1 The Slat men. Salem. Oregon. Thurciqy. &tay 19. Hit Senators Win -Second Game, Take Twin Bill A three-run hom run in th fifth inning by Mel Wasley. Wee Jimmy Foster's effective pitching end four Spokane error joined forces in the second game of last niht' doubleheader at Water field to give the Salem Senators an 4 victory and a sweep ot the duet. The Solons won lh openr 2-1 frietails in today's spot ti section ). Th? win were Sa'.em's fif teenth and sixteenth of the wan ani strengthened the Senators b i t overtake the Western Ir terration&l league leading Yak Imi fijb Foi-ter's w:n. a seven bitt-r. was his third of the season Kir Spokane pitrhers. three of th"Ti r armed by the four mi uei. faced Manager P. I! Beard's cr? S'arter Orrin B&Ker. a f r-fn-r ("cunt Jeairuer with Is An il.4. Aaj the !(ir. Wasley txn r-jr, 'am off Southpaw Iee )i-i:d Iirr Earton. former ;rtldfid Beaver first baseman Kit a riomer for Spokane with no cxi- m base in the sixth. The tw homers were the first of the WIL ea.son in Waters field In tonight's final game of the Sp"k?-Sa!em series starting at ' t:3- o' !o k in order to allow tht j l i those hjjprd. 25Q.GOO Douglas Ir.riizn.' a chance to catch ! fir trees. TpO.OOU Noble fir seed a plj .e Bus Sporer Wl'l he on j lings and lt).0Mi white and Nor- th-? rri'iund fr Saiern. against Vti k lit cp cf Spokane EHOA BHOA D r 1 3 i .V P1rn 3 X 1 l -v 34 . BPtrm 1 I I t T . i a o 'f?e. ' I a i P l,i. 3 4 1 S 0Wlv 1 X S fit i S I I o Cherry rn J 1 0 f.., . 4 t 4 JKfy-i: . 4 I a I'n'K ( 3 1 I n nt- S I S V.m 2 4 ! ? 5 WrrV 1 1 S S B- p : r 'o;i.a I Ct i. t o t o r - sees Km 1 p C 6 r ( ... xx lies p 6 i , ii ;4 - S4 7o-.i ii in i K Ri'iff for Eitr In Srh us i'.ctrtl fi- Heard In 7th in Kl rci Icr Kii-.teall in lh g . r I'm u 1 JOO 4 7 4 gal. . fM :."NJ f?' S 1 IIM IP AH H R EK SO Bil 4 14 3 3 I 2 I .1 I J J J 3 3 M 1 3 0 0 1 0 3 2 S I 1 34 7 4 4 u;t-. - '' .. . t 1 " .-'i V. " " W, I o;tt - '' IJ'll 'A i.s I ll ! j - K trfn W. B"ri 2 Hvwne Tl.:r-br lilt batted in Rhti Bart n. ("aiver 2. i c r t f i c r Oi lH. f li-r. tr lnt' p to ErUwi V a - ! . n e Si A ttr-ttd Alice Te p-ri'..t o'aijt. Arachi hy Liated in La.t.n An.er.ia. i Mat. Daily From 1 p. m. NOW SNOWINGI ons :4s r. NOW! l Ca-Featnre! Joan Blond If eland Young nOffW MTUtNS- Saw! Opens f:4S P. M. Jannay Welsaaaller Tnmn t, MormaiJs" -o- Fibber MrCee A Mally -HEAVENLY DAYS" i I SUrn Tonight! I SI Marts At Duk 1 Alan ladd If j I Been da Marshall U I I In Color Ml I hiperin( Smith" I l I HeMier HukhsU I j I I "Aiiinm SkMiuc" II III ("lor CarWn III LATE NEWS I nMpagf2piasMavssjsjSaKa Sbsw2sjbsjpbW' assjr 'k CO-TE ATI' RE I lurMiran ri i Back AHjr Commission Approves Highway!! Improvement Among ether projects approved were three Salem -Silverton high way im prov emen ts aggregating 1425.000. These call for asphalt concrete surfacing, for a Pudding river bridge and an overpass. Also on the list are a $80,000 bridge over the Little Luckiamute on Kings valiey highway in Polk county, a $320,000 resurfacing of McMinnville area highway and a $125,000 six-mile stretch of as phalt ic concrete in Sweet Horns area. Private Forest Lands Planted With Seedlings PORTI.ANf. -(S;cial- More than 12.000; cres of non-stocked private forest lands of western Washington; and Oregon were planted w ith inursery-grovw n seed lings from- ; November through mid-May irv ihe largest reforesta tion project in the region's history, according tcj N. E. Bjorkiund. for ester in charge of the Forest In dustries Tree; nursery at Nisqually. The