The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    Pro-Red Policy Fight
Berlin Rail Strikers
BERLIN. May 21 -'A'- Ger
nun police in the Ra-nsn sector"
of Berlin fired pito! shots to
night a wtern Berlin railway
strikers tried to seize the Wann
ee elevated tram station at
Theie was tin casualty a
young man scratched on the arm.
The gunfire broke out when
wore of striker tried to snesk
cross darkened railway tracks
and break into the station. lo--cated
in the American sector.
Sporadically communist police
fired additional shot into the
darkness without any effect
Earlier Russian machine gun
ners had been ported aboard
eievated train after hour rf
bloody rio'ing in west Brim
Part Tif the eieva'ed rc?i;mH
operation The C S. sponsored
radio station RIAS aM 500 Ber
liner were hurt.
The hundreds v. ere injures a
Huge Arsenal Explodes
Near Center of Shanghai
By Fred llampaon
SHANGHAI. Sunday. May 22-;P-One cf; Shanghai" biggest ar
terial. only three miles from the downtown dstr:rt blew up with .
roar today and burned fiercely as other f-res sprang up in and around
the besieged metropolis.
Tie explosion wa at the huge Kixngnan arsenal and dockyard or'
the Whangpoo river about three m,!e fiom Shanghai s center
There i more tited thit.kinj:
regarding a Columbia Valley ad
ministration than on almost ay
lsue before the peoiile at t'f,fr:'
Some of it mav be ' rr. e ked . -.
m twisteft thinking d'.'.is''' r ?f
With Hide of the H.r'r'.'HM
Ac urt examnle of ", hat
Thc gard as jxpr
th.t-kirg o" tre
ject i 'he following :rom
Dalle ('hiofif le:
A nioie ! urea', a rP ''" v
e creation of a ( VA by the sa'r
rf Oregon. Wa-htf.gtor. Idaho
and Montana v -. represe: Na
tive from ra h. s'a'e romj.-i -ir.g
the govei bt;ird fv.ti r
lin admin 'Si r .or.
' This a f-ontv cotjd J. r w .
en a bu'ir-es I ke t. ,.-!'. m
ti e I'.S. teaur; .'or ror- i i.ct,..n
of Columbia pro-n'ts. to ie re; ;nd
over a pe- i- ri of years with rrtrr
et." The oiil', cor. ti' ' i ira! maihin
erv initio which sue!; an agency
could be tpt up wou'd be an i'er
State rorrrr.i T'. is exceeciir-.gly
eumbrou. r'--;i:!rtng agreemrr-t cf
the .tate te .-,.n of con
gress. D:- otd rri;ht q-m kly ar ,se
(.moiii the state las it ha unrrer
rt-mpif t
waters of the Colorado river) and
niwnrimf! of 'he compact might
be impossible of attainment It i
difficult to conceive how it would
exercise taxing or bonding pow
er Dependence on tt e fe'icral
gov er irrV-1 for funds soon would
make it a quasi-federal append
age. "But the federal government
cannot and should pot Pun ever
both mnnev ar d authontv tc a
nebfilous interstate agency It
should rot divest ie" of i ep t -sibilitv
for conserving and urng
nutural (ai d national) tesourre.
An irVct 'state CVA ":'.d qi::ck
ly come into conflict w , t h t-e
(Co'-.t .nue.1 on eiirforia' pacr
Yukon Ire Jam
Floods Villaue?
On Arctic (lirrle
FAIRBANKS. Alaska. Mav 21
f API-Air force flier continue!
todav the far north "ba'tle of the
rracked ice "
Bomters and fighter hn bed
Ice floe of Alaska' rui'or rivers
for the third straight dav m an at-
temPt to break up the 'jams that
are bringing floorss and flocic!
threats along the Yuko-i and Kus
kokwim flivs i noked both
big stream in the annual spring
Ice breakup
Fort Yukon, on the Arctic Cir
cle far to the northeast rf here,
remained the hardest hit village
Residents were watching water
recede from the h :rn where
their homes were flooded
A lOih rescue squadron plane
parachuted Red Cross slip?.' res to
the Fort VtrVon name 1. ,e e
terda T'ey were '.ced to spend
a se"or..t
I'V-ked as
-.In ,be able
The arrt'ien sa d
tho'ii-h te v;lUes
to start rru.i a--d p:r
w .iter from their :..-s r
Queen Marx
Answers Call
". London. M . v : c . x
ITtonths a':i tri'.-" t -:
new low -. s ... . n. " -received
for o' I r" !'.'
