The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Fete Matrons
'At Party
Mn Edwin L. McEwen will pre
eide at a one o'clock luncheon this
afternoon at her horn on North
lUh street for the pleaaure of
Mrs. Robert K. Powell and Mrs.
John Taylor.
Bridge will be in play follow
ing the luncheon hour. Arrange
ments of spring flowers will pro
vde the decorative note with a
blue and pink color scheme used
In the appointmenti. A shower
v ill fete the matron during the
Cover will be placed for Mrs.
Pobert Powell, Mrs. John Taylor,
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, Mrs. An
drew Haltorson. Mrs. Kenneth
Gallagher, Mrs. Bingham Powell
of Lebanon, Mrs. Wayne Dobaon.
Mr. Ralph Gordon. Mrs Hugh
Morrow, Mr C. RonaiJ Hud
kins. Mrs. Lew. is Mayers. Mr. Ro
land Nohlgren and Mrs McEwen.
District Officer to
Visit Auxiliary
. Mrs. Robert K reason, district 1
president, has accepted the Invi
tation to vUit Kingwood
iry 81 American Legion at their
rular meeting Thursday night.
May 19, at tie Legion home on
Parkway drive.
Mrs. Guy Hastings has en-
nunced that final plans for the
annual Poppy day sale w4ll be
made. Mrs. Robert Dickson and
Mr. C. H Boyd, jr wUl serve
refreshments to the Legion post
;id auxiliary after the meeting
7 ppW
So much f the grace f year flgare depends on knowing hew te
mini yeur arm, neres now;
When she thinks all eye are
on her. afrr.oyt any girl or woman
hu a tencrncy to disintegrate
tnii parts. And then she has a
hard time determining jut what
t do with any of the parts'
A numoer of young models
fut learning their buiinast ron
fe their concern over their
aims. " They tell me that they
ut don't know what to do with
them. That's a terrible state of
i fairs, since arms can be one
of woman s special grace. And
unit they are something every
HTun has It behooves every
woman to make sure that they
re a grace.
Do your elbows always aeem
to he the pointed end of sharp
ncle" Do your arms always
move in jerky, disjointed ges
tuies' Do you think of your arms
a couple of sticks that Just
connect your hands to your
shoulders and allow you to move
them around? Would you like to
those jerky movements,
pxnt and sticks blend them
selves into fluid, rounded lines of
itiaee and easy motln
The First Secret
If so. this is for you the Pow
n Girls M ay:
The fir! secret he in man
aging your arms so th.t they
always look as though they really
rl belonp to you and are part of
ur bodv Ton often arm look
like grotesque, dangling append-
es that have recently been
tkcd en loosely by a careless
Keep your arms close to your
body when you are standing. Put
one arm slightly in front of your
Teraerrew:- Keeping la "nsedel"
iCopyrisht 1B4S by
Announcement . I .
Srlrctions of Compartment! (Cryptt and
Niches) now being mad in New Addition to
i I
Mt. Crest Abbey
(Now Completed)
For Appointment Please Call
3-5181 or
Lloyd T.
Uanagee (
Salem Mausoleum as Crematoria
Poppies Discussed
Mrs. Marvin Milter. Buddy Pop
py chairman for Marion auvillary
Veterans) of! foreign Wars and
Mrs. Joe Hopkins chairman for
Meadowlark auviliary wiH meet
with their committee at the bom
of Mrs. Leon Hensen. 180 East
Miller street tonight to complete
arrangement for the sale May 27
and 28. jj
I jj
Mrs. Ralph Mercer
County Unit Head
' if
were elect ea at mi meeting oi me
Marion County Home Extension
committee which ijwas held Mon
day at the home of Mrs. I. G
Lermon in Salem. Mrs. Ralph
Mercer of the Four Corners ex
tension unit was; elected chair
man. She served 4s vice chairman
the past year. Mrs. Roland Seeger
of the Liberty-Salem Heights unit
was chosen as vice chairman Mrs.
I. G. Lermon of : Lansing Neigh
bors extension unit was reelected
secretary and Mrs. R- K. Chitten
den of the Roberta unit was re
elected treasurer.!!
