12 Thm SlnWimrm. Salt Hop Prices Remain Uricnanged, Supplies Ample, Rv Ullie Hop markets were comparatively steady darinf fj.v 17 with Dnces averaging about uncnangeri tr. the market news wrvice of the While suDDlies held by dealers .rr ihowine some interest in delivery during the past week. Srrne of the poore low as 20 cents in the Saiem area but most of the small amounts old went for from 26 to 29 cents. C W. Paulus of Williams and Hart, reported Tuesday. Trading in the 149 crop con tract market was only moderately active with growers in the Pacific Northwest snowing somewhat of a holding tendency for higher val ue. Inactivity increas-eri toward the close of last week when a very itw contracts were m.d at 48 ent per pound, basis 6 i er cent leaf and s'm pick. The figure dried up" by Tuf-d.v however. Mr Paulus stated, and i or tracts were offered at a 47 cett pine. " We;,ther conditions hiie Ken quite satif-fiitory for the coming i r . Paul T. P.owell of the United Hop Growers, stated Tueciay. The v.aim weather brought gro th -..ut ;,ht;id of the same time car zgo Dij-tmg for mildew cir.trc-1 bas rc-n underway for sometime. Ap- j proximately iwj ions oi aui r.ave- been disp-osed of by handlers to ( Ore:' n grove, ers so far this year, j urn M-.era! growers report having; ilustef! from five to !x times al-j le.-.'Jv A little mildew infection, ere ( i tr.U out late last week with trie unseasonably waim weather,! brought dusting equipment out lapidiy. Wiiile figure on hop acreage T-in'ed m the state were not icrni.kttd Tuesday. Mr. Powell j s.cd that 2.400 acres sre definite- j Iv cut of production and that seme j 150 new or replaced aires were j in There are, however, some i "doiibtf-.i!.'" t and the complete, mtvey will rot be ready until,: ..rly in June. Mr. Roweil expect- j el H's c-,;m,,!' were" that there v oui't be i.ttle more than 15.WK) , i,i n in 'he ;..te compi-red to the' 17,5.00 of 1948. j I'vage of b.ops by domestic brew f ,ev d iiH.g March was the larg-! t lor that month in recent years ! ;,r;i! ..m. -tinted to 3.377.256 pounds i ai.oiit 7 er rent greater than 10 M..nh !!4R. March usage this .,i. ii. 'Aecr. brought the total for ti e se;.sfn beginning Sei tem ter 1 uj' 20,656,377 rx.tinci crm-i..-..! with 22.900.jqH pounds dtir- it v 1.." tr, i I i oi i e-poo cf mg mont hs ' si,,Min ar:l 23.039. 0K2 pour; Is c,i'(ii! I ye.ir W(k. mtc d States exfxi! of hops, irk' M.,iih weie well niaintain- on: .! anil totaled 1.214.476 rounds : winch hi ought the SepU mber- ' M.o.h fi.ta! up to 10 215.799; I ut.'N compared with 10.232.723; mii (iunng tile sarnv-months aj eai ..!o and 10.194.293 pounds! during the 1946-47 nop year.! Match exports included 453.694: lunds to Mexico, 391.651 pounds I t .'.r.il. 151,584 pounds to Chile.' fO.187 pounds to Uru'gutiy. 44.067 1 I oiind to Columbia, and the te- j tnainder in smaller lots to ether j tfiis. ! L'ruted States hop Imports for ; the mor.th of March amounted to 45.908 pounds and included 280, f45 pounds from Gei many, 199. 638 pounds from Czecho-Slovakia Mid 5.325 ixnuniis from the United Kingdom. March imports bi ought I the total since September 1 up to 3,117.782 pounds compared with ' 1.542.154 pounds duiirg the ce-r-loponcting period last year and 3. 123, 110 pounds the same period two years ago. Salem Obituaries f 1HIN Mrv M.ninf t'lruh Cui m llent .f 1475 Sa;nj v! city VI . v 1 X Sur.i'rd I Ut res in this l.i:.-K,rktl e ir 11' am. r Mr T-.ti M Ctirtl C t irpi Ing 1 1 .itici'i 1 tf S..l."-i A- UttliiKil'l '-.i: will li W I H : ' H M.. . . i; . i Ne -II t-t First i '. icrs r -t Hroolc Ann -net Sh.i r t M( I , A u 9 li m 1 r 'h f'.mrr.il Mjv .Hi Hi .1 ';..rl tr;e Rf .'one In'o i.r :it .1 ..; k -t Fl- iKur r t . i i '. t 14 1 I f,tr (Iv U v ...i t'V vt, ! ,ii- I i v A ' 1 1 ..ii i H P 1 J' n V , n -!.ir i-n n t i p, 1 1 1 ion Mi i hen e.... --. ; . 14 -t . .-.. I .... :i -M.l-stn I t I'.ioli p.cnt b ifni e r r HoMeil I r .t Ir.irta Fa-t ."it at tie N l".tn t V.. v 1 v .. urii !,! Mr and Mr J. n H 1 iero. t.re ther I 1.1.1 h. S. ie--t-rt e.f the Kin-.i! H i i Annoufli-r-i er t i f i -..,.--rlinrlMl-ids e t.i7 panv . , . W4 pv - S.i Me-j-.- -. t r, i t V tvr rifr Charle V At tl-e rei-M-v 17 ! hv two ii U art. tferut. Salfi mutf I t- '2 ml the afr t K.' ve.ir Si.rv:-. rv Mavr-.rd Vincent U are letcr Wane both of Sl-, rie jaranrichild arid three rea; - (i ar.ele hil -tren AnncH.rve ertent of er;e Later k the W. T. Rifdon csnifM). ROMN pAt. Charles Fdvcard Bm B. late resident of 125 N. 4lh St.. May IS. ISMS, tn the South Pacific Survived fcjf the father. Chji les W Brown oi riaiiaa, rather. Mr Stanley Kim rut of sSieni: daughter Sharon K. Frown of? Salem; two brothers. Jarres A Brvsa of Portland and Stanley iCkntr-zak cf Salem, and a sister. Mrs P-t t-nntctz of Salem Semces will r- held S-rirday. Mav II. at 1 M p m. tn the W T Rifdoa chapel with lh i Jlev. Lloyd T Anderson officcatiox. la- ! terment ta City View cemetery TRADE MAKK NOTICE Notice la hereby (riven that Chemi ea Is, lar. a California corporation of K'l Wood St. OakUnd. Calrf . Has fUed ns trade mark "DCRA STARCH" wrlri tti Secretary ef State of Oregon. My 1 13 J 1 TKADE MARK NOTICE Notice is herebv iven treat Old D..ti-ti Industrial Products Co . lac a New Jersey corporatioa Harrison, k N. J. baa lued ru irao mart Act fed desjjn wtta th Secretary ct State ta Orcgua. Mjr 1S-U J 1 Hot If. IMT tiows I - Millua i the month ended affording to report department of i agriculture. and brewers rertfin ample, dealers spot 1948 crop hebs for immediate lots went for Pugblic fllefrds L Ml NICIPAL. ClIK'RT George Dimf fjji Usher. 235 Main t . charged witW reckless driving. lined SDO. PROBATE C01:tT George W. Ellvison estate Or- der approves filial accourt Otto P.edhtel 'fstate: Order ad mits will to prcj.ate, appoints Al ice Bechtel administratrix and Rubey M jMathfrs. W. M Ga nes and H. HaJisenlappraisers of es tate j I Roe Kimballlguardianship: Or der fixes h 30 fa m June 20 as time for hearirg on petition for gae ef real prfperty; estate ap praised at $8,75(1 Edward A. Wjfber estate: authcrizes sale bf personal Order prop- erty Ottc A Klettj estate: Order au thorizes s&Ie of personal prop erty. CIRC I IT COI RT Ida A Newtn vs William L. New ten Plaintf files reply ad mitting and deriving Leonard ,('. aid Ruth A Orton vs Victor and Elizabth Knuth: Order oet"-ruis defendants' de murrer. J Shirley Tagari vt Thomas J. Fagan Plaintifjj awarded decree of divorce. custdy of two minor children with $25 monthly support for each effective one month af ter defendants Release from Ore gon stat pemffntiary. Frances,. Harfiman vt Waldo Hardmarr ; Ordr dismisses suit without prejudice. Mane L. Herram v Otto Bertram- F'lair tiff fiwarded decree of divotce arid cusody of one minor child; os.ession of personal prop erty settled. DISTRICT CO1rT Wilham H DjjJton. 140 N 23rd st . charged w itp obtaining money by false pretences: continued for p!'a to Mav l; held in lieu of $1,000 bait. I Richard,;; P. fTungate, 1785 S 13th st . chirget. w ith burglary not in a dwelling: Naied preliminary examination ard bound over to the grand" jurjS, held in lieu of $2 000 bail. j Hnvil!e-a .'Canada. 1412 N. Capitol st.. charg of f rape reduced to charge of ; ccntifbuting to the de linquency ;of minor; held for grand jury, bait continued at $10, 000 if MARRIAGE TfC'ENSE APPLICATIONS R. H Larsc. 21 radio techni cian. $30 Beljview, and Wilma Johnson, 18, Stenographer, 1420 S. 12th sb i Charles B Rogers, 26, poultry worker. 4115 Blatting st., and Ber nice Gibson, 2, egg counter, 4386 Hager st.' McKAY TO ATTEND MEET Gov. Douglas McKay will at tend the annual governors' con vention lrt Colorado Springs, Col . June 19 to 22. He Is slated for an address. i i Mrs. Julia Anne Ilutton SILVERTOfJ Mrs. Julia Anne Hutton. who Jwas born in Silver ton 85 years (go. died at the Sil erton hoscttal Tuedav. She had lived her entre life here and for ji, the pat 35 yars at ."8 N Second strct-t She wis brn Aug 31. lRt3 Survidf- care two daughter. Theresa tuijhot. Silvettcin. and Mrs. Louts inborn. Salem: a son Donald Huttn. Silverton and brother. Fred) E; sen hart, Sileitc.r: 10 grandtbriifien slid se, en ;:e.it grarnichi!Jr r. Fun-rai arpiounc cmcnts y ,l t c malic latr by the Kkman li.r ti.il n . nie. Theodore II.: ' SII YKfrrd' . ral arrance- n-4-t- . g Tco. , II. Hi'l who V4.1,- ktiit'tt fij Oktnava. A-: :' 27. 194.i v. .;;' l-e.c-M ffcm t'- tVniii.i Mettallal l;.ip! SiltHfeV St I 3 'c.-'c l.n k t e Hr; V. 3 K Ki..-t ' "J i. I i t Fir.,1 ! i- wili in jl t-6 V:"v c 1 m-?r: v 1!;.; v!.s c:n t V,i ..r.d ' Jur.i i4 r. c'i 'i . .$ 14. ii He er.- TC-tt-4t ?! J.iSy ;( c n Jrt;. -ik.'tU-ii H'th a LVi t S. e .-.i v f : c-rn Sc eitcn e..p. iS4l h'.,i : r. t over-eies it v 6. 1945 He was as ter, thf Jtith riiv isi-n of the rnv . tj.l .v cfUHf on ..n r.i Okinawa. Survive.! ie a scn. Tedciv V;l!m ;H.-.i. ni laientf. ilr an i NT:-.. A R Hail c f Silverton: trr ihei .;; JajWs F Hall cf I'ma tiila. FiiMl A HaU 1 American Fc-rt. I'tih; Jshree itets. Mis. C O. Tucker. S Lyons: Mr?. Ralph Morse. Glacje Park. C'olc , and Mrs Crc-i4n Sullivan, Grand Junction, Cdlo. :t ' Ott Paltenf er I SILVERTON Otto Pattenger. 86. died TutHday at his heme at 122 West Center street, where he had lieJ pr 56 years. Funeral : anrKun4Tmejhts will be made from f the FJinvivn funeral home Pattenteri was born Oct. 12, 1863. at dedarburr. Wis. ani came to SLjKerton 58 years a.o. Surv ivor! ae a number of nieces and nephew! . Mrs. Pattenger died two years ago. TRADE MARK NOTICE Notice ts fvreby iven that inter national Salt Corr.pany. a New Jersey cerpontiea, oi Scran toe. Pa . baa fiatd its trade mark. "Repress r tattoo of aa old sailor m --knotton ha etna the word SALTY" r'.aved on hts hat and tha word rU. KL'N ti" astride hi lcf. wltA thm eecrrtary ef Slate ef Orefoci. My U-aa i X Wed i . i a Volley Obituaries ' y Meat aay typ f hbby may be seen at the Salem senior high scboel's science fair aa exhibit f hobby's of stadenU and instructors. AtMvr are Beverly Bell, a sophomore. Salem route 1. with her display of tea popular superstitions ranging from good lack charms aa horseshoes and rabbit foot to bad lack ladders against a walL Diclj; Reay. sophomore. 7"t Stewart at. at right, show Beverly bis clay models or a child's heart afflicted with the disease known as -Blue-Baby." (Statesman phU). Science Fair Draws Variety Of Student Exhibits, Hobbies Salem's high's first science fair was held Tuesday night at the high school with hobbies of practically every scientific nature dis played. Biology club, which originated the fair, awarded prizes in collections, projects, animals and In the physics department an waves off a fluorescent screen, a gases, and a 40.000 volt cathode ray tube to shraB ETAOIN EA , . . . . J At , ray tune were ciemonsiraieo. mu displayed were hobbies of high school instructors. Woodcarving block prints and stenciling werej shown by art students. i Winning prizes in the collec tions divisions were: First. George Etrozut. minerals and rocks; sec ond, Roger Bandy, twigs; third. Ann Gilbeit, weeds; fourth. Joyce Jensen, minerals and rocks. Projects division: First. Miles Kring. hereditary experiment with fruit flieM second, Virginia Mil ler, stages in de elopment of chick embryo: third. Dirk Reay, model I of a "blue baby's" heart; fourth. Beveily Bell, superstitions, j Animal division: First, Bill Run, i blu mink; setond Ella McCaieb. white r;.t: third. Bob Rainwater, (sea anemones; fourth, Bruce Mnt- this. piee r.s. j P!j.nt--First, Max Morns: flow er arrji-ement. first place won rbv DoroStry Dke nd Robeita Klemrel. j Caroline Matter was In charge 'of the biology division, and Roger ; Smith headed the physic depart ment display. The fair was spon sored jointly by Biology, Science and Photography club. Storemohile To Ply Wares In Salem Area A grocery store on wheels will start plying its wares in the Sa lem area soon. Called The Traveling grocery In an assumed business name filed with the Marion county clerk Tuesday by Cloy V. Dykstra. 1978 Broadway st., it will operate out side the city of Salem exclusively. Dykstra said he has installed shelves in a former school bus and next week will stock it with staple groceries ar.d strike out on a couple of tentative routes he has In mind. He hopes to serve areas where there are no nearby stores. He said he plans to park his mobile store wherever he finds a cluster , of homes and make house-to-house canvas. The idea .was his own. he added, though he thought it had been tried other plates. Dykstra recently sold a grocery at 1616 V. Commercial st after op erating it for two years. Nagel Appeals To Ilmh Court I Tr;ir.-c i i llam H N ' ath Fa IN de!mqri btnc ' if t if The cac cf Wii-,t.-r!. C4 r-.v ic'tcct in KKern cf c4irtr;bifi;"K Ti the i v e.f a minor g . r i . : t to the Uritcci S'Vt-s muit. 're t.i'f Miprt-iTie Di,!:ui Tue;..tv. :s ii J'C. '.!( i..- ri-N'. .c the h:trt- c-utt tn :i.l i is lower court tr...l ,it it n tr. r.-! :irHl to t-.ty . tr.or th;.ri Klamath uf ic-rr.r COlCt Jif. N..p i :i.n groun.-;- SClTTf c i Na. 1 n r-.tem: tht pubnc (.pm.rn was inf.jmr,) in Klamath county with the result that he did net receive a fair trial SOIH V OF INTFVtlOVTO IMPROVE IMON SIKH T FROM t M CI RB 1 I INt: Ot CAPIT4H. IMFI T TO A POIXT HIT FAST or SAID j Tl RB I IM Notice r-.erery Is ivtn that the con - mir, council rf th c:tv of Saem. Or tfiin, deems it nece-aiy and enpedi fent ar.d trebv declares its purpose j and ir.trntion to In prov Vnion street f from the eat curb line of Capitol street to a point 460 feet cast of said curb line, in the city cf Salem. Marion county. Oreson. at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by removing- tne exurenje curb, and con structina new cement concrete curbs, widening the esisruig pavement from 24 feet to M feet. S feet of such addi tional wtdtn to be on each side of the atstina' pavement ar.d sucn additional width to be paved with a inch Port land cement concrete pavement, and the exist trig pavement to br resur faced with a I'a mch aspbalne con crete pavement. In accordance witb the plana ar.d spec. tics txna therefor wtuch wen adopted by the rornmoa council May f, 1949. which are now en file in the office of tne city recorder and which by this reference, thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby de clares tta purpose and kntenuon to nakt the above described improve ment by and through the street Im provement department. By order ef tt.m Coounen Council May . 14 AX-f&CO lrTKDT. City Kecordee Date of first puhtataQon hereof at 13. 14J asjaj-it-iig-ii-ia-ia-M-ii Hobbies Spot Science flower divisions. oscilloscope wnich projects sound Geisler tube to show ionization of ! Wife of Former WU Dean Dies In California The death of Mrs. Harriett S Erickson. wife of a former de.m at Willamette university, was learned here Tuesday. She died i Monday at Santa Barbara. Calif., ! where she lived since leaving Sa lem in 1940. Her husband, Frank M. Erick- ! son .became head of the depart ment of education at Willamette . university in 1920. and was dean i of the university from 1925 until j 1940. Mrs. Erickson wa born in Ken dalville. Ind . April 2, 1871. She was a member of the First Pres byterian church while in Salem Suriing besides her husband are two sons. Frank M . jr.. and Herbert, both of Oakland. Cahf , . a daughter. Dr. Mary M. Erickson of the University of California's ! Santa Barbara college, and three , grandchildren. j Funeral services will be at Santa Barbara at 11:15 am. today with final services at Kendalville, Ind. and Interment in Lakeview ceme tery there. McKay Asked to Proclaim Dav for Expectant Fathers Gov Douglas McKay Tuesday received a letter urging that he proclaim June 18 "Expectant Fathers Day-' in Oregon. The let ter was signed by George Garland, secietary of the national "Expec tant Fathers Club" with head quarters in New York. "Through the expectant fathers club the much harassed and often neglected future father prepares himself for the important role in in his life," the letter read. The club Is a non-profit organization with chapters in more than 100 cities. I FC.AL NOTICE Th Stat Industrial Accident Com nuafton hereby gives notice that a hear ins of the adoption of a safety code known aa the Safety Cod.- f..i toe Prevention and Control of Occu pational D'-.i-s lor the State of Ore fcrr. will b held in tn Green Room o the Portland Hot 1 Portland. Ore gon at 9 M a. in. DST. Jur.a 16 IK STATE INDISTR!.L ACCIDENT COMMISSION H raj! F,. C.ir-ke. Cha rrr.an Mv I8-'.i NOT1CF OP IVTFNTION TO IMHROlC M ADIiON Si Kl If I ROM 4 OITK.K STRUT T4I WINTER STRiTT Ni.t re r.crtbv i :ven tl-.a th Pe.i--ncin ci unci i f tr c ritv cf SaUrt. Oi s-nr. !e r-.s :t r.r ..c-sar v ar.el e per.ie': t r .1 : r rv av-';n par pen an.fl :n-i.T;..r. to n r-t'-ve Ma1: r. s'rt e t t i rr l-.e eaT I r.r i f C'ot tae" tieet to tr e t 'me i f Winter tt t in !K.e citv i( S... t . Manun rt'ui Iv. Oi in . at -. exf er.e i f tr.e abiitunij a .1 a-, .rr.t tr p-r, ei-ej.r tre i!i ir,ret-t: i-!. tr.e exo-ne cf wh e h w.:i l a'-.ir? d lr-v tr.e city of Sale'r.. tv brir.img sa;d portion nl sasit slr. to t- e etat: lisr ed grar: . cor . r j - e cnr nt concrete curb arn: j.. ir.g a.cl crtion of aid tr! H.-' a I j :',r. apr.altlc cor.crte pave -rrir.i 30 !e t vc Hie in accordance v :in tfe r!an ar.d spec if icatior.s tf.erefir tun ie:- adopted by tr.e common fti cncil Mav 9. IMS schjeh are now or, fUe m tr,e of flee of the cttv recorder and s-fcicn by this reference thereto a. e made a par t hereof The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described irr prove ir.er.t by and throuah the street Improvement de partment. By Order of the Common Council May S. IMS ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is May 13. 149 My. 13-14-15-lf-n-ls-lS-20-21-22-23 Or.T.TXaamJ n. Dr.O.ChaavN J DKS. CHAN . . . IaAX CQXNSSK HZKBA LISTS SU Nrtb Ubcrty Cnatalva General Dectrto Ce. Office aas. se 1 i eves Sacnrdax eeJy ta es pjn. C ef chart e. rractaced leeta are free sane 111. Show I I Budget Chief Appointment Expected Soon Persons close to Gov. Douglas McKay said Tuesday he may an nounce selection of a state budget director to succeed the late George Aiken within the next two weeks. Verne Young, deputy state bud get director. a.nd Ernest Fatland of Condon have been mentioned as appointees. Fatland previously served in both the house of rep resentatives and the state senate. His only opposition is said to be spearheaded by O B. Robertson. Junction City, and for years a regular visitor In the lobby of the Oregon state legislature. Young handled the budget de partment during Aiken's illness. A report also has circulated that the governor may ask Fied Paulus. chief deputy in the state treasuiy department, to accept the job Friends of Paulus said, however, he prcbably would not be interest ed in such an offer. Cherrvmeii Set Fruit Fly Talks : A meeting of spray contractors, cannery fieldmcn arid others in terested in cherry truit fly con trol in Marion county has been scheduled by- county extension agent D. L. Rasmusson for Thurs day. May 19, at 8 p m (daylight saving time) in room 223 of the Salem po.-toff ice. I Plans for the 1949 compulsory spray or dust program will be le ; viewed. Recommended msec ti i cides and timing of applications : w ill be discussed during the I meeting. ! Cooperating agencies and their responsiouiiies in xne cuirent pro gram are the Oregon state depart ment of agriculture, regulatory; Oregon experiment station, insec ticides and timing; and Oregon extension service, publicity. Jack Turnbull. deputy horticul tural inspector, has been assigned to Marion county by the state department of agriculture for the duration of the cherry fruit fly control program. Turnbull will be at the meeting Thursday night to outline his work in cherry fruit fly control. NOTICE TO CRFUITORS I have been appointed aUir,n,i.-tr jtor of estate of LOUIS L. EVAN'S" deceas ed All prson having claims apainst siJ -stat hereby art- required to prmnt tn-in, with proper voucrci; to trie at 214 Pioneer Trust Building. Slm. Oiejfon, witnin x months from date hereof Dattd 4 Mav 1349 ERNEST H EVANS, Admini? trator. Allan G Carson and Wallace P. Car Jon. Salem Oregon. Attorr.evs for Ad-, misustratorT Mj 4-1 1-18-25 NOTICE OP SPKXTAL, SCHOOL H.EC-TION NOTICE IS HEHEBV GIVEN that an elect Uin will be held in Schoul Di.tnct No, 24CJ, cf Marion Cocir.ty, State of Oreji'in. en Fndav. Mav ?v 1W9 from 2 i.O P M to " UO P. M at thu te.Mnve- 1 1 1 1 1 ST tlace -Si i ti Salem Precinct- School Ari- mir.lv ration Off.ce. 4HJ North Hi'h Str t ; Ea.st Saierr Piecinct C Ac K Lumber Conpanvi Office. Center aid 1-ar, cart er J-!roets SCit-i S.,. rn Precinct- Leli Ji High Sct-.ooe. ..utM Cottage 4 H..' Street-. c r rd Wt-t Sa!-rr, Pre cir.it: Center Sir.o! Buijd.r.je Wr-t S. 1-n. n 'i:l c-r.oiil d.y': .ct. for the pu:p-e of -v.: rr .tt.'.g :.i tr.e !i..il vote r it s.iitl Gi.-tju: u t cu;ct.. .ii if the ti,r,. ladati. n i l Sv ..n..! !,: ut N- 24CJ .M.3err... Variiri ar.d li:i ((,i.r lie? Orce-. r.. No , Flej-d..; Piir.'i of Mar. i n Coar.tv . Om-Eoi; and No. 12 iSaicrr, Hc!f::l. cf Mar:on Count v. Or i un D..l-d at Salem, Oreifi.n, this 29th dav of A Pill. lbM DONALD A YOi'NO Cr. airman BaiU of Diree.ltis ATTEST C C WARD. Djituct Clrk My 11-18-19. NEW LOCATION 114 Center St, p. ,-iaie-iu, iririvn Dr. R. Eenolda Clinic RecUl Specialist Phene Office 3-9460 Re. J-5437 Plenty ef Free Parkinr Space Seath Acru Street Frem : Bere'a New Saper Market t i III ad (IHnVOnKNOtBe, IfCTAl AND CCXON AJUaBsTt STOMACH DlSOtDflS Treata. Wiai ml awsartaf tpnattaa Mas. rWeeek Fri.. 10 n-as. le e-a. fvaeewosiatee.. Wed. ed W.,ea VVrite or coll for TWO. dncriptrva booklet The Dean Clinic ff Our 39th Ymnr 1 tiCJ rfe PILES Stocks Decline After Splurge I f; NEW YORK, May 17 The S stock market ran out of buying power today after a five-day rim- j ning advance. f Declines of fractions to around j a point were fn a clear-cut rifia- j jority at the final bell. Amfns ; the latter were some of the utijity ; stocks which climbed to rie'v highs for 1949 yesterday. j A handful of other utilities kjppt on going to new highs with g4ns of fractions to around 2 po:ht. Trading volume contracted j to 780.000 shares from yesterday's 1,030,000. The Associated Press average? of 60 stocks dipped 2 of one point to 63 8, the first setback since May 10. The industrial group showed the larget less, followed fay railroad stocks. The utility di vision was unchanged. Springs Wheat; Price Weakens CHICAGO. May 17 -Pi- Y Bir to generous moi.-ture ov er North America spring wheat ritory weakened grains at board of trade today The spi wheat deliveries were hit first selling and later the nearby livery was under pressure. At the finish wheat was to 38 lower, oats were ' to he ng by ?e- lower, corn was to 1 cent lowrfer. rye was 2l? to 23 lower, beans weie 2l4 to 334 lower y inrt lard was 10 to 20 cents a hund: weight lower. One factor in the decline may wheat was a reduction the government buying price ported from Kansas City. of of e- Salem Market Quotations (As of late Testerday) 1 i i BITTEKFAI I Premium 4.1 No. 1 i No 2 . jS ' Wholesale f Retail 71,. 71 tc.es (Buvino ! (Wholesale puce rar.pet from I to 7 cetiti over tjvjvinu puce ) j I Extra la r Me A A . . r 4S j Large AA .. 4" l arge A . Medium A A 44 Medium A .. 41 i'rllrt $.1 Crack ,J0 POl I. TRY A I.e?:io; n her C I-eghorn HJ5 - -t'f I A cc lined hen fit Jut B filmed her.T , j:5 C ci lo nl t.c ns . j 5 A col'.n-d fryer. 3 !t r.cl up . ; B if lortii frvt r . .. ... 4-' C" coY.red lrv-rs ,1S A old roof'crs J6 B old roosters j! I t: old roc- rers JD8 I 1 I STOCK tv Valley Pack Soi ,n: l.in.iis. top 24 (o Yearling, I.gt.t t 'p 14 'm F h ii' Fat dair to . i4 16 (( !,. , : h mi 11! U )H IK I tl (HI in wi t' co ; , C'.itt. r inv. s .. It' ii Dairv h.eifc t . i i in ItuiK . It. i ii (ii.oti caHes. 3I-450 ll.-. I'l1 i V CJood veal, ire to .'Cic It - m Stocks and Bonds Ccrrpll'4 by hf Aoc1fed Prni Mav AV1KAI.I 17 10 10 j 10 BOND 20 Kail Indust L'til FpiRii Net changa Tuesday Prt dav Week mgo Month ago Year ago A 1 . ve 3 . 541 2 . o 3 W 9 D2 I 4 iicti 1(1 U 101 b ioi y U'l 8 H1 5 15 Kails D2 35 1 35 3 34 4 95 1 44 4 L'nch i i i 1C2 1 102 1 101 9 102 0 101 3 13 C nch 441 5 40 3 40 2 441 5 42 0 ! 70 6 i 70 7 70 5 70 4 62 li 60 Stks I) 2 63 8 04 0 63 1 63 7 70 4 STUCK AVKKAC.I-S 30 Indus D 3 Hh f . en 2 . H 4 ra v 9 2 Net change Tuesdav Prev. day Week alio Month afo Year aso IS i IN THE WamiHi I ! PEOPLES p i MARKET PLACE s4 in almost anything they need. New York - Stock Quotations NEW YORK, May 17 -TV American Can Am Power & Lt Am Tel & Tel. ... PCS Gen Electric 10s Gen Foods 141 Gen Motors 29s Goodyear Tire 31 H Int Harvest 28 Int Paper .. . . 2 IS Kennevett .. 334 Anaconda Bendix A via Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac .... Case J I . . Caterpillar Chrysler , Comwlth $au .... Cons Yultee Continental Can Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air 12 s, 33-s 57'3 52 ' hi lo 33 Ubby Long Mont Nash Nat N Y D.nrv Central Northern Pac Pac Am frVh Pac (ia F.lec P T A: T -Penney J C ... 23 7 9', f C ISO3! Dupor.t rie Ne I'ortlantl Produce POKfLAND. Mav 11 iAP ter fat l n'at lve . citict to in.;: ate critimri Prenuun. qwialitv mum to to 1 p T cr.t at id I l.vered in Portland, e; -e4c lb qtial.tv ir . -n i.d quail'. 64v Valley route- ar.c cour.trv p. 2c le-s t: an urt But'tr -- Wholeoaic fi t tulle c to i r olesal. r Clr.iilt- AA 93 . bl-62i- Ih . A. S2 Wirt. ec-fl'iC lb W icoir. It C l-3 xolf. 3 7. Above pints aie t; ictlv nomm.. Chet'r-c- -1 I1i:ik pile to Poll w hoit sale: i Otegoi; MHuie. 4;.-c. Oreiion S-lt U al -41'j-SO' Egics--Mi lAt'oliMilt1 A lar;f. 5J-53c. A ciacie n.edu.n.. 51'iC B ude. Utge. 4'i-5c'.c Live chickn iScv-i qul;t ! H lb ji'.j M - Dlants': Bioliers. under 2' lt. frver-. 2 .-3 II :$ :!( 3-4 !h 31c roarer. 4 It- t.u ever. 30-.1 'c fovkl. ephorn. 4 it. and under. 25c; Pennon, ever 4 iVr . 26-l'H . c st ored fowl, all i:ht- 29-31C; o.d roo-t-rs. all vccif.t- 18-2ck. ib. Kjfl ii- .avriat ti r'cwnti' I ve white 4-5 Ibi . i'7-2V 4- . 25-27o colortd. 2 centu lower eld or !r jv dors. 13-lSc It ; dir!-d fivei- to huti .t i. 57-tKc lt ; eld and heav o;te 35 ib Fi-h dr?d ir.eat i vi holesaiei. . retaiUss per hurutrtd It t Brrf St.rrs. f, .'. MC-bi'O lbs J 43 con.iVerc lal. t.i'J-4 1 utllltv. .4-'6 Cow Comri erc l.il. I;tfr-3t. ut:. t35-3S canrve! -i utt i KM-35 Beef cut- jood Mr-' Hind q. ters. M-53 m.ii.d- JS1-M full !. trm n d 54S-et . tiiar t U $37-38. sc.i rtiack. sjv-41. rets Mi-. Iiiimi trr- $.rr-.. Veal and eaif CI ci .c ic e $16 coinmei .al. $45-47. itf.lit.v $.I3-4H La'ih- Ciii'd-c liuii ui'.dri 6o 1 f31-V con-iriciji 47,4H Mutton G.xd 70 It. 1o n $-' Poik cuts Nuiis. N 1 .12 lt- 54 -I o..k!rr. lb It- oon. t- .4. lar . lit- 43-4S. c.o Wool Coai-e. v. II trailer. 45c lb. Moli.ii; Noinin..l;y mor.tri i-i ow in. c- $.11 and x ;kc it. IV 12- (iu; n! v - k :!! if ri.tat-' Veal' top CJ.mht 4Z-44C lb far-.. tt 4n ; the i n,;ia ai old ; vcritf! t a 1 1 Cjoal.Iv HoK-- I.IKht LrUHllf. I6-2PC Itl ovc - 22 I .in I - h p qu.i.tv 4(-4'?c lb; ton !4.2l I'.i i I net - On. No 1 !' i. c;... d t. . . - 2$ oi V-t : i d . tiom i -;. lave i I. s ll . I C I! p V.llo A hi.nm Hll-M -4U 2-l' iA. 7i VV ..-!;. I.i .-I :-4e lb now 50 3 ( ' 1 b I , ;-4 .1 old i IV 11. !5- ,b $1 ho I ) m at. -N. '.A i, No 2 So t- No 1A. j 4 : 15 N -.. . ;t. n.-r A B llHl I 1 I t.-."C - . a. if. lul l 4 Si M) lb- 2 23 -3." ; '-.-3 eo M' li - i '. 1 t I'ilo a , i .f . - i s t ; i . t 1 v l , f i , 1 1 u. i I S ta;a or Lrt'ei . I-..M .: ti sale-. Pol Hand. .f - .-.t 1 tun i tt.v . Oat a 1. 1 hav. win ci (if ted clover i : a it p .. 1 .- .a k lot - No '. Villi hay. n 1 n We Want Your E G G S Always a Dependable ash Market. If you don't brine them to Curly' we both loe. Curly's Dairy Faircrounds Road at Hood Ph. 3-8783 Adls Sa S J-'vi.- r i-v ff thai plac thousands of dollar-wiso popi look for their wants . I . thy know tht thoy con find outstanding bargains W the jplaco additional j thousands of people list their surplus . . they know that rfs an economical, quick way for them to contact buyers. i Ceo into the Want Ad habit . . . Read them daily .. . . Save dollars, hours, and energy ... It's the smart, easy way to shopl Today'a closing quotations: 37VRdio Corp 44 Rayonier . 23 57 s Rayonier pfd Mt Reynolds Richfield 221 23 i'4 12' 7 I Safeway Sears Roeb f . 4:? So Pacific . 7 V Stan Oil Cal lf-S Studehaker j . Bel! A . Ward .... Ke! in - Sun Mining; Transamerica Union Oil ,.i I'n Pacific J I'c Airlines-.. I i 1 i 15 1 32'.- V S Steel i'v Warner Hro 4t -S AVoc-lworth 515-20 W ilU - ir't r r.ci.t.j on qualitv-. baled, ( tl tt vaiiev- farm, j I I'ortlani Grain PORTLAND May 17 CAP Wheat i..-..;1- ri t cufd i s cV.:- i; f; Oat No Ir. h,; Mi i'c t a n N. 2-43 lb B W. SdK j Co)-, .t..t ibidl Sof?Jjrte 2 ii; -oft u it i eve .'u. ling irxj 12. wr.it 2 1 vc-ttn i-d 2 24 i Haro iec: i ln Cid-.narT t 24; 10 r cr i t a i 4 cent 2 Z-i H i il r re prr ct nl 2 2 Tm; v i rf r 11 prr cent 2 24. U rf i taarf OidrriJrvi 2 24; ' 0 icipts- W'tvit 4 b -' . 4: .rl.e..l I'orllaml l.ivfstork I POKTLANr Mav 1 7- Al - f. UA j Catrlr ..,.. HXi uUfi . reprt ta'.lv -la.'Khttr cl.c-- ai-er.t. two !occ K'a.: I'ltmnn a!H vit Meadf; !i;ii i i, t.lau4v'hter f e-r 4) 21 Xj-22 .(; n ;i: tie oftrrir.nl 11 in)- 1H tt; i'ii-i im r reilti If o-20 N i plant d.;trf k.r-i- 17 c--; c-c Kv n ediuri ota IT c-1 M" c .ittt r -com rnoit 15 cxi-1 :-t4j ; -,1.,-ajc I 2175. mexlium -catcf-; c-anncr- 12M-14 50. odd tiea 1 Kcii CUtld-ii -I il.ilt i OO-IS llti Vrllrtl loc tt v -; about te.i4v vvitM Mi a Jav i n .M il,1 hf d looil kn.l 2 l.d-..it- 24 50-27 '. contTiln 14(ci-4(( c.,l,- down to j 10 00 j . Ili'l- :.;li 3cC' ucn.i.tHv t.1Jl hulu !..-:. c u t IIM1-230 ;lb balih.lt 20 5i'-2 1 (V ii cJ liartit lmt-tier ou to 17 "M l.ulk Koxl-ho1i-4 Mini 1(5 14 17 ml: ft vc wttyhty tj114ii bo; j iic'-IclH fi i-chou-e 7:-iM !b. fc C ei I.i . J'2 -l I Sfip Sa..il!e 75 BeBrfj'lv teaot ; -nail .otf i i c-i l;i,irv SJ'"- lb piing !aM-t .1 i1 n.t dnim-tfoii roa-tlv 2$ ci con i i i: cl vc n to 2.1 tiOJ iKi-rhei nin'ili; ;..o t r 23 51-24 IH. K-vl rhpittl i.i-t t' 21 (H -22 5o mrit;ui:v nm n t v. i a LHi-5o ftvv H.-72 lb. storn ftedr Ian b ! 14- i ( I.irl k unci 14u!try ( t NIC E he AN civ $":e in WW dav . Ftovd Mat6.. Hi, 1, H 4 ii p, 2-2bt.i j t ti'H .-M r ii irv co'V, Ui-t f r -Si. At tt call Calve 5.; gaii'in. IVi. : i " itcV.Liin MiC.iyo .-h 2 CK1 I IVrSTOc Tv t.iiver F C W7 S 25th. Ph. 3-8147.) nd 2 v i m-J Aui in -'e-1i: it- S - : r: bvi .;.. i tort bvi Jfdiott. Ht 7. Id 4iTK i H.) Al SllD hoi-r H L K" Palomino quaitiW Still Jr.. Kt 3 box Hid. - . 2 ti Sidle VZ Finance Co! H l44ri I Iat.k - l ime I arm Loans t I.irenve S-2I6 and .M-S35 j Iet!onal and ul0 Loans f Why Siiffrr Anvj Lonjietj When oUrti fall at "tut Chinese remedlf Amaili ur. r Isr years in ( hlna. Sm matter wtik what aliments mil ars affllcte-t dlordris ulno-ltH. heart loa(t. lie er. kidneys, (as. ronsitpatlua. ulcer diabetes. rbeuroacUm, c ail and blad der fever, skin, lenta.'a , ramplalats CHAIUJE Nc CHAN CHINISt BERB CO. at N ( mmrrrlaX Phone t-IKM IAIiM ORE. ortlra Hours t t , Tnes. and Hat only. 'If f w . .