A i, i y commc i d Mr
Mary A: " gel. S. -t h
tHou-fcht r t'-' re t With
r frige - ". 'do ', ikrd !a-rvc-r-s.v-il.
oev .
"Th y h i-i .' si.i
They i.."e f f. - . M. Tv
Queen Motrer M..i . t t.-it ! ?2.
bri the t . rf'i t '.-i..
Mrs. Stygti hd a -J v.-itcr.
The qticen agreed tnat the apd.'t
Bms weie indeed er rute.
5 000 youiigl communist strike
breaker and Soviet sector rail
way colic battled with the 12.-
C0 ftnkerv and. on occasion,
with westii Berlin's city polite.
The rail1 strike, by 12.000
Berlin workers, paralyzed both
freight movements and the ele
vated passef-ger trains in this
divided city of 3.000.000. Most
ot the strikers are employe of
the .Sovietcontroi!ed elevated
-system. But the walkout of a
few hundred from the freight
yard., also tinder Soviet control
through an old four-power agree
ment, really; staggered the city's
economy i )
The strikers demand their
water be irj west marks instead
cf the Sot let zone east mark;
to pay for itheir food and rem
Fii't mark.1 are worth only t
quarter of west mark and aw
r, t legal currency in west Ber
lin. I ne rHast- shook trie neart rr
Shanghai and echoed across the
i The cause of the explosion was
roi explained. However, fighting
h;, ren Reported in the vicinity
of the ar sri-d. )
F ery type of gunfire boomed
and c h a t;t e r e d throughout the
night. Fires leaped and glowed i"
mr.y direction. Some were od
tank'. Sonne were warehouse'-.
Son- w i t dockyard in the Poo
ti.r:jt r;.trlft, across the Wh.aiififco
e,,t cf Shjingn.-ii.
Tr.e m fp 'distort gv appear -en
to b- Suburban villages.
The reds semed to be pr esurg
ft ir at m;triy pOif,t. on
Shanghai' defense perimeter.
The ('hif t've nationalist garrison
communique nrsfi:r.ffi minor
a t'om. including a drive hv 300
ominuni'ifs on the rower. Pootur.g
r.ffk ares noeftiv across the
W'harcK" fiver from Shargna:.
Young GOP
Protests Firing
Of Tax Men
FCGFrfE, Ore
The Orcirorii i
'Atv: -
reo(r..tirn; tonic"-' p
ci -
mi"? al of i two s
s inner hyr S''re
t.- ci'-rrvis-of
V.:tc Farl
NV'drv ad State Treasiiefr Wal
ter Pearsrj.
In a formal resolution, approved riavy department, becoming secre
after a foiir hour s'sion here, the t31 v or 'h naw in 1944 When
federation sain the Yiiiinr re- congress merged the armed forces
j uh'icans':helie e a pe? son ho!dingn
ptiMir office oecupie a position
of trust nri confidence, and that
appc.intn-rrvt basei on rxditica!
consideration alone are betra.vals
of such dbnfidence "
Ml?; tiv:an McMurtrev. Pot t -land,
pre d' of the federation,
said the fc tion ref'-ned to the
action rt the strt'e officials s
mfinlr of the stte hoard of
control She sa id 'he t esolut ..i
would he; directed to t
e boaru of
Nev lrf. .-; a t p'.'i-Hr. p ,d
IVarst n. a eie-r r r i ,nei :,
vcrmt f-8! rf .iff ice Far' F. ".er
and Waljafc V!-.,r'on. ! o e
prrerif trem.hers of the s'.ite
tax cof(ruf ior The nu-tcr nsii
b--n oppyised bv (inwrri'T Iue
la McKay.: Named to rep'ace 'he
cur-ted cOrrvrr.issioocrs bv N wl.rv
and Peat sen were prfv Srmith.
Portland' gnd Roh-rt M,.cl..4n.
(i. iMrKav Sl;ilrs
Oil 1 1 OO Iv f V H i T
Y gri I'iv Jkr-ilklj
" "rK 1 llr.UIU
A f-vorebie eu'' for - '-grt-sMorifi!
