South Pacific Pact Forecast CANBERRA, Australia. May 17 (Jt Prime Minister Joseph B Chifley said Monday plans for a Pacific pact are under way. par allel with corresponding planning for the North Atlantic." Chifley said in broadcast the Music Festival Held At Liberty School LIBERTY -4 Liberty school held i its My miiic festival Friday night at the fhall. Many friends and parents attended. On the program was the "Star Spangled Banner," suns; by Donna Faye Behrens; tongs and dances by the first grade; rhythm band. scheme should be by agreement j second grade; tcowgirl dance. Joan between Britain, Australia and Lustoff; songs. Indi" New Zealand: thereafter, with the i hird. rtdi on nd "ItoIL" United States and later with oth- rourxn rat nf mna couple er nations with possessions in this area." The prime minister told Aus tralians "planning for the Pacific area is proceeding parallel with corresponding planning for the North Atlantic in which Britain Is a major participant and with whom we. have the closest links as the dance, fifth grade; Maypole dance, fourth and fifth grade girls; cou ple dance, third grade; square dance , sixth grade, and a mixer dance by the second and third grade. I predominant partner in British commonwealth defense." "VARIETY SPICES" Many Grand VaudevilU Acts Tiny Tot Fashion Revu FRIDAY, MAY2 20, 8 P. M. AT Salem High School Auditorium (On Night Only) Sponsored by: West Salem Roy Scouts Highland Mothers Club Come Early No Reservations Doors Open 7:30 P. M. THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From Jhm Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents Rickey Mothers Entertained by Teachers, Pupils at Friday Tea FOUR CORNERS Honor guests at a tea given on Friday at the schoolhouse by the teachers and children were the members of the Rickey Mother's club and mothers of the pre-school children. Mrs. Emily VanSanten and Mrs. Robert Carson greeted about thirty-five mothers and several pre-school children. A program was given by the children, with Lee Cook I AFL Carpenters Work on Salvation Army Building as master of ceremonies. He also made the welcome speech to the mothers. Group singing, reading and folk dancing by all the grades made up the program. Arthur Meyers, suburban prin cipal, spoke to the mothers on the present and future needs and growth of the schooL He showed a floor plan of the new Four Cor ners grade school now under con struction and explained the ar rangements created to fit the needs of the school He stressed the im portance of voting at the school elections. The tea tables and rooms were decorated in bouquets of spring flowers. Girls serving were Janice Phillips. Lolita Miller, Sheryl Hel geson. Rose Dunigan, Judy Scott and Barbara Burns. Following the tea, the Mothers club held a short business meet ing. Plans for a benefit food and mystery sale and school picnic were made. The food sale will be May 25 at the Portland Gas and Coke Co. The picnic will be the closing day of school June 1 at the school house. Several carpenters of the local AFL union joined men of the Portland local Saturday to donate work on the new recreational building at the Salvation Army's Trestle Glen summer camp near Boring. This Saturday men who wish to donate work were asked to contact Captain R. B. Lesher who will transport them to and from the Job. Groups from Salem will parti cipate in summer camp activities at Trestle Glen during periods be ginning June 22. 'Wins Honor Kl 02 D L3 E CHE ATE R PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION ARENA - PertiesW NINE NITE8 Matin May 14.15-21-22 THE TOP WILD WEST SPECTACLE OF 1949 May 14 to 22 mm. V Pa 150 Cowboys V 50 Brahmas 150 Wild Bronca f -V 75 Texas Longhora Dodging St if 50 Roping Calve Roberts Graduating Class Honored at ! Farewell Picnic ROBERTS Seventh grade pupils of Roberts school gave a farewell picnic honoring the eighth grade graduating class Friday af ter school. Mr. Henry Query ac companied the group to Mill Creek where the picnic was held. Seventh graders Included Rich ard Heyden. Shirley Pickerell. Jo anne Evans. Carol Ann Earnest, Raymond Bohanan. Allen Edge; eighth graders included Mary Lou Holcomb, George Shattuck. John Pickerell .Georgie Ann Johnson, Dorathy Salchenberg. Judy Hanna celebrated her birthday Friday by serving ice cream and cake to all of her schoolmates at Roberts school. 1941 CmptWtf for tfc 0mplwle MS49. $1 1,375 IN PURSES sfC9 saWltaf aWVsTS ly LACKLANOt, Aa Wtly aWCBAT, CWw SOWtftY, WWe . . Ne Advance In Prices! year-old Merle Bareback Elder! Special Attraction . Little Beaver. Sensational TKr Hn ? tfce Paw Mv(nj Watra Act MAIL ORDER SEAT $ A L I NOWI lnd Orr and Mm Chk PayabU tot SHSINt HIADOUAITISS. 