-J (CSity News EBirfieiiS Fl RXm'RE BLAZES Blirtered paint and som smcke dimare was caused by a burmnf td-ftveno in the bAM-ment apartment at 698 H N. High tt uhich wa extinguished by city firemen about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. The apartment was occupied by Jerry andt- June Thorn. No other damage was reported by firemen who aicF the fire was prctaoJy taused by? a burrung cigarc-t. Time to in.-t.jll that air t'ir fT heme office store. Judvr. " 279 N.- Com'!. Citarame sale on all c(iXf and uit. Unu'uaMv low pi ; eri ?'lr until 7 PM. at I:rr,cr, llf'9 KdM-ater. "Ae-t Salem. PORTLAND CHOIR COMING A men's choir from Hugho Me morial MfhoriM chu.ch in Pcit Lnri wni at I-tI.e Metr, ul chuicn Ti. .i-.-ii.y r.ifcM Tf.t H Enm Vr..iit v.. 21 ciiit-ct H.e thou The piLiK i.- incited t.. t h . I itir;rn wr.i-h will tcMcA a t 30 - m. p. !-'.m k duif.er. Ii.istoi In-urance Agent y ir.tc. U 37 N. High St Federally Insured Savings Cur rent div.dent 2tttrt See F;rsi federal Sawrgs FirL 142 S Llf- ity Ph r.e 3-4944 XOTHKRS GO HOME Leaving Salem Mtrn : ht- tilal Ttie-iay vere Mj Vt -It ic flunking of Vrxxibuin im.te 1 with CHAMBER MF- TO TRAVEL Salem Champer of Commerce ' delegation willfvisit Mill City and Dallas chamber luncheons this t week wheri T. t. Medford of the Salem chambe board makes an address at each! Several members will accmpan the speaker to Mill City ; Thursday and Dallas Friday. : Launderettif 155 Ferry St. l-2 A Lupine ih bloom, all colors. 3 for SI GCfc Pr 3-1145. TOASTMA.STFiRS TC DINE Larry Fppir.g; Cyril Meus-ey sr.d Jr Thomas are on the speaking s hedule for a( Willamette Toast mijtirs dub .r.r.er meeting at 6:15 Thursday n the Bright Spot restaurant A rtjew feature will be an evaluation ff pehes by each member present. Dr L. B.: Warnuker Dentist. Is now Siiocifcted with the Dr. Pain less Parker t-rfjce. 204 Gray Bidg . State and Liberty St , Salem. Ph. 3-8825. ) FOI'R FLATS TO SING HERE The FiT F:$'. m;. quartet of Pacific cflieKf w hit h include Harlow Ankeljiy of Salem, will preset. t a tcffiet t at 7 30 p m Thursday j atji Pi ingle Friends church on B;iptlcr road west of hijrhwi.v 89. :j Republicans Plan Scientific Survey Of Public Opinion Mrs. Paul Ficke of Salem, re cently named to the executive committee of the republican state central committee, attended a statewide meeting n Port'and Sunday at which State GOP Chairman Sigfrid Unander turned thumbs down on a facetious mo tion to send a message of conrol ences? to the democratic state com mittee for " tomedy of errors " Representaties from 26 coun ties met at the Imperial hotel to lay the groundwork for the 1950 campaign Tt was announced that the work of sampling pubiic opin ion on a c.er.ti:ic hasi would be started first in Josephine county At Salem Schools . . . By James Cwnke Road oiLI or 3-5769. Call Tweedie 2-4151 Darte t(.rite 0er Western Dirk JohriM r.'i Orchestra A ut her infjr.t daughter. r.i Mis Itussell Lif celierv alo t.f Wt.-t tl buin, with ter baby sou Hijiriu'tuu and permanent? cur l-- laity New low pi ite tcltJ ve L.pti. k Beauty Sii n. 1 f 7 2 Hale. Ph. '" Karakul Karpet. It's ne.v It's re ; versib!e, it's 100'i virgin wool and wtA-n thr.;gh and through, onlv 4 95 -q yd Ph. 3-7648 cr 3 3364. TAKF. BABIES HOME Lea . ini SaU-m Gei.ei a! ht spital Tuesday with infant st-r.s ii' Mrs Eddie C. Hearts. 195 S l'4lr, st; Mrs Chatles S.' f..,ii S. .im icute 5. 251. ar i M: s Ht i tit Van Cleac, Sai m i . ute 4, tt x I tit. 1a Bros F.it i. ,U. re K- fn; C Pi. I.'i . has i !! eh..i.ged tc 2-7PM. fri:r Pfl u r . ui a 1. 