Ol-posi'ion of (in v
engmeefs"; plans for fnlurrna
river basin development vv s rr
ported Situroa by Gov Itiug
lts McKay, on hi return from
Washington. D C McKay tes
tified during the week at a
house cemmittee hearing or. the
plans v
The governor rd irt..!iv
all testrrccir.v at t'.e heari- g was
f.v.raMe to the $ 1 00 umi ooo
progr aui -
Legion s Forty and Eight Follows Up Annual
Spring Wreck at Salem with Initiation for 25
.' a d v c ' ' s f , n -
v nv ':' t- . u ;p
ci f- e ir, f...'ed '"to
'tv ..jjdj F f in and
(r."v .j; j'nr Ame'jCn I. i
k ' a: '.g t : ' annual s
.u"- k here Sa'urda v
r i-S.
( ",....'$' , .ne meml e the
r-". ; ,t .Wi a i.i'R nhi r .'. Urn
- j t it bjf 1 ryr .-, For a- : Fish"
v i ' turr the b; ?i of notw rhy
rent r ibsrtti-s to tb legion They
w c-e formal! v inducted when they
te- th F5i rtv sr.' Fi;ht oath at
. U rn.M! t 6 30
The vy"roc k took p'ace at he Sa
lem rr rj. The ' groi'' t-ra,jred
initistjcii pranks dressed in weird
cttum ji ard pointed in outland- i
j 99th TEAR
2 Sections
WASHINGTON. May 22 James
FrretI. farmer secretary o f
defense, ended his own life here
today, naval authorities announ
ced. Forrestal Ends
Own Life at
Naval Hospital
James Forreul. former seeretary
of defense, took his own life this
morning, n a r a I authorities an
nounced. Rethesda naval hospital, where
Forresta! has rw" under treat
ment for r-.e'vo-j exhaus'ion"
for sr.rr.e w e-Ks. issued the follow -ir.g
"Mr Ja'iios Forresta! took hrs
ow n hfe at the t S Na l hospi
tal: Bethesda. at 2 an- this o.,'e
b rlimbirs out ' tie -. i r. -rl o ,. a d -j.icerit
to h;s roon-r
' R e c e n t 1 y ',r Forresta.! had
sr. (.I j-- prove" T.t
.ht' r'orectal ".v r, s kriC AH d rr
ir g Wor'.o War II a builuer a".d
t.f-5 of the most awesome naw ;'
httorv After victcry had V-ect,
wr n. he hecsip-e head of all the
nat or.'s armed forces a seoretar
of defense
He sfionsred a projjt ,,m of arr--el
forces urifK-a' c as secret i y
of defense He r!' ed recent!.'
and has been replaced by Louis
Forrestal enter-d the rational
scene m '94'! a' U".e i chest of for
mer Presnrerrt Frark!in D Roose
vrl who ap;.M ,nv him a White
HI ." as'ht.ii! lie had been pre-..-.
t of the Ne v Yrrk invest
ment house cf Diihon. Read and
He switched hi talents to the
1947 he neran e the natior.
f:rt secretary of defene
Petitions Block
ax Law
P( 'R l'I .AND M..v 21
e'ererui . ni peti'rvn Pen'
er a'' res apipTeXlv ha
V - A
g 2
hi rw k ed
incorre ,-. r
' ress pr
'd ha
e exa-ed orie-haif
e e- cent
on ;rvtre er'---sd
- e pr ctt-
Anyone Want
To Bu v a Fort ?
ASTORFA. M .. - 2i.iAp..Or
porturir. knocks again, for an -one
who want. To buy an arrr.v
Historic Fort Steven---2.100 ac
res of it tnat i is offered for
vale bv tne War Asets anmrni
tration Farl er the WAA had it
for sa. but the army took it
ha k
There is one possible buver in
Joseph Mill. Portland .hfao of a
h!i r.ilitary academv. He said
he m-ght be interested in the site
jsh, colors
."00 .,v;e'.."S r',,rrt o-
r tpe s?te w -r. ,r. at-i-io":"!
to Gencr-'i
n Jorr 'mo P.-a, .e
e' re g ic of the 't.-rior.
'. i .; e, -s he official
t u res
P.jn- ' r 'he crgania"-on"s state
oc-ve-d n h're m August were
liscuen at rvt;r.i of te
' grard c'ct inc '. t .e state ex
crutsve committee of the Forty and
Figt ?.
Inc implete reports from about
half the vorture in Oregon T the
meeting showed that they h.d
spn! ne-rlT $3,501 on child wel
fare programs.