Other business taken up at this
meeting included plans for mem
bers of the committee to attend
state council meeting June 1 and 2
at Oregon State college. All mem
bers of the Marion county home
extension committee plan to at
tend. ' jj
Monday's meeting was presided
over by Mrs. frank Way, chair
man. Other committee members
present were: Mrs. Ralph Mercer,
Mrs. R. E. Chittinden. Mrs. Roy
Kuns, Mrs. Roland Seeger, Mrs.
E. A. Beugil. Miss Eleanor Trin
dle and Mrs. I. Q. Lermon.
body. Rest it fm your hip bone.
Relax your eltyiow and turn your
hand so that the thumb side is
outward and your little finger
touches your dress. Place the
other arm slightly behind you
and touching your body. You'll
notice immediately how much
softer the contour of your arms
appears how related they seem
to the rest of you!
Cea trailing the Swiag
Of course, when you're walk
ing your arms swing in rhythm
with your body. Just be sure
they don't swing too far It will
Sve yoU an uncharming ma scu
te look. Allow your arms to
awing only as far as the length
of your step. Your step must be
the length of j your foot. That's
an easy rule. Isn't it?
Now if you wonder where your
arms should be when you are
seated, the problem Is easily
solved. Simply place your hands
together in ypur lap the back
of one hand pn your thigh and
the back of tHf other hand in the
other palm. Njw that your palms
are turned ug, relax your fin
gers so; that jthey curl slightly.
Keep a little space between your
body and youB elbows to let your
waist appear jslim.
inese natural positions are
easy on; youriarms
other's eye t4o.
easy on
P S. 1 P.
Individual rutd to beet color for
rou. and what icoJora to irotd In-
riuoes rive wooSen awatchea of per
feet colors for your color trpe. Givi
color of : fVM :akifi ttmir mfium
dark) ahd hatd onfinii color tr
SraT i. Send 10c in coin to cover coat
and stamped. :gaelf-addraed. buat-
nes-wre retunf envelope. Write to
John Robert Powers la care oa thi
John Y DilJe Co
Festival Will
Be Tonight
Approximately five hundred
Parrtsh students will participate
in the annual Music Festival to
be given tonight at 8 o'clock in
the senior high school auditorium.
Conductors for the festival are
Miss Gretchen Kreamer. 9th grade
choral groups; Miss Madalenc
Suko. seventh and eighth grade
choral groups, and Carl Thelen,
bend and orchestra.
In regional contest this month
ahe Parrish "A" band and ninth
grade choral groups received
-superior ratings." Also featured
will be the beginning and ad
vanced majorettes.
The program includes:
W Thank Thue Lord Bortntanskr
BWautlful Savior 14 Century humm
Pilgrim Bone TacHaikow7
Mixed Cnerua
Petit Bouree Pro
Marrr Widow Wan Lehar
Norwegian Suit , Hansen
SI? Little One HaoCarthy
When Morn Cornea Forth Tarbaikowskjr
Seventh Grade Cborus
Marry Peper Buchtal
RnjrOun Haacal .. Buchtel
-T Rand
Cahn As the Nlgbt Bohm
Three iJttla Kitten !
Eishth Grade Chorua j
Anna Mao Louchenour-Aeeompanist
Garden of flower - - Denia
Mixed Oiee .
richtinf Irish Grist j
Beginning Majorette
Golden Glow Overture Johnion ;
Three Trombonlat Johnon
Soloists-Brenner, Doughton. Parke
Acea of the Air Brocton
Advaneed Majorette
"A" Band
Alleluia .. - Mauri
Waters Ripple and Flow
Czecho-Slovae Polk Son
Jauntin to the Fair . ... Pottle
Girl Choir
(Unio Sin( ... Homer
Gypay Sons Schumann
Mixed Chorua
March of the Torgana Van Buakick
"A" Band
Don Worden Will
Present Pupils
Don Worden will present his
piano pupils in recital Thursday
night. May 19 at the North Sum
mer street studio of Prof. T. S.
Roberts at 8:13 o'clock.
