatkfpot, mildew and iii-t if groptrly applied. Ber.au-- of the conv enieru e of handling v. at; im pie. ir.ex jx-n.-n e equipment and the -peed . :tn which ap li ..t,nn.. ran he rn..;t- man nf kvrrien er use ii..-i tiunr. !fic summer For ar: a:! purpe tut. g'"i re suits an he had from !-rm.ste The .r.- i r pet s.sA Jt A Mat. Daily from 1 p m. NOW SHOWING! Cont. from 1pm. Nowl Two New Hits! W'W'sss'i'W's'SissjTfc Co-Feature! a. tzs'jiis:, Now! Coat, from 1 p m. Merle Oberon In Teehnirolor "A Night in Paradise" George Raft "Johnny Angel" Theatre WOOIHU KN. OKK. Today & Man. "Snake Pii" With Olivia de HaviUand and Mark Stevons L Hi. (i.n in.! v t re - Sent or, :-- in Or--.."', .ire Hit aphiris ,i r; rost- -.:.f '' I!" i .i v c r ::,! . i i; ( ; ' : t .: h -Id Tr.e : ! tie r. . :ri.,le of .i.e o..-i. e of i.n .t!ne .ophate (Hliu k I.e..f i'n ar. t i i of si.. ' :c g.i' i T v ..ter The d'.t In ' .n i-.t it-ast 2 p r ei.t tual I ' 1 i i r;f ,.!ut-- Mill! S SUrU at I)uk If l Judy Garland II Mickey Roony U I I In Technicolor i "Words and Muk" I ( Jimmy Wakly I I j "Oklahoma Blues" II Cartoon -News a CO-FEATCRE! mm m aik&hrx tamer such as i.; at ediime This may be pui chased ieady to ise The du' s-nco.r. i' appited hen; the temperature i i w TO durt a r.utt ne ooe not rlatie rpdu- at lo-ver tem-peraturf-f Nicrtirie ; a ror.tiitt ' n.he ticicel aixi mut at taa'.iy tou h tne in&e to K:'.i ;' Lead arer.aSt v rh n r.tr. . the r e Sit'g ;Thf 'Uirj jp r.- ' tan, t,h; unre cf eK' . reii;-'e ?o T. e tni.i.nf r f -vater. A H' r i er.t lea . io ser.-te du-t i. i ef ' ti-. - .'ij '). r.k . imp r" to,, : p v. it;:, ng blf om ate r-e - i. -n.e api .i: the- -n .ild rx- re t" iiS''1. 'fig ' ' tre ai 'Hi r r : . tt te pememi.-ei e.i that the ' t . ': Rijt-e lety require- . t a!' vnie feuds ;n r ' clasMrd i.gle fii.Aer- he rm ei 'o prevent ci iqua 1 1 f nVi! ion of the :Km. ahd tj-.at Trie bitt ms must ae leen difhudded sufficiently long enr ugh before show time m "ha! no i-igris f.f reerit disbudding ire e ifiefit. '.Veil det.ed cow barn fertiiwer to a depth of four to ix ;r,ihe ion top f the oi! forms an excel lent mulch Jttie tuitiatjcn is necessary and weeds may then be pulled out. Deep tuttivation tuts off many rrots and does more narm than gxd. Garden Calendar May 22-26 National Council f Harden clubs. Multnomah ho- tel May 22-23 Portland Carder. club Shoti'. May 2S Salem Camellia and Riu dreridron so iet meeting May 26 Breaks (iaraen (it'ib Msi 30. Fleet of Flower De- Hi-;;. .1 .!. 4S Saiem R'-se sni a J,j..e 6 bditrr, (rr:en ...r rn t.ng June 8-10 Portland R-s. M'sr'niC Tenui Ju-e 0 -- S. e -- Sa.l e Ro;.ii i .r. t i i lui-.. Mrs: Me. L-aOue. ru - i f ' t'lcs im jes -'iuddi..g and "Mu.- ' !i i.g arid Kettoiinf June 11-12 "..ralhs R. e sKhia . Ftar.khn ho,l building June 18-19 Seattle Rc sh a . Kagles hail. June 22-23 - Victoria. B C. Where the Bi Pictures Play: RIGHT NOW! (KlTIIlMniDiw flelfcj feme' BETTY GARRETT tad Major Hit! 1 T. a'tt- 1.2 Kocs Bannjr Warner News iane W man Dav id Niven tn "KISS IN THE DARK" i ird ! Dan DatleT ; Celeste Holm in 5 "CHICKtX EVERY Sl'MlAY" flflllKCT3Ba- Mrats Today Cont. from 1:45 MSM u ruin i Lu.ru if JTDVGRL!0) W iliXUIORE , U GENE KFJ0' ' V n.vmsmm vmiiii nixf s:i nu nai tin eiui Special Short Sabjeets "CANDID MICROPHONE Cartasa Nea LlliJ 1 Rose hcw. Crystal Gardens. Mrs. P. R- asks if there is any -horticultural talk." at the Nation al Council ot Garden clubs or If the meetings are made up of "all reports, food and elections. An . There ;s a very fine "hor ticultural ft rum at the aembly rocm in Multnomah hotel arrang ed for Mocday. May 23. 