Members of th Mrion county
mi----i-- "" ww1 ".taanw-m mn,i
ii .i el lm lei n
. s -.. x...
T"e (.;.. T - x m . "v ' a pr
V a'e gl '.P. 'I e.t e peXton t
da v t -e i ' rt n..m oe
the orr ,v e-s '..-- r'
e' mole e'efn-s , e reo,.;rei
The tax 'e o a; ed
mon'r ago hv crtv co-. -1. won
have rw-'-' effct.'e Ju'v 1 T
'tes v
40 Page
Atomic Board Orders Scholars
To Take Non-Communist Oaths
Catholic Action
Keynotes K of C
Meet in Salem
Methods of furthering Catholic
action form the keynote of the an-
nual Knights of Columbus state
convention which had drawn
nearly 300 knights here on open-
mg day Saturday.
Knights opened their prelimi-
nary session at 5 o'clock and fol-
lowed that by a dinner dance at
Mayflower hall.
A state district convention of
the Fourth Degree group, patrio-
tic negree of the Knights of Co-
lurr.bus. took pl-re earlier in the
afternoon at the local council's
Otto Smith of Klamath Falls
wa eiectert as pi.ot of the fourth
degree, succeeding Edw ard J Bell
of Stayton Other off.cers elected
Saturday included R,chard Long,
Oregon Citv. comptroller replac
ing Arther Hawe of Portland, and LeDoux of Mt Angei as
sent -ne! succeeding Dr. Frank
Reilmg of Fugene
Ma.ri business of the session was
taken up w;!h progre repcits of j
the nr. it's fcrojr am of supplying ! Cathol c publications to
libraries in college unri univer- .
si'res in the s'ate Linu Fuller,
four th degree master, presided
over thp sossir r j
Svl'.ester J. of St Paul.'
grrtt -i knrght r.f the order In Ore- ,
ii' a-d pres.r ng officer at the
ma i or .ven'icr;, said he expect
ed the-e !np " to come up for d;-
Mf'nint of rt rr.hattmg tr.e in
f e of communism, setting
a d May ! ;r. Oregon as a Ca'h
olic proeram day, continuing the
o'dor s r.a'ional advertising cam
paign (Story also rn page 2 )
Ford Strike
Parley Fails
DFTROIT. Mav 21 -CAP -Peace
talk failed again today to settle
the 17-day Ford strike.
Fori srd the CIO United Auto
Wo: r set another se-ion for
tomori "v ore day before a
threaten-i bolt cf the negotiations
by the union
The reeest a p,s called after the
com pan v re ected another CAW
pro;, .d s"d ;re union appealed
to 40 'eadrg Michigan citi7on to
hear 'he issues of the strike "ex
pla nd first hand."
CAW President Walter P Feu
ther as feed top con pa nv officials
to .o.r- n r ,nrrs if. the public
a . r : r g T .eso '' .gi t of trouble
some iir .'O .i- o' spoedr.p" rris
pr'p The company turned down
the pr-'pos;. i
Blond to Rule
osaria Court
"I .AND. May
met lade
w a
en ot wo -is tor.rgnt in reign
o-rr the ;:-; i"ortiana Kose leti-
v a 1
She v..- presented the crown.
tog and svmrVK of rovaltv for
the 'e-t.vities 'a ceremony to
r . g ' n the puhhcaud.torium.
She was the of Grant
high school pupil andNs a Haugh-
ter cf Mr.
and Mrs.
Karl L. rWinney, 350 Candlew.
dr. complained to city p'ice Sai
urdav night that his 1934 Plym-v
uh had been stolen from the 3C'fi
blo k of North Front street be-
tween .0 and
p m.
'o ".e who were ir, tinted Satu
o-y irc,'.oet r t van r.scne
ME '
Ronert J.-copsor., Arnoid
son Manor, L-mb and
Po r--r'e- al' of Si!"m. and Har
old fVi;,'rr.,:? cf Mt. Ar.gel
Cher it-ch.ded S F Walters
of Nf'r' "V S Stuart, jr.. of
A'ba-y. Ir-i.e Hardre ard David
M Srri t of Kucenen Harry H.
Owe-.s rf Harry C.
