Guests Are Bidden to Dinner Several informal dinner parties re on the weekend social agenda. Tonight Mayor and Mrs Robert L. Elfstrom will be hosts for a buffet supper at their Fairmont Hill borne between 6 and 8 o'clock In compliment to members of the city police department and their wives. Chief of Police Clyde A. Warren and Mr. Warren will as sist the hosts informally. Jucge and Mr. James T. Brand will entertain at dinner and bridee Saturday night at their North Summer street home. Covers will be placed for eight. The Rev. and Mr? George H. Swift will be dinner hosts Satur day night at their Chemeketa street residence Bidden are mem bers of Rev. Swift's golf foursome and their wives. Covers will be placed for Mr and Mrs R H Baldotk. Mr and .r? T. M Med ford. Mr. and Mrs U-rry V Col lins, Miss Mabel P Robertson and Rev. and Mrs. Swift. A Birthday Party Sande Tomhnvon celebrated Ins seventh birthday at a gala party Thursday afternoon at the Morn lngside home of his parents. Mr and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson. Movies were shown the guests in the playroom with birthday cake and refreshments following. Mrs. James Payne as?ited Mrs. Tom Iinson informally. Honoring Sande were Carol Ann Ramsden. Cheryl Porter of Al bany. Larry and Nancy Sue Payne. Larry and Roryiy Potrs Leiehton Webb. Eugenia, Ricnard and Iye-ter Margoian, Delbert Lowe. John King. Douglas Sim mons. Soruita Suanne and Sallv Jochimsen Mary Alice Wilbur Kaye Tomlinson and Max Stan ton. Shower Honors Miss Sanders A showtx was given Miss Pnl lis Sanders Wefitn-sday niht at the home of Miss K Lovre Mlis Sandeis will mairy Donald Dimbat on June 1 1 Atteiuiing were tr.e hostesses Mis Km ;il i ne, Mis Bdibara Sadler. Mis Cttvlta Clieene. Mrs Christina Mumm. Mis Waiter! Hillpot. Mrs K.ivnn Mobart and Miss Lo . I Gu-t t tt McsdanjfS George Sndrs. ,win Dimbat. Murue 1-ee. r'-iitl Hmiim.ii. Duane Hewitt Ituis ii V Bouiuet. Jess (iniiiir Rd Brfir.v. Xav ler K khoiil, Lron.jrd TurnbuJJ, K J i Hewitt Georgia Hobeit. Aine Jinas. Fein Coimri. liian he C.ipj.. ami tf- Misses lionise 1'ettiT. Phyllis Gidham. Mildred Coombs. Kmma B. tt. Glads S h.olhan. ' Janice Eckhout. Coral Nelson Mildred Robson.. Pat Kuebler. Judy Sanders. Darlene Bull. Sarah Lovre and Beitha Loie. Medical Auxiliary Elects Officers New offueis of the Marion Polk county Medical auxiliary ere eleite) at the Tuesday night dinner meeting of the group at the country h,me of Mr Wil liam L LxiUik Mis Horace MM ler is trie: new piesident Mr Maynard Shifter, president-elect. Mrs Robert Joseph, secretary; and Mrs Horace McGee. treasurer Mis Wiilard J Stone i the out going president Assisting ho-tesses at the din ner weie Mo Wilmer C Smith Wis. J O Mathis. Mrs B I. Tielstad. Mis Charles D Wood Mrs H Lee WxJ and Mrs Ros coe Wilson. llftit fit Luncheon Sialyl The philanthropic committee of llanna Rosa "court. Order of trs. Amaianth. is .sponsoring a lunch eon at Kif-Jiom's Satuiday. Mav J4 from 11 to 3 p ni Mis. Eveiet tiooster is chau man of Pie lunch eon which is being given for the benefit of the Shi lie hospit.d cast fund. The phrlanthi opjc .. re mittee is composed of Mi A A Taylor. William Wilson and Ha. ey Aston. Mr. and .Mrs. R. H. lUldork and Mr. and Mrs George Alexander will motor to Eugene tonight to attend the opening of The Ijttle Theatre. Utile Girl Welcomed From San Jose, Calif, comes new of the birth of a daughter on Thursday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Gilliland, jr. (Anne Huston). The little girl, who weighed seven pounds. two ounces, is the ;. first grandchild of ! Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Huston ! of Salem. The baby's paternal ! grandparents are Mr. and. Mrs. Allen T. Gi I rA of San Jose. 1) Mothers Are Watching 7nnl4 Saving Timo, Money Mostly Matter Of Inborn Trait but Can Be Acquired Br Miitat Bvei Statesman Woman's Editor I guess economy of time and money is an inborn trait and one which it's a bit hard to acquire, but it seems to me that one can cut down a good deal on the budget andatiU live pretty well, if care is taken with the little things. The Portland Pi Beta Phi Moth ers club entertained at luncheon on Thursday afternoon in com pliment to the Salem Pi Beta Phi i Mothers club of Willamette "uni- j ; versify. The 'affair was held at ' the home ' of Mrs. Florence ; Bowles. i Attending from Salem were Mrs Cass A. Nichols. Mr. Paul ; Weyrauch. Mrs. C. L. Ca-son. Mrs. Blanche Proctor. Mrs. Stuart Johnson, Mrs Walter L. Spauld mg. Mrs Charles Strickhn. Mrs Wayne Price. Mrs. Arthur G. L'pstor.. Mrs? Solon Shinkle. Mrs , B F. Schmoker and Mrs. George Bell of Stayton. Robert Voigt is Speaker Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the home of Mrs Willard Morrison on Hoyt .' avenue for a covered dish supper and installation of officers Thurs day night. Guest speaker was Ro bert Voigt. Who talked on sculp ture and modeling He is an art instructor at'Parrish Junior high school and :is studying, for his master's degree at Willamette uni versity. Mrs Duane Janicek in troduced the. speaker. Mrs. Meivia J. Gilson. retiring president of . the WSCS of the First Methodist church, enter-1 tamed members of the executive board at breakfast Wednesday j morning at the church preceding ' the monthly board meeting. For instance, we're always fus sing about vitamins, yet some cooks still load their vegetables with water and then pour it off. Down the drain goes a lot of fla vor and much of the nutritive val ue of the food. The other day we read about a recipe in which the writer proud ly suggested that drop biscuits were a time saver. Personally we like drop biscuits, the crusty points that brown and form bits of chrun chioess attract us. For this very important reason and because we like to save every minute possible, we haven't rolled out a biscuit for years. They have more personality than plain old perfectly formed ones. Economy in food comes with tongue over the weekend, when no one knows how many will sud denly show up at dinnertime on Sunday. Here a recipe for the use of this meat: BEEF TOXGl'E PIQUANT 1 fresh beef tongue Water to cover 2 teaspoons salt 4 cup enriched flour 2 tablespoons lard or drip pings 12 ounce glass tart grape jelly 1 cup hot water Cover tongue with water and add salt. Coer closely and sim mer, allowing about one hour per the macaroni and spaghetti family, combined with a very little meat, some cheese or tomatoes. Rice an other excellent money saver, is us ed about the same as the paste products as a meat extender. Here's a spaghetti rung suitable for springtime meals: SPAGHETTI RING WITH CREAMED PEAS 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 1 taoiespoon chopped pimien to 4 ounces elbow spaghetti i-2 pound bacon or ham. diced 1 