8 30 p. m. The program include Fred Ed munds. curaU r of the Internation al Rose Test Oartien. Portland. "How "A'e Cnow Them in Oregon""; Irv L N L. ed.ior of Ameri can Prmrose So ety Quarterly. Primiosf- ". Di . E J Kraus on Hy bi idj. i r.s C.i r sant hemums for Har'Unes- A T ..;KS T te B ;. F Afi " T. us ; nua. Mm i ,;u ail w ho t.i-i e !cr , i, formation on .eet f Fl a er. LW-'P-- Bov s an Dy ceremony for d.i at .i. rt is r.e.ri en Muv 3"' .: tr:rig. "r;. . i; ruts . f i.-tt year m ie 'riar. '2 00f ?he c--n.or. an.'i !f"e ame In rr. o -r tr.e States t'.'i 'i rt.gn couritr inn i.iiiy rs Lat :f ie'iOeri ; o a t C r.i ted e. The -hore:'!: -t-r c lats r.our lr. iuded in th arviut an i4 n.iiM( by the w iceiy kno-.tn Gieru; Shel ey on .m tn fcir organ. Major (lenerai F Roea. adjutant gener al for On iron, ai" attend this year as Governor Df-ugias McKay's personal iepresentat; e Army planes wiii fly in f.rmation er head as c ast guard t utter stands by at s-e Some f.fty fiowef be decked vessels proceed to sea in fleet formation to permit those aboard to cast their wreaths or. the water Those who cannot -attend and wish fiowers there, send them to Flotilla No 78. L" S Coast Guord auxiliary, Depoe Bay who apx !ns srme ne to cast out the floweis. It is really quite an impressive cerem nv O F asks if there i any con trol fr t ilt f..ev Ans iegoi. State tonege gives as conlio! for greater ar;d lesser ' u i t f' o 'i the heme garden .r.tirit i is a nd daf li d ; is, f.r ed napthaone one ap- a of fin f t ( r r,t '. 1 f the n.iptha une po u to eat h Ian" i n'ot a guar, n teed 'f 17 .i NO h:i. 'f.'li r ti d. -e- m ip a li ' ht tni rn r fi.-n d ! .. j t ha i i ne. thai me may nun tt-' suite ' r,e foil S. J l ies f , i ers av e . ht s..m- say 'liS of n the "! huh i cei tnin ei par ! :ou r ! y s prevalent li Pt . I k t ( . r 1 1 R'.rkreal! ait Ans : Helen M Giikey. pitfeMT of botany and curator of the heib anium at the tate college tells me that this plant is a one-time rather popular border perennial commonly known as gout weed and technically ailed Aesotx tnum do- dograria common ( personally. I ll use its name). The plant is ra- ther useful some areas. as a cover crop ii: she spreads badly by running root ! stocks and refuses to lemain w ith i in bt'imds. and now it has he some a peM in manv Willamette vallev ga rriens ISVMllcraft SoriHv Mel.. at Intiitliire INDEPENDENCE Mrs Ralph i Kletring. Mrs A L. Hardintf and Mrs. H. N. Mattison weie hrstesses Thursday for the regular meeting of the Neetilecraft society Thirty two members were present The business meeting, conducted bv the president, Mrs T. D Pom eroy. was followed by devotions led by Mrs Minnie Hiltibrand. The afternon was spent sewing for the annual bazaar to be held this fall Refreshments were served by the hotesvs with Mrs Blanche Kirkendall and Mrs Coral Collins presiding at the tea tat . ire Follies It's Getting Closer Starts May 24 13 BIG DAYS F.arh Site at 8 3tt Mate. 2 31 - May ?9. June 4 A 5 Tickets Going Fast . . . For Best Seats ORDER NOW!!! STILL TIME TO ORDER BY MAIL Send ma 'I order staling ticket price ard date to Arena Box Office and enrke stamped, self -addressed envelope for re tan of Kckrtv Price: $15 JI M $3 . $S 60 ( inr. Tax 2 PORTLAND BOX OFFICES PORTLAND ICE ARENA !4J N W. Marshall J. K. GILL S S. V. 5th Jr Stark PORTLAND ICE ARENA Baseball Tonight Salem Senators Vs- Wenaichee 6:30 P. M Double Header WATER'S FIELD Box Seat Reservations Pbon 3-4847 Silverton to Decide Water Bond Proposal in Election Tuesday SILVERTON A battle, premising to be one of the most heated in Silverton "s history, is steadily growing warmer as Tuesday, May 24. special election day, approaches. The election will be held at the city hall from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. The :sue ;s a prcpc?ed $90,000 