Guest artists appearing on the
program will be Margaret Raw
lins, violinist: Mr. Robert Schroe
der. accompanist: Donna Satter.
soloist, pupil of Mis Lena Belle
Tartar; and Beverly Gustafson.
Students participating will be
Floyd Stroh. Clarence Stroh. Ar
lene Stroh. Monty Perry, Jimmy
Perry. Delight Nagel, Gloria Gor
don. Harry Mulford and Sharon
Tourney Winners
Are Announced
Winners of a special Howell
movement contract bridge tourna
ment at the Elks club Monday
: night were Mrs. Lenore Park and
Mrs. Edward Roth. Others who
placed were Ellis H. Jones and
Mrs L. W. Frasier of Albany,
William F. Leery and Mrs. Harry
Wiedmer, Mr. Frasier and John
Pugh of Brownsville, Col. Phillip
M. Allison and Mrs. Paul F. Bur
ns. Walter Cline and Mrs. John
The Elks club open pair cham
pionship play will open Wednes
day night. May 18. with the sec
ond and concluding session sched
uled for May 23.
On Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. When a person a rives at a
home for a call, and finds that
the person he has come to see is
just leaving, but he is invited to
come in. what should he do?
A. Go in and sit down for about
five minutes, then leave. But do
not fidget during those five min
utes. Be poised and natural.
Q How long should a bride wait
before refurning first calls?
A. Usually about two weeks.
Q. Are silver platters of fruit
appropriate centerpieces for most
A. Yes. these are always appropriate.
"3. L2ioZT
f. l lames
WSO ec First asefhedJe cfaureh meet
a C&rrier Boom. 1S:4S a-m Hinrheoa
at aoea, aeecraea at 114 pjsw
Sal ira Writer guild. tj wtth Mr.
Blanch Jan a. M South Church
Centralis temple, Fythiaa StoUrs.
meet at atP haO, S m.
Oreoi Grape Canp, Koyal Neigh
hors of America meet at VTW hau.
' Sweet Briar dub wtth Mr. HubbeQ
A Toons. Orchard Height reed. S a.
Eaciea Social riub meet at hall. XII
H High t, t p -m.
SaJem chapter. OCS. aecial afternoon
etub. no-host hiitebeon. Maeoalc tern
noon luncheon.
Hayeavtlle Woman club meet with
Mrs. Geors Stnrrut, Portland High
way. 11 luncheon.
Salem Council of wcmaa'i orfanixa
tiona. chamber ot commerce, t P m-
Lion auxiliary. Golden Pheeaant. 1
p.m. lunch on.
Fidelia claa. First Baptist church,
with Mn. Bessie Julius. US N. ltb
ft J pjn.
Voung Matron club meet at YWCA.
Pruicle PteaMnt Point Social club
wtth Mr. K. S. Coatee. lMt State
noon lunchceon.
Barbara Frietehie tent. Daughter of
Union Veteran meet at Salem Woman
club. J p m.
Siena Chi Mother meet at chapter
house on Willamette campus, a pro
Clear Lake Horn Extension unit
with Mr. Floyd Herrold. route 1. 10 JO
White Shrine
In Session
Willamette Shrine. White Shrine
of Jerusalem met Monday night
at Masonic temple. Mrs. Albert
Rasmus en, noble prophetess and
Mr. Rasmussen. associate watch
man of shepherds, presided.
The worthy high priestess Mrs.
Wilbur Pintler is attending the
Supreme White Shrine in Chicago.
Others attending the supreme
shrine are Mrs. Pearl Speer, who
has been appointed district dep
uty for Bethlehem Shrine. Eugene
and Willamette Shrine of Salem;
Mrs. Miller B. Hayden. who was
appointed chairman of the su
preme information committee; Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Davis.
Visitors Monday were Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Smith, of Harvey. I1L
A program was given by Mrs.
Lester Ha gen, vocalist, and Mrs.
