t Tha Statesman.' SolatnJ Oroh. rrfW. MV lr jS Commander of Carrier Found Shot to Death SAN FRANCISCO, May 12 -OP) : -Commander E. O. Rigs bee, Jr.. kipper of the big carrier U. S. S. ' An iterant, was found shot to death i In his cabin today. Unofficial navy ! uti said "there appeared to be oo foul play. The death weapon was reported found near the body. Official navy spokesmen turned aside all Queries pending a report of a board of in estigauon. expect ed tomorrow. There were unofficial report frtjm navy sources that Rsgsbee. 41, had recently been suffering J frm a heart ailment, but there I vai no confirmation. Nor was! tltje any off;iJ indication that! th visibility f accidental death! bat been ruled out. j Sh oyard cf'.iri turned aside . nASinwi'i qjfin with a "mili-i Uty aevuntj" reply. Eastman Tells Lions of Trip SILVER TON L. C Eastman, f -urner rr.sr .? Silve.on. was the speaker h'. r.e weekly meet- j lii if the Si.erton : I.iOns club j h-l i "A" ednesc.it y nigrt at the j IVfib'e J cafe LaMman talked on j hi-. rei-ent tr.p throughout the j a !.', -a et ar.d Mexico. I:ri were rr.acie to sponsor a' C-4' tuiai show June 21 with the' pt . ed. t; te ;;ed for lighting! C .'' 1ie and McC'air.e ( tv pik. ! The -Hit iriet at the ta:k a week! (, i f ir a t ej.r-.-np ar-.d repjir ! mtv Georse l. n:ilfr.n.n. I. C ' K'':iari rd ("jiem. e M rly W-" marie s -Timi'tee to '"ipp!v ' .' .m.r.;t, 3. ii . be made at b-'-" stove? ' the trk. tti !;i 25 rr.tet.r.g. -a ;!h Funk "1.1 f's.vkt il, jr t.r pas, resi t-nt. h-l::-ir the r.i.rr..t.a,!i.g om- DINE- DANCE art Stoak$ Chickon Soa Food For Your Entertainment "The Prospectors" Oan Week Day 1 30 P.M. Food Served from J f M. iuney-red Served ram 1 f M. NO COVft CHAi Laef f aeiiUa lot ha Roar tit Partial RoaJ Important Hews from feu gt DUE TO RECORD BREAKING DEMAND FOR TICKETS THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL BOX; OFFICE AT THE QUISENBERRY CORNER OF la 1 THt Cj.Ustttlr COfixf fiDKl CfMtfl StaCN oat tMv i . ONE DAY Oin.YU SeUsrday, lUy liih 13 Big Days Sl&ii flay 24 Nwjhla t:M; Mote. 2i30 May 21 to fust 4. i. Price .S0. S3-0Q. S30 One taxj. Poriland Ice Arena Truman Denies Plait for Purge WASHINGTON. May 12 --(AP) President Truman disavowed any Intention today of seeking to purge democratic legislators who oppose parte of J his program. He aid the people will take care of that. : The president made the com ment at a pew conference when asked about a statement attribu ted to him last Monday that there are "too many Byrds in congress." This wa m reference to Senator Byrd fD-Vj) who has repeatedly attacked the administration's spending policies. Truman said he made the comment in a confiden tial conversation. Allies Approve West German Constitution FRANK FtTR T. Germany, May 12 (AP The three western aHi approved j tonight w ith sev eral reservations the draft con stitution for a jnew west German federal repfiblie. At the same time the Ameri cans. British and French announc ed they had put into force an "ocrupstiorv statute." or interim peace treaty, for 45.000.000 Ger mans in the western occupation zones , Thus were swept away on the alued sic.e v all objections to for mation of a German government, which will (be open to the Soviet Tvf if free elections are held In trie 5c,v:t-t $rea The charter rr.av become law befure the: end of May if it is approved Q,uifkly by two-thirds of tne 1 K state parliament in western Germany Zonta Elects Mrs. Fischer Tr t- 7-r4a International club of) i ' I m i Thursday; t.r.' itt tne rjon. ..f W L Allen i K.fvKi'i drive e.e ted Mrs il .'t ,! i F;s 'r. )i . president ' Mr" W F. ; Srr.ith rs n-imfd 4 ' fro f!. r.t. Mis Frank J. ! ji i- . r- e-,.i pre-iint; Mrs.' : o;. I.e-r.ir 1. m-i 'fury. Mrs. r H ;t ".e 'r '."iter , treasurer. f r.r.ng tirei-ier.t is Mrs. I f. . ; ..r.ta IrtJei1.atior.al is a service ih f r worrieri in business and fc.t'.'