unique tree nursery shipped 6.735.000 year-old baby trees, Bjorkiund said, largest in its sev en- years of operation. In addition way spruce, will be carried over to j make t o- tar-oJd stock. j The state of Oregon planted 680 acres of private forest bnd with 375.000 seedlings and farmers and mall !and owneis p.'anted 130 a -res with TO.OOO trees In addition more than 325. OH) tree were given ti small owners by the ( rown 7.ellerbach i jcorporation. Weyer haeuser Timber company and West Coast I-umaet men's associa tion. ' s Stores Plan Fall Opening S?!em merchants are planning a 'fail opening" event similar to the recent spring opening, it was re ported to the Salem Chamber of! Commer ie - ; txjard of direr-tors! Wednej-day : niht bv Jmes R. Beard. RetallTrade bureau chair- man. I Beard said possibility of another ' "treasure hunt" featuie is doubt-j fui because jof a recent ruling by) Di-.trict Attorney E O Stadter oo, lotteiies. In Jthe recent event mer-1 ""u "" According to the complaint chants gavel out tickets and later dvnht vin tim contingent iny VanVleck was operating a ported priz merihnndie in their ! today. It was Molalla's second car owned by Roy VanVleck when windows of. ring niimbers to cor- ! try. Completely encircled by day-! it struck the plaintiff causing her respond with some of the tickets, i light saving zones, Mololla voted to be hospitalized with a broken Other plans brought befoie the I to return to that time. The town I collarbone and other injuries The board are ftr summertime lunch- , had tried out daylight saving complaint had sought $5,568 darn eons for new members of the earlier, when Portland did. but ages. chamber and for a chamber visi- reverted to standard within a tation to coast communities June V. ' STARTS ME, $rhg, fo see tfaffopfiy. fjisncif, run-ioinnj mustcsf " Keep Ywur Lye On I1m (rvea. f ellaws: ln4 MAJOR HIT! 1 jF I r 1 A (A I 1 -lain, it t . . at ci-aMil k !. i.. rs fau . 7 ttn CV mmm . - J : if- 4 ' v Several evaeate4 patieaU frwaa Fairvlew ha me awapitaJ sit steaa mt baiJatia stearby md wateh aa bawpttal la iwesi by flaaaea WeSlaewiay aftersMa. Tweaty-flre fwUeass, aoaae MrgieaJ caaea. were aU re moved from the building an harmed wkea tave bias brake aat. (Staler man photo ) Speeht Sisters Ton Twirlers g JEFKERSON. Mav 18 Three Speeht sisters twirled their way to top honors in the annual Jef ferson majorette contest here to night. Xatherine Specht won woo first place medal in the high school division and sisters Nina and Phyllis Specht, respectively, first and second in the junior division. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs' Paul Specht. Talbot road. Nancy Beat was sevond in tha senior division. Besides 11 contestants, two visiting majorettes performed ex hibition twirling. Mary Jane Wait of Rickreail 5th grade and Jean Carroll of Salem high school. aiusic was or mt mgn wk'vi band Contest judges were Wa 1 -r ljrr!y VanVleck, 1865 N. Commer Weathers of Eugene and Raymond s . h . Marion munlr cireuit Carl of Salem. JOIN DAYLIGHT TIME OREGON CITY. May II -OP) ,t.. . . .t,. week TODAY! M-G-ftTs rtaslnc apfOJfiout, COlOt t TECHNICOLOR spree-for -afl! U esiiier mum GfXE KElEi BETH' GLiKRETT EDH.ARD -XOLD AUtS MUNSMIN EXTKAI Bugs Bunny Rides Again" Wimer Nws Spectators and Participants in Hospital Fire r. : i v. m , .... m tM .4 gCtah. w . -UHV Ass ..