Boyie ar.d Ralph J. Baldwin of
Rseburg. R A McKay, M.J For
. the and J. R Conr.r'r. tr , of
New nerg: t lyac Kudlrten of Berrd : j
Harold E Harden of Lebanon, and ,
Harlan S Krrsyc n. Everett B.
Bur-.s P. L. Dolph. Howard Beebe
R C. Gnscbow. L D Thomas and
i a. irapman ci i orxano.
Orvtyoa Skitesoncmu Salem. Oregon. Sunday. May 22. 1949
TirDDSidl fflttlhi DD
By Edwin A. Haakinson
WASHINGTON'. May 21 Under heavy pressure from con
gress the atomic energy commission today ordered non-communist
oaths for 497 persons certified for AEC fellowships.
They will be required no matter whether the scholar s study is in
a secret or non-secret field.
In modifying its fellowship
insistent demands from law-
makers that no taxpayers' money
' be spent to educate communists or
persons of suspected loyalty.
Senator O'Mahoney (D-Wyo).
chairman of an appropriations I
subcommittee studying the com- i
mission s request for $1,090,000,000 ;
operating funds, had served notice '
he will insist en such a ban in the ;
; bill covering next year's approp- j
riation. I
In another development. O'Ma- j
honey said a 194fi atomic contract
jth the Gene-al Electric com- j
pany for $137,200,000 -now has ;
blossomed out until it amounts to j
$.175,000,000 " He asserted he will i
demand details early next week
of how this came about. j
Tn. investigation of the AEC .
scholarships was started when it .
was disclosed that Hans Freitadt. i
I an acknowledged communist, has
a fellowship to study at the Lni
vers:tv of North Csrolma.
West Meets to
Organize for
Big 4 Talks
Bv Joseph E. Dynan
PARIS. May 21 . ,P. - Warmed by
an easing rf the cold war. the for
eign ministers of Britain, the
Tinted States and France met to
dav to organise a western front
for the Brg Four conference on a
German settlement.
More than four years after the
nai regime disintegrated before
the armed might of Russia and her
western allie. the victors are still
at odd over the political and eco
nomic settlement to be handed the
German people. Instead. eat and
; wet in its own sy ha been try
, irg to win support in the nation
' thev jomtlv defeated.
Their foreign minister will
j meet Mondav in their ixth post
; war conference It will be their
j fourth conference on Germany.
Western diplomats expect, how
ever, that t best only a tempo
1 rary or working agreement can be
1 hammered cut at thi meeting,
j T S Secretary of State Dean
Acheson arrived in Pari thi
; morning on President Truman's
! personal plane, the Independence
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
' Bev in arr-ved yesterdav.
Sov jet Fore gn Mtms'er And;e
' Vihinkv arrived hy plane late
i tociay. and was closeted for three
i minutes with Foreign Minister
: Robert Sohuman of France. Asked
for c mrtifnt r ri the conference he
would only, exclaim, "Later, la'er."
Drinking Driver
( lof f pp. Th a I Is
D ra i rs $'35 Fin p
Drinking even if it only rof-fe--and
driving don't mix. Louis
R German. Kansas City. Mo..
dirovered Saturday after he had
been fined $.15 in municipal court
on a charge of reekle driving.
German told police he was driv-
irg south on Commercial street
He had lust taken sw ig of coffee
from a thermos jug and placed it
uneppe on the seat of his car.
The bottle fell off the seat. Ger
man reached for the bottl'e. the
car swerved into an auto regrster-
ed to F M Ra-ne. 25 S. Com
mm al ' . the Barnes car hit an
other marhire and toppled
parking meter
l orree cinrKing ierman wa
treated for rut. ard then arres'ed
for reckless driving for not hav-
tr.g his car under control at all
EUGKNF. Mav 21 -.-? Some 2.- May. mother-daughter combina
5XShrirVr participated in an all- -on on grand champion and re
day rerenW.ial of Hillah temple. -rve champion trophies in the
Ashland, hetse todav. k) manv were junior division of the second an
present th;.the banquet had to nual Spring Guernsey Cattle show-
be div.ded in r!f. each filling the
emire rooms of Eusene's two mam
fan Francisco
New Yc.-k
U'J."- ;re r.ser 2 1 feet
rOfirrST tlrtim fS weather bu
reau suVart fld. S!m lonsio-
erat e r'cudin today and toei?ht.
iri rL?1'::ir 2!"wU
rear ,2. X.ow tor.rart r.ear " weatrer
fcl;i t, unfavorable for aU farm c-'
t;viii toes:. .