1 e Come to 'Ralph Johnson Appli ance Store. 355 Center St . to see ; the finest in iimodern applia-ices Hotpeint. i Bfndix. KeT inatcr Spcedqueen aif-cl a complete line of home freest r. BCSINESS MAt HINE SHOW Ir.teriiati. t-.aJ Busl.es Machines C'otp. ar.n-ur geti Tuesday it ii'. present a Ij.ubjjc displav t f ieienl !v it . -:aJ.e.l flmnchines in Salem May 25 anil 2jl Rummage Sale Foimer location Siemens Jev. eliy Store 339 Court Mjv 20-21 Soi -timit Club New and iiH-d material also and. gift t,- t ie il " Rummag Sa!je continuing new nd nsedu Tyrell's merchan- h- witi ijtr.ge, radu . 193 N Corn-:. ; V V.I. AIR MEET TOLD 'osm . Lu'ht i Mm ; .. i k .oi.ia Hai c!r. r at lettes I umiii.! i i..i,t o c;..nii i. H.' t'oke! fd sale by tt- S,,.trn Ji..n r W on, en's Clu! : I t il L.i.o Ci. ,V Coke C ' H -.e-f it for the piaygi on;.,; tc,..pn, 1 J. i nt. ,Tfi- r., a I fir it ei t o! i:i meet hi ih i "i Ink tot.; ait r l r;a'. a' P i nioi y. :ht liirti is ROIHWIIIFK T. Mr ;,r,d 7-1 j - 1 i.ii,. i' K,thv .. i9'.5 ul iitti i : H .Jjuj'' tei f .tdiiy.; May 17 at Saitrn (Jtt.t:..! r .o-pitul . ! ARI IE Til NKS We s vh to thai k i .., many fi .eni ,'t i 'hut kiros.tf- tm-ji-lhv iii.:l 1 i al ion lh i itlti-' jriK tlutitiK our mti.t t't.i-.e-fnt nt. . Mis Bettha i..i.fce I ii at fain iv s HOOh FLECTION SET The i ii'ia'i. t. elttt.on f r Turner ai.i Ifja'AT' ni ruia! scl : f...-T. ts i.- et n -tt for June 13 .it p mi. tne tfne i f Mis. Ak' s Ho th. Lt -'- to:,' ty school snp- T.t.ti fio A'-'. :p!.' i.i i Ti.tsdav H;,ii( tii.ij t if. te at the stht-l i.e.: i f tht; tu enst! it t. ( i.oi. e Gla-i li.li Fted DeVrie'. it. e, 1 bn S 'V of Pratum. REC ORDER l-ANKE ILI Man i il Cttitiy Rt otdtr H i -mn W. 1-at.ke tias L-en K iifintd to his home ft llSd N.-Winter st the p:st ;twi.;i!d cue to lllrf-"- niamotoao it). the for lamnt-u. j;iils. Nj-w i:'Home SeiAinr Ma thiiK' Call 33 13 Kalj.h Johnson Appi's. ; ;! CIIIN-I P OFFICER MEET State otfictrs. trustee and ad visors of the fhtgori Ch'ti-l'p club will (gather at a sp-etial meeting f the tjub board of directors on Mon day. June 3. at ft p m. in the home of President Beth Sell wot!. Salem route 2. box 336. ' Insured savings earn mre than two per cent st S.ilem Federal Savings Association. 560 State st EMPLOYES MEET TONIGHT Oregon State Employes associa tion. S,lem chapter 1. will meet , tonight at 8 o't ! k in the Wom an' Club htuse A sheit business session .11 he folio'.ved by a tiis- cuss ion pentkl and a movie. Special: Young hen turkey , whole, i half or quartei. 35c Ih C S :Orig Co. 4375 SiUeiton Road I Ph. 2-6!2rt. TO BUM) HOI SE A pei nut v. it issued to Wil liam T J Fostei by the city building inspet tor's office Tues day to erect a house and garage at 21(1 N. 17th t. at an esti mated iot of $7,000 Another per mit went to Miller Mercantile Co. tc alter its business building at 189 N. Liheity st for $350. All tuikey help report for work Thmsriay. I th. Ha m, Marion Cream ry A; Poultry Co. TOWN SEND (II B MEHTS Tt w n nd c luh 4 ti!l meet to niiiht a The home of E. H Eail. 2125 N 4th st. at 7 30 o'clock. SILVERTON FIRM FILES The assumed Iiimi. ess name W btj Appliance Co. vtas filed vtith the Marion nunty cltik Tue-'i. - ny Kenneth at.u Naomi Wtt!) f Sihtit.ri wheie the busir.t-ss lo att ii. SHOP NAME RETIRED Hti.ed TutMlav was the s- surneii tusintss name of Paul'. H..iltr shtip Paul O Cauoi; filed the ik iiu h r the sn.'p located at 1 40 C'ai Iton t ay. Rummage Siile ni r G i eer baum'i. Mav 1J SALEM HIGH SCHOOL ! Winners of the recent Photog raphy club photo contest were afi : nounced Tuesday at the high i school. In character study Tomm (cq Pickles won first and Ardith Miller, second. Scenes and still life: Dvm Er.gdahl. first: John Eritkson. second: and Irene Fus sier (cq, third. Hobbies and sports, John Eritkson. first; Don Engdahl. second. Animals and ' pets; Tom Pickles, first. Muriel Steusloff, second. School projects and activities. John Eridkson (also grand award winner) first; and Don Engdahl. seeond. Tomm (cq) 1 Pickles was chairman for the con test. Judges were Don Dill and Gardner Knapp. I PARRISH JUNIOR HIGH Parrish girls who have worked in the offite were honored Tues day afternoon with a party given by the sthool's secretaries. Office g.rls are' Loyce Taylor. Dorna Martin. Marlene Keliey. Beverly Salisbury, Sharon Kinzio, Jean Hartwell. Delores Carr. Helen V)d. Caroline Giese. Bobbie Sod :ng. Sally Mitchell. Virginia Scott, From Bromley. Norma Stewart, Francis Mi Donald. Janice Feller, Barbara Taus and JoAnne Ellis. LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH Mothers i f Leslie giris are to be honored at 2 30 this afternoon by a CIirN' Leajcue assembly program teiiing the life of a mother from buth to present. The program will be given in a series of eight "liv ing pHtuies." Musical numbers w.U be gien. and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Madeline Hanna, dean of girls, is in charge of the program. i New Student. Magazine Hits Stands Today A new student publication, the Willamette Humor magazine, is due on the university campus and street stands today with a circula tion of 1200 according to its busi ness manager, Russell Tripp, Al bany. The magazine, crammed with 28 pages of cartoons, humorous liter ature, pictures and jokes of a cam pus, and Salem flavor, is edited by Donald Carpenter of Portland. Other officers of the publication Ben Younglbve, Riverside, 111., art: Lowell Miller. Los Altos. Calif., literature; Bill Merriam, Salem, circulation: and Ed Fitz simons, Salem, cartoons. Cover of the magazine will be in two colors with the slogan 'In Color but Not Off Color" printed across it. Actual name of the magazine will be revealed as a gay in the subject magazine. All inside pages will be in black and hite. Sanctioned by the university council, the publication will sup port itself Through advertisement and circulation. The book which is approximately 8 by 11 in size will sell on the newstands and on the campus at 25 cents per copy. Fisher Ducks Comment on Board Action WaUh AsMimes Duties As Acting Governor President t.f the Senate William Walsh, Cots Bay, srrixed here Tuesday to serve as chief execu tive of the state during the ab sent e of Governor Douglas McKay vhio is enioute to Washington. ac. Goernor McKay will appear before a tttiKresMonal committee in connection with an army en gineers' ltpoit on the Columbia and Willamette valley projects. Earl L. Fisher, ousted as state tax commissioner after 30 years' service by a two-to-one vote of the state board of control here Monday, has declined to comment on the board action. Close friends of Fisher said he probably would enjoy an extend ed rest before announcing future business plans. Under the fcfoard of control order Fisher will retire ' June 4 when his current term ex pires. Voting for Fisher's ouster r were Secretary of Stat Earl T. Newbry and State Treasurer Wal ter E. Pearson. Governor Douglas : MiK.iv voted for his retention. Wallace S. Wharton, also oust ed by the board of control, was 'absent from the. citv Tuesday. (f y? mm vane afiraaHEH? FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY Any Make. Iarge or Small MARR RADIO Guaranteed Repairs I'hone 2-1161 COlUMtIA IWIIIIf, INC. C TACOMA, WAIHINOTOM Wonderful New Comfort Nw Cnvnin I F.ait ear ever m.1e to grt tutu mil out .f Women enter and leate ith dic-mtv. ( ,ii.ii on aertftc etijttneerinc t f iirr ). rav, and natural alep-in enlraritesj make it wt-in alurd ever to hae to wre-llt jt.ur way in and oat of er. t ! J I , J f I -SLril, , ' . iJ-vYN'A malr it m-m .l-urd rvr, I, ht to f i i : if. W vv Mw WMm CM-WM t W dun't fi 1.I u ui. itir a " likr.