general obligation bond issue for improvement of the Silverton water system. A portion of the amount would oe :or a new concrete dam 36fK) feet above the present pump- .ne site on the Ahoua and fe re- rrwinder for additional FT'15 unri replacement pipe, i The prtsert city council com ' posed of Mayor C H. Weiby. Er rol Ross. George Christenson. Re ter Allen, AH in Legard. George Wtisner and LVyd Fry have gone on record as unanimously approv ing the prcpt val. Taking The t pp-o;ng side are mtmteis of tne pre - managerial form f c;ty g- ernrr.er.t headed t y Dr. A W Simmr ns. veteisn ii.tn g nd forme; t hoirman of tne now d set r.Tir. tied water torr.T. s ii r; Circulars h,ve been distributed and "''(or editor' letters from propt rents t f each side have ap peared in the Ucal paper Opponents argue that the old log dam. buiit for $2700. loMed 27 years and the proposed bond is- 1 sue would be "a needless expense'' , as a r.ew log dam could be built for approximately $8,000; that the city, besides building a log dam, 'should also drill an additional deep weil for auxiliary supply; that eventually water may be had from the Detroit dam and that the flow in the Abiqua may not hoid and finally that the water rates . would rise if the bond issue is approv ed Cay official say that the old log dam washed out with the flood in 1942. and that a year ago when bids weie ;iked f( r both a con crete aid a iorg cno dam with settling ha-ins. tr.e lowest bid for the log dam a around $35,000. and frr trie conttete dam. $41 000. and that the c.ty has inves tigated the possii i!:ty of obtain i;g water from "t.e Dt fit it dam and f ur.t; that ,1 it could be had at a i. .t At uld he ' some yeai s frm now anu :o any event the city would have t . pu.id a lor.g p.pem.e to it r i . . t -ource Further aig.:riient rtdvance' b i,t :ng .n - the ( lty in .i tn i ,, into the rnriii Sa a tie that veils I. l.-.r which uro.uy rr'ioi e pro-: sati f.u toi y and the city h.is ittr: ariv isei by Ktt'lt gists and ; n -titiri engmet rs against o:. weii. The iity h:.s pei.t .. .'oi-' $9,000 on two useless v.tii- nw bcith cioM-i. and the st i-vi.i n ! the new cam site i..ther :n,..n the old one was rhostn to elirr.inatt stieam pollution In its coiicluding .taten.ent th city adds. "Our finances aie per fectly adequate to take ( are of this projett and leave ample funds available for continued woik on the distribution system. No taxes are involved." Woman's Club Elects Leaders At Union Hill CNION HILL it. g of if i ing The last mt-et-f the Union Hill Woman's ciub was held at Silver Falls tate park Thursday A or.e i .'clot k luncheon was fol lowed I y a business meetii.t, wdh Mis Henry Tate, c hai rm.i !.. pre siding The aniiu.il cliio pn rut will be hoid in tne Silverton p. ik on Sunday. July 17. with Mrs Helen Stromsmoe, Mrs Erncd Steed. Mrs Henry Peters ann Mrs W M Ti.te in charge f the ice i ifam aoo Ci flte (.'f fuel's j,i,d tanning coiv.ir.it toes for next vear will be Mis Hoy King, irijirn.an. Mrs. Stromsmoe v ice chairman: H. ;er Mts i id .:.- Si 1 1 M. ui ue Mc.tt r. secret. ry Ve. n S.i f treason: .i . e H Mrs Ven.v ; Mrs j, h,. h ,v,rvt. ii. s Mr- He: : Tte. pro . Mrs Ho.i A.: IV' tor 1 i i n Hea't , ..no. M .s. u-'tt.h.'iic. Mrs A. L Kos ' :der a-ui Mrs (" E. Hi i. ter. 'o.s. and Mis Roiim Heater arii Mrs Dolpn Hc.ttr. Ch;l !nis Kaim Home Mrs I-wis C ter and dauh- r Linod. Mrs MsrK Miir.ei. Mrs Miicred t'hariwuk of Son Fr;.n i. o and Beit ha Chanw ick of Sa tin w re vis,;, rs. Members pie--e: t ws-te Mrs W. M Tate. Mrs Helen Strumsmu . Mrs Adolph ii'. ttr, Mr- J,.r n Hoilo of Sa- nv Mis J. r. Huhorst. Mr.- A I. K( stentx r oer and Betty, Mrs F.r r est Speed Miss Florem e Pot :lf. Mrs Hay Johnson. Mrs Va.n :ie He.i'er Mrs Herrv T.