W. A. Shewis, accompanist, and a
play by Rainbow Girls, directed
by Miss Esther Perkins, including
Jerry Ratcliff. Barbara White,
Norma Hamilton and Beverly
Been. Refreshments were served
by Mr. and Mrs. James W. Booth,
chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mills, Mrs. Ronald Craven, Miss
Grace B a brock and Mrs. Dorothy
Alumnae Group
Plans Picnic
Alpha XI Delta alumna chap
ter met with Mrs. William D. Gal
loway, Jr. on Monday night. At
tending were Mrs. Lloyd Darling.
Mrs. A. D. Froman. Mrs. John
H Hann. Mrs. William Healy,
Miss Verna Koeppinger, Mrs. M.
E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Eugene
E. Laird, Mrs. R. O. Lewis, Mrs.
Elmer Meade. Mrs. A. C. Newell,
Miss Ellen Sangster. Miss Joan
Essley. Miss Elise Schroeder. Miss
Eleanor Stephens, Mrs. R. W.
Tavenner and Mrs. Galloway.
Mrs. Laird, president, will at
tend the national convention at
French Lick Springs, Indiana. The
group arranged to sponsor the
Camp Fire Otakuye group. An
nouncement was made of a picnic
meeting June) s f at the home of
Mrs. Hjalmer Anderson. Turner.
Miss Schroeder and Miss Essley
are the committee.
Lawrence Hofer
To Marry
Salem friends are interested In
the announcement of the ap
proaching marriage of Miss Doro
thy Ellen Mercier, daughter of
Dr and Mrs. Nelson W. Mercier
of Portland, to Lawrence V. Hofer.
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer
of Portland, formerly of Salem.
The ceremony will be June 7 at
St. James Lutheran church in
The bride-elect attended Reed
college and her fiance is a stu
dent at Lewis and Clark college.
Doubt duty, dry compound fhot
kills brood-leaved wood it
foods tho gross. Cosily applied with
o fwT!l Sproodor. Hormiosa to
towns. Including Bontgrasa, if op
plied ot economical rot spociftod.
An xcJusivo tw?Tl development,
now in Its third suecossful yoor.
Howdy shaker box - . $1.00
largo box, troott 2500 ftq ft $3.50
Mothers Honored
By Capital Unit
Mn Robert O. Gregg, dean of
the college of liberal arts, spoke
on "Americanism' at the Monday
night meeting of Capital Unit No.
t, American Legion auxiliary.
American War Mothers. Gold Star
Mothers and mothers of Auxiliary
members were honor guests.
Mrs. Bertha Smart, president of
American War Mothers, intro
duced the following War Moth
ers: Mrs. Hulda Bradford. Mrs.
Minnie Humphreys. Mrs. Carrie
Lindsay, Mrs. Addie Curtis, Mrs.
Rose Hagedorn. Mrs. Sally Cook,
Mrs. Fronica Mullica, Mrs. Edna
Randall Mrs. Sarah Peterson.
Mrs. EfCe Mudd. Mrs. Linnie Lee,
Mrs. Jessie M. Sanders, Mrs. Cora
Hutchinson, Mrs. Viola Zander.
Mrs. Martha Thompson, vice pres
ident of Gold Star Mothers, in
troduced chapter members. Mrs.
Harriet Birch, Mrs. Sadie Pro,
Mrs. Lila A. Young and Mrs. Hel
en White. Other guests were Mrs.
Emma B. Mack. Hood River, Mrs.
G. W. Eggan. Mrs. B. E. Cooper.
Mrs. Alvina Bangert. Mrs. Doty,
Miss Evelyn Kent, and Miss Donna
David Louthan played piano se
lections. Parrish Junior high school
9th grade chorus under the direc
tion of Miss Gretchen Kramer
sang a group of songs. Girls were
Sonja Anderson. Frances McDon
ald. Helen Wood. Norma Stewart,
Carol Hewitt. Sally Becker, Aletha
Story, Bonnie Jeninson. Viola
Wilcox, Esther Griffin, and Joan
Mrs. A. W. Lovcik announced
the following winners in the essay
contest "What kind of an Ameri
can am I". Donna Belsher first,
and Gail Lochead. second. Both
are students at Sacred Heart
Academy and award? were pre
sented at the opening of the Chor
al Hour. Friday, May 13. at St.
Josephs hall.
Rehabilitation committee. Mrs.