(c " Uu kit rt'tuft rUUv ui riU the heifbt f tear e i hair at ht'ttir "We'te in. ! hra lr n . lecrMn. and b.ilJrr n . rti f..r eia, An.jP do other ngmeerr.I from the f undamrtitals p for our con.lf-rt. our cnentmce. your .ipeae of nuui on d.-n t even bate to prra a tjjler buttwtu Tars the i(mli kry and the tucint vurrs. 4 I J Yfs, Now loaiar Siaoilwajl la one of the great advance since the war, we givo too new "center control steering. For the - nrt time, uo rooa ol eqaai te(ith you kalanced control. There' no wheel fight. There's greater read stability, easier handling, loss eooJ shock. Ye. ond greater safetT, to for aTory thing ahottt this car n designed for safer driving. The new instrument clnter, in yor lino of viaaon n tha steering wheel, reduces driring strain. rassToMaTic n i id bnp TaAinsifiaeio! Now 8oothor Orril Chrysler's nighty apithro engine now has still higher compression for farter acceleration smoother reponse. And along with its better all-around tl performance soes an amazing new Waterproof I cm t ion Srstem that's xdaiT with Chrysler. Yon can drive through high water or play a hone on the engine bat it won't stall. Yon get quicker starting, oven in dampest weather, smoother Idling, longer life. T Trolly mpprtdaf fimm car mihfer m dem&utratum today! ) rWa Bo TIT Created wwfw -.4-.4 J by CHRYSLER SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. o 435 North Commercial Street THw Statman. SoItiu Orwcjon. WnxiBday. , May 18. . . ' ' v v w mj m - av -e A MIFIE ILdDMG Your Son & You Too, Will Be Proud as a Peacock in His ! Graduation mat or Sporis Outfit ' mmmm mmmm mmmm - i He WilLLook Smart; You Will Bo Smart, If You Select His Outfit at the I II Clothes a anop Salem's Quality Clothiers For Men and Young Men Jusl received 265 new Spring & Sum- j mer Suits, many with 2 pairs of Pants We made a great buy of these extraordinary fine quality suits, and pass the great savings along to you. Get quality, style, value, and satisfaction buy now aiid Save $10.00 lo $15.00 Rculax $45.00 on pants SUITS , Rwcjulax $50.00 and $55.00 CIITTC 1 and 2 tjUlinJ panU at Reaular SSOJDQ and $$5.00 -fCw SI fS suits AS4!4Sii5vQ) 200 SPORT COATS lOOt wool xpwrtly tailorwd $25.00 to $27.50 Quality. Wld rang oi pattoma and fancy mixture. SLxe 34 to 44. Mm aC2wiw5 i i Sport Coots at actually b- low regular wholal ptic. ) NOW ON SALE AT 14 50 We have without question, the finest stock Of super fine quality Slacks and extra Suit Trousers ;. . !: - ' i' In the most expensive fabrics, 100 wool gabardines, sharkskins, tweeds, plaids, pinchecks, stripes, fancy weaves, and solid colors, In size 28 waist to 46 waist. ! Priced $3.00 io $5.00 below Regular Prices 1 j i Reg. $12.95 CNfl 83 R-.'l-93 (l 1 95 R9-S17.50 Mm n Slacks at $3 Slacks at Slacks at pJAl Reg. $18.50 to $21.50 slacks and suit goods trousers at $14.50 and $16.50. Seeing is believing, compare. 10 You'll find it Pay All Wayi , to Buy Yoor Clothes at J. J.'i Open Friday Iliie Till 9 o'clock So eioth 387 STATE STREET 2 doors West of Liberty Next to Hartman's Jwlry Store Slip "J 1-