(City News IIBirneffs MOTHERS RETURN HOME Six mothers and their newly born children were released from Salem hospitals Thursday and re turned to their homes. They are: From Salem General hospital Mr. Dale Gossman and daughter. "17 Fulton U Albany: Mrs. Alan Se wert and daughter, rt. 0, box 298; Mrs. John Nuber and son, 1230 S. 17th t.; Mrs. Wyatt Surgeon and daughter, rt. 8, box 222; Mrs. Charles Loell and daughter. Mill City. From Salem Memorial hos pital. Mrf. George Butler and eon. rt. 2, box 219 Scio. Stop. Shop: Dree?. 1 to 6X. re duced in price. Lullaby Baby Shop? Hollywood. Open eve. I congratulate Mabel A Harry upon their reunion and wih them great happiness for years to tome and economical living with the Deepfreere Home Freezer. Vinre cf Vinee's Electric. ART GROl P MEETS The creative art group of the Salem Art association will meet Fridav at 7 p. m. in the home of David Dunaway. 670 N. Summer t The weather permitting the eemng will be passed in sketch ing. Interested persons are inn-u, Dunaway said. Special: Young hen turkeys, whole, half or quarter. 35c lb C. S Orif! Co. 4375 SUverton Rd Fh 2-6128. Fnana Cake Wk eni special at fo. Village Mkt Home Baking We also hae our regular assort-. ir,r.t of like- pie, fiench bread, ett South on 5SE to 3725 S Com 1 or ph. order for your i hone, to 3-3676 Store hrs. 8 AM to PM. Open Sjnriays-. . THEFT REPORTED Hctiiy Meyers. Salem route 4. l x 714. rej-orted to r!.- Thurs day theft of a pair i a r rts $)!! fmm his car while it was rj.rkd in the 16"0 t . k or. N b Hi 11 street. Lee Bio-. Furnituie R f;n Co Ph No has-been chanceM ! 2-7fMl Baked ham dinner. S;.r.day May 15 at St Vincent' iru.rcri Ker , l.dy welcome Heme made p,e r.ri rake (or deceit Ari iils fl 2- C'hiirfien .SO. WRINGER INJl RES WOMAN Blanche Pep. 840 Shipping M while doi-c a "A;i-h Thin -day raupttt her left hand in a man f Je badiy injur inis r r lingers Fust aid was railed .ii.ti !k the innirrd woman to Salem Me moti.nl ho-pital Radiu End Tables: Wa'mit fin ish; Ke $18!Ki t i vt. out ai 7 !5 f r . i y 6 left'. '.VomIi ov I.M. Center: ' l.!indettr!te - 1255 Fe: ? y St. I wo permits issi rn Buiid.it; permits -ie issued Xhut slay ui l'ie t i?y ecc t '" office- to Mrs. Reynold. 325 Game rt , reroof dwell inn at a cc-t of , S45; st.ite i-oard of aeronautics. 195 Chemeketa st . alici offu building. $'.'.(). The Kmt Sr.op w ill l-e closed from Mav 16. to oi en June, Joth. Kuth NybeiK. Buy flood v.stni clothing cheiip Mfn'v ladie & rhildtett's cl(. th ing Garments Baaai . 22b J. St Ph. 3-5497. HAM) TACKFK STOLEN Police weie notified Thursday that a hand tacker valued at $10 was stolen from the Campbell-. Wakefield .-tore, 419 Kerry st. Dr. L. B Warnu-Her Dentist. Is now associated with the Dr. Pain Iss Parker orfue. 2P4 Giay BIdg . State and Libeity St , Salem. Ph 1-8825. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and aprpetiation for the acts of kindness, messaces of sympathy, and applet tatioii for the a-ts i' our many friend.-. , ei out laTe bereav ctiit nt MRS ROSE Srlli.AG an.i FAMILY. M I HER an-, HKOTHKR ai d SISTERS. ' ' s J ThrHI to a new high X&mxUfi ... yt ill nrrn m beer encyst! W 1 ' With ANY BEER SICKS SELECT Eta Pale : ljjJ-l" ammmmmmmmmmm Will Win ycur favor for flavcr ; &rBf3& hi 1 - AMXtMfUCDCI m each smooth, distinctive task Jl frOHI ANYWHtllt! Buy Try Compare and yoU U v im make SICKS SELECT your choice every time. C- QUARTS ' - 1 rrnl STUBBIES WHEREVER ; and the handy BEER IS SOLD 1 2-PAK SCS tixltoisa COMPANY X- CLGO ! ARCHITECT POSTS OPEN U. S: civil service examinations for appointment as architect in the ' optional branches of design, work ing drawings and general were announced i Thursday. The posi tions are irt Washington. D. C. and vicinity, at salaries ranging from $3,727 to S6.235 annually. Require ments include at least four years of college Itudy or experience in the field. "Additional information may be secured from W. H. Fisch er, civil service secretary at Salem postoffice. j Federally Insured Savings Cur rent divtdent 2 ""i See First Fderal Savings First. 