.a. Pt Silverton Walter Edward ( . ir t. wjinted at Red Bluff on a i i:ftf of failing to provide for m.' or. was picked up at Silver ton Thursday", by the local police of Titers Counts had been em ployed as jroik in a local restaur ant for the past two weeks. RENT OFFICIALS TO LEAVE Rent I) re t'r E G. Clay of Sa lem and iriembers of the Oregon staff cf rent' directors will leave Sunday for San Francisco. Calif., i for a loiiference with national arid itp.f rial -officials on the pro-vi-:on. of ;the 19t9 rent law. Ttie 1 c -rp4 toad of the Ameri can sniitr.k est can Hamper over tf-e giourki about as fast as a ; motive Wo 10 1 ITT A YOUNG VAN 1 JOHNSON - - - And Rex Harrison la -ESCAPE J I II Af f 11 A. M. Until 1:30 P. M. A erJf r ii m n i ji - V.' - j Ar-' ac'" J" FORM OF A CHAMPION Ttmm Shermaa. af Braoklya. N..T demonstrates one of the fLgarea that wo the U. S. sealer women's Ccara gkatlng champlanaaip at CeJerade SprLng. T R I FES Peter Rasaell. dasigner. show a saga green cloth it with randy-striped hat. gloves, blonse and snnahade at a tele iaien show staged by London Unemployment Rate Declines The chances of getting a Job in Oregon brightened today. The state unemployment com pensation commission reported that Oregon's rate of unemploy ment. u.!ch was the highest In the country In February, is now per cent below the national ave rage. Half the 90.000 Oregonians who were out of work in February have found jobs, the commission said, and about half of the rest may be employed soon in season farm work. River Yields Kodv Of Missing Woman OREGON CITY. May 1J AV The Willamette river today yield ed the body of a 55-year-old Port land woman who disappeared from her home May 4 She was Mrs. Matilda M. Stein, whose daughter. Mrs. Ronald Dun can, lives in Salem. The coroner reported she had been in ill health. A search began in this area af ter her raincoat was found on the railroad tracks south of here. CRIATin PACIFIC lOTEnNAnOMAL EXPOSITION ARENA -PartisW Hay 14 to 22 NINI NIT CO Matlnmmt May 14-13-21-22 TEE 70F WHS WEST SPECTACLE OF 1949 if ISO Cowboy ISO Wild Broocs jt SO Brakmas 75 Texas Loogiioni Dogging Sters it 50 Roping CoItm 1W mU Cfcsiplmililp fi ii tianSi m4 14 Ci m Mm Oaipliwa.jp t4. $1 1,375 IN PUKSIS SawciaJ AttraettM . . . N Li Ule Bearer, eatleal - year I tao a Ma .ln Wa MAIL ORDER SEAT SALE NOWI immd Q,,m mmd MVaaw Omh hiHi m SNSI MCABOUAimS. 4 SO S. W. SIXTH AVTL. POCTLANO. tudaaa Slump I. Iaf mn !' PatCtS (Tot IncJ -ruiy, ama "S. - A. designers la Alexandra Palace i m m &r- amn i n - James L. Carey Washington. D. C. James L. Carey. Secretary - treasurer f tha CIO shewn addressing an andienee an the benefits accruing to the in dividual and the family through the purchase af L'. 8. Barings Bends. Recently returned from a trip te Europe Mr. Carey was able to com pare the great advantages enjoyed by Americans aa against the citi sens ef Enropean countries. Ha also treated tha Importance ef buying Savings Bonds aa necessary te aa economically sound America. SALEM STUDENTS ELECTED CORVALLIS, May 12 -i.fi-Two Salem men were among the 160 Oregon State college students el ected to Phi Kappa Phi. national scholastic honorary soci f y. They j were Clarence Campen and John ' Trumm. both seniors. j V fm wswr Ad ranee la PrieM.' - old Marie Bare hack Rider! Ginservatives Win in England LONDON. Friday. May lS-T-H Britain.' foverninf labor party lost at least two London boroughs in the latest election test against the conservatives who will chal lenge - them in general elections next year. Unofficial retumi compiled by the British Press association from yesterday's council elections in 28 boroughs of London and 392 else- ; where in England and Wales also i showed labor losing four big mid land and northern Cities. Embezzlement Charge Levelled Against Aymong A Salem bank embezzlement charge was levied Thursday in j Portland against Amyot F. Ay- j mong, 40, who was released on his j own ' recognizance by Federal ' Judge James A Fee. Associated Press reported the judge had appointed an attorney to represent Aymong in a trial which will be set. Aymong formerly wa a clerk at Salem branch of First National Bank; of Portland. The branch manager, Guy Hickok. said Thurs day the embezzlement of several months ago amounted to about $400 and full restitution has been made. House Sidetracks Labor Law Vote WASHINGTON, May 12 -J)-House labor committee democrats put off a labor law decision for two weeks today as they strove for a compromise on the injunc tion issue despite an unyielding stand by President Truman. Mr. Truman told his news con ference he still wants full repeal of the Taft-Hartley labor act and that his position is well known. The Taft-Hartley repealer and minimum wage legislation will be studied during the next two weeks, while an education sub committee goes ahead with public hearings. No Wae Increase Jn Recommended Millmens Contract PORTLAND. May 12 -(Jp- An agreement which provides no general wage increase was rec ommended in the Douglas fir in dustry today by negotiators for tha CIO International Woodwork ers of America and the lumber men's Industrial relations com mittee. The negotiators sent the recom mendations back to individual employers and local unions for approval. The proposed settlement would provide a night shift differential of 4 cents an hour and overtime pay for holidays. Both sides would warye the fall wage revision clause. New Showing Opea t:4S Paramount - - - H0PE RUSSELL" Exciting Co-Feature -THE WINNER'S CIRCLE MX Theatre WOODBURN, ORE. How Playing! "Hills Of Home" With E. Gwenn. D. Crisp. Laddie o "Shat My Big Month With Joe E. Brown k . Mil" i r 'j J i XiisJJm A Kli JCEtSOl UTTH IdUXZL. O 2xk1 Major TraatI O ..... k..Vl f jthmmMZ - JIN ii ii j trii v. mm a 'a' AT . O 2nd "Major TraatI 0 Pike Owners To Add Store In Hollywood Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Klaus, owners of the Pike, retail jce cream store at 138 S. Liberty st. announced Thursday that they will build a new retail ice cream store at 2100 Fairgrounds rd. in the Hollywood district The building will cost about $10,000 and is scheduled to open about July 15. Work has started and the building will be- equip ped with the latest manufacturing devices. An off street parking area also will be available. Klaus will manage the store and will use about 20 employes in the op eration of his projects. Both bulk and packaged goods will be sold at the new store and the present store will be contin ued. The business was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pike in j 1943 , eels ' would grow from horse hairs cut ' into finger-long pieces and thrown into a river. Mat. Daily From 1 P. M NOW SHOWING! Open 6:45 1. M. NOW! THRILLING! .Wiffiaai flUOTT Vtrs ItlSTON Co -FE ATI RE: ROY ACUFF O MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" New! Opena :4S P. M. Port O'Brien "Fighting Father Dunne" Jon Hall In Clnecolor MICHIGAN KID" KARTOON KARNIVAL Tomorrow At 12:1 with Reg. Show Lw jLiubi.a v at.. a- I a aam usau- tacnwiarrr Toalgbt! -THE BOT WITH GREEN HAIR "CrlaM Dra. Diary- Tonormou! T I Starta At Dnmk IH 1 I Randolph Scott II I I Ella Raines If I I "WALKING f II HILLS" 1 III Laurel A Hardy l I III "SWISS MISS" Ijf ill Color Cartoon Iff 1 l LATE NEWS I i is SUIT LANCASTER Wi I Teoauso Dan GAY co-hit: uL aWr-US it V , 1ST". -""" 1 ' $AIM(S CBHTB12 $T0RES SALEII Vi Milt North of tha Underpass Specials for Fri., Sat. and Sun. SUGAR Pura Cana. C&H 25 Lba ICE CREAIV2 All flcrror. Qta. 35c. or PEACHES Waat Horstt. (a hoary ayrup. No. 2Vt can KIW Limit fire. Each ... GARDEN POMIn&BISMSEII HE! 2.49 24 12-ox. bottle ... aaaaaaBBaaflaaaaaaaaaaaaa NEW SPUDS U. S. No. 1 Creamer mens Dozen Radishes St Green Onions Bunch We Have Plenty of Fresh Strawberries At the Lowest Prices. Make Sarina Cantor your Cuatomer hop and buy Why DON'T you maka It Old Fashioned Frankfurters Our Made at Mon Ark Ring Bologna Mon Ark Moot Co French Souse Loaf DaUdoua Made Fresh Mon Ark Own Chicken Loaf Lunch Moat Grade Tv;o rJonoy Saving Markets mim CBDTBa Yi Mil North of tho Undrrpaao SALEII At tho Foot j of tht Bridgo 2 19 (Eastern Goebel) 2.98 24 12 ot. can Each Meat Buying Cantor. Orar 5000 at our Market each week and. 5001 1 4JL' Baat Mon Ark Lunch Meat Daily at Mon Ark "A Baal 37' 37 3T At tho Foot f tho Bridf o U. SALEII .$. Ma 7 ftaHaw 1 4 .fl.M Tao 1 tw. fl.M