SAi rM iRECtriTTiov
iipt. i i Maj 22
.. . ... .
is MS2i f
Vtw Vw
c t s 07
regulations, the commission gave In
- 1 - :
James Steicart
Engaged to
Former Model
HOLLYWOOD, May 21-c-Ti It s
the end of an era Hollywood's
perennial "most eligible bachelor,"
James Stewart, is engaged.
His fiance, G . ria Hatrick Mc
lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Hatrick of New York. He met her
a year ago.
"I pitched the big question last
night." the lankv actor said today.
"To my surprise she said 'ves ' I'm
happy as a kid " j
Stewart said he proposed after ;
he and Mr. Mclean shared a
quiet dinner in releoration of hi
41st birthday. !
They plan a simple wedding in j
Hollywood in August when Stew- j
art w ii! be free of his acting com- j
Mrs. Mclean, a former Ne w '
York model, was formerly wed to
Fdward B. Mclean. Jr.. son of the
late Washington or;alite. Evel-
lyn Walsh Mclean, owner of the '
Hope diamond Glor'a has two
children by the marriage. i
Her father is a retired executive
of News of the Day and Cosmo
politan productions. r
Spy Probers
Ask Access to
Files or Else
! WASHINGTON". May 21 -7PV A
senate spy investigating group an
nounced subpoenae for govern
ment record todav under a threat
to disclose confidential and
"alarming" information of its own
if the files aren't produced
Senator McCarran D-N'ev ).
chairman of a Judiciary subcom
mittee investigating suhv ersive
ajrens said that two subpoenas
have been Issued instructing t e
state and justice departments to
produce 163 file bearing on the
mv estigation.
McCarran sad these are the
first of "several hundred files
which I shall subsequently de
mand "
If the government record are
n it handed ov er, he said he would
make public hitherto confidential
information in the subcommittee
files "respecting subversive acti
vities wh eh are bemg carried op.
in this country under the active
direction and leader'h p of agents
of foreign governments "It i
high time for a showdown on
whether or not the peop'e -an be
told the facts and I am confident
that when the fact are revealed,
'he American people will insist on
decisive action "
Twenty -three member of the
Oregon Mounted Posse and Gov
ernor's Guard will appear ir, clos
ing shows of the Shrire rodeo in
Portland today. The Salem area
W?'rn pi ecisiomts win srrux
tneir tuff at two nerformanre of
tne show. Gov. Douglas McKay i nanan s onlv comp'amt t that he Waller hall on the catnpus Satiir
lated to appear in the grand entry had to celebrate his hundredth 1 rlsy bv Robert Fenix. financial
Wi,h th rOL,P-
Mother-Daughter Duo Wins Top
Honors at Guernsey Cattle Show
By Lillie TL. Mad-sen
Farm Elitor. T Staemn
In keeping with the month of
n''1 Saturday at the state fair-
grounds, notn animals were mown
by Richard Gilbert of Turner, w ith
the three-year-old winning grand
champion over her daughter, a
senior heifer calf.
In the fitting and show manship of the big events of
the show s and open only to 4-H
and Future Farmer entries. Mar-
vin Jahn of Silverton was first
place winner.
Harold EwaH, of the dairy hus-
bandry division at Oregon Stale
college, judge, delayed the show
' n lour. cominf from standard-:
.. . ...
time Corvallis, to Salem s daylight
saving time. H complimented the
jjunior division in particular upon
! its excellent fitting of the animals
displayed and indicated tnat tneir
'fitting "might influence a judge
' considerably in the ring."
McKay Says Tax
Board Shake-Up
"Closetr Incident j
PORTLAND Mar 21-- (
Gov. Douglas McKay said to
day that the state tax commi
ion shake-up "is closed as far as
I am concerned.
McKay indicated he would
not follow' the suggestion of
Sen. Frank Hilton that he take
legal action, to forestall Ray E.
nd Robert MacLean from
taking office as tax commission
ers. McKay has opposed their ap
pointment, but was outvoted by
the other members of the state
board of control.
4-H Leader for
Salem Under
Organization of 4-H club' w ith- j
in the citv of Salem w ith a full- i
time 4-H chih leader is under I
consideration. Harry L. Riches, j
Marion county extension agent,!
revealed Saturday
St;, te-federal f 'tid for a full-
time leader's salary ate a ailable
now. Riches said, but in oidet
to obtain the leader tie citv l
Salem would have to appror.' iate
funds for clerical help and office
supplies. Final oonside atien will
come before the citv cooncil
shortly. Riches he'ieved.