C. M. Craig, chairman, will send
funds for ward parties at each
of the Veterans hospitals. Mrs.
Austin H. Wilson, cemetery and
memorial chairman, announced
Memorial Day church services to
be held Sunday. May 29. at First
Presbyterian church. Unit will
provide cars for Memorial Day
parade and will arrange for a
wreath for the DAR circle and
flowers for Legion circle.
The unit will subscribe to the
Chin Up magazine, and will pro
vide 4 one-half 4-H club scholar
ships. Mrs. Ethel Lewis and her
poppy committee were in charge
of the social hour.
ludson Bressler
Has Birthday
Judson Perman Bressler. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bressler.
celebrated his fourth birthday at
a partv Sunday afternoon at the
I South Commercial street home of
his parents. A merry-go-round
theme was used in decorating.
Honoring Judson were his
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gustafson of Portland. Mrs. Fos
ter Clabough and Mary, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl J. Gustafson and Jay,
Mrs. K. J. Peterson. Kathy and
Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gus
tafson and Maureen, Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Robinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Judson Bressler.
Sise I x T Inches
Age t months te S years
Thursday and Friday, May 18 Through 20th
"i - -r- i '
'- r -:, v - I '"
: : '
" - V . I
To AD Methers of Salem ! Ykdnlty
To mako nw friends and in appreciation of past patron
age), wo haro arranged with a specialist In child photog
raphy, to make a FREE PHOTOGRAPH of your child In
our store, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 18th
through 20th. No cost, no obUgauori,iothing to buy ...
it's FREE.
Steeo Hears 9H9 A. M. U Sff F. K.
Many Will-! ;:
Attend Tea
Oregon's first lady, Mrs. Doug
las McKay, will be the honor guest
at silver tea in the gardens of
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Foskett on the
Bend road, south of Tigard this
afternoon between 2 and 9 o'clock.
A number of Salem people are
planning to attend the affair,
which Is being arranged by the
Tigard-Metzger unit of the Repub
lican Women's Federation of Ore
gon. Proceeds from the tea wiH
be used to carry out policies of
the party. All Republican women
are invited to attend.
Amonc those who will be pour
ing are Mrs. Robert L. FJfstrom of
Salem, Mrs. Paul Patterson of
Hillsboro and Mrs. Howard Bel
ton of Canby. whose husbands are
state senators. Mrs J. O. Johnson
of Portland, wife of Rep. Johnson.
Mrs. Ralph Cake and Mrs. Lee
Patterson, both of Portland.
Accompanyinr Mrs. McKay to
the tea will be Mrs. G. Frederick
Chambers. Mrs. E. M. Page. Miss
Dorathea Steusloff. Mrs. Charles
S. McElhinnv and Mrs, William
S. Cole. Mrs. Flfstrom will take
as her guests to the tea Mrs. Har
ry B. Johnson and Mrs. Gayle
Morris. Other Republican women
planning to attend the tea today
are Mrs. R. L. Wright, president
of the Salem unit. Republican
women. Mrs. Lloyd DeOroote. Miss
Marjorie Harris, Mrs Frank Doer
fler. Mrs. David Looney, Mrs.
Charles E Stricklin. Miss Effie
Schneider. Mrs M. M. Magee. Mrs.
Bertha Junk Darbv. Mrs. Lewis
Judson. Mrs. O. K. Beats and Mrs.
Claude M. Johns.
Show Director Has
Much Experience
Mrs. Howard Jenks. who is di
rector of the "Variety Spices' to
be presented at the Salem high
school auditorium Friday night at
8 o'clock, has had 25 years ex
perience in the show business. The
show will include vaudevills acts
and a tiny tot fashion revue. The
show is being sponsored by the
West Salem Boy Scouts and High
land Mothers club and is open
to the public.
