4C It' A" -'M f .t tl..' !-? Va"lt -1 The Stareemqn. Saletav Oregoty Jaaaf , 1 SOCIETY- CLUBS V - - - . - V - - ' . - i l : t V ' -,,t ' I . : -rem;- . . J i . ' --,, ' dj" .." f ' -. C.f n J ludse Sarah J. Hughes of Dallas, Texas, first vice presi dent of the ncticna! federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, who will arrive In the capi'al by plane this afternccn to attend, 'he annua! state convention of the Ore g mi Ffj' 'itrn B iiin-is and Professional Women's clubs. She will i- the :ea ir-i speaker and honor gruest at the ban quet Saturday ni-jht. PR01D MOAIENr The youngsters are 3rad' ahn? - - r-o let them know you're proud of them. We have Cards fcr Gradua tion that will say just what y o u want !o say - - the way y- i want to say tt. Select yours new. AT The Hoderno 30$ COURT STRUT We Feat e NOH CROSS. RUSTCRAFT HALLMARK Greeting Cords of Chcaticler GOLDIES DRESS SHOP M K1VEE ROADv Pfcene -lS4 Owe 1S-T HOOSE DBESSES Sixes 12-32 Also li sUee fiiJOJlj Level? dressy kUsv. sjseee St te Segmiarly tl.ti A M.SS SPMIIG SKIRTS Klree reel stripes, gleai 4M tat eetsee, as4 rayetsa. p4aia gabs. Stsea It-JS. Watat S2-BS. rC KegRlarly S3.l3-Sg.SS Red Deed to P3se7e7 GOING FISmilG? ? ? ? ? Sure we harm Jean'e t-oc. denim, sdsee 7 to 24 frtr Also pedal pusher Joans . S2.C3 Ship & Shore Kousse. plaid, stripos la boa River GixKj- kams. cay colors, sixes $2 to 40 j $2aC3 jSlraw Hats, lacfiee and chUdrerj . ,,, f j 59c and 70c Choral Hour Be Taniaht to Annual choral hour of the Sacred Heart School of Musi will be presented tonight at St. Joseph's halt at S o'clock. High school music student will partici pate in the program. . The program ia aa follows: Monkay tlood;. Tonoer Edward W ichntaa Thotnaa Wtchman William Srhaata, Ronald saener Ave Maria; . Michalak junior Bora Glaa Crsa! Night Gibb I'll Yh Afatn Coward Ardit Ann CnrMmifB. Shtrley Coo nay. Doris Ron land, Graca Corey Thia Day la Mirva War Whan I Waa Seventeen . Swedish Folk Song Voice. Grace Corey Mr Moonlight Madonna fibleh Scettt I Passed By Your Window . .. Braho-t.ueas Boys' Double Quartet Tenor I Edward Neman. Joha Hutmeeher Tanor n Antrum Davey. Robart Afbrlaai Banlona Dmiflaa Doufharty, David Krope Baa TlwniM Lovcik. Jara McCarthy Ckrmana Wilaaa Vmrf Doris Rortland Sine Ma Ta Slaae - Oraana To Sprlnr v . Grtof Violm. Donna Poepa 'CaJte. Ttioma I ovrk P:m, Daktraa Koutny Sorin(tima Watkin R uMlan Picnsr Rndcra Trabla Trtod O Divina Radaamar Gounod Voiea. Dolor aa Gnttfrlad Dry Bona ; arr. Gaarhart Irnlor BVrrt Glaa L' Amaur-Tnujoura-L Amour triml Lort I a Marrnant ... Caraw Tha Cacatan p. I Dolera K.utny. Dnria flohland. Grara Cora. Dolora Gottfrtad Ve. ll-Srurtay Coonay. Rtwamarir Dougharty Sharon RothanfHiah. Carol Malar A'tn Ard!, A. Christanaan Kltaabattt Stadlar. Vlvianrta Brown Will You Ram em oar (from "May- 'iTf "i , Romberg Oiva Thantu and Sng Harrtt-Olob Miaed Vote ttMpmblt - Aoroanpantats" Geraklina Klwr. Eileen Suabauar Vrvwnna Bream. Frank Laookt Porchast cl "uT "" pia.ee. paisleys. .T -fA each or $2.79 t for $5X0 Blouses Greatly Redaeeel 4 4XO r Kedaeed ie Pas MUSIC BPW State Com tion To Open Four to five hundred members of the Oregon Buine and Pro fessional Women club will con vene in Salem today at the Sena tor hotel for the annual state convention. Most honored of the many guests will be Judge Sasah J. Hugnea of Dallas. Texas, na tional first vice president. Judge Hughes will arrive in Salem this afternoon by plane at 3:3 o'clock. She will speak over KSL.M Saturday afternoon at 2:15 pm. Today's program includes reg istration at the hotel at 11 am. executive board luncheon at the hotel at nonn. with Mrs. Arthur Weddte, of Salem, state presi dent in charge, a 1 o'clock re convention hoard meeting and 4 o'clock ses-ions of the resolu tions, rules and credential com mittees A "Gypsy" dinner is set for the chamber of -commerce at 