Riches Turned a his pooring
committee for the pioie t Cent
Vandenevnrie. chair man; Ted
M err ford' Guy llnkok. F Pin)
Miller. Ted Chambe;.-. David
Fyie and William Phillips
Pert land 1 the only city n
Orct'on which, now ha. 1'' cvi
4-H prnieds Ir. Portland 4-H
club work has been o elating
I uc( ssfuiivi for 30 jcats. when
Portland got it first et t sjon
4-H club agent The w oik of (hi.-;
agent Is cofifined within the city
limits and; the 4-H leaders of
Portland have their own organi
zation. Both work in close o
operntion with the Multnomah
countv set-lip outside of the city.
Outstanding projects in Port-
land have: beer, home Grounds
beautififatioti. rne and flower,
rabbits, poultry, wood wot kin.?.
foresti v. camp cooking, arid v etc-
table garriemng
Riche pointed out that within
the city limits r.f Salem there are
more than T.fttMl bov sr d gulsi""' w ' .' . . . f
of 4-H club age He estimated1 that
a full-time woi ker ran have f 1 om
1.000 to 1.200 bo and girh en
rolled in Salem within a year
Fire Quelled
At Lumber Mill
Firemen were ca'led '1 the
Capitol Lumber Co . 286i N 'ber
ry ave. about S p m Saturday to
quell an uney p'ained blaze in a
wood bin
The woodbin. located r:e..r the
cer ter of the sprawling en" panv
yard, catches sawdut an. I end
sl.dis from a conveyor beit Fire
men said the sawdust ar .1 slabs
were wet and it was difficult to
understand how the fire started.'
Damage was con. fined to ti e bin.
which was charred consiof 1 able
on the interior.
( KNTRALIA. Wah . Mav 20
i4'. Wilbur S. Ward wa feeling
pretty g(K"Kl today, despite his HX)
years and .meumnnia. The renten-
birthday in bed.
Peopping Brothers of Mt. An
gel showed the grand champion
bull of the show. Commander of
Pep's Acre, a two year old.
Frank Meiers of Oregon City had
the reserve champion In the
male ria.'se. vwiiiam r inn oi i . ;
Paul had the senior and grand)
champion cow. the six-year-old!
Mirthful' Queenie. Reserve cham
pion female was shown by Letter
Erb of Albanv.
Elmer Meadows, western field
man for the Guernsey breed, was
master of ceremonies. Assisting t
were Ben Newell. Marion county i
extension agent and secretary of.
the Marion-Polk Counties Guern-!
gey Breeders a50ciation; Jchnj
Hanson. Polk county extension;
agent: Don Walrod. Clackamas
county extension agent: and club
leaders, Robert Ohling of Polk
countv: Joe Mever cf Linn; An-
thol Riney of Marion .state 4-H
club leader. Calvin Monroe. Gene
Foreman, FFA director at Albany,
and Ted Hobart of the United
States National Bank.
Lunch was served tnrougnom
the day 'by Rickey Garden club.
(Additional details n page i)
7-Da vs-a-MTeek
That's the new- CQMrUTI'
sthediile of The Oretal States-;
mml (The business office is c pe 1
from 1 to 6 p m. Sundaj , f :30 to j
6 f tn. week dy). j I
Price 10c
No. ft
- aft
250 Hurt
By tht Ac te-'t Tt"-)1
Tornaiioes tossed death and ne!
sttuction at the midwest Satur-,
day night, killing at leaft 29 per
sons and in juring more j than Sfifl,
The death count w a expeeHdl
to rise when communications Hi
the shattered aie arej testoiedL!