142 S. Liber ty Phone 1-4944. Plant and rummage sale at First Congregational Church. N. Cot tage t Marion Sts. Fri. & Sat. GEO LOG T TRIP SLATED Several points of geological in ' terest will be visited by Salem Ge ' logical soeiety members this week end in north central Oregon, in cluding Columbia gorge, Gordon ndge and ; the perlite mines near Maupin. The group will leave Col lins hall on Willamette uniersity campus at 6:45 a. m. Saturday and return Sunday. Prof. Herman Clark wilii give explanatory talks at various point. Road oiling. Call TVeedie 2-4151 or 3-5769. Rummaged Sale. Sat. May 14. 655 N Ccttag. MARINE EXAMINATION'S SET Examinations for appointment a? marine; 'engineer, with entrance salary ranging fiom $7,432 t-i $? 50S per year, were announced Thursday Jby the U. S civil service rommissnifi. Applicants will be gra"ted on tit basis of exr-ener.ee ilia tran. ir.g Additional informa tion l oh jt-tnactie from W H Fis cher rixif erke sert-tsry at S.. iem j-stoiice.- I Insured, savings earn more than i two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association. 560 State st St Anne's Guild RummajePi.'e hfL-fhold) gKKls At melting cl 't. lle May 12 A 13 Eris. opa: Pnrih Heuse on Chemeketa St MOTORCVi I E RIDER HI RT 1 1 r.e C ox. 865 S 21-t t sustained coinpound fiaiture hi ic w f left leg and o.a,.! f;a tuiel left wnst Thuirj.-y a hen thej motou y le he ii'i ii. g (oilitled with s car hi Pork unci Mai Set street FirM aid -a as called a ad 1k Cox to Salem . General hospital. Fed a.-aie..s. $1 i0 sie r...v 75c B:eeoir.fc- ;.he;: ts and other peren nial CdrnpW te lir.r f U-tldiug ind i c-afi pl.'rr.ts W e rcilV f ; Pen te: !:'$ Cieiiho-ues. 1JN0 S i2:r.. Kai.ikiil K arret Its r.ew. it's re versihle. ft 100rl vtigin wrol and a oven through and thrugh. only 4 95 sq jd Ph. 3-7648 or 3 3364. AGED WOMAN III RT Mis Ia Conn. 1440 Chemek eta st. ttistatric d " seeielv u, ;.iii! I .tr k Tiunsday when she tell front the poich at her home. 1 1 i s t h id ir 1 1 o r le d Rumm.ite saljr Jason I -ee. Church ha-e-merit, Jeffris' ti & N. Winter Thuis At f ri. FALLS FROM BIKE Jim Iaypoit. 1133 Chemeketa st. fustcined a i'token arm Thais day when the tear wheel on hi bicycle linked catapulting him to the groimri first aid was called Rummage Sale. Women's Council of 1st Crust ian Church. Thurs . Fii. Sat . May 12. 13, 14 235 S Com't, St. SEABEeJ MEET TONIGHT Sa'em organized Seabee re serve uiiit will meet tonight at 8 o'lloek for drill at the naval re set ve a iTr.i' i y. t'orr.t t Ralph Johnson Appli ..!. Stie 355 Center St. to see the f;i.et in modern appliances Hotpoini. Bt-nmx. Kelv inator. S: dqut-er. ariii a complete line i i omeV freezers. 2 Plans Studied For Jail Space In Courthouse Two alternate plans for revision of jail quarters in the proposed r.ew Marion county courthouse were being studied today by offi cials, after their receipt from the architect. He had been asked to make changes at the last meeting of the courthouse commission. A plan which would leave the fifth floor as the uppermost but would be rearranged from earlier ideas was favored by Sheriff Den v er Young. He called it more prac tical and workable than the alter native a fifth floor jail and a sixth floor jueni!e detention area. The revised five-floor design would add space for six more men, double women's cell area to 12, al low ipace for six girls and 16 boys. It would cut the eelis for mental cases to one man's and one wom an's. The present jail is arranged to care for 32 men, six women and 10 juveniles. If the courthouse went to six stories, both fifth and sixth would be smaller than those below. The juvenile area would include two sun-recieation areas, one for boys and one lor girl. A letter from Pietro Belluschi. the architect, said he had is;ted the Clark county, Washington, courthouse, where quarters away from toe courthouse had heen pro vided for juveniles There, he wrote, the atihitett hfcd left 20 per cent vacant spee for expansion, wh.ih a as filled within five tais. He expressed hope that the ipaie requirements furnished ty Mar ion cc ur.ty authorities had allowed for future expansion. RESERVE MEETING BEGINS Ft-.ir rie;ega!es from Manon county ihaptei. Reserve Officers as-ov lation. w ill leave Salem this rnt ii.ing to atter.tl the state ROA annual i onfeier.oe in Portland to day ar.u Satutttay . The men are Lt C"t 1 Chester Fritz, Maj. Robert Fhioij s. Maj H.i lan Judd and Lt. C't.mdr. Carl Cover. TAVERN CHANGES HANDS Cr.at.fce in ownership of Cedar taveiu a Ietioit wa& indicatea in flint; Tnurstiay with Marion tt-urity ceiK ( I ri'iiemtr.! licm the assumed business name by Daisy P. Ltlwaids nd Klton M. Fill Tr.e turn liame was assumed ts Ui . E E. Baird and C h-iles V. Mo. ei o! Toledo and Eari E. Lay mar, of IXtlolt. LEAVES BI SINESS NolHc of ittiU.T.tnt fnm the assumed business name el Li).:ti t ti 1 1 , ei lii.iji ii, was iimi with the Marion county c.eik L L.niri 1) f ij,jn, who tiateu the liim v iiti Niiah E.taii. TALK ON .MEXICO TRIP Salt in Sparush ciub will meet Friday at 8 p. m. in the YWCA to v u w tii-ied slidt taken by Cm 1 Gies on a neurit tr;p to Mexico a;.d Gu,itemala. LOG 11 l LING OKEHED i'eimtt to haul logs over s.x.ci fitd roads in Marion county was gr.ai.ted Thursday by the county couit to Cruson Brttheig, Mill City. WILL HAI L PILING Marion county court granted a permit Thursday to Phillips Bro thers. Salem route 6, box 118, to haul piling over specified roads to the Detroit dam site. I PENSION CLl'B CALLED American Pension club will meet at 8 p. m. Saturday at Salem Worn- j an's clubhouse. CHILD INJl RES HEAD Chailes KIopp. 2. 2860 Rogers! lane, fell at hi home Thursday cutting a bad gash in the back of his head, first aid reported. Rummage Sale new and used Mrs, Tyrell's merchandise, al-o oil circulator, wood range, ladio,, cases, etc 193 N Com'l. , Smiling Cops Giiifr Proof of Good Will : Y: i.ij -rll IL n Members f the Saleta Police Aerial Patrol famish proof, above, that they had a good time while oa the good will toor In Nevada the past week end. Shown above left to right are: Olive Scott. Ernest Finch. Joseph Schuetx. Leonard Skinner. Ty Cobb, former Detroit Tiger lUr and baseball great. Sen ator Johnson Harley Cord ray and a member of the Carson City police force. Throe members of tho Salem group were absent when the picture was taken. They are: Jim Hammaek. Paul Woodrvffe and Clarence Applegate. (Photo by Paul Woodruffe.) Public llecords CIRCl IT COl'RT Frances L. Arant vs Winfred L. Arant: Order of default of defend ant. A. A. and Rachael Trahan vs Elmer and Ada Wood: Defendants demur to amended complaint; plaintiffs file second amended complaint. Shirley Fagan vs Thomas J Fagan- Order of default of de fendant. Ruth M Lamkin vs Jess J. Lamkm- Decree of divorce awards plaintiff custody of minor child and $50 monthly support money. Ellen S . Ellen Marie and D. N. Iverson vs William S. and Irene C. Sherman: Decree dismisses complaint with costs to neither party. F E. I.undquist vs Milton Van Zanten and others: Defendants Milton Van Zanten and Cornelius Van Zyl file answer to amended complaint IRoy M McDuffeo v Guy J Mc Hone: Older dismisses suit with pieniiiice and Without co?ts, fol lowing settlement. W,!h.,m R sr.d Corva N. Mc Ciirro'! vs Timberline. Inc. Jnd (.thers- C mplaint seek S ! .5 .'uri.mcnt for damages aIU'gelly sust..ineri by j 1 . . . r. 1 1 f f s ivt llir. when trt-t- was felled onto it by tiefenrfants on April I. 1949 Maud M Tweed vs Christian Pr terser, : Order dismisses mit with prejudice and without costs, based on stipulation. Charles E. Dozier vs Roy C. end Abbie C. Goss: Jury finds for de fendants but with no Judgment for either party. Max W. and Gladys Haist vs James E. and Eearne F. Stone. Cnited States, state unemployment compensation and Wells Tallman: Decree grants plaintiffs judgment of $5.623 76 against defendants Stone, orders foreclosure of mort gage and holds that plaintiffs' claim against defendants Stone is superior to other defendants' claims. PROBATE COl'RT Robert Dunsmoor guardianship: Order exonerates bonding surety from liability. Anna Carmody guardianship: Order approves final account and release guardian. DISTRICT COURT Paul Franklin Clarke. Stayton. charged with driving while intoxi cated, continued to May 13 for plea, pos'ed $350 bail Nellie E Axberg. Salem route 4, charged with obtaining proper ty by false pretenses, waived pre liminary hearing, bound over to III I Li J:. grand jury; held in lieu of $350 i bail. i j MARRIAGE LICENSE j APPLICATIONS ! Clyde W. McLaughlin, 31, paper maker. Kelso, Wash., and Elrind O. : Halsne, 31, waitress, Longview, ' Wash. John Clifton Roop. 21, dairy ! man. and Sally Jar.e Cornelius. 19, secretary, both of 1045 S. Liberty ' r . Salem. R bert B Parker. 30. ware h useman. 771 N. Commercial st., and Feme Kirk, 40. beautician, 410 Mar.brin dr . both cf Salem. MUNICIPAL COURT Maurice M. Coombs. B832 S E. ; Miiwaukie st, Portland, charged with driving while intoxicated, (-leaded innocent; posted $250 bail; i trial. May 19. DA to Investigate Car Mileage Law Distnct Attorney E. O. Stad ter. jr. was requested by Marion county couit Thursday to Inves tigate the effects of a new legis lative enactment as to mileage of employes using private cars on c unty business. While the new county budget rai.-cs the payment from 5 to (5 cents per mile, the new law. from house bill 181, prolines that fees should be 8 cents per mile m & cases where compensation of the officer is not fixed. EVENS' IN OUR SELUMG OUT ' .(TO' f p WE'RE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - - EVERY THING MUST GO! Our entire stock of nationally advertised goods is going at almost give-away prices. We know that you can't find values like we're offering anywhere . . . because NO STORE CAN TAKE THE TERRIFIC MARKDOWNS THAT WE'RE MAKING AND STAY IN BUSINESS! We're selling out, we don't have to make a-profit, all we want is to clear our floor! TERMS ARRANGED FREE DELIVERY Open Friday Q & Salurday 'Til 3 P.M. CAPITAL Cherry Fete Plans Spurred By Hot Spell With local weather suggestive of festival times, civic leaders are expediting plans for the 1949 Salem Cherryland festival In June. Herbert E. Barker's parade committee put letters of invi tation in the mail this week to all civic and fraternal organiza tions, with registration blanks for the entry of floats in this year's festival parade. Barker urged an early response so that plans may proceed for a parade he expects to excel even last year's. He called attention to the fact that any interested group may enter a float. Registration forms are available at Salem Chamber of Commerce, Salem Labor temple, Stevens 8c Son Jewelry store and the festival headquarteri at J48 N. Commer cial st. Verdict in Assault Case Includes No Damages A verdict for the defendants, but no money judgment for either party was returned by a Marion countv circuit court jury in the case of Charles E Dozier vs Roy C. and Abbie C. Gosso. Dozier had sued for $605 dam ages following an alleged assault Sept. 6, 1948, and Abbie Gosso had filed a counter-claim for $1,500 damages. HARDWARE and FURNITIM Thm Statesman. Salami At Salem Schools By Ji CNk CorrMpoaoont Statesman School SALEM HIGH SCHOOL Top Salem high band and orchestra students de parted for Klamath Falls Thursday to compete In the state music contest. The students, comprising three bus loads, will participate in individual events this afternoon, with the band knd orchestra te play tonight. They will return Saturday. r Over $1500 was contributed by various organiza tions, business men and indivi duals to make the trip possible. Several of the students entered in the contest received highest possible ratings in the district contest held recently. Both tha band and orchestra were rated as "superior in earlier contests. E. Donald Jessup band director and instrumental instructor for Salem schools and Victor Palms son orchestra leader are accom panying the group. Beneficial aspects of science were shown in a "Preview of Progress" at Salem high Thurs day by two i public relations rep resentatives of General Motors corporation. Dean Smala and Al Hagman. Interest in individual scientific research was stimulated by the pair who demonstrated the advance of science in recent years. Principles of Jet propulsion were shown as well as transition of sound into light by electric im pulses, the light then being beam ed across the stag to a device which changed the light back to sound. Other demonstrations in cluded a "cold"' stove, replicas of Edison's first electric light and Edison's phone graph, and im-proe-ments In modern electric lights. RICHMOND SCHOOL First graders in Carmen Jen nison's Richmond class played "cowboy" on the stage this week as the class presented a school program. A musical play "The as several Western songs and Littie Cowboy" given as well musical numbers, by the school rhvthm band. RECORDS "RIDERS In the SKY" Vaughn Mepree Burl Ives Bing Crosby Downstairs Oregon Bid. State and High S-863 7V i FURNITURE o DAVENOS DAVENPORTS o SWING ROCKERS o DINETTE SETS o BEDROOM SETS o OCCASIONAL CHAIRS o LUGGAGE o EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE REDUCTIONS Appliances . . . Tools . , Hardware Oil Circulators Onqoa. friday. ISarf 13J 1349 5 , 1- Salem Students Win SOCE Scholarship ASHLAND. May lt -(Special)-" Award of scholarship aid te sev eral students of Southern Ore-' gon College of Education was an nounced today by Mrs. Mabel W. Winston, registrar. j These who gained asrards !a elude Don Campbell, Salem, from tha Ki wants ctub; Patricia Thompson. Salem, from Oregon Parent-Teacher aasociarian, and Ruth Roeaell, Willamina. from tha state board of higher educa tion. - j . OORTON To Mr and Mrs. James Gorton, Woodb jm. Thurs day, May. 12. a daughter, at Salem . Memorial hospital. j HOPKINS To Mr. ! snd Mra. Frank lip Hopkins, rt. t, box 177. Thursc.ay. May 12. a dlughter, at Salem Mmcrlal hospital. PARNELL Darrt; Pamell. To Mri and Mrs rt. . Ibox 3S3C 3 Thuiscfcy. May 12, a daughter, Salem General hospits. I DOI GHTON To Ms and Mrs. David Doughton, 1170 Ha-vsrd st Thursday. May 12. a daughter, at Salem General hospital. r SEE IT TOUCH T WEAR IT THE ARROW "Punjora" Sr-rU .Shirts! Lustrous Raj dll s 'I' Washsblf I Alex Jones (V 121 N. 1 1 ! c hv St. 11 7 i1r AT DRASTIC 1 5i I i ri i H 241 NORTH COMMERCIAL