-.tt. M: Mi S i s ! A He - Rov K:r.g. Mis C". E. Heater. Henry P ter. Mrs Vcinv :t. 'is Henty Tate, chairman, pie t i Mrs Eioes Speed. Mrs L KostentK.riiersi Mrs Adolph .ter and Mrs Henrv Pettrs a tn jerfect attendance gifts. Solicitation bv Legion Is Plan John Kernck. general chairman of the American Legion state con tention slated for Salem August 4 to 6. warned local merchants ... kTist unauthorized solicitation.; for the convention. Every authorized solicitor, said Kerrick. will carry a letter of identification signed by Onas Olson, executive secretary of the convention At present solicitation for the official souvenir program ;s under way and a decorating program will be authorized socr. Headquarters for the 31st an nual convention are in the Sena tor hotel lobby from 1 to 5 p.m c... iiy . Armv Plans Law Classes Members of Salem's army re serve units and regular army per-j s-onnel are gcirg to law school beginning next Tuesday. Capt Richard Reynolds, Salem reserve instructor, announced Saturday. Two separate classes weekly ; on Tuesday and Thursday nights will be held on military lavs Over 50 persons have reported their intentions of attending the classes which will be held at the Willamette university law school Instructors for the classes tight meetings for each group will be Lt Col. Francis T. Wade. Lt Col. Eugene E Laird. Mao Clifton Fnfield. Maj. Charles Jens and Capo Robey Ratchffe. Central Howell Schools Plan Commencement CENTRAL HOWELL Joint Baccalaureate services will be held for the graduating classes of the Pratum and Central Howell schools in the Emmanuel Mennon ite church Sunday evening. May 22. The Rev. Regier will deliver the address Visitors and friends are welcome. Graduation exercises for the hieQ UAUTYBUYofhieyear at a price you like to hear I lstinghouse A HEW 6 CU. Westinghouse For Only As Little Aa 38.75 Down 21 Months to Pay 7 9 11 ft. it. ft. CU. cn. cn. With exclusive Westinghouse COLDER COLD, possible with the HOLD COLD CONTROL. Salem's Oldest Exclusive Appliance Store Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty Street Have Your Sunday Dinner At The ELKH0RN GUEST RANCH 15 Miles East of Mehama en the Elkhorn Road Now is the time to plan your vacation in the mountains! Hiking Fishing Exploring Beautiful Scenery, Comfortable Rooms, Grand Food Write, Call or See Us for Information or Reservations. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall, Manama, Oregon mane Easy to usq: Results crc permanent Pumilile Block & Supply Co. Out Edgewater Street Phone 2-5643 Salem. Oregon Hew ROTvOTHLLEI&S SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST SPECIAL TERMS IF WANTED TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Phone 2-4173 Salem. Oreaon .Central How4netgnth graders wilfi! be held on Friday evening, May 17th, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Mar guerite Burton, Marion county school supervisor will deliver the address. To be graduated are Dorothy Edwards. Gloria Jarmin. Joanne Roth, Elmer Haury. Karl Rehm. and Dean Way. Five of the young people have gone all the way through the grades together, the other a recent resident. Mrs. Bet ty Sanders is the instructor. The annual Central Howell pic nic will be held on Saturday, May 2S. to which all patrons and friends are cordially invited. A basket dinner will be served at noon, with ball games featuring the pro gram in the afternoon. The main attraction will be the game be tween the fathers and sons, an annual event Children will re turn to school t'ii Tuesday. May 31. fur their report cards, whfch will end this term of school. The two teachers. Mrs Sanders, upper grade teacher and principal, and ; Mrs. Noma McCl.ure hav e been rehired for next year Little Luiy Rickard. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. C L. Rickard of this community, was accident ally hit by an automobile near the Centra! Hi-well store and se verely injured while on her way to school. She w as rushed to the Silverton hospital where her con dition is still serious. No bodes were broken but it is feared there is a concussion. FT. Refrigerator (fi)75 09 Mad Phone 3 4311 Population per squar'shile of? arable land is 68 in Russia, 102 in! his?) THREE REASONS WHY You Should Insure Your Car with Farmers Insurance Exchange 1 2 3 Prompt en the Spet Claims Service by ur District Agent (ft Court St. Salem. Ore.) You get a National Standard Policy with NO Mileage Restrictions. (Ages Zl te 65). Our Continuing Farm Non-Assessable Telicy eliminates an nual sales costs. COMPARE THIS PRESKNT POLICY $5. 00V-10.000 Hodily Injury $5,000 Property Damage Liability Each Six Months A 15.1)0 Sales Cost the first Time Only Might t Limits at Smiill Adinticni.l Charge) THE WESTS LEADING ACTO INSl'RANCE CARR1EU BiLL OSKO AS IISURAICf LA jUisssustw iiiaMssssL. SEMLER FEATURES FAST OPTICAL SERVICE HEW GLASSES READY IK ONE DAY Complete modern equipment and an experienced staff of skilled craftsmen are making it possible for the Semler Oplical Offices to offer one-day service. New glasses are usually ready within 24 hours after your pre- scription is brought in. regard- less of whether Trifocals. Bi focals or regular lenses are spe cified by your optometrist. This rapid ht v ice h;is pi i v -n e?-pet tally ix.pu liir with r. t - . f -1 ( va n re.Mise;;ts, although rr.ny m Salem h a v e also tak n ai vantage of the ronv 'rneri e. The ad vantages of St rn 1 e r iptical hump are iiv.iil-, i.h'e to alt. le- Harry Semler tt i t les of w h-t e the eve examination is rna'ie -Thi vpee1y m nuc is acrj.eved abs-ol.ii iy withivit ar.'y satiifite of ciiiiility." t n.pha-ies Jll-i iy Semi r head rf the Semler Opti cal Offices. 'The UM of vvork man.vh.p and material is required in every case, arid every pair of g!as-?-es must measure up to ex acting standards." 6 0 0 ft 7eay Ymn fiensecM AMINOPHYLLINE DRS. ARTHUR GLADSTONE and LOUIS GOODMAN of the University of Vermont College of Medicine, re port that they have used Amino phylline to quickly relieve the pain of attacks of gall-bladder colic. While not a cure for gall-bladder trouble, Aminophylline hat proved effective in relieving the sevre pain elr mnrnhins hat failed. V W I I V f - - Capital Drag Store State at liberty St t Ih United States, 500 In Italy." 887 in Germany and 2,430 In Japan. The Flats re bark In the Burgundy Doom By Fepular Request O Steaks ' O Chicken O Harhecufd Crab O Naked Ham J?5 Silverten Ed. rh. J-23J RATK WITH YOl U $12 70 46 ( tiurt Salrm. Ore. Ph. 3-5661 Rill Onke IUt. Mgr. speed and convenience are also featured In (He Liberal Credit Plan offered erf Semler's. Terms can be easily and quick ly arranged without delay ot red tape, and glasses can be had for as little as SOc a week. NO EXTRA COST Credit payments can be spread over any ! reasonable length of time, and there are no interest charges at i Semler's. Semler Optical Offices dis play a complete selection of the latest fashionable : styles J la glasses, including a wide vari ety of materials and color com binations. Flatlering and youth- -.rui locKing. tnese glasses are . tin aid to Good Looks as well as Clear, Comfortable Vision. ' ' . I I The Semler Optical Offices la Salem are located in the Waters Adolph Building. State and Com merrial St. (Phone 3-33 111. Other Semler I fires In Portland snd Eugene. Open dally l;3e a.' mJ te 5:30 p. m.. Saturday te 1:0 p.jm. frees A ftw stft Aieef . . ' S I i) ..... m t