egg, beaten 1 teaspoon salt Dash paprika 2 cups milk Scatter green pepper and pim inento in bottom of greased Sc inch ring mold. Rine spaghetti with cold water. Sprinkle lt spag hetti in mold. Fry bacon slowly, pouring off excess fat. Add ba con, then remaining spaghetti and bacon. Add salt, paprika and milk to beaten egg. Pour into mold. Place in pan of hot water. Bake in slow oxen (325 F.) 30 minutes. Re move from oven and let stand a few minutes . Loosen edges and turn out on hot plate. Fill center with creamed peas. Governor and Mrs. Deuglas Me- Son Born to Tfrrths Word "has been received from New York City of the birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Wirth (Betty Eyerly). The baby weighed 7 lb. 7 oz and was born on his dad's birthday. May 3. The cyple have one other son. Patrick, who is two years old. Mr. Wir3th is a TWA pilot flving between.) New York and Cairo. fSyptvtfr way of Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Ee U. Eyerly of Salem are the baby's maternal grandparents and Mrs. Eyerly left Salem April 30 for New York Citv to be vvith her daughter and will return about June 1. Mrs. C. W. Parker mill preside at a bridge luncheon this after noon at her Rose street home for members of her club. Bridge Toumey Winners Twelve tables. again were in play at the weekly duplicate i tournament of the Elks bridge ; club. Winners were Mrs. Edward : Roth aqd Mrs. John Bone, R. H. Dannen and Mrs. Dorothy Rem mey of Brownsville, Mrs. Ellis H. Jones and Mrs. Arthur Binegar. and L. W. Frasier of Albany and R. D. Hutchinson of Corvalhs. Plans are being completed for the first annual bridge club cham pionship play in two sessions. May 18 and May 25. chairman W E. Kimsey announced. Entries : should be made at once, he said. Thm Stctf man, Salem, Oregon, Tiidaj. May 13. tS43 j Mrs. H. C. Bell. U ' Carlte 1 Way, is serving a desseri lunch-j " j eon j to the Merry Times ; ciuo ai ljj2.30 o'clock this afternoon.) There will be a plant exenange following the luncheon, Mrs, Key H. Mills , ad her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Hanson of Stayton, motored to Camas, w ash W ednesday to visit with the form r' daushter. Mrs. Elliott Price Accompanying them to Camas was Mrs. Prices son. Donald, who has been at the Hanson home for two weeks. Mrs. William Paalv entertained members of her club at luncheon Thursday , afternoon at the Sena tor hotel with bridge following at her home on North 14th street. Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert H. Ilins of Portland, fbrmerly of Salem, will be weekend guests in the capital of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wynkoop and will attend the Elks club dance Saturday night. Silvert Ward Davidion, fer-; merly employed at Bishops Cloth ing store at Salem and at WeibyV store, Silverton, has returned here to be employed again at jWeiby'a. Davidson has been in California for two years. W. Jordan, also, formerly of Silverton, will return here to take over the management of Weiby's on June 1. i . rwiiitH fftstl in rrwilrins7 tintiirl move from liquid, peel skin from ( Kay and Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred tongue. Dust with seasoned flour I rick Chambers will be in Cor and brown in lard or drippings, j ,lu tonight to ,ttend the Senior Combine grape jelly and hot wa- ... , ter. Mix thoroughly. Pour mix- j th Oreon Sla,e co1"' ture over, tongue. Cover closely j campus. Mr. Chambers is a mem and simmer 40 minutes, t to 10 j ber of the state board of higher servings. ; .action. Th. McKay's daugh- There are dozens of economical j . . foods that we sometimes forget Mary Lou, is a member of the because they are so familiar. All senior class. : I A - -V - "7 V- ' h ; From ihe PBDI LUNCH HEAT .yjJT 39 c CHOPPED HAIlsn. it-ope,, 53c CORNED BEEF HASH Just heat and eat .... 