4J0 S. W. SIXTH AVI., POtTlA.N0. IkUm Sump.t, 1H-A4tw4 Si4-- MUCH fT I.) iMiMti $30 NtrtT lmi $t.40 Ptrsl 4 $3 00 1h ln. 1.S0 Scotts Mills Garden Club Names Officer SCOTTS MILLS Officers named fdr the Scotts Mills Beauty and Utility Garden club are pres ident, Mrs. Oliver Brougher; vice president, Mrs. Mike Landwlng; secretary, Mrs. Clifford McMorrls; treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Doolittle. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Brougher. The retiring president, Mrs. Doolittle, was presented a plant, the choice of variety to be her own, in recognition of her three and a half years service. Van Garders Buy Silverton Home SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. John Van Gorder of the Silver ton Hills district have bought the Ingvald J. Gunderson place on Koons street and will move In soon. Their son-in-law, Hillman Lovelien, bought the 42 acres the Van Gorders had farmed for the past 10 years. Ill health necessi tated Van Gorders retiring from the farm. i" "' .a5 "" " ' "-m . . : -v . 1 - " J hi m , Clara Brewv i Gervais Man " Seriously 111 In California GERVAIS Word has been re ceived that Henry Stege, South ern Pacific section crew foreman who was transferred to the com pany's hospital in San Francisco. Calif-, last week is in critical condition. Mrs. Steger accompan ied her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuhn and Ray -have returned from Los An- j geles, Calif., where they attended) the funeral of their eon and I brother. Eddie Kuhn who died! suddenly. He is survived by his j wife and four children. Eddie spent , his boyhood in Gervais. j ne amen. Oregony Woncay, Mfffi f Dinner Planned by Salem Heights Club SALEM HEIGHTS The Salem Heights Community club will meet Thursday for a covered-dish din ner at the hall at 6 o'clock. This is family night, and Mrs. Uye Bayne is in charge; of the din ner, f ' " There will be an election of cf ficers, and any question 'on tho consolidating of the school district with the Salem city schools w ill I answered. Marjorie Dunn is lm charge of the program. Salem Heights-Prospect Unit to Meet Thursday LIBERTY The Salem Heights Prospect extension unit will meet Thursday at the Salem Heights hall at noon for a covered dish luncheon. Eleanor Trindle," Marion county home demonstration agent, will present the project ""Conserving You." New officers to be installed are chairman, Mrs. W. J. Hall; ice chairman, Mrs. E. L. Grey, and secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Ralph Maude. Members will fill out coopera tive reports and vote on the pro jects for the coming year that have been prepared by the county committee. Elkhorn Woman to Attend Rebekah Meeting ELKHORN Mrs. Ike Myers left early Monday for North Bend where she will attend the state convention of the Rebekah lodge Alan Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Rae. was struck on the forehead with a rock last week while several children were throwing rocks in the creek. Five stitches were required to close the wound. i i 'Tried it? Say, me'n Acme j arc going steady!" j :. i "How come? Thought you bad another favorite that you always ordered." J T did, till Ibny'n me got ! arguin'. He bet me I'd pickj Acme if I didn't see the! Ubcls." j mm Slorj-brerjod for T)id ya?" 'Ju$t like that ! From now on I'm paying no fancy freight charges on beer. Me 'n Acme arc going steady. An' I'm savin money." "Not bad for a blind date!" "Brother, you can say that again!" IBEEDB .. Flauor McDonald Candy Co. Distributor Ah a tmwt, fmmt IS mmJ tmt amss, BmjH arsMV mw4 eceoeawa, Al'DITOR ON VACATION DALLAS, Mav 17 -(Special) The office of City Auditor Wil liam Blackley in Dallas city hall wfll be closed for one week start ing Thursday. May 19 while he is on vacation, city authorities announced Tuesday. Valley Births SILVERTON Born at the Sil verton hospital May 17, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and May 14 a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. miJLAMINA Mr. and Mrs. J: E. Downing of Grand Ronde are the parents of a baby daugh ter, who was born April 29 In a McMinnville hospital, and weigh ed 7 pounds 11 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Leathers of Willamina are. the parents of a daughter, who weighed 7 pounds. 4 ounces, and was born April It) in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnstone of Willamina are the parents of a son, born May 7 and weighing i pounds. 