- - , -ft, r It . i r- Navv Air Reservists Hear Unification Talk Com. Carl Cover, of Salem, former naval intelligence officer, addressed volunteer aviation unit 13-7 at the naval training center Wednesday evening on the organ ization of the navy department, with emphasis on change brought about by unification of the armed forces. Commander Cover's lecture was followed by navigation instruction by Leut. Com. M. R. Thompson of Monmouth. Aecident Suit Given Plaintiff Ma sine Bonewell. 1230 S. Lib- i erty st . Wednesday was awarded . i ii ;... o,. court jury. The suit resulted from an accident June 12. 194S in which the plaintiff was struck by a car while crossing South Liberty street Rollin; Ia) Hurts IMan, Smashes Car LEBANON. May 18 A 25-foot log which roiled off a truck here today at a downtown intersectio did a lot of damage. The log. measuring g feet through at one end. slipped off the trailer of the log truck o CJlen Riddle. Sweet Home, when Kiddle made a turn. It snapfied an electric power pole and then crashed into a pass ing car driven by Albert Gtohe of Leoanoii The car was demolished and Grohe was taken to the local hospital with minor injuries. ANOTHER ROOSEVELT SACRAMENTO. Calif, May IS -i .-P' -Articles of mcoi pot atiun for "Jtm Ru.isevelt fur Governor Iru' " were 'cfTei ed for filing to djv. v ith the secretary of state. if M a 1 S'ERRA AU0.1T B0CAI RIGHT NOW! Nw Shewing Oaesi :43 "Body And Sonl" With Jaha Garfield. Lilll Palmer Ilatel Brooks. Ann Revere ALSO Hapaleng Caaaidy ia "U71LXPLCTED GUEST" Theatre WOODBL RN. ORE. Tadsy. FrL. sUi. "Fesssnn. Fsm rigbsta' WUb D. O Marjerie XCahs - And -"styes af Texas'" With Roy Racers baspital TTrdnr adiy. geta axygesi treataaeat fram first aid man. On the groawd la Ted Cnp. Giving aid Is Capt. Arttinr Bloom, drtver ef first aid car. Cnpn reeavered later in Salem Memorial hospital. (SUteaaaan phele) Sewage Problem Discussed bv 100 Municipal Officers Nearly 100 city officials of Sa lem and communities of this area discussed sewage disposal and other municipal problems Wed nesday night after a Senator hotel dinner under auspices of the League of Oregon Cities. Mayors and other officers from mora than a dozen mid -valley cities were present. A summary of new state legislation affecting cities was given by Dean Seeger, a league official. Nearly all communities report ed some steps being taken toward modern sewage disposal, and aU indicated that the heavy burden of financing such projects is major drawback. Communists Press Attacks on Shanghai SHANGHAI, Thursday, May It -TV-Communist forces pressed their "back door attack on Shan ghai through Pootung today. Tha situation along the Whang poo river artery to tha aea was not clear. Tha reds were continuing their night-long jabs in tha vicinity of Tungkow. almost at tha east bank of tha river about eight miles down-river from tha heart of Shanghai. General 8.1 cn. fi. II Lzl V7 w rULJ rrv jvjv jliii 259C9 Was Model IIC6-F 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator How I 1 irrvr by ssasii while fighting blase at Fairvlew home FAIRVIEW BOY MISSINQ Salem city police still had no report early this morning on Norvel Tufit. 