16-ex. can 37c SPECIAL . . . Yes, indeed, a very special treat for y o u . . . that very fresh and crurxhy Peanut Toffee! Made with butter and f lied with No. 1 fresh pianytj! Try thit and you'll want more! Edward Williams HAUMAtX CAXDS 5alem-m-rn Candies 330 Court I I I I I I I I I I D FBEE SAIIPLES SATURDAY SWIFT'8 PEANUT BUTTER ... 330 12-os. Jar ' . DEVILED HAM. Swift's 3 -ox. can VIENNA SAUSAGE. Swift's ox- can DEVILED MEAT. 3 1 4-ot- can HYDROX COOKIES. Sunshine 12 -. pka. MINT PILLOWS. Sunshine . 14-ox. pkq. 190 190 2 for 190 390 290 MAYONNAISE. Crart Pint TUNA FISH. White Star. Solid pak . Can PORK & BEANS. 4y Van Camp's . as lot Pic size 390 450 230 BROWN BREAD. S4W PEACHES. Freestone Tasty Pak, No. 21 j can can 210 270 PRODUCE RiH tiKtl.N Spinach 2 ib.. 19c LOCAl I . ?. NO. 1 Asparagus 2 Ib.. 35c WHITE SHAFERS New Spnds 10 lbfc 39c Peas 2lbfc 25c LASGC M.EU dxciunbers 2 t 29c rieety ef Fresh Lecal Straw herriea mmim 2 fee 27C DON'S HEATS SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE BEEF POT BOAST Pound ... POBK SHLDB. BOAST Pound POBK LIIIK SAUSAGE Pound . V7EINERS Pound PURE LABD 44b. pkg. 49c 43c 49c 49c 69c Cleanser L-."w, Soap Powder """.iSW Large k, Z7e TcUelSoapST 3 , 25 C CleamtrSr'' n 11c Ai The Sonlh Gtj LiniU JJ g rjp !Mi uy.L,K.iy..!tjii. m iin ;ii i mm rl 1 1 KA mm mmm ma 1 M.VW W jU U , z XVeH our -z-1 Weekemidl Specials! FRI. & SAT. ONLY LIMITED QUANTITIES boa Values to 2.00 While They Last Your choice ef 24 popular varieties to choose from. All le cally grown all number snt bushes some with buds, tig. husky field grown plants 1 to 3 feet tall. lach carefully raised and packed to give you vigorous, beautiful growth. See the selection of fanfous types at Sears, NOW. Potted Coleus, 2V2" Pots, Reg.25 Now 10c n mm 1 51 o mm REG. 50c TO 60c DOZ. THIS WEEKEND ONLY SALVIA - DWARF SALVIA GIANT SNAPDRAGONS LOBELIA DWARF LOBELIA - TRAILING PETUNIAS - Choice of Colors 3.)c dor. '"' a.'. i i Carnation Plants In Red, Pink ond Vvhi Co'ors Save at Sears 1? far 39c Tomato Plants 35c Mature Quickly Dozen r. Crown from pedigreed d m SowtK. Ov(op for, dur cool snap belter than most tender plonts. Yield large rich trwM. Aluo Grass Seed Ree. 7e lb. On ef Seort finest perennial gratMv Civet fin testwr fcr re ceding lawm, or bare tpott. Siow frmtnahon. Saving pricel Hardy Lawn Seed Quick GrowingGreeno'pe'Mia This Heek Only .... Ib. 39 l i S Pottery Bird Bath Nev Beovty, Chorm to Gordens e. ty U -iS 2.88 Hniini pmnmry bird bM hi Funnel Top Sprayer 7.95 Fwwxl-fype opening guides spray to .ovoid spnHage whon filttng. Easy ta spsrof ; eacadent for toroying ffocKve 2-4-D Wood Kiliof. Open Top Sprayer 9.75 Horticultural Pat f ot Gawdee orxj Piont Needs rVide opening foi nd ftlkng. LuoMont for prey'xV Soars effoctiva 3-4-0 Weed K.Hor. CanSwusMS agk aressre spray. racked f oar mmki h4 mtm id.ot tmr mmt MkhMg wo pt.nH to ana A reol bvrl astleiiortpyj FAR,1 STORE 240 S. liberty rhesM 0-6333