10 ounces. Nt tituth n fny. f'kn tiumk n tar star Am mttJt, I takt ptntt sJt Mf Ftntisc Jeslrr'i fm by Pontioc Service Experts $7.50 HERRALL-OWENS COMPANY Z-4113 N. Liberty St Free ttck-ap an4 DeliTery Serrice Independence High 1949 Salutatorian Is Clara Brown ! INDEPEN D E N C E Clara Brown, salutatorian of Indepen- j dence high school's 1949 senior j class, has been awarded a cer- j tlficate of recognition for her , work on the school paper. It was ; announced this week. I Miss Brown received her ; award from the University of Oregon chapters of Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta Chi. wom en's and men's national journal Ism fraternities. East Salem Club Has Family Night EAST SALEM The family night supper for members of the Merry Minglers was held at the' Mayflower hall Friday night. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. Co vil Case, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Page, Shirley, Eddie and Marilyn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fabry and Joanne; Mr: and Mrs. Wade Car ter. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Pat. Gary Lee and Tony; Mrs. Dan Scharf. Mrs. Vicar Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickerel. Leigh and Sue Joe; Nancy Whitmore and Don Barkley. Social games and cards were played for enter tainment, with Mrs. Carter in charge. Enron. You nood a ComprehonsiT Personal liability Policy If yout 1) Maintain a roaidonco ! 1) Hot guests call at your homo j t) Are a ports nthusiast Call SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY for dolaUs. CHUCK 4WJ CHITT INSURANCE 373 N. Church Phono 3-9111 L Salem Offlcoe In: Salem. Coos Bay. Myrtle Point Gold Beach r CUSTOMER PARKING AT OUR NEW LOCATION Zena Girl Honored At Birthdav Partv ZENA Mrs. Phillip Brandt was hostess at a party Friday at the school on the fourth birthday of her daughter Lark. Refresh ments were served, to the young honor guest. Lark Brandt. Hal Washburn. Joyce Banner, Wilma Hlgley, Lyle. Dorothy and Jean Dickenson. Lynn and Leonars Sundvall. Phillip and Billy Brandt and the teacher, Mrs. Lloyd Allen. Recreational painting is prov ing to be of great interest to pupils of the Zena school who have received their third lesson from Mrs. Lloyd Allen and Mrs. Phillip Brandt. Classes are held each Wednesday. In 1883, on a hunting trip to the Badlands of North "Dakota, Theodore Roosevelt helped trail, capture and transport to Jail three thieves. Detroit Man Injured In Logging Accident DETROIT Gordon Brown re cently cracked a bone in his ankle when he Jumped off a truck while working for the Mt. Jefferson Log ging company at Lyons. He has his foot in a cast and will not be able to work for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Curly) Edwards visited in Virginia City, Nev last week. HEIDER'S WESTIN6H0USE MODEL 186 ! 1 ' ! Was advertised in yesterday's Statesman as "reduced from $409.95 to $209.95." It should have read "reduced from $409.95 to $299.95 - - a saving of $11 0.00." AT HEIDER'S I 428 COURT STREET CAN OPENER FREES PI P NOTTINGHAM, England-oP-A j six-week-old pup named Pat put J his head through a metal hole in the base of a water heater. He ' couldn't pull it out. His owners. Mr. and Mrs. E. : Robinson, and a couple of work men pulled and pulled gently but couldn't get him unstuck. Then they studied and studied. Finally somebody got a bright idea and freed him with a simple twist of STRAWBERRIES j O rowers having berries not under contract plea so contact us at Terminal Ice & Cold Storago 249 D Street or Call 3 4590 CASH MARKET PRICE PAID J0RY PACKING CO. a can opener. 1 lggggmggSBtlMKKBttBOMBBSSmSSB " r-'n I ifi till1! ' How George and Jean won 2,000 college scholarships These tworouog TXesterners, Jean Hath awar of Chico, California, and George Emde, Jr. of Lodi, California, will begin college next fall with the help of $2,000 scholarships awarded by Standard of California. They were chosen as outstanding among 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America members who raised and showed their own livestock at the recent Grand National Junior Livestock Exposition in San Francisco. Four other scholarships of $1,000 each were also awarded to Mary Lee Hay of Lovelock, Nevada;. Robert Young; of Quincy, California; Ralph Boyd of Lancaster, California; and J tines Buell of Buellton, California. Scholastic ability, leadership, personality, records in club projects were all considered by 4-H Club and F. F. A judges. We'd like to say "Good Luck!" to George, Jean, Mary, Robert, Ralph and James. We know they'll do a fine job in school.. .and later aa good citizens of the West, Standard Oil Company of California I I i r 0,"N "7,