16, reported missing from Fairview home Tuesday US1I.. ' . .V. sen bed aa being feet tall and t . wetgning two pounos. nm was wearing troupers. a blue jumper New Rumors Hint Harrv Dormaii as at IVIeKav Secretary SpeculaUon that Harry Dornun of Portland may soon become prl - vate secretary to Gov. Douglas McKay was heightened Wednes- day when it became known that Dornun is house-hunting in Sa- lem. Dornun, who managed McKay's primary and general election cam paigns last year, has been on the state payroll as an administrative assistant in recent months. Alene Phillips Is now serving both as private secretary and cler ical staff chief for the governor. HISTORIAN DIES SOUTHPORT. Conn , May IS (AP) James Truslow Adams, 70,! noted Americsn historian, died to- j night at his home. The historian, j winner fthe Pulitzer prize in his- ) tory.nas been In ill health lor aev- i eral weeks. Electric SLUSiES PISCES 1949 I'lODEL Model IIB8-F Shown Here HOU. i75 All little dosxt ca FUJKCvJ i Tate 2A E-HoBilas 0 gay Grvallis Lass To Reign Over Lebanon Fair LEBANON. May 1$ -(Special) Blonde Charlotte Pease. Corvallis high school senior, was selected tonight to rule as queen over the Lebanon strawberry festival next June. The ha2el-eyed. 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pease was chosen by judges nt the Queen's ball tonight at the Cottonwoods dance pavillion. She was picked from among ix other princesses including Mary Ann Turner. Lebanon; Marvis Peter- Willamette valley gram, how sen, Albany; Joanne Sefert. Scw;!fver. looked -fine". Good seta of Joy Kilgore. Brownsville: Norma ' pears, prunes, and cherries werS Latimer, Sweet Home, and Janet reported throughout tha valley. Corbitt. Halsey. The weather bureau saijl that des Queen Charlotte wsls queen of the Corvallis high school M.iy day progratn. Her hobbies are dancinff and swimming. She wa born in Albanv. Nov. 10. 1930 and moved to Corvallis in 1942. She is 5 feet. 5 inches tall and weighs 110 pounds. She will be crowned at 10 anv on the festival's opening day. .Tune 3. will lead the grand par.i1e at 11 a.m. and at noon will cut the 5,000 pound strawberry short cake. She and her court will be present at all functions of the festival which ends June 4. . j Y's Men Sponsor - Ifket Sale C.OllteSt Ticket sales on the Salem Sen ators vs. Vancouver baseball game . I 1 I I I . . T" . J iw in soonaored bv the Y s men club ' v.r i Tha club Is offering awards to (youths who sell a certain number , of tickets and a summer camp! scholarship to tha boy or girl who! , turns in the most money from ' J ticket sales. I Ti-kt irt availahla from Roth ' I HolU at the local YMCA. BRAZIL CHIEF ARRIVES . WASHINGTON. May !-.- I j President Eurico Caspar LKita of j Brazil arrived heer today for a j state vUit and President Truman ' burst Into song in his honor. A Baseball Tonighl Salem Senators Vs. Spokane Indians 7:30 P. II. Model WATER'S FIELD I aeaiOOfl II - . M . H! tMS rartlaad R4. "70n Vv rh. X-S441 J Phono 3-4647 . S-mammmmmLZmi 1 Zr flrt J-?im 1 1 Combination Home Freezer and Refrigerator Now Only Slashed On 1949 Ilodels! a tig till DTTtlJICE COe ... . ' Clear Weather Spurs Western Oregon Crops PORTLAND, May 18-trP)-Th clear weather has spurred crops in the Willamette valley, but en dangered wheat in other Oregon areas, the weather bureau report e4 today. $ The weekly crop-weather aur vey said Columbia basin and south-central Oregon wheat must aaluonml rain wan mow whf re near, "P? cnP ' reahred. Should this rain be da yJ much longer, much of the. .spring wheat will be l?st entira I vm 1105,1 aamage a good straw herry crop appear likej.r. . lOlN'GSTER DROWNS NEWPORT. May 18j-,P-Lynn Eugene Wright. 5-ear-ld son at Charles E. Wright, drowned intha Yaquina river last nigljt. A oro- ,h'r fouf,d the lat?r- ! 2-Day Aaafenr May 21 ani 22 Show Starts 1:30 TUnHEQ TBAIL-niDEnS Grounds li Mile S. W. mt Trr Adults I N (Ind, Tax) Childress SOa (I act. Tax) Tasty. Tanfjy Ocoaa Freavh CRAB Cocktail At Yar Favarlt Tat em Try One Teday &WM 1IH8-F i75 -a LEHIIAirS sJJ kU xi-U a