The twiters struck 4t IUine.,
Indiana. Missouit and Idwa. Thf
dr.m-ged home and iairplanv
uprrKted tree, toppled gt axe
stone cut power l;r.e- smasNdl
windows and cuppled wfctef
supt ! es. ' i - '
The dead Included at least It
in the Cane Girardeau. .Mo., ia
at least four at Shelburn. IrxlJ
although state po'i e repotted ii
to I? dead; two a Terre Unite,
Inn ; four near P-ile-Mme, 111-
four in (he Wool Rp er; 111. aita, "
and one at Ola ksviHe, Mo. 5
Mint Injured j
From I iO to 221 persons wfrt
innired at Cape G'.,rde;ui. fu.rn
60 lo 100 psM'so--.- at Shelburn,. 4J
more near Wool Ho er. three rif
Pale-tine, and '. -n Witt Sprmg-
Kv wl.eie a 'o' ndo-type M( im
! It h t-.v o-rrulc-lirrg p,ith cf re-
stl in t.on. J
Tre Indiana tvi;ter whirt1
across the p.i ter t so-:foj- .if Trr
Hr.ute and the-. -Inirk at ShU
burr to the .' ', t
It lev elec' .'"'i'" home in 1 r
( ti eri of SeU
j r v o to oi''-J
i' n. ; State 1
that 1? to 1$
trcn had !.. i killed, airi tj
had no dot !. f
Casualties Mount
Farlv 1.0 t e f, pirg M rr"
ici. f-orti S:io'h ; n yore hirirji.
in 10 nearn.v "-"iMr an nopii,.i.
A rur e siid ra-s'nities wi
"fi'lini; the h i-'s ar.-i harmt rt
The tvvistei- 'ifk lllirni
fre.m both side. One hit riej.f
P;.letine. U-t a !' the IlliOi
Indiana line :lrH anot'icr skirMtl
across the Mi-"i!p,pi liver fr.m
the west and stu k inn; the vicin
ity of Alton, Wood River nd
Hertford j
Hamate High i
The Red Cro e'iniafed darrt
age In the trria! ,'irri, north of
Palestine at from sTVOO') to $((),.-
The tornado knocked out
water cornpanv's r(r r'1"
Mtvine the to .ti of; Robins ft,
Oblong and Pale tine , With r r ly
a i-nour suppiv ir i water t
' maining. reside;, t wre 111 gen" ty
men in loud- pecker! trucks t
The new tor t.adoe--.. followed I f
a dav a so-i of fvifisteis di d
windstoim whi.h took eittil
liven Friday n;gh Oklahoma w aa
hardest hit h r' tornadoes )
churned scatteied communities m
Ctilorado Kar. a- and, Nebr&t ka'
Friday nrght. An i-;oIa;ted twister
whi.'tled thiougn two small Tert
neee towns.
Heavy rains si.fced the mittn
Irxahties and fldi .welled fit
of rhoked sfeami in, a w id n-
irif i.rc.1, I
Five of the ch'i resulted fim
the wind Thi re pofsons tr
ritevvned in flood wa'ers.
Jason Lee's
Tombstone on
WV Campus
A tombstone from the gra 4
.Tj.srn Lee turned upiat Willam
ette university Saturday mornirg
and city police are parching In
thf strong armed vandals wl
removed it frrm its pot In tl
Lee MLsijon cemetery.
The 400-pound tombstone frM against fa tree r-it
vice president of thf schorl. 1 11
took four men to load the fiv
foot stone on a truck; to movejM
to a place of safe keeping. j
Caretakers at 'he cemetery re
ported that the stone; was broke
off ard removed from the .!
Lee lot some time between S jT i.M.
Fridav and V a m. Saturday. Fe
lice discovered sev eral! large trarha;
in the lot. but the Vandals t,md
partially scrat. bed teout. f.
University Presidetn. Her
bert Smith said he did not believa
anvor.e connected with the rchcl
; had anything to do VWth th vm
fe-jrfalism. j f
Western International
A Salem , WenaVie 4
ron(l same f',,5i-ef , rr)
At Vancouver -'. Virto' 9-5
A' SXrie . - Yltrn
At Bre-nerton 1. Trimi
Coast Iarae
At tr-!and 2 riaf.'ac-l
At San Frar.r!ri J'. fn Df i
A' Is Aig':lc 4. 4trainn!o t
At Wa!tl J. Hollywood 4
National Learae
t Iyinji. , B"i!Vf 1$
At. PiMbwg 2 B'm'nn
At Chicago I, f. il-!'inu 9 '
At CincinnU-.N'. Yflrk, rain
American lens
At New Ycrlc 4 CM- S
At fVwton . OeveUrd
At PMIadelprriS 15. tVtro.t 1
At Waaluiigtoo 7. St. Loois I
I - ,
I : ;
' 1 " ' j
L&f Six r7i7nrr71' 1