J4-Th Statemm. SaW Oren. Sunday. May 21 14S llg Z n flip NpW 5S F..kiT nrovinc in south China oooulation bit its i 12.000.000 po- JL dlCS U- LJ-l-V i- V O , Fukien province in south China . population btit its j 12.000,000 peo- equals New York state in area and pic do without railroad. IttrwiUlht Men n4 Weasel Hht Fir red is tb Headline Of AetlTittes Um Tmt fftk jyzV? money on your .JUIl ain: up to 20 beeaua Orron Mutual lke onU aelerted firf rUk . . . lat- the Mitinpt on to you. N finer, oafrr insurance i available. Scellars, Foley & Rising, Inc. INSURANCE COUNSELORS 143 S Liberty St. Phone 2-4143 t-r. H w Keizer Scouts On OvernigKt Camping Trip KEIZER Boy Scouts of troop 41 were on an overnight camping trip to Trestle camp during the weekend of May 14 The camp i. being developed by the boys of the troop and is typical of scouting with shelters Some time was spent building trails and adding to the comfort of the camp. Accompanying the boys ere Scoutmaster Mickey Hickman, and Lloyd Wood. Herman Rich fuss and Lauren Stettler assisted with the transportation. building with all but 1600 tn akil-' led labor, to be don by volunteer labor. Rated- a rather large order by i the Salem architect who drew up the plans, it has served as a challenge to the people of Stay- ton. i If the enthusiasm shown on the! first work party can be used as an indication of community spir-' it, tt should' hav hall larga nough for any group, lodgt 9t alub, within 60 days. Trr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barbr are receiving congratula tions on the birth of a son." Donald. Berle. Monday. May 9. Mr. and Mrs Lre Barber are the grandparents Carl T. Richards, state highwav Caroln Matter, daughter of Mrs. Robert Schaffer. seventh grader. lab man h photo of Jupiter and moon won top award from Detroit. Mielu, astronomical so-cietv. VesUl Matter. 990 Oak St.. was chairman for Salrm high Science fair. was "host" hen his class enter tained righth graders at Clover dale school. Tot The Gradual . . . On that final day of arhietement. no reward rouid r- more appropri ate than a LASTING gift a gift of JKWU KV. Whether it a watch, a - riug. or a pen and pencil set. YOI R bot or girl will be glad eu made it JKWM.RY. And remember. P. W. HALF ill be glad. too. if lie ran help make that GRADI ATE happ). PU1HHLE , HOLLYWOOD JEIUEIU 1 Lu I K - - :f . w - " H f V ($ rJ ft 4: J 01 f ,a"e?V - f i i Volunteers Start Building Civic Center at Stavton STAYTON So ready s the repnse and so willing the work ers, footings for the ru-w -ommu-p.ity build:ng which the Santiam Bean Festival asKiation is tfoins to sponsor on land which it pur chased last summer, weie dmi in two hours Monday evening. The Stayton high sihooL band, directed y Felix Ftench, head ed a shovel brigade w hich march ed through town to the site, where ojther volunteer worker were on hand with coffee and food for the workers which includ ed high school boys as well as men Tiie association, with Roy Phil -lippi as building chairman, pro poses to build the community i Phillip Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Johnson. Salem high aenior. won S500 scholar ship from State federation of La hor. Willauiiiia Sek Beauty Title WILLAMIN'A-Udonh L-ntz. a sophomoie at Litifieid college i Vi!l..mina carxlidate f-r the ti'ie of M .. M Miunvil e M.S. Lefilz. the fifth candiite to enter the coi:tet. ard i- a tn -enter! inger She i the Onunriifi ! of Mi. ai d Mrs. Kail Ir.t of Wil i lamina l w i tier ot tf im -tt Gerald Brog. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Brog. won Albert award for outstanding Salem high school work. Don Carpenter, Willamette univer sity student from Portland, is editor of new campus humor magazine. The Puritan. will compete w ith other Oregon girls in the race lot the "Mis Ore gon" title Belli! Man Tratl In l'ortlaiitl Hospital BETHFL CUrie Johns.. n. Sa lem mxiicai ner and son of the J W. Johnsons, went to tha Vet eians' hospital in Poitland for a routine checkup. He is being held for a w eek of obsei v alion and x-r v s. Mrs. Nile Hi born Is at home following a week of treatment and observation at the Salem Gen eral hospital. Use Organic Fertilizer O The right way to rt- build noil Free of eda O Odorless 6 sacks $5.00 Bulk - 1 ton $10.00 2 ton 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area. Phone 3-8127 Mew 1940- mm C7T Z, u 4f AfO AS LOW AS 465 IASY TERMS vuruuice . You'll marvel at the poww, sennit iv it y and Vwauty r tone. And you'll be proud of the handsonta camtom styling that harmonu with the smart design of your car. Your choiiv of 6 model- nutiv m t ic puh button arui nmimal tuning a fine performing quality auto radio tit every prioe. Seo tliem todav. Immeduite uvtallation in your car. NEW FOOT CONTROL Tune in stations auto matically without lift ing a linger from fho sbrcl. flight extra coat. COMI IN TODAY FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Mitchell's Radio & Appliance roue Kit - v 0 3 ALL-PORCELAIN Mm uuu Here yovr oppctuoT to get Frigidair i fomout athr fea ture ot o New Lo Prce E clwfivo Live-Water action producer ro4lra, posrotng cwrenr of Ko, sudiy otr thof oh ctomot deon, throvh ond thfovffh no pwNma or yonliing. Clorhes ore in water olt the tim, no holf-in, hclf Owt. Arvd fh ome live-Water action that washes clothes cle-anor, rinsos tHom fwtce, each tn in rVAi cfoon water. Seo a denootration of lvo-Water OCton Thero noehng oK like it! lokm AWoos of thh Nw Low frkm WttUrn TW Com I SEE THESE OTHER FEATURES, TOO! Clft-e'rf WSar Pvana) aar Kag) (fl sAgeElRae Una NlMtar AmiMf talacS-O OwjI Cfwl Clm Asls in ssi ulr All sni twsisls mmd mtrt ItWl frNt Sha Sap Pwt tt mm' Lavting, luisas fsw wavasi t ammt mm j iiiinc ipfiiiici i nt ritiisitu SALEM OREGON CITY TO 4"''" V"Vt ' rS II. '-'T;- - i.-.K 1111 ..mmAid-r.--'z-- rrti; . c - -f e ccf. IT jriiFN yon Ket rtjjht down to V it. there's just one way to satisfy niirsell that this bold beauty is the car ou'e been earning for. So here's open invitation to come take its wheel and see how neatly, invitingly, it seems to tit our hand. Come put it up against the rough spots and sample for ourself the ride that's reotni.ed as smoother. een, than on highest priced cars. Gome feel the lift in this big Fire ball ale-in-head, high-pressuring fuels iiJto giving up their cry best come sample the super-smoothness of OynafiowT, the only drive in which "oil docs it all." jarless stops come s ing this one around twisting curxes and see its freedom from the top-heavy "feel" so common elsewhere. 0me slam the solid doors, drum on its sturdy top, roll up the win dows and notice the curtain of silence this one dravss over out side noises. A nd please come fresh from tests of olher cars their power, their ride, their steadiness, their room because never does this one show tip so well as under direct oparison. Abo e all, come prepared tn check the valut in this bonny SUHFK. ( 2nie armed with delis ered prices all Ihe details of other "deals." There's no better way to see how smart ou are lo get a firm order in but fast! til' U K atonv ham ait thvnc tvaturv OYNAflOW 0!Vf 'UU-VMW triKM mmtf4 aw wwm WIMVArr ouAoeurux con ihuhghc Ly miiAU irtrfT-fiSHi rowm w tms-Mrrm VlVf UfTHl aiM M-PCM SCO fMOMaf MOUHTI9t Ciwwl-. trnTPOTS Uwmtmmf w mm SAmr.CiOf Um OUaiX aiAajSMS. mmm mmd w.a fWb SOOT Bf PISH ft l i,nr mm ICAASrfS. mm'mt m mtm mm- mm SvffS mtmmlm. c me see how smoothl big soft brakes stroke nu down lo even. Ol m' am 0r-m wm cm QMMJUf. my m : mm V.f f .im i mttor mummSUm art mrnltt mi It m mrUI mmlUm immm Vh' Iwmm tr i rnr C Nit knmm. mm -- OTTO J. WDLSON CO. 388 N. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon