1 11 Tho Statman, SalTa. Oregon, MootatTT. May M Wholesale Tummy Jumping for 3 Children LOS ANGELES. May 15 The? bosy Ksmfrs children. Nera. 2. AniU. dowa In an emergency hospital in Lm Angeles after a wholesale consumed some 40 -odd pills and tablets In four medicine bottles. C03IMIfOFR' COURT Tt.e foHovtu 1 l;e otlitt! publica t:fn of the record iJ cU.ins before the Jkiaiton County .'omrni.oner tourt lr tne Januaiy term for V.f-i. with the amount allowed, biiift rondnunj etc . trtritdins to tre iordi in trie office of the Count C'.efk S'.at lnduti lai Acc Conun . Ins I7JSI62. Lartd A B.it S-lern Br. I'S Ntl Bk of 1'ortUr.d. mitr.ro.dinn 2 724 Sl. Public Erp tee Retirement fctem. rrtirrir.ent. 4 1 US 26. State Til "fmniision Stale TaJt. 1 12. Eirl f.eor, Sec of State. Trans. 11 Wl COUNTY AS.SES.SOR C A trH Xlrputy. 2ii8 2ii Ra I.;cH. do. 174 73 J 1 hieri,und. d 7 i. lirac f N Bab c oc do. 1S 7 laa M Batiiie. Oo. 147 . May Holiorl.'do. Ii4 tJ. Helen fnyder. do 31 I rone Henderon rlerfc 127 35 Gordon F. Tovker. drafts man 220 Wl CIRC UIT COURT A A R.cr.jrd. Sec lor Court. 2XSfJ. Ruh H Huge dfputv. 1700. COUNTY Cl.KftK. M Knn;c-k. -put 5i22 E limb). d 15?io, F Howard a IMAWi. Dora Bartr't. tiu. f) K rnin Winrtwit. do 181 W lirini L. Muili'. do. 17420 Wanda M Giltoid. do. i ." -I. H J. S!ar.tn do. 46 t. H T Klrin-Ke. do KiliO IVnuia B.ovir'. do, 70 HO COUNTY COUHT 4 CUM MIS.SIO.SEHS M RririOfk. clerk 45 011 D L Bfun. Slrnof 8n (. COURT HOUSE Fdwa Brnhir. Jani tor. Ii6&a. W A (iritton, do I.U.S!. V. in Monart. do 143 7!: Edwin Booth, do 117 50. KuUi llutt-h.n. Elev Opt . 71 M F Lmdvo, do 76 4i DIS T KIt T ATTORNEY Reninald S W.ii lamn. depiit 2l'J 1" Anna M Atiii. Mem, 142 8fi DISTRICT COURT ;Una Robimon. deputv clerir, S3 67 Cluru Brown d.. 1S5 4S. DISTRICT I'ONSTABI.F Gloria Robinson deputv contible. WiOo HEALTH DEPART MENT W J Sl.mf t o. Health Officei. 67 63 r R ("oiriMii Co Sanitation. 2j2 77 I G Uimin, do. 241133. V. B 4Vii:nn. do 242 10 Battv Cooper, do. 25i 40 Ijmrnrr M IVieney do 249 10 Kn niceYear . Director of PH Nurmr 2231. Mrrin Oarbv Co PUN. 74. Joan Schneider, do 1V1 36 Elr- norr Swedenbur. do. 14 2l Helen Uangagard. do. 2U5SS. Helen Stevacrt l liI7. Jane IVunkow ki do. 2 20 Kvrlvn L. Sctsrader. do 107 25. Frna Bertecher Ait. Co PHN. 197 25 Illie L Stone Clinic Nurw. 121 14 Shirley Iveron. Cierh -T pit I. 124 3J Alice Bergmann do. 126 30 Ortfin Melbv. do. 144 an Helen Walliwh Clerk-Steno I. l.V oo Vers Wood Cierk-Steno II 12 So Jo Ann Wallace. Extra. 10 3 BREITENBUSH fOSSTA rlt E J C Towler. constable 24 75. jr.rrERStiN justice tcrt c F ArmMror.at. constable. 1 4 R5 MT AN fiEL JUSTICE COURT Peter J Bur ger con'aMe 9 i SILVEHTON JUS TICK COURT F N Burch Court Clerk 4 5o F J Jarkn, constable 74 25 STAYTON Jl ST1CF COURT Henry Smjlh rn1aM- 19 SO I,eoia I'ele' -son Stenos i" -n WOODRI'RN' JUS TUT COl'RT W C Miller, connt-ble. 4i 50. Ma V fioTiian Jut.ce clerk 345 Jl VE.MI r. IirPT Nona White. Fiona! inn Officer ri72 D J Jepen. Ail Probation Ofiicei 2)5 18 J An 1ei.n. Slerms 95 17 RECORDERS OFFICE France" Matlwn !eput l2n. Adelia D'ckt-ian do. 574 Vir rm a Cutton do 153 9 Pauline Bui oker rierk 14.1 3i Ronnie Wilton do 1.TH71 REGISTRATION I ELECTION i!a1v Whi'e oepi.ty 1717 SCHOOL i SUPERINTENDENT J F Rerr.inet..n. deputy. 19 65 Vi lan S Hfwntr u n ivir. 2 l MarciiP! lie R Burton, do 214 no ChrtMirie V Morlev. Secre laii. 142 25 SHERIFF I-ieal A I Ji.hnon rimuli 2i2 20 B R Smith, do. 202 ISO Win DeVall do 203 30. John lUmri do 203 9H Mjrel Wood do. 2tfSo Edr G Sctt tin 1A045 lawrence Wrier.t d. 17953 Glen onklm. do 178? SHFRIFE Ta H E Donmra1 Ta Deputx 220 25 Howard T Ewnv Chie! 199 41 Vi olelte Wet Bkkp Mi h Oper , 181 l C lUnimni depot 1K2 W I.vdia Ma'tv. do 17 on SURVEYOR S OF FICE A n Craham' DtduH. 27 4f Nel-a Simmv Secretary 14AS0 TREA SURERS OFEll E Atidrev H Fwir.B Oeputv. 143 04. VETERANS SERVICE trriCF l.l'lian Klippett Secretary 2 24. H C Saaifeid Se'virr Offuer 2M !W DOG CONTROL FUND F A W ard. Do Con! Enf . 2IO 75 R J Star. ton. Clerk. 100 00 COUNTY PRO PERTY Charle J Zerran Tax De putv 1450 H. William Thie!en. tnd Agrnt, IWn J Anderson Stenov 45 00 ENGINEER'S OFFICE H S Swart Co Enmeer. 29" 05 A. M PrenaH Sec. 148 9 JUVENUE DE PARTMENT Jeanette Anderson Str. Cf 27 SI. REGISTRATION a EI.EC- t Siale i? r:...aap. JTUt FHA L4ai Lanc-TlRse Farm I.oana License S-IU and M-222 Tersoaal and A at Le-ans We Want Your EGGS Always a Dependable ah Market. If don't bring them U Ctirly'a both lee. Curly's Dairy Fairgrevnds Road at Hoed Ph. 3-g:t3 T T Lam.N D Dr Ckaa N D DRS. CHAN . . L-M CHLEE HERBALISTS sl Nartli Uberty t solalrs Parti aae Ceaieral Ceetrle te uffiee eawa tarvrdar ee.19 14 a as. tm I am. I s as. Cetsatss aus Bleed asresee aad tirtse eats are tree mi csvarga. fraettcad ee ItIT Vr- TTON !sce JB Baillie. Extra Deputy 12 Q,.ve BHttorf. do. 27 72 M E Li.K!- i Eiev f! Operator. 4 79 John Har.na labor. ,) J P Apmili do. 21426 Delbert J Ba:r. oo 2170 J A. Bums. o 135iM Wm. H. Fick do 75 7') Hjarr-v li Lowrence. do. 244 40. H A ktaitmi do. 2260 Haroid L Martin Co Zf-.ZtA . Edrd Schmtt. d 2f;l X2 fcsnk oe!ke oo 24169 O U B r.e. i c!o 113 ft, Hen: Bower i-o. 174.13 Jiw;e.-fce B) ri do. 177 6.'! V. i Pfl'ioki do W 43 Orvil e 1. Duriiiaii an 2J5 87. S K El v. do 224 -78 Marie M 's Girod. do. 203 08 Kov Hilf.e rl; co 1 ft) 4i Haro.d K Keppi; . it er, do I 217 26 Jfihn A Kinne-. do 2t.4 2 R W Kmr.ev do 23139 R C Kirk do 215 J-3 Barney J Kropp do IU 9.1 u:ei ifn-.b do.. 24 14. Floyd Iii.'t r do 2'I "-4 E A Law rence. ci.. 22110 R Ha"e' . do 212 2" Jo' r. MeAH:te. dr., 19.-. R:pl Mr A. l ter. do J44 91 J) P Scti-'f do 227 Aukiit Smith ip 2t7 to Robert Sm.tl. do. 2129 G (li. Spencer d IJW 5 E-irl 11 S'ancl-. do. 2H(. Llovd E TakT. 4lo. 24lK2 Ra rr.ond Titus do 2O022 Jl'jarh ebl do. 24170 l.e W'elis in 2244 Ton f ke do. 31 Ii5 Thexios e Kuer.o do. 253 9! W Hliani'' R B-"nei do 212 12 Mrr.no Da:ke. . 2ot !. L.o d Jar-r an. do. 27 95 "jr,n, Riirt ev ;i,43 Juifr'i R H,c-f el :C17:: W. S-.elVr rlo 21250 Cene Sihi.i-ns do 212 12 A"r-i-r J Taikt. ief do 217 8! T E Tor- eson. 21 1 f M J l CIj-i HWyra I- W Webber '.' O B W.tltan,n do 187 S .lit ido 211 2 J "Xnder.n J: . ;23(t! i.r j Coo.-r do 19' 9": J S DfW ne iSo '24 74 Ar! .Pohnon do 2m22 J j Patten do. 2ol 40 H J Peerjv.,n do 2o7 55 C. G Ko do 2i OS A B K""art do 182 95 W rn Schiae'iet. do. .'216 22 Vireil H Fshe-. do. I90 P Jl Hi.ste! er. do 289 55 H E Ii.h-tt do 112 94 S M Ma' tin. do r-184 6 i; Wm. Nft7t;er do. 2''7 -40. (Veil I R Roi.lon do 19192 Dr1 bert C tShellitif. d. 211 12- E J R.r -artl- do 219 58 B'H Bu--tt do 44 15 Artlinr -Biac klfiurn d. 218 91 Oibeit B.'fi t- - do 29R 72 l ar! Irsne ker do. 4140 A iR Richard, do 214 39 Cha Tjirker !o 22ri 98 C A Cobire do. 19117 E H B(i.b do 197 42 Tor, Bow del do. 2 1 ; .". Georsfe Ftaoend. ener. do 222 9ft. Elov C Mudd Bailiff 42.70 SHERIFF Tax H E Domosalla Extra 12 7U H T Ean do 66 53 Violiettt Wri, do 59 39. Ra-iona R Evans, tlo. 2'45l Evelvn Menms do 27.55 Dot ! li Scott do. 55 04 Cleo Walker do $0 89 El!n Holmquit do 14 Reliecra I. B:!e do 12 10 Nea! Af Curry, do. 7 90 MISCELLAN EOUS f Addressoarraph - Multieraph Exp. 3J5.T. Giolden Pheasant Restaur ant. n.eli !m The Spur meals 17 ! 81. Bruce W Willianm. Att Fee 15 ot 1 Reminifton Rhd Inc. Mine. 226 31: L ' E. Rarrick. Per Diem. 63 01. Bureau of I-abor. iprrnnK 2 00. George Electric Sup ;3 so fy'r'son Broi Piumhmc Exp. 3 75 0!i Elavator Co. Exp 8 5o ' Var.co Sup. J3 75 Earl Anan.s por -ae. 5J Earl Adam TE. 129 74 ' Geotfe? E Alien Hardware Exp 1 40. John Schinid.. farbaee disposal 100 on A C Grat. IPo.-tmater. postage 47 - 00 HeOdr e Medical Ixb . I-ab . 125 lie Masonic Temple As.sn . rent ltmmi Pern k Drur Store Med. Sup a no ,fuier.berr Pharmacy Med Sup 19 67 $a fm Shopping Nt-ut Prm'Tj ch! fD't No 4 Off. Sup 1 15 Vitllev M"tor Co. Tfan 62 78 D A White li Som. Rodent Sap. 2 00 Willamette Grocer Co . do 7 14 John nannnan, tleia lnoeco. 47 75 rred S I-anije do 370 75 A W Son mon 04. 244 00 Edrniddio Rello. in den iiiti ' Il..erl Catt'r 7 "ui .-,i H Dettw ier f do. 12 no Karl H Dett- w-ylei (do. 24iOO Danr I. Eu!p do 5o Tt erdn'f B Got t -et a ik do 8 no Walton. W Herhrv do s no Janin H Jone sdo 8)0 M Rel LiveU. do 8 00. Mirharl VV Mahonev Jr tU 7 50 iliiaH Mickenhani do I'm Willi jp. Nelson do 7 5" Wilhan K .PhllllpS. do t 5l John Rnlh M.. ,Rav SC Spinwn Farm ri in' o. S Spilnser E'r'v do 8 ixv Svlete' Terr. ;do. 7 5h Sarr--Willamette Sup- r'l. RP 2 25 Sjnita' Service Co nc Sn Sen j 4,1 Si'ver Wheel tor freiut.t M vr 2 46 Denver You r Board l-of PrM)i'ri V!si Eme-' t Jarkor T E;. 67 42 Walte H B,-n pota rer t l T C Gormm '.", US1 c' M Urr. T E in 16 J H pirnddr Hopital 4.1 on Bov . G:ifr Aid Sx-et of Ore Co.-: Comn ttted 30 no Catho' r Cha-t'ie Inc. d. 50 00 n,:l(i,th, f-arrr Hone do. 3oy0 Oiteeon Pro'ective S.iciet do 16 $.1 J H Turn dee do 40 on rioh Trak M rowuar 1.1 no Ape. C B.ol'i J 1 W Ma-eue- 'te R Rurton TF 16.1 Vivian $ Hoenc. TF 19 55 Dr pattmaru of Aenculture Sealer 65 25 Abram 4 Skinne- Inc lnd 20 oo Burfce Camera Snop. M r 4 63 A't Bii'rV-e A Con-pan Fnu'O Xt 44 T. e CfTv of Sd'en Mdn. Oli Gene-' Petrr.'eu c'orp Iran' 2 fi6 Hutch eon Pf.nt S'ore Mi.- 140 I. I I T:ani 65 Va'.le- Mo'.r Co Tia- 1180 .'Lawrence V r - r h ' T a" 85 ' l-nel Co T:an 6 t A Grara-J l"n.lalr: I' .-jce !8 i0 E -v.n A.jAard.'TE 7 5? C c Canno Board; Meetiir. 5 i a, j Eoff do 5i Ht f? f Hjinijiif. d,, 6n oo Ge-ort-e BaiiirKnn hrh k lied 1 1 oo J y Reiflij ewe k '!e1 ;s no Bur cnettr-j; ewe. k-Med 45 no Hen-v Fe' ler dj, 30 ,-. Hrr.n rr'V d.. 6.1 OO Pear! Hawk ., jnm fr, p c is r -ro hicken killed Henrvj C, Rucele ewe k-i'ed Mr If.ibeM Schae'e- t .I 6.3 on I 6 Arro'd e 'u-ke. V '!, Seln. r,. "7 7 F. . Ill5 led 'if. Arrc'd'ti- e ' v "a--e A';-r-.-i I av H - k d .t: A-"oirf ik V f-ii ew . i'urlp Tn .1 TI 44 f'- 'av hMk i-lZ .--. 4 Co I-,- o. "'"""-WK-rri r,WMr, T1 e la.'f. Co-ope-atxe P-h o 5 on i-rr.ar(. C-'ation do 4 tir tta"f-rtl Law Pe -ew do 4 c Hr-I Put ! h,- c o do -21 on a. rj"' Sh t.w rw,f-T M ii l-l'e I. M,. a P.,ylur.. c:'r" " r ,s MIx 4 Wri t Ren "lofn H-; Ren tmm d liet.- F lf"0 n.ti p4-k 24 I1 B - el M i R ...V...( 4 T., rt.xi V.n 7. l'4k..M.-ff t l Tow -e S. r .7 -it? feid lur-be- Vr, M-c 4 s- p. n.ov, vRin Koc.n' ;F H Bujre'l Rec f 77 Cap ita' Aj.to Part d.. 27 r'l Cp tt P rulet- ui- 4 o Can-'a! Journal Ad U94.s I V ( G-ve! ? 4 St - Catltn 4 E-enk H Soear -et fWOfi M i e Cheek 7n. 7 53 Mon-oe S lieek do 5 79 Citv Water rvp. 1 w'e- 517! Coe Equ'p-tent o Bep 7.31. Co!ear Motor Sa'es o 4k It C-mn-erc Bock St-e Sop i 25 mo Cooke Stationer Co rbi. 27 rn oird l'nfo' Corooratwi Reps i:t'; t M K rv0her. Med" Serv ;J 46 66. Curt- E LWt tr-tor wor . 7 tm Phi! Doolev V-c . '5 00 rw- e Mate Ser ice Station Rett, f " i rVi-r Shop do 38 trt E-A--O Material Co Cod Pa'rl, 5 Eoulbe Steel Co M:yc 179. 72 R v L r'-.r- Hardw-sre Co do V- Jrtw Ee'-he'. Hea'th Ed-.je T55 rv l.jjct'.e Eo-tner Mre S--Jfi ne Eree Garaee Ree. 11 n J K Gist 3e Eou.p 35 D- John Go'rf- i ft4 rf, 10 f B F C'vsd'-ich o ! Mtst.j 15 4.: A. C Gragc. Postmaster, arsey of portion of Bridge Creek road, nmtafe 13 ao A D. Graham, T E . Tteasurers semi-annual report Jan. 29 S3 : ; Haloid Co.. Sains tl Geil 1 IsrtrmnrtT claim of Sans S Miller, fi Van fUndei afosr 42 e- J F Harel-1 ra' hearing set for 2-8-49 Jan. 31. Fi t 4 CV, Misc . 13s- M B Harden. ! rm I hearing on indemnity claims of r. E . a e: HermVd-Pnttlpni Motor Co . CKa E. Bochster. Harrv T. Feldman, - t ssrt ss . ma .1 . - it,---a r - 1 . . . $ .. s.iw- ss 11." . . p-a.ri, . 4MT3: Indutrial Supply Co. Reps., i 18J6;: inters late Tractor A Eciuip. C I V ; . ca 4. and Anthony. 1. are bedded tvmmy pamping. Th AP Hirephot to The Xhei had lust Statesman ). Rep. 1116S3 J.hnor-Siewert 4 A!- ai ifh. Sup 127 4i) Jonei Pr.ntor.K Co. up4 J8." 3 l:a Jorfrn-rn. Rf p. 44 7o. D: H E Jo pr. Med. Serv . 54 mi. Ke:.er Sand 4 Graei Co. fciaei. 85 12 K:-p 4 lr.r.e Printer Off Exp S 70. C J Lc Ga. 12. Logger 4 Contractor Math Co Re . 62 31. .'a H Macirn 1 . Rp . 33 fi! . Marion FrrtiiC Co Re- 5.153 M J McCor-n-.iCK. do. 7 Si. Do- ra NlcKv Ct r rr,it; C . Tiar,- 62 31 l,uuia Mo Ka- Chero!e Co fit p- : H17 62. A b McLauchian Co Rep . 3 vo Moun tain S:e Powr C. LAP 43 4 C ar t Murphv. TE 2i: Need"-an Bo k Stcre. Sup . 64 A'.f O NVvrn. rent. 4-i Of Ne!-t,n B.'i- Ire. Rrc . 5 75 Johaan J Bber Co Mm 5 Ne.iteri? San-i 4 Crave! to graivc' 47 141 Jaii-ic H N'lhnifiin Inc bond I ' ')' Noftr.v lncijtr.a! Uunun. h 'i n-rn.n G-a-.ei Ci,n pai-i. 'r.ave! .'148!. Oe.n Prinn.ru Ser i .ii Sai rert :.-. 55 Ore..n Slate Ac ; ' i . r a ' l eve M'c 7 4L5 I' Orrio- Stale 1! 'tiwav Comn Sien. 82 4.) Pn . c Bj.'riir.if rml 92 50. F'a c fic Te' 4 T ! Co. Tel 87 Pe Brn-e M c 181 l P!-:i ppl Tire Se-iue Rerj 2 5o . Prvo'-tat Corpor atior Sup rnf Po-t!and Gene-a! Eie-:n I P !5 .,1 (jtif,nrt 'Caraer. Ren I? 75 Reicoi Ersterpri-e Sup 14'i H.i'H.f'l Oil Corp G 8 fui Krif.D Oil Co- P Ga 1 144 9.' J H Ridgon rravr! 26 or H C Saalft lrl T F . IS to Saffron Suppl Co Ren :2 aiem Auto Pat do 26 44 Sa -! P'ue Prir.' Co Exp. 45 47 Salem Ct,i. c e-e Pipe 4 Produc-tn. dm. 16174 Sa'eo, Ha"l..rr Fxp M( SaVm I aiiir.;!rv Co. (-' S-p 15 6 Sa'rm McT.onal Monta' llimp '-', 6n St lem Sl 4 SudiiIv C Mi-c 51 67 Shf 11 Oil Co c 1 'rjr.n. Tar 1 1 fi 12 79 H A S H A Sim 'Tin-:. H S'T.iln Inur-Hon-.et H Sm th 15 no Homer H -"-3'e 3 94 H -. r ir Co Hord 'i I "Mi -arrr Co r! 1 St-it h Ir.Mi'ar.ie C. do .B2 '.ap- fn Ti.n. C fii p.rar mn Rep 1 5 8f F H Soiihb 4 Sr. -i Med Sup, la '.1 Southern Paclf r- C.. . ren? S 00 Sljlr an Pnh o Adv 2 52 Sta'e Tne Service M ?177 S'avton I7:.nii IV. (7'a 107 Wi S'nrr.Kin 4 Mi"m.1 R- -1 196.' F G Sron 4 Ronald H S inn I. in. her. 2 239 25 Tide Water A.-taed Oi' Co a 1 0T7 96 T-uck Sales 4 Se'vire Ren 57 18 Union Oi' Co. dieel 58 21 Un-riih-Knanp P-i-t ne Co Sup 69 8. 1 Va'iev Concrete Co grave! 148 80 Va'lev Motor Co Rep . 76 83 Va! We'dinr SupdIv Co Miw 3095 R M Wa'ker Rieht of wa. 123 80 Wallire Sand 4 Gravel Co. grave! 53n So I. ' Wehher. New Equip 5a (i We! Coast Paper Cn Siid . 42 32 Western Union TeVr-aph Tel 5 48 Willam ette Vallev T'..r-'er Co. fre eht. 4 60; Dr Roscoe C Wilson Evarn . 20 OO; Wnwtburn Independent. Siiiw . 53 20 Woodhi"n Sand 4 Grave! Co crave! "8 K5 Woodbul C. Rep 197 16 R D Woodrow Rep 62 D' M M Woodworth Flan 5 00 K v r k-in-B'a r Printme Sur . 30 ?i Dere' Vnnne Box Rent 3 00: 7r'lerbach Paper Co Sup . 6 20 PROCEEDINGS Januarv 3 ' 949 list of J.rv Ber !u-ene W E Cole Bore H Sr. e -ton Alf CD Neix'n Jar. 4 Bo- 1 Al'en Daie G ahan Su'. mr. Perr-i.t to hail lou Ci.a- A Sc'. edler. L M C-ris-,n. PhiH:p Bros Van D ke and Wojcie chowski T W Minder t R Han; Permit t ha .l piling. L M I'arl-nr, Beer l.rmr. Daf'a and I'na D- ki 1 Jan 5 Petition for extension 0 Coun ty road No Silo. i-ontiruie! , Jan 6 Pole line pe n, t Pat ific Tef 4 Te' Co Prrnut to riul Infi. Sch 'ioefer Tian-fer Co Norn an McAI! ter Howard Coon Irr Robert I Hi rst Ada-. H Scheme S P. Mailrm Oa v.s ard Ua1i.it.-i Si-o!! Mi'N Lun.her Co. Orvile Oi- .n. Haiod F Wiltse E Pope. Ho-ace McCar.e. Pe'ict to n .ve Cat S.i em Ilea llaulmt Co. Jair- 7. App.. rtrv.ent of Gort;n Moore IV11 D:t ATT.. Peti.ion to ac cept a 11.u1.tv r..ail. Ptoneei Dr e Madior.a and liulsev Ae5 denied O-der lortu ,;i' K until affiaa it ha been f,.ed VaCjT-on of pa't of Front St in (ia'.-v i .. Order to release b.md No 300 et 'oneou-.; filed with count Jan lo Final herine on inden.n.tv can of W;o13... Mit-lterha-v S' We, ter Terr an..! Ka'' H. Drum, ri Pe--mit o t.aui Inc Pav ; Kai ff" A H Sachet Gen ( Kaldahl Wallace Bevier Jute B .- P.pe 1 1 - e pe. n- t ( it of Turret Bond of Henrv Smith Jan 11 Adrti'icn list of nan e on pe t tion for Gar.- Ru-al Fire Protection Ilist Beer ;n-e- -e. Geo P. an.1 Grace V. Dw v er Bond Emery J Jackson Con table ard Marie R DePee Con th'e. Pehn it 'o haul logs Franc Mack Jan 12 Order approving wreck- ing license for A bert t rieddr a Lake Labh Wrlders Order to chalice law library fees m the D.str ct C'ourt Jan 13 IVrrnil to ha,i! logs Ecerrrt 0ter hcrf Fra-ik Petel. D'.are F Reed Ger.e J Hettwer. Harold F Heathers Financial report of Brooks Ruia1 F :e Protect on Dit 2 pole lire permit Mminiam Stat- Power C"o J.n 14 Pe-. m it to hail! 'otis David Schafer Joseph Fiebeit. Howard Coot, ler Or der Vacil r. sir '-.c-orporated area of Gates lUe Wu t c.ami deed to Alfred 1. Adorns c-: . Jan 1'.. Inde-i n:t ciaim of Cha E Bocw.-'ei final hear mc set for Jan 31 Pe' n t to haul hir-.ber i.iPP and eq.uprrnt E'i F. Br.gs Per ir-. it to haul lot " John J Sc.' "lit.- Mrlv .", Wolfe- Dw sht Yo der P pe ' ie pe-nrt. Reci nstruction Flrancr C d for ca-ro llj! on cf Cot fact wi'h Darrell ard Phvlis Bean fr sa e of rea; p" pert Jan 17 Pe nt:t to haul logs. Walter Rk Pipe i re pcrp.it Paul Do.-'er. Ind t -:. r aim of Harry T. Fc Idrran fmai- rr.i-in Jar 31 Jar 18 Order o ssiie license r.i Capitol B."W.rn At--- Order in Cou -T J jilir 'o approve wreckers li cense for Hf,irnan (' 1.-Kirt Jan H Pe-rrit to haul ! J V Spcel rta Wm Frrr i-mre H.nd f Air C". Pm-ih as Countv School Supt In rt" -n ' ciai-n of R cha-d 1. Freebe.-e fir.ai hearinr s-t for Jan. 31. Jan 2i Ha nd of VV V Harder as Com i anoer t Ha! H bbard C'on p 5 United Span ish War V'eTf-a? P-mit to haul r Ralph S.egmund R W clrarinar and cnrst -uct ion peri7-it. Bonne ille Power Anirr .nistratior Jan 21 Indemnity claim of Fraink P Ditchen. fona! hear riK set for Feb 1. Permit to haul log. Rfc'Dh DeVi.b and Theodore F Zacher Jan 22 Transfe- 'mm Doe fund ail in exce of tfxio Order nun-iberine Cminir road sS5 Jan. 24 Kroiutaon to emaloy Peerv Buren to help revise statutes relet. ng to Countv ttivernment Jan. 25 Transfer Order: Order for lefund of taxes to Ha;ei D Goodman. Contract witn John Albus frr cutting brush Permit to haul loss. C, W. Locgina; Co Jan 26 Permit to bput kgs Gervar Lumber Co Jan. r Order for refund to Frank E W'av Alex Lacbtv In RE permtt to lav ti.e Aooroval of plat of "Reftb's Addition " Jgn 28 Indemnity claim of Arrsold I4 Steffen. final hearing set for Feb 1 Beer 1 iwiw Wm L Van Handel Herman F Breitenstein and Fdsa-d J Soenner Pole line permits . 3 . to Port- land General E ecrtric Co . Dance hall larense. Edith M Beuali: Order for rsisiiaia s.. rc-s-s-i(. imwrnniiv K. IM imi of J. R. Stratford and Son. Mrs. John Haunpion. fiaval faearuigs set tor 3-13-4&. nrrmoKtonmo: MADISOX STREET HU)M COTTAGE STREET TO WmU ITUET Node fctirtr is green that the commMeaadl of the city of Salem, Oicfon. dwrnt It necessary and ex pedient ani hereby declare Ka pur pose and Intention to improve Madi son street from the east line of Cot tar street to tne west line of Winter street, in tho city of alem. Marion county. Oregon, atNthe expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley intersectxma the opens of which will be esrsumedXby the city of Salem, by bringing portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curb, and pa vine said portion of said street with a 2'i inch asphaltic concrete pave ment 3 feet wide in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May , 1949. which are now n file in the office of the city recorde and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the ; above described improvement by and throueh the street improvement de partment. Bv Order of the Common Council Miv 1SM ALFRED MUXDT. City Recorder Date o first publication hereof is ' May 13 1949 My 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 -22-23 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE I NION STREET KOM E AST Cl'BB IINE Or CAPITOI STREET TO 4. POINT FEET EAST OF SAID ( I RB LINE Notice herefcr Is given that the torn- n-'m council of r-e otv of Salem. Or- egon. dra it neceary and rxpedi- ent ar.o rierebv declare t puroose , and mt-nt:on to improve Union itreet from tt.e eat curb line of Capitol street to a point 4C0 feet eat of raid curb l:r.e. m tne ctv of Sslem. Marion counts. Oregon, at the expense of t-.e abuttiriK ar.d adiacent property , by re mo me if-.e txutmi curb, and con strue tir.tr new cement concrete curb, widening tre existing pavement from 24 feet to 34 feet. 5 feet of men addi tional width to be on each side of the exitinR pavement and such additional widtn to be paed with a 6 men Port land cerrent concrete pairrrtnt. ar.d the exitint pavement to be reur lced with a lJa inch aspHa'tic con crete pavement. ;n accordance Witn the plans ar.d p-rtf:cat;ons therefor which were adopted bv tre corr.rr.on council Mav 9. 1949 which are now on fi'e In the office of t-ie city recorder and which bv In:- reference tritreto are mavie a pjrt hereof The com nop. council herebv de r'.ares it purpose ard ir.teiit on to n.ake ir.r aho.e de-enbed irp'ove n.ent fc and tr.rciiKh the treet nr prnen.trl (irpa r T mrnl Bv order of t,e Con mon Council Mav 9 1949 ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of f:rt publication hereof is Mai 13 1949 Mi 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF IXM l TOR Notice i hereh .M-n that the un d::tiied. W H GARDNER ha been uuiv appointed by toe Prc-oaie Depart ment 01 tr.e Circuit Court for the Stte of Orecon for Marion Countv. Frr.ilnr o' tke Edtate of MYRTA E TYRRELL, late of Salem. Marion Coun tv Or ton. and as uca has duly quahf.rd AH persons rav.r.c claims afainrt the E-;ntc of sh id decedent are r.ere fcv notif.ed and required to present the sa" e with propt r vouchers within six moi.t is from tr.e dale of tl is notice to said Executoi . m rae of T Haro'd Ton llniim. Atto-nev at Law. 182 South Cr ur.-n Street. S.Ieni Orearon Dalrrl and f'rt published this 2nd day ot Ma. 1949 W H GARDNER Executor of tne Estate of Mvrta E. Tvrrell. dec-eased Mi 2-9-16-23-30 Auction AUCTION Furniture auction every Tues. Glen wood Ba 1 1 room. 8 P. M THE EAS f Salem" Auction Center of fers a source of disposal for all t pes of Merchandise If you can't brine your consignment, rail 3-1221. Lietock and Poultry EVERY DAY Parmenter Red and New Haii chick":, pullets, ckls. or traietit run A!m started chicks. Gehr 11 Hat.herv A. Poultrv Farm. Silver Ton Ore Pnone B'arjc 193 C AT 1 .. TiavTo'- tii hav Call eve Sat K S..n 2 miles north of Biooks on WF !".. 78E BAbS CHICKS May 'atitn 'ana 191! Hartipr-ire. Lc-Khioris. Pa'-er.ter-Buff OipiiiT.in Wt-.i'e UanrotTt. I.eenorn CV'-ki.el an1 lea a-sort-ed P .-2H61 Ls Hatytiec. Fok SALF. I'ainn ino tailioii. r.ili Cold clor ik.,iran:rrd qwiet and sen ile AN.. Paiiiii.inii gelding tfood col..:. Puie wi te riant A- tal'. Fast na kf laoes" h.-i-e Crv-tai S;',t ir.g. R. i . RT 3 Bo 721A Phoi.e 3-1367 FA Mil. i JERSEY iov. m.lking 3 gal a da P'-or.e 2-7288 " 2 RKftis TLRED Aidr.i.. i nl'ie- c.-i -irat 2 r . !r' 1 w iTe. 1 pan " .l.o r 3-Q4NI f 3-5437 'N ' H. KOOSTKRS. 5 ' to 8 wics" oi.f. rr-eap Also 5 deck ele.Ti.c Trode:. Jo'.n Doran. 2 n.:. from Mt. Ar-.fiel on s.lvr'ti.n Hw NOW AVAILABLE - Ue ait :evei inr applications for n e iibeihip on Mondai . Uednesdav ar.rt Fridav .l each week aT our new a -e " o u -e lo cated on the N E. roi ner o: North F ront and Hood S. reels. Sa er See I - I H Feirov ..r vsr.?- Pacitic Cooprra'nr Produc. -s. 306 SE A-'i St Portland 1' Oieu Me rr be snip fee 1100 Avail able (o poultry, turke or other live 'xk nr ci-ire rs 2 COLT- 1 ard 2 rs old Arabian breeding. Sired bv Jrilron. Rt. 7. box 407K on Silverton Rd AT STUD Arc Palooiino "auaiter- h-se H L. St ff. Jr.. Rt 3 boy 870 BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed- ssre. R il f.ox 89F Ph3-I144 BONDED LIVESTOCK" buver E C Met andlish, 1127 S 25th. Ph. 3-8147. WANTED Tn.n cows and neilers lor feedcrti siso butcher cattle Get my bid it will cost vou nothing Farl On Chien 24S N 5th Salem Phone I -1656 Help Wanted STRAWBERRY Pickers Peter Reit-re'-tei:- P" 7 Pox 365-' Phone 2-V780 FOUNTAIN HELP. Experience de sired Apply in person. Reeds Drie-In. S 1 2th I'l.hASI. 'rgisier no 50 gooseberry Pic he's wa.-.le.l Ma L. J Feier. St 2 Box 270. Woodbuin. fn. Mo.i io' -71.1 W ANT TRUCK' ' i.au'i short "logs. Sr-o:' i aul Richardson. 17o Valset H-i . Fails Cit. Ore. Pnone 319. Help Wantel Male EXPERIENCED serxice station a' tendarf mu. know lubrication A sales. " arr ed or s;ngie State age and exn o.imtj" Bnx 745 FIELD MANAGER for Oregon and Washington wanted. To hire salesmen to call or. garages and (a. station with $24 50 aualstv wr-eei balancer Competing models 830n to $2000 Fie minute demonstration means sale $10 cash co't.nston for a'tirran plus field manager oer-nde Twertr si'es per man per dav po-.bSe using rur rrethor1 Write A B Carlsen for de-ta-.h. BAB Maf.ufarrurini Compa-n- Bo 8! K?our. I-wa. YOUNG MEN We hue se eraF op emngs in our sales force We tram vou on the )ob Good earnings while learning Opportunity for promotion. For personal inter lew write boa 742. Statesman WANTED" Experienced "truck"me chanics Applv Truck Sales and Ser vice Co 553N Front St EXPERIENCED service station nan. Must understand lubrication thorough ly Walter H. Zooei Co. Chemeketa Al M- Ts RELIABLE real estate broker to m a r.a e well established real estate of fice. Call after 3 p m 433 N. High St. Help Wanted Female MIDDLEAGED lady to work in sum mer home. Light rooking All snodero At convenient facilities. Good salary. EsuMiiaM TM lH tnauir a.1 Hakee SleAa Furs. 4k Appliance. JH Stalas. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED waitress. Cline Johnston rood Shop. In Greyhound Bus Depot bide. Wo phone calls. MIDDLEA.GED housekeeper and care of 1 children, am, board and wage. Mrs. J. B. Fox. 143 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-1041 w OMAN able to drive car as com panion and housekeeper in mod. beach home for elderly lady, fn. J-iiva. PART-TIME secretary for insurance agency. Must hare some experience in general insurance and be capably trained in shorthand and typing. Tele phone 3-7171 during office hours. EXCELJ-EKT opportunity for an ex perienced bookkeeper. Permanent po sition. Automotive experience desir able. Apply in person. See Mrs. Pick ett. 355 N Liberty EXPERIENCED hotel maid. Grand .hot' . Salesman Wanted I 1 EXC IONAL opportunity for high earnings and advancement to man agement positions. Applications confi dential. WrHe Statesman box .SO. Situation Wanted S-EWTNG and i 2 Cherry Ave ltc itions. Ph. 2-454 KOLK. N't ED SOMEftXING. BUIL- nivr. m wu'niiK rw :r WF RF iVTlT"f.VYs.JP.ViXJT.D9?.E - CALL I S EVENINGS OR SUNDAYS PI' 2-2815 WOULD LIKE to care for babv or child in mv home bv the dav lea- sant lurroundinii. Ph. 2-60S3. 350 Mae- no'n LANDSCAPE fardeninr. New lan Fne r-tlTJtr P 3-4549 l V. iNG I specialize in ladle vuita coat and rhilaren appaiel. 2240 Fair luiiim rdi Ph 2-,73C LAWNS S-.art to finish A lifht tractoron rubber and doaerPh 2-8 127 ALL KINDS yard work Eetirr.ate new laja nfree After 5 p m 2-3S43 LAPtHlENCED day care for infant orrvM Reasonable ProrirJ-M K01 0-TILLER work Phone 2-4454 SHRULBERY and hedge tnmr-.ecl Ai spaded. lawns cleaned, cut. edged and trimmed Phone 2-7623 LOUSE Painting exp brush wot k Phone 2-2129 ater 6 p m PLOW1NG. discing cultivating. Small trac'or Call 2-5ft82 Atti i o:as Harlev Pugh. Ph 3-492 Koto-"t Her woik" 1145 Hood 21.194 GAHDE:.' PLOWING ai-.d tractor w rk. of any kind Ford Ferguson tractor- and eouipnent Nolan Bathurst. 4.3S5 Hager st.Pn 2-2907 . AHPf-Nf ER work New rep 2-2093 "PLOWING AND discing. Al Moss. Ph 2-2957 TROUSER POCKETS R E N E W E 5 Mens clothes repaired 1410 N. Coml Chimney sweep Nortnness pn 3-4430 TarD WoRK of anv Ttind and odd lobs too by competent t. B S. Boy Scout I Troop. Call 3-8i7 eves, for information, i "UOL'LD LIKE to bid on your spray paintinit. Your paint or ours. M. L Gottenberg. ph 3-4246. Painting, paperhanging General re pair Don Lucero Ph 3-5522 Famtint! inl Ac out C 61112-2979 CHILDjCARE. liBO Shippin 39924 POE S mimeographing, typing serv ice Quality work Lower puces 669 N 16th Phone 3-3M3. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and reoaired Scharff Bros Phone 25568 DOZER AND snovel and truck work Ba.i Ve.iTner Ph. 22034. Paintin": & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK OREY J-62S ' UHA A ING house ' pians "" Ph. 3-8821 1 SHARPEN YOUR law u mower now , Hoes A. shovels sharpened free. Pick 1 up & delivery. Howser Bros. Ph. 33646 608 Edgewater St.. W. Salem Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Phone 3-9468 or 3-3327. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone j-437 3995 State St TV R NT TtfR E repaired Ac remodeled. Lee Bros Turn Refinishing Co. 2-7001. DRESSMAKING, alterations 2-6676 WILL' CARE for elderly ladies in mv borne Phone 2-3797 " CEMENT Work. All kinds. Ph 2-4850. Employment Agencies OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 Slate St. Phone 2-1488 For Sale Miscellaneous REAS 1 NEW pr. ladv's oxfords, size S'a AA. v.a $11. now 82 50. Misc child's ix.d clothine. sue 5-7 y r. 1 Fa: C,ker $: Phone 2-1128 TA BLE SEPARATOR us d 2 n o . $15 75 lb. Cooierator $12 Tw -o 30 ft heavv i'iiin. $5 1 new dress form $8 Ph "-iJi'ifi 165N J25th ALASKA HUSKY dog nainess for bov .il - liif dof Ph 3-3751 l'VMER WEIGHT man'. -ml" il'e j -..rt Grev f p.- Ph 3-3751 A-SORTED silk d-essev sie 13 At 14 Son e almot new. 85 each.. 455 Cr ii pr i ' v 5 PIECE hiechd rrai(;anv bed rocn; t ai: ot new. $150. 453 Uni , t , S K)'.D I'OCKKR puppies Go to end of S. H.ett. left to end of McGilchr.st. 251" SurriT.er CROViUET SET. 3 p.ece bectrm. suite. I 2 burner and oven portable elec. stce i 26877 or.'l-48n ' 48 MOD 9 CU" FT 'Phllco refriger ator A-l corid. Sacrifice $220. 1342 Wal lers. FOR SALE Outs.de toilet. 850 Ee v ' I) COy FERTILIZER. well rotted. $1 pc r - - k Leo EUer Phone 3-14tl5 14 CU FT chest tvpe home freeer. New $330 Ph 3-4284 GAS WATER heater. 96' new picket fence Ph. 2-8103 FUSCHIAS 180 varieties. Mrs. F. E. W a r d . 430 Che rv a e FXECTHIC water heaters. 40 gai. rouble element, guaranteed. $710. In stallation if desired V. A Skew is Co. Ph 3-46O0 or 3-422:i after 6. lift) Mad ir n Hollywood Dit ttFJ) SEWING machines. Ph 3-31 3. FERTILIZER. $4 per yd. 3 yd. load S!f Ph 9X5, TuTif Wallinjs Sand & (travel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement Ready-r-.x Concrete Garden sand. Bulidc7 ng drainage and witching i vd ho el At drag line Phone 3-9249 RED CEDAR shingles No 1. $.. No 2. $5 50 No 3 $3 SO We del. Phil lips Eros. Rt. 6. Box 118. Salem. Ore Ph fFZ2 fTTrock! for pat.cw. nckwall. walks. - gardens At a'i rxk const. We del. and sell here or a pit. See or call for prices Phil 1 ns Bros Rt. 6. Boa 118. Salem. Pn. 6FT2 CEDAR POSTS Yew "wood posts. hirele te:e A electric poies. Phillip Bro . Rt. 6. Box 118. Saiem. Ore. Pn. QUARRY ROCk" tor road base Crushed rock, fill dirt We deliver. Croian Quarries 1563 5 Coml t Ph 1-841" Pjanjr!3-1231 Re 2-3075 A U T O ALMOST new gas water heat-r. Iron fence posts. Radio Ph. 2j-lV7 VfcRVNlCE piano. $123 Rt. . box 31 Ph 2-4333 after p. m. TOILETS. ctose-coupledV new $37 Jo complete with Lfeume guaranteed eatji. Also huee savmes In all plumb ing and fixtures. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St 1 TOASTER. 1 paur lady's ice skates. 1 coffee maker. 1 Martin -22 rifle. Ca!' 2-1718 SPANIEL -COLliE pupoves Black At white. $5l Rt. S. Bos J24 Second rd. to nrht tat R lckevs acftool 1941 NORCE Refrigerator. eu. R. New nn Excellent fond. Pn. 1-46Q2. GRANGE tUtia Roller canariea.l'n. X-a329. For Sale MIeeIIaxieua BEND DC automatic washer. Modern electric ranee. 1 pc. bleach bed suite. 5 pc. living room groups. Many other item, barely used at auction to high bidder. Tuesday. May nth. 9 p.m. Gleavsrood BaUreoan. 4 mile N. on tE. Pont rr.rs ltM DemonstratKMi Kirov Home Renovation svstem. Phone 3-6674. OAS HOT WATER heater, net auto matte. Iron bedstead, good steamer trunk. 460 N Winter SPRAY CUNS AND COMPRESSOR3 You can get the besst in spray pamt log accessories at Wards! Sturdy and efficient spray guns, compressors, pres ume tanks, etc- Spray guns for as little aa $S S3 MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM. OREGON Gi. CAN Cooler. Special this week. Al Laue Refrigeration. 2360 State St. Ph. 35443. NEW PRECAST Reinforced Con- : crete Septic Tank approved by State Samtarv Authority, lone-life j OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N Front St PJume 3-3417 CLOSING OUT aU plumbing, pipe. and f ttingj reduced price. 12tn St i Hardware. 1430 S 12th i XIW MAN'S wool sport jacket $i Lady's ail wool suits. Red. black. 1 and' 2 pc. silk dresses sizes 12 and 14 Some new Give awav prices Ph. 2-551. , sIEXOTVPE in new condition with paper holder, timer, and carrying case . Reasonable to student or operator. Call I 3-7493 I : Vallev Sand & Gravel Co. Silt. and at fill dirt. Excavating 10B Shovel and cat Tractor tc.op nd truck for dtrt movmf Ph. office 2-4002. re 3-7146. Commercial Sand & (J ravel Crut-cd rock. Read mis All kind .of sand and (ravel River it and fill Ph. 21966 Salem Screen Shop 1430 S 12th St WindowNscreens & screen doors made ( to order OJa replacement ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft. width irVthe following length" r $1 74 8 10 ir 232 29 3 48 Ask about installation service. MONTGOMERY ttSARD a CO. SALEM SAVE ON ROdl I et Wards give you coiriplete IN STALLED pi ice on our rocXing needs Wide range of colors Call Vur out side salesman for free estimate-. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CC SALEM FERTILIZER, cow. horv or chicki Deliveied in Saiem Well rotted fresh 85 per cu ard. AIo bv sack at place, or will del 5 sack order. Phil lips B'os. Rt. 6. Box 118. Salem. Ore Ph 6E22 Proiluce GOOD EATING potatoes. 81 per 1O0 lbs Al Ped. Rt 7. box 14!"F. 2'v miles north of underpass. Phone 3-1580. Duil.ling Materials DOORS Interior 2 panel doors at Keith Browns great special puichae bottom price bargain of only JS 60 each. Keith Browns. Front At Court St Salem TILLAMOOK cedar shingles, del No ; 1 - 9. No 2-85 Cedar wail. 18 In painted shakes $12 80 per o under -course, ftee' Ted Muller. formerly , Eola Yd. Sslem-Independence Rd. Ph. ' Sa'em 2-1196 . I CLOSE-OUT Plywood Cut-offs. 48" x 11" x for celling panel, wall panel, siding and nan other uses. Only 5'c per sq. ft Keitn Brown. Front 4 Court Sts., Salem j NEW ONE panel doori, 24". 26 " 28 ". i 30'. 32'. and 36" widths Birch, (lass., and panel entrance doors. Good sup ply used doors, toilets and basins. Check our prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821 1 mi N of Keuer. CLOSE-OUT: Plywood Celling Tile from 4c per sq ft. In sizes from " 18" to V' x 32". Bevel edge, rut to give panel effect Keith Brown, Front ! Front or Court Sts . Salem. CLOSE - or Special. Hardwood Flooring, pecan and gum In a variety of sizes at only 8125 M. Keith Brown. Front St Court Stt , Salem. NEW PLYWOOD, all thick" n esses Special prices on insulation. 16in x 32 in celling tile, elect, water heaters and wallboard for bathroom, kitchen or utility room. C G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 rni North of Keirer ALUM A LOCK Aluminum Lock Shingle The mod. permanent roofing, "ee vnur dealer or ph. distnh. 3-6401 BARGAIN in Utch Sets. 98c up. Keith Brown, Front Ac Court Streets. Salem. I Wanted Miwellaneous -EWING MACHINES Phone 3-3110 APPLIANCES Phone J-5110. WE WILL PAY spot cash for all household effects I ke washing rnai-h . refrig . L R suites St bedrm. suites. etr Call Glenn 3-5110 if ANTEIi old style cour.tr tele"- phone with bell Box 738. Statesman. PIANO TU'NIiNC Wills Muste Store. Salens Wantel Furniture USED rURNTTURE. Phone 8-8118. USED FURN!tUR Phone 3-Tl. MiM-ellaneous BARGAIN Store fixtures Including cash regis ter 191 S High STATE FINANCE CO . Telephone 3-4121. talent Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 13 B-' yds 112 00 per hr. 10 B-'. vds 60 per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10 50 per hr D-6 Cat 6c Dozer 8 46 per hr. D-4 Cat At Dozer 7 00 per hr Pnone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon la'iir re-T l 'a pilal Bed Co Ph 3-4Q88 y A I Jt " VVELL drining."Bometic or Irrigation. Dufficld Bros. Rt 8. box 58 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2795. AUTO painting lust a shade better 9v Ry ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 Dental Plate Repair . TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Y'our Plates for Repair DR. HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State At Com. Ph 3-3311 HAVE YOtfR Singer sewing machine repaired bv a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup 8c delivery service on all make of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing; Ma chine Co . 130 N Commercial. TUJToOF-NOW7" One-two- or three years to pay. For free estimates phone 3-7177 Western Auto Supply Co. "15 TfJiTrirBMVofiTttFtrn removal. Rt . Box 883 Ph. 2-8267. WANT TO Buy Used Cameras a tensea McEwan Photo Sbop 435 State For Rent Rooms NICE CHEAP rm. for lady. Close in Cookinr priy. 740 Chemeketa WELL FURN. room. Cloae in. H Ac Cwater. Men only. 737 Center. CTlEAN FURS, sleep, room for em pkryved girl. 1153 Leslie. Pha-a066 PLXaIaNT sleping rm. Clean beds. Phone 3-3539 i N'ICat R3L for elderly gentleman. Home one. r-none a-... DESIRABLX sip rm. in a very de sirable location Ph. 2-4863 NICE 5LEEPLNG roome. 444 N. W'ln- ter Ph. a-743 ROOMl TO RtNT by the week or month. HOTEL SALEM Tel J-3181 ' SLP RM. for gentTeman. mi: For Sale Real Estate GRABENHORST SPECIALS NURSERY START Lots of plants and shrubs on- one ere of ground, plus berries at 2 bdrm. borne. Price 17.900. Call Peter Getser. TWO OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 12B3 Court Street home tn excellent s condition, hot water sprinkling system. 4 bdrms . fireplace, lge. corner lot. Ideal tor conversion to apts. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph I-J471 Evenings A Sundays call Earl West 2-1232 Peter Center 3-8 Roy rerris 2-8010 A very nice 3 B.R. home at 1907 Ha zel street, full basement, auto oil heat. hrd wood floors. Venetian blinds, theie la lots of good living in this home for only $10,500 Goodwin and Me Millin Pn 34707 484 Court Eve 24773 250. Small I BR. Hse . K..R t7W7, K. Plastered, lot flxlsa located in Clear Lake. 3 ml. North of Keirer. Ow ner would consider trade for house & acreage. S12U0. Here Is a very attractive 1 BR. K R.. DR. K. wired for elec. range elec water system. l, A Locat ed off Cherry Ave. in Keia-er Dwt. Easv terms. S12600. New 3 B R R H 1 R DR. B. N. K. Full bith. fiepUce Hem firs. Elec. heat Ulil Rm attached gar. Lot 100x20(1. Located in Orchard Heights. Owner would consider car. House on lot in trade. Keizer Real EMate & In?!. Onas S. Olson C R Rukaid 665 Chemawa Rd mi West of Keier Sch. Phone 3-lino or 2-2273 ATTENTION" Oicgon GI M.Ki 2 B R house on large corner lot Att gar . fl.' furn . hiiwd fir Ma as sume vet. loan Furniture if desired Take hse troiler as pait pa rnent. Call 2-3isl BV OWNER' Nearly new house 3 B Rrr-.s . elec heat, city waWr. cjuiet location $354)0. Excellent leims. In Qj''r Apt l4oS CaDitol HOME WITH" apartment upstairs. !. R . DR. 2 bedrms . kitchen down--taus 1 acre Close in by bus At school Owner leaving state. Will accept any rea offr J95 Salem Heights Ae LOVELY new 3 II R home, lie low cost, will accept small house or what have vcu for down paynient. Pal. Ph.i.n- 3-727 HOUSES PRICED TO SELL NEW 2 BR Home on lanr lot. Auto Oil Heal. Hwd Firs, coved Lino. Ven. blinds, extra Urge I.R At DH . new lawn. Sch l, blks. FHA terms. $9500 NIW 2 BR. Home on , A . located iHTH Extra large Kitchen, lots of buvlt-ins A Nook, wired for Flee range. BE SURE TO SEE THIS BE FORExYOU BUY. Onlv 6S)i All 3 BR s on one fir. on this home located close in. Hwd flis. fireplace. Ven. blim&s nice Utility rm. attached Gar . lawnNA shrubs in. bus by cloot . Good lermst9i'50 RAHPH KENT REAL EsVaTE 3-3123 2330 S. COMMERCIAL ST 4 B R. HOME c-UHir in" on So Com mercial street, auto gas beat, hon.e ,n good shape, and can tcf bought rigl.i Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PHP 3-4707 - 484 Court - Eve 2-4773 A REAL VALTJt in a good home at 895 Thompson street, there ate 2 larare B R , nice living i oom. dining room and nook, auto oil heat, laige lot only $9950 00 Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PJIO S-4707 - 44 Court - Eve f-47T3 This Is It ! ! 4 B R house, dble. plumbing, hdwd firs . Dble fireplace, full basin t lat size 83 x 208 812 500. By. Devils Lake. Ore. Write Box 283. Weconia. Ore. Siihurhan $6000 SB R . L R . Kit A bath. Lots of built-ins Trays Elec cook. At water ht. Lge. gar. Cloe to grade school. Nice yd A garden space Cabin In back can be use d for guest bouse r rental. A good buy with reas. terms. Rawlins Realty (Hollywood Iistl Ph. 8-4664 Eves 2-6013. 3-7128 2-5737 Room and Board ROOM At BOARD for pensioners, Ph 3-60BO 258 S Cottage 1 . BOARD AND ROOM 850 " E" St Plii-L? 3 - 870" BOARD and room, vacancy for ..ne man Single room. Home cooked n.eals Clean and quiet. 109S N. 5th. F4r Kent Houses 1 RM CABIN. $12 50 per mo. furn Also house trailer, sood location No ; driirkers Grace Eldriclge 594 N 12th St ; 1BN "fJOTTAGE 3213 Portland Rd. CLEAN FURN. 1 R hse acre t I child. Reas. Hwv. USE. 1', mi. N. Bos i 130C ' 2 BJt l"URN sub home lge gai- den spot Will lease Phone 3-8.189 I J RM UNFTRN . aiT electric house I Inquire at 1173 Sixth St.. W. Salem. ! Ph l-ora6. I I For Kent Apartment FURN. S RM. Couple only. 150. Ph 2-8778 PARTLY Furn. apt. Pn. ent 1605 Broadw a v CLOSE" IN. Clean 1 rm apt. 833 Fer- ry St ""AIR cT5nT5. ffewly redecorated 3 rm apt Pn ent. and shower. 55 Vi I ta A ve Phone 2-59W NEW APT 2 "bdrms. "aVbath. Partly 1 furn 1047 Madison. j APTV for ""rent. Adulti. 1129 Broad- wiv FURN ISHEf) apt Prt bath and enf Adults ony. 18 N. I2th . 3 ROOM MOD furn. apt. 490 3th St.. Independence Ore. ' ! LGE. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. Pn bath 1 and ent No drinking. Close in. 1.14 ! Marion 3 RM furn apt. Pn. bath. AH lec trtc Ph. 3-7034 CHEAPEST close In apts In town 1 Kid OK 160 Union Ph 2-9835 2 ROOM mod furn apt. Main fioor. $40 mo Jl73 N th ' 2 RM FURN." apt. upstairs Refrig Close State House Reas. Phpn.ea-J.78. j UPSTAIRS a rm. apt M.xietn loun- j try home 823. Call 26rZ3 eves Close in. 2 rm nicely furn. apart Adults No drinkers. Also 1 bdrm. with kit prlv. Ph. 3-9430. For Rent 19 HP ROTOTILLER 36" blade Ph. i 1-3044 Rt 3, Box 370 Alex Agalroff IKON K.KS o tne week Phone 1-44.19 MEDICAL At professional offices for rent Cor. Uberty At Court. Inn. Sal- Iti Phone 3-37 II ""TRsXLXR-SPACE for rent In modern trailer park. Call t-lOT "J-DRJVEtROCKS fOR filNT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 2-9063 (TwrTutea Piano H C S tiff BUSINESS Room H L. Stiff. L TRUCKS "sod "rsrs tor rent' Blanketa rurnssned Rmltly's Clipper Sere tee Center and Cbirrrh. phone -4Aa Ground Floor Rooms Suitable for office or stores. State rutmntn Co, let. 3-411- Wanteti to Rent TEACHER, small daughter, mother, urgently need a BR borne. Suburban pref. Peas Ph 3-64 2g ptwn. 8 and 4. CGUWU. WITH aldren-desire 1 BR tmfurn. house witn reas. rent. Ph. 3-11 0 Professional man is witV No children or pets. Need I sr I rm. hae. bv June 1st Ph 3-1514 TWrbTZX botneaw) Vet, wife and S kids urgently need a a bedroom house. Budget deesnt permit ever $50 per trm. rent. Prefer near (rade schooL tTaai yeaj help tsT Pnesas) -433a. For Sale Heal Estate 28 N. 13th Street Beautiful family home, 4 bdrms. . plus sieepir g porch, auts nil heat, finished 14 ' excellent taste thruout, dole. e rag, sprinkling system. Call Co bum L. Grabenhorst. ENGLEWOOD New 3 bdrm. home, inside utility tm, auto forced -air fumece. This home M of excellent construction thruout. full price $11C. CaU Earl. West. TAKE BEST Offer ' oyer iCSHS equity in 954 M It ill nearly ne bedrm. hse. Bal, FHA. 3334 Wino noli Ave., off Salem HetgUft Ave GEORGE W.HURRS CO. 1853 N. Capitol ph. 33ral Why rent If you can bus- t homes eai 1 larae lot? Use one aa nrnr nwn uvt,a and other as income of $54 per rnvnlh. one nas tin floors, ail plastered, svite K. utility room. Other house hae I bdr . LR. DR. K. lota of b-ina. dtle. garage. Here U a real buy for t.ly tv uuu. , S bdr. home with a large IX wtt wall to wall carpeting. DR. K. b-ina, nook. veneUon blinds, half baseo.snt. oil burnace. Nice lusraUon. $95tw. 1 J acre on Lancajitee rvrl- 1... I good soil with a variety of berries and gardening. V ith 4 rjdr. homt and a stanchion barn, poul'ry house. Nice , lawn A lots of shrub Price $10 NO VA ou Id take a 3 bdr. house in as 11 1 payment or in traje. You must see t-is lovely S bdr' sulrw urban home. On! l't vrs old. ksratest in new district Hai LR. DR. K. b-ina, en blinds, all e:v heat, garage. 1mm. Dtwsesaion. Bus !j Hi t la cheitv tieee. Newlv re-decora'ed Ease terms. Will take late model car tn trade. HE ARE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAT JUS? ABOUT Two year old - new enough to ta fresh and clean - aid enough to rod ns worm - mere are two nice bed two nice bed ng and dining kitchen; hatn teat; piaster idewalk: kt at) rooms, combinjrim living and rooms H3X24I. miit-in with shower; elev-rris h interior, paved sTreet: stdewa 130 A 'r loan of $7500. repayable j 5U. per mon'h r-i.v 'ie assumed. Own j ers will accept tSiaii as their equity , and take In a HI- r 47 car. You may hae possession as soon as deal caa ' be cloned. j Salem Realtv Co. ) . 14$ N High St ph 3-7841 Eve Phones 1-4SSI. l-taxi SMALL DO A'N PAYMENT " ) Just finished. 'tractive 1 bed rooesl Bung Among other new homes l-e Iv LR DH wi'h Fireplace Bright Kit. ; c! en A Utility R mi-.i, Fully Insnlaled. : A built and will finance Irinig :r'.' down. Bsi. 833 81 per n.o. Ke4 Ed. IX INmrr. Realtor. ! Lindgien Potter j S '. S .Klr,n ' "'la A erv nice 3 ib-tloine, 1 (. n.a, until. Rm . firpi..-e H W. A Fit , ll.Mrs. wired for elec?. rge . au.is gocKl lot clase t s.-h.ml 8k store. "Ic taJ nice 5.7SO. $1 $V. Dn. Earsen Home & Loan Co. ExecluMve Lls'lng Personal Seisuw 14 S Corn 1 St UN Eve: S 74sjJ i Large Lot wvi i rm smaii .. ... "J Kveicreen Bv owner. Call vea. u 3"RM." HSstunflnrTJow'lerins. Wiltl vix . 32 co ta tesinan, Keautiful View Home for those who can, afford the f.nee things, we offer tins superb en. te of the popular lan. h 'pe home Fea.is tlfullv located on extra lsa tiaui la. ft I A s.u - . . . . ...it . . A ii.'nru vy m ajia.i .aa k . a lull aies B R . lge. bath plus shower room. Uv Ing Ar dining rtns are spacious and attractive. Lge 'ireplace. beautiful hwd. floors jrtiirt mrly grain ctorvsL A modern kitchen to compliment your taste. Large utility mom Dble mur. . . .. .. - a ncesl age rcionern isjijoi nesting, t at 818 300. X'alter Mun;rave Realtor! 1211 Edgewater ph. J-itoe Eve. 3-ty FOR efficien "aVrl effecfl n.fe ervtre call the Saiem Resit Co. NOW. BY OWNER Nrt BR. hse . aU elec. Fireplace, laundry, gar. "Ven. blinds, pecan 11 i: (6950 Might arrepA 8SOti down Ph 2-4T14. Neighbor Ph. UN FIN 4 R t l. .e At bath In. ok. occupancy Ca I ' iT7 ) N Com'l 5 RM. HOt St. ' l4n "an"" ft "AuQL furnace with a r oofid. 1298 N. : Tftltl. Phone 2-4428 BY OW Nit R 1 if R house Turw.ee ViO0 2365 N F. .!- st GOOD 3 BED!00l home" In-TogleX wood district. Pre-wtr built, has tth. j living room, dining room, kitchen. nook, fireplace a floors, rumpua room in baerr'n. aiilnmallt till feat. garage. Irunr Pass 8IJ7IIO. IP. H. HELL, REALTOR ! 361 Chemeketa St. Ph 1-1343. 3-4HW Eves J-7M5 1 - NICE PIsCE fir children.' Cool shady lawn Trees if all kinds. Quiel I secluded locavon vet only a few feel. 1 off highway S yea. old house aSasee merit, oil furna -e. . fireplace. 3 Isrd rooms. Total pi - $t0.8i0. Good Inms, Phone 2-.Vr6 121 S jCorrirri er JJL BY OWNER 1 a.-te. family boinj, flowers . shrubbery, fruit, nuts. tarrL Priced for q.i;. sa'e. 1340 Lanrasteff Drive FOR SALT B Y OwNER : W .inc Walnut iir.pletelj ft. fuQ Park home 2'j years old. rorr.i refinlshed Insile. oyer 1800 basenient. 2 firenlai'es, one In I ss nmt ' 37 ment. Lot 81 ft. fruit, very deer very good lint A very nice Priced right. 349 N S2nd St. Ph. or 2-5348 $10 400 g",1 TsTrrr.a for this nlesf new home, etetl. location. Uv. rnv 18 x 12. Fireplace, din. rm. 1 bd. ma. nook, hwd firs $1.1.500 bjn 'hts 1 Sd rm. home oa Fairmount Hill, large Bv. rm. Fire- place, din. rm.. n vx. hwd. firs, f lees. heat Call Harvey Huff Huff Real rotate Co. Realtors Ph 3-9271 341 Chemeketa Eves. -3 94 rar;al5 today 7 room modern h'iiiie close to bualf ness district gs water heater end range included, tero.s. S3900.00 lOascres about i miles out, 3 room and Tath. wired for range, chic keA house and barn under construction, $6000.00 E. P. HITT; RR0KER 203s North W8'er: Ph. tJfZ Silver'in rjregon. NEW 2 BEDROOM"" house near 4 Pel ners. Irge N Fr'jnt lot, attached gae rage. Own well it water avstem. 7SuL 122K) cash Ba! lees than lent. Sed Mrs Reeves w.tn Alfretl DurolM-rk Real Etate 147 V. Commercial ft. Rhone 2-33! Xves 1 llll''VSlJ,,V(J aC kark ol.TTy SO a 100. Handy to bus. S. ralena, 3600. Terms sV aywatseuan. New unfinlsrted house. K. f alesxs. Price S2400. SVW twn 4 room house.. S K. Salem. 827 Kr. aTtsl. down. j Alfre.1 Diirnleck Real Estate 14T S Corr r erHst ft Clever ranch trass t bdrm. FunvsL L.R. with fireplace. D R. knotty crtn4 kit . Bendix washer. r5t9. New a bdrm. borne. Igs. L R. wtA fireplace. OR. kl.. plently of tu.'s laa. OU ht. Ven. bi. Iioaott. 2Vi wl4 handle. ' Owner transf. Take nffer. er Porte land home in trade. One vr. M t ti rm. home. Hwd. fL Fireplace. L't. rsav with auto, wssrver Auto oil rt. Ven. PL Drapes. See thi at liOO ff. 34th Si. CRAY 4. II I MM EL REALTY CO. 13S5 N. Canitol St. ph T Ee. ph. Z-XuT, t-4333. S-89V1 i r.