6:.10. followed by a fun session at the armory. Saturday's activities will be the 8:30 formal opening of the con vention with Mrs. Weddle pre siding, and Salem members. Mrs Mabel Clock. Mrs Charlas Kor rette and Mrs John Versieeg. participating During the 10 o'clock session, general order of business will be accomplished, with the reoort of tha nominating committee being one of the im portant pieces of work. Polls for election of officers will be open at noon. Saturdav' International rela tions luncheon will ba heH at ! the First Methodist church at j noon, followed by a business i meeting. A formal banquet will honor Judge' . Hughes and is set for 8 .30. ; Because of limited space, the ban quet will be held at tht Marion , Motel and at the American Le gion cl'.ih. and tha program win he at tha armory. A reception will follow. At S 30 Sunday morning new ; officers will be installed at the breakfast at the Marion hotel. Luncheon will be served to re- tiring and incoming officers at ! Nohlgren's and an excursion will be taken to Silver falls. On Etiquette By Reberla Lee Q. Should the host and hostess always provide new decks of cards for a bridga party? A. Yes. always, and for a poker party, too. To throw out a soiled, delaptdated deck of cards would be about the same aa If the host were unshaven and wearing a soiled, wrinkled shirt. Q. When riding in an automo bile with other passengers, has one the privilege of opening a window for his own comfort? A. Not without first asking the consent of the other passengers. Q. What la the most popular hour for a luncheon, whether for mal of informal? A. One o'clock. Creciaji sandal hi white, red. rreeaj or muhiooioc leather. f 2.90 Ccnuirelcalhe,,.widbaTe. 4 K'- -riool linings, wonderful weage - heels end pletfonxisl So beau- - tifullv made '." licve the prices! CalitaW-itrasp ttyt wfiiff. fed or greea leather. 3.99 Deebie-strap aaadal with criss- 3.99 Selem's Newest Shoe Store 170 N. UREXTY SECRETS' OF CHARM Bj JOHN ROBERT POWERS .: ' f Make the vibration test to see whether year voice fs snnndinr more shrilly than yea may think it is! Sometimes, in the case of ex ceptional women, it's a little dif ficult to put your finger on just what her special charms are. It's never difficult however to put your firtger on the uncharming qualities of any person. For in stance, when a woman's voice is unpleasant .everyone is aware of it instantly. The ears of all those around her protest their discom fort. Her silence is welcomed heartily. When Shakespeare said. Her voice was ever gentle, soft and low, an excellent thing in a wo man," he was speaking for the whole male population. There is nothing more annoying to the male contingent than a shrill voice. The louder it gets, the shriller it get- and the more an noying. But fortunately shrillness is something to which no wonwn need resign herself. It is easy to correct. What Causes Shrillness Shrillness is caused by the im proper placement of your voice. You've heard people who sing through their noses. You don't like to listen to them either. One type of shrillness comes through speaking through your nose. Na turally your voice must rewound in all your head cavities. When you speak correctly you bring the air up through your throat. It then vibrates past your vocal cords into your head, but it must finally come out of your mouth. It's very hard to actually hear the way you sound to others. Be sides, you are accustomed to the way your voice sounds to your self, which makes it hard for you te judge it. I ll show you a little test for your voice placement srrew: How te make the meat Mrs. Hanna New Auxiliary Head Mrs. Robert I. Hanna was elect ed president. Mrs. P. W. Hale, vice-president; Mrs. Cecil Lantx secretary; and Mrs. Charlie E. Cox, treasurer; at a meeting of the Hollywood Lions auxiliary held Wednesday at the Lions Den. In stallation will be June 15 at the home of Mrs. Robert Forkner, 1833 . North Capitol street. J A committee was a pointed on 1 arrangements. Mrs. J. Harry Mor- 1 ''sraMimer '"exp'osiirc sa. c i ; mi: you won't be- u i wonderful low - v for Women t j - si rtri right now that will tell you im mediately just how nasal you sound! Make This Test Press your index fingers to ei ther side of your nose. Now say the letter "p." Say it sever-, I times. Do you feel a vibration un der your fingers You do? Then you're wrong. You're placing your voice incor rectly. It's not resounding back from your head and out your mouth but coming through your nose. There's only one time you should ever be able to feel vibra tion in your nose. That's when you are saying m, n and ng. Try saying them. Now you must feel a very definite vibration. It al most tickles. If you will practice saying a, b, c. d and then m. n. ng with your fingers pi essed to your noe about twenty times a day you'll learn to take all the na-al shrill out of your oice. You'll oe able to re cognize the difference between correct and incori ect vibrations. You'll begin to let your voice flow out of your mouth. The Powers Girls have named this exercise "The Taming of the Shrill." It does, too! P S t orn J R P AVOID ELEVENTH HOVR FRENZY' That uhat tha Powers Girls call it whan jou fail to do your nails, jour hair, jour clothing care, on the right day Than you arc f:onzied at tha last ininuta. Thry avoid it, and you can too. bv following a deftnita proerain during the weak. There are certain days best for each grooming activity. I'll nd you my "Calendar for the F.t idioun" f i e of charge if you'll write to ma in cart of this n. wspaofi and encloaa a stamped, aalf -addressed return anvalopa. Send for your Calendar today and follow tha scheduta of the Powers Girla. ef the color ef your eyes. an, chairman and Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden and Mrs. F. Alfred Williams, Mrs. A. J. Crose and Mrs. R. A. Forkner were named delegates to the state convention at Astoria June 6 and 7. Others will be appointed later. Mrs. Carl G. Collins was a guest. Members of boy Scout Troop S furnished music. Eddie Lewis showed a movie on India. Mrs. L. R. Thomas, Mrs. C. D. Cox, Mrs. C. A. Gies and Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom were hostesses. They used a Maypole of many colors to decorate. Mail Orders. Add 25 1 ase a . . .... a Sojbtirnrs11 Guest Day Luncheon Sojourners entertained with their annual spring guest day party on Thursday afternoon at the Salem Woman's clubhouse. A dessert luncheon was served with bridge following. A May Day theme was carried out with May poles centering each table with individual pastel nosegays at each place. Mrs. Douglas Fosbury play ed a group of musical selections. Guests attending were Mrs. Carl W. Nelson. Mrs. Ralph Pickering. Mrs. Bruce Croghan. Mrs. Earl Croghan. Mrs. Walter Wood. Mrs. Guy Albin, Mrs. Verne Davis, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Alan Rfown, Mrs. Evelyn Read. Mrs. D. W. Stacey. Mrs. Glen Meier. Mrs. Ho ward A. Doak. Mrs. Ted Stook, Mrs. Edward Payseno, Mrs Tyler Stone, and Mrs. H. R. Fancher. Prize winners in bridge were Mr. Alan Brown and Mrs. Sev- : ert Swanson. guests: Mr. Hobard Jackson and Mrs. Gordon Leon ard, members: and for pinochle, Mrs. O. A. Olsen. Mrs Frank Wird was chairman of the committee and assisting ; were Mrs. Jacob Foos. Mrs. Robert David-on. Mrs Lewis Lenhart. I Mrs. Ted Tibbetts. Mrs. B. C. Sel berg. Mrs. Robert Corey and Mrs. ' Lee Thomas. Mrs. A. J. Becker will be chairman for the May 29 , meeting. Mrs. Diana Lynn was welcomed as a new member. Two of the club members are moving in the near future. Mrs. John Dann to Coos Bay and Mrs. j lewis Lenhart to California. Manager of Year Bonk i Miss Nancy Buren, daughter -f : Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren.' has been named manager of the : 1950 Beaver, year book of the as- t soHated students of Oregon State j college. Miss Buren. a junior, ma-! joring in chemistry, was business i manager of the Clarion when a' student at SaJem high school. r LOOK HOGGS Ktve you $2J.0O with a nw lower than ever price on the famous Easy Spindrier REGULAR $169.95 Now Onlr PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR QUICKER DELIVERY $149.95 n Orifjinally S1S9.SS. Buyina a fanoueneone washer needn't stagger your budget, are $20X0 on this Easy-Sptadrler. Use our payment plan, pay $15-00 down. While Spindrier is locating off weekly laundry chores, pay $$JS log the next 24 months.) SI I THE SPEW EASY IH ACTION , TODAyi FRIDAY May Morning breakfast. 7 ajn. to 1 ajjn. First Presbyterian church. Pub lic tainted. North SaJeta WCTU meet at Jaaoa Lao cnurch. 2 SATCROAY Salem Woman's club meeting, club house. S P-n . board meeting, 1 o m. MONDAY Circle two. Wosnan Fellowship a Kjuxht Memorial thumb. Noon lunch eon. Business roeetms: 2 JO p ir. Willamette Shrine No I. White Shrine of Jerusalem meet at Masonic Templet S pja. Tt'KSD A Y Otsdwick chapter. Order of tha east ern Star. S p. m . businaaa session and aortal hour. Literature and poetry group of Sa lem Woman's club meet at rruhhnuae. coffee at 1:30. program at S pm. Etokta ciub with Mrs. P. E. Graber. 42 N Church st . I IS dasaert lunch eon, election WEDNFSDW WttCS of First Method it church meat in Carrier Roorh. In 45 a m . luncheon at noon, program at 1 1J p m. THURSDAY Hayesvilte Woman's club meet with Mrs. George StTorut. Portland High way. II SO luncheon Coed Tells Betrothal The engagement of their daugh ter Miv. Stella Jean Carrico is being announced by Mr. and Mrs. E B. Carrico of Calgary. Alberta. Canada, and now of Phoenix, Arirona. Mi5s Carrico will m.trry William Roy Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hugh Barber of Salem, .at Christmas time. Mr. Barber, a senior at Wil lamette university, is majoring in French and is a member of Sigma Delta Pi. and will go to France during the summer for study. Miss Carrico a member of Delta Gamma sorority and Beta Alpha Gamma, service honorary, is a junior in sociology at Willamette university. She is program di rector for younger girls at the Salem YWCA. She will continue! with her studies and with the1 YWCA next year. j The engagement of the couple was told at the Delta Gamma house during the dinner hour Monday night. ' A1ID BIRTHDAY BOOKS i-1 CDMF eJ3 & SAVE-S 0-SAVE-SAVE $ 0 Gradnalion - Birthdays - Bridgt Prizes COIHIERCIAL BOOR STORE 141 N. COMMERCIAL set osa ; ar as sssb& i w m i A -I"11 ...ail ! V - jgJ ! i 1 . ! ' I" sTauKtm nuns uuvu imtAtxt t un rnianu SALEM OREGON CITY Mrs. Brand' "! A Hostess : . t Mrs. James T. Bran! newly elected president of Town and Gown, will entertain her officers and board members at luncheon this afternoon at 1:13 o'clock at her North Summer street home,' Arrangements of pastel spring flowers will provide the decorative note. After the luncheon plana will be outlined for the coming year. i Covers will be placed ,' for Mrs.' Ernest C. Richards, the retiring: president; Mrs. Floyd Utter, vice president; Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, treasurer: Mrs. Ervin Potter, sec retary; Mrs. Paul Hendricks, mem- . . .... , a i social; Mrs. P. H. Brydoh, music; and Miss Mabel P. Robertson, pro-, gram, and Mrs. Brand, j " I SAVE ON THESE i SPECIALS New Spinet Pianos NOW $595.00 Used Spinet Planoe Now , 450.00 Piano Accordions ... 25.00 up Guitars & Violins V price Record (your choice) 3 for $1.00 Albums (your choice) 3 lor $1.00 Radios. Phonoe & Recorders, Ve to i off Band Instruments, W to S't off Musical Toys & Novelties ...Vs price Ilandreda ef ether specials at comparable savings SALE ENDS MAY 21st JAQUITH MUSIC 13 S. High SL rhone 3-4CI1 t You your