Mrs. Jenks ha travelled In
Canada. Italy. France and the
United States and entertained In
three command shows. She has
appeared in radio, film and stage
plays and played opposite Stanley
Lupino in "Lady Behave" at His
Majesties theatre, which was a
hit-run for two years. She also
has worked with the RKO cir
cuit in Canada and the United
Girls Initiated,
Job's Daughters
Job's Daughters held their
meeting on Monday night at
Beaver hall. Initiation for Shirley
Herr, Marilyn Pride and Judith
Bancrops was held. Election was
held for Jaen Herrig. honored
queen: Ann Gibbens, senior prin
cess; Harriet Hiday. Junior prin
cess: Mary Campbell, guide; Jac
queline Jones, marshall.
During a degree, given for Mrs.
Kehn Wain. Maurine Nichols sang,
accompanied by Mary Ann Aston.
Sydney Kromer, Marilyn Reay
and Pat Snider served refresh
ments. Installation of guardian rouncll
will be on June 6, according to
announcement, and installation of
officers will be held June 20,
when the Salem De Molay boys
will take part in the ceremony.
t -
. ".
To Attentl Stage Play
Mrs. Raymond Walsh. Miss Jane
Walsh and Mrs. Ellen Fisher will
be among those In Portland to
night to attend the stage play.
I Know My Love." starring Lynn
Fontanne and Alfred LunL Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Johnson will
attend the Thursday matinee at
the Mayfair theatre and going
down Thursday night for the
final performance will be Miss
Echo Veater. Mrs. Mary Thomas
and Miss Elise Schroeder.
Majee and Mrs. J. B. B. Ti iH
and son. Brandy, have left for
Texas, after a two months visit
in the capital at the home of her
father. Colonel Phillip Allison, and
Mrs. Allison. Major TrusselL who
returned in the early spring from
duty in the Orient, will now be
stationed at Fort Bliss. Texas. En
route south they will stop at Al
buquerque. New Mexico.
the littU. frnch shop's
Again the little French Shop lesds tho savings-parade with
early spring reductions on fine summer cottons . . . one rack
on the balcony ... you had better come in earlyl
2.95 5.95 6.95 . 795
. . and on tho main floor! !
Beautiful Lady Alice and Josa Junior
Exquisite dresses in tissue,
also pastel and figure prints
wonderful summer frocks.
10.95 12.95 14.95
Just Received ...
beautiful lins of Spring Prints and Jacket Dresses
... in sheers and cable net.
You still have a chance to get your Spring and Summer coat
at an extra special bargain prico at
the little irench shop
115 North High
aV w
Bs ire beat outlets, to scad
wsrnth to frost aad back
rooms at the ssoae tie...
giving wbol-houe comfort
which if truly dclightfeL
Great feature of this uait is the
patented KGLmle Burner...
a real dollar-saver. Ha no
moving parts, atotking to wear
oat or give trouble. Barai
low -cost rWaace 01L Plaa to
see it todsy.
Ntrt Art y7W Ftatartt
I. Can't Overheat. ..Fat.
Thermo-Limit Coetret.
3. Automatic Oseruoa.
g. Exclusive Electric Igmitie.
(No Other Oil Fired Floor
Furaace Mas Itt)
4. No Pilot Light to Fail.
5. No Smoke.Sooc...Dust.M
or Ashes.
0. Listed by Uaderwriters
1. factory Caaraoteed.
279 N. COMMERCIAL PfONt 3-44
Beverly Krueo er . ;
Queen Candidate
Salem school friends of Miss
Beerly Krueger, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Krueger. who
now reside in The Dalles, will bo
interested to learn that she has
been selected as a candidate for
the title of Miss The Dalles, to
compete in the Oregon contest at
Seaside In July. The queen will
be selected Thursday night at tho
civic auditorium In The Dalles and
the coronation will be May 22.
Miss Krueger is one of seven con
testants. The attractive brunette candi
date attended Salem high school
until this year and Is taking her
senior year at The Dalles high
school. While in Salem she was
prominent in school activities and
is a past worthy advisor of Chad
wick Assembly, Order of Rainbow
for Girls.
gingham and chambray ...
you'll delight in
Phono 3-7070
This simple unit is installed
rij he im the loor. voder a
convenient part it ion.. .needs
no ducts. Warns
air is directed front, bade. Of
both ways, as desired.
150 N. Laacostsf- At 4
Phono 2-1322
